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Creative Writing
Module 2
Creative Writing
Module 2
First Edition, 2020

Copyright © 2020
La Union Schools Division
Region I

All rights reserved. No part of this module may be reproduced in any form
without written permission from the copyright owners.

Development Team of the Module

Author: Michael Stephen R. Gracias, MT II

Editor: SDO La Union, Learning Resource Quality Assurance Team
Illustrator: Ernesto F. Ramos Jr., P II

Management Team:

ATTY. Donato D. Balderas, Jr.

Schools Division Superintendent
Vivian Luz S. Pagatpatan, Ph.D
Assistant Schools Division Superintendent
German E. Flora, Ph.D, CID Chief
Virgilio C. Boado, Ph.D, EPS in Charge of LRMS
Belen C. Aquino, EPS in Charge of English
Michael Jason D. Morales, PDO II
Claire P. Toluyen, Librarian II
Module 2

It’s a great way to think that after studying and working on all
activities in this lesson, you will be able to:

Identify the various elements, techniques, and literary devices in

poetry (HUMSS_CW/MP11/12c-f-6)

This learning material entitled Reading and Writing Poetry is

intended to be used by senior high school students to help them to
appreciate and understand the poem 's thought and imagination. As
well as through their interest in writing the poem's rhythm & rhythm
and style, and in training the students' emotions, feelings and
imagination. The learning material aims to help the learners
determine the various elements, techniques and literary tools in

Activity 1: What I Know
Below are questions you have to answer. Each question represents a
concept or an idea which is about to be discussed in this lesson. Answer the
pre-test in a separate sheet of paper.
1. A type of literature that uses the sounds, rhythm and meaning of words
to describe the world in striking and imaginative ways.
A. lines C. poetry
B. rhymes D. imagery
2. The writer of the poem is called____________.
A. poet C. author
B. illustrator D. smart person
3. Poems can be arranged in lines. Lines can be_______
A. a single word C. a part of sentence
B. a sentence D. all of the above
4. Define a “rhyme”.
A. the repetition of a letter.
B. the omission of a sound.
C. the repetition of an ending sound.
D. comparing two things using “like” or “as”.
5. Groups of lines are called ____________.
A. sentences C. phrase
B. stanza D. line groupings
6. Free verse poetry does not have_____________.
A. stanzas C. rhyme or rhythm
B. plot or conflict D. serious topic
7. All are found in poetry except
A. rhyme scheme C. stanza
B. rhythm D. paragraphs
8. When rhymes follow a particular pattern
A. variations C. rhyme scheme
B. imagery D. stanza break
9. Comparison of two unlike things which says one thing is another?
A. hyperbole C. metaphor
B. alliteration D. simile
10. What figurative language is used in this sentence? The assignment was
a breeze.
A. simile C. personification
B. metaphor D. alliteration


Directions. Read and analyze the text below.

Poetry is a literary work to express feelings and ideas with the use of
distinctive style and rhythm. In poetry, sound and meaning of words are
combined to express feelings, thoughts and ideas. The poet chooses words
carefully. Poetry is usually written in lines.

1. Narrative – a poem that tells a story,and has the elements of a story.
Types of Narrative Poetry
 Epic - an epic is a long unified narrative poem, recounting in
dignified language the adventures of a warrior, a king or a god,
the whole embodying the religious and philosophical beliefs, the
moral code, customs, traditions, manners, attitudes, sciences,
folklore and culture of the people or country from which it came.
 Metrical Romance – it recounts the quest undertaken by a
single knight in order to gain a lady’s favor.
 Metrical Tale - is a simple, straightforward story in verse.
 Ballad - is a narrative poem which is meant to be sung, usually
composed in the ballad stanza.

2. Dramatic – a poem where the speaker is someone other then the poet
themselves. A Dramatic poem often includes characters and dialogue. A
Dramatic Monologue is often from a fictional character’s point of view.
Types of Dramatic Poetry
 Dramatic Monologue - is a literary device that is used when a
character reveals his or her innermost thoughts and feelings, those
that are hidden throughout the course of the story line, through a
poem or a speech.
 Soliloquy - is the act of speaking while alone, especially when used
as a theatrical device that allows a character’s thoughts and ideas
to be conveyed to the audience.

3. Lyrical – a poem that expresses emotions, appeals to your senses, and

often could be set to music.
Types of Lyric Poetry
 Ode - is a dignified and elaborately structured lyric poem praising

and glorifying an individual, commemorating an event, or
describing nature intellectually rather than emotionally.
 Elegy - is a lyric poem, written in elegiac couplets, that expresses
sorrow or lamentation, usually for one who has died.
 Sonnet - is a short poem with fourteen lines, usually written in
iambic pentameter. For example, the word "remark" consists of two
syllables. ... A foot is an iamb if it consists of one unstressed
syllable followed by a stressed syllable, so the word remark is an
iamb. Penta means five, so a line of iambic pentameter consists of
five iambs - five sets of unstressed and stressed syllables.
 Song - is a lyric poem which is set to music. All songs have a
strong beat created largely through the 3R’s: rhythm, rhyme, and

 Simple Lyric - is a short poem expressing the poet’s thought,

feeling, or emotion.

