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PSG Geoseminar 2020

Webinar, June 11, 2020

Occurrences and Styles of Hydrothermal Gold and Basemetal

Deposits in Sulawesi Island: Emphasizing on Unconventional Deposit
Setting for the Future Exploration Target

Arifudin Idrus
Associate Professor in Economic Geology, Universitas Gadjah Mada
General Secretary of Masyarakat Geologi Ekonomi Indonesia (2018-2021)
Elected Council Member SGA (Society of Geology Applied for Mineral Deposits, 2018-2021)
Ore Deposits in Closing
Introduction Sulawesi Remarks

1 2 3 4 5
Geology An Implication
of Sulawesi to Exploration
1a. Introduction: Why Sulawesi?
• Unique, Exotic, Rich, Lovely, Acceptance…

Teluk Tomini (2020)

Regional Tectonics of Sulawesi (after Wilson & Moss (1999)

1b. Introduction: Why Sulawesi?
Magmatic Arcs by Countries

2060, 9%
PNG, 3250, 15%

Philippines, 3010, IDN, 11240, 52%

2200, 10%

SEA Magmatic Arcs and SEA Gold Endowment by Countries (Moz)

Endowment: Philippines, 190.9,

Laos, 6.4, 1%

Malaysia, 11.8, 2%
PNG, 197.5, 28%
Source: Mitchell & Leach (1991); Myanmar, 1.5, 0%

Carlile & Mitchell (1994); Taiwan, 6.4, 1%

Thailand, 4.8, 1%

Maryono et al. (2012) Indonesia, 284.4,

39% Vietnam, 8.1, 1%

Slide: Maryono (2016)

1c. Introduction: Why Sulawesi?
Indonesian Au-Ag-Cu Endowment
(15 Magmatic Arcs)

Sulawesi Island (Third Biggest):

• North Sulawesi arc: 463t Au;
939 t Ag and 2304t Cu
• West Sulawesi arc: 127t Au
IAGI-MGEI (2015)
1d. Introduction: Metal Price
IOCG;… Synsedimentary; 1% Global Gold Price per 10 June 2020
VMS, liquid magmatic; 2% (
Carlin-type; 4%
Epithermal; 8%
9% Placer;
June, 2020
1% Orogenic; 1%
related; June, 2019
32% $1,290

Global Gold Endowment Epithermal; karn; 52%
(Frimmel, 2008) 46%

Indonesian gold (reserves+resource)

(PSDMBP, 2016)
2a. Physiography of Sulawesi Island

(A) Geographic division

(B) Geological‐
metallogenic provinces

van Leeuwen & Pieters (2011)

2b. Geology of Sulawesi Island
Four Lithotectonic Belts of Sulawesi
(Audley-Charles, 1974;Katili, 1978;Sukamto, 1975;
Hamilton, 1979; Sukamto & Simandjuntak, 1983 in
Parkinson 1991)

1. West and North Sulawesi Volcano-

Plutonic Arc
2. Central Sulawesi Metamophic Belt
3. East Sulawesi Ophiolite Belt
4. Banggai Sula and Tukang Besi
Microcontinental fragments

Slide: Kadarusman (2018)

2b. Geology of Sulawesi Island
Three Geological-Metallogenic Provinces
Northern (modified after
Sukamto, 1975b; Hamilton, 1979; Silver et al., 1983; Parkinson, 1991)

1. Northern Sulawesi: Series of Late Cenozoic calc‐alkaline

magmatic arcs built on a basement of Early Cenozoic
tholeiitic basaltic volcanics underlain by oceanic crust
2. Western Sulawesi: Late Cenozoic high‐K calc‐alkaline to
Eastern ultrapotassic igneous suites overlying a series of Early Cenozoic
sedimentary rocks and subordinate calc‐alkaline volcanics
deposited on a basement of metamorphic complexes and Late
Cretaceous flysch deposits
Western 3. Eastern Sulawesi: Western metamorphic belt and eastern
ophiolite belt, which are inter-thrusted with Mesozoic‐Early
Cenozoic sedimentary rocks and unconformably overlain by Late
Cenozoic post‐orogenic sequences

Modified from van Leeuwen & Pieters (2011)

2c. Magmatic provinces of
Western-Northern Sulawesi arc
Peccerillo and Taylor (1978)
 South Sulawesi:
 Central Sulawesi: high-
K calc-alkaline (KCA)
 North Sulawesi-
Sangihe: low-K-normal
calc-alkaline (TH-CA)
Soeria-Atmadja et al. (1999)
3a. Ore Mineral Deposits of Sulawesi

