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didn’t file appeal, Delhi’sapproach:Lower

India calls it ‘farce’ rhetoric,putoffpatrols,
E keepeyeonfrictionspots


years, back
FORMER INDIAN Navy official ● atthe start
Kulbushan Jadhav, who is on
death row on charges of spying DESPITE LAST July’s ICJ
and terrorist activities in
verdict which directed
Pakistan to stay
Troops step
(IHC) against his conviction by a
Kulbushan Jadhav’s exe-
cution and held
back 2 km in
military court, the Pakistan gov-
ernment said Wednesday.
Islamabad to be in viola-
tion of international law,
Hot Springs,
Hours later, India responded
there has been little
movement. The Indian Trucks carrying items from Priyanka Vadra’s Lodhi Road home enter Sonia Gandhi’s Gogra next
that Jadhav has refused to initi- government may now residence Wednesday. The government had asked her to vacate the bungalow. Anil Sharma
ate review petitionis a“continu- explore other options,
ation of the farce” in play for the including approaching SUSHANT SINGH,
last four years. “Pakistan is only
seeking to create an illusion of
remedy,” the Ministry of
the ICJ again.
Govt to probe finances of Gandhi DEEPTIMAN TIWARY &
External Affairs (MEA) official
clearly been coerced to refuse to
file a review in his case…. In a family trusts, Cong calls it witchhunt An Army convoy moving towards Ladakh on the Manali-Leh CONTINUING THE slow process
said Wednesday. brazen attempt to scuttle even highway in Kullu district, Wednesday. PTI of disengagement on the Line of
Stressing that Jadhav has the inadequate remedy under the BJP alleged that the RGF had three organisations. Actual Control, Chinese and
been sentenced to execution the Ordinance, Pakistan has ob- DEEPTIMAN TIWARY received funds from China to All the three organisations Indian troops Wednesday
through a farcical trial and re-
mains under custody of
viously coerced Jadhav to forego
his rights to seek an implemen-
“conduct studies that are not in
the interest of the country”.
are headed by Congress chief
Sonia Gandhi. Former Prime
Four-pillar approach got approval stepped back from another fric-
Pakistan’s military, the MEA tation of the judgment of the Announcing the decision on Minister Manmohan Singh and after Doval briefed PM on Wang talks prepared for more meetings at
spokesperson said, “He has CONTINUED ON PAGE 2 THE CENTRE has set up an inter- Wednesday, the Ministry of party leaders P Chidambaram, the diplomatic and military lev-
ministerial committee to “coor- Home Affairs said the commit- Rahul Gandhi and Priyanka Consultation & Coordination on els for the next steps to resolve
dinate investigations” into the tee will “coordinate investiga- Gandhi Vadra are among the SHUBHAJIT ROY India-China Border Affairs and the border situation.

BJP leader, relatives funding of three trusts linked to

the Nehru-Gandhi family — the
Rajiv Gandhi Foundation (RGF),
tions into violation of various le-
gal provisions of PMLA
(Prevention of Money
trustees at the RGF.
According to sources, the in-
ter-ministerial committee will

AS IT works with Beijing to re-

the June 30 meeting of Corps
Commanders on the two sides,
was firmed up at a briefing by
Indian Express that troops from
both sides moved back by

killed in Valley, 10 in RajivGandhiCharitableTrustand

Indira Gandhi Memorial Trust.
This comes a fortnight after
FCRA (Foreign Contribution
Regulation Act) etc” by these
be headed by a Special Director
from the Enforcement
duce tensions along the Line of
Actual Control in Ladakh, New
Delhi has decided on a four-
National Security Advisor Ajit
Doval to Prime Minister
Narendra Modi following the
around 2 km from the standoff
site at PP15 in the Hot Springs
sector, after the remaining tents

security detail held pronged disengagement ap-

proach: lower the public rheto-
Special Representative-level
talks with Chinese State
there were dismantled by
Chinese soldiers and taken back

bearers of the party. Dubey bodyguard shot, 2 WORLD ric, temporarily suspend
patrolling of buffer zones by ei-
Councillor and Foreign Minister
Wang Yi on July 5.
in vehicles.
A security establishment of-
The attack happened right
outside the Bandipore Police
Station, when the three were at
policemen among 8 held U.S. NOTIFIES U.N. OF
ther side, mount sustained sur-
veillance and reconnaissance of
friction points, and keep ade-
Besides the PM and the NSA,
External Affairs Minister S
Jaishankar, Defence Minister
ficer said the withdrawal was
done according to the disen-
gagementformula usedatPP 14.
THREE members of a family, all the family shop, run out of their thecriminal.VikasDubeyhimself quate troops in depth areas until RajnathSinghandHomeMinister "The progress is good. Both
linked to the BJP, were killed in a home. MANISH SAHU remains absconding. MIT, HARVARD MOVE the process is completed. Amit Shah were instrumental in forces are moving back with ve-
militant attack on Wednesday The J&K Police said they had & SAKSHI DAYAL Six other men — including TO BLOCK I.C.E. ON This four-pillar approach, finalising this approach. It was hicles and structures. The target
evening in North Kashmir’s arrested 10 of its personnel as- LUCKNOW, GURGAON, JULY 8 four associates of Vikas Dubey’s FOREIGN STUDENTS which had been in the works donebetweentheeveningofJuly wassetforthiseveninganditap-
Bandipore, leading to the arrest signed to the security of Bari —andtwofemalerelativesof the PAGE 15 since the June 24 meeting of the 5 and the afternoon of July 6. pears it is going to be achieved.
of their entire security detail. and his family, for failing to pro- FIVE DAYS after eight policemen gangster’s associates, were ar- Working Mechanism for CONTINUED ON PAGE 2 CONTINUED ON PAGE 2
Thedeadincludedamember tect them. Police said the per- were killed during a failed raid to rested in three separate opera-
of the BJP state executive com- sonnel security officers were capture gangster Vikas Dubey in tions in Kanpur and Faridabad,
mittee, Sheikh Waseem Bari, 27, not present with them when hisvillagenearKanpur,theSpecial Haryana.
and his father Sheikh Bashir the attack happened. Task Force (STF) of the Uttar Also on Wednesday, Kanpur
Ahmad and brother Sheikh The high-profile killings in a Pradesh Police gunned down a Policearrestedtheformerstation
Umar, who were also office- CONTINUED ON PAGE 2 close associate and bodyguard of CONTINUED ON PAGE 2

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rious note was taken.
■ There was no onsite and off-
site emergency plan, the man- To donate plasma, Call 1031 or visit
agement didn’t alert the local PAGE 1
residents and washed its hands ANCHOR
of the tragedy, leaving theclean-
up to the administration.
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senior engineers” were merely
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mittee probing the Styrene are snapping it up. And now, ex- OXYGEN SUPPLIES TO PPE At a Covid facility in Khel
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Neerabh Kumar Prasad. emerged as a key element in the tients require oxygen”, says supply of medical oxygen for
Theleakbeganat2:42am,and treatment of Covid, say manu- Guruprasad Mohapatra, Covid treatment countrywide. Department of Health & Family Welfare, Government of NCT of Delhi
as per the committee’s report, facturers, doctors and top gov- Secretary, Department for And yet, demand continues
CONTINUED ON PAGE 10 ernment officials. Promotion of Industry and CONTINUED ON PAGE 10

