Benjamin M. Ching Sai III: Waiting

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Benjamin M.

Ching Sai III


How do you feel after reading the story? Why do you feel that way?

"The Waiting" by Ron Darvin is a story which depicts the endless physical and emotional
misery of overseas Filipino workers. It revolves around the sacrifice that a mother is willing to
endure all for the sake of providing a convenient life to her family. The story felt realistic and
relatable. Anyone who has a family member working abroad would surely be left deep in
thoughts. Personally, the story also kicked me in the guts because I have relatives working in
foreign countries. Most, if not all them, share the same goal - to improve their family members'
lives. These people must be commended for doing what flesh and blood can't stand.

The title of play is “Waiting,” what are they waiting for? What does it mean?

They are waiting for the title of the play. This aint Ironic

There is a juxtaposition of tuna with all the other Filipino dishes, Why? What does it

For me this statement means that there is always a comparison between a tuna salad with
all of the other Filipino dishes or between dishes of other countries with all of the other filipino

Were you surprised of the kind of food Miguel has to eat once he got to Canada? Why?
How is this different from your expectations?

I was surpised at the kind of food Miguel had to eat, because those kinds of food in
Canada, I believe its fairly cheap.

How do you feel toward Roberto? Why did Roberto do what he did?

I disrespect Roberto, because he already saw himself as a useless and unworthy husband.
So, that resulted him cheating with another woman since he felt like he had nothing left to lose.

After saying “sakripisyo” why does Isabel say “Blessed are the poor for there is the
Kingdom of Heaven”? What is it about this particular scene that is uniquely Filipino?
Poor in spirit" It means a troubled heart seeking solutions to his problem but none is
found. It is a heart seeking repentance and a need to change in life. They shall inherit the
Kingdom of God" This means a repenting person is not far away from finding God. He/she will
eagerly and earnestly seek God with all his might, soul, and heart. And that repenting person will
find God through the gift of salvation that Jesus Christ Offers.

In the play, Canadian woman tells her daughter, “This is why you have to study hard my
love. Because you’ll end up like her.” What does it mean? What does thi reveal about the
hoe some Canadian feel about Filipinos?

Yes it is offending and there should be a more positive approach to that such as "That is
why you have to study hard to give her a good job in the future." In that way, the person you
advised is persevere to succeed.

How do you feel toward Miguel? Why do you feel that way?

I dislike him because there are other ways he could have handled himself with his mother.
There are much better ways, more beneficial, but he simply chooses to be difficult and makes
everything worse from the situation.

What does Miguel want? Can Isabel give it to him? Why or why not?

Miguel wants his family to get together. Isabel can't give it to him, yet. Because Isabel
wants to put her work first, earning more money for Miguel's future.

Why is Miguel being difficult? Is it just because he’s a teenager? Explain your answer.

Because many things he can't do because his a teenager

What is the importance of the poem’s setting?

It gives life to the poem that makes it more imaginable for the reader to read and also it
provides knowledge about how Cronulla Beach witness the conflict between the white and
colored people.
Why is it ironic that the beach used to be an “aboriginal landscape”?

Because the beach is said to be native but it is not really the true definition of it yet it
represents the battle field. And another thing is that it said to be ironic because the beach is a
property of all Australian people but the colored and white people who are both Australian are
fighting just to conquer that beach.

What does it mean that there are generations who want to keep themselves “pure and
sterile”? What does this say about immigration issues in Australia?

Keeping their linage pure and sterile means not allowing any other race to taint the purity
of their linage.

Why did the white men rampage against colored people? How do you feel about this?

White men rampage against colored people because they are racist. They hate those
people who are not like them and because of this, I feel scared and mad towards the white men.

Why did the colored people take their revenge? How do you feel about this?

Colored people take their revenge because I think they are hurt. I feel sad and angry at the
same time because they just made themselves look like the white people.

In this discussion about immigration and race, where does the Filipino come in? Why is it
an important concern for Filipinos?

Filipinos became a subject because as a Filipino, we always want to have a good place to
live in and sometimes we desire to live in other country to explore, travel and to have a peaceful
living and another important thing in the Philippines

The pink seashells in the story gradually turned into sand. What could this be a symbol of?

Peace will give you a very beautiful feeling towards humanity. Arguments will arise, riots
will start and violent actions will commence. And because of that, this will symbolize as the
beginning of war.

