Q3PrepositionsOfTime Felix Kepler

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Kenice Gabrielle B.

Felix 8-Kepler

Prepositions of Time
• A preposition is a word used to link nouns, pronouns, or phrases to other words within a
sentence. They act to connect the people, objects, time and locations of a sentence.
• Prepositions are usually short words, and they are normally placed directly in front of
• A nice way to think about prepositions is as the words that help glue a sentence together.
They do this by expressing position and movement, possession, time and how an action is
• Preposition of Time
➢ A preposition of time is a preposition that allows you to discuss a specific time
period such as a date on the calendar, one of the days of the week, or the actual time
something takes place.
➢ Prepositions of time are the same words as prepositions of place; however, they are
used in a different way. You can easily distinguish these prepositions, as they always
discuss times rather than places.

Preposition of Time Usage Example

My birthday is in January.
School starts in August.
There are many flowers in
There are snow storms in
I drink my medicine in the
Time of day
I water the garden in the
The Titanic sank in 1912.
I was born in 2006.
I’ll be there in an hour.
A certain period of time
We’ll leave in 10 minutes.
Meet me at 7 am.
Hours I’ll see you outside the mall
at 5pm.
Now that my grandfather is
older, he no longer drives at
At Parts of the day night.
Let’s meet behind my house
at midnight.
Come and visit us at
Holidays without “day”
They sing carols at
She is nervous at the
They both arrived at the
same time.
I got to the hospital on
Days of the week
I will wear pink on
My birthday is on the 17th.
We celebrate my parent’s
Calendar dates
wedding anniversary on
April 12th
I don’t have work on New
Year’s Day.
Holidays with “day”
I go back to the province on
On Christmas Day.
I was absent on that day.
Specific days I was in Disneyland on my
I usually play with my
friends on Friday afternoons.
Day + Part of day
I will hear mass on Saturday
I arrive on my job interview
on time.
I have plans with my family
on the weekend.
We stayed at a student hostel
Used when something
during the conference.
During happens within the time
We stayed at my parents
something else is happening
during the holidays.
I’m just going to bed for two
We use for with a period of hours.
time. The cake will be baked in the
oven for 45 minutes.
We’ll wait till/until half past
Until/ till means up to a
Until/Till six for you.
certain time
I’ll stay here until 4pm.
The factory has been here
Refers back to a point in time
Since since the 1970s.
when something began.
We lived here since 2005.
Her visit will extend from
We use from…to to show
Monday to Thursday.
From…to when something starts and
I played with my friends
from 9am to 5pm.
He left the house over an
We use ago to refer to how
hour ago.
Ago far back in time something
She just left like two seconds
We use before to refer to any She’s always up before dawn.
Before time previous to a specific I leave my house before 7am
point in time to go to work.
He had promised to be back
We use by when we want to by five o’clock.
say “not later than”. They said they’ll be here by
ten o’clock.
I felt fairly relaxed after
We use after when we want
After taking the medicine.
to say “later in time than“.
I’ll leave after this game.

We use to in telling the time, It’s quarter to two.

when we refer to the number It’s quarter to seven.
of minutes before the hour.
To It’s just three days to
We can use to with the Halloween.
meaning of “until” when we There’s just five days to our
are talking about time. wedding.

Refers to the amount of time It’s five past ten.

past the hour It’s 20 minutes past 12nn.
The team have a lot of work
We use between … and to to do between now and
Between…and talk about time that separates Sunday.
two points. We’ll do the project between
now and Monday.
You should receive a reply
Refers to a span of time
within seven days.
Within during which something may
The package will arrive
within 3-5 days.

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