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Fractals, Vol. 11, No.

2 (2003) 195–204
c World Scientific Publishing Company




Max Planck Institute for Experimental Medicine
Hermann-Rein Str. 3, D-37075 Goettingen, Germany

Infodynamics, Ancaster, Ontario, L9G 3M8, Canada

Received May 16, 2002

Accepted October 9, 2002

The complexity of the cardiac rhythm is demonstrated to exhibit self-affine multifractal vari-
ability. The dynamics of heartbeat interval time series was analyzed by application of the
multifractal formalism based on the Cramer theory of large deviations. The continuous mul-
tifractal large deviation spectrum uncovers the nonlinear fractal properties in the dynamics of
heart rate and presents a useful diagnostic framework for discrimination and classification of
patients with cardiac disease, e.g. congestive heart failure. The characteristic multifractal spec-
tral pattern in heart transplant recipients or chronic heart disease highlights the importance of
neuroautonomic control mechanisms regulating the fractal dynamics of the cardiac rhythm.

Keywords: Cardiac Disease; Heart Rate Variability; Large Deviation Spectrum; Long-range
Dependence; Multifractals.

1. INTRODUCTION control expected to result from both intrinsic and

extrinsic factors operating at different time scales
The beat-to-beat variation in the heart rate or resolution have not been identified clearly. Early
of man and other mammals is generated by studies have attributed the complex dynamics of the
a complex process and displays inhomogeneous, cardiac rhythm to be the result of an autonomous
non-stationary extremely irregular temporal orga- low-dimensional deterministically chaotic system
nization. The physiological mechanisms of cardiac but this concept has remained enigmatic. 1−5 Recent

196 M. Meyer et al.

studies have identified scale invariance or self- provides information as to which singularities occur
affinity in the fluctuations of cardiac rate which are in the signal and which are dominant. 24−26 More
characterized as 1/f-noise (strictly, f −B noise, with precisely, f (α) is a graph where the abscissa repre-
a Fourier spectral density given in terms of the fre- sents the Hölder or regularity exponent (α) in the
quency f by the power law f −B and B ∼ 1) and signal and the ordinate is the fractal co-dimension
quantified by a global Hurst-Hölder roughness ex- which measures the extent by which a given sin-
ponent (H).6−13 gularity is encountered (coarse-grained multifractal
Implicit in these studies was the assumption that spectrum). A Hölder exponent within the interval
the cardiac interbeat time series was fractionally ho- [0, 1] means that the signal is continuous but not
mogeneous, i.e. unifractal or uniscaling, and could differentiable at a given point considered. The
appropriately be described by a single H-coefficient. lower the exponent, the more irregular is the sig-
Further generalization of the analysis beyond the nal. More generally, the multifractal formalism,
property of uniscaling leads to multiscaling or mul- assessing the singularity spectrum of the function
tifractals allowing the exponent H to depend on fg (α) yields information about the statistical be-
time and to be chosen from an infinity of possi- havior of the probability of finding a point with a
ble distinct values over the interval H min > 0 to given Hölder exponent in the signal under changes
Hmax < ∞. Multifractals are therefore character- of resolution. The multifractal spectrum is a one-
ized by a plethora of scaling relations or power laws dimensional curve where abscissa represents the
with correspondingly many exponents. Multifrac- Hölder exponents actually present in the signal and
tals, originally introduced by the seminal papers ordinates are related to the “amount” of points
of Frisch and Parisi14 and of Halsey et al.15 and where a given singularity is encountered.
the work of Mandelbrot16 exemplify extreme vari-
ability and belong to the broad and unified notion
of self-affine fractal variation. Evidence for multi- 2.2 Large Deviation Multifractal
fractality in human heartbeat dynamics has been Spectrum
suggested earlier8,9 and the multifractal formalism Consider a positive continuous-time process X(t)
based on the Legendre spectrum (see below) has re- defined on [0, 1] where X varies considerably and
cently been invoked in the analysis of the variability is nowhere differentiable, i.e. it cannot be approxi-
of human heart rate17−22 and posture.23 mated locally by a linear function. The strength of
spikyness, also referred to as the degree of Hölder
continuity, is characterized by a scaling exponent,
2. METHODS α(t):
α(t) := lim αnkn (1)
kn 2−n→t
2.1 Multifractal Spectrum
Biological signals typically (i) exhibit significant
long-range dependence (LRD), but display short- αnkn := − log2 |X((kn + 1)2−n ) − X(kn 2−n )| (2)
term correlations and scaling behavior inconsistent n
with strict self-similarity; (ii) the scaling behavior and kn = 0, . . . , 2n − 1.
of moments is a non-trivial (nonlinear) function of The smaller α(t), the larger the increments of X
the moment order as the signal is aggregated; and at t and the more spiky X is at time t. For the unit
(iii) the increments in the signal are inherently pos- interval t ∈ [0, 1], the frequency of occurrence of a
itive and hence non-Gaussian. Signals with these given strength α is obtained by the coarse-grained
properties fall naturally into the class of multifrac- multifractal spectrum:
tal processes. Hence, multifractal analysis retrieves 1
positive measures or distributions exhibiting self- fg (α) = lim lim log2 Nn (α, ε) (3)
ε→0 n→∞ n
similarity but non-homogeneous scaling.
The multifractal analysis of irregular but oth- with
erwise arbitrary one-dimensional signals yields a Nn (α) = #{αnkn ∈ (α − ε, α + ε)} . (4)
multifractal spectrum (f (α)) that may be viewed
as a measure of spikyness or global characteriza- The function fg (α) takes values between 0 and 1
tion of the singularity structure of the data. It and is typically concave shaped like a ∩. The
Multifractal Spectrum Estimation of Human Heartbeat Interval Dynamics 197