Activity 1. Choose your answer from the given choices. Answer this activity
in a separate sheet of paper.
1. One of the three main groups of poetry that tells a series of events
through poetic devices.
A. spoken words
B. dramatic poetry
C. lyric poetry
D. narrative poetry

2. This is a long unified narrative poem that shows heroic life of the
A. Epic
B. Metrical Tale
C. Metrical Romance
D. Fairy Tale

3. It is a dignified and elaborately structured lyric poem praising and

glorifying an individual, commemorating an event, or describing
nature intellectually rather than emotionally.
A. ode
B. elegy
C. sonnet
D. soliloquy
4. This is the literary device that is used when a character reveals his or
her innermost thoughts and feelings, those that are hidden
throughout the course of the story line, through a poem or a speech.
A. soliloquy
B. speech choir
C. narrative poetry
D. dramatic monologue

5. This is a lyric poem, written in melancholic couplets, that expresses
sorrow or lamentation, usually for one who has died.
A. ode
B. sonnet
C. elegy
D. song


Elements of Poetry

1. Speaker – is the narrative voice of the poem. The persona/ voice of a

poem can be the first person “I”, second person “you”, the third person
“he or she”, or the public person (large audience, like society).
2. Subject – is the topic of the poem such as nature, love, death, and
other life events.
3. Theme - It is defined as a main idea or an underlying meaning of a
literary work that may be stated directly or indirectly.
4. Tone - the attitude you feel in it - the writer's attitude toward the
subject or audience. The tone can be formal or informal, serious or
humorous, sad or happy.
5. Form - refers to a type of poem that follows a particular set of rules,
whether it be the number of lines, the length or number of stanzas,
rhyme scheme, subject matter, or really whatever rule you can think
6. Sound - rhyme, rhythm, alliteration
7. Rhythm - a literary device which demonstrates the long and short
patterns through stressed and unstressed syllables particularly in
verse form.
8. Rhyme - a repetition of similar sounding words occurring at the end of
lines in poems or songs.
9. Stanzas - a division of four or more lines having a fixed length, meter
or rhyming scheme. Stanza divides a poem in such a way that does
not harm its balance but rather it adds to the beauty to the symmetry

of a poem.
 couplet (2 lines)
 tercet (3 lines)
 quatrain (4 lines)
 cinquain (5 lines)
 sestet (6 lines) (sometimes it's called a sixain)
 septet (7 lines)
 octave (8 lines)
10. Imagery – uses its 5 senses to point a picture on image in the
reader’s mind.
11. Diction – Diction can be defined as style of speaking or writing
determined by the choice of words by a speaker or a writer.
12. Meter- a stressed and unstressed syllabic pattern in a verse, or
within the lines of a poem. Stressed syllables tend to be longer, and
unstressed shorter.
13. Symbolism– is the use of a specific object or an image to represent
an abstract idea. A symbol is a word or phrase that represents
something other than its literal meaning. Examples of symbolism
include a rose to represent love, a dove to represent peace, the owl
symbolizes wisdom and the cross to represent Christianity.

Poetic Devices
1. Alliteration- is derived from Latin’s “Latira”, means “letters of
alphabet”. It is a stylistic device in which a number of words, having
the same first consonant sound, occur close together in a series.
2. Imaginative - (provokes thought, causes an emotional response:
laughter, happy, sad)
3. Creative (words and phrases that have a pattern made with rhythm
and rhyme)
4. Descriptive and vivid (imagery where the reader/listener creates vivid
mental images
5. Free verse - poetry that is free from limitations of regular meter or
rhythm and does not rhyme with fixed forms.
6. Uses figurative language (personification, similes, metaphors)
6.1 Personification where a non-human thing or idea is ascribed
human qualities or abilities
· Lightning danced across the sky.
· The wing howled in the night.
· My alarm clock yells at me every
6.2 Simile work by saying something is similar to something else.
Those that make a comparison using ‘as’ and those that make a
comparison using ‘like’.
·Her cheeks are red like a rose.
· He is as funny as a monkey.
· He is as busy as a bee.
6.3 Metaphor make comparisons between things by stating that one
thing literally is something else. It is used to bring clarity to ideas
by forming connections.
· The classroom was a zoo.
· The road ahead was a ribbon stretching across the desert.
· Laughter is the music of the soul.
· Life is a roller coaster.

