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OPINION Aspirin-exacerbated respiratory disease: an update
Duy Le Pham a,b,c, Ji-Ho Lee a, and Hae-Sim Park a,b

Purpose of review
The pathophysiology of aspirin-exacerbated respiratory disease (AERD) is not fully understood and
diagnostic methods and so far, treatments for AERD have not been standardized. We summarize recent
research into the pathological mechanisms of AERD, diagnostic methods, and treatments for AERD patients.
Recent findings
In AERD pathophysiology, not only the reduced expression of E prostanoid 2 but also the dysfunction of its
pathway could be involved. Moreover, eosinophils of AERD patients could be directly activated by aspirin
to produce prostaglandin D2. Platelet activations are well known to be involved in AERD; however, plasma
markers do not change during aspirin challenge tests. Additionally, novel genetic polymorphisms, such as
P2RY12 and dipeptidyl peptidase 10 gene, and epigenetic predispositions of AERD were found. In AERD
diagnosis, bronchial and nasal aspirin challenges have been applied in addition to oral challenge. Serum
periostin has been suggested as a potential biomarker for AERD. Apart from standard pharmacological
treatment and aspirin desensitization, biologics, including omalizumab and mepolizumab, as well as
CRTH2 antagonists have been suggested as promising therapies for AERD treatment.
AERD is usually associated with severe asthma phenotypes. AERD pathophysiology mainly involves the
dysregulation of eicosanoid metabolisms, activations of effector cells, which could be influenced by
genetic/epigenetic factors. Understanding the pathophysiology of AERD is key to improve the diagnostic
methods and proper management of AERD patients.
aspirin-exacerbated respiratory disease, asthma, diagnosis, pathophysiology, treatment

INTRODUCTION based on aspirin challenges; however, biomarkers

Aspirin-exacerbated respiratory disease (AERD) is a for increased diagnostic and prognostic values have
major clinical phenotype of NSAID hypersensitivity also been investigated. The safety and effectiveness
that involves upper and lower airway mucosa [1 ].
of aspirin desensitization in AERD patients have
Several studies demonstrated that AERD affects also been investigated providing promising
7–20% of asthmatic patients [2,3]. AERD is charac- methods for the management of refractory AERD.
terized by Samter’s triad that includes asthma, Furthermore, some existing and novel biologics may
chronic rhinosinusitis, and nasal polyps, which offer promising treatment options for AERD. This
are exacerbated upon ingestion of cyclooxygenase review summarizes recent insights into the patho-
(COX)-1 inhibitors such as aspirin and nonselective physiology, diagnostic methods, and advances in
NSAIDs [4]. Patients with AERD typically have a AERD management.
higher prevalence of severe asthma phenotype with
a requirement for high-dose corticosteroids com-
pared with those with aspirin-tolerant asthma
(ATA) [5]. Although the pathogenic mechanisms Department of Allergy and Clinical Immunology, Ajou University School
of Medicine, bDepartment of Biomedical Sciences, Ajou University
of AERD are not fully understood, numerous studies
School of Medicine, Suwon, South Korea and cFaculty of Medicine,
provided insight into AERD pathophysiology, University of Medicine and Pharmacy, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam
which includes dysregulated eicosanoid metab- Correspondence to Hae-Sim Park, MD, PhD, Department of Allergy and
olism, activated effector cells such as eosinophils, Clinical Immunology, Ajou University School of Medicine, Worldcup-ro
mast cells, and platelets. In addition, various genetic 164, Youngtong-gu, Suwon-si 443-380, South Korea. Tel: +82 31 219
predispositions in AERD have also been found and 5150; fax: +82 31 219 5154; e-mail:
offer information for personalized management of Curr Opin Pulm Med 2017, 23:89–96
AERD patients. Presently, AERD diagnosis is mainly DOI:10.1097/MCP.0000000000000328

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(EP2) [11–13]. Lower PGE2 expressions in peripheral

KEY POINTS blood leukocytes, nasal epithelial cells, and nasal
 AERD pathophysiology mainly involves dysregulation of fibroblasts (NF) of AERD compared with ATA

the eicosanoid metabolism, where not only reduced patients were reported [14 ,15]. Additionally,
expression of EP2 but also the dysfunction of its reduced EP2 expression was observed in nasal polyps
pathway may be involved. and NF of AERD patients [9,16]. The activation of
EP2 by PGE2 or EP2 agonists induces the accumu-
 Novel AERD-associated genetic (e.g., P2RY12, DPP10)
and epigenetic polymorphisms have been found. lation of cyclic AMP (cAMP), which subsequently
activates protein kinase A (PKA) to phosphorylate 5-
 AERD diagnosis can be established with aspirin LO and prevents the production of CysLTs [17,18 ].

