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Ben Cleveland

PhD student Smart Green Schools ARC Linkage
Faculty of Architecture, Building and Planning
The University of Melbourne
Ken Woodman
PhD student Smart Green Schools ARC Linkage
Faculty of Architecture, Building and Planning
The University of Melbourne

Learning from past

experiences: School
building design in the
1970s and today.
Editors’ preamble: This paper is co-written by Ben Cleveland, an educator and Ken Woodman,
an architect who were awarded APAI scholarships to undertake postgraduate study as part of
the Smart Green Schools’ Australian Research Council Linkage Grant (2008–2011). At the
midway point through the three-year research program, the authors reflect on the lessons
which can be learnt from the open-plan movement of the 1970s.
The paper introduces for readers key influences that resulted in changes to the shape and
appearance of learning environments in the 1970s and compares and contrasts them with
current thinking influencing both pedagogy and the design of learning spaces.
The paper ends by listing three strategies to help prevent the failures of the open-plan
classrooms of the 1970s being repeated.

In this paper, past experiences Learning environments are now

of open plan classrooms are required to support teachers
explored and lessons learned and students working together
during the 1970s are revisited. in a variety of group sizes and
In addition, influences on learning modalities to develop
contemporary school design are the students’ personal and social
discussed and trends regarding competencies and prepare
recent spatial changes are them for a lifetime of learning.
presented. Research findings
are discussed concerning the Lifelong learning skills may be
impacts and implications of fostered through students
International School of Bangkok ‘open’ school architecture and working with greater
Elementary School Library the following question is independence and self‑
Informal learning pods
addressed: ‘What lessons from regulation. In order for this to
Architect: Woods Bagot Thailand in
collaboration with Rubida Research the 1970s experience of open occur, fundamental changes to
Image: Woods Bagot classroom design and traditional school architecture
occupation can inform current are required.

Introduction school design and use?

In the concluding comments to
— In order to address student’s this paper, suggestions are
made regarding how a
Recent adoption of progressive individual learning needs,
pedagogies in schools has led school‑based education is successful transition from
to innovation in the design of becoming differentiated and traditional classrooms to
learning environments. In many personalised. As a result, contemporary learning spaces
ways such innovation mirrors educators are calling for learning may be achieved through
that of the open learning environments that offer a range education, collaboration
movement of the 1970s. of modern contexts for learning. and design.

58 Learning Spaces
1970s school design
Architect: Max Chester and Associates
Image Max Chester and Associates

Open plan schools:

the 1970s

Recent innovation in school
building design in Australia has
much in common with the
open plan schools movement
of the 1970s. During the late
1960s and the 1970s many
open plan schools were
constructed in Australia1, 2,
as well as in other countries
such as the United States,
Great Britain, Israel3, and
Canada4. This movement was
influenced significantly by the
work of the Educational
Facilities Laboratories in the
Plan of open plan school United States. This research
Rokeby Primary School, Tasmania organisation operated from
1958 until 1986 and is
attributed with developing and
popularising the concept of the
open plan schools.5

1. Beck, T.M., An Australian study of school environments. Australian Journal of Education, 1980. 24(1): p. 1–12. 2. Rodwell, G., Open‑plan school
architecture: a continuation of a tradition of bureaucratically imposed innovation in Australian state schools. Education Research and Perspectives,
1998. 25(2): p. 99–119. 3. Klein, Z. and Y. Eshel, The Open Classroom in Cross‑Cultural Perspective: A Research Note. Sociology of Education,
1980. 53: p. 114–121. 4. Thompson, J., Cooperative Learning in Computer‑Supported Classes, in Faculty of education. 2005, The University of
Melbourne: Melbourne. 5. Marks, J., A history of Educational Facilities Laboratories (EFL). 2009, Washington DC: National Clearinghouse for
Educational Facilities.