Techniques on Writing Poetry

1. Causality. A plot is not a random string of events. It has a logic based on
cause and effect relationships between things that happen in the story.
2. Foreshadowing. Foreshadowing is a plot-related literary technique whereby
an author shows or says something in an early part of a story that hints at a
later event. Psychologically, foreshadowing prepares us for what is to come
in the story, particularly the ending.
3. Flashback. A flashback is an interruption in the chronological sequence of
events in the plot. It narrates a scene that occurred earlier.
4. Euphemism. Often in literature, whether for humor or just for taste, a writer
wishes to describe some graphic or offensive event using milder imagery or
phrasing. When an author does this, it's called a euphemism.
5. Allusion. An allusion is when an author refers to the events or characters
from another story in her own story with the hopes that those events will
add context or depth to the story she's trying to tell.

Let’s Familiarize Ourselves

Activity 1. Provide at least 3 words that rhymes with the given


1. - __________ __________ __________

2. - __________ __________ __________

3. - __________ __________ __________

4. - __________ __________ __________

5. - __________ __________ __________

ACTIVITY 2. Read the poem, One Rotation by Stephanie

Mulrooney. After reading, look for examples of figurative
language in the poem and underline them. Write down 10
underlined examples in the table below.
It dances across the sky
Illuminating the landscape with light, like a warming camp fire
A beacon of hope, filled with fresh possibilities
Welcoming the day.

It stretches across the sky
Filling the landscape with life, like a blossoming flower
A jigsaw puzzle of nature, perfect in every way
Preceding the dusk.

It creeps across the sky
Decorating the landscape with colour, like paint on a canvas
A brilliant kaleidoscope of purples, pinks and reds
Welcoming the night.

It falls across the sky
Encasing the landscape in darkness, like a winter blanket
A blackened curtain,
8 speckled with tiny jewels
Preceding the dawn.
Simile Metaphor Personification
like a warming camp fire a beacon of hope dances across the sky

After studying the elements, literary devices and techniques used

in reading and writing poetry bear in mind that this lesson will
enhance your understanding in poetry.


Let’s Strengthen it!

Activity 1. Write a Haiku about yourself. The rubric below will
serve as a scoring guide.

Rubrics for Scoring the Output

Categor 5 4 3 2
Content The poem has The poem has a The purpose The poem lacks a
a clear purpose clear purpose and theme of purpose and
and theme that and theme, but the poem is theme.
is carried out may have one or somewhat
throughout the two elements muddy or
work that do not seem vague.
to be related to
Mechani There are no There are 1-3 There are 4-5 There are more
cs: errors in errors in errors in than 5 errors in
Spelling, spelling, spelling, spelling, spelling,
Grammar grammar, or grammar, or grammar, or grammar, or
and punctuation in punctuation in punctuation punctuation in
Punctuat the final draft the final draft of in the final the final draft of
ion of the the draft of the the
product. product. product. product.

Imagery Sensory and The author uses The author Five or more
descriptive one or two “filler” uses three or “filler” words are
words are used words that could four “filler” used.
throughout in have been words.
order to create reworked to
images in the create
reader’s mind. images.
Require Poem follows Poem does not Poem does Poem does not
ments the syllabic follow the not follow the follow the syllabic
requirements syllabic syllabic requirements on
on all lines. requirements on requirements more than 2 of
one of the lines. on two of the the lines.


Directions: Read carefully each item. Use a separate sheet for your
answers. Write only the letter of the best answer for each test item.

1. The recurrence of sounds, words, phrases or line in poetry is

A. rhythm C. beat
B. repetition D. meter

2. The structure of poetry is written in

A. lines and stanzas
B. lines and paragraphs
C. sentences and stanzas
D. sentences and paragraphs

3. Poetry that expresses the thoughts and feelings of the

writer or speaker, songlike quality or set to a beat.
A. free verse C. lyric poem
B. ballad D. narrative

4. A poetry that has no regular rhythm, meter, rhyme or

structure is___________
A. free verse C. haiku
B. ode D. prose

5. Descriptions that appeal to the five senses

A. refrain C. variations
B. imagery D. meter

6. Group of words that poetry is divided into______
A. lines C. stanza break
B. stanzas D. feet

7. A haiku poem____________
A. has five lines
B. has one line
C. has three lines

8. Just like fiction has a narrator, poetry has a _______ –someone who is the
voice of the poem.
A. speaker C. author
B. editor D. subject

9. The writer gives human qualities to a subject

A. personification C. metaphor
B. simile D. hyperbole

10. He is a walking dictionary. What figurative language is used in this

A. simile C. personification
B. metaphor D. hyperbole


Literary Devices. (2020). Retrieved from

Theme and Tone in Poetry. (2015). Retrieved from


Examples of Theme in Literature. (2017). Retrieved from https://examples. reference/examples/examples-of-theme-in-

Poetic Devices Worksheet 1. (2019). Retrieved from https://www.ereading

Elements of Poetry Workbook. (2018). Retrived from http://45launchpad.


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