Subject: Biology Class: 9 Time: 15 Min. Max. Marks: 12 Name: - Section: - Paper Date: 18-04-2021 Syllabus: Chapter 1+2

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Subject: Biology Class: 9th

Time: 15 Min. Max. Marks: 12

Name: _____________ Section: _____
Paper Date: 18-04-2021
Syllabus: Chapter 1+2

Q.1. Choose the correct answer. (12×1 = 12)

(i) The branch which deals with the study of form and structure of living organisms is called:
(a) Cell biology (b) Physiology
(c) Morphology (d) Genetics
(ii) Percentage of water in the protoplasm of living things is:
(a) 30-40% (b) 40-50%
(c) 50-60% (d) 60-70%
(iii) The founder of medicine is:
(a) Jabir Bin Hayan (b) Abdul Malik
(c) Bu-Ali Sina (d) Al-Beruni
(iv) Particles of atom represent:
(a) Atomic Level (b) Molecular Level
(c) Cell Level (d) Subatomic Level
(v) Which one of the following do not have tissues in its body?
(a) Animal (b) Plants
(c) Bacteria (d) None of these
(vi) Which one will be the correct sequence of the levels of organization of life?
(a) Cell, organelle, molecule, organ, tissue, organ system, individual
(b) Molecule, tissue, organelle, cell, organ system, organ, individual
(c) Molecule, organelle, cell, tissue, organ, organ system, individual
(d) Organ system, organ, tissue, cell, molecule, organelle, individual
(vii) The most important process at individual level is:
(a) Digestion (b) Reproduction
(c) Coordination (d) Excretion
(viii) Which one of these is not a characteristic of a hypothesis?
(a) Must be consistent with all available data (b) Must be testable
(c) Must be correct (d) Must make predictions
(ix) A hypothesis must be testable to be scientifically valid. Being testable means that:
(a) Some observations could prove that hypothesis is incorrect
(b) Only a controlled experiment can indicate whether the hypothesis is correct or incorrect
(c) The hypothesis is proven wrong
(d) The opposite of hypothesis is tested and proven wrong
(x) The most basic step of biological method is;
(a) Deduction (b) Experimentation
(c) Hypothesis (d) Law
(xi) Following is supported by a great deal of evidence:
(a) Theory (b) Law
(c) Principle (d) None
(xii) A relation between the two numbers is called;
(a) Ratio (b) Proportion
(c) Addition (d) Subtraction
Subject: Biology Class: 9th
Time: 1 Hour 45 Min. Max. Marks: 48
Name: _____________ Section: _____
Paper Date: 18-04-2021
Syllabus: Chapter 1+2
Part I
Q.2. Attempt any FIVE (5) parts from the following questions. (52=10)
i. Differentiate in Microbiology and Molecular Biology.
ii. What are major biological issues now a days?
iii. What are the achievements of Jabir Bin Hayyan?
iv. What are Bioelements?
v. Justify man has always been a biologist.
vi. What is a biological problem?
vii. How are quantitative observations better in biology?
viii. What are deductions?

Q.3. Attempt any FIVE (5) parts from the following questions. (52=10)
i. Differentiate in Micromolecules and Macromolecules.
ii. Define tissues. Give examples.
iii. What is an organ?
iv. What is an ecosystem?
v. How the results are reported?
vi. What are the different formats of data organization?
vii. How mathematics is an integral part of scientific methods?
viii. Differentiate in ratio and proportion.
Q.4. Attempt any FIVE (5) parts from the following questions. (52=10)
i. Define biosphere.
ii. What is meant by Bioinformatics?
iii. What is a colony?
iv. Differentiate in vegetative parts and reproductive parts.
v. What are the different formats of data organization?
vi. What is a productive theory?
vii. Write the scientific names of mustard plant and frog.
viii. What is unicellular organization?
Part II
Note: Attempt any two questions. (9x2=18)

Q.5. (a) Write a note on the Population and Community levels. (5)
(b) Write a note on the Theory and Law or Principle. (4)
Q.6. (a) Write a note on the Organ and Organ System level. (5)
(b) Write a note on Hypothesis and Experimentation. (4)
Q.7. (a) What is the importance of data organization and data analysis in biological method? Explain. (5)
(b) Describe the contributions of the Muslim scientists in the field of Biology. (4)

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