New Delhi




■ CUSTOMIZABLE ExpertsexaminingthecrosshavenotedtheBuddhistinfluencesuponitandcalledattentiontothefactthatit
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OF COVID-19 KASHMIR How a raid to arrest a gangster in Uttar
Lots of things could be Large group of students Pradesh resulted in a shootout that left
SCANTHISQRCODETO different for the + social distancing = eight policemen dead.
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Delhi’s approach Thishasbeennecessitatedbythe Troops step back west of Finger 8 which India says rearwardmovementthroughthe ministry statement said. Officers continue to work to es- ter a brief encounter in
trust deficit between the two marks the LAC. military hotline in the region”. tablish the full circumstances of Chaubeypur, including one
The Indian Express has been sides.Thegovernmentmaintains A verification will happen to- On Wednesday, some vehi- Probe into RGF this terror crime besides why he ShyamuBajpai,whocarriedare-
toldaboutthesefourapproaches there is adequate capability, and morrowtocompletelyassessthe cles,tentsandtroopsmovedback Jadhav Directorate (ED) and will include was without any security... The ward of Rs 50,000 on his head,
to the disengagement exercise: helpfrominternationalpartners, progress," the officer said. fromFinger4towardsFinger5on International Court of Justice officials from the Income Tax de- mendeployedforhissecurityare and Sanju Dubey, the father of
■ Lower the public rhetoric, to get real-time intelligence on “Heretoo,theforceswillmove the north bank of the saltwater (ICJ).” partment, CBI, Ministry of beingdetainedfornegligenceun- Amar Dubey.
givesomediplomaticandconcil- any Chinese attempt to change back1.8-2kmandthenfollowthe lake, but there was no change in He said ICJ has already held Finance, Ministry of Urban der (the) police Act." Bajpaiwasshotinhisrightleg,
iatory space to both sides. This the status quo by stealth. 30-50 formula for assembly of Chinese positions at Finger 4 on that Pakistan is in egregious vio- Development and Ministry of Sources said there might be a buthisconditionwasstatedtobe
was reflected in the Indian state- “Don’ttrust,verify.”That’sthe soldiers further back. There will the ridgeline. lation of international law. Home Affairs. reviewof thesecurityprotocolof stable.Thethirdman wasidenti-
ment on the SR-level talks. It did mantrainNewDelhiaftertheJuly be no patrolling until further or- A second officer said that fol- “Government will do its utmost Sources said the committee mainstream politicians in the fied as one Jahan Yadav.
not raise the issue of Galwan 15 incident in Galwan Valley ders.Theprogresshasbeengood lowing the initial step of disen- toprotectShriJadhavandensure willprobethesourceof allfunds, Valley following the incident. ADG Prashant Kumar said
Valleynordidittalkabouttheat- where20IndianArmypersonnel sincetheSpecialRepresentative- gagement at various standoff his safe return to India,” he said. includingforeigncontributions.It Aftertheimpositionofgovernor's Bajpai and Yadav were named in
mospherebeingvitiated–unlike were killed. India has enough as- level talks," he said. sites, another meeting of the Earlier in the day, in a press will call for all relevant docu- rule in Jammu and Kashmir in the FIR registered in connection
the previous statements. sets in play: images via satellites, On July 7, The Indian Express Working Mechanism for conference in Islamabad, ments,andthen,ifneeded,callof- 2018andthesubsequentabroga- with the murder of the eight po-
■ Suspend patrolling tem- unmanned aerial vehicles and reportedthatChinesetroopsatPP Consultation & Coordination on Pakistan’s Additional Attorney fice-bearersforquestioning.Itwill tionof itsspecialstatus,thesecu- licemen. The role of Sanju Dubey
porarily,disengageandstepback aerial surveillance, and the back- 14hadmovedback1.8kmwhere India-China Border Affairs General Ahmed Irfan and alsolookintoallotmentoflandfor rity of a large number of main- hadcometolightinthecourseof
1.5 km on each side. The buffer ing of “like-minded countries”. not more than 30 soldiers will be (WMCC) is likely to be held this Pakistan Foreign Ministry’s constructionofJawaharBhawan, stream politicians has been theinvestigation,theADGsaid.A
zone reduces the possibility of a ■Keeptroopsdeployedinthe stationed in makeshift tents. A week. It will be followed by an- Director General (South Asia & where the RGF has its office. withdrawn or downgraded. countrymade pistol had been
clashduringdisengagement.This rear areas until the disengage- furtherkilometrebehindthisline, otherroundoftalksatthelevelof SAARC) Zahid Hafeez Chaudhry TheCongresstermedthegov- Bari had joined the BJP after found on Bajpai, police said.
has been communicated to ment has fully happened. Since not more than 50 soldiers will be the Corps Commander. said an ordinance was promul- ernment's move as “cowardly” unsuccessfully contesting the Thethreeindividualsarrested
troops, and is being called a tem- this is about the entire frontier in present. And further down, be- Thesecondofficeralsostruck gatedbythegovernmentonMay and a “blind witch-hunt”. “Mr 2014 Assembly elections as an inFaridabadhavebeenidentified
porarymeasure.Itdoesnotmean eastern Ladakh, there cannot be hindthesecondperimeter,forces anoteofcautionaboutthedisen- 20,whichallowedtheIndiangov- Modi believes the world is like Independent, and emerged as a as Kartikey alias Prabhat, Ankur,
that either side is forfeiting the any lowering of guard. can gather at their posts. gagement process so far, stating ernment,Jadhavandhislegalrep- him. He thinks everyone has a prominent face of the party in and Shrawan Kumar, who is
right to patrol up to their pa- OfficialssaidtheChinesehave According totheseniorArmy thatChinahadmassedmorethan resentative to file a review peti- price or can be intimidated. He Bandipore. Ankur’s father. Kartikey alias
trolling limits. to keep their word on the disen- officer, some depletion in the two divisions all along the LAC in tion in IHC within 60 days. The will never understand that those “It is a big loss for the party. It Prabhat belongs to Bikru village,
Atemplateforthisexists–the gagement. In fact, the two sides strengthofsoldierswasobserved the Ladakh sector. Moreover, it deadline expires July 19. who fight for the truth have no isanattackonnationalistthought while Ankur and Shrawan are
disengagementaftertheChumar decidedtoissuetheirstatements Wednesday at the third major has the capacity to bring in more According to Pakistan’s offi- priceandcannotbeintimidated,” andthosebehinditarefrustrated. from Kakorpur village under
standoffinSeptember2014.That almost 20 hours after the meet- standoff site at PP17A in Gogra, troopsandequipmenttothebor- cials, Indian authorities had re- Rahul tweeted. His brother was coordinator for Kanpur'sShivrajpurpolicestation
situation was resolved only after ing between the Special but both sides continued to be in der within three to four days. quested to appoint an Indian “TheRajivGandhiFoundation the BJP’s youth wing in Kashmir area.
PrimeMinisterModiraisedtheis- Representatives. “So, there was an eyeball-to-eyeball situation “Some 40,000 of them have lawyertoadvocateforJadhavbut has nothing to add, nothing to province,"BJPnationalvice-pres- Ankur and Shrawan had
sue with Chinese President Xi timeofabout12to15hourstoap- there. It is expected, the officer come from 2,000 km away, and ifanappealisfiledintheIHC,only fearbecauseyouhaveallthema- ident (Youth Wing) Er Aijaz moved to Faridabad a few years
Jinping who was then visiting prove all the understandings be- said, that the rearward move- 400 have moved back by 2 km,” a lawyer holding a licence of the chinery and you can ask every Hussain told The Indian Express, ago,andhadallegedlybeenshel-
India.Bothsidesagreednottopa- tween the two SRs, and also see ment at PP17A “could be com- hesaid.Thisdemandsamatching respectivecourtwouldbeableto question in every inquiry... But adding the party won't be de- tering Kartikey alias Prabhat.
trol for a few weeks, and then some of the process unfolding at pleted in a day or two”. level of preparedness from the represent him. An Indian lawyer you need to be exposed terred by such incidents and Kartikey is named in the FIR on
there was snowfall which ruled the LAC,” a source said on the There has been limited rear- Indian side as “intentions can cannotadvocatefortheconvicted fully…you don’t ask these ques- would continue its work. the murder of the eight police-
out patrols till the next summer. time-lagbetweentheJuly5meet- ward movement by Chinese change quickly”, the officer said. spy but may be allowed to assist tionsofmanyholycows...Youare BJP president J P Nadda said men, Kanpur SSP Dinesh Kumar
■Aggressivesurveillanceand ingat5pmandthestatementsis- troops,theofficersaid,inthecon- During the period of no-pa- Jadhav's counsel, it said. harassing each opposition seg- thesacrificeofBariandhisfamily P said.
reconnaissance of friction points sued around 3 pm the next day. tentiousPangongTsoarea,where trolling,anotherofficersaid,“both The Pakistani government ment,individualorinstitutional,” "will not go in vain”. BJP national Faridabad Police PRO Sube
and the entire standoff frontier. they have come in around 8 km, sides assure each other about had allowed consular access to said party spokesperson general secretary and the party's Singhsaid:“OnTuesday,informa-
Jadhav twice in the past and has Abhishek Singhvi. point man for the state Ram tionwasreceivedthatsomeaides
offeredtodosoagain,theofficials “But the beauty is that these Madhav tweeted, “Shocked and of gangster Vikas Dubey are hid-
said.Authoritieshavealsooffered lovelyquestionslike9thschedule saddenedbydkillingofyoungBJP ing with weapons in New Indira
toarrangeJadhav'smeetingwith exemptions… don’t get asked of leaderWasimBariandhisbrother NagarComplex,HariNagar.Based
hisfatherandwife,theysaid.The Vivekananda Foundation, by terrorists." on this, a raid was conducted in
AAG and DG (South Asia & Overseas Friends of BJP, India Former J&K chief minister the area.”
SAARC) expressed hope the Foundationorforthatmatterthey Omar Abdullah and Congress AteamoftheFaridabadCrime
Indian government will respond don’t get asked... of the RSS,” he state president Ghulam Ahmad Branch made the arrests after an
positively to this offer. said.“Whosespecialarcofprotec- Mirwereamongtheleaderswho exchange of fire. Two pistols that
The MEA spokesperson said, tion do they enjoy... Is there any expressed shock at the killing. had reportedly been looted from
“Wehavebeenpursuingthrough level playing field in this coun- JammuandKashmirApniParty's the policemen killed in Bikru vil-
diplomatic channels full imple- try… We will send you truck- AltafBukharisaidthat“suchinci- lage were recovered.
mentation of the ICJ judgment. loadsofdocuments…askatleast dents are downright appalling “PrabhathasstatedthatVikas
ThemediastatementbyPakistan 5 per cent of the same questions and disturbing". Dubeyandhehadfledaftergrab-
today seeks to mask its continu- to them and share the answers bing two pistols and live car-
ing reticence to (do so).” with the country.” tridges that belonged to the po-
The MEA said that Pakistan The party’s communication Dubey bodyguard licemen.Theystayedfortwodays
has on May 20 passed an department head, Randeep officer of Chaubeypur, Vinay at the home of a friend in Sheoli
Ordinance to allow for the High Surjewala, said the “vicious and Tiwari,andSub-InspectorKrishna village in Kanpur Dehat district,”
Court to review the sentence vengefulinvestigation”was“devi- KumarSharmaonchargesofcon- PRO Singh said.
awarded by their military court. oushounding”of thoseexposing spiracy. Prabhat, Ankur and Shrawan
“They have all along maintained the government’s ineptitude. There is evidence that Tiwari were produced in court on
that their laws allowed for effec- Defending the government's and Sharma had tipped off Vikas Wednesday afternoon, and
tive review while we have decision, BJP general secretary P Dubeyaboutthepoliceraidinhis Prabhat was sent to transit re-
protested it all along. Now, after MuralidharRaosaiditwasa“nat- village,Kanpurseniorsuperinten- mand at the request of the UP
almost a year, they have made a uraloutcome”oftheinformation dent of police, Dinesh Kumar P, PoliceandhandedovertotheSTF.
U-turnandissuedanOrdinance... that has come out about the RGF. said. Ankur and Shrawan were re-
We have already expressed our He said if there was a “political The STF killed Amar Dubey, manded in judicial custody.
seriousconcernsatthecontentof motive”,thegovernment“would the personal gunner of Vikas Shravan tested positive for the
theOrdinanceandhowitviolates not have waited for six years”. Dubey, in a joint operation with novel coronavirus, and “jail au-
theICJjudgment,”thespokesper- Last month, amid the India- police in Hamirpur district adja- thoritieswillfollowtheguidelines
son said. Chinaborderrow,asRahulques- cent to Kanpur early on of the Health Department” in
“Despite our repeated re- tioned Prime Minister Narendra Wednesday. dealing with him, Singh said.
quests,Pakistancontinuestodeny Modi,BJPpresidentJPNaddasaid Amar Dubey was among the IG Agarwal said, Ankur and
Indiafreeandunimpededaccess the Congress had no moral right men who had fired at the police Shrawan are not accused in the
to Jadhav. India has repeatedly to talk about the country’s secu- party in Bikru village in Kanpur’s case yet.
askedtoallowalawyerfromout- rity. Addressing a virtual rally for Chaubeypur police station area ADGKumarsaidthatthreeof
sidePakistantoappearforJadhav Madhya Pradesh on June 25, early on July 3. Amar Dubey car- the seven police weapons looted
inanyreviewandreconsideration Naddasaid:“Today,Iwasshocked ried a bounty of Rs 50,000 on his by Vikas Dubey and his gang on
proceedings. Since 2017, when to watch on TV that in 2005-06, head. the night of July 2-3 had been re-
MilitaryCourt carriedout a farci- People’sRepublicofChinaandthe Hamirpur superintendent of covered so far. “We are yet to re-
cal trial, Pakistan has refused to Chinese embassy gave a fat sum policeShlokKumarsaidtheyhad coveranINSASrifleandanAK-47
hand over any relevant docu- to RGF... These people take funds received information that Amar rifle that were taken by the ac-
ment,” the spokesperson said. from China and then conduct DubeyhadbeenspottedinArtara cused,” he said.
InSeptemberlastyear,India's studiesthatarenotintheinterest villageunderMaudahapolicesta- Hours after the Bikru village
Acting High Commissioner in ofthecountry...Thenationwants tion,andateamoftheSTFandlo- killings,policehadgunneddown
IslamabadGauravAhluwaliamet toknowforwhattheywerepaid... cal police had surrounded the Vikas Dubey's maternal uncle
Jadhav in the presence of You take $300,000 donation and area. PremPrakashPandey,andhisas-
Pakistaniofficials.Afterthemeet- teach us nationalism.” Amar Dubey had opened fire sociate Atul Dubey. Both these
ing, New Delhi had said Jadhav Union Minister Ravi Shankar with a countrymade pistol, and men were named in the FIR.
appeared to be under “extreme Prasad also raised the issue at a police had returned fire. Amar Then,onJuly5,policearrested
pressure”tosupportIslamabad's press briefing the same day. Dubey and two police personnel four people, including Vikas
“false narrative” in his case. — an inspector-rank officer and a Dubey’sassociatesDayaShankar
In July last year, the ICJ, in its BJP leader killed constable — sustained bullet in- andUmaShankarAgnihotri.Daya
verdict, had directed Pakistan to fortifiedzonecameasashockfor juries in the shooting. All injured Shankar was allegedly among
allow consular access and effec- thesecurityestablishment,espe- were rushed to hospital, where thosewhohadfiredatthepolice,
tivelyreviewthedeathsentence. ciallyasBandiporehasbeenrela- doctors declared Amar Dubey andcarriedarewardofRs25,000
Jadhav, a retired Navy officer, tively calm in recent years. dead, the SP said. on his head.
was arrested allegedly on March Barihadbeenassociatedwith Police said an automatic A day later, three others, in-
3, 2016, and India was informed the BJP for more than four years weapon was recovered from cluding two women, were ar-
ofthisonMarch25,2016. Hewas and was earlier president of the AmarDubey.Theconditionofthe restedforallegedlyinstigatingthe
sentenced to death on charges of party's Bandipore district unit. two injured policemen is stable. criminals and supplying them
espionage and terrorism in 2017. KashmirIGPVijayKumarsaidthe IG, Kanpur Range Mohit withinformationonpolicemove-
Lateratnight,PakistanForeign threewereshotbysomeuniden- Agarwal said Amar was a close ments.Theyhavebeenidentified
ministrysaidPakistanhasinvited tified men. "They were critically aide of Vikas Dubey's, and had asSureshVerma,KshamaDubey,
India to file review and reconsid- injured and succumbed later." fired the most shots at the police and Rekha Agnihotri, the wife of
eration petition after refusal by UnionMinisterJitendraSingh in Bikru village. Uma Shankar Agnihotri.
Jadhav to “give effect” to the ICJ tweeted that Prime Minister The UP government on And on Wednesday evening,
judgment. “...mercy petition in Narendra Modi enquired about Wednesdayincreasedthereward two more women – Khushi
CommanderJadhavcaseisasep- thekillingandofferedhiscondo- forVikasDubeytoRs5lakh.ADG Dubey, the wife of Amar Dubey,
arateprocess...Thereviewandre- lences to the family. (Law & Order) Prashant Kumar andShantiDevi,themotherofab-
considerationpetitioncanbefiled In a late-night statement, the saidthepolicewouldnotrestun- scondingaccusedHeeruDubey–
by Jadhav himself or legally au- J&K Police said, "Ten policemen til all the accused had been were arrested in Kanpur. Both
thorizedrepresentative,oracon- were deployed for his (Bari's) se- brought to justice. women are accused of egging on
sular officer of the Indian High curitybutnonewaskeptalongby LateonTuesdaynight,Kanpur the criminals as they fired at the
Commission,” a Pakistan Foreign him at the time of incident... Police arrested three persons af- police on July 3, IG Agarwal said.

