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LEVEL 2.0 - 2.


IN CONTEXT 5-8 min LOC-P6-01- I

1. How this wise saying can be applied to a meeting leader?

Being afraid to participate in or lead a meeting in front of a crowd, a group of people or a few of your hierarchic superiors is normal.

Being scared is your body telling you that you are in a dangerous situation, here not physically but rather mentally, when one wants to perform well to demonstrate

his ability and value.

Courage is an attribute to possess to be able to master the art of leading a meeting especially when you are stil l green (a beginner) at it.

“Courage is doing what you're afraid to do.

There can be no courage unless you're scared.”
Eddie Rickenbacker 1890-1973
(American WWI pilot and airline businessman)

2. What is an effective meeting?

A meeting should be necessary (information sharing) and not just informative.

A meeting should have an objective.

A meeting should have an agenda send to all participant beforehand (objectives, topics, presenter of each topic and time allowed, background or

relevant information to topics)

Assign meeting preparation (asking questions, give a task regarding meeting topics and/or objective) to engage participants during the meeting.

Assign tasks during the meeting–Being pro-active.

Often issues/concerns arise during a meeting either examine further the question or hold another meeting for it and give responsibilities to your team

or each individual to find a solution.

Examine your meeting process (review what happened to see how you can improve leading a meeting)


Which phrases below express/allow for

1. So, I think … 7. I'm not convinced that …
2. Are you suggesting … 8. Excuse me
3. In my opinion, … 9. All comments through the chair if you don't mind
4. If you ask me … 10. Are you implying …
5. In that case, I agree 11. Perhaps you could suggest it for our next meeting.
6. I don't think he/she had finished. We'll get to you in a minute


 __________________________________________________________________
 __________________________________________________________________

Giving a point of view

 __________________________________________________________________
 ________________________________________________________________
 __________________________________________________________________

 __________________________________________________________________
 __________________________________________________________________

Interruptions or make someone stop speaking

 __________________________________________________________________

Cutting people short

 __________________________________________________________________
 __________________________________________________________________

Avoiding irrelevant discussion

 __________________________________________________________________
 __________________________________________________________________

What do you usually say for each language function above?


Which phrases have you heard in meetings? Which phrases have you used? In what situations?

Giving an I think we should… Why don’t we…

opinion / point The best thing to do is… One thing we could do is…
of view

Ask for an Peter, what are your views? John, what do you think?
opinion Peter, how do you feel about this? Any comments Julien?
Do you have any ideas on this Stephanie?

Suggesting Could I make a suggestion? I think we should

Shall we….? What if we…..
Why don’t we… How about….

Clarifications In other words ... you said... didn’t you? What you mean is ...
By that I mean… Did you say...? / Are saying that
Let me just go over the main points again …

Cutting people Sorry to interrupt/Pardon me but… Excuse me for interrupting, but

short Just a minute. Listen….. Hold on a moment….

Avoid This is not on the agenda.

irrelevant Let’s speak about it at a later date.

Agreeing / Soft (agreement by conviction) Soft:
Disagreeing That seems right. I don’t quite agree with that
I would agree with what Angela OK, but don’t you think that…
said. I see what you mean, however…
Yes, that makes sense. It’s a good idea, however….
That sounds like a good idea. I’m not sure about that because….
That might be all right but…
Firm (completely agree) Firm:
Yes, that’s a good/great idea. That’s wrong!
I agree completely. I don’t agree with you!

Interrupt/ Sorry, could I interrupt for a If I could just finish…

stop a person moment? If you’d let me finish what I was
talking Could I just say something? saying….
politely/softly Excuse me. Can I just say/ask…?

1. Explain unknown vocabulary from the chart. Ask other follow-up questions, as
What were you talking about?
Did you succeed in convincing your audience?
Did you successfully interrupt/cut people short/ clarify your point/avoid irrelevant

2. A) Giving an opinion
(can be used during a talk to a group as to lead an argument or to convince in a meeting)

• I’m quite certain that…
• I feel sure/secure that….
• My impression is that…
• It seems to me that…

B) Clarify
(can be used as well to explain by giving a meaning, a reason, a cause- or ask for details)

• That means...
• What I want to say is...
• The reason I’m telling you is...
• Let me explain what I mean...
• Because of...

(Ask for details)

• While we’re on the subject…
• I’d like to know more about…
• Could we discuss further…
• Is there anything else?
SPEAKING 5-8 min LOC-P6-01-S

1. Read the instructions

2. Perform the role play using phrases to
 Give an opinion.
 Interrupt.
 Ask for clarification/details.
 Make a suggestion.

Role-play 1
Your company employs five office cleaners who aren’t
needed for the next six weeks, but will be needed after
that. What can you do with them in the meantime?
Think of 3 possible solutions.

Instructor: Present the best possible solution and its

Learner: You don t agree with the solution offered. Spend a
minute thinking of reasons to support your argument.

Role-play 2
An audit explains that the level of motivation in your
company is not high enough. What are some ways in which
staff motivation can be improved?
Think of 3 possible solutions and their seasons.

Instructor: You don’t agree with the solution offered..

Spend a minute thinking of reasons to support your
Learner: Present the best possible solution and its reasons.
QUIZ 8-10 min

Match the vocabulary with its synonym

1. call (c) a. organize

2. call off (g) b. set up
3. adjourn (d) c. arrange
4. skip (e) d. close (an event)
5. put on(b) e. conduct
6. wind up (h) f. finalize
7. fix(f) g. cancel
8. hold(a) h. to not assist/attend


lead defer postpone put off bring forward put on

1. Don’t Put on the conference call yet. Let me check with my schedule.
2. This is Mark Duncan, he will be in charge of this project and Lead tomorrow’s meeting.
3. You need to pick up your colleague at the airport later. The flight arrival time has been
Postpone .
4. No, I can’t at 2 pm. Can we Postpone our meeting Bring forward in the morning?
5. The presentation has been __ from 1 pm to 2:30 pm.
6. Could you please Put on a meeting for the parking problem sometime in the morning next

Match the phrases 1 to 6 with the speaker intention a to f:

1. Are saying that (d) a. Giving an opinion

2. Just a minute. Listen, I (e) b. Suggesting
3. I would agree with what Mr. Z said.(c) c. Agreeing
4. The best thing to do is (b) d. Clarifying
5. What if we (a) e. Cutting people short
6. That might be all right, but (h) f. Avoid irrelevant discussion
7. If you’d let me finish what I was saying g. Interrupt
(g) h. Disagreeing
8. This is not on the agenda. (f)

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