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Research Proposal for the Proton Battery

The significance of the design of a ‘proton battery’ is held within the UAV industry since there is
such a high demand for a fast charging, low cost and low emissions source of power. The UAV
industry uses three main sources of power; the combustion engine, electric power and a combination
of both [1]. These technologies need to be challenged and a competitive industry can bring forth
more sustainable ways to power these aircraft. Cost and efficiency are the key limitations that
prevent PEMFC’s becoming competitive with mainstream sources of energy [2].
This paper explores the use of liquid acid as a viable solution to the key storage and reversibility
constraints with the current technology, this looks at the electrolyte as a potential limitation in this
regard. We also explore the possibility of a follow up study on the use of nitrogen doped graphene as
a support for palladium based catalysts in a bid to improve durability and stability.

Literature review
Hydrogen is a powerful source of energy since it is clean, renewable and abundant. Hydrogen also
provides a solution to the economic and political concerns for climate change and depleting levels of
fossil fuels [3]. PEM (Proton Exchange Membrane) technology has shown that it can be a lower cost
alternative to hydrogen sub-systems [4]. While the proton battery may sound as if it is a promising
solution to the declining amount of fossil fuels available, there are still areas of opportunity present
with the concept. However, the PEM fuel cells can only operate at maximum 65% efficiency, and the
most difficult part of the whole process is the efficient splitting the molecules into hydrogen with
When it comes to finding a source of energy, fossil fuels are readily available and have been reliably
used for many decades, however the necessity to go renewable is of paramount importance [5]. On
the other hand, when it comes to battery systems for UAV applications, current batteries have their
fair share of limitations, energy density and storage being the key areas for opportunity [6]. PEM
technologies offer a solution to these issues with increased round trip efficiencies and the potential
for higher energy densities. It has been theorised that alternatives such as PEM technology have
significant advantages such as durability, cost and sustainability [7] over more popular lithium
designs. For PEM technology large scale application is still not achievable due to a number of issues
The proton battery has been demonstrated as feasible for UAV applications although further analysis
is required to understand the storage capacity and reversibility constraints [6]. Currently the
proton exchange membrane fuel (PEMFC/H 2) cell is being studied for its performance under
atmospheric flight conditions in UAV applications [8], which has thus far shown that the
performance needs to be optimised for high altitude flight. Further study has shown that a 10 cell
stack degrades significantly after 200 hours of operation, showing signs of nanoparticle aggregation,
decay of the catalyst and proton conductivity degradation [9]. Zhou, Zhu [10] is working on
improving stability, conductivity and mechanical strength through the use of liquid acid and Kiyani,
Parnian [11] studies the effect on durability and stability when using alternative catalysts. Another
limitation the catalyst poses on the PEMFC is that the material used, is suggested to be a noble
material since non-noble materials are significantly less durability [12]. Shao, Chang [12] has
suggested that this is due to electro-oxidation of the carbonaceous support of the catalyst.

Research Questions
1) Can the use of activated carbon electrodes be used to increase reversibility and storage?
2) Can the reduction of electro-oxidation of the catalyst carbonaceous support increase
durability of the catalyst?
Research Proposal for the Proton Battery

3) Can Liquid Acid be implemented as a form of electrolyte in a way to allow for better storage
and reversibility?

With the demand for better electric storage the need for cleaner energy and more efficient power
generation is growing exponentially, research into more competitive technology is crucial. Fossil
fuels are becoming harder to source in this industrial word and we need to find a sustainable way to
meets the needs of the people [6, 13]. One key advantage of a fuel cell based system is the ability to
optimise each element for a given application [14]. Combustion engines are a cheap and reliable way
to power a UAV however, they have a high generation of noise and heat which make for easy
detecting by infrared detectors. Combustion engines also produce harmful gas emission which make
them considerably more undesirable [15]. These sources of energy come with their fair share of
problems, whereas the proton battery shows promise of a clean solution to these key issues [16]. If
made commercially available, the proton battery could be implemented in applications such as road,
rail, sea, mobile devices and standalone power supplies [17].

Connection to the current body of knowledge

Heidari, Seif Mohammadi [6] studied the use of activated carbon electrodes with the ‘proton battery’
and found that the activated carbon electrodes implemented can feasibly increase reversibility and
storage. This study addresses my first question however it does fail to accurately compare the mass
to energy density. Since this study has not made any effort to reduce the mass of the PEMFC it is
difficult to definitively compare the results with less massive competitors since the parameter that is
important here is the volumetric energy density. I propose a similar study however this would require
efforts to reduce the mass of the system so that it may be accurately compared with the already
commercially available competitors.

Shao, Chang [12] has implied that the durability of the catalyst may be due to electro-oxidation of
the carbonaceous support of the catalyst or even due to the accumulation of some H2O2 from an
incomplete oxygen reduction in the cathode. Kiyani, Parnian [11] found that by using nitrogen doped
graphene as a support for palladium, the catalyst showed an improvement on durability, stability and
performance. This address my second research question however, Kiyani, Parnian [11] studied with
DMFC, for the research I propose this would be studied with PEMFC and experimenting with
suitable electrolytes such as liquid acid.

For many years study has gone into finding a solution for longevity of the membranes within the
‘Proton Battery’ and it is theorised that this can be done by improving the electrochemical and
mechanical stability of the membrane [18] which has been executed by implementing liquid acid
within a porous material [6]. To address my third research question I propose a new study which will
build off this idea however I plan on increasing proton conductivity through the use of Tetra-allyl-
containing bisphenol monomer which has been proven as a good candidate for commercial use for its
improved stability, conductivity and mechanical strength [10]. This study Zhou, Zhu [10] has shown
promising results, outlined above, however I propose a new study to improve the efficiency at
elevated and cryogenic temperatures for suitable use in the UAV industry.

Expected outcomes
From this paper, it is expected that there is a study set up in order to find an answer to all three
research questions which would give a more durable, stable and efficient solution to the current
Research Proposal for the Proton Battery

limitations in the technology. This will then in turn bring forth a competitive technology to the UAV
applications market. By bringing a new technology to the industry this will compel manufacturers,
hobbyists and consumers to consider a cleaner, more efficient use of the earths precious resources.


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Research Proposal for the Proton Battery

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