There is juxtaposition of the image of the riots with a postcard. Why was this done?
This is done to remember the conflict happened in the Cronulla beach which both white
and colored people are injured and hurt. This can be way to recall the past and to have a lesson
regarding the riots.

Did the poem change the way you look at living or working abroad? Did it change the way
you view Australia? Why or why not?

Australia is one of the most beautiful it changes my views about Australia. And as far as
I know, many people especially in different countries prevails racism or inequality and I don’t
want to raise my children in that kind of country, We, as Filipinos, have a culture to love and
respect people with different races or beliefs in life.

The last line says, “So racializing, this soap.” What does it mean?

This means racism. Racism is the act or the thinking where someone thinks that his race
is superior or other races are inferior to his.


How can you relate to the protagonist?

Story revolves around emotional and mental instability of each individual. It talks about
how everyone has their weak side and needs someone, a crying shoulder perhaps, that craves for
comfort and love.

Why did the boys disappear at the end of the story?

Because they don't want the girls to blame them for what they really just escape
from the reality..

Did the ending surprise you? Why or why not?

No, because instead of not fading, the flicker got fade. He watched himself fading away,
disappearing. And when he saw that the game was started, he used to play. Every time he play, he
doesn’t feel blank. When he's playing the arcade, he couldn’t feel useless anymore.

What does the story seem to say about the difference between the living and existing?
The living it seems to be that he or she will go on to the good place and the existing he or
she wants to forgive something or someone people

Why did the boy end up the way he did?

Because people change, that's why they change, suddently they don't want to be blame.

There are two central symbols in the story. What are they and what do they mean?

The two main symbols in the story are the "tell-tale heart," which is the heart of the dead
and dismembered man that beats so loudly that the guilty murderer can hear it, and the old man's
"vulture eye." The heart beating beneath the floor boards represents the narrator's guilt.

What is a Toadstool? What does the code name “Princess Toadstool” allude to?

Toadstool is a spore bearing fruit of a fungus typically in a rounded cap form in a stalk.
They are a variety of poisonous and inedible kinds of mushrooms. Princess Toadstool is also
Princess Peach of whom Mario in the nintendo game series called as Super Mario is always
rescuing. Princess Peach Toadstool sa appeared in both the game and the movie released in

Does the boy in the story remind you of anyone? Does it seem to be a commentary on
certain kinds of people?

Yes because sometimes it makes me curious why I have to go to school and learn
somethings. But then I suddenly realized that it is all important to go to school everyday to have
a better future.

Princess Toadstool does not fall in love with the narrator. What does this tell us about the
difference between fantasy and reality?

I think he says this fora number of reasons. Real love is not only rare, but it can take
work. You have to accept that person for who they are and what they love and hate. This also
means accepting them for their faults.

How would you describe the setting of the story?

The story is set many years into the future particularly on futuristic Manila. In their
timeline, robots took over the work of humans. It is the era of technological advancement.

Describe the “class division” that Nick was talking about. Is it similar to the class divisions
we see in the Philippine Society today? Why or why not?

The class division that Nick was talking about in the story is the division between the rich
and the poor – and in between the rich and the poor, there is the middle class composed of the
supervisors and the teachers. Yes, it is similar to the class divisions that we see in the Philippine
society today. It’s a mirror of our societal problems when it comes to the division between people
– rich and poor, obligors and rebels of the government. But it is a lot more severe. We already
know that the rich are like puppet masters who control the lives of the middle and low class, just
so they can get their demands and needs. But in the story, the class divisions were so terrible, that
people who are in the middle class like Nick and Delia can’t even get a chance to study or learn
the things they want because the higher ups are too scared that they might sabotage everything
they built.

How does the story allude to martial law? Why is this done?

Each character symbolized the different people during the time of the Martial Law. Nick
represented the revolutionists during the time of Marcos’ regime who were determined to destroy
the government and its laws and system. He was ready to risk his life so that they can achieve the
freedom they deserve. The chance of living their lives the way that they want was stolen by the
government so that they were the only ones who can experience the luxury of life; which is
pretty much what happened with the Marcos Government. Delia represented those obligors who
just opted to comply with how the system goes. Although they knew something was wrong with
the administration, they chose to subside. The story represented not just the past, but also the
future of the Philippine government. As long as society is divided and the authorities are
corrupted, the people who are unfortunate will forever be stuck in working for the rich until our
country becomes devastated.

Which character in the story do you identify the most? Why?