New Delhi


Can’t we
been careful: Sisodia Snatching cases a concern, police pay docs,
on syllabus change
chief asks for list of crime hotspots snatchers,” he said.
asks HC

about the manner in which the
MANRAL TOP 5 DISTRICTS According to police, at least
17 snatching cases are reported
"WE ARE calling doctors corona
every day, with several others the Delhi High Court observed
Education selected topics to going unreported. Wednesday during the hearing
drop as part of its curriculum ra- EAST DISTRICT with 374 cases, East 374 127 166 “Western range -- Outer, of a PIL on non-payment of
tionalisation for Classes IX to Northeast with 367 and Outer Northeast 367 142 143 West and Dwarka districts – is salaries to resident doctors of
XII, Delhi Education Minister with 312 are the three top dis- the second range where maxi- Kasturba Hospital and Hindu
Manish Sisodia Wednesday tricts where maximum snatch- Outer 312 93 114 mumsnatchingincidentsarere- Rao Hospital, run by the North
asked the board explain the rea- Sisodia asked CBSE to ing incidents took place in the Shahdara 307 203 205 ported. 312 cases were reported MCD.
sons based on which the topics explain the reasons based last six months, according to Rohini 232 92 129 At least 17 snatching cases inOuterdistrict,ofwhich93have A bench of Chief Justice D N
had been chosen, particularly on which the topics were the half-yearly statistics pro- are reported in a day: Police been solved while 114 people Patel and Justice Prateek Jalan
those of strong relevance "in the chosen vided by Delhi Police. To tackle have been arrested. As many as observedwhen"you(Additional
contemporary context". this, Delhi Police Commissioner 198 cases were reported in Solicitor General Sanjay Jain) are
Sisodia had been strongly S N Shrivastava has asked all 342 cases from May 16-31; and cidents. a senior officer. Dwarka and they have solved 87 appearing in the matter, we
supportive of syllabus reduc- Class X; "Federalism", DCPs to identify crime hotspots 471 cases from June 1-15. “Of 374 cases in East district, DCP (East) Jasmeet Singh cases,butarrested149people.In want that the doctors are being
tion, and had written to HRD "Citizenship", "Nationalism" in their areas after analysing The districts presented the 127 have been solved and 166 told The Indian Express that they Westdistrict,73caseshavebeen paid".
Minister Ramesh Pokhriyal last and "Secularism" for Class XI, PCR calls and to increase pa- data to Shrivastava in a crime re- people have been arrested till have started analysing PCR calls solved out of 194 cases and 115 "All salaried men are poor,"
month, suggesting 30% reduc- "Social and New Social trolling. view meeting last week. June 30. In Northeast, 142 cases of snatching incidents of the last people arrested,” said an officer. the bench remarked, after it was
tion in syllabus across all grades Movements in India", "Regional Since May 1, there has been a As per the data, the Eastern have been solved and 143 peo- one and half years. The police chief has been informed that the North MCD
and subjects. However, on Aspirations" and sudden spike in snatching cases range – which includes East, ple arrested. In Shahdara, 307 “We identified at least 17 holding weekly crime review wasunabletopayemployees,in-
Wednesday, he said while he "Understanding Partition" for inthecity.Withmaximumcases NortheastandShahdaradistricts cases were reported and 203 hotspots and increased police meetings,whichusedtohappen cluding resident doctors, as the
supported the decision on re- Class XII". being committed by repeat of- – is the only range where every cases solved. They have arrested patrolling, deployed our police- once in a fortnight. In one such Delhi government has not re-
duction, he had concerns on the Responding to the criticisms fenders, police are on their toes district has reported over 300 205peopleonchargesof snatch- men in civil dress. Apart from meeting, Shrivastava had asked leased the entire funds for the
manner in which it was imple- in a statement, CBSE stated the to nab them. snatching cases each. With 31 ing,whichisthehighestnumber taking action against snatchers, all DCPs to do “crime mapping” firstquarterof thisfinancialyear.
mented. reduction exercise was a limited Data shows that 220 cases cases, the New Delhi district is of arrests made as compared we are also taking action against of crime prone areas to curb The civic body also con-
"The curriculum deduction one-time measure, and only were reported from May 1-15; the only one with the lowest in- with the other 14 districts,” said receivers, who purchased from street crime. tended that around Rs 162 crore
details containing subject-wise meant the topics would not be was due to it by the Delhi gov-

Online open book exams postponed until after

topics, which have been tested in the 2021 board exams ernment in the first quarter of fi-
deleted, gives no reason as to and could be taught by teach- nancial year 2020-21 and of that
why a particular topic or chap- ers. only Rs 27 crore has been sanc-
ter has been left out… Social However, Sisodia criticised tioned, which is "yet to be seen".

