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The resources of the world we are living in is slowly becoming strained b human consumption.
The world Wide Fund has stated how humans have exhausted in less than eight months the
natural resources than the planet is able to produce in a 12 month period. Climate change is a
threat that no should ignore as it will definitely create a catastrophic consequence that can wipe
out humanity. Indeed it is enough to scare us living beings but it should instead serve as a
motivation to do something about the neglect that humans and countries alike have long
practiced. It is crucial for every citizen from every nation to launch measures to either mitigate or
resolve those factors leading to climate crisis, global warming and environmental degradation.

What is Climate Change?

'Climate change is the most severe problem that we are facing today, "lore severe even than the
threat of terrorism." These were the words of Britain's Chief Adviser, David King, 2004. Climate
change is a global concern. It is a problem that has to be resolved before it becomes too late as
this world is the only planet that humans have as their perfect habitat. This change is a global
crisis that denotes change in the weather patterns over a period of time and threatens the
environment and its components due to extreme conditions.

The United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) define climate
change as a direct or indirect results of human activity, altering the composition of the global

What are the Causes of Climate Change?

Climate change evolved from the common concept known before as 'Global warming.' Climate
change is a phenomenon resulting from the pollution that humans continuously produce.
Increase in global temperature resulted to warmer weather and severe weather conditions.
These changes can result to catastrophic events such that climate change is basically
irreversible. But what could have really caused this disastrous global concern?

Human Activity

Pollution caused by human activities such as emissions from automobiles and factories
produces greenhouse gases such as Carbon dioxide absorbs infrared lights from the
atmosphere that contributes to warming. These gases are trapped in the atmosphere for
decades and even hundreds of years. In the Fourth Assessment Report held in 2007 the IPCC
came out with the conclusion that global warming has accelerated in recent decades which is
directly related to increase in greenhouse gas (CHG) emissions associated with human
activities. The burning of fossil fuels and deforestation greatly affects climate more severely. It
was proven that if we want to arrest this situation then we need to reduce emissions by 80%
before 2050 to salvage climate and prevent the devastating negative impacts of this
environmental degradation to economies and societies across the globe.

Carbon dioxide is primarily produce through the burning of fossil fuels, solid waste, and wood
products. Deforestation and soil degradation also contribute to the release of carbon dioxide to
the atmosphere. Carbon dioxide, if it becomes heavy in the atmosphere is absorbed by the
oceans, increasing acidification which damages coral reefs and marine life. Methane and similar
gases act like Chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) which largely contributes to atmospheric degradation
and warming. Global reports stated that the year 2015 historic as the hottest year since records
began in 1880. Allegedly the 16 warmest years recorded are in the 1998-2015 period.


It is evident that human population is growing exponentially as it increases each year caused by
higher birth rate superseding mortality. The rapid Increase in population in many countries
contributes much to the ever increasing pollution in varied forms.
Water pollution, air pollution among others is severely affecting our environment. Population
explosion is detrimental to the planet as scarcity in resources results in extreme usage of the
earth's environment. The finite resources of this planet such as fossil fuels and minerals are
being stretched and it is resulting in waste and pollution.

What are the Effects of Climate Change?

The Greenhouse Effect

This effect is the cycle by which carbon dioxide, methane and other gases become trapped in
the atmosphere and results in the warming of the planet• The ultra violet radiation from the Sun
passing through the Earth's atmosphere is absorbed by land, water, vegetation and other
happens when greenhouse gas levels increase the infrared radiation which is trapped in the
Earth's atmosphere and lead to excess heat energy which severely heats up the planet.
Though trees can absorb carbon gases to limit its effect on the
atmosphere, deforestation has limited the ability of trees has to maintain the balance in
the temperature of the Earth's atmosphere.

Ecological Issues

Increasing carbon dioxide in the atmosphere leads to absorption by the oceans of these
gases. This phenomenon leads to acidification of the oceans which damage coral reefs
and marine life. Incidents of extreme weather are increasing which results to severe
flooding, tropical storms and even tornadoes in places where they never exist such as in
crowded cities and suburbs. These ecological issues are imminent threat to the
extinction of species. This can evidently lead as well to major changes in the global

Rising Water Level and Flooding

Warmer air resulting from the heating of the Earth's atmosphere is melting ice in the
Arctic as there is an increased aridity in Arizona. Same system is causing flooding in the
Maldives and the Middle East and increasing the number of hurricanes across the Mid-
West of America. Temperature fluctuations in the United Kingdom are brought about by
the same reasons which are not natural to the cycles we are aware of. While events like
flooding and droughts may seem unrelated or even in opposition to each other they all
boil down to the same cause severely warmer Earth atmosphere. It is of course a result of
more carbon in the atmosphere, which allows Arctic ice to absorb more radiation and it to melt
more rapidly. 70 percent of Earth water is frozen and as the Arctic and Antarctic is rapidly
heating it is possible that a large amount of this will be melting. This will move to the ocean
raising global sea levels and flooding coastal areas. Rising sea levels have increased
incidences of flooding and such people as what lost their victimized Cumbria when it was
devastated by Storm Desmond and without electricity sadly during the Christmas of 2016.

Extreme Weather Conditions

Climate change has severely affected weather conditions in almost all countries across
the globe. The increasing atmospheric temperature is negatively affecting weather
patterns. Scientific studies have shown temperature how extreme weather events like
heat waves and storms will be experienced more frequently and at an intense degree.
In 2011, and several Farenheit storms areas will for be in more Texas experienced than
and 100 Oklahoma more days. Moreover, in 2003 Britain had its highest temperature of
38.5C resulting to the death of 2,000 people. And this has become common in these
countries straining electricity providers. Heat waves brought about by rising
temperatures is continually resulting to fatalities.


