Cortical Visual Impairment in

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Cortical Visual Impairment in Congenital

Cytomegalovirus Infection
Haoxing Douglas Jin, MD; Gail J. Demmler-Harrison, MD; Jerry Miller, MS, PhD; Jane C. Edmond, MD;
David K. Coats, MD; Evelyn A. Paysse, MD; Amit R. Bhatt, MD; Kimberly G. Yen, MD;
Joseph T. Klingen, MD; Paul Steinkuller, MD; for The Congenital CMV Longitudinal Group

ABSTRACT Conclusions: CVI may result from symptomatic con-

Purpose: To describe the presentation, evolution, and genital CMV infection. The relationship of CVI and its risk
long-term outcome of cortical visual impairment (CVI) factors in patients with CMV suggests the potential to
in patients with symptomatic congenital cytomegalo- predict the development of CVI through predictive mod-
virus (CMV) infection, and to identify risk factors for the eling in future research. Early screening of CVI in children
development of CVI in patients with symptomatic con- born with symptomatic congenital CMV can facilitate
genital CMV. educational, social, and developmental interventions.

Methods: Retrospective subanalysis of a long-term [J Pediatr Ophthalmol Strabismus. 2019;56(3):194-202.]

prospective cohort study with data gathered from 1982
to 2013.
Results: Eleven of 77 (14.3%) patients with symptomatic Cortical visual impairment (CVI) is the most
CMV, 0 of 109 with asymptomatic CMV, and 51 control common cause of visual impairment in children in
patients had CVI. Overall, patients with symptomatic the developed world.1 It is characterized by visual
CMV had worse vision than patients with asymptomatic impairment or impaired functionality in performing
CMV, who in turn had worse vision than control patients. vision-guided tasks due to damage to the central ner-
Microcephaly, intracranial calcification, dilatation of ven- vous system (CNS) that does not involve the ocular
tricles, encephalomalacia, seizure at birth, optic atrophy, structures.2,3 It is most commonly caused by perina-
chorioretinitis/retinal scars, strabismus, and neonatal tal or postnatal injuries to the developing brain by in-
onset of sensorineural hearing loss were risk factors as- sults such as brain malformation, hypoxia/ischemia,
sociated with CVI. prematurity, trauma, infection, ventriculo-peritoneal

From the Departments of Pediatric Ophthalmology (JCE, DKC, EAP, ARB, KGY, PS) and Pediatrics, Section of Infectious Disease (HDJ, GJD-H, The
Congenital CMV Longitudinal Study Group), Baylor College of Medicine, Houston, Texas; Texas Children’s Hospital, Houston, Texas (HDJ, GJD-H, JM,
JCE, DKC, EAP, ARB, KGY, JTK, PS, The Congenital CMV Longitudinal Group); and the Mitchel and Shannon Wong Eye Institute, Dell Medical School
at the University of Texas–Austin, Austin, Texas (JCE).
Submitted: October 25, 2018; Accepted: February 14, 2019
Supported in part by the CMV Research Fund Donors at Baylor College of Medicine; the Woman’s Hospital of Texas Research Foundation; the Office
of Research Resources and the General Clinical Research Center for Children at Texas Children’s Hospital and Baylor College of Medicine (NIH 5M0I
RR00188-33); the Mental Retardation Research Center at Baylor College of Medicine (NIH-CHHD 5 P30 HD24064P); Research to Prevent Blindness,
Inc., New York, NY; the Deafness Foundation, Houston, TX; the Vale Ashe Foundation, Houston, TX; the Maddie’s Mission Foundation, Katy, TX; the
Naymola Charitable Foundation, Beaumont, TX; the American Pediatric Society-Society for Pediatric Research Summer Student Research Program (NIH-
CHHD); and Merck & Co. and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (Cooperative Agreement FOA IP 10-006).
The authors have no financial or proprietary interest in the materials presented herein.
The authors thank The Congenital CMV Longitudinal Group (members listed in Table A, available in the online version of this article) and the study
patients and their families for their lifetime of dedication and support for this study.
Correspondence: Gail J. Demmler-Harrison, MD, Texas Children’s Hospital, Feigin Center Suite 1150, 1102 Bates Street, Houston, TX 77030. E-mail:

