Connectors Exercise For Moodle

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Universidad Del Valle

Business II
Prof. Jorge Herrera
Name: ____________________________________ Code: _______________

Read this essay and fill in the blanks with the words below:

on the other hand first at all

and finally although
in the end in addition
while on the other hand
another advantage

Should cryonics become an alternative to death?

With new advances in science, cryonics has now become a business. Many people believe
it is a way to extend their lives, _________________ (a) others feel it is a way to live their
lives to the fullest. _____________________ (b), many people feel we should not take life
into our own hands. They say we should use cryonics for more important aspects of life.
Which side is correct?
_______________________ (c) let us consider the arguments in favor of cryonics. If
people who have incurable diseases could be put to sleep before their diseases affect them
and be brought back when a cure is found, their lives would be longer and happier.

_________________ (d) is that cryonics would allow us to preserve some of our stronger,
healthier, and more intelligent people, so that we could progress in all areas of life.
_________________ (e) to this, it is said, cryonics would help people live a life with a type
of body they could choose.

________________ (f), cryonics is very unnatural. Even though people could have a
disease cured, they may find themselves in strange surroundings, in an environment they
are not used to. They would find it difficult to adjust to a new time. A popular movie called
Born Again suggested this problem.
People who support cryonics think it would help to keep the most important people alive.
But who would choose the most important people?
________________ (g), and perhaps most important of all, is the fact that the world would
become overcrowded if no one died. We already have many problems with overcrowding.
What about the babies being born? The natural balance would be completely destroyed.

______________ (h), though the idea of cryonics sounds appealing, I believe it is much
better to follow the natural order of life. _______________ (i) we are all afraid of death, I
am not convinced that a prolonged, period of sleep will help us any better when the final
moment really does come.
Connectors: circle the most suitable connectors to fill the gaps.

Now let's talk about directories. Do NOT buy into the story that there will be one (or a few)
universal directories listing all available Web services and that you will be able to go and pick your
favourite one to interact with an enterprise. ________ (although / for instance / furthermore)
this may work for toy applications (as a result / however/ like) _____________ checking the
weather, this is far from reality for applications like the inventory management example. (in fact /
i.e / besides) ________________ , most enterprises may not want open communication into their
infrastructure available in a public directory. (but/ so / as well as) ______________ while the
concept is appealing, unfortunately it works practically only for consumer-focused simple services.

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