challenges via oral, bronchial, or nasal routes; in In AERD patients, a lower level of PGE2-induced
addition, biomarkers such as eosinophilia, serum
cAMP accumulation was noted in NF compared with
periostin, LTE4 in EBC, and BAT are
potential candidates. control study participants, consistent with the
reduced EP2 expression in those cells [16]. In con-
 Biologics including antibodies against IgE trast, another study demonstrated comparable
(omalizumab) and IL-5 (mepolizumab) as well as levels of PGE2-induced cAMP accumulation and
CRTH2 antagonists may offer potential in future
EP2 expression in granulocytes of AERD and ATA
treatment of AERD. &&
patients as well as control study participants [18 ].
The latter study identified PKA dysfunction in gra-
nulocytes as a mechanism of PGE2 resistance found
in AERD patients [18 ]. These findings suggest that
EXACERBATED RESPIRATORY DISEASE a downregulation of EP2 as well as a malfunction of
its signaling pathway may contribute to AERD
Dysregulated eicosanoid metabolism pathogenesis. However, altered PGE2 –EP2 expres-
The most well known underlying pathomechanism sion level can vary among cell types and should
of AERD is the dysregulation of arachidonic acid be further studied.
metabolism [6]. COX inhibitors that shift arachi- Leukotriene (LT) A4, produced from arachidonic
donic acid metabolism from COX to 5-lipoxygenase acid via the 5-LO pathway, is unstable and rapidly
(5-LO) pathway are known to increase the pro- converted into LTC4, and subsequently into LTD4
duction of cysteinyl leukotrienes (CysLTs), produc- and LTE4. CysLTs bind to CysLT type 1 receptor
ing bronchoconstriction and airway inflammation (CysLTR1) and/or CysLTR2. CysLTR1 expressions
[7,8 ]. However, this cannot fully explain why COX on inflammatory cells are upregulated in AERD
inhibitors do not induce symptoms in ATA despite patients compared with ATA patients [4]. Increased
similar acting mechanisms. Recent evidence activity of 5-LO and LTC4 synthase as well as
suggests different expression levels of metabolic increased production of LTE4 and other CysLTs in
enzymes and eicosanoids in the two arachidonic AERD have also been widely reported [6,15]. LTE4
acid metabolism pathways between AERD and was found to bind weakly to CysLTR1 and CysLTR2
ATA patients [4]. in vitro and in vivo; however, it could interact with
In COX pathway, arachidonic acid is converted ADP-reactive purinergic receptor (P2Y12) or G-
into prostaglandins (PG) E2, PGF2, PGI2, and PGD2 protein-coupled receptor 99 [4]. However, a recent
by corresponding prostaglandin synthases or into study found that LTE4 can fully activate CysLTR1 on
thromboxane (TBX) A2 by TBX synthase. Among the human mast cells (LAD-2), which may explain its
prostaglandins, PGD2 can induce bronchoconstric- potent proinflammatory activity observed in asth-
tion, vasodilation and recruit eosinophils, baso- &
matic patients [19 ].
phils, and T-helper cells by interaction with its Lipoxins (LX) are produced by 15-LO pathway
receptor D prostanoid 2 or the G-protein-coupled and have been found to inhibit CysLTs production
chemokine receptor homologous molecule and eosinophilic infiltration into the lung of mice
expressed on Th2 lymphocytes (CRTH2). AERD with pulmonary inflammation [15]. An epimer of
patients had an elevated PGD2 generation that fur- LXA4 (15-epi-LXA4) is also produced by COX-2,
ther increased in a subgroup of AERD patients intol- &
which is acetylated in the presence of aspirin [8 ].
erant to high-dose aspirin desensitization but Several studies [20–22] demonstrated lower levels of
decreased in the tolerant subgroup [9,10]. In con- LXA4 in nasal lavage fluid (NLF) and 15-epi-LXA4
trast, PGE2 has a protective effect against broncho- (an epimer of LXA2) in urine of AERD patients
constriction, allergic inflammation, mast cell compared with those of ATA patients, suggesting
degranulation, and eosinophil recruitment when a protective role of these metabolites in AERD
binding to its receptor, termed E prostanoid 2 pathogenesis.

90 Volume 23  Number 1  January 2017

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Aspirin-exacerbated respiratory disease: an update Le Pham et al.