194 Copyright © SLACK Incorporated

shunt blockage, drugs, and certain neurological dis- PATIENTS AND METHODS
eases.1,3-5 Patients diagnosed as having CVI often The purpose of this study was to describe the
experience severe central vision loss, despite having presentation, evolution, and long-term outcome of
otherwise normal eye examinations.6 Reports on in- CVI in patients with symptomatic congenital CMV
trauterine infection as potential causes of CVI are infection, and to identify risk factors for the devel-
scarce.7 opment of CVI in patients with symptomatic con-
The World Health Organization estimates 39 genital CMV.
million people are blind and 246 million are visu- The Houston Congenital CMV Longitudinal
ally impaired worldwide.8 Children younger than Study is a prospective, multidisciplinary cohort study
14 years make up 3.6% (1.42 million) of the to- conducted since 1982 with a total of 237 children
tal blind and 7.7% (18.9 million) of the visually enrolled, of which 77 were categorized as symptom-
impaired populations.8 In the United States, CVI, atic at birth, 109 were asymptomatic at birth, and
retinopathy of prematurity (ROP), and optic nerve 51 were uninfected controls.18 The current study
hypoplasia/atrophy have been found to be the top is a post hoc retrospective analysis of The Houston
three causes of blindness and visual impairment in Congenital CMV Longitudinal Study. This study
children.9-12 It is estimated that 23.6% of all child- was approved by the institutional review board of
hood blindness is caused by CVI.12 Baylor College of Medicine and conformed to the
Cytomegalovirus (CMV) is the most common requirements of the Health Insurance Portability and
congenital viral infection in the United States, af- Accountability Act of 1996. Informed consent was
fecting approximately 0.5% to 1% (approximately obtained from human participants.
40,000) of all live births annually.13 It is transmit- Patients in the study cohort received serial
ted transplacentally from the pregnant mother to age-appropriate ophthalmologic examinations at
the unborn child via primary infection or viral follow-up study examinations. Best corrected visual
reactivation. Approximately 10% to 15% of new- acuity (BCVA) was classified as normal, moderate
borns with congenital CMV infection will have one impairment, or severe impairment. Normal BCVA
or more signs (eg, jaundice, hepatosplenomegaly, was defined as 20/40 or better on optotype visual
low birth weight, microcephaly, seizure, purpura, acuity testing in each eye for patients who were able
or chorioretinitis) at birth, and thus are classified to cooperate, or fixing on and following a near ob-
as having symptomatic infection, with the remain- ject for nonverbal and preverbal children. Moderate
ing newborns having no signs or symptoms at birth visual impairment was defined as BCVA of 20/200
and classified as asymptomatic.13 Congenital CMV or better, BCVA of 20/40 or worse, or the presence
infection is known to cause ophthalmologic, au- of fixation on a near object but no following. Se-
diologic, and other neurodevelopmental sequelae vere impairment was defined as BCVA of 20/200 or
in patients.14-16 Most of the publications on vi- worse, no demonstrable fix or follow behavior, or no
sion and congenital CMV infection focus on the reaction to light.
ocular sequelae, such as chorioretinitis, optic nerve CVI is a severe form of vision loss that is primar-
atrophy, and strabismus. There has been a limited ily caused by damage to the posterior visual path-
investigation on CVI and congenital CMV infec- ways of the central nervous system, with reduced
tion.14,15,17 Although CVI is known to occur among BCVA as a result of a disease process that does not
patients with symptomatic congenital CMV, there primarily involve the ocular structures.3,19
is no method to accurately predict which patients The diagnosis of CVI was made clinically in
will develop CVI at birth. The presentation, evolu- study patients when they had an otherwise normal
tion, risk factors, and long-term outcome of CVI in eye examination, yet showed abnormal visual re-
congenital CMV infection have not been fully de- sponses, including difficulty to fix and follow pur-
scribed. Because each child with CVI may present posefully, or when the examination findings, such
differently, management should be fitted to each as small peripheral retinal lesions, could not explain
child’s unique functional status; furthermore, early the degree of visual impairment. CVI was further
detection of CVI in patients with congenital CMV confirmed by visual evoked responses in one of the
allows timely intervention to maximize functional patients. Neurological imaging studies were also re-
vision over time. viewed when available.

