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1. Define product and differentiate types of consumer product .

 Definition : Product can be defined as everything , both favourable and
unfavourable that a person receives in an exchange . Product also is anything that
can be offered in a market for attention, acquisition, use, or consumption that might
satisfy a need or want .

 Types of consumer product

Convenience Product A relatively inexpensive item that merits little shopping effort .

Shopping Product A product that requires comparison shopping, because it is

usually more expensive and found in fewer stores .
Specialty Product A particular item that consumers search extensively for and are
reluctant to accept substitutes .
Unsought Product A product unknown to the potential buyer or a known product that
the buyer does not actively seek .

2. What is packaging? Explain briefly the functions of packaging .

 Definition : Packaging is a container for promoting the product and making it easier
and safer to use .

 Functions of packaging

Containing and protecting products

 Contain products that are liquid, granular , or otherwise divisible .
 Enables manufactures , wholesalers , and retailers to market products in specific
quantities , such as ounces .
 Physical protection is another obvious function of packaging because more of the
products are handled several times between the time they are manufactured and
harvested .
 Protect products from breakage , evaporation , spillage , spoilage , light , heat ,
cold , infestation , and many other conditions .
Promoting Products
 Packaging does more than identify the brand , list the ingredients , specify
features , and give directions .
 Use designs , colors , shapes , and materials to try to influence consumer’s
perceptions and buying behavior .

Facilitating storage , use , and convenience

 Wholesalers and retailers prefer packages that are easy to ship , store , and stock
on shelves .
 Consumers are constantly seeking items that are easy to handle , open , and
reclose .

Facilitating recycling and reducing environment damage

 Compatibility with the environment
 A majority consumers said that they would give up the following conveniences if it
would benefit the environment : packaging designed for easy stacking/storing ,
packaging that can be used for cooking , and packaging designed for easy
transport .

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