Educational and social reforms These spatial changes were
drove this wave of innovation, intended to support teachers in
with academics and shaping pedagogical practice.
educational bureaucrats calling Within these classrooms, it was
for new pedagogical practices expected that students and
and spaces which would teachers would work together
enable experiential and in a cooperative and collegiate
individualised learning6. These manner. It was intended that
reforms were influenced by the students would learn across a
work of educational variety of settings and be
philosophers such as Dewey7 granted some choice regarding

“However, and Friere8. Dewey advocated

experiential inquiry based
the activities in which
they engaged2.

by the mid learning that was connected to

student’s interests and their However, by the mid 1980s

1980s open lives beyond school. Friere

promoted the democratisation
open plan school architecture
had fallen from grace and the

plan school of education and advocated

the breakdown in the
traditional ‘cells and bells’
factory model had returned to

architecture traditional teacher‑student

relationship in favour of a
favour. In evaluating this
reversion to the traditional

had fallen reciprocal arrangement in model, Gump9 reported that

the education programs
from grace which all members of a
learning community acted as conducted in open plan

and the both teacher and learner. At

the same time, the prescriptive
schools often did not match
the intentions of the

traditional curriculum was being reviewed

and a more flexible,
architecture. He suggested that
educators did not take

‘cells and school‑created, curriculum was

being endorsed.
advantage of the potential of
the spaces to ‘provide a variety

bells’ The typical open plan

of groupings, activities,
individualisation of instruction,

factory classrooms of the 1970s had

spaces that catered for large
and most basically,
maximization of pupils’ choices

model had cohorts of students and team

teaching approaches. A variety
in obtaining their own
education’9. Brogden10
returned to of activity settings were reported similar findings and

favour.” present, including general

learning space, withdrawal
spaces, wet areas, quiet areas
and covered outside work
suggested open plan schools
failed because teaching
methodologies did not keep
pace with innovation in school
spaces. These classrooms design. He attributed this to
Ben Cleveland
accommodated a range of the conservatism of teachers
Ken Woodman group sizes and a variety of and the propensity to failure of
learning experiences. centrally imposed ideas.

New furniture designs were In response to this mismatch

devised to accompany open of space and practice, schools
school architecture, with frequently resorted to
mobile dividers, acoustic modifying open plan
screens, chalkboards and classrooms by creating more
tables all introduced to walled‑in spaces and
facilitate flexible returning to traditional
social arrangements2. teaching practices2.

6. Lackney, J.A., Changing partners in educational facilities, in CEFPI Conference. 1998: Vancouver. 7. Dewey, J., Experience and education.
1966, New York: Collier Books. 8. Friere, P., Pedagogy of the oppressed. 1970, New York: Herder and Herder. 9. Gump, P.V., The school as a
social situation. Annual Review of Psychology, 1980. 31: p. 553–582. 10. Brogden, M., Plowden and Primary School Buildings: a story of innovation
without change. FORUM, 2007. 49(1&2): p. 55–64.

60 Learning Spaces
The following research Further to this, Rodwell2 • The concept of space is
regarding the social and reported that some teachers changing to incorporate
academic impacts of open in open plan schools became the social meanings that
plan school architecture on confused in their educational people associate with
students reveal a number of role due to the pedagogical physical environments.
inconclusive and sometimes and spatial changes. Beck
contradictory findings. suggested that open plan These influences on
schools were not operating school architecture are
Through researching students’ under ideal circumstances explored below.
social responses to open plan and that with better support
classrooms, Traub, Weiss and for staff the open school
Fisher11 found that students in movement may have been
suburban open plan schools more successful. Pedagogical change
showed greater autonomy, In the 21st Century, evolving
more liking for school, and educational philosophies and
more positive attitudes towards Current influences pedagogies are again driving
themselves than students in
traditional classrooms.
on school the need for innovation in
However, these findings were architecture school design 13. Many schools
not consistent for students in — are seeking to personalise the
learning experience for
inner‑city open plan schools. The physical spaces in schools students so that they may
Also, it was found by Gump9 are currently changing in develop their individual
that highly able students response to a number of potential. Personalisation may
demonstrated higher factors. These include address students’ cognitive
self‑esteem, while less able the following: styles, learning strategies and
students showed lower their preferences for learning in
self‑esteem in open • Educators are looking to
particular environments14.
plan environments. update pedagogies in
Educators are seeking to
response new
With regard to student engage students in learning
understandings about how
academic performance, that is collaborative15, involves
students learn.
McPartland and Epstein12 deeper thinking16, and
• Information and addresses multiple
found no significant difference communications
in academic outcomes between intelligences17, so that students
technologies (ICT) are may develop strategies for
students who attended open becoming essential tools
schools and those who attended life‑long learning.
for education and need to
schools with traditional be integrated into Improved conceptual and
settings. However, the findings school buildings. physical connections between
of Beck1 contradict those of learning settings and the
• Environmentalists, and
McPartland and Epstein—at wider world are also
the wider community,
least upon initial examination. becoming common in schools.
are promoting the
Beck found that students in A focus on the critical analysis
advantages of
open schools scored lower on of real world situations and
constructing buildings
basic skills tests than students events is influencing
with sustainable
in traditional classrooms. In the pedagogical practices. The
features and recycling
analysis of this study, however, time spent by students
existing buildings.
Beck concluded that these synthesising and analysing
research findings were • Community groups are
subject matter is being given
confounded due to the way in seeking to use school
an ever‑greater weighting in
which open plan facilities were facilities for a variety
schools in preference to
imposed on school communities of social and
didactic knowledge transfer.
without adequate preparation educational purposes.
and support being provided for
the teachers working in them.

