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FORM INTERNSHIP A2 TEACHING RECORD Tian Jin Ytoo FACULTY OF EDUCATION & PSYCHOLOGY 2012-2013 NO. Week/Day Date Period/Time Subject/s Collaborating Teacher's Signature = C3 periods) 1. |Tuesdeg |Feb set er Ni sioam| tonguage rks | g. [Tuesday reo aol [iG sPero lomguoge Arts | a a periods T 3. Wednesday |Feb 10591 [pSoP are |longuoge Arts } | 2-10, 4, | Wednerdoy|Feb 10 421 | HE Ped language Arts ei 6. [Frdag feb ae: Gore ool sudies [| 7o- c [fridoy [Feb mat |, Pres? | social Studies | Zio” A. | onday feb 272 [See | Sence AG Mondo 4 [Feb 22,01 [ere Suence yA | 5. Wednesday] Fee 04,01 e291 gcsence ZR Wednados|res 24,01 |Geemed | cience AE [e.|thessday Fee 28.a (STO Suence | ee Thussday |Feb 2652! Keesaceoml een Bee 4 [frsday [Mor 6.21 | G.0riS social Studies Friday [Mar 6521 [uae punee) Sociol Skdiey cern ce Senn src cL honda [ror 8]. atGe] Math Mondey [mar 16521), Crema? | Math a: | Tuesday [rer isa |. Ser] Hoth (eee coalele |e torlwednesdy [Mer 11521 [a2 So%q Hoth Yr O s @ pesieds) ane FORM INTERNSHIP A2 TEACHING RECORD FACULTY OF EDUCATION & PSYCHOLOGY 2012-2013 NOL] WeekyDay Date Period/time Subjects Collaborating Teacher's Signature is [Thardag [mor 18,21 | AMR ped] — redh A Bt pesied| Hath D Ph pavicd| Moth 12 lFriday Mav 4521 | 3% pericd | Math ah pevied] math [| —Leg 1e| Mondoy [tor wal | 2 period] — Math 3O | __|ar* period] Math BD petiod| Math | qh pevod| Math |) Val Tuescdoy Mer 23,21/2 pevied| Math | att pried] Math / TY period Math qd, eg 16: \Wedn esclay|Maraa,2} |a™ pesicd| Math 0 lh pericd| Moth 5th pericd| Moth ah pened | Moth “|) Je [Monday [rar 24,21 | peried| Moth if re period Moth sth pericd| Math EE PH peril | adh | 0 11. | Tuesday [Mar 30,2) |a™ period. Moth | | 34 period Moth, | ® period| Math FORM INTERNSHIP A2 TEACHING RECORD FACULTY OF EDUCATION & PSYCHOLOGY 2012-2013 NO. | Week/Day Date Period/Time Subject/s Collaborating Teacher's Signature it. [Wednesday rar 31,21 | 3% period] Reading PEL 19, ednesday |Mox 34,21 [8 period phonics CELA] a0. [friday [Aes 2,01 [btm pesiod | Reading CELIA a. |Pidag — |Ppsil 2,01 [4% period |Aronics EAD 22.|Monday —_|povil 6,21 | 2m period | Math %.| Monday [Apt 6) [3¥ period | Makh Tal Monday [April 5,21 |» period] moll | Monday |apsit $501 Th period | Mod 26.| Nednesdoy|Aor! 4,21 [Al pesiod Speech, 2 Derr LERAEE RE a 40 hys.| Total hxs

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