Cells involved in aspirin-exacerbated CD63, and CD69 on platelets of AERD patients,

respiratory disease which correlated with CysLTs overproduction and
Increased eosinophil infiltration, degranulated mast persistent airflow limitation. Adherence of platelets
cells in tissues, and platelet activation have been to leukocytes (e.g., eosinophils, neutrophils, and
characterized in AERD (Fig. 1). A higher level of monocytes) mediated by P-selectin also facilitates
eosinophilic cationic protein (ECP) in NLF as well leukocyte adhesion and transmigration into
as an increased serum level of eosinophil-derived inflamed airway tissues that contribute to AERD

neurotoxin were also found in AERD patients com- pathogenesis [15,29,30 ]. However, plasma markers
pared with those with ATA, which supports the of platelet activation remained unchanged during
involvement of eosinophil activation in AERD path- aspirin challenge suggesting that plasma markers do
ophysiology [23,24]. Increased IL-5 production was not reflect platelet activation within the airways

found in nasal polyp tissue of AERD patients induc- [30 ]. Although these findings suggest potential
ing eosinophil infiltration and activation [25]. therapeutic options targeting platelet activation
Aspirin has been found to directly induce a higher and their interaction with leukocytes, factors that
production of PGD2 from the eosinophils of AERD enhance platelet activation in AERD remain to
compared with ATA patients and implicates eosino- be elucidated.
phil as another source of PGD2 in AERD apart from
mast cell [26]. Mast cell activation in AERD is evi-
denced by the release of histamine, tryptase, and Genetic mechanisms
PGD2 in NLF. A recent study [7] found an elevated Numerous studies have identified genetic single-
epithelial IL-33 expression in AERD patients, which nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) associated with
is induced by LTE4 to activate mast cells. The role of AERD (Table 1) [8 ]. SNPs in CysLTR1 ( 634 C>T,
mast cells in AERD has been widely reported; how- 475 A>C, 336 A>G) and CysLTR2 ( 189 T>C) are
ever, basophil activation levels at baseline and after shown to associate with AERD and could influence
aspirin stimulation were not different between gene transcriptional activity [31–33]. COX-2 765
AERD and ATA patients [27,28]. Recent studies G>C SNP could also affect gene transcriptional
[29,30 ] on the role of platelet activation in AERD activity and contribute to PGD2 production in AERD
have shown elevated expressions of P-selectin, patients [34]. AERD susceptibility is also associated

Airway epithelial cells

Periostin IL-33
IL-5 Omalizumab

Platelet activation
Eosinophil activation Mast cell activation platelet adherent leukocyte

5-LO inhibitor

EDN ECP PGD2 Histamine CysLTs



FIGURE 1. Cells involved in the pathophysiology of aspirin-exacerbated respiratory disease (AERD) and potential treatments
for AERD. CRTH2, chemokine receptor homologous molecule expressed on Th2 lymphocytes; CysLTs, cysteinyl leukotrienes;
CysLTR, CysLT receptors; DP2, receptor D prostanoid 2; ECP, eosinophil cationic protein; EDN, eosinophil-derived neurotoxin;
GPR99, G-protein-coupled receptor 99; IL, interleukin; LO, lipoxygenase; LTRA, leukotriene receptor antagonist; P2Y12, ADP-
reactive purinergic receptor; PGD2, prostaglandin D2.

1070-5287 Copyright ß 2016 Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc. All rights reserved. 91