August 15, Delhi University tells High Court

Science is one discipline where this, pointing to the exam-cen- The submission was dis-
there is maximum scope of con- tred approach of school teach- puted by Additional Solicitor
troversy and I agree that no ing. General Jain, who, appearing for
matter which topics are chosen "…asking heads of schools the Delhi government, submit-
or left out, the questions are and teachers to cover those top- for holding the online exami- streams of final-year/semes- ting that in its report filed
bound to be raised. Hence the ics while explicitly saying these PRITAM PAL SINGH nations. You are saying you are ter/term of undergraduate and Tuesday the amounts released
board should have been careful will not be part of internal or NEW DELHI, JULY 8 ready, but the minutes of your postgraduate students, includ- tothecorporationbyvariousde-
and explained its rationale be- year-end board exams is not meeting shows the contrary," ing SOL and NCWEB, scheduled partments have been indicated.
hind dropping certain topics," enough as it is well-known that DELHI UNIVERSITY said the court. DU's counsel to be held from July 10, 2020 The ASG said, "All dues have
he wrote in a detailed state- evaluation drives teaching- Wednesday informed the Delhi submitted the varsity has de- stands postponed." been cleared by the Delhi gov-
ment. learning in class. Hence, for all High Court that it has decided cided to postpone exams from "The new notification for ernment."
He asked the board to clar- practical purposes, these topics to postpone the online open July 10. The court said in its or- the conduct of the examina- Whileclarifyingthatthepay-
ify why it dropped the follow- are unlikely to be covered… book examinations again, till der, "... the sudden change of tions along with the revised ment of salaries/stipend is re-
ing topics - "Democratic Rights" Social Science topics are so rel- after August 15. Exams for final- mind to postpone the exam af- date sheets and other informa- lated only to the health person-
and "Food Security in India" for evant in the contemporary con- year UG and PG students were ter August 15, without any cer- tion shall be provided on the of- nel at Kasturba Hospital and
Class IX; "Democracy and text that it is important that scheduled to be held from July tain date, as per the decision of ficial website of the University Hindu Rao Hospital, the bench
Diversity", "Gender Religion children learn about it through 10. the High-Powered Committee in due course of time," it added. asked the Delhi government to
and Caste", "Popular Struggles authentic sources rather than The varsity's response came The Indian Express report dated July 8 dated July 7, 2020, has been On June 29, the division fileanaffidavitrespondingtothe
and Movement" and through 'Whatsapp in the backdrop of the court's placed before this court today". bench had issued notice to DU civic body's contentions and
"Challenges to Democracy" for University.'" query posed to it Tuesday, seek- Hours later, the university asking why contempt proceed- listed the matter for July 29.
ing clarification on whether petitions for Thursday before varsity's stand and orally ob- issued a notification, stating, ings not be initiated against it The court was hearing a PIL
there would be a change in the the division bench, which is served, "Just see how you are "with reference to the notifica- and its officers for trying to mis- initiatedbyitself,aftertakingsuo
55-year-old businessman exam schedule.
The submission was made
seized of the issue concerning
postponement of exams re-
playing with the lives of chil-
tion issued on June 27, 2020, it
is hereby notified for informa-
lead the court by withholding
information on deferment of
motu cognizance of news re-
portsthatresidentdoctorsof the

kills self in Shahdara

before Justice Prathiba M Singh, peatedly. The court, however, "You were not fair with the tion to all concerned that the the online OBE from July 1 to two hospitals were intending to
who took note and placed the expressed displeasure over the court about your preparedness open book examination for all July 10. either resign or go on strike.

New Delhi: A 55-year-old busi- ily.Bansal'shouseisnearby,"said

nessman allegedly committed a police officer.
suicide by shooting himself in- Aseniorpoliceofficersaidthe
side his office premises in suicidenote,addressedtohiswife
Shahdara Wednesday. The de- inHindi,saysshemaybetroubled
ceased has been identified as by this incident and "please take
property dealer Naveen Bansal. care of the children." "His family
DCP (Shahdara) Amit hasbeenunabletopointoutwhy
Sharma said, "He shot himself he would have taken such an ex-
inside his office in Panchsheel treme step. Financial distress is
Garden. A note was recovered one of the angles being investi-
fromthepocketof hisshirt,butit gated," said a police officer.
doesn'tindicatewhyhetookthis However, CCTV footage from
step." Sharma said the incident thefirstfloorofficewherethein-
took place between 3.15 pm-4 cident took place has been re-
pm."Therewasnooneinsidethe covered. "The footage shows he
office. A relative made the PCR shot himself, but we have sent it
call... there are shops below the to FSL for further investigation,"
office, and it's possible someone said a senior police officer.
mayhave heardthesound of the Inquest proceedings in the mat-
gunshot and informed the fam- ter have been initiated. ENS

New Delhi

Satisfactory Good Good Satisfactory

63 48 27 51
Pollutant: PM: 2.5 PM: 10
0 Pollutant: CO 500 0 500 0 500 0 500
0-50 Good 51-100 Satisfactory 101-200 Moderate 201-300 Poor 301-400 Very Poor 401-500 Severe


Minutes from home,
‘rescue’of Kejriwal seeks detailed death data brothers killed in
riots made desperate
as recoveries outstrip new cases
New Delhi: The Supreme
Court Wednesday asked
calls to their family
Solicitor General Tushar
Mehta to look into a plea corroborated with the call detail
by a Telangana resident
seeking “rescue” of his
record of Hashim," the
chargesheet states.
daughter who he alleged TOTAL CASES Total Vacant NEW DELHI, JULY 8 On February 28, Babu visited
HOSPITAL BEDS 15,079 10,257
had been “trapped” in an WITH3,982recoveriesand2,033 Gokulpuri police station at 9 am
Ashram in Delhi and ac- new cases, Delhi saw almost JUST FIVE minutes from home, for help in tracing his sons. Their
tion against “17 illegal twiceasmanyrecoveriesasfresh
VENTILATORS 955 442 brothers Hashim Ali (19) and searchendedwhenASIRamDass
ashrams” run by “bogus coronaviruscasesonWednesday. Daily cases Recoveries Deaths Tests AmirKhan(30)madefranticcalls took them to the GTB hospital
babas”. The petitioner The city’s total case count is July 7 2,008 2,129 50 22,448 to their family between 9 and mortuary,whereBabuidentified
claimed that his daugh- 1,04,864,of which23,452arestill 9.30 pm on February 26, saying the two bodies. The police
ter, a post-doctoral active. The toll reached 3,213, July 8 2,033 3,982 48 22,028 they were afraid because a mob chargesheetstatesthatthebroth-
scholar from Iowa State with 48 new deaths in 24 hours. Total 23,452* 78,199 3,213 7,01,859 had gathered outside, targeting ers were killed by a mob, which
University, USA, “has With over 10,000 Covid beds *Total active cases Muslims. By 10 pm, their phones dumped their bodies in the
been staying in a jail like unoccupiedinhospitals,thegov- were switched off. Bhagirathi Vihar nala. Their
condition from July 2015 ernment is now focusing on Kejriwal inaugurated a Covid care facility at CWG village case for almost two months. The data also had details re- Bodies of the two were Apache motorcycle was burnt to
inAdhyatmikaVidyalaya bringing down the fatality rate, The last time death data gardingtheprevalenceofcomor- among nine victims fished out destroy evidence.
founded by a rape ac- which stands at 3%. analysiswasmadepublicwason bidconditionsinthosewhodied. fromadrainduringtheFebruary Advocate Mehmood Pracha,
cused” in Rohini in Delhi. Chief Minister Arvind health secretary, Vikram Dev 19patientsfromhospitalsarefirst May 20. At the time, 176 deaths While89%ofthosebelowtheage riots in Northeast Delhi. The who is representing Babu, said,
“See what can be done. Kejriwal also inaugurated the Dutt,topreparea detailedreport sent to a death audit committee, hadbeenreportedinthecityand of 50 had comorbid conditions, brothers'lasthourisdetailedina "Police have all manner of evi-
Thiskindof practisegives 500-bed Covid Care facility at on the factors behind Covid-19 whichanalysesthecauseofdeath the fatality rate was 1.59%. this figure was 90% for those chargesheet filed by Delhi Police dence, including WhatsApp
abadnametoeveryone," Commonwealth Games Village, deaths over the past 15 days. and whether it can be attributed As per the analysis then, 52% above the age of 60. at Karkardooma court on June 4, chats.Theyhavearrestedonlythe
Chief Justice S A Bobde through video conferencing Officials said the data has to the viral disease. of those who died were over 60, Officials said the report basedonastatementrecordedby footsoldiers.Policemustinvesti-
told Mehta. Wednesday. The facility is linked been sought to identify at-risk While an overall analysis of even as the total cases that fell in sought by the CM will break their father Babu Khan. gate CDR of all these persons to
toLokNayakHospitalandateam categories and focus on targeted deaths was earlier shared in the thiscategorywere14%.Forthose downthecasesintoevensmaller The siblings were staying at a find out who was pulling the
Govttoldto of 80doctorsand150nurseswill
be stationed there.
interventions. Between June 24
andJuly7, 800peoplediedof the
daily health bulletin — a docu-
below the age of 50, the fatality
rate was 21% and the share in to-
sections that will look at age, dif-
decided to return home to
Police have so far
speeduptests The CM asked the principal virus. In Delhi, reports of Covid- public — this has not been the tal cases was 70%. analyse who is the most at risk. Northeast Delhi on February 26
after they heard that the "situa-
chargesheeted 11 persons in the
case for the murders of nine
At plasma bank, many faces and one
tion had improved in the area". Muslim men, including the

