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World History

Strand Two: Evolving Civilization (Classical and Modern Civilization)

Modern Civilization:Age of Reason and Discovery

1) Modern Civilization: Age of Reason and Discovery.

 Enlightenment age was a time when people took the ideas and methods of scientific
revolution and felt and tried to see whether there was a natural laws that not only governs
universe but to governs human society. Like Copernicus did, like Galileo did and like
Newton did for science by looking at things with new lens and by questioning even the basic
presumption of ideas or questioning why the things are the way they are?
 Many thinkers went through and tried to find solutions to the human problems and their goal
was ultimately to rely on human reason or rationalism; the ability of mind to think through
problems in order to create a better place for every society in the world at least in Europe.
This resulted in industrial Revolution.
 Philosophers of the enlightenment had treated certain ages of the past like the middle ages as
primitive, barbaric, conservative, uncivilized and superstitious.
 Enlightenment age is also known as age of reasons because it emphasized on reasons and the
rational which they celebrated science and technology.
 During this age people were cultured, educated and civilized because these people can only
bring changes.
 Promoted valued educated, cultured people and social life.
 There is universal human nature. They like to think citizen of International. Thus promotes

Age of Discovery
 The age of discovery, or the age of exploration which approximately from the beginning of
the 15th century until the end of the 18th century is an informal and loosely defined term for
the period in European history in which extensive overseas exploration emerged as a
powerful factor European culture and was the beginning of the globalization.
 It also marks the rise of the period of colonialism and mercantilism.
 Many lands previously unknown to the Europeans were discovered by them during this
 From the perspective of many non-Europeans, the Age of Discovery marked the arrival of
invaders from unknown continents.
 Global exploration started with the Spanish discoveries of the Atlantic in 1402, the
Portuguese discoveries of Madeira and the Azores in 1419 and 1427 respectively, the coast
of Africa, the discovery of sea route to India in 1498.
 These discoveries led to numerous naval expeditions across the Atlantic, Indian and Pacific
oceans, and land expeditions in Americas, Asia, Africa and Australia.
 European overseas exploration led to the rise of global trade and colonial empires.
 This Age of Discovery allowed the global mapping of the world, contact of civilizations,
expansion of Christianity throughout the world.
2) Humanism
Explain the role of Humanism in bringing intellectual development.

Concept of Humanism
 Period of Renaissance started from 14th to 16th century. Renaissance is a French word
meaning “rebirth” of society. It was the rebirth of ideas and knowledge of ancient Greco-
Roman Civilization which was forgotten during medieval period.
 Renaissance started from Italy because it was an important commercial center of Europe
making it a plate form for exchange of goods and ideas.
 During 14th century European Society witness demographic disaster like over population,
outbreak of Plague, Economic depression, there was social unrest, revolts and civil wars all
around Europe and corruption within the church which made the people lose confidence in
the church.
 Due to this crisis people were shocked and lost confidence in traditional thought and
society/Medieval life. Therefore, Renaissance emphasized new ideas like rationalism,
scientific outlook and importance of human potential.
 Renaissance began to discard the idea of sacred and religion of medieval period and put in
interest towards human affairs and achievements and even explored human experiences.
Therefore, it brought back the humanism/humanistic view of history of the Greeks and the

