Forming Questions For Entrance Exams - Sanfoundry

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Forming Questions and Answers – Open and

Closed Die Forging

This set of Forming Questions and Answers for Entrance exams focuses on “Open and Closed Die

1. What is the open hearth called in which the metal is heated to its plastic state?
a) Roger’s forging
b) Black’s forging
c) Smith’s forging
d) Gold’s forging

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Answer: c
Explanation: The open hearth in which the metal is brought to its plastic state by increasing its
temperature is called as Smith’s forging.


2. Which of the following process is done above the recrystallization temperature?

a) Hot forging
b) Cold forging
c) Impact forging
d) Gradual pressure forging

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Answer: a
Explanation: Among hot forging, cold forging, impact forging and gradual pressure forging, ho
forging is done above the recrystallization temperature, but below the melting point.

3. Which of the following method is used for manufacturing screws?

a) Hot forging
b) Cold forging
c) Impact forging
d) Gradual pressure forging

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Answer: b
Explanation: For the manufacturing of products like screws, pins or nails, the process of hot forging
or impact forging is not recommended. But, for this, cold forging is highly used.

4. Which of the following method is used for manufacturing shafts?

a) Open die forging
b) Closed die forging
c) Impact forging
d) Flashless forging

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Answer: a
Explanation: While the manufacture of products like shafts, discs or rings, the method of closed die
forging or impact forging or flashless forging is not advised, but open die forging is used.

5. In which of the following process, does the die have a concave surface?
a) Fullering
b) Edging
c) Cogging
d) Cavitising

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Answer: b
Explanation: Among the following processes, that are fullering, edging, cogging and cavitising, edging
is a process in which, the die has a concave shape.

6. Cold forging causes a reduction in strength of material.
a) True
b) False

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Answer: b
Explanation: Strain hardening is caused by cold forging, whereas hot forging results in a reduction o
the strength of the material.

7. In which of the following process, does the die have a convex surface?
a) Fullering
b) Edging
c) Cogging
d) Cavitising

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Answer: b
Explanation: None.

8. Which of the following operation is called incremental forging?

a) Fullering
b) Edging
c) Cogging
d) Cavitising

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Answer: c
Explanation: Among the following process, cogging is the operation in which the surface is contoured
a little. This process is also called as incremental forging.

9. Which of the following process is used for making slabs?

a) Fullering
b) Edging
d) Cavitising

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Answer: c
Explanation: Among the following processes, cogging is a process which is used for the
manufacturing of processes like blooms and slabs from the cast ingots.


10. The cost of cold dies is high.

a) True
b) False

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Answer: a
Explanation: It is observed that the initial cost of dies in case of cold dies forging is comparatively
high. Not just that, but this process is also a little complex one.

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