First-ever Multiple phone calls were
made by Hashim to his younger
brothers. Police have stated that
the accused were "seething with
virtual parade brotherNasirAli'stwophonesbe- anger as many stories/news of

common goal: Help anyone we can

NewDelhi:TheDelhiHigh tween9and9:30pm,Babuwrote Hindus being targeted by
Court Wednesday asked
the Delhi government to for police in his statement to police.
"Hashim Ali told him that
Muslims" were circulating. The
expedite Covid-19 tests they have reached near menonaWhatsAppgroupcalled
and results of pregnant formed surgery on a patient Gokulpurigandanalapuliya,and Kattar Hindut Ekta, which had at
womenwhoseekthetest. AMIL BHATNAGAR who later tested positive. So EXPRESS NEWS SERVICE will reach within five minutes, least 125 members.
The Delhi government NOIDA, JULY 8 many like me have tested posi- NEW DELHI, JULY 8 but they were very scared as the As reported by The Indian
told the court that as per tive while simply doing their crowdwasgatheringontheroad Express,policehavelargelyrelied
theadvisoryissuedbythe G H Chauhan (34) waited pa- work. I feel healthy after recov- DELHI POLICE inducted 1,320 and were killing Muslim people on the statement of an eyewit-
IndianCouncilof Medical tientlyoutsideaglasschambered ering and the donation might constables into the force in a aftercheckingtheiridentities.He ness who was around the spot
Research, the test results roomattheInstituteof Liverand be of immense use to a person first-ever virtual passing out pa- alsoaskedthem(hisfamilymem- searching for his lost bike. Based
wouldbedeclaredwithin BiliarySciences(ILBS)asadoctor trying to recover. Especially a rade for recruit constables at the bers) to meet outside the gate. onhisstatement,thechargesheet
an hour. prepared a 'Gaurav Patra' to cer- senior citizen,” she said. Police Training College in They were very fearful. states: "The mob stopped two
tify that he had donated plasma. Once the donation is carried Jharoda Kalan on Tuesday. Thereafter, around 10 pm, the personsridinganApachemotor-
BSESstaffer A CISF personnel, Chauhan
tested positive for Covid-19 on
out, an acknowledgment letter
is given to the person from hos-
Union Minister of State
(Home Affairs) G Kishan Reddy,
family again tried to call Hashim
and Amir but their mobile
cycle on which Hashim Ali and
among2held May 26 while he was posted in
Mehrauli.Onceherecovered,the Moinuddin (left) and Dr Astha are among those who have
pital authorities on behalf of the
government, thanking the
who was the chief guest, at-
tended the parade from the
phones were switched off. They
called several mobile phones to
after establishing their Muslim
identity, killed both with stones,
forextortion first thing on his mind was how
he could help someone else.
donated plasma donor.
"When I tested positive, I
Police HQ at Jai Singh Road. The
event was streamed live on
locate both their sons, but could
not find them. This fact was also
cudgel, sticks, swords and iron
New Delhi: Two men, in- "SeveralCISFpersonnelpostedto was very worried since I live Facebook and YouTube. Of the
cludingacontractualem- Delhi were infected. Some per- the facility to donate plasma birth recently is also not eligible. with my old mother and three- 1,320 recruits, 407 are women.
ployee of BSES, were ar-
rested by Delhi Police for
sonnel had come on deputation
and we had held meetings to-
gether. It appears the infection
every day.
25of thosearedeemedfitfordo-
Before the process, the person
needs to have a meal to prevent
weakness,” said Dr Noor Alam,
year-old son. I work in the nurs-
ing department of GTB Hospital
and it is possible I got the infec-
Delhi Police Commissioner S
N Shrivastava welcomed Union
Cop dies of Covid,
torting money from cus-
tomers on the pretext of
electricity theft, police
spread from there. I was admit-
rated by CM Arvind Kejriwal,
posted at the plasma bank.
According to a doctor, many
of those who donated plasma
tion there. I was contacted by a
doctor who needed plasma so I
came without hesitation. There
“e-salute” to all the constables.
At Jharoda Kalan, the atten-
dees wore face masks and fol-
leaves 2 kids behind
said Wednesday. The ac- me plasma could help others, so whohasrepeatedlyurgedrecov- since the bank was inaugurated is a stigma about recovery, but lowed social distancing norms.
cused,identifiedasRajesh here I am,” said Chauhan, who ered patients to come forward are doctors themselves. we need to be mentally strong. I Reddy congratulated all the SOMYALAKHANI
Sool, and his gang have hails from Etawah. and donate. Dr Astha Bhutiyani, a senior have donated blood in the past trainees for choosing to join so- NEW DELHI, JULY 8
been extorting money It’s been five days since the "Anyonewhohasahistoryof resident doctor at Deen Dayal as well, so it was a fairly smooth cial service.
from people since 2017, first plasma bank opened in achronicillnesslikediabetes,hy- Hospital, felt it is people’s process for me,” said Moinuddin Delhi Police Additional PRO “FOR THE last three months, the
police said. ENS Vasant Kunj's ILBS, and on an av- perthyroid, etc cannot donate "duty" to help others. "I got Hussain (24), who tested posi- Anil Mittal said, “It was a special government, media, and the po-
eragemorethan35patientsvisit plasma. A woman who gave Covid in the hospital after I per- tive last month. passing out ceremony.” lice have been telling people to
stay at home to stay safe but no
one listens... Frontline workers

2 staffers face action Man who lost relatives in earthquake, was suffer because of this. Mere ghar
aakar dekho kaisa lagta hai jab

over AIIMS body swap adopted by Old Delhi family, beats Covid
jawan beta guzar jaata hai coron- Constable Yogender Yadav
father of Delhi Police constable
Yogender Prasad Yadav. 19. Dr Gupta said, "His chest X-
On Tuesday, Anjum’s family, Yogender (40), who was de- Raywas clearbutaweeklaterhe
EXPRESS NEWS SERVICE including her four brothers and provided by the family. The ing his wife and two children. “I ployed at outer Delhi's Paschim showedCovidsymptoms...hisre-
NEW DELHI, JULY 8 twoyoungchildren,waitedatthe SOMYA LAKHANI family said there is no hospital, was in Mumbai with my son at Vihar (West) police station, died port came positive on June 25."
ITO graveyard to bury her. The NEW DELHI, JULY 8 school or college certificate in the time... he too died a few days Tuesdayafternoon.He'ssurvived Yogender's condition deteri-
A DAY after a mix-up at the AI- 35-year-old had died a night be- their possession to determine later… Some years later, I made byhiswifeandtheirtwochildren orated on Monday evening and
IMS mortuary led to bodies of forefromCovidcomplicationsat TWO MONTHS after he recov- his age, but this is what “Ahmed it to Delhi. Here, I worked as a aged 14 and 3 years. Yogender he was put on the ventilator.
two Covid patients being the AIIMS Trauma Centre. ered from Covid-19, Old Delhi told us when we met him for mason in Connaught Place, joined the Delhi Police in 2003. Jagdishsaid,"AfterthatIcouldn't
swapped, the hospital has sus- However, the family was in resident Mukhtiar Ahmed has the first time over a decade ago Turkman Gate, Karol Bagh. One DCP (Outer) Dr A Koan said, speaktohim.Beforethis,Iwould
pended a staffer and terminated for a shock when they found out found himself flooded with at a dingy food stall in Bara day, I was alone and old with "He was admitted at Park hospi- sendcoconutwaterforhimdaily,
the services of another worker that the body wasn’t Anjum’s. congratulations, including from Hindu Rao”. nowhere to go,” said Ahmed, tal on June 12, and he tested pos- speak to him via video call. The
for the lapse. One of her brothers, Gaffar (35), Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal. Ahmed was “adopted” by fondly called Abba by his itiveforCovidonJune25.Around last time I spoke to him on
“Amedicallabtechnicianwas said, “It was an old woman. I Speaking to The Indian Express, Afik’s family that day, after he adopted family. 3 pm Tuesday, he passed away." Monday afternoon, I told him to
suspended and one project staff shouted at the workers and Ahmed said he was born in a told them about his life. His “granddaughter” Yogender'sfathersaidthathis do 'pranaayaam and kapaal-
was terminated. They work in asked for my sister. Her children village in Maharashtra’s “I was born in Osmanabad Taiyaba, who plays mediator in sonsufferedfromaliverailment, bhaati' and not to worry. He also
themortuarydepartment.While had come from Bareilly to see Osmanabad in the “seventh Mukhtiar Ahmed but later moved to Mumbai, all conversations as Ahmed is and was on duty till June 11. "On spoketohissonforafewminutes
the technician is a permanent their mother for the last time.” month of 1913”. and worked at construction hard of hearing, said: “When we June 12, he complained of fever that day. Hours later, he was on
employee,theprojectstaff wasa According to the family, the His grandson Mohd Afik sites, did some masonry, and met him, he told us his age and sowerushedhimtothehospital... the ventilator. On Tuesday after-
contractualworkerwhohandled bodywasidentifiedthroughatag (32) said that mid-April, three He was there for 17 days and re- also built furniture that was his story. He tells us stories On June 25, we were informed noon, I was told he's no more."
registration and other work re- which read, Kusum Lata. The members of his family, includ- turned home on May 1. My par- used in films. Maine Gandhi ji ko about seeing Gandhi ji. How that he tested positive for Covid- Yogender is the twelfth Delhi
latedtobodies.Acommitteehas family went to the hospital and ing Ahmed, contracted the ents also tested positive and dekha hai, angrezo ka raaj dekha could we have left him on the 19," said Jagdish. Police personnel to succumb to
been set up under Dr T S Roy found that Lata’s family had al- virus. have recovered,” said Afik. hai, aur swatantra dekhi hai,” streets at that age?” Park Hospital's medical su- Covid-19. Lieutenant Governor
(head of the anatomy dept). Dr ready cremated Anjum’s body. “We got him admitted to A doctor at the hospital said Ahmed said. On Wednesday, Kejriwal perintendent Dr Rekha Gupta Anil Baijal said, "A great loss for
Sanjay Arya and Dr Lokesh Anil Mittal, Additional PRO Rajiv Gandhi Super Speciality Ahmed was discharged after his He said that the 1993 Latur said Ahmed’s recovery was “in- said that Yogender came to the theorganisation.DelhiPolicewill
Kashyap will be part of the com- (DelhiPolice),said,“Wearelook- Hospital due to his age, even test result came negative, and earthquake wiped out several spiring”, and congratulated hospital with a liver disease but extend all possible help to his
mittee,” said a senior doctor. ing into it.” though he had no symptoms. that his age, “106 years”, was members of his family, includ- doctors who treated him. displayednosymptomsofCovid- family.Mydeepestcondolences."

