Praxis Analysis Paper

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Ashley Smith

Praxis Core Exam Analysis

Exam Requirements

After reading the admissions requirements at Nevada State College, I learned that

I must pass the Praxis Core Exam. At Nevada State, I will obtain a bachelor’s degree in

Early Childhood Education and Special Education. To pass the Praxis Core Exam, I must

receive passing scores for each of the core learning areas. The core learning areas are

Mathematics, Writing, and Reading. In the state of Nevada, you must receive a score of

150 in Math, a score of 162 in Writing, and 156 in the Reading section.

Exam Preparation

In preparation for the practice exams, I took practice tests on Khan Academy and

read through the PDF articles from ETS. Besides these two resources, I did not do any

other studying for the Praxis. I assumed that the tests would be somewhat simple, as I

was always a good student and had received good grades throughout school. In hindsight,

I should have read more about the test to do a better job.

Exam Results

My results for the Praxis Core Exam Practice Tests were disappointing to see. In

the Math section, I received a 78%, which means that I am Borderline on passing the

math portion when I take the official Praxis Core Exam. In Writing, I scored 75%, which

was also labeled as Borderline. The most upsetting score to see was on the Reading

portion of the test. In this section, I received a 54%, which means that I need significant

improvement before taking the official Praxis Core Exam.

Future Exam Preparation

To further prepare myself to pass the Praxis Core Exam, I will need to take it

more seriously. This test is important to pass, so I will need to purchase a study book and

continue using the Khan Academy Core Prep website. Along with these resources, I will

make time to study each week so that when I take the official Praxis Core Exam, I can

pass and feel proud about my results. Because I took these practice tests and was given

the results immediately, I can begin studying right away to improve my scores.

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