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The Coca-Cola Company is the world's largest beverage company. Along with Coca-Cola, recognized as the
world's most valuable brand, the Company markets four of the world's top five nonalcoholic sparkling brands,
including Diet Coke, Fanta and Sprite, and a wide range of other beverages, including diet and light beverages,
waters, juices and juice drinks, teas, coffees, energy and sports drinks. Through the world's largest beverage
distribution system, consumers in more than 200 countries enjoy the Company's beverages at a rate exceeding 1.4
billion servings each day.

Coca-Cola Company in the United States since March 27, 1944

Future plan

Packaging has been redesigned to help prevent waste. By 2015 Coca-Cola will improve its packaging efficiency by 7
percent versus 2008 levels, equivalent to saving 55,000 metric tons of packaging materials.

(Kemasan telah direka semula untuk membantu mencegah sampah. Pada tahun 2015 Coca-Cola akan
meningkatkan kecekapan bungkusan sebanyak 7 peratus berbanding 2008 peringkat, setara dengan
menyimpan 55.000 tan metrik bahan bungkusan.)

Regarding energy conservation and climate protection, Coca-Cola is committed to decrease its energy use and
reduce the carbon intensity of its manufacturing by 40-45 percent compared to 2004 by 2020.

(penggunaan tenaga dan mengurangkan keamatan karbon perkilangan dengan 40-45 peratus
berbanding tahun 2004 pada tahun 2020.)Mengenai pemuliharaan tenaga dan perlindungan iklim,
Coca-Cola komited untuk mengurangkan )

The company will also get more active on a local level. It plans to introduce environmental, education, and active
living programs that will benefit more for people. Coca-Cola plans to invest over 200 million in this program by

(Syarikat juga akan mendapatkan lebih aktif pada peringkat tempatan. Ia bercadang untuk
memperkenalkan persekitaran, pendidikan, dan program hidup aktif yang akan mendapatkan
keuntungan lebih untuk orang-orang. Coca-Cola bercadang untuk pelaburan lebih dari 200 juta yuan
dalam program ini dengan 2012.)

As well as its commitment to environmental protection, Coca-Cola makes contributions to charity.

(Serta komitmen untuk perlindungan persekitaran, Coca-Cola memberikan sumbangan untuk amal.)

"Coca-Cola has sponsored WWF since June 2007 to help protect the world's seven most important fresh water
river basins," said Zhu Chunquan, conservation operation director of the World Wildlife Fund.

Coca-Cola has also built 61 schools, 100 libraries, 30 online learning centers and 55 multimedia classrooms in 27
provinces, benefiting 60,000 children to date.

Coca-Cola delivered 3.6 million bottles of water to the southwest of China in the past few weeks to help ease the
severe drought.
During the period when the earthquake hit Sichuan province two years ago, Coca-Cola sent over 20 million bottles
of water to the disaster-hit areas.


To ensure Coca-cola future success,the management must balance these economic, social, and environmental
considerations. Them must also consider the short- and long-term impacts of our decisions, balancing growth
today with sustainability in the future.

Untuk memastikan kejayaan Coca-cola masa depan, pengurusan harus mengimbangi

pertimbangan-pertimbangan ekonomi, sosial, dan persekitaran. Mereka juga harus
mempertimbangkan kesan jangka pendek dan jangka panjang dari keputusan kita,
mengimbangkan pertumbuhan hari ini dengan kemapanan di masa depan.

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