We understood Nick the most. Just like every other concerned citizen, he wanted change.
He wanted to get rid of the manipulative and controlling government, so that the people, who are
chained to the endless cycle of hardship, would get a chance to live for themselves. As
impossible as it may seem, he wanted balance. So that there will be no rich, no poor, no control –
but freedom.

Would you like to live in a virtual world? Why or why not?

As art said, it is best to experience things in real life – to feel the thrill, the adventure, the
challenge, and the surprise. If I lived in a virtual world, I think that I would be bored to death,
and I won’t grow as a person (just like Art). Living in a virtual world would be too scripted and I
want to live my life spontaneously.

What does Art say about reality, and why is it better than virtual reality? Do you agree or

"That's just like looking through a guidebook. You don't really get to experience a place.
Nothing happens to you. No adventure." Yes, I agree, because you will feel that something is
missing. The joy of living in the real world is nothing like living in a virtual reality where you
don’t age, grow nor die. You won’t experience the real feeling of the treasures of reality. Above
all – you won’t grow as a person, because the challenges you face in a virtual world is far off
from the challenges given by the real world.

The virtual reality in the story alludes to today’s technology. What particular products or
services do you think this alludes to?

I think that the robots in the story are like the machineries we have on factories. It’s like,
the machineries are the ones doing the work instead of men, and this is because so that
production and labor will just be easy and efficient. Although robots working on the agricultural
ground (in the story) for me is unnecessary. We have people, - farmers, to do the job. So, I think
that there is no need for robots to do that type of work.

What does the story have to say about technology? Do you think this is true in today’s
The story showed how dangerous it would be if we weren’t able to balance out
technology, nature, and society. Yes, it is true, because it is evident. Technology is so advanced
that we are starting to destroy our natural environment. As Art said, “progress comes with a
price”, which means that in order for our country to develop, it will cost us a lot of our natural
resources. It is also starting to take over the minds of people. The idea that one day, we might
turn out to be like the “bodies” in the story is very appalling. It may have promised us a simpler
and more comfortable life, but it only complicated what once was pure. We ought to best keep
technology as a useful servant that a dangerous master.

9. Explain the name symbolism in the character of Art. What is the story trying to say
about art?
The symbolism of the character Art is the need to be free. On the years that the martial
law is still on going, people used art to convey their views (more specifically music). Back then,
people would use art as a discrete protest of their feelings towards the government. Just like
Delia, Art became the expression and the sanctuary of the Filipino soul.

Why does Delia long for Manila at the end of the story? What insight can you get from
Delia is the type of person who grew up in a world full of advanced technology. So
naturally, she will still miss her life in the polluted cities of Manila. Though she very much loved
the comfort of nature, it won’t live up to the comfort that technology can give. Just like every
other parent, she wants the best for her children. When it comes to health, nature would be the
best. But when it comes to the comfort of living, she knew that the city was better. Both choices
have its pros and cons. This is why she feels conflicted with her thoughts.

What aspects of the story did you find the most horrifying? Why?
When he realized that he will take up the burden of "being reminded of the forgotten
memory" he wanted to run away but it was too late. The martines birds were feeding on his
knees and he shouted out of pain.
What did you think of the stranger? Is she similar to any other character in Filipino
folklore or superstition?

In the Filipino folklore, engkantos are the closest creatures similar to the stranger in the
forest. Like the stranger in the story, engkantos are nature spirits known for their either extreme
malignant effects, or an overwhelming influence of luck.

What is the importance of Richard’s family to the village?

The family wanted to continue the culture that they have Richard is the main character
and he will be the one to take the responsibility to have their culture but he dont want to have the
culture that they have.

Do you think Richard, as a character, no longer values his hometown and its vales? Which
part of the story state it?

Some Filipinos think that they have better opportunities outside the country, so they
worked overseas and the result is they have improved the economy of that country. The theme of
Sanchez’ story is the love for the country’s culture and respect the others.

What did Totoy mean, when he said that Richard did not know anything?

Totoy and Tatay Onsing left Richard behind and they didn’t have told Richard about his
destiny not in a way of forcing him, he should have known what his cousin’s decision.

Why is it significant that Richard is a motivational speaker fluent in English? Why is it

significant that Richard is irritated with Totoy’s English?

Richard was truly inspirational! He made the conference exceptional, and best yet, had
people motivated into becoming a resonant leader. And so the story continues with Richard and
his cousin, Totoy, driving a jeep being told a “lousy” motivational speaker by his boss for the
fifth time.