Book: Mineral Deposits of Sulawesi (2011), 127p, Publisher: Badan Geologi

3b. Ore Mineral Deposits of Sulawesi
Ore Mineral Deposits in Sulawesi
Northern (van Leeuwen & Pieters (2011)

• Northern Sulawesi: Predominantly Late Miocene‐Pliocene

porphyry Cu‐Au±Mo, high‐, intermediate‐, and
low‐sulphidation epithermal Au‐ Ag, sediment‐hosted Au,
Western intrusion‐related base metal‐Au, skarn, and VMS styles of
Eastern mineralization
• Western Sulawesi: Mineralization styles include porphyry Mo,
porphyry Cu±Au, intrusion‐related(?) Au, intrusion‐related
base metal±Au, and VMS
• Eastern Sulawesi: Weathering of the ophiolite to form Ni and
Fe laterite deposits, and chromite beach sands; gold
mineralization locally hosted by metamorphic and
post‐orogenic sedimentary rocks.
3c. Mineral Deposits in Northern Sulawesi

van Leeuwen & Pieters (2011)

3c. Mineral Deposits in Northern Sulawesi
Porphyry Cu-Au±Mo Prospects

van Leeuwen & Pieters (2011)

3c. Mineral Deposits in Northern Sulawesi
Porphyry Cu-Au±Mo Prospects

Bulagidun district (modified after PT Newcrest Nusa Tombulilato district (modified after Parello, 1994;
Sulawesi, 1999; van Leeuwen & Pieters (2011) van Leeuwen & Pieters (2011)
3c. Mineral Deposits in Northern Sulawesi
Au-Ag Mineralization Systems (van Leeuwen & Pieters, 2011)
3c. Mineral Deposits in Northern Sulawesi

Lanut district:
Different Styles of Cu-Au-Ag Mineralization

after Nugroho et al. (2005); van Leeuwen & Pieters (2011)

after Flindell (2003); van Leeuwen & Pieters (2011)

3c. Mineral Deposits in Northern Sulawesi
Totopo district:
LS & IS Epithermal Gold Prospect
December 2019

Veinlet stockwork
Modified Budiman & Hardjana (2011)

After Santos et al. (1999)

3c. Mineral Deposits in Northern Sulawesi
Ratatotok district:
Carlin-type Au deposit

after Hendri and Farmer, 1997; van Leeuwen & Pieters (2011)
3c. Mineral Deposits in Northern Sulawesi
Hofstra and Christensen (2002)

Hofstra and Christensen (2002)

Arsenian Pirit
Ratatotok district: Carlin-type Au deposit
3c. Mineral Deposits in Northern Sulawesi

Ratatotok district: Carlin-type Au deposit

Hofstra and Christensen (2002)

Arsenian Pirit
3d. Mineral Deposits in Western Sulawesi
LS epithermal Gold hosted by Tiboli Metamorphic Rocks

van Leeuwen & Pieters (2011)

3d. Mineral Deposits in Western Sulawesi
Selected Porphyry Cu-Au and Au-Ag-basemetals Systems

van Leeuwen & Pieters (2011)

3d. Mineral Deposits in Western Sulawesi
Poboya: LS epithermal Gold

PT. Palu Citra Minerals (2014)

3d. Mineral Deposits in Western Sulawesi
Discovery Outcrop
Poboya LS epithermal Gold prospect:
Open Space Filling Textures

Wajdi et al. (2011)

3d. Mineral Deposits in Western Sulawesi
Awak Mas:
Mesothermal (Orogenic) Gold hosted by Latimojong Formation

van Leeuwen & Pieters (2011)

3d. Mineral Deposits in Western Sulawesi
Awak Mas paper published in Q1
Scopus Journal (OGR) 2020:
Awak Mas Gold Deposit 22000 mN

Geology N
Cover Sequence

Purple and Green Mudstone

Dark Mudstone
Lithic Sandstone 21000 mN

Western Grit Sequence

North Boundary Fault
Eastern Mafic Sequence
Top Decollement Sequence
Basement Sequence Tanjung Fault
Zone 20000 mN

Shear Zone
Terminator Fault
 Main host lithology is a thick sedimentary
package of mudstones, siltstones and fine-
grained sandstones subjected to low-grade, Pasir Fault
greenschist facies metamorphism.