smaller fg (α), the “fewer” points t exhibit α(t) ' α. The transform τ ∗ in Eq. (6) is the Legendre trans-
If ᾱ denotes the value of α(t) assumed by “most” form of τ . While fg (α) is hard to assess directly on
points t, then fg (ᾱ) = 1, i.e. for a significant num- experimental signals, because of the double limit in
ber of kn = 0, . . . , 2n − 1, the increments of size Eq. (3), estimation of τ (q) is easier and f (α) is con-
4nk [X] := |X((kn + 1)2−n ) − X(kn 2−n )| = 2−nαk ' veniently determined by the Legendre multifractal
2−nᾱ and hence X varies smoothly with respect to spectrum fl (α):
the scale of measurement ε. fg (α) is the rate func-
tion, also referred to as partition function, τ (q), of fl (α) := τ ∗ (α) = inf (qα − τ (q)) . (7)
the Large Deviation Principle (LDP). 26−33 q∈IR
The multifractal large deviation spectrum f g (α)
is closely related to the partition function τ (q) 31,34 fl (α) may provide less information than f g (α) since
defined as the back-transformation yields
 n

τ (q) = lim log 2 IE  (4nkn [X])q  . (5) fg (α) ≤ fg (α)∗∗ = fl (α) (8)
n→∞ −n
k =0 n

Assuming that τ (q) exists and is differentiable for where fg (α)∗∗ is the concave hull of fg .26,35 For a
all real q, application of the LDP Gärtner-Ellis 28,31 generalized analytical estimate of f (α) on a typical
theorem shows that the double limit of Eq. (3) exists path of X, the multifractal formalism 34,36−38 yields
for all α, and, moreover
fg (α) ≤ τ ∗ (α) := inf (qα − τ (q)). (6) fg (α) ≤ fl (α) ≤ τ ∗ (α) . (9)

(a) (b)
6 0.02
Weierstrass Function Multinomial Measure
H(t)=t Base: 3
N=8192 Weights: 0.1,0.3,0.6
4 0.015 N=6561

2 0.01

0 0.005

−2 0
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 0 2000 4000 6000
(c) (d)
Legendre Legendre
Large Deviation Large Deviation
1 1 Theoretical

0.8 0.8


0.6 0.6

0.4 0.4

0.2 0.2

0 0
0 0.5 1 1.5 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5
α α

Fig. 1 Multifractal spectra of classical functions and measures. (a) Generalized Weierstrass function. (b) Trinomial measure.
(c) and (d) Legendre spectrum (fl (α)) and large deviation spectrum (fg (α)) of (a) and (b).
198 M. Meyer et al.