Panel outlines strategy to Demolition during pandemic leaves residents in the

get business back on track
New Delhi: The committee
formed to accelerate economic
control rooms to ensure social
distancing and sanitisation.
lurch, East civic body says just following court orders
recovery in Delhi has set a three Municipal corporations have 200-metre stretch near Angad safai karamcharis.” ing manpower and machinery.”
prongedstrategywhichwilllook initiated the process for auto- ABHINAV RAJPUT Nagar, from the Khureji traffic East MCD Mayor Nirmal Jain The spokesperson said the
at short, medium and long term matic extension of all existing li- NEW DELHI, JULY 8 signal to Chitra Vihar. Most said stopping the demolition is encroachment removal order
plans to help businesses hit hard censesandthedepartmentof in- houses were jhuggis that were not in his hands as the road be- was first given in 2015 by the
during the pandemic. In its first dustries has provided a AROUND56housesinEastDelhi later converted into concrete longstothePWDanddemolition High Court. Residents moved
meeting,thecommitteedecided moratoriumonleaserentonland were razed in a demolition drive structures,whichencroachedon is being done on court orders. court and were asked to estab-
to focus on ensuring survival of issuedbyDSIIDCandareduction carriedoutbytheEastcivicbody government land, said officials. According to the EDMC lish their title suit in a lower
industry sectors by revisiting li- in interest rate on penalties. since Monday, following a Delhi One of the residents, Padma spokesperson: “Police provided court: "The case was dismissed
censingnorms,simplifyingCovid Jasmine Shah, Dialogue and High Court order to remove en- (45) said: “The government says security, while the corporation in 2019. It is not fair to say they
related regulations and taking Development Commission vice croachments. The move, which peopleshouldnotgooutof home iscarryingouttheexercisealong have not been given time, they
measures to revive demand. chairpersonandheadofthecom- comes in the midst of the Covid- duringcorona,butwehavebeen with assistance from the Public knew for four years that they
People from different indus- mittee, said Delhi had set the 19pandemic,hasleftseveralres- evicted in such a time. At least Works Department (PWD) as were not the owners.” A con-
tries,whoarepartofthecommit- groundforeconomicrecoveryby idents out on the streets. The they should have allowed us to the right of way is theirs.” tempt petition was filed in
tee,suggestedthatrelevantsteps puttinginplaceadequatehealth- EDMC, however, said it was fol- stay till the virus persists.” A PWD official said, “We are January and EDMC was told to
betakenforeach,likepermitting care facilities. “By working to- lowing the court order and has Another resident, Rahul following the court order. The submit a compliance report on
outdoor sitting and extending gether with industry stakehold- to file a compliance report by Kumar said, “Most people here The houses occupied a 200-metre stretch near Angad Nagar, mandate is that MCD carries out August 17. “The only option for
hours of operations in restau- ers, Delhi government is keen to August 17. are unemployed at present, from the Khureji traffic signal to Chitra Vihar. Prem Nath Pandey thedemolitionandPWDprovides us was to comply,” said the
rants,andmarketssettingupown come out stronger,” he said. ENS The houses occupied the many work as ragpickers or as logisticalsupport.Weareprovid- spokesperson.

New Delhi
New Delhi




DELHI CONFIDENTIAL GatesFoundation,US-basedTrust stood up to Covid
accountforbulkofforeignfunds challenge... we
prepared for worse’
ofIndia(PHFI)gaveRs59.61crore. ties/projects.” Ananalysisofthedeclarations
SHYAMLAL YADAV WhiletheRGFreceivedRs4.37 The RIST, established in 2007, shows that the RGF and RGCT re- CHHATTISGARH HAS recorded
NEW DELHI, JULY 8 crore, the rest went to the RGCT. is chaired by Indu Rawat (aka ceivedRs76.12crorefromabroad more than3,000Covid-19cases,
The PHFI, founded in 2006, Mata Mangla), wife of Bhole Ji in the period between April 1, and the monsoons and financial
BETWEEN2006-07and2019-20, madethecontributionsbetween Maharaj (aka Mahipal Singh 2006andMarch31,2014.Thecor- crunchareadditionalstresseson
the Rajiv Gandhi Foundation 2012-13 and 2016-17. Professor Rawat), who is the younger responding amount for April 1, thesystem.StateHealthMinister
(RGF)andRajivGandhiCharitable Dileep Mavalankar, vice-presi- brother of BJP leader and 2014 to March 31, 2019 was and senior Congress leader T S
Trust (RGCT) together declared dent, PHFI, and director, Indian Uttarakhand Minister Satpal Rs250.56crore.Aspertheirquar- SINGH DEO speaks to GARGI
foreign funds adding up to Rs Institute of Public Health, Maharaj. The RIST made the con- terly declarations for 2019-20, VERMA about the challenges
326.7crore.Ofthis,Rs316.23crore Gandhinagar, said: “The fund tributions between 2011-12 and only the RGCT got Rs 3.38 lakh ahead and the government’s ef-
BALLOT BUZZ (97percent)camefromtheRural
India Supporting Trust, Bill &
was originally received from the
Gates Foundation by PHFI in
The Bill and Melinda Gates
from the University of East
forts to tackle them.

THEDECISIONaheadofBiharAssemblyelectionstoallowthose Melinda Gates Foundation (both partnership with Rajiv Gandhi Foundation, founded in 2000, Both the RGF, set up in 1991, What are the challenges for
aged 65 and above to vote via postal ballot has snowballed into US-based), and the Delhi-based Mahila Vikas Pariyojana. The madethecontributionsbetween andRGCT,establishedin2002,are the state in dealing with the
apoliticalcontroversy.Fiveparties–theCongress,CPI,CPM,TMC PublicHealthFoundationofIndia. RGCT declared it as foreign con- 2012-13 and 2018-19. headed by Congress chief Sonia pandemic? What are we
and RJD — have opposed the move, with some writing to CEC According to the RGF and tributionundertheFCRArulesas The other foreign donors in- Gandhi. doing to meet them?
Sunil Arora, arguing that it would expose senior citizens to in- RGCT's declarations on the it was foreign contribution re- clude the Chinese Embassy in When contacted, Ajay With a large number of mi-
fluencebytheadministrationandthepartyinpower.Although Ministry of Home Affairs (MHA) ceived by us.” New Delhi (Rs 90 lakh in 2006- Sharma, Deputy Director, grants coming back to the state, THE EXPRESS
the Conduct of Election Rules have been amended, the provi- website, the Rural India The PHFI’s FCRA licence was 07),EuropeanUnion(Rs3.84lakh AdministrationandPublicAffairs, we are ramping up our tests and
Supporting Trust (RIST) con-
tributedatotalof Rs187.84crore;
got “prior permission” from the
(Rs 3,000 in 2007-08), and the
at RGF said: “I don't want to say
testing facility. Initially, the ex-
pectation was 1.5-2 lakh, but
ficers into a huddle this week. The buzz is that the EC may the Bill and Melinda Gates home ministry to receive “a spe- Geneva-basedGlobalAlliancefor neat and clean. Everything is de- now, we estimate 7 lakh people WITH
consider not notifying the provision before Bihar polls. Foundation gave Rs 68.78 crore; cificamountfromaspecificdonor ImprovedNutrition(Rs2.16crore clared...Thegovernmentactionis have come to the state. With so T S SINGH DEO
andthePublicHealthFoundation for carrying out specific activi- in 2013-14). a political agenda, nothing else.” many people coming from af- CHHATTISGARH HEALTH
fected areas, the numbers in the
concern is to minimise the 700.Thenumberofpeoplerecov-
rum for the meeting of the Standing Committee on Scienceand Retd judges, deaths, which means that early
ered is higher on most days than
permission to hold virtual meetings. But when the Rajya Sabha senior advocates our worry is community spread.
for worse projections, so unless
write to expert individualstocooperate.Allindi-
viduals have to actively partici-
healthcare infrastructure will
hold. Our proposals of monetary
sary only for taking decisions and adopting reports by the com-
mittee. They also informed Chairman M Venkaiah Naidu that
panel, seek pate, being a corona warrior. We
are pending due to financial con-
committeeshavebeenmeetingwithoutquorumovertheyears. transparency ities. New testing centres are be-
ing made in Rajnandgaon,
straints. The CM in the cabinet
meeting had said that if any