Journal of Pediatric Ophthalmology & Strabismus • Vol. 56, No. 3, 2019 195
Demographic Data of Patients in the Current Study (N = 77)a
Symptomatic CMV Symptomatic CMV
Characteristic With CVI (n = 11) Without CVI (n = 66) P
Male 6 (54.5%) 30 (45.5%) .576
African American 2 (18.2%) 10 (15.2%) .678
Asian 0 (0%) 2 (3.0%) 1.000
White 9 (81.8%) 54 (81.8%) .640
Hispanic 2 (18.2%) 17 (25.8%)
Non-Hispanic 9 (81.8%) 49 (74.2%)
Mother’s age (y), mean ± SD 24.3 ± 8.1 23.7 ± 6.6 .795
GA (weeks), mean ± SD 36.9 ± 2.1 37.5 ± 2.2 .417
Birth weight (g), mean ± SD 2,073.0 ± 532.6 2,448.6 ± 637.8 .069
Cesarean section birth 3 (27.3%) 30 (45.5%)
Vaginal birth 8 (72.7%) 36 (54.5%)
Age at most recent examination (y), mean ± SD (range) 11.0 ± 6.5 (2 to 21.1) 12.2 ± 8.0 (2.4 to 27.3) .647
Avg. no. of eye examinations, mean ± SD (range) 10.3 ± 6.4 (2 to 21) 7.1 ± 4.9 (0 to 19) .058
Ganciclovir treatment 5 (45.5%) 13 (19.7%) .116
CMV = cytomegalovirus; CVI = cortical visual impairment; SD = standard deviation; GA = gestational age
Values are expressed as number of patients (percent) unless otherwise stated.

A retrospective review of clinical records identi- adjusted the cutoff level to identify more possible
fied 11 patients diagnosed as having CVI. Patient cases of CVI, albeit at the cost of identifying more
records were analyzed and each patient’s presenta- false-positives results along with them. By using the
tion, clinical course, clinical correlations, and long- predicted versus the actual number of CVI cases
term outcome were described. Demographics, birth identified in each multivariate model, the sensitiv-
characteristics, and ocular findings are described in ity, specificity, false-positive rate, false-negative rate,
patients with CVI and compared to patients with positive and negative predictive values, and overall
non-symptomatic CVI in the study cohort. performance of each model were calculated.
Statistical analysis employed chi-square or Fish-
er’s exact tests when comparing categorical variables RESULTS
and t tests when comparing continuous variables. There were 11 patients who developed CVI,
Risk factors were assessed using regression models to and all were in the group who were symptomatic
determine their association with the future develop- at birth (11 of 77 [14.3%]). Comparisons were
ment of CVI. Various characteristics found at birth made between these 11 patients and the remaining
and before the CVI diagnosis were entered into uni- 66 symptomatic patients who did not develop CVI.
variate logistic regressions to assess the strength and Demographic and clinical information are sum-
significance of these risk factors for the development marized in Table 1. There were no significant dif-
of CVI. Multivariate logistic regression models were ferences between gender, race/ethnicity, gestational
developed using some of these variables in combina- age, and ganciclovir treatment status. The average
tion to predict CVI in individual cases. The logistic birth weight was lower in patients with CVI than
regression procedure normally predicts the probabil- in patients without, but it did not reach statistical
ity of each patient having the outcome of interest significance (P = .069). The mean number of eye
(CVI) from 0 to 1, with 0.5 as the default (ie, if examinations was 10.3 (range: 2 to 21) for the 11
the prediction is 0.5 or higher, then the outcome patients with CVI compared with 7.1 (range: 0 to
is predicted to occur; if the prediction is below 0.5, 19) for the patients with symptomatic congenital
then it is predicted to not occur). In our models, we CMV (P = .058) (Table 1). The mean age at CVI