2.3 Continuous Large Deviation spaced between the minimum and maximum val-
Multifractal Spectrum ues of the coarse-grain Hölder exponents at size η.
c,ε η(α) yields the large deviations from the “most
The computation of the large deviation spectrum frequent” singularity exponent and thus displays in-
(α, fg (α)) is based on kernel-density estimation of formation about the occurrence of rare events such
the coarse-grain Hölder exponents α nkn . The estima- as bursts (small α).
tor of fg (α) is optimized for (i) implicit dependency Figure 1(a) and (b) shows the estimation of
between precision ε and resolution n, (ii) spatial c,ε η(α) and f (α) for the synthesized general-
fg,η l
adaptation of precision ε, and (iii) stable resolution ized Weierstrass function with smoothly increas-
within the range nmin ≤ n ≤ nmax , yielding a new ing regularity (h(t) = t) and a trinomial deter-
definition, the continuous large deviation multifrac- ministic measure40–42 at resolution 8 (38 = 6561
tal spectrum, fg,ηc,ε η(α).39 For the estimation of αn ,
kn intervals) constructed iteratively through a cas-
2 dyadic intervals that partition [0, 1] are consid- cade structure (c) and (d). The estimate of
ered for each resolution n. For each interval, α nkn fl (α) agrees reasonably well with the kernel es-
is computed which is the logarithm of a quantity timate of fg,η c,ε η(α) for the classical Weierstrass

measuring the variation of the signal in the interval function and just presents a concave approxima-
(the maximum minus the minimum of the signal in tion to fg,η c,ε η(α). For the trinomial measure,
the dyadic interval) divided by the logarithm of the both fl (α) and fg,η c,ε η(α) match quite well with

size of the interval. Interval discretization is linearly the theoretical spectrum. Contrary to the more


5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40
(b) Time (min)


500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000
(c) Number of points


500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000
(d) Number of points

0.6 αmode 0.39


αmin 0.10
α 0.92
0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1

Fig. 2 Multifractality in heartbeat interval time series. (a) Successive heartbeat intervals (msec) as function of time (∼ 40
minutes) from a healthy subject in resting supine posture. The cardiac time series exhibits wild irregular fluctuations and
non-stationary behavior. (b) The coarse-grain Hölder exponent (α) distributed over the interval [0, 1], denoting the range
from irregularity to regularity, reflects the heterogeneity that is present in the cardiac time series irrespective of the fact that
the subject was in steady-state resting supine conditions. The broad range of coarse-grain Hölder exponents associated with
the signal reflects the complex temporal organization of singularities characterized by the range of irregular fluctuating Hölder
exponents. (c) Color coding of (b). The color spectrum goes from blue to cyan to yellow to orange and to red. Blue indicates
small values of α while yellow-orange indicates large values of α. (d) The continuous large deviation multifractal spectrum,
fg,η η(α), of the Hölder coefficients (α) shows a smooth concave function supported by αmin to αmax with mode, αmode [0.39, 1],
indicated by filled circle. The extracted parameters, αmode , αmin and αmax , respectively, are used to quantify the spectra for
the purpose of discrimination and classification of heartbeat interval time series of normal subjects and patients with cardiac
Multifractal Spectrum Estimation of Human Heartbeat Interval Dynamics 199

