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Total Marks: 17 Biology Intermediate Part-II Time: 20 min.

Test Series: T-III April 2021 (Objective Part)
Name:- _________ Roll No:- __________ Section:- ________
You have four choices for each objective type question as A, B, C and D. The choice which you think is correct, fill the relevant circle in front
ofthat question number on computerized answer sheet. Use marker or pen to fill the circles. Cutting or filling two or more circles will result in zero marks
in that question. Attempt as many questions as given in objective type question paper and leave other circles blank.
Q. No # - 1 Tick () the correct option from the columns A, B, C, D. 17x1=17
1 Reproduction is necessary for survival of: Individual Species Population Community
2 Which one is Parthenocarpic fruit? Apple Peach Pineapple Mango

3 Drones produces gametes by: Meiosis Mitosis Crossing over Binary fission
Primary Secondary Ootid
4 Ovulation means release of: Ovum
Oocyte Oocyte
5 Sertoli cells are cells of: Cervix Ureter Urethra Testes
Primary Secondary
6 Which one is haploid cell? Oogonia Zygote
oocyte oocyte

7 Which hormone suppresses ovulation? Estrogen Progestrone Testosterone Gastrin

Neisseria Treponema
8 Gonorrhoea is caused by: HIV HCV
gonorrhoeae pallidum
9 … the form of appearance of a trait: Genotype Phenotype Pleitropy Epistasis
10 Full set of genes of an individual is called: Genetic pool Genome Allelomorph

11 Gene term was coined by: Mendel Correns Johannsen Morgan

X-linked X-linked Sex

12 Haemophillia is…….trait. Sex limited
dominant recessive influenced

13 Green colorblindness is called: Protonopia Deuteronopia Tritonopia Protanamalous

14 The gene for blue opsin is present on autosome: 7 11 19 21

About 50% cases of MODY are caused by

15 Kinase Proteinase Glucokinase Hexokinase
mutations in……gene:

16 The true colour blindness is: Monochromacy Dichromacy Trichromacy Tetrachromacy

17 Diabetics are unable to metabolize blood: Urea Protein Fat Sugar

Total Marks: 68 Biology Intermediate Part-II Time: 2:40 Hrs.
Test Series: T-III April 2021 (Subjective Part) Roll No. ______
Q. No # - 2 Write short answer of the questions. PART-I (8×2=16)
1. Define Diplohaplotonic life cycle.
2. Define parthenocarpy. Give example.
3. What is seed dormancy?
4. Define climacteric effect.
5. Differentiate viviparous and ovoviviparous animals.
6. What are test tube babies?
7. What is placenta?
8. What is meant by ‘After Birth’?
Q. No # - 3 Write short answer of the questions. PART-II (8×2=16)
1. What is Oestrous cycle?
2. What is follicle atresia?
3. What is corpus luteum?
4. Define gene linakge.
5. What are sex chromosomes?
6. What is testicular feminization syndrome?
7. What is Erythroblastosis foetalis?
8. Differentiate homozygote and heterozygote.
Q. No # - 4 Write short answer of the questions. PART-III (6×2=12)
1. What is complete dominance?
2. What are multiple alleles?
3. What is multifactorial trait?
4. What is Rh-antigen?
5. Differentiate monohybrids and dihybrids.
6. Differentiate genotype and phenotype.
Long Questions (8×3=24)
Question no 3
a) Describe human female reproductive cycle.
b) Differentiate identical and fraternal twins.
Question no 4
a) Describe spermatogenesis.
b) Discuss Mendel’s Law of Segragation.
Question no 5
a) Write a note on Rh blood group system.
b) Define these terms:
1) Gene and locus 3) Pure breeds
2) Probability 4) Agglutination

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