What is the irony of the story? What does it say about the English language and memory?

Anna Felicia Sanchez’ short horror story starts with an opening anecdote of Richard
Servacio’s father telling a myth of a secret to immortality that “kept the land from drying, from
crumbling under the weather of a world that had lost its way along its own axis
What does Martines symbolize?

The story opens with Richard's reminiscing of his father's cryptic anecdote about the
bumpy ride to Martinés did not help appease Richard's disquiet. To elude him becomes apparent
symbol of indifference, moral decay, and poverty.

What do you think are the insights of the story about the Old Country, or the province?
What are its insights about modern Filipinos? Do you agree or disagree?

Filipinos are a very hospitable and friendly people. They always smile no matter how
they feel. If meeting someone for the first time, it would be good to smile at the person before
you even start a conversation. Filipinos have close family ties and always love to talk about their
extended family, especially about their children. So a good conversation piece is asking about
their family which region or province they come from, whether they have children, their ages
and what grade in school they are in. It is also acceptable to ask about what work they do or
where they work.

Totoy means to be the foil of Richard. Do you agree? Explain your answer.

I do agree with you if doesn't know anything he doesn't know anything

Why does Penelope consider story telling a “low art”?

She considers it a low art because she knows that stories can be altered through the
change of point of view.

How does Penelope’s portrayal differ from the traditional portrayal of Odysseus? What do
you think of Odysseus?

He was a famous general in the third country war

Based on Penelope’s perspective, how is she different from how the epic portrays her?
What do you think of Penelope’s character in the preceding story?

Homer portrays Penelope as loyal, patient, and the ideal wife, as he contrasts her to
Clytemnestra who killed Agamemnon upon his return from Troy. Penelope emerges as a
virtuous, yet complex and powerful character who is regarded by later Greek tradition as the
epitome of a respectable and faithful wife. In her perspective, she had found out that people’s
view on her is way too different from the epic’s.

What does she have to say about the “official version” of what happened? Why does she
point this out?

Penelope feels that the official version of events flattened her character into a means of
controlling other women. The official version is making her an ideal of blind faithfulness and
fidelity toward her husband, to a standard to which other women were then held.

Why does she call herself “a stick used to beat other women with”? Do you agree with her?

I agree that she is “ a stick to beat other women with” because Penelope was always
considered as the faithful wife. She waited for years for her husband’s return and did not even
mind all her suitors since she wants to be loyal to Odysseus.

Why does Penelope say that she “sounds like an owl” when she tries to warm other

Penelope said that she sounds like an owl when she tried to warn other women because
nobody wants to listen to her. She felt that she is like an owl in the woods that scares people
every time it hoots. She was being ignored by many, and no one even trusted her side.

How much of ancient history do you think is based on fact, and how much on gossip

I think ancient history has both fact and a little bit of gossip or exaggeration. We could
tell that it is based on history since the story is about Penelope and her husband, Odysseus and
how their relationship goes.

Do you think a story is colored by the biases of the storyteller? Why or why not?

A story is colored by the biases of the storyteller because he/she is the one narrating the
story. There would be a part of the story in which the storyteller may express his or her opinion
that may give or hold biases on another. The storyteller can never express his or her opinion that
doesn’t bear a resemblance to reality unless it is a lie.
Do you think history is colored by the biases of the historian? Support your answer.

Yes, because I believe that historian makes a big impact, and he/she can affect what truly
history is. It’s also a no since Historians base history on two sources: the primary source in which
there is a testimony of an eyewitness or an account of someone who has firsthand information on
the subject, and secondary source that uses primary materials as the source of information such
as hieroglyphs and cuneiform.

Does this story change the way you look at literature and history? Why or why not?

This story changed the way I look at literature and history. It made me wonder if what
was written in every historical book is correct. I have realized that anyone could make their own
version of what happened and what would happen in the future.

What does the protagonist feel? Why does he feel this way? What specific parts or
statement in the text tell you this?

The protagonist, fell in love with a girl who is wearing a loose red robe, because the part,
"he kept his eyes fixed on those of hara kei and only for an instant, almost without realizing it,
lowered them to the face of the woman", after this happened, the protagonist cannot stop
glancing onto woman.

What does the girl feel? Why do you think so? Why did she do what she did?

The girl also fell in love with herve joncour, as she kept looking on his eyes.

There seems to be a whole different conversation going on between Herve and the girl, and
yet, not a word is spoken. How are they able to communicate with each other?