BilaspurandAmbikapur,andwe healthcare worker dies, they
EXPRESS NEWS SERVICE have put out tenders for rapid would be given compensation,
NEW DELHI, JULY 8 testingkitsandotherequipment. but the incentive in pay over and
NEW BRITISH High Commissioner Philip Barton Wednesday above what they are getting has-
presented his credentials to President Ram Nath Kovind in a RETIRED JUDGES and prominent Seven lakh people have n’t been decided, although we
virtual ceremony. Barton’s mother was born in Shimla and he advocates, including former returned, how are we going have written to the CMO.
was posted in Delhi in the 1990s. He met his wife, Amanda, Supreme Court judges Justices to deal with them, and ensure
when they both lived and worked here in India, and they Aftab Alam and Madan B Lokur, they are earning? What is happening on the
named their daughter India. havecriticisedafive-memberex- So far, the state government GST front? How is there
pertcommitteeconstitutedbythe hasmetwiththetaskofproviding growth from last year, despite

Ministry of Home Affairs to sug- PM Narendra Modi and Home Minister Amit Shah at the cabinet meet in Delhi Wednesday. ANI employment in villages through a lockdown?
gest criminal law reforms. panchayatdepartmentandMGN- Thearrearsof lastyear’sshare
In a letter to members of the REGA.Itisbeyondexpectation,as ofRs1,160croreofcompensation
A CAREER diplomat, J P Singh has taken charge of Pakistan-
Afghanistan-Iran division in the Ministry of External Affairs.
committee, at least 14 retired
judgesandover50advocatesand Cabinet nod to extend free grain wearenowcurrentlytoppingthe
country in numbers. Of the total
were given to us this month, in-

scheme till Nov, 3 free LPGs till Sept

Singh was posted in Kabul when the Indian embassy was at- academicshavedemandedmore number of families that have year's quarter. While everything
tacked.Later,hevolunteeredtoserveinPakistan,andwassent transparencyregardingitsconsti- worked100jobdays,Chhattisgarh has plummeted, to a third of last
toIslamabadasDeputyHighCommissioner.Heaccompanied tution and functioning. has a 41% share. This is why we year’s collection, due to lock-
the family members to meet Kulbhushan Jadhav. After serv- “Asstakeholdersinthecrimi- havewrittenconstantlytothecen- down…anymoneythisyearwill
ing in Istanbul as Consul General for a brief stint, he returned nal justice system, we recognize While the scheme intends to budgetarysupportforthescheme tral government to increase the certainly help. The central gov-
to Delhi and has now taken charge in South Block. the need to bring the system in KRISHN KAUSHIK cover 81 crore beneficiaries un- will be Rs 10,736 crore. number of job days from 100 to ernment,however,isnothelping,
compliancewiththeConstitution, NEW DELHI, JULY 8 der the National Food Security The Cabinet gave the govern- 200. If 55,000 families in by increasing the prices of petrol
in a manner that ‘prioritises the Act, 2013, the government said mentago-aheadfordevelopment Chhattisgarh have already com- and diesel...
constitutional values of justice, THE UNION Cabinet on that 74.3 crore beneficiaries of Affordable Rental Housing pleted their 100 days in MGN-
SPELLS OUT MP BYPOLL DILEMMA dignityandtheinherentworthof Wednesday approved the exten- were covered in April, 74.75 Complexes(AHRCs)forurbanmi- REGA, where will they get suste- Rumours of dissonance

Vijayvargiya in virtual
the individual.’ However, we are sion of some of the measures crore in May, and 64.72 crore grant workers and the poor. nanceinthecomingmonths?We between you and the CM have
concerned that the composition taken by the government to help beneficiaries got the additional Announced by Finance Minister have completed 67%-70% of our come forth. The Opposition
ofthepresentCommitteelacksdi- peopletideoverthesevereimpact foodgrain in June. NirmalaSitharamanonMay14as yearlytargets,andwillcertainlybe has claimed that there are

rally: How to work with versity both in terms of the social

identity of the members, as well
of the nationwide lockdown im-
posed on March 25.
The Cabinet also approved a
new nationwide Central sector
part of the government’s relief
measures, this will come under
six months, barring the three
differences between groups
in the Congress, which might

Cong leaders we fought?

as their professional background Amongthekeymeasures,the scheme — the Agriculture thePradhanMantriAwasYojana. farming months, we will need lead to the government
and experience,” the letter read. Cabinetgaveitsnodtoextendthe Infrastructure Fund. Under this, Union Information and doubletheamountofmoneyfrom breaking down. Your
The five-member committee Pradhan Mantri Garib Kalyan banks and financial institutions Broadcasting Minister Prakash the Centre, over what they have comments?
(Congress MLAs whose rebellion headedbyDrRanbir Singh, V-C of Anna Yojana, which provides for will provide Rs 1 lakh crore Javadekar on Wednesday said senttillJune.Theymustatleastdo All departments under me
MILIND GHATWAI brought down the Kamal Nath NationalLawUniversity,Delhi,was allocation of foodgrain from the medium to long-term debt fi- there are 1.08 lakh single-bed- it for the Covid times, for a couple haveperformedwellnationally.If
BHOPAL, JULY 8 government) walked out of the setuponMay5.ApartfromSingh, Centralpool,untilNovemberwith nancing facility for investment in roomapartmentsingovernment- of yearstoaddressreversemigra- anyoneiscomingintheway,there
CongressgovernmentthatShivraj it includes G S Bajpai, Registrar of anadditionalestimatedexpendi- projectsforpost-harvestmanage- fundedhousingcomplexesacross tion.Therearesomeprovisionsof wouldnotbesuchaperformance.
“Workers like me wonder, even SinghChouhancouldbecomethe National Law University, Delhi; ture of Rs 76,062 crore. mentinfrastructureandcommu- sevencitiesthatarereadyandva- 51daysfromFRAforsomepeople, There is no hindrance by the CM.
you must be wondering, how to Chief Minister again. Would he Balraj Chauhan, V-C of Dhar- Italsoextendedthetimelimit nity farming assets over the next cantatthemoment.“Thesewillbe then the government of Theworkingortheoutcomeisnot
workwithCongressleaderswefo- havebecometheCMhadtheynot mashastraNationalLawUniversity, to avail three free LPG cylinders fouryears.Theloanswillbegiven giventomigrantworkersonrent,” Chhattisgarh had instituted an- affected.TheCMhasaskedmeto
ughtagainst.Thisiswhatpoliticsis done so? Raise your hands,’’ he Jabalpur;senioradvocateMahesh under the Ujjwala scheme. Star- to agencies such as Primary hesaid. other 50 days, which is very diffi- attend all GST Council meetings.
allabout.Occasionally,youhaveto asked party workers. He then Jethmalani and former Delhi dis- tingApril1,beneficiariesof Ujjw- Agricultural Credit Societies, Theapartmentswillberented culttobepulledthroughunderthe WedointeractandIamentrusted
take a bitter pill and do social wo- praisedChouhan,askingworkers trictcourtjudgeGPThareja. alawereallowedthreefreecylin- Marketing Cooperative Societies, out by the respective city munic- financialconstraints.Ifthecentral with important work. Some
rk,”BJPnationalgeneralsecretary to give their best in the bypolls to Intheletter,retiredjudgesand ders, which, if not claimed, can FarmerProducers’Organisations, ipal bodies through concession governmentdoesn’tpitchin,itwill thingsappeardifferentfromwhat
Kailash Vijayvargiya said Wedn- ensurehecontinuesasCM. lawyers called upon the commit- nowbetakenbySeptember-end. Self-Help Group (and farmers, agreements for 25 years. The be very difficult to care for the 7 theyare.Theworkistakencareof,
esday,encapsulatingthedilemma Chouhan, too, addressed the teetosetupsub-committeesand In a national address on June among others. “concessionaire” will be selected lakhwhohavereturned. whichistheimportantpartforthe
of partyworkerswhowillhaveto rally from the party headquarters panelsto“redressthelackofdiver- 30,PrimeMinisterNarendraModi The scheme will start with by state governments through government.ChhattisgarhCongr-
campaign for former Congress inBhopal. sity and experience in the Com- had announced extension of the sanction of Rs 10,000 crore in the transparent bidding, the govern- How is the healthcare system essgovernmentbreakingdownis
leadersintheupcomingbypolls. BJP has 107 MLAs in the 230- mittee’scurrentcomposition”. Anna Yojana by five months. current fiscal and Rs 30,000 per ment announced. holding up? Are there any impossible,aswehaveverycom-
Addressing a virtual rally for member House and the Congress FormerSupremeCourtjudge Under the scheme, the govern- annuminthenextthreefinancial Additionally,specialincentives benefits planned for fortable numbers. We are all
partyworkersinSanver,oneofthe was reduced to 92 after 22 MLAs Justice Gopala Gowda, former ment is providing additional 5 kg years. such as use permission, 50 per healthcare workers? working as a team committed to
24 Assembly seats going to polls, joined BJP. Two vacancies were Chief Justice, Delhi High Court, rice or wheat and 1 kg whole The government said that “all cent more FAR/FSI, and conces- Our healthcare workers have the high command. The high
he said he often sensed their dis- caused by death of two MLAs be- Justice A P Shah and Senior chana per person per month — loansunderthisfinancingfacility sionalloanatprioritysectorlend- stood up to the challenge and are commanddecideswhathappens
comfitureattheprospectofseek- fore the rebellion. The 22 former advocates Indira Jaising and distributedfree,bothareoverand willhaveinterestsubventionof 3 ing rate will be offered to public working non-stop. Even now, when and we follow through.
ing votes for their formal rivals. MLAsandBJPhavemaintainedall AnandGroverarealsoamongthe above the monthly entitlement percentperannumuptoalimitof and private entities who develop withariseincases,thenumberof FULL INTERVIEW ON
“Don’tforget,it’sbecausethey 22willbefieldedinthebypolls. signatories. of beneficiaries. Rs 2 crore”. The total outflow as such ARHCs. people occupying beds is below