196 Copyright © SLACK Incorporated

Ocular and Visual Findings (N = 77)a
Symptomatic CMV Symptomatic CMV
Characteristic With CVI (n = 11) Without CVI (n = 66) P
Percent (%) of total patients 14% 86%
Age at CVI diagnosis (y), mean ± SD (range) 3.3 ± 3.0 (11 to 9.9) –
Vision at most recent examination
Normal 0 (0%) 51 (77.3%) < .001
Moderate impairment 4 (36.4%) 2 (3.0%) .003
Severe impairment 7 (63.6%) 3 (4.5%) < .001
Not evaluated 0 (0%) 10 (15.2%) .341
Optic atrophy 4 (36.4%) 5 (7.6%) .020
Unilateral 1 (25%) 1 (20%)
Bilateral 2 (50%) 2 (40%)
Laterality not recorded 1 (25%) 2 (40%)
Chorioretinitis or retinal scars 6 (54.5%) 13 (19.7%) .022
Unilateral 2 (33.3%) 7 (53.8%)
Bilateral 2 (33.3%) 5 (38.5%)
Not noted 2 (33.3%) 1 (7.7%)
Retinal detachment 0 (0%) 2 (3.0%) 1.000
Strabismus 7 (63.6%) 11 (16.7%) .002
Esotropia 0 (0%) 3 (27.3%) .245
Exotropia 7 (100%) 8 (72.7%)
Amblyopia 0 (0%) 3 (4.5%) 1.000
Anterior segment abnormality 1 (9.1%) 4 (6.1%) .548
Nystagmus 5 (45.5%) 6 (9.1%) .007
Astigmatism 5 (45.5%) 17 (25.8%) .227
Cupping 2 (18.2%) 3 (4.5%) .146
Vitreous hemorrhage 0 (0%) 7 (10.6%) .584
Cataract 1 (9.1%) 1 (1.5%) .267
Ocular abnormalities, mean ± SD b
4.1 ± 1.7 1.0 ± 1.4 < .001
CMV = cytomegalovirus; CVI = cortical visual impairment; SD = standard deviation; Avg = average
Values are expressed as number (percent) unless otherwise stated.
Average number of ocular abnormalities per patient.

diagnosis was 3.3 years (range: 11 months to 9.9 phy (36.4% vs 7.6%, P = .020), chorioretinitis/retinal
years) (Table 2). scars (54.5% vs 19.7%, P = .022), strabismus (63.6%
Table 2 shows the significance of the differences vs 16.7%, P =.002), and nystagmus (45.5% vs 9.1%,
in rates of visual impairment between patients with P = .007) (Table 2). No significant changes were ob-
and without symptomatic CVI, with 36.4% versus served in visual acuity, including fix and follow behav-
3% having moderate impairment (P = .003) and ior over the study period in patients with CVI.
63.6% versus 4.5% having severe impairment (P < Nonophthalmologic sequelae were also ob-
.001). Seventy-seven percent of the patients without served in patients with symptomatic CVI. Senso-
symptomatic CVI had normal vision (P < .001). Ocu- rineural hearing loss (SNHL) occurred in all 11
lar abnormalities were more common among patients (100%) patients with CVI and in 46 (69.7%) pa-
with CVI than those without, including optic atro- tients without symptomatic CVI (P = .057). There