They communicated with each other with the use of gestures, such as eye contact, head
movement and cup sipping.

What is the significance between the glances of Herve and the girl?
The significance of their glance is that it gives them a time to know each other, and a hint
about their feelings

Does Hara Kei know what’s going on? Why or why not? Why does Hara Kei not know
what’s going on?

It is because business is very serious, in a way that hara kei focuses on what herve
joncour says unto him; therefore, he was not able to notice what the protagonist and the girl are

What are the complications involved, and what obstacles can you predict in the

The only complication and obstacle between their relationships are that the girl is already
owned by hara kei.

What does the cup symbolize?

The cup symbolizes desire or an indication of new love interest

How did you feel when you were reading the text? Do you think what they were
experiencing was love or lust?

I was confused as this story shows either a love or lust, it is because herve joncour and
the girl shows an indirect kiss by sipping in the cup of tea.

Do you find the text romantic? Why or why not?

The story is romantic, because it is full of glancing and tea sipping. on the other hand, it
may also not be romantic, because it does not show an authentic love.

What does this reveal about the possible attractions of being with someone from sa
different place?

The world is huge therefore, we are able to discover and meet new people which can
greatly contribute to our interests.

How can you relate to the narrator? Explain.

The way the narrator feels is their perspective about his/her body and would also depend
on their actions and words to give the feeling to it

How does the narrator feel about her body?

The way the narrator feels is their perspective about his/her body and would also depend
on their actions and words to give the feeling to it

Why does the narrator feel that way about her body?

Among so many other great and powerful women, Eve Ensler is on a mission to help
women accept their bodies. Not to forget their own bodies as a separate entity. He needs people
to accept their bodies for their strength and ability, rather than holding on to the shortcomings
that we consider them to have.

What is Cosmo? Why does she feel haunted by it?

Cosmo is short for the title of a popular fashion magazine for women, "Cosmopolitan".
The blond woman in the cover of this magazine makes the girl in the story think of her own
flaws, because of how the woman represents the ideal body for Americans, described with
"pointy-breasts, and a raisin-a-day stomach".

What does Cosmo symbolize?

Cosmos often simply means "universe". But the word is generally used to suggest an
orderly or harmonious universe, as it was originally used by Pythagoras.

Explain the line, “She’s the American dream, my personal nightmare.”

Meaning that while everyone loves her, meanwhile you think that she's you're personal

What does she mean when she says “my stomach is America”?
"Eve Ensler means well. Remember her play The Vagina Monologues? Its popularity
indicates repressed women everywhere were relieved they could finally " celebrate" their
genitalia by singing the c-word to nursery tunes. Ensler's follow-up play is a similarly loose
collection of monologues, this time about female stomachs; Ensler's in particular.

Why is it ironic that we juxtapose her perception of “the American dream” and that her
stomach is “America”?

The irony of the American dream is most people forget about the experience of the
American Indian. There are positive sides to the American dream, but we can't forget those left
behind due to racism and gentrification.

What do you think is the effect of body shaming to men and women?

In today's state of thinking we center on lookism, on someone else's appearance whether

you're a girl or a boy some people can be narrow minded and don't seee the beauty underneath


What are your reactions to the story? How is it different from your expectation?

The story inspired us because even the person with autism can do things that a normal
person can do and it proves that autism is not a disability but a different kind of ability.

Did you find the story funny? Why?

At times, it is sad and emotional, exploring the mind of its young, autistic protagonist.
But at the other times, It’s charming and brilliantly funny, using the logic-based view of the hero
to make witty observations of the world.

How does the story affect the way you look people at home with autism? Why?

We think that a child with autism like Christopher, cannot do brilliant things like solving
math and get an A+ grade but cannot decide by himself to do something for others. Because
Christopher taught us that this kind of disability is not really a disability itself, instead it makes
them different and unique.
What do you think Christopher’s understanding of metaphors? Do you think he is right or
wrong? Explain your answer.

Christopher has trouble understanding metaphors, such as a dog was a stone dead. He
also has difficulty with nonverbal forms of communication, such as body language, facial
expressions and even the tone of someone’s voice. He tends to take statements literally and
requires very specific instructions in order to follow a command. He says “Be Quiet” they don’t
specify how long he should be quiet for.

Would you call him intelligent? Why or why not?

Yes, because even though he finds some things in different way he can also figure it out
differently and in that case we consider him as intelligent too aside from his ability in solving
math problems.