11. Traub, R.E., J. Weiss, and C.W. Fisher, Studying openness in education: An Ontario example. Journal of Research and Development in
Education, 1974. 8: p. 47–59. 12. McPartland, J.M. and J.L. Epstein, Open schools and achievement: extended tests of a finding of no relationship.
Sociology of Education, 1977. 42(April): p. 133–144. 13. Dudek, M., Schools and Kindergartens. 2008, Basel Switzerland: Birkhauser Verlag AG.
14. Burton, D., Psycho‑pedagogy and personalised learning. Journal of Education for Teaching, 2007. 33(1). 15. Vygotsky, L., Thought and
language. 1986, Cambridge, Mass.: MIT Press. 16. Bloom, B.S., et al., Taxonomy of Educational Objectives, Handbook 1—Cognitive Domain
1956, New York: David McKay. 17. Gardner, H., Multiple Intelligences: The Theory in Practice. 1993, New York: Harper Collins. 18. Zyngier, D.,
Connectedness—Isn’t it time that education came out from behind the classroom door and rediscovered social justice. Social Alternatives, 2003.
22(3): p. 41–49.
In examining this shift, careful consideration of
Zyngier18 emphasised the need pedagogical requirements,
for improved connectedness rather than technical
within school communities and requirements, was essential for
between schools and the wider the successful design of
community. He argued that technology aided learning
pedagogical settings within environments. In particular, they
which students are encouraged found that spaces needed to
to think critically are of utmost facilitate the movement of
importance. Fisher19 concluded teachers, so that they could
that there are spatial access and assist students as
implications related to these required. In addition, Thompson4
concepts. He suggested that found that there was a need for
spatial arrangements can the inclusion of spaces situated
influence the social power away from computers where
structures found in schools and students can plan computer
International School of Bangkok
that such structures can have aided tasks prior to commencing
The new Primary School Library work at the computer. Based on
Architect: Woods Bagot Thailand a significant impact on the
Image: K Fisher development of pedagogies. pedagogical requirements, she
recommended that
In response to these issues, computer‑aided learning
Lippman20 recommended that environments should include
learning environments should spaces for specific tasks, such as
be designed as integrated face‑to‑face lessons or class
systems that afford individual, meetings, planning group work,
one‑to‑one, small group, and carrying out group work,
large group activity settings. distance learning, and
In addition, he suggested that self‑paced or individual work.
students are more likely to
appropriate knowledge for Ecological sustainability
themselves and share their In response to concerns over
understandings with others environmental issues, school
when provided with buildings are now being
environments that allow for a constructed with ecologically
flow of activity. sustainable design features.
Both passive and active design
International School of Bangkok Information and principles are being
Links between spaces in the Year 1
communication implemented22. Passive design
Learning Centre
Architect: Woods Bagot Thailand technologies features include orientation,
Image: K Fisher ventilation, daylight and thermal
The desire to appropriately
mass, while active design
integrate ICT into schools is
features include solar and wind
placing pressure on existing
power generation, solar hot
school architecture. School
water, and water recycling.
buildings are now being
Passive design features not only
required to accommodate a
reduce carbon emissions but
multitude of new technologies also improve internal
including desktop and laptop environmental conditions such
computers, interactive as air quality, temperature,
whiteboards, data‑logging acoustics and daylight levels.
equipment, and a variety of
handheld devices.