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with the SNPs on TBXA2 receptor gene (TBXA2R in peak expiratory flow within 4–11 h after BAC
4684 C>T, 795 T>C) [35,36], PGE receptor (late-phase reaction) and at least 20% fall in forced
(PTGER)2 ( 616 C>G, 166 G>A), PTGER3 expiratory volume in 1 s (FEV1) to yield a sensitivity
( 1709 T>A, rs7543182, rs959), PTGER4 ( 1254 of 91% and a specificity of 100% for AERD diagnosis
A>G) [37–39]. SNPs on genes involved in acti- [50]. Additionally, when extrabronchial symptoms
vations of eosinophil [IL-5 receptor a (IL-5Ra (cutaneous and nasal symptoms), late-phase reac-
5993G>A)] [40], basophil and mast cell [Fc-epsilon tion, and the fall in FEV1 were taken into account,
receptor 1 (FCER1G 237 A>G, FCER1A 344 T>A)] the BAC sensitivity reached 94% compared with
[41,42], and histamine N-methyltransferase (HNMT 80.5% when only using spirometry criteria [50].
939 A>G)] [43] were also associated with AERD Nasal lysine-aspirin challenge is an alternative
susceptibility. Genome-wide association studies method, especially in patients with severe asthma
with large cohorts of Korean populations [44,45 ] because it seldom triggers a bronchial response [49].
reported associations of HLA (human leukocyte A recent study [51] indicated 88% of patients had a
antigen)-DPB1 polymorphisms such as rs1042151, positive nasal challenge and 12% of the remaining
rs3128965 as well as Met105Val, with AERD patients had positive responses following OAC.
susceptibility and implicate HLA-DBP1 as having a OAC provides sensitivity up to 90% and is pres-
crucial role in AERD development. ently the most sensitive diagnostic test for AERD.
Two SNPs on P2Y12 receptor gene (P2RY12 742 The test usually starts with 20–30 mg of aspirin
T>C and 18 C>T) have been found to be associated followed by a gradually increasing dose every 3 h
with increased ECP level in NLF and P2Y12 expres- until a cumulative dose of 1000 mg has been reached
sion level on platelets of AERD patients [46]. Our [52]. In a meta-analysis, the mean provocative dose
group demonstrated the associations of the of aspirin that triggered respiratory symptoms was
rs17048175 (TT genotype) in dipeptidyl peptidase 85.8 mg, which varied from 61.7 to 197.7 mg accord-
10 gene (DPP10) with AERD susceptibility as well as ing to different FEV1 thresholds [53 ]. Previously,
increased total serum IgE and serum DPP10 levels in FeNO was found to be higher in AERD than in ATA
asthmatic patients [47 ]. The different DNA meth- patients after a BAC, suggesting FeNO as a potential
ylation levels of 490 loci found in 437 genes among biomarker for AERD [54]. Recently, a low oral dose
AERD and ATA patients also suggest an involvement (40 mg) of aspirin challenge in combination with
of epigenetic factors in AERD pathogenesis [48]. FeNO has been suggested to distinguish AERD from
However, these studies need to be replicated and ATA patients [55 ]. However, clinicians should note
further investigations are required to assess the that a small portion of AERD patients could tolerate
role of genetic/epigenetic factors in the disease a low aspirin dose [56 ].
pathomechanism. Diagnostic biomarkers are presently under
investigation. As AERD mainly involves eosino-
philic inflammation and the dysregulation of
DIAGNOSIS OF ASPIRIN-EXACERBATED CysLTs, eosinophilia is a suggestive diagnostic
RESPIRATORY DISEASE marker in suspected AERD [57]. Although increased
Thorough history taking is fundamental to diagnose numbers of activated eosinophils in bronchial biop-
AERD. Kowalski and Makowska [1 ] suggested a step- sies of AERD patients were documented [58], some
wise approach for a careful history taking and diag- studies have reported an insignificant difference in
nostic work-up based on the new classification in the blood and sputum eosinophil counts between AERD
guidelines. Oral aspirin challenge (OAC) remains the and ATA patients even though the values tended to
gold standard for AERD diagnosis; however, other be higher in the AERD group [23,59]. In comparison
tests with a reduced risk of adverse reactions and with ATA patients, AERD patients had a higher
increased diagnostic yield have been investigated. serum periostin level, which is considered a predic-
They include other routes of aspirin challenge (e.g., tor for eosinophilic airway inflammation [60 ,61].
bronchial or nasal challenge), biomarkers such as Serum periostin levels in AERD patients were sig-
fractional exhaled nitric oxide (FeNO), eosinophilia, nificantly higher in patients with severe chronic
serum periostin, urine LTE4 level, and basophil rhinosinusitis (CRS) compared with those with less
activation test (BAT) to diagnose AERD. severe CRS [60 ]. Urinary CysLTs and LTE4 metab-
Bronchial aspirin challenge (BAC) has become olites were significantly higher in AERD patients
widespread because of its safety and a shorter compared with ATA, which increased further after
duration compared with OAC. However, BAC may an aspirin challenge test and indicated that urine
have a lower sensitivity and cannot replace OAC LTE4 metabolite can be a potential biomarker to
when patients only have upper airway symptoms diagnose AERD [59]. However, data of exhaled
[49]. A recent study suggested a combination of fall breath condensate (EBC) LTE4 levels are inconsistent

92 Volume 23  Number 1  January 2017

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Aspirin-exacerbated respiratory disease: an update Le Pham et al.