20000 mE

21000 mE
19000 mN

 Transected by NNE-SSW trending, parallel

to sub-parallel and sub-vertical fault zones. (modified after Archibald et al. 1996;
Querubin & Walters. 2012)
Ernowo (2017)
Awak Mas Gold Deposit
Host rock lithology
Dark phyllite Red phyllite (after Herron, 1988)

Green phyllite Schist

 Replacement of clay minerals by white K-mica and chlorite.
 Shale and Fe-shale are metamorphosed to phyllites and schists which are
mineralogically composed of muscovite, chlorite, quartz, albite, Fe-oxide and
biotite.  Greenschist facies metamorphic rocks.
Ernowo (2017)
Awak Mas Gold Deposit 80

Hydrothermal alteration 60
Ab Qz
Ank Ms Chl

mass %
Cal Ank

Ab Sid Py

Ms 0
Least alt. Ab-chl Ab-ank-py

Distal Proximal

KAl2(AlSi3O10)(OH)2 + 3Na+ + 6H4SiO4

Muscovite Hydrothermal
 3NaAlSi3O8 + K+ +2H+ +H2O
Albite Mineral quantification images (QEMSCAN)
Ernowo (2017)
Awak Mas Gold Deposit
Ore textures

Pyrite fill fracture Disseminated pyrite

 Types of Veins:
 Qz-ank-ab veins paralell to the foliation
 Qz-ank-ab veins cross-cut to the foliation
 Qz-ank-ab breccia
 Qz-ank-sid veinlets Ernowo (2017)
Awak Mas Gold Deposit 100
Gold chemistry
80 N=8

wt. %
Py Py 50
Gold 20
As Ag Bi Co Au Sb Te Cu Hg

 90 µm long sized fracture filling gold

grain has the element composition of
Py 92,35% Au and 7% Ag.
 Gold fineness > 900
 Bulk Au/Ag ratio 5:1
Py  Orogenic gold deposit
Ernowo (2017)
3e. Rampi Mesothermal (Orogenic) Gold

Idrus et al., (2016)

3e. Rampi Mesothermal (Orogenic) Gold

 Massive, brecciated and laminated textures; Sulfides are minor (<1 %).
 Pyrite is obviously observed and partially oxidized
 Arsenopyrite and stibnite are minor
 Basemetals (Pb, Zn) sulfides are very rare
 Gold grade varies from 0.1 to 11 ppm Au (29 samples)
 High gold grade (>9 ppm) quartz vein commonly laminated and brecciated
 Supergene enrichment

Idrus et al., (2016)

3f. Bastem LS Epithermal in Toraja Fm

Lamasi Fm (Tolv)
Toraja Fm (Tets)

Idrus et al., (2020)

3f. Bastem LS Epithermal in Toraja Fm
Silicified and propylitic-altered mudstone
(Toraja Formation) as a host rock of

Gold-basemetals-bearing quartz-
carbonate veins:
• Quartz vein floats found on the hills
northern side of Galunturan river,
• Quartz vein contains quartz (Qtz),
calcite (Cal), galena (Gn), sphalerite
(Sp) and chalcopyrite, supergene
azurite and malachite with gold at
elevated grade of 7.16 ppm Au.
Idrus et al., (2020)
3f. Volcano-tectonic Setting of Bastem prospect

Host-rock: mudstone and sandstone

(Eocene-Miocene Toraja Formation)
• Volcano-tectonic setting of the the Bastem
LS epithermal vein might be a back arc
rift/basin (not magmatic arc)
• Toraja formation is evidently formed in
shallow marine environment during syn-
rifting (Djuri et al., 1998; Calvert and Hall,
2003; Hermiyanto et al., 2010).
• Back arc basin rift could be a favorable
volcano-tectonic environment for the
formation of economic LS epithermal gold
deposit (e.g. Sillitoe and Hedenquist, 2003;
Groves et al. (1998)
Prihatmoko and Idrus, 2020).
4a. Mineral Deposits in Eastern Sulawesi
Bombana Orogenic Gold Deposit
(Idrus et al., 2016)

Placer gold Primary deposit

PT.PLM office

Simanjuntak et al. (1993)

Orogenic gold van Leeuwen & Pieters (2011)

4a. Mineral Deposits in Eastern Sulawesi
1. First generation: Bombana Orogenic Gold Deposit
Parallel to foliation 2. Second generation: (Idrus et al., 2016)
Crosscut the foliation
Mica 3. Third generation:
schist Laminated quartz+calcite veins