Does he make you look at things in a different way? Why is that important?

Yes, because he has difficulty in understanding others that can cause him look things in a
different way. It is important because even we, normal people thinks differently from each other
because we have different perspectives, experiences and understandings that makes us all unique.

Do you agree with him that people are confusing? Why or why not?

Yes, because we cannot digest all things in one bit maybe we can relate but our
understandings will affect it because we have different perspective to things and in life for
example in someone’s life but we couldn’t agree to it in a 100 percent.

How can you relate with him?

We can relate to him in a way that in a circle of friends you are sharing problems and they
are listening but not all of them will understand you or what is your true feelings.

He ends the story with the sentence “I want my name to mean me”. what does that mean?

His name Christopher means “Christ bearer” and we all know that Christ is perfect
himself because He is our God and as a child with autism Christopher thinks that he should not
have this kind of disorder to fulfill and mean his name.

What is social significance of the story?

This means that Christopher expresses himself in a simple and straightforward way and
cannot understand commonly accepted modes of signaling. Christopher’s condition affects the
way he connects and communicates with others. Although his IQ appears above average,
Christopher’s experiences and interactions are very limited by his developmental disorder.


What were your expectations of the story, considering that it was a set in Afghanistan? Did
it go against your expectations?

This is really asking for your opinion rather than mine. I don't know what your
expectations were. I recall thinking the story would have something to do with war.

How would you describe the burqa?

A burqa is a piece of clothing which a woman wears in order to cover her face, although
at times revealing only her eyes. Within the A Thousand Splendid Suns, the burqa is used in
order to hide a woman's outer appearance. According to Rasheed, a woman's face should only be
for the eyes of her husband.

Would you ever want to wear one? Why or why not?

No, I will not wear a burqa as I am not used to wearing one and also, this is usually worn
by woman.

What do you think it symbolizes?

The Burqua is meant to symbolize the imprisonment that marriage brings to women in
the Middle East.

In what instance did Mariam feel glad she had burqa on? Why did she feel this way?

Mariam wears her burqa out in town for the first time and finds it frustrating to move and
see in the garment. Mariam and Rasheed go to a park together, and afterwards he takes Mariam
to a crowded restaurant. She and Rasheed walk around Kabul which has more of an industrial
city feel to Mariam than that of Herat. Mariam has ice cream for the first time and finds herself
fascinated by the "modern women" who wear makeup and no head coverings. They are out on
the streets alone and some drive cars, smoke, etc... They make her feel that she is of a lower class
than they are.

What does the burqa reveal about Afghan and/or Muslim society?

The burqa is a symbol of the status of women. A symbol of oppression imprisonment.

The Taliban's intent in making it law for a woman to wear the burqua is a statement that the
women have no rights they should not be seen or heard.

Why is it important to show in the story that there are also modern women in Afghanistan?

In my opinion, it isn't showing the "modern" women that takes predence, but rather the
women's desire to be "modern". These women are pioneers in what for them is a very dangerous
situation. Through these women, we see courage and tenacity an hopefully an example for

Why does Mariam compare herself to the other women?

Mariam and Laila are quite different in some respects. Mariam is rather homely, while
Laila is a stunning beauty. Mariam was an illegitimate child, forced into marriage by her father;
Laila’s father adored her and encouraged his daughter to reach her full potential. Mariam was
denied an education, while Laila was a top student raised with the expectation that she would go
on to university. Mariam has only known the abuse of her older husband, while Laila had the
chance to experience true love with Tariq.

How would you describe Mariam’s relationship with Rasheed? What can you predict about
their relationship in the future?

Rasheed is a widowed shoemaker whose first wife and son died many years before his
marriage to 15-year-old Mariam. Conservative and willful, Rasheed quickly instructs Mariam on
what he believes an ideal wife should be: subservient, obedient, and fertile.

What do you feel toward Mariam? Explain your answer.

Mariam's shame at being illegitimate makes her unable to stand up for herself. When her
mother commits suicide after Mariam runs away at age 15, Mariam is plagued by guilt that
controls her for much of her life, which contributes to her tolerance at being married to the
abusive Rasheed. During her long marriage to Rasheed, Mariam's inability to have children turns
her into a resentful, bitter, and fearful woman. This helps her understand her own mother better,
and Mariam's life changes with the arrival of Laila, Rasheed's second wife. Through her love for
Laila and Laila's children, Mariam is able to fulfill her wish to be a mother and to finally give
and receive love.

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