convenient and generally more robust (though at (M.M.). All computations were performed within
the expense of severe loss of information) Legen- the MATLAB environment. The C-LAB routine
dre spectrum, fl (α), which is based on the Legen- for calculation of continuous large deviation mul-
dre transformation19 of the Rényi exponents (τ (q)) tifractal spectra was obtained from J. L. Véhel at
of the qth moments of the measure and is always
shaped like a ∩ (concave and thus continuous, and
almost everywhere differentiable), the continuous
large deviation multifractal spectrum, f g,ηc,ε η(α), is 4. RESULTS
superior in that it does not need to be concave and
hence is more appropriate in a general setting. Fig- 4.1 Cardiac Dynamics in Health
ure 2(a) shows a highly irregular cardiac interval and Disease
time series recorded over ∼ 40 minutes (∼ 3000
c,ε η(α), is a
For all healthy subjects, the spectrum, f g,η
beats) of a healthy human subject resting quietly
in supine posture. The multifractal estimation of smooth concave function (group mean ± SD, α mode
the coarse-grain Hölder exponents α nkn [Fig. 2(b) 0.36 ± 0.02; αmin 0.09 ± 0.01; αmax 0.50 ± 0.03) over
and (c)] is used to determine the continuous large a broad range of Hölder exponents α [Fig. 3(a)].
c,ε η(α) [Fig. 2(d)].
deviation multifractal spectrum f g,η The broad range spectrum indicates that heart rate
of healthy subjects exhibits multifractal dynamics,
i.e. the normal cardiac rhythm displays self-affine
3. EXPERIMENTAL PROCEDURES multifractal variability. In contrast [Fig. 3(b)],
the spectrum of heart rate dynamics from patients
The cardiac interval time series (length ∼ 10 5 with congestive heart failure consistently displays
beats) of healthy subjects (n = 9, seven males, a marked departure from concavity showing a
two females; mean age ± SD, 33.7 ± 4.6 years) pronounced trough on the increasing part of the
and patients with congestive heart failure (n = spectrum and αmode is shifted to larger Hölder ex-
11, nine males, two females; mean age ± SD, ponent values (group mean ± SD, αmode 0.45±0.03;
56.4 ± 7.2 years) were obtained by 24-hour Holter αmin 0.09 ± 0.02; αmax 0.53 ± 0.04). The shift
monitoring. The electrocardiographic database was of the αmode to larger values and the “removal”
obtained using a dual-channel ambulatory ECG of low singularity strength (0.1 ≤ α ≤ 0.4) ren-
recorder (Model R6, Custo Med, München, Ger- der “smoothing” and indicate that the cardiac time
many) provided with RAM-memory and advanced series in chronic cardiac disease is more regular
data compression technology (sampling rate 500 Hz, while the degree of multifractality given by the
resolution 2 msec). Additional short-term steady- αmax −αmin difference is not materially different be-
state episodes (40 minutes) in healthy control tween the two groups. The pattern of the spectrum
subjects, in patients with non-sustained ventricu- estimate in cardiac patients appears to uncover a
lar tachycardia, and in heart transplant recipients superposition of two “basic” spectra reminiscent of
(< two years after transplantation) were recorded those which are observed by synthesis of theoretical
by a custom-made dual-channel battery-powered multinomial measures, e.g. mixing or sum of two
miniature ECG recorder amplifier interfaced to a binomial measures. This can be taken as an indica-
PC by a fiber-optical link (sampling rate 1200 Hz, tion for (at least) two different phenomena underly-
resolution ∼ 0.8 msec).
ing perturbation of the dynamics in a pathological
The digitized ECG was automatically analyzed
condition — congestive heart failure. Less preva-
using an adaptive QRS-template pattern-matching
lent parasympathetically-mediated cardiac control
algorithm to obtain a discrete cardiac time series
whereby the heart operates in a sympathetically-
or function, x(t) = ti+1 − ti , i.e. the time in-
dominated regime signifies the pathophysiology of
terval between successive R-wave maxima of the
advanced chronic heart disease.
ECG. Ectopic beats or outliers were identified by
fitting a third order autoregressive model to the in-
terbeat interval data points using multiples (3.5) 4.2 Circadian Cardiac Dynamics
of the interquartile distance as detection threshold
and corrected by linear-spline interpolation. Pre- In order to analyze the circadian stability of the
processing was reviewed by a senior cardiologist c,ε η(α) spectrum and to assess the impact of
200 M. Meyer et al.
(a) (b)
1.2 1.2