Features of Humanism
a) The focus on human achievements and ignorance of religious beliefs led to the new
intellectual movement in Europe known as Humanism. The universities of Bologna, Paris,
Oxford and Cambridge were important centres of Renaissance period.
b) Humanism is an approach in study, philosophy that focus on human values and concerns.
They emphasized on human qualities, choice, creativity, values,self-realization.
c) A system of thoughts that rejects religious beliefs and centers on human and their values,
capacities and worth.
d) Humanists were painters, architects, philosophers, philologists, scientists, travelers.
e) Their preferences were in the study of original classical texts of ancient Greek and Roman
civilization thus there was flowering of the art, literature and beginning of modern science.
They study grammar, poetry, ethics and history.
f) The scholars of Renaissance showed very little respect to religion and medieval philosophy
and began to attach more importance to the present life than after life and thus, paid greater
attention to the improvement of Human life.
g) During the renaissance period people became critical of the superstitions and meaningless
rituals practiced by the church and insisted on the reforms of the church. Example, Christian
humanistic like Erasmus focused on improving society and less in religious ceremony.
h) Renaissance values of humanism & secularism led people to question the church. Printing
press spread ideas. Created a group known as protestant churches.
i) Bible was translated to vernacular where ordinary people could have access to god. It
increased the power of secular rulers. The state becomes more powerful than the church.
j) Renaissance artist were influenced by classical Greek and Roman art. They studied the art of
ancient Greece and Rome and thus adopted elements of this civilization. The human figure
become very important and they focus on the beauty of nature and the human body. The
Renaissance artist focused on realism/realistic. They painted subject realistically, look like
real. The greatest renaissance painters was Leonardo Da Vinci, Michelangelo and Raphael.
k) Da Vinci was considered the “Renaissance Man” Was a painter, sculptor, inventor, and a
scientist and his greatest painting were “The Last Supper” and “Mona Lisa”.
l) Renaissance architecture admired and adopted Greek and Roman architecture elements like
columns, domes and arches.
Impact of Humanism
a) Humanism encouraged Europeans to question the role of the Roman Catholic Church during
the Renaissance.
b) As more people learned how to read, write and interpret ideas, they began to closely examine
and critiques religion as they knew it.
c) The printing press allowed for texts, including the Bible, to be easily reproduced the widely
read by the people, themselves, for the first time.
d) In the 16th century, Martin Luther, a German monk, led the Protestant Reformation. This
revolutionary movement that caused a split in the Catholic Church. As a result, a new form of
Christianity, known as Protestantism was created.
e) Bible was translated to vernacular where ordinary people could have access to god. It
increased the power of secular rulers. The state becomes more powerful than the church.

Features of Modern civilization:

a) Advanced Economics
b) Secular Ideologies
c) Strong Governments (especially democracy)
d) Mechanized Industries
e) Mass Communication
f) A very heated Capitalist vs Communist debate
g) Peace at all costs; fear of nuclear destruction
h) Total war

Explain the impact of scientific innovations and inventions and its impact on society.
Scientific Inventions:
f) Nicholas Copernicus- discovered that sun was the center of the universe and not the earth.
g) Galileo- first to build and use of telescope for the observation of moon
h) James Hargreaves invented spinning Jenny in 1764, thus, yarn could be produced in greater
i) In the 1760s, the steam engine was invented by James Watt which further transformed the
cotton industry.
j) Alexander Graham Bell and Samuel. F.B introduced telegraph called All Red line.
k) Thomas Edison invented the Phonograph, the motion picture camera.
l) John Kay invents the flying shuttle in 1733.
m) Alexander Cummings invents the flush toilet in 1775.
n) There are many medical advances like small pox vaccination, discovery of anesthetic,
discovery of X-Ray, invention of aspirin and blood transfusion.

Positive Impact of Scientific development

 Erosion of gender inequality and empowerment of women
 Birth of democratic ideas and natural rights
 Class struggle and emergence of middle class
 Improvement of education
 Emergence of Human-Centered Society
 Modern economy
 Recognizing Talents and Genius

Negative impact of scientific development

 Rural – urban migration
 Child labour
 Increased population
 Decline of social relationships
 Decline in Spiritualism and Disrupt Nature

Innovations and inventions Ancient Civilization (Examples)

 Geometric concepts
 Amphitheaters
 Wine making
 Mathematics
 Philosophy
 The wheels
 Pulleys
Innovations and inventions of Modern civilization (Examples)
 Paper, Printing, Computer
 Mobile, Automobiles, Jet, Airplane
 Nuclear weapons, Atom Bomb, missiles etc.

All the Best

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