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Excel Functions (Ma

No. of functions
covered From
S. No. Functio Group Function NamFunction Arguments
2 Maths 32 ABS Number

CEILING Number, Signficance

CEILING.PRECISENumber, Signficance

COMBIN Number,Number_Chosen
EVEN Number

EXP Number

FACT Number

FLOOR Number, Signficance

FLOOR.PRECISE Number, Signficance

GCD Number1, Number2….

INT Number

LCM Number1, Number2….

LN Number
LOG Number, Base
MOD Number, Divisor
MROUND Number, multiple
ODD Number
POWER Number, power
PRODUCT Number1, Number2,…
QUOTIENT Numerator, Denominator
ROUND Number, num_digits
ROUNDDOWN Number, num_digits
ROUNDUP Number, num_digits

SIGN Number
SQRT Number
SUM Number1, Number2,…
SUMIF Range,criteria,sum_range
SUMSQ number1,number2,…

TRUNC number, num_digits


LOG10 Number


MULTINOMIAL Number1, Number 2,..

PI No Arguments
Excel Functions (Maths)

Function Examples Function Result

ABS(-2) 2

CEILING(3.45, 0.5) 3.5


COMBIN(8,2) 28
EVEN(3) 4

EXP(2) 7.3890560989307

FACT(6) 720

FLOOR(3.45,0.5) 3


GCD(5,2) 1
INT(8.9) 8

LCM(5,2) 10
LN(86) 4.4543472962535
LOG(8,2) 3
MOD(5,3) 2
MROUND(15,4) 16
ODD(2.5) 3
POWER(4,3) 64
PRODUCT(G20:G23) 6144
ROUND(7.335,2) 7.34
ROUNDDOWN(37.3,0) 37
ROUNDUP(888.301,2) 888.31

SIGN(14) 1
SQRT(ABS(-49)) 7
SUM(G25:G27,10) 56.34
SUMIF(B5:B8,">850",C5:C8 320
SUMSQ(3,4) 25

TRUNC(-8.9) -8
DEGREES(25) 1432.3944878271

LOG10(15) 1.1760912590557


PI() 3.1415926535898
RADIANS(57.2957) 0.9999986122349
The real number of which you want the absolute value.
Returns an aggregate in a list or database.
Returns number rounded up, away from zero, to the nearest
multiple of significance

Returns a number that is rounded up to the nearest integer or to

the nearest multiple of significance. Regardless of the sign of the
number, the number is rounded up. However, if the number or the
significance is zero, zero is returned.
Returns the number of combinations for a given number of items.
Use COMBIN to determine the total possible number of groups for
a given number of items.
Returns number rounded up to the nearest even integer.
Returns e raised to the power of number. The constant e equals
2.71828182845904, the base of the natural logarithm.
Returns the factorial of a number. The factorial of a number is
equal to 1*2*3*...* number.
Returns the double factorial of a number.
Rounds number down, toward zero, to the nearest multiple of

Returns a number that is rounded down to the nearest integer or

to the nearest multiple of significance. Regardless of the sign of
the number, the number is rounded down. However, if the
number or the significance is zero, zero is returned.

Returns the greatest common divisor of two or more integers. The

greatest common divisor is the largest integer that divides both
number1 and number2 without a remainder.
Rounds a number down to the nearest integer.

Returns the least common multiple of integers. The least common

multiple is the smallest positive integer that is a multiple of all
integer arguments number1, number2, and so on.
Returns the natural logarithm of a number.
Returns the logarithm of a number to the base you specify.
Returns the remainder after a number is divided by a divisor.
Returns a number rounded to a desired multiple.
Rounds a number up to the nearest odd integer
Returns theallresult
Multiplies of a number
the number given raised to a power.
as arguments and returns the
Returns the integer portion of a division.
Rounds a number to a specified number of digits.
Rounds a number down, toward 0 (zero).
Rounds a number up, away from 0 (zero).
Determines the sign of a number. Returns 1 if the number is
positive, zero (0) if the number is 0, and -1 if the number is
Returns a positive square root.
Adds all the numbers in a range of cells.
Adds the cells specified by a given criteria.
Returns the sum of the squares of the arguments.
Truncates a number to an integer by removing the fractional part
of the number.
Converts Radians into Degrees. 1 radian = 57.2957 degrees

Returs the base-10 logarithm of a number.

The natural logarithm is the logarithm to the base e, where e is an
irrational constant approximately equal to 2.718281828. Its
written as ln(x) or loge(x).
logb(xy) = logb(x) + logb(y)
Example -
= 1+1+1 = 3
any square matrix I.e. to know the coefficient or the measure of 1 2
the matrix.
det A = ad - bc (For 2*2 matrix) 2 2
det A = aei + bfg + cdh - afh - bdi - ceg (For 3*3 matrix) 2 3

The multinomial is basically the ratio of the factorial of a sum of

values to the product of the factorials.
Example - Multinomial of 1,2,3 = (1+2+3)!/(1!*2!*3!)
= 6!/2!*3! = 60
Returns the value of mathematical constant Pi
Converts Degrees into Radians.

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