1 1

0.8 0.8


0.6 0.6

0.4 0.4

α 0.36 ± 0.02 α 0.45 ± 0.03

mode mode

0.2 0.2

Healthy Heart Failure

0 0
0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6
α α

Fig. 3 Multifractality in health and cardiac disease. Group averages ± SD of the continuous large deviation multifractal
spectrum fg,η η(α) versus Hölder exponents (α) in healthy subjects (a) and patients (b) with congestive heart failure. The
broad shape of the multifractal spectra exemplifies multifractal behavior in the cardiac interbeat rhythm which is different
between the healthy group and the heart-failure group. The spectra of the cardiac-failure group display a markedly left-sided
bi-modal shape and shift of αmode towards higher values.

extrinsic factors such as physical activity, the spec- (spontaneous versus paced breathing over a range
tra were calculated for one hour sub-epochs of of six to 48 breaths per minute) did not reveal any
the full-length 24-hour database. While the heart systematic changes in the fg,ηc,ε η(α) spectrum (data

rate of a healthy subject typically shows a circa- not shown). These findings along with the absence
dian rhythm with shorter interbeat intervals (higher of circadian changes suggest that the multifractal
heart rates) during day-time episodes and longer in- spectrum of cardiac dynamics is unlikely to re-
tervals (lower heart rates) during night-time epochs sult from extrinsic factors such as physical activity,
[Fig. 4(a)], cardiac failure patients demonstrate posture or respiration. This feature of the multi-
little, if any, circadian changes [Fig. 4(b)]. In- fractal spectrum facilitates the comparison of car-
deed, absence of a circadian rhythm in the clin- diac dynamics across species, e.g. humans versus
ical setting is interpreted as evidence for chronic mice, humans and mice exhibiting identical spectra
heart failure. The multifractal spectrum of the irrespective of the fact that heart rate in mice is
cardiac time series does not undergo appreciable about eight times higher than in humans (data not
circadian changes both in healthy subjects and shown).
cardiac patients [Figs. 4(c) and (d)] and α mode re-
mains essentially unchanged in the course of the
day [Figs. 4(e) and (f)]. Thus, the physiological 4.3 Discrimination of Healthy
mechanisms controlling the dynamics of heart rate and Diseased Cardiac
appear to be independent of regulatory circadian Autonomic Function
factors and the form of fg,ηc,ε η(α) is solely a function
c,ε η(α) spectrum clearly
The calculation of the fg,η
of intrinsic factors affecting cardiac activity.
The analysis of short-term data from healthy discriminates healthy subjects from heart-failure
subjects recorded in steady-state conditions (∼ 40 patients when based on a single quantity: α mode
minutes) comparing different postures (supine ver- (Fig. 5). Further analysis of the database by
sus sitting) and the effects of breathing frequency randomly selecting subsets of varying data lengths
Multifractal Spectrum Estimation of Human Heartbeat Interval Dynamics 201

(a) (b)
1400 1400

1200 Healthy 1200 Cardiac failure


1000 1000

800 800

600 600

400 400
5 10 15 20 5 10 15 20
(c) Hours (d) Hours
1.2 1.2

1 1

0.8 0.8

0.6 0.6

0.4 0.4

0.2 0.2

0 0
0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7
(e) α (f) α
1 1

0.8 0.8
Mean 0.42 ± 0.02 Mean 0.50 ± 0.05
0.6 0.6

0.4 0.4

0.2 α 0.2

0 0
5 10 15 20 5 10 15 20
Hours Hours

Fig. 4 Circadian heart rate dynamics. (a) and (b) Mean RR-interval ± SD of one hour subepochs versus time of the day
in a healthy subject and a patient with congestive heart failure. The heartbeat interval time series of normal subjects exhibit
a circadian rhythm with lengthening of RR-intervals (lower heart rate) during night-time episodes which is almost eliminated
in chronic cardiac failure. (c) and (d) Group average ± SD of α versus fg,η η(α) of one hour subepochs. The multifractal
spectra display a characteristic difference of shape between health and cardiac failure but exhibit a remarkable stability over
a circadian 24-hour cycle. (e) and (f ) The mode of the multifractal spectra is lower in normal subjects and higher in cardiac
patients but would not undergo systematic circadian-related changes.