Journal of Pediatric Ophthalmology & Strabismus • Vol. 56, No. 3, 2019 197
Nonophthalmologic Sequelae and Comorbidities (N = 77)a
Symptomatic CMV Symptomatic CMV
Characteristic With CVI (n = 11) Without CVI (n = 66) P
SNHL 11 (100%) 46 (69.7%) .057
Unilateral 1 (9.1%) 10 (21.7%) .672
Bilateral 10 (90.9%) 36 (78.3%) –
Neonatal onsetb 7 (63.6%) 20 (43.5%) .229
Onset after 28 days 4 (36.4%) 26 (56.5%) –
Congenital onset c
8 (72.7) 25 (54.3%) .326
Delayed onsetd 3 (27.3%) 21 (45.7%) –
Age at SNHL diagnosis (y), mean ± SD (range) 0.67 ± 1.78 (birth to 6 y) 1.14 ± 2.58 (birth to 11 y) .566
Hearing aid 7 (63.6%) 30 (45.5%) .264
Cochlear implant 0 (0%) 15 (22.7%) .109
SGA 6 (54.5%) 22 (33.3%) .194
Prematurity 4 (36.4%) 20 (30.3%) .732
Petechiae 9 (81.8%) 46 (69.7%) .334
Anemia 0 (0%) 3 (4.5%) .626
Splenomegaly 5 (45.5%) 34 (51.5%) .481
Hepatomegaly 4 (36.4%) 40 (60.6%) .120
Jaundice 3 (27.3%) 27 (40.9%) .306
Bilirubin > 3 mg/dL 2 (18.2%) 26 (39.4%) .193
Platelets < 75/mm 3
5 (45.5%) 45 (68.2%) .080
ALT > 100 IU 1 (9.1%) 11 (16.7%) .676
Neonatal pneumonia 0 (0%) 2 (3.0%) .733
Microcephaly ­e
9 (81.8%) 16 (25.4%) .001
Seizure at birth 3 (27.3%) 2 (3.0%) .019
Neurological abnormality 6 (54.5%) 17 (25.85%) .061
Abnormal head CT results 11 (100.0%) 52 (78.8%) .194
Intracranial calcifications 10 (90.9%) 33 (50.0%) .019
Dilatation of ventricles 9 (81.8%) 28 (42.4%) .020
Gray matter abnormality 1 (9.1%) 2 (0.9%) .133
White matter abnormality 6 (54.1%) 34 (15.0%) .004
Cerebral immaturity 3 (27.3%) 20 (8.8%) .079
Encephalomalacia 3 (27.3%) 4 (1.8%) .002
CMV = cytomegalovirus; CVI = cortical visual impairment; SNHL = sensorineural hearing loss; SD = standard deviation; SGA = small for gestational
age; ALT = alanine aminotransferase; CT = computed tomography
Values are expressed as number (percent) unless stated otherwise.
Onset within 28 days of birth.
Onset within 3 months of birth.
Onset after 3 months.
Olsen 3rd percentile.

were no differences in the age of diagnosis or the atic CVI (P = .229). In 52 symptomatic patients,
laterality for the hearing loss. SNHL occurred in the SNHL was severe enough to require hearing devices
neonatal period in 7 (63.6%) of 11 patients with (37 hearing aids and 15 cochlear implants). Seven of
CVI versus 20 (30.3%) patients without symptom- 11 patients with CVI required hearing aids but no

198 Copyright © SLACK Incorporated

Logistic Regressions of CVI Risk Factors and Predictive Modeling
Variable Univariate Logistic
No. Regressions Variable Description OR LCL UCL P Cutoff
1 Microcephaly (Olsen 3rd percentile) 12.97 2.54 66.10 .002 0.5
2 Seizures at birth 12.00 1.73 83.03 .012 0.5
3 Optic atrophy before CVI 2.71 0.46 16.12 .273 0.5
4 Chorioretinitis/retinal scar before CVI 2.33 0.59 9.17 .226 0.5
5 Strabismus before CVI 6.00 1.55 23.19 .009 0.5
6 Intracranial calcification at birth 10.00 1.21 82.61 .033 0.5
7 Nystagmus before CVI 1.00 0.11 9.21 1.000 0.5
8 Neonatal hearing loss 4.03 1.06 15.30 .041 0.5
9 Severe vision impairment before CVI > 1,500 0.00 ∞ a
.999 0.5
10 Encephalomalacia at birth 5.81 1.10 30.82 .039 0.5
11 Leukomalacia at birth 1.55 0.16 15.32 .708 0.5
CVI = cortical visual impairment; OR = odds ratio; LCL = lower confidence limit; UCL = upper confidence limit; cutoff = logistic regression link function
value (from 0 to 1) used to predict patients with CVI;
The symbol denotes infiinity because odd ratios may be between zero and infinity.

