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COVID-19: Continuous Process Industrial Units Exempted to Operate During Lock-Down in the State of

This Alert is in continuation to our earlier Alerts regarding the (i) Govt. of India declaring Complete Lockdown of the entire nation on 24th March, 2020 for 21 days for containment of COVID-19
Epidemic, (ii) the Order dated 31st March, 2020 extending lock Down Orders till 14th April, 2020 in the State of Karnataka with exceptions only to Essential Services under the Epidemic Diseases
Act, 1897 and (iii) List of Industries Exempted to Operate During Lock-Down in the State of Karnataka.

The Ministry of Home Affairs, Govt.of lndia, in its order has exempted certain industrial establishments which includes production units, which require continuous process from the purview of the
ongoing lockdown after obtaining requisite permission from the State Government.

In line with the above, the Government of Karnataka, Commerce & lndustries Department, vide. Circular dated 3rd April, 2020 has notified the following category of industries as the "Continuous
Process Industrial Units" and they are exempted from the existing lockdown in order to prevent the damage to the plant / production machineries & to ensure industrial safety, with a condition that
these units to operate with a bare minimal strength of staff/ labour & shall follow the guidelines/instructions to be taken for combating COVID-19 as enumerated in Annexure to the Circular :-
(i) lntegrated Steel Plant
(ii) Petroleum Refinery Unit
(iii) Cement plant
(iv) Fertilizer Plant
(v) Pulp and Paper unit
(vi) Glass Manufacturing Unit
(vii) Coal Tar Distillation Unit
This relaxation applies only to operation of the plants and not applicable to their head offices/administrative office.

Some of the important preventive measures to be ensured in these units include:

 Install thermal scanners at the entry of factory gate for screening of all employees / workers for temperature
 Use of hand sanitizers/wash mandatorily before entering the premises and employers to ensure regular supply of hand sanitizers, soap and running water in the washrooms.
 To provide masks to all the employees and advise them to wear without fail
 To make sure House Keeping team is on the job to improve hygiene standards and clean all access gates, hand rails, etc. frequently, and make sure wash rooms are cleaned frequently.
 Any employee having cough, cold, fever or any visible symptom are advised to leave the work place under the guidance of HR, Welfare and EHS Team.
 To avoid all internal meetings and training programmes involving assembly of employees.

Hence, Employers of "Continuous Process Industrial Units” in the State of Karnataka which are exempted from lockdown and are operational are to strictly adhere to the specific instructions issued
herein above. Allsec would send updates in this regard as and when further directions, if any, are issued by the Government. Attached with this Alert is a copy of the Circular along with the
Guidelines for your perusal.

Issue 19 │ Apr-20

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