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As human, it is in our nature to desire looking beautiful. The word ‘beautiful’ is different
everywhere in the world, and that means that every country and consequently every corner of the
world has a different type of beauty. This does not mean one type of beauty is correct and the
other is wrong, it is distinctive and unique wherever you are in the world. Some parts of the world
have commonly similar types of beauty, the American has their standard of beauty that is different
than Asian especially Korean.

Both Korean and American have similar ideas of the perfect body. American women tend
to want a flat stomach, long legs and a very low weight. However, this ideal body is physically
impossible to achieve for a large percentage of American women. The perfect body to men is
described as being tall, tan skin, full muscle tone and visible abdominal muscles. In Korea,
women want to be short and thin with small busts. Being petite is thought to be most attractive to
these women. Korean and American women both has the same perspective that thin body women
is more beautiful than the large one. Korean and American men also expect to have fit and
muscular bodies.

In addition, small noses and big eyes are considered beautiful to women of both
countries. Having a perfectly centered and narrow nose plays an important role in making
people, particularly women, feel more beautiful. While it is not necessarily considered
unattractive to have a larger nose, it is preferable to have a smaller nose. One of the most popular
plastic surgeries is rhinoplasty: the enhancement of the nose to achieve the desired shape.

American beauty is heavily reliant on the makeup industry. American standards of beauty
conclude make up to add tones of attractiveness and appeal to one’s self. The American beauty
industry is constantly on the up rise, with heavy coverage foundations, matte lipsticks and
positively glamourous appearances. Conversely, Korean beauty is evidently more in favor of
proper skincare, rather than covering up troubles with heavy makeup.

Beauty standards between America and Korea are different but all people in the world are beauty
in their own way, we can’t say that “Who’s beautiful and who isn’t?” . We all are unique in our
own way. We don’t have to always follow the existing standards of beauty, just be yourself and
love yourself. RM BTS ever said “ no matter who you are, your skin colour, your gender,
identity, just speak yourself”

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