patients underwent cochlear implantation. Among DISCUSSION

the other birth characteristics for symptomatic pa- It is widely known from the literature that con-
tients, there was high statistical significance for mi- genital CMV infection can cause long-lasting visual
crocephaly (Olsen 3rd percentile)20 (P = .001), white sequelae such as optic atrophy and chorioretini-
matter abnormality (P = .004), seizure at birth (P = tis.13-18 The 11 patients with CVI in our study were
.019), intracranial calcifications (P = .019), enceph- symptomatic at birth by having one or more clinical
alomalacia (P = .002), and dilatation of ventricles symptoms of congenital CMV infection. In clinical
(P = .020), which all occurred more frequently in settings, 10% to 15% of patients who are congeni-
patients with CVI than without (Table 3). tally infected with CMV show symptoms at birth,21
Five predictive models based on 11 variables whereas the remaining 85% to 90% are asymptom-
were created using logistic regression to predict atic at birth. Despite few reports of CVI in congeni-
which symptomatic patients would have developed tal CMV infection in the literature, our findings
CVI (Tables 4-5). Model 5 showed the variables support that CVI cases are observed frequently in
of microcephaly, seizure at birth, optic atrophy, symptomatic congenital CMV infection.14,15,17 In
chorioretinitis/retinal scars, strabismus, intracranial comparison, the 109 children born with asymptom-
calcifications, neonatal hearing loss, and severe vi- atic congenital CMV infection and the 51 uninfect-
sual impairment were predictors of CVI. Further- ed controls did not develop CVI during the study
more, model 5 had the most desirable parameters of period of observation.
any predictive model. This model correctly identi- Prematurity is a known major risk factor for
fied 10 of 11 cases of CVI that occurred, giving the CVI. Optic radiations are supplied with blood from
lowest false-positive rate (23.1%), high sensitivity the germinal matrix, and in premature infants, the
(90.9%) and specificity (95.5%), and high negative germinal matrix is a watershed area of the brain that
predictive value (98.4%) for CVI (Table 5). Model is prone to hypoxic, ischemic, and hemorrhagic in-
3 also had good overall performance characters. If sults,1 thus causing CVI. In our study, there were no
not all variables were known, then model 1, which significant differences in prematurity or gestational
used presence of microcephaly at birth as the only ages in the group of patients with and without symp-
parameter, performed well as a predictive risk factor tomatic CVI (Table 3). This finding suggests that,
for CVI with high sensitivity and reasonably good although symptomatic congenital CMV can be asso-
specificity (Table 5). ciated with premature birth, something in addition

Journal of Pediatric Ophthalmology & Strabismus • Vol. 56, No. 3, 2019 199
CVI Predictive Performance Characteristics of Selected Models (N = 77)
Correctly Classified
False- False-
Positive Negative Patients With Patients Without Overall
Model Variablea Sensitivityb Specificityc Rated Ratee PV+f PV-g Cutoff CVI (n = 11) CVI (n = 66) Performanceh
Model 1 1 81.8% 74.2% 65.4% 3.9% 34.6% 96.1% 0.2 9 49 75.3%
Model 2 1, 2, and 3 81.8% 72.7% 66.7% 4.0% 33.3% 96.0% 0.2 9 48 74.0%
Model 3 1, 2, 3, 5, 81.8% 95.5% 25.0% 3.1% 75.0% 96.9% 0.3 9 63 93.5%
6, 8, and 9
Model 4 1, 2, 3, 5, 90.9% 87.9% 44.4% 1.7% 55.6% 98.3% 0.2 10 58 88.3%
6, 8, and 9
Model 5 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 90.9% 95.5% 23.1% 1.6% 76.9% 98.4% 0.2 10 63 94.8%
6, 8, and 9
CVI = cortical visual impairment; PV+ = predictive value of a positive test; PV- = predictive value of a negative test; cutoff = logistic regression link function value (from 0 to 1) used to predict patients with CVI
1 = microcephaly; 2 = seizures at birth; 3 = optic atrophy before CVI; 4 = chorioretinitis/retinal scar before CVI; 5 = strabismus before CVI; 6 = intracranial calicification at birth; 7 = nystagmus at birth; 8 = neonatal
hearing loss; 9 = severe vision impairment before CVI; 10 = encephalomalacia at birth; 11 = leukomalacia at birth.
Sensitivity is the proportion of patients who developed CVI and were predicted by the model to develop CVI. The probability of correctly identifying a patient with CVI in the screened population.
Specificity is the proportion of patients who did not develop CVI and were predicted by the model to not develop CVI. The probability of correctly identifying a patient without CVI in the screened population.
False-positive rate is the rate of patients who were predicted by the model to develop CVI but did not develop CVI.
False-negative rate is the rate of patients who were predicted by the model to not develop CVI and developed CVI.
The predictive value of a positive test.
The predictive value of a negative test.
Overall performance is the percentage of correctly classified patients with CVI and the percentage of correctly classified patients without CVI.

