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Teacher (Student Name): Mrs.

Richardson- Unit Title: ELA

Carly Johnson

Grade Level: 2 Lesson Title: Formal vs Informal Language



Use knowledge of language and its conventions when writing, speaking, reading, or listening.

Compare formal and informal uses of English

Materials/Resources Needed:
● Language notebook with worksheet
● Pen/pencil

Anticipatory Set (List specific statements or activities you will use to focus students on
the lesson for the day.):

Ask the kids what are some things they would say to their friends: “Yo, how’s it going?” vs how they would
talk to the president: “Hello, how are you?”.

Objective/Purpose (For the student's benefit, explain what students will be able to do
by the end of the lesson and why these objectives are important to accomplish.):

Students will be able to know the difference between formal and informal language. They will be able to
identify it and use it.

Input (What information is essential for the student to know before

beginning and how will this skill be communicated to students?):
The teacher will go over their previous notes on formal vs informal language uses. Then take more notes on a
different sheet of paper, while explaining. Make the students write notes for them to pay attention.

Model (If you will be demonstrating the skill or competence, how will this be done?):

Do the first question in the notes and show the class how to answer it. Ask if they have any questions before
getting started.

Check for Understanding (Identify strategies to be used to determine if students have

learned the objectives.):
Ask some students to fill in the blank “Your car is ____” “sick”

Ask them what slang words they use

Ask the teenager helpers what slang words are popular

Guided Practice (List activities which will be used to guide student practice and provide a
time frame for completing this practice.):

Students will answer 8 questions on their own in 15 minutes.

Closure (What method of review and evaluation will be used to complete the lesson?):

Go over the answers to the formal vs informal language questions as a class. Call on students randomly.
Independent Practice (List homework/seatwork assignment to be given to students to
ensure they have mastered the skill without teacher guidance.):

Students will study notes for a quiz over formal vs informal language tomorrow.

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