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This learning method encourages the understanding of basic concept of breast anatomy.

- Describe location and description of breast.
- Describe the changes of mammary gland at different stages (young woman,
pregnancy and menopause)
- Describe the anatomy of mammary gland and it”s clinical correlation
- Describe vascularitation of breast
- Describe lymphatic drainage of breast
- Descrine innervation of breast

Explaining general steps during activity, including:
1. Introduction: explaining the brief of breast anatomy (video can be accessed on
Friday, April 16th 2021)
2. Manual lab anatomy : There are some assignments that must be submitted before
Tuesday, April 19th 2021 (can be accessed starting on Wednesday, April 14th
3. Student worksheet : can be accessed starting on Thursday, April 15th 2021.
Submitted before Tuesday, April 19th 2021
4. General Closing Discussion : Will be held on Tuesday, April 19th 2021.

1. Wulan Mayasari, dr., MH.Kes., AIFO-K
2. Fifi Veronica, dr., M.Kes.
The pectoral region (L. pectus, chest) covers the anterior thoraxic wall and part of the
lateral thoraxic wall. The breast is positioned anterior to the pectoral fascia (the deep
fascia of the pectoralis major muscle). The pectoral fascia is attached to the overlying
skin by the suspensory ligament of the breast that pass between the lobes of the mamary
The breast extends from the lateral border of the sternum to the midaxillary line, and
from rib 2 to rib 6. The mammary gland is a modified sweat gland that is contained
within the superficial fascia of the breast.
The breast consist primaruly of fat compartmentalized between connective and glandular
tissue septa. The lactiferous ducts (ussually 15 to 20 in number) expand to form
subareolar lactiferous sinuses and then open on nipple; the glandular tissue lies within a
dense (fibro-) areolar stroma, from which suspensory ligaments extend to the deeper
layers of the skin. Areas of superficial fat were scooped out from some compartments
between the septa.

Homework Assignment
1. Complete the picture below:

2. Explain about arterial supply of the breast by drawing with the schematic picture
3. Explain about lymphatic drainage of breast by drawing with the schematic picture
( include the breast quadrant)

Lab Activity ( Give the check list √ if you have already done )

A. Location of breast

B. Margins

C. Organizations
 the nipple
 the areola
 Sinus lactiferous
 Ductus lactiferous
 Mammary ducts
 Lobules of mammary glands
 Lobules of fat
 Alveolus
 Retromammmary bursa
 Subcutaneous tissue
 Sebaceous glands, sudorifous glands
 Smooth muscle glands
 Adipouse tissue

D. Ligaments
 skin ligaments (L. retinacula cutis),
 the suspensory ligaments (of Cooper)

E. Vascularizations
 Medial mammary
 Anterior intercostal branches of the internal thoracic artery
 Lateral thoracic and thoracoacromial arteries, branches of the axillary artery
 Posterior intercostal arteries, branches of the thoracic aorta in the 2nd, 3rd, and
4th intercostal spaces

 Mainly to the axillary vein, some drainage to the internal thoracic vein

F. Lymphatic drainage
 Most drains to the axillary lymph nodes, initially to the anterior or pectoral
 to other axillary nodes or even to interpectoral, deltopectoral, supraclavicular,
or inferior deep cervical nodes
 parasternal lymph nodes , abdominal lymph nodes (subdiaphragmatic inferior
phrenic lymph nodes)
 from the skin of the breast, except the nipple and areola, drains into the
ipsilateral axillary, inferior deep cervical, and infraclavicular lymph nodes
and into the parasternal lymph nodes
 from the axillary nodes drains into clavicular (infraclavicular and
supraclavicular) lymph nodes and from them into the subclavian lymphatic
 from the parasternal nodes enters the bronchomediastinal lymphatic trunks

G. Innervation
 from anterior and lateral cutaneous branches of the 4th-6th intercostal nerves
 The branches of the intercostal nerves pass through the pectoral fascia
covering the pectoralis major to reach overlying subcutaneous tissue and skin
of the breasts
 The branches of the intercostal nerves convey sensory fibers from the skin of
the breast and sympathetic fibers to the blood vessels in the breasts and
smooth muscle in the overlying skin and nipple

H. Quadrants
 Superior lateral
 Inferior lateral
 Superior medial
 Inferior medial

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