reveals that statistical discrimination of healthy and dia was obtained from 40-minute records (Fig. 6).
diseased individuals may be achieved on the basis of c,ε η(α) spectrum in heart transplant recipi-
The fg,η
any arbitrarily selected segment of 8192 data points ents [Fig. 6(b)] shows a preservation of α mode but
which corresponds to an ∼ three-hour record. cutoff of the upper-range Hölder exponents indi-
The physiological mechanisms underlying the cating breakdown of multifractality-strength which
multifractal variability in the cardiac rhythm have is given by the αmax − αmin difference. Thus, the
not been identified. Intrinsic instability, extrin- transplanted denervated allograft in transplant re-
sic stochastic perturbations and a changing en- cipients which is effectively deprived of its neu-
vironment act together to produce the intriguing roautonomic control is operating over a narrowed
irregular patterns. In healthy subjects, an impor- multifractal regime [Fig. 6(b)]. In contrast, patients
tant mechanism is control of sinus node activity with episodes of ventricular tachycardia [Fig. 6(c)]
mediated by the autonomous nervous system. A demonstrate enhanced broadening of the spec-
straightforward approach as to the significance of trum and a bimodal shape similar to that ob-
autonomic cardiac control for the multifractal dy- served in congestive heart failure [cf. Figs. 3(b)
namics of heart rate is facilitated by studies in and 4(b)]. These findings emphasize the differ-
recipients of a cardiac transplant. The database ential effects of absence (in cardiac transplanta-
of healthy control subjects, heart transplant re- tion) or degradation (in ventricular tachycardia) of
cipients (< two years after transplantation), and autonomous nervous system influences on the mul-
patients with non-sustained ventricular tachycar- tifractal spectrum of the cardiac rhythm. However,
202 M. Meyer et al.
(a) (b)
0.55 0.55

0.5 Heart failure 0.5

0.45 0.45



0.4 0.4

0.35 0.35


0.3 0.3
0.3 0.35 0.4 0.45 0.5 0.55
α −α Healthy Heart failure
max min

Fig. 5 Stratification of healthy subjects and patients with congestive heart failure by continuous large deviation multifractal
spectrum estimation. (a) Mode of spectrum (αmode ) versus degree of multifractality (αmax −αmin ) based on full-length 24-hour
time series records. The multifractal approach clearly discriminates healthy from heart-failure subjects. (b) Overall medians
of αmode presented in box-plot format for healthy and cardiac failure subjects. The statistical significance is easily evident by
non-overlapping notches. +, denotes outlier. The results demonstrate that a single quantity, α mode , may be used successfully
for discretization of normal subjects and patients with cardiac disease.

(a) (b) (c)

1.2 1.2 1.2

Cardiac Ventricular

Healthy transplantation tachycardia

1 1 1

0.8 0.8 0.8


0.6 0.6 0.6


0.4 0.4 0.4

n = 17 n = 21 n=8

0.2 0.2 0.2

αmode 0.47 ± 0.03 αmode 0.43 ± 0.06 αmode 0.51 ± 0.06

α 0.17 ± 0.03 α 0.18 ± 0.08 α 0.09 ± 0.01

min min min

αmax 0.65 ± 0.06 αmax 0.48 ± 0.07 αmax 0.84 ± 0.04

0 0 0
0 0.5 1 0 0.5 1 0 0.5 1

α α α

Fig. 6 Multifractality and neuroautonomic cardiac control. Multifractal spectra from normal subjects (a), heart transplant
recipients (b), and patients with non-sustained ventricular tachycardia (c). The different patterns of the multifractal spectra
exemplify the importance of neuroautonomic cardiac control in generating the broad-range multifractal spectrum of healthy
cardiac dynamics. Cardiac disease is associated with a characteristic pathological shape of the multifractal spectrum.
Multifractal Spectrum Estimation of Human Heartbeat Interval Dynamics 203

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