Highly oxidized/mineralized
deformed quartz vein
4a. Mineral Deposits in Eastern Sulawesi
Native gold
Cinnabar (HgS)
Bombana Orogenic Gold Deposit
Stibnite (Sb3S5) &
tripuhyite (FeSbO4) (Idrus et al., 2016)
Pyrite (FeS2)
Arsenopyrite (FeAsS2)


Qtz 0.05 mm
4a. Mineral Deposits in Eastern Sulawesi

Bombana Orogenic Gold Deposit

(Idrus et al., 2016)

Gold Sample Elements (ppm)

Codes Au Cu Pb Zn Ag Hg As Sb
WB-01-B 0.02 13 34 27 <1 1.59 85 198
WB-02- 2.52 23 8 10 <1 0.11 212 76
Qtz WB-02- 1.06 11 16 11 <1 2.79 177 2030
Au C2
WB-03 0.94 10 <4 30 <1 0.11 428 212
WB-04 1.31 33 11 47 <1 0.30 727 231
WB-06-A 0.10 9 5 3 <1 0.05 23 7
WB-11-A 0.04 12 5 101 <1 1.58 241 417
Qtz 0.05 mm WB-11-B <0.005 <2 6 18 <1 0.10 <1 <1
BVAL-01 134 na na na na na na na
4a. Mineral Deposits in Eastern Sulawesi
Bombana Orogenic
Gold Deposit
Temperature of homogenization (Th, ºC)

(Idrus et al., 2016)

First vein

Second vein
Raman spectrometric
Third vein analysis of carbonic
50 fluid inclusions
Quartz vein paralel to foliation (N=36) containing dissolved
Quartz vein crossing foliation (N=120)
CO2 with certainty of
Calcite+quartz vein (N=12)
0 up to 92.73%.
0 5 10 15
Salinitas (wt.% NaCl eq.)
4a. Mineral Deposits in Eastern Sulawesi
Bombana Orogenic Gold Deposit (Idrus et al., 2016)
-2 0.10000
Mesothermal gold
log (Br/Cl)

Epithermal Au

Sea water Brusson lode gold

AM_Min. 0.00100
Sea water AM_Min.
QV_ WB Crush-Leach Analysis
Porphyry Cu QV_KB
(Bombana Fluid Inclusion)
-4 0.00010
-7 -6 -5 -4 -3 -2 0.000000 0.000001 0.00001 0.0001 0.001 0.01
log (I/Cl) I/Cl

Crush-leach analysis of halogen content (I/Cl and Br/Cl ratios) in fluid inclusion showing
mineralizing fluids are not identical to magmatic fluid (a), epithermal (meteoric water-dominated)
and porphyry Cu (b), but tends to be similar to fluids in mesothermal-type gold deposits
5. An Implication to the Future Exploration Target

“Fertile” sedimentary & metamorphic

rocks complex/formation:
Poboya Gogorea/
1. Pompangeo metamorphic complex Rampi, Bastem Gn Botak Seram
2. Toraja formatiom Awak Mas Darewo
Buru Island
3. Latimojong formation Bombana
4. Tiboli metamorphic complex
5. Wahlua and Rana metamorphic complex
Study area
6. Darewo metamorphic complex Mutis
7. Mutis metamorphic complex
6. Closing Remarks
• In Sulawesi Island, gold is commonly discovered in form of epithermal-,
porphyry-, and skarn-, VMS-type deposits that are hosted by volcanic rocks
along magmatic arcs in Western and Northern Sulawesi provinces.
• However, several classical gold deposit types are also hosted by
sedimentary and metamorphic rocks. Latimojong Fm. And Pompangeo
metamorphic complex could be favourable host rocks for orogenic gold
deposit in Sulawesi
• The discovery of the sedimentary- and metamorphic rocks-hosted gold
deposits has opened up more targets and challenges for gold exploration in
the region, and other terrains particularly in Sulawesi and Eastern
Indonesia that have identical geological setting.
6. Closing Remarks
• Lesson learned from Bastem LS Epithermal Gold:
Tertiary sedimentary rocks with back arc basin rift
environment could be a new lithological target for
LS epithermal gold exploration in the future in
Indonesia, particularly in the regions that are of
similar geologic evolution and structural setting.

Prihatmoko & Idrus (2020)

Thank you…

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