Table 1. Genetic polymorphisms associated with aspirin-exacerbated respiratory disease

Pathway/gene SNP Suggested functions Reference

Eicosanoid metabolism
CYSLTR1 634 C>T, 475 A>C, 336 A>G These SNPs affected gene transcriptional [31–33]
COX-2 765 G>C This SNP affected gene transcriptional activity [34]
and PGD2 production
TBXA2R 4684 C>T This SNP affected gene transcriptional activity [35,36]
795 T>C This SNP associated with percentage fall in
FEV1 after aspirin challenge
PTGER2 616 C>G, 166 G>A ND [37]
PTGER3 1709 T>A, rs7543182, rs959 ND [37,38]
PTGER4 1254 A>G This SNP affected gene transcriptional activity [37,39]
Effector cell activations
IL-5RA 5993 G>A This SNP affected gene transcriptional activity [40]
associated with serum level of specific IgE
antibody to SEA and may affect eosinophil
FCER1G 237 A>G This SNP associated with increased total IgE [41]
serum level in AERD patients
FCER1A 344 T>A This SNP associated with serum levels of total [41,42]
IgE and specific IgE to SEA
HNMT 939 A>G This SNP affected HNMT mRNA stability, [43]
protein expression, and enzymatic activity of
P2RY12 742 T>C, 18 C>T These SNPs were associated with eosinophil [46]
cationic protein level in nasal secretion and
P2Y12 expression level on platelet
DPP10 rs17048175 The TT genotype could contribute to [47 ]

eosinophilic inflammation in AERD

HLA system
HLA-DBP1 rs1042151, rs3128965, Met105Val ND [44,45 ]

AERD, aspirin-exacerbated respiratory disease; COX, cyclooxygenase; CYSLTR, cysteinyl leukotriene receptor; DPP10, dipeptidyl peptidase 10; FCER, Fc-epsilon-
receptor; FEV1, forced expiratory volume in 1 s; HLA, human leukocyte antigen; HNMT, histamine N-methyltransferase; IL-5RA, IL-5 receptor a; ND, no data;
PGD, prostaglandin; PTGER, prostaglandin E receptor; SEA, staphylococcal enterotoxin A; SNP, single-nucleotide polymorphism; TBXA2R, thromboxane A2

among studies [52,62]. Following BAC, EBC-LTE4 mild asthma, relatively controlled with low health-
levels were more increased in AERD patients care use (34.8% of patients); class 3, severe asthma,
but not statistically different from patients with poorly controlled with severe exacerbation and air-
ATA [62]. way obstruction (41.3% of patients); and class 4,
The value of BAT in AERD diagnosis has also poorly controlled asthma with frequent and severe
been investigated. However, levels of basophil acti- exacerbation in female patients (5.0% of patients)
vation at baseline and after aspirin stimulation [63 ]. This novel classification may facilitate the
showed inconsistent results yielding a low sensi- diagnosis and precision medicine for AERD patients,
tivity, ranging from 30 to 67% [27,28]. Therefore, although its practical approach needs to be further
the diagnostic value of BAT and its protocol should investigated in larger cohorts.
be further studied to apply to AERD diagnosis.
Considering the heterogeneity of AERD, a recent
study has classified 201 AERD patients into four ASPIRIN-EXACERBATED RESPIRATORY
subphenotypes (latent classes) using an advanced DISEASE TREATMENT
biostatistical analysis, which includes class 1, mod- Treatment for AERD patients includes pharmaco-
erate asthma with intensive upper airway symptoms logical therapies and desensitization, and presently
and blood eosinophilia (18.9% of patients); class 2, novel treatment options with biologics are being

1070-5287 Copyright ß 2016 Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc. All rights reserved. 93

