SITHCCC012 - Prepare Poultry Dishes Worksheets: Section 1: Select Ingredients

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SITHCCC012 - Prepare poultry dishes



Q1: List three factors you must consider when confirming food production requirements.
We must consider following when confirming food production requirements.
a) Available time to cook
b) Financial resources
c) Seasonal food availability

Q2: You have a recipe for 12 portions of chicken risotto. The recipe lists 1 kg chicken breast fillets and
24 mushrooms in the required ingredients. How much of each ingredient do you need to prepare
36 portions?
We need:
a) 3 kg chicken breast fillet
b) 72 mushrooms

Q3: You need to select some fresh poultry from stores for a recipe you’re preparing. List four quality
indicators you’ll look for.
The four quality metrics to look for when buying fresh poultry for a recipe are as follows.
a) The breasts should be plump, firm, and well-formed.
b) The skin should be smooth, dry, and free of slime.
c) Feathers should not be attached with pins.
d) It must have a good aroma.

Q4: You want to use some leftover poultry cuts you’ve found stored in the freezer. Apart from quality,
list two things to look for when deciding whether or not to use the poultry.
a) Smell the leftover cuts
b) No evidence of freezer burns on the product

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Q5: What do the culinary terms ‘aileron’ and ‘maryland’ mean?

Winglet of poultry with the tip removed


The whole leg with the thigh and drumstick. The pelvic bone is normally still attached.

Q6: From which two countries did quail dishes originate?

Quail dishes are originated from the following countries.
a) India
b) Africa

Q7: Number the following poultry meat from most to least healthy based on their fat content and
nutritional quality (with 1 being most healthy and 3 being least healthy).

Whole duck : 3___________________________________________________________________

Chicken tenderloins :1_____________________________________________________________

Chicken drumsticks : 2_____________________________________________________________

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Q1: List four different types of knives, tools or equipment you might use when roasting poultry.
We use following different types of knives when roasting poultry.
a) Roasting pans and racks
b) Oven
c) Carving knives, meat fork and chopping board
d) Ladle and spoon for basting

Q2: List two types of knives, tools or equipment you might use when stewing poultry.
a) Pot and sauce pan
b) Wooden stirring spoon

Q3: Which tool would you use to maintain a sharp blade on a carving knife?
I would use sharpening stone to maintain a sharp blade on a carving knife.

Q4: What two things must you check before using any equipment?
Before using any tools, we must make sure of the following two points.
a) Before using any equipment, read the instructions.
b) Wear the proper personal protective equipment.

Q5: List four safety tips for using a deep fryer.

a) a) It's important to note that water boils at 100 degrees Celsius.
b) b) Cook small food products in the oil, such as crumbed drumsticks or small battered bits.
c) c) Before straining the deep fryer, we can let the fat cool to room temperature.
d) d) We should wear our sleeveless shirts.

Q6: List three food safety practices for handling poultry.

The following steps should be taken to ensure food safety when handling poultry.
a) Before we use the machinery, we must properly install it.
b) We should thoroughly clean all tools and equipment.
c) Manufacturer's guidance and product manuals should be followed.
d) We should seek advice from an experienced coworker.

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Q1: What is the safest way to thaw frozen poultry?

The best way to thaw frozen poultry is to prevent cross-contamination between raw and cooked foods at
all stages of food processing, and to make sure that any drips from thawed poultry do not come into
contact with surfaces, appliances, or high-risk foods.

Q2: You’re preparing to make a poultry dish and aren’t sure what to get ready first. What is the most
logical and efficient way to sort and assemble ingredients ready for cooking?
a) Choose your ingredients
b) Determine the sum of each ingredient based on the specifications.
c) Choose, plan, and use the appropriate equipment.
d) Assemble equipment safely and thoroughly before using it.
e) Measure out and prepare the ingredients.
f) Thaw frozen fish in a healthy manner.
g) Sort and assemble ingredients h) Weigh, count, and portion ingredients
i) Make use of seafood-preparation methods

Q3: How would you weigh and measure the following ingredients?
250 g diced chicken
Measuring cup = 2 cup

1 tbsp tomato paste : measuring spoon

250 ml water

250 ml water : Measuring jugs

measuring cup = 1 cup

6 button mushrooms
Ounces = 3 ounces

Q4: A recipe tells you to cook a dish in a moderate oven. What temperature is this in Celsius?
180 Celsius

Q5: Your recipe instructs you to portion a bird for sauté. Briefly outline the 5 main steps you’ll need to
follow for portioning the bird.
a) A very sharp filleting knife is needed.
b) Cut through the loose skin between the leg and the breast, loosen the wings, and drag the bird
away from you.

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Q6: Your recipe instructs you to prepare a trivet from a mirepoix of vegetables. What does this mean?
To avoid the lower part of the meat from shallow frying, we lift all poultry off the bottom of the roasting
dish. It entails either roasting the chicken on a raised roasting rack or sitting it on a mirepoix of vegetables
and bones. This is referred to as a trivet. The mirepoix and bones give the sauce made from the pan
juices more flavor and color.

Q7: Poultry meat is highly perishable, and surplus prepared dishes are often disposed of after service
as they don’t maintain their quality if stored for long periods of time. How can you minimise this
form of wastage?

a) Store meat for 4 to 6 days and poultry for 3 to 4 days in the refrigerator at 1 to 3 degrees Celsius.
b) Humidity should be 85 percent.
c) Store meat for 4 to 6 days and poultry for 3 to 4 days in the refrigerator.
d) Store all meat in a tray and cover in plastic wrap.
e) Raw and cooked meat can never be stored in the same tray.

