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As the CEO of my own start-up, I worked in every functional area, from design to manufacturing, from

the launching of new products to sales, from developing business models to securing investments. This
experience has given me the chance to truly explore myself. I have faced and overcome various
difficulties and hurdles, and have gained an insight regarding my strengths and weaknesses.

In 2018, Sahara iO launched its first product, but even with my best efforts, the company didn’t achieve
more than 30% of the target sales. It was then I realized that I need a formal education in business,
specifically marketing, sales, and investments. Without achieving these skills, I will not be able to
achieve my goal of empowering the disabled through Sahara iO. Having a natural aptitude for
management and entrepreneurship, I have decided to pursue higher studies in MA Social
Entrepreneurship / MSc. Entrepreneurship / MBA International Marketing.

I found the Chevening scholarship in order to fund my dream of receiving a world-class education and to
achieve my goal. I have chosen London as my first choice, for it is the leading financial hub of the world
and to some of the biggest social enterprises. The city was ranked first by MasterCard in Worldwide
Centres for Commerce, and is in itself an institution for those seeking expertise in business and
entrepreneurship. It is the best place for me to attain business education. The UK is truly unsurpassable.

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