Climate change is beginning to degrade and dry out land in several areas of the globe.
This has caused famine and food insecurity as land has become inhospitable and
unable to produce good harvests. This event heightens poverty, particularly in areas
where agriculture is the main source of livelihood. Data revealed that in 2001 it was
estimated that $40 Billion in income is lost every year due to desertification in the United
States. Similarly in Iraq from 2006 to 2010, the worst drought happened which brought
to a collapse in farming. Furthermore researches have shown that climate change
affects pathogens that are instrumental to crop losses. It has been predicted that the
effect of climate change will add a level of complexity to figuring out how to maintain
sustainable and productive agricultural activities.

Changes in Vegetation
Climate change gradually affects the type, distribution and coverage vegetation. It may result to
plant growth, earlier flowering and a distorted time. Radical changes will result to changes in the
timing of life cycles these plants. These radical changes will also result in vegetation stress,
rapid plant loss and eventually lead to desertification. Climate change can devastate tropical
rainforests and turn the habitat as an 'islands' with extinct plant and species. The conducive
environmental conditions required by some species starts to disappear which may result to a
rapid increase in extinction risk of some specific vegetation.

What is Being Done about Climate Change?

The effects of climate change are clearly felt around the planet. Inability to initiate action plans
to mitigate its impact will possibly result to devastating and catastrophic events which will
definitely lead to the loss of millions of lives and properties lost. Recently, essential international
agreement is initiated to curb the realities of dangers posed by climate change. Leaders and
194 parties from varied nations pledged under the Paris Agreement to work together to ensure
that the US will remain a global leader in the fight against climate change.

Change in Government Policies

Government agencies from every nation begin to prioritize the preservation of the environment
through the adoption of policies that will push for its promotion over business. Environmental
values should be the basis for decision-making. Economies should be maintained while
developing ways to prevent the further stretching of the environment to suffice human needs in
every region.

Use of Renewable Energy

Burning is one major cause of climate change. The move to use renewable energy resulted to
the development of alternative ways to produce energy such as solar power. China and India's
governments are investing in solar power which is directing the country away from a fossil-fuel
based economy. The Paris Agreement is emphasizing the significance of renewable energy and
Greenhouse gas removal (GGR) technologies which are also being supported by the majority
nations. The investment into renewable technology has made progress towards the production
New Agricultural Practices

The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) revealed that agriculture is responsible
for over a quarter of the total global greenhouse gas emissions. It is realized that innovations
that will be adopted in agricultural and technologies can play a vital role in the mitigation of the
impact of climate change. Creating and harnessing the necessary agricultural technologies ill
require innovations by utilizing technologies for new agricultural practices and improved global
cooperation between countries to work hand in hand to achieve climate goals.

It Pays to Know!

Climate Change and Wildlife

Global warming is likely to be the greatest cause of species extinctions this century. The
Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change says a 1.50C average rise may put 20-30% of
species at risk of extinction. If the planet warms by more than 30C, most ecosystems will
struggle. Many of the world's threatened species live in areas that will be severely affected by
climate change. And climate change is happening too quickly for many species to adapt.

Here are just a few examples of how climate change may increase the challenges we are
already facing in our conservation work.

1. Tiger

Tiger numbers in the wild have declined to as few as 3,200, largely due to poaching and habitat
loss. Climate change is likely to result in increasing sea levels and further risk of fire in the
already fragmented habitats where tigers live.

2. Snow Leopards

Warming in the Himalayas has already occurred at three times the global average. This is prime
snow leopard habitat and continued warming will cause their range to shrink as the treeline
moves higher up the mountains. This will not only fragment and isolate snow leopard
populations, but it will severely affect their prey too.
3. Asian Rhinos

Greater one-horned rhinos live on floodplain grasslands in northern India and Nepal. They rely
on the annual monsoon to bring sufficient and timely rain, to replenish the vegetation they feed
on. But a changing climate could disrupt this seasonal pattern and bring regular droughts or

4. Orang-utans

For orang-utans in Borneo which are already at risk because of deforestation, forest conversion
and illegal hunting—one of the first effects of climate change is likely to be food shortages
caused by unusual rainfall patterns. They're just one of the many species that will be affected.

5. African Elephants

In Africa, changes in rainfall will either bring too much rain—causing floods—or too little rain—
bringing more drought and wildfires. These changes may cause some areas to simply become
unsuitable for certain species to live in. African elephants can drink up to 225 litres of water
each day, so changing weather patterns may mean they have to travel further in search of
water-moving outside protected areas and coming into more contact with people.

6. Polar Bears

The Arctic is warming roughly twice as fast as the global average, causing the ice that polar
bears depend on to melt away. The sea ice is melting earlier and forming later each year. This
makes it more difficult for females to get to land in late autumn to den, and to the sea ice in
spring to feed. It means bears are fasting for longer— dramatically reducing their body weight
and physical condition and making it harder for them to survive the summer season.

7. Adélie Penguins

Adélie penguins are 'true' Antarctic penguins, meaning they spend most of their time in
Antarctica. But climate change is reducing the amount of sea ice in parts of the continent. One
of the Adélies main food sources, krill, breeds and feeds under the sea ice. Reduced sea ice
means reduced food for the Adélie penguins.


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