our study.

earlier in utero than those without CVI.

acquiring congenital CMV infection is
ocular comorbidities include optic nerve

Copyright © SLACK Incorporated

ocular, and neurodevelopmental sequel-
over time. Nevertheless, it is important
ity or functional fix and follow behavior
enced measurable changes in visual acu-
symptomatic congenital CMV experi-
dence that our patients with CVI with
vision4,24; however, there is no clear evi-
ma or hypoxic-ischemic injuries tend to
suspect these patients acquired infection
times more ocular findings compared to
nosed as having CVI had on average four

have gradual and partial recovery of their

Children with CVI resulting from trau-
patients without CVI. Therefore, we
ity.23 In the current study, patients diag-
connected to the level of a child’s disabil-
atrophy, chorioretinitis/retinal scars, stra-
in severe visual impairment in patients
or improved vision in the patients with

with symptomatic CMV. Common

symptomatic congenital CMV infec-
and ganciclovir treatment was not as-
atic neonates.22 However, Kimberlin
developmental outcomes of symptom-
can improve the audiologic and neuro-
nous ganciclovir and oral valganciclovir
terized.21 Reports have shown intrave-
infection remain incompletely charac-
infection, yet the precise neurodevelop-
the setting of symptomatic congenital
ity, or encephalomalacia) observed in
microcephaly, white matter abnormal-
dominance of CNS abnormalities (eg,
CNS cell lines is evident from the pre-
The high tropism of CMV for infecting
to prematurity must be contributing to

bismus, and nystagmus. The timing of

mental pathway and cellular targets of
viral interference with neurogenesis.
the development of CVI, such as direct

our study also had multiple other visual,

We found that CVI often resulted
tion and neurologic involvement in
sociated with fewer occurences of CVI
et al.22 did not report visual outcomes,