Zandvliet and Fraser21 found that

19. Fisher, K., Schools as ‘prisons of learning’ or, as a ‘pedagogy of architectural encounters’: A manifesto for a critical psychological spatiality of
learning, in School of Education. 2002, The Flinders University of South Australia: Adelaide. 20. Lippman, P.C., Developing a Theoretical Approach
for the Design of Learning Environments, in Connected: International Conference of Design Education. 2007: Sydney. 21. Zandvliet, D.B. and B.J.
Fraser, Learning environments in information and communications technology classrooms. Technology, Pedagogy and Education, 2004. 13(1):
p. 97–123. 22. Ford, A., Designing the sustainable school. 2007, Mulgrave, Vic.: Images.

62 Learning Spaces
Improvements to these internal Community involvement
environmental conditions have
Members of school communities
been shown to directly improve
are increasingly being invited
student learning. Literature
to contribute to the design of
reviews by Fisher23 and
new school buildings through
Schnieder18 reported that
community consultation during
students can perform mental
the design process25.
tasks better at moderate
By consulting stakeholders,
temperatures and humidity
invaluable insights into a
levels, and that poor room
school’s culture may be gained
ventilation leads to increased
which can inform the design.
health problems and a
reduction in students’ ability to Also, partnerships between the
concentrate. In addition, these public and private sectors have
studies showed good acoustics encouraged community usage.
and adequate lighting to be In some cases, schools are St Leonards College, Cornish Campus, VIC
essential for good student using existing buildings within Northern Facade with Solar Flues
performance, with natural the local community to fulfil Architect: FSMA
lighting providing important needs for additional space. Image: FSMA

psychological and Such arrangements are further

physiological benefits. reinforcing the relationships
Finally, they found that good between schools and their local
air quality was correlated neighbourhoods26.
with reduced absenteeism.
Traditionally, school buildings “By consulting
In 2008 a voluntary
environmental assessment
have been used for limited
hours during the day and for a stakeholders,
tool, Green Star—Education,
was released to evaluate
limited number of days during
educational facilities [24; and
the year. Outside these times
school buildings have remained insights
see Hes in this journal]. This
assessment tool rates the
substantially vacant. Recently,
however, the wider community into a
environmental attributes of
new and refurbished
is beginning to utilise
educational facilities such as school’s
educational facilities and
provides a comparative star
classrooms, gyms, halls and
libraries during extended hours culture may
rating for the development.
The Green Star—Education
for both educational and
non‑educational purposes27. be gained
tool considers both building
and management attributes,
Furthermore, ‘extended schools’
are providing additional which can
including how the building
itself can be used as a learning
services to communities28.
inform the
resource for students.
The creation of this assessment
tool indicates support from
Service facilities being used by
the wider community include
family support and health
agencies, community drop‑in
government towards centres, early years learning
ecologically sustainable Ben Cleveland
centres and specialist learning
development in schools. spaces. As well as benefiting Ken Woodman
community groups, a shared
approach to the use of school
facilities can provide funds to
the schools through the rental
of school infrastructure.

23. Fisher, K., Building Better Outcomes: The Impact of School Infrastructure on Student Outcomes and Behaviour, Commonwealth Department
for Education Training and Youth Affairs, Editor. 2001. 24. Green Building Council Australia. Green Star—Education v1. 2009 [cited 2009 06
March]; Available from:‑star/rating‑tools/green‑star‑education‑v1/1762.htm. 25. Wright, S., User Involved in School
Building Design. Forum, 2004. 46(1): p. 41—43. 26. Spector, S., Creating Schools and Strengthening Communities through Adaptive Reuse. 2003,
National Clearinghouse for Educational Facilities: Washington DC. 27. Victorian State Government, Schools as Community Facilities, Department
of Education and Training, Editor. 2005, School Resources Division and Strategic Policy and Planning Division: Melbourne. 28. Wilkin, A., et al.,
Towards the Development of Extended Schools. 2003, DfES: London.

