Perancangan Interface Sistem Akreditasi Pada Program Studi Hubungan Internasional Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta

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Raissa Rahma





Raissa Rahma

Telah diperiksa dan disetujui oleh pembimbing yang diujikan

Pada tanggal 04 April 2021


Dosen Pembimbing 1 Dosen Pembimbing 2

Raisa rahma Nabila Shafia


Nama : Raissa Rahma

NIM : 20190510229
Program studi : Hubungan Internasional
Fakultas : Ilmu Sosial Politik
Universitas : Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta

Indeed by consuming sweet foods and drinks can restore the mood and increase morale,
but if done continuously can cause disease. When you eat something sugary, your blood sugar
levels spike, giving you that boost in mood and then fall shortly after insulin is released into your
cells. This big, sudden drop in blood sugar can make hungry, weak, and moody. And by focusing
on more wholesome, nutritious food evenly spaced out throughout the day, you can give yourself
more stable energy levels that leave you feeling overall much more bright and vital.
A study at UCLA found that a high-fructose diet could negatively affect your learning and
memory, by causing insulin resistance, which can damage communication between brain cells.
Consuming too much sugar can be bad for tooth conditions, such as the onset of cavities or holes
and gingivitis. Sugary foods and beverages that contain high sugar also contain high calories,
which will slowly make the body fat and cause obesity. And then research proves that too much
sugar intake can make skin dull, sagging, and wrinkles faster. This is because sugar can stick to
proteins in the skin such as collagen and elastin, accelerate its damage, as well as lower
antioxidant levels in the body.

Yogyakarta, 04 April 2021

Raissa Rahma

1.1. Latar Belakang

Indeed by consuming sweet foods and drinks can restore the mood and increase
morale, but if done continuously can cause disease. When you eat something sugary, your
blood sugar levels spike, giving you that boost in mood and then fall shortly after insulin
is released into your cells. This big, sudden drop in blood sugar can make hungry, weak,
and moody. And by focusing on more wholesome, nutritious food evenly spaced out
throughout the day, you can give yourself more stable energy levels that leave you
feeling overall much more bright and vital. A study at UCLA found that a high-fructose
diet could negatively affect your learning and memory, by causing insulin resistance,
which can damage communication between brain cells. Consuming too much sugar can
be bad for tooth conditions, such as the onset of cavities or holes and gingivitis. Sugary
foods and beverages that contain high sugar also contain high calories, which will slowly
make the body fat and cause obesity. And then research proves that too much sugar
intake can make skin dull, sagging, and wrinkles faster. This is because sugar can stick to
proteins in the skin such as collagen and elastin, accelerate its damage, as well as lower
antioxidant levels in the body.
1.2. Rumusan Masalah
Indeed by consuming sweet foods and drinks can restore the mood and increase
morale, but if done continuously can cause disease. When you eat something sugary, your
blood sugar levels spike, giving you that boost in mood and then fall shortly after insulin
is released into your cells. This big, sudden drop in blood sugar can make hungry, weak,
and moody. And by focusing on more wholesome, nutritious food evenly spaced out
throughout the day, you can give yourself more stable energy levels that leave you
feeling overall much more bright and vital. A study at UCLA found that a high-fructose
diet could negatively affect your learning and memory, by causing insulin resistance,
which can damage communication between brain cells.
1.3. Tujuan Penulisan
Indeed by consuming sweet foods and drinks can restore the mood and increase
morale, but if done continuously can cause disease. When you eat something sugary, your
blood sugar levels spike, giving you that boost in mood and then fall shortly after insulin
is released into your cells. This big, sudden drop in blood sugar can make hungry, weak,
and moody. And by focusing on more wholesome, nutritious food evenly spaced out
throughout the day, you can give yourself more stable energy levels that leave you
feeling overall much more bright and vital. A study at UCLA found that a high-fructose
diet could negatively affect your learning and memory, by causing insulin resistance,
which can damage communication between brain cells. Consuming too much sugar can
be bad for tooth conditions, such as the onset of cavities or holes and gingivitis. Sugary
foods and beverages that contain high sugar also contain high calories, which will slowly
make the body fat and cause obesity. And then research proves that too much sugar
intake can make skin dull, sagging, and wrinkles faster. This is because sugar can stick to
proteins in the skin such as collagen and elastin, accelerate its damage, as well as lower
antioxidant levels in the body.

2.1. Tinjauan Pustaka

Consuming too much sugar can be bad for tooth conditions, such as the onset of
cavities or holes and gingivitis. Sugary foods and beverages that contain high sugar also
contain high calories, which will slowly make the body fat and cause obesity. And then
research proves that too much sugar intake can make skin dull, sagging, and wrinkles
faster. This is because sugar can stick to proteins in the skin such as collagen and elastin,
accelerate its damage, as well as lower antioxidant levels in the body.

2.2. Landasan Teori

Indeed by consuming sweet foods and drinks can restore the mood and increase
morale, but if done continuously can cause disease. When you eat something sugary, your
blood sugar levels spike, giving you that boost in mood and then fall shortly after insulin
is released into your cells. This big, sudden drop in blood sugar can make hungry, weak,
and moody. And by focusing on more wholesome, nutritious food evenly spaced out
throughout the day, you can give yourself more stable energy levels that leave you
feeling overall much more bright and vital. A study at UCLA found that a high-fructose
diet could negatively affect your learning and memory, by causing insulin resistance,
which can damage communication between brain cells. Consuming too much sugar can
be bad for tooth conditions, such as the onset of cavities or holes and gingivitis. Sugary
foods and beverages that contain high sugar also contain high calories, which will slowly
make the body fat and cause obesity. And then research proves that too much sugar
intake can make skin dull, sagging, and wrinkles faster. This is because sugar can stick to
proteins in the skin such as collagen and elastin, accelerate its damage, as well as lower
antioxidant levels in the body.
3.1. Kesimpulan
Consuming too much sugar can be bad for tooth conditions, such as the onset of
cavities or holes and gingivitis. Sugary foods and beverages that contain high sugar also
contain high calories, which will slowly make the body fat and cause obesity. And then
research proves that too much sugar intake can make skin dull, sagging, and wrinkles
faster. This is because sugar can stick to proteins in the skin such as collagen and elastin,
accelerate its damage, as well as lower antioxidant levels in the body.

3.2. Saran
Consuming too much sugar can be bad for tooth conditions, such as the onset of
cavities or holes and gingivitis. Sugary foods and beverages that contain high sugar also
contain high calories, which will slowly make the body fat and cause obesity. And then
research proves that too much sugar intake can make skin dull, sagging, and wrinkles
faster. This is because sugar can stick to proteins in the skin such as collagen and elastin,
accelerate its damage, as well as lower antioxidant levels in the body.

Abdel, A. (2015, Agustus 23). Analisis Transisi Politik Mesir. 7(Ekonomi), 76.
Trisnawati. (2016, Juli 19). Revolusi Masyarakat Mesir. 5, 21.

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