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Betsi Cardenas Mendoza

Praxis Core Exam Analysis

Exam Requirements

For all students who pursue a degree in Education, it is mandatory to take and pass the

Praxis Core Exam before enrolling in any upper education courses at UNLV, NSC, or UNR. I

plan to transfer to Las Vegas University UNLV to pursue a Bachelor's degree in Secondary

Education. Nevada required passing score for Reading is 156, writing 162, and for Math is

150. It is highly recommended to take the Praxis Exam upon finishing the required courses of

Math and English. If the first time taking the Exams students do not reach the passing scores,

students may need to retake them until they pass all three exams. Students will be able to

retake any portion of the exam after 21 days of having taken it.

Exam Preparation

In all honesty, I do not think I prepared enough for the Praxis Core Exam, given, I had to

complete assignments for other classes. I just went through the links our professors provided

to us on the assignment page and watched three videos on the Kan Academic Praxis Core

Exam preparation website that included recommendations when taking each exam. However,

I believe that having taken the exams with my current knowledge and skills. I will be able to

evaluate how well I am doing in each area to assess and, as a result, identify areas where I

need further practice.

Exam Results

In the reading portion of the exam, my score was significantly low I scored 36%, which

means I need significant improvement to pass the official Praxis Exam; in the writing portion

of the exam, I scored 55%, which also means I need significant improvement in order to pass
the official Praxis. In the Math portion of the exam, I scored 65%, which means I need

improvement to pass the official Praxis. If I were to take the actual Praxis Core Exam, I

would not pass any three exams. According to my results, Reading and Writing are the areas

where I need more improvement. My math score tells me that there are some topics that I

need to further review; however, I was expecting a lower score in Math. In conclusion, I must

set at least three hours daily to actual practice with paper and pencil my writing skills given

that according to my results review videos do not work that much for me. Also, I have to

work on my comprehension skills and study-specific Math topics to improve my

mathematical and reading proficiency.

Future Exam Preparation

In order to prepare for the Praxis Core Exam Over the summer, I will study through the

CSN default course in Canvas, which is structured to assist CSN education students in

preparing for the Praxis Exam. I took some Pre-test and Post-test quizzes in that course,

which I will study to find the mistakes I made and look up for review sources and practice in

the areas where I struggled. I also enrolled in a Kan Academic Practice Praxis Exam course.

After completing an evaluation test, the Kan Academic program provided me with a

personalized study plan to help me strengthen my writing, reading, and math skills.

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