Perceptions of space Adaptable structures may be
Theorists, including Massey29, reconfigured to satisfy
are currently reassessing the significant changes in
concept of ‘space’. Space is no long‑term use through loose fit
longer being considered as just design26. Flexibility may
a physical enclosure but as a support a diversity of group
social product created through sizes and learning uses through
interactions of both the the manipulation of elements
physical and the social. With such as operable walls and
this concept, Massey asserts furniture33, 34. Learning
that space is constantly under environments may become
construction and is always agile, or polyvalent, by
being recreated. responding directly to
immediate teaching and
McGregor30, 31 has applied this learning needs through
concept of space to schools. spatial appropriation35, 36.
Ecolinc Facade She describes the spatiality of
Architect: Lyons schools as the social and In response to changing
Image: Ben Cleveland
physical interrelations and pedagogies, learning
interactions of students, environments are supporting
teachers, learning spaces and fluid movement of students
objects. Furthermore, and teachers between spaces.
McGregor32 notes that these Improved understandings of
interrelations go beyond the the connections between
classroom walls into the wider pedagogy and space are
community in a network of driving the creation of school
people and objects across facilities that feature a range
space and through time. of learning settings37.
This creates a dynamic concept Such settings provide for a
of the learning space, moving variety of group sizes and
from the idea of a ‘static activities, and are being
container’ into an active interlinked to allow for fluid
and vibrant network of movement between them38.
social interrelations
In many instances, the size
and interactions.
of learning environments
Ecolinc has grown in order to
accommodate larger student
Ecolinc Learning Space
Architects: Lyons Recent spatial cohorts and team teaching
Image: Ben Cleveland
changes to approaches. Fluid
learning environments have aided
environments the personalisation of student
— learning by supporting a
more egalitarian learning
The influences described
environment within which the
above have contributed to
teacher acts more as a guide
changes in the design of
than as the centre of all power
schools. In order to
and knowledge. In these
accommodate elements of
spaces, teachers are able to
change, school buildings are
move around to assist students
being designed to be more
and are no longer shackled to
adaptable, flexible and agile.
a desk at the front of the class.

29. Massey, D., For Space. 2005, London: Sage Publications. 30. McGregor, J., Spatiality and the Place of the Material in Schools. Pedagogy,
Culture and Society, 2004 b. 12(3): p. 347–372. 31. McGregor, J., Space, Power and the Classroom. Forum, 2004 a. 46(1): p. 13–18. 32. McGregor, J.,
Making Spaces: teacher workplace topologies. Pedagogy, Culture and Society, 2003. 11(3): p. 353–377. 33. Teacher Support Network and the British
Council for School Environments, Report on the School Environment Survey 2007 results. 2007. 34. Dittoe, W., Appealing Spaces.(designing school
facilities). American School & University, 2007. 80(2). 35. Heppell, S., et al., Building Learning Futures... 2004, Ultralab. 36. Hertzberger, H., Space
and Learning. 2008, Rotterdam: 010 Publishers. 37. Fisher, K., Proposed planning principles. Linking pedagogy and space. 2005, Department of
Education and Training (Victoria). 38. Calzini, J. and M. Featherston, Wooranna Park Primary. Architecture Australia, 2007. 96(5): p. 95–101.

64 Learning Spaces
Woorana Park Primary School, VIC
Axonometric interior view
Design: Mary Featherson Design
Image: Mary Featherson Design

Teachers are becoming

partners in the students’
some larger high schools are
being divided into smaller “Teachers
learning experience and
students are increasingly being
learning communities within
the overall institution40. are becoming
able to interact more freely, The creation of small
partners in
allowing for the natural human
process of knowledge
autonomous communities is
intended to support better
the students’
exchange. In these
environments there is improved
interpersonal relationships
and foster an improved sense learning
equity in the power relations
between teachers and
of belonging in students
and teachers. experience
students, as both give and
receive knowledge. and
The scale of schools is also students are
being reconsidered and smaller
learning communities are increasingly
being favoured. This approach
is backed by research in being able
America which has shown
to interact
that high schools catering for
600–900 students provide the
highest literacy and numeracy
more freely.”
results while also providing
social equity39. In Australia, Ben Cleveland
Ken Woodman

39. Ready, D.D., V.E. Lee, and K.G. Welner, Educational Equity and School Structure: School Size, Overcrowding and Schools‑Within‑Schools.
Teachers College Record, 2004. 106(10): p. 1989–2014. 40. Leonard, R., Space for Learning. Architecture Australia, 2007. 96(5): p. 59–66.