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Q1: List 2 types of poultry that is suitable for stewing?

The following are two types of poultry that are ideal for stewing.
a) Tougher foods, such as beef, that can be cooked slowly.
b) Other ingredients include poultry, sausages, and fish.

Q2: Outline the steps involved in braising poultry (including the required cooking temperature and type
of cooking vessel used).
The procedure is as follows:
• Turn the heat down to a low setting.
• Pour in the braising liquid and put the chicken on top gently.
• If you've added some vegetables, garlic, or other ingredients, leave them in the pan and add the
liquid and chicken on top.
• Cook, covered, for 35 to 45 minutes, turning once halfway through.
• It's between 180 and 200 degrees Fahrenheit outside. The size of the cooking vessel should be
appropriate for the object.

Q3: Outline the steps involved in roasting whole birds (including the required cooking temperature).
a) Preheat the oven to 220 degrees Celsius.
b) Oil a roasting pan lightly. In the roasting pan, place a wire rack.
c) Squeeze half a lemon over the chicken, massaging the juice into the flesh.
d) Insert both lemon halves into the cavity of the chicken.
e) Drizzle oil on both sides of the chicken.
f) Season the chicken with salt and pepper all over.

Q4: Choose the accompaniment you would prepare for each of the following dishes.
Your choices of accompaniments are: pappadams, stuffing, potato chips, noodles

Roast turkey

Chicken korma

Chicken nuggets
Potato chips

Q5: Why would you add marinade to poultry meat?

To tenderize tougher cuts of meat, I will use a marinade on poultry meat. It's also used to extend the life
of the meat by preserving it and infusing it with flavour from the liquid.

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Q6: Your braised poultry has turned out dry. What’s the likely cause?
If my braised chicken was dry, it was most likely due to a lack of moisture in the meat.

Q7: In the future, how could you improve the quality of your braised poultry and prevent it from drying
To enhance the consistency of our braised poultry and prevent it from drying out in the future, lard or bard
dry cuts may be used to add moisture and flavour.

Q8: What should you do if the dish you’re preparing doesn’t meet quality requirements for taste or
I need to figure out what doesn't look, sound, smell, or taste right about my dish and take the appropriate
steps to save it from disaster. If appropriate, I should also start the dish from the beginning. I should learn
from my mistakes and avoid making them again.

Q29: One of your customers is on a low-fat diet. Number the following methods of cookery in order of
their suitability for your customer (with 1 being most healthy/suitable and 3 being least

Deep-fry : 3

Steam : 1

Roast : 2

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Q1: List three tools or pieces of equipment you need for carving poultry.
Tools are listed below.
a) cutting board
b) long-bladed carving knife
c) carving fork or a pair of tongs.

Q2: You have removed a whole roasted turkey from the oven. What must you do before carving the
Before carving the turkey after removing a whole roasted turkey from the oven, I must do the following.
a) Cook the meat until it is medium-well cooked to destroy harmful bacteria that are commonly present in
b) Transfer the cooked meat to a preheated baking sheet and cover with a damp kitchen cloth.
c) Heat the tray in the oven for 15-25 minutes.
d) Once the juices have dried, it is ready to carve without losing too much moisture or flavour.

Q3: Outline the steps for carving large boneless cuts of poultry.
a) a) Put the cooked meat on a cutting board with the fat layer facing up and secure it in place with a
carving fork or tongs.
b) b) Use a slicing motion to carve meat vertically through the grain.
c) c) They're carved as thin as possible while keeping the slice's form.
d) d) When carving, let it fall naturally from the knife onto the cutting surface.
e) Finally, meat can be arranged into neat portions for service.

Q4: List two things you can do to control portion sizes when serving dishes to customers.
a) A clean cutting board and a sharp, long-bladed carving knife are available to me.
b) I can slice using the entire blade length. I don't use excessive downward pressure. To avoid tearing the
meat, I will let the blade do the job.

Q5: Choose the best sauce to go with each of the following poultry dishes.
Your choices of sauces include: jus de rôti, cranberry, honey mustard, creamy mushroom, orange.

Roast turkey

Roast chicken
Honey mustard

Grilled chicken breast

Creamy mushroom

Roast duck

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Fried chicken tenders
Jus de roti

Q6: List three examples of garnishes you might use when serving poultry dishes.
There are many examples of garnishes we might use when serving poultry dishes.
a) delicately carved fruit or vegetable
b) sliced vegetables
c) deep fried noodles or vegetables slices

Q7: You visually evaluate dishes and find the following problems. State how you would adjust
presentation to address them.

Dish looks crowded on the plate.

Reduce the number of things that aren't essential for the dish.

Dishes lack colour/contrast.

a) Replace the plate with one of a different colour
b) Add more garnishes, such as chopped parsley or chives.

There are drips or fingerprints on rims of plates.

Replace the plate or wipe it with a clean tea towel.

Q8: At what temperature must you store hot and cold poultry dishes to ensure food safety?

Hot food should be held at 140 °F or warmer

Cold food should be held at 40 °F or colder.

Q9: What information should you put on a date label attached to surplus food being stored for service at
another time or day?
A date mark should be clearly placed on the outside of any food placed in storage containers at the end
of service. Cooked rice has a limited shelf life, so this is important. The contents of the container and who
stored it can also be named on the mark. It assists other employees in properly rotating stock and
determining whether or not the food is healthy to consume.

Q10: What are three common tasks you complete when cleaning your work area at the end of service?
The following are the three most popular tasks we complete while cleaning our work area at the end of a

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a) sanitize and wipe equipment and containers
b) store cleaned equipment
c) sweep and mop floors

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