to be aware that the patients with CVI in

ae from congenital CMV infection, which could have and is often sufficient to diagnose CVI. However, in
masked improvement in CVI. equivocal cases, visual evoked potentials and brain
In addition to ocular and visual comorbidities, imaging can offer additional confirmation.24
symptomatic congenital CMV infection causes se- CVI can affect many aspects of vision, includ-
vere neurodevelopmental and sensorineural sequelae. ing visual acuity, visual fields, color vision, contrast
Sensorineural hearing loss, microcephaly, intracranial sensitivity, perception of movement, ability to see
calcification, dilatation of ventricles, encephalomala- details in complex visual scenes, visual memory for-
cia (leukomalacia), and seizures at birth were all as- mation, and recognizing the significance of facial
sociated with the presence of CVI. Taking these risk expression.25,26 When diagnosing CVI, clinicians
factors into account, a predictive model could help should further specify which aspects of visual func-
to screen patients with congenital CMV who are at tions are affected in the child. Examples of func-
risk for CVI, which can aid clinicians, parents, and tional vision testing include visually guided motor
educators to take preemptive steps toward early inter- response, attentive gaze, visual recognition of ob-
vention and rehabilitation. jects, pictures, and faces, preferences for moving
There were some limitations with predictive versus static stimuli, preferences for familiar versus
modeling. First, our current predictive modeling novel stimuli, and suppression of visual responses
assumed the presence of the predictors to have oc- by auditory or tactual simulation.25,26 In 2006,
curred before and not after the diagnosis of CVI, Roman-Lantz developed the CVI Range, which is
but in actual practice CVI was diagnosed concur- a reliable functional vision assessment tool for chil-
rently with certain model variables at the same dren with CVI.6,27 Detailed descriptions of visual
evaluation visit for some patients. The mean age at function impairment help target specific rehabilita-
CVI diagnosis was 3.3 years (range: 11 months to 9 tion planning, the intervention of CVI should be
years); therefore, although not guaranteed, it would tailored to each child’s unique functional status, and
be reasonable to assume that the predictors had oc- management goals should focus on early interven-
curred prior to CVI diagnosis. Second, our sample tion and collaboration with parents, educators, and
size was small. Developing models from larger or other health care providers to maximize functional
pooled populations of symptomatic patients would vision over time. Future larger-scale studies focus-
be desirable. Finally, although birth characteristics ing on predictive models, functional vision progress,
such as microcephaly would likely be known for rehabilitation methods, and educational accommo-
other patients with symptomatic CMV, we assessed dation for children with congenital CMV and CVI
other characteristics (ie, intracranial calcification) are needed.
that might not be identified in patients not included
in the study. This could limit the applicability of a CONCLUSION
predictive model that relies on knowing the presence CVI may be suspected when one or more more
or absence of detailed visual and non-visual findings classic CMV symptoms present at birth. Microceph-
from serial examinations or neuroimaging. Despite aly, intracranial calcification, dilatation of ventricles,
these limitations, logistic regression-based predic- encephalomalacia, seizure at birth, optic atrophy,
tive models have potential applicability in clinical chorioretinitis/retinal scars, strabismus, and neonatal
medicine. Evidence-based predictive models could onset of sensorineural hearing loss are risk factors for
become useful precision medicine tools for patients CVI. The relationship between CVI and its risk fac-
with symptomatic congenital CMV, who are known tors suggests it is possible to predict the development
to be at risk for CVI. of CVI through predictive modeling in future re-
To help children with CVI, ophthalmologists search. Early screening for CVI in children born with
first have to correctly identify this condition. Al- symptomatic congenital CMV can help with early
though logistic regression-based predictive model- educational, social, and developmental intervention.
ing is not a diagnostic tool, it could be developed
into a screening instrument or clinical decision REFERENCES
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202 Copyright © SLACK Incorporated

The Congenital CMV Longitudinal Study Group Members
Amit R. Bhatt, MD Sara Reis, RN
Peggy Blum, AuD Ann Reynolds, MD
Frank Brown, MD Judith Rozelle, MS
Francis Catlin, MD Sherry Sellers Vinson, MD
Alison C. Caviness, MD, PhD, MPH O’Brien Smith, PhD
David K. Coats, MD Paul Steinkuller, MD
Jane C. Edmond MD Marie Turcich, MS
Daniel Franklin, MD John Voigt, MD
Jewel Greer Bethann Walmus
Carol Griesser, RN Daniel Williamson, MD
Mohamed A. Hussein, MD Kimberly G. Yen, MD
Isabella Iovino, PhD Martha D. Yow, MD
Allison Istas, MPH Texas Children’s Hospital Audiology
Mary K. Kelinske, OD Shahzad Ahmed, MD
Antone Laurente, PhD Hanna Baer, MD
Thomas Littman, PhD Gail J. Demmler-Harrison, MD
Jerry Miller, PhD Marily Flores, MS
Mary Murphy, MS Cindy Gandaria
Christopher Nelson, MD Haoxing Douglas Jin, MD
Daniel Noyola, MD Joseph T. Klingen, MD
Evelyn A. Paysse, MD Jill Williams, MA
Alan Percy, MD
Reproduced with permission of copyright owner. Further reproduction
prohibited without permission.

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