Concluding Thorough explanations of
comments contemporary educational
practices and associated
— school designs are required
The question posed earlier was to ensure ongoing
‘What lessons from the 1970s community support
experience of open classroom
design and occupation can In order to reduce instances of
inform current school design mismatch between design and
and use?’ This paper illustrates use, teachers and students
that the influences that drove require spatial education when
school design in the 1970s are initially occupying innovative
similar to those that are learning environments. This
currently driving school design support is required so that they
today. In order to prevent the may gain understandings of
International School of Bangkok failures of the 1970s being the facilities and subsequently
Elementary School Library repeated, it is suggested here utilise the potential of their new
Informal lounge area
Architect: Woods Bagot Thailand in
that three major issues need to environments. Education of this
collaboration with Rubida Research be addressed: education, type is likely to reduce anxiety
Image: Woods Bagot Thailand
collaboration and design. for teachers and the likelihood
that spaces will need to be
Firstly, teachers and extended modified in the future.
school communities require
education regarding Secondly, collaboration
contemporary pedagogies and between government,
spaces. Comprehensive educators, design professionals
in‑school professional and the extended school
education programmes are communities is required in
required to assist teachers to order to achieve a successful
better understand progressive shift to new pedagogical and
pedagogies and the associated spatial models in schools.
spatial implications: where The bureaucratic imposition
possible these should be of fundamentally different
initiated prior to the creation of educational and architectural
new learning spaces. As found concepts without adequate
by researchers of the 1970s understanding by teachers and
International School of Bangkok
Elementary School Library experience, it is wrong to the wider community should
Book shelving for easy access assume that changes to school be avoided. During any design
Architect: Woods Bagot Thailand in
collaboration with Rubida Research
architecture will lead teachers process a collaborative
Image: Woods Bagot Thailand to adopt new pedagogical approach is more likely to
practises. Armed with garner support and foster
enhanced pedagogical and ownership. Such collaboration
spatial understandings, is subsequently likely in
teachers can subsequently buildings that satisfy the
make informed contributions multiple needs of stakeholders.
to the design of learning
environments, and make best Finally, the design of new
use of these new environments learning environments should
once built. support contemporary
educational philosophies and
In addition, parents and the practices. Spaces are needed
wider community require that enable multimodal
education regarding changes communication between
to contemporary schooling. teachers and students, and
between students and

Community use
Image: Woodman

66 Learning Spaces
St Agatha Cranbourne, Victoria
1970s open plan classrooms
Architect: Max Chester and Associates
Image: Max Chester and Associates

students. A constant focus at Moreover, environmental

the ‘front’ of the class is no factors including thermal
longer required. Improved comfort, air quality, lighting
integration of information and and importantly acoustics will
communication technology will assist students to achieve their
assist students to work more academic potential through
independently and with greater improved personal comfort.
self‑regulation. These measures
will support the development The designs of today’s
of students’ personal and social contemporary learning spaces
competencies and preparing have many similarities to open
them for a lifetime of learning. plan classrooms of the 1970s.
Learning spaces that There is a risk that today’s
accommodate a variety of spaces will suffer the same fate
spatial settings, and the fluid as the open plan classroom.
movement of students and To ensure that modern learning
teachers from one setting to environments do not fail,
another, will facilitate the stakeholders need to address
use of a range of contexts the critical issues of education,
for learning. collaboration and design.

Ecologically sustainable design

will provide appropriate internal
Yackandandah Primary School, Victoria
conditions whilst reducing Contemporary learning spaces
impacts on the environment. Architect: NOW Architecture
Image: NOW Architecture

Minerva Access is the Institutional Repository of The University of Melbourne

Cleveland, B; Woodman, K

Learning from past experiences: School building design in the 1970s and today


Cleveland, B; Woodman, K, Learning from past experiences: School building design in the
1970s and today, TAKE 8 Learning Spaces: The transformation of educational spaces for the
21st century, 2009, 1, pp. 58 - 67

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