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explored (Fig. 1). Leukotriene modulators, including aspirin [75]. Local IgE in airway tissue was con-
leukotriene receptor antagonists (LTRAs) and 5-LO sidered to have a pathogenic role in the disease
inhibitors, are widely used in AERD treatment. [76]. Moreover, several case reports testified of oma-
Aspirin desensitization may be considered when lizumab’s beneficial effects in AERD [64,65 ]. Hence,
patients are refractory to conventional medications omalizumab could be an add-on treatment for AERD
or need aspirin/NSAID maintenance [64]. Further- patients with CRSwNP, although more clinical trials
more, specific antibodies against IgE (omalizumab) should be conducted.
and IL-5 (mepolizumab), as well as CRTH2 Mepolizumab had a beneficial effect in a small
antagonists have shown promising effects in randomized double-blind study with 20 patients
patients with asthma and/or nasal polyps. with CRSwNP that included five patients with
LTRA (e.g., montelukast) and 5-LO inhibitor aspirin intolerance [77]. In total, 60% of patients
(e.g., zileuton) are being prescribed as mono or who received two single intravenous injections of
add-on therapy to standard treatment based on mepolizumab (750 mg) with 28-day interval had
the pathogenesis of AERD. Consequently, LTRA is improved nasal polyp score and polyp size. More-
the most widely used drug in clinics for treatment over, blood eosinophil count, serum ECP, and serum
modality [65 ]. AERD patients treated with an LTRA IL-5Ra subunit levels also significantly decreased in
or 5-LO inhibitor showed improvement in symp- the mepolizumab-treated group [77]. A phase 2
toms, lung function, quality of life, exacerbations, clinical trial (NCT01362244) reported the benefit
and less bronchodilator use [66,67]. In addition, of mepolizumab in reducing the need for surgery
LTRA has a protective effect on nasal response in patients with severe bilateral nasal polyp, includ-
during nasal lysine-aspirin challenge as well as asth- ing those with aspirin hypersensitivity. Although
matic response during OAC in patients with AERD the effectiveness and safety of mepolizumab in
[68 ]. The therapeutic effects of LTRAs and 5-LO AERD has not yet been systematically investigated,
inhibitors for CRS with nasal polyposis (CRSwNP), anti-IL-5 antibodies may offer a promising treat-
regardless the coexistence of asthma or AERD, were ment option because of the crucial role of IL-5
also established [69]. and eosinophil in AERD pathophysiology.
Aspirin desensitization has shown therapeutic Given the role of PGD2 and its receptor CRTH2
effectiveness in the treatment of AERD [70]. In a in the AERD pathophysiology, CRTH2 antagonists
recent survey with 190 AERD patients, 85 out of 93 could be another potential treatment option. A
patients (91%) who had undergone desensitization multiple dose, randomized, double-blind, placebo-
found the therapy to be effective in symptom con- controlled study with approximately 440 asthmatic
trol, whereas smaller groups of patients had their patients demonstrated a beneficial effect of the
symptoms improved by LTRAs (50%), 5-LO inhibi- CRTH2 antagonist (OC000459) on lung function
tors (52%), or omalizumab (57%) [65 ]. Another and incidence of exacerbation in patients with
study [71] also reported that AERD patients who uncontrolled eosinophilic asthma. Nevertheless,
received 624 mg of aspirin once daily for 6 months effectiveness of CRTH2 antagonist in AERD treat-
showed improvements in nasal symptoms, asthma ment needs to be established [78].
control scores, and decreased use of inhaled cortico- In addition to pharmacological therapies,
steroids. In addition, desensitization was shown to dietary factors may also influence AERD control
significantly improve lung function and sinusitis as status. A low-salicylate diet was reported to reduce
estimated by sinus computed tomography scan [72]. AERD symptoms in 24 of 71 (34%) AERD patients in
In AERD patients who had nasal polypectomy, a survey-based study [65 ]. In another prospective,
desensitization could improve both nasal symptoms crossover single-blind multicenter study with 30
and nasal polyp scores, as well as the requirement for AERD patients, a 6-week low-salicylate diet signifi-
& &
recurrent surgery [73 ]. There is no standardized cantly improved the disease scores [79 ]. These find-
protocol for aspirin desensitization; however, main- ings suggest that controlling the diet of AERD
tenance aspirin dose of 650 mg twice daily for the patients could be of additional benefit to the current
first month and a lower dose of 325 mg twice daily, management of the disease.
as symptom controlled, are recommended [68 ].
Omalizumab has been investigated in the treat-
ment of moderate-to-severe allergic asthma [74]. In CONCLUSION
a small randomized, double-blind, placebo-con- AERD is a major manifestation of NSAID hypersen-
trolled study, omalizumab effectively improved sitivity and usually associated with severe asthma
upper and lower airway symptoms, quality of life, and CRS. The pathophysiology of AERD is compli-
and nasal polyp score in asthma patients; 12 of the cated and involves dysregulation of the arachidonic
24 study participants in this study were sensitive to acid metabolism, activated eosinophils, mast cells,

94 Volume 23  Number 1  January 2017

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Aspirin-exacerbated respiratory disease: an update Le Pham et al.

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This research was supported by a grant of the Korea This is the first study to describe the impaired PKA function in granulocytes of
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96 Volume 23  Number 1  January 2017

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