In district where PM launched job scheme, migrants say little work, less pay
hasearnedRs6.000,includingRs but the rain has kept them away complete, with no trace of work Around25workershavebeen farstartedsomeworksunderthe
SANTOSH SINGH 1,400 from MGNREGA. for three days,” Alauli’s MNREGA visible. The tin shade is yet to be engagedforthisatadailywageof ambitious campaign.
KHAGARIA, JULY 8 “I have learnt my lockdown programme officer, Ramekbal put in place. Ram Daresh’s wife Rs 300. The project has engaged Alauli Block Development
lesson,”Brajeshsaid.“Thesesmall Pandit,said,whenTheIndianExp- Gudiya Devi said: “Work has 15 migrant workers. Officer Ajeet Kumar said: “So far
LAUNCHED FROM Khagaria, works with little income cannot resswentthereovertheweekend. stopped for some days. My hus- Banarasi Singh, who has re- wehavethreeprojectsfortheen-
Bihar, on June 20 by Prime hold back workers in Bihar for Panditstruggledtogiveaccountof band also worked (here) along turnedfromDelhi,said:“Iearned tireblock:constructionof21com-
Minister Narendra Modi, the long.Iwanttoresumemystudies workgeneratedafterthelaunchof with some migrant workers. My Rs 1,000 daily by carrying grain munity toilets, which means 30
Pradhan Mantri Garib Kalyan andundergoaprofessionalcourse PMGaribKalyanAbhiyan. husbandhasreturnedfromDelhi, bags. Here, I get Rs 300 daily. We work days for daily wages of Rs
Abhiyan, a 125-day skill-based for better job opportunities.” At Giddha village of Sahasi, whereheworkedasalabourerin are getting some work but the 300, with half the work going to
employment scheme, seems to He said his friends Diljit and Alauli’s MGNREGA junior engi- the grocery market.” question is for how long.... But we migrants; construction of 3,000
have had little to offer to the peo- Rajkumar also got 14 days’ work neer Sunil Kumar said, “We have Programme officer Pandit are happy to get some work at houses,(whichis)agoodemploy-
ple of Alauli so far. with the MNREGA project, but completedtwocowshedworks.” couldnotexplainwhytheycould home during these Covid-19 ment spinner; and MGNREGA
Brajesh Kumar, now back at thatcamebeforethelaunchofthe Kumar also said, “49 per cent not resume work. times.” workhereandthere.Besides,there
his village — Haripur, in Alauli, is national campaign last month. of its (project) cost goes as labour Of the places The Indian MetoSingh,whousedtowork willbetreeplantationdrive”.
working under MGNREGA, and The Indian Express carried out charge. Six people got jobs for 20 Expressvisited,someevidenceof atAzadpurMandiinDelhi,saidto Khagaria District Magistrate
alsotakinganyotheroddjobthat random sampling of the cam- plus days.” good work generation was seen be Asia’s largest wholesale mar- Alok Ranjan Ghosh said: “Of
comes his way. The 18-year-old paign’s progress at Haripur, However,oneofthetwocow- Work in progress under Gali-Nali scheme in Alauli. Santosh Singh undertheGali-Nalischemeofthe ket, said they would stay home 1.63,427man-days(of work)cre-
worked at a blade factory in MeghaunaandSahasi—allunder sheds he counted — a project state government’s Saat Nischay until October or November and ated since the launch of the
Kasganj, Uttar Pradesh, and Alauli,oneoftheleast-developed worth Rs 1.33 lakh built at the programmeatDalanHaripurvil- thendecidewhethertogobackto scheme until July 6, 36,983 man-
earnedRs11,000permonthuntil blocks of Khagaria district. house of Mahavir Yadav — was Under MGNREGA, a worker said. The family, he said, has seen lage, under Haripur panchayat. to big cities for work. days were created for migrant
two months ago, before he re- At Haripur, there was no trace completed much before the gets Rs 177 per day for this. hundredsofmigrantsreturntothe The 1,4,00-foot lane in the mid- Meghauna panchayat has workers.Besides,27peoplewere
turnedtoHaripurduringthelock- of any worker at a 565-foot pro- launch of the ambitious national Mahavirownstwobighasand villagesincethenationwidelock- dle of the village road had been seen no new employment drive given bee-keeping work and 65
down. He had moved to Kasganj posed brick-soling site. “Around campaign, according to Mahavir, lives by wheat and maize grown downwasimposedonMarch25. completed half way. Its plaster since the launch of the PM em- people got sanitary complex
after finishing Class X last year. 100 workers, including 20 migra- who also worked for 14 days and ontheland.Hewouldhaveleftfor At the same village, the cow- and cemented cover plates have ployment scheme. Alauli has 21 work. There are 27 agriculture
Over the last two months, he nts,areengagedwiththeprojects is yet to receive his wages. workoutside,butforthevirus,he shedof RamDareshYadavlayin- to be readied. panchayats but barely 10 have so loan beneficiaries.”

New Delhi


Guwahati cops
transferred Patna, Bhagalpur to lock down, Transmission rate
goes up, first time
other Bihar districts may follow
after birthday
party on ferry
since March: study
ABHISHEK SAHA InMarch,theviruswasbeing
erage in India while the rate was
impose strict
2.14 in Wuhan and 2.73 in Italy.
posted in Guwahati, including a PATNA, BHAGALPUR, JULY 8 FOR THE first time in India’s out- Between April 6 and 11, India’s R
Deputy Commissioner of Police, break since March, the Covid-19 droppedto1.55.Subsequently,it
were transferred on Wednesday
after theAssamgovernment ini-
FOLLOWING A sharp spike in
Covid-19 cases, the district ad-
lockdown transmission rate has increased.
India’s Covid-19 reproduc-
dropped to 1.49 and then 1.2 by
early June, as the country began
them for holding a birthday
ministrations of Patna and
Bhagalpur in Bihar have an- on Sundays tion number, or R, which esti-
mates the number of people in-
to relax the lockdown in a
phased manner.
party of a colleague on a ferry on nounced lockdowns. fected by one already infected Thetransmissionratecontin-
theBrahmaputra,amidthelock- Patna, where Covid-19 cases person, was on a steady decline ued to decline into June, reach-
down in the city. climbed from 747 on July 1 to MILIND GHATWAI from 1.83 for months since ing 1.11 by June 26. However, af-
A video and photographs, 1351 on July 8, will be under BHOPAL, JULY 8 March 4. However, in the first ter a month of unlocking, the
which were circulated on social lockdown from July 10 toJuly 16. week of the second unlocking transmission rate has picked up
media, showed a group of police Over50 cases in Patna havelinks WITH A sudden spike in the phase in July, the rate has shown between July 2 and July 5 to 1.19.
officers eating and consuming to the Chief Minister’s residence number of Covid cases over the an increase for the first time, re- ThehighestR numbersare in
liquorata gathering. Sourcessay where his niece, several staffers last few days, Madhya Pradesh search by the Institute of the south in Karnataka (1.66),
the party on the ferry ‘TF and others who came in contact on Wednesday announced a Mathematical Sciences in Telangana (1.65) and Andhra
Damodar’ was held to celebrate with them have tested positive. strict lockdown across the state Chennai shows. Pradesh (1.32). Previously fast-
the birthday of an officer of the Bhagalpur, which has seen onSundaysandrestrictedmove- Having an R less than one is growing states have slowed
rank of an Assistant Covid-19 cases go up from 500 ment in districts bordering the goal of health authorities, as down,suchasGujaratat1.15and
Commissioner of Police late on July 1 to 693 on July 8, has an- At a containment zone in Bagbazar area of Kolkata. Partha Paul Rajasthan and Maharashtra. it signifies a flattening of the West Bengal at 1.1. “The current
night on Sunday, and several nounced a lockdown from July 9 Badwani and Morena are curve. increase in R can most probably
other officers were present. to July 16. among the border districts that The R is currently at 1.19, be attributed to the high R for
Commissioner M P Gupta said,
Police Bihar’s case count has gone
up from 10,205 to 13,525 in a
shut, except for essential items
such as dairy, vegetables and Seven-day lockdown have reported a large number of
cases. The growth rate in Covid
which means that each infected
person on average infects 1.19
some of the southern states,”
Sinha said.

in Bengal containment
“We have started the enquiry. week and 100 people have died groceries, which will be open cases which had come down to people, according to Dr Sitabhra States like Assam and
The report is awaited.” of Covid-19 so far in the state. from 6 am to 10 am and 4 pm to 1.72 per cent has now shot up to Sinha, a scientist at the institute. Rajasthan are not currently con-
The inquiry follows an order Sources said some other dis- 7 pm. 20.01 due to the recent surge. “It usually takes 10 days to sistent enough to estimate for,
on Tuesday evening by Assam
Chief Secretary Kumar Sanjay
tricts such as Gopalganj,
may also enforce lockdown
While most government of-
fices will stay shut, essential
services, including police,
zones begins today Reviewing the situation,
Chief Minister Shivraj Singh
Chouhan said every district
up as increased or decreased
case numbers. So, I would say
Sinha added.
Totalactivecasescould reach
around 6 lakh by the end of the
quiry and observingthat reports soon. While Khagaria has 352 healthcare, media and e-com- On Wednesday, the CM re- should impose a weekly lock- that this increase we are seeing month, Sinha’s modelling
about the party reflected “very cases, Munger has 473 and merce will be exempted from EXPRESS NEWS SERVICE viewed the district-wise list of down when only essential serv- probably has its origin in events shows. Maharashtra could have
poorly on the policemen” and Muzaffarpur has 500. the lockdown, Kumar said. KOLKATA, JULY 8 containmentzones,especiallyin ices will remain available and thathappenedaroundmid-June over 1.5 lakh active cases by July
displayed “total disregard to or- An order by Patna District For those associated with es- Kolkata and its adjacent areas. people will be allowed to move or slightly later,” he said. “The 21, and Tamil Nadu 1 lakh.
ders under the Disaster Act”. Magistrate Kumar Ravi said that sential services, strict rules of THE WEST Bengal government Banerjee was unhappy with only for emergencies such as bottom line is that right now we An analysis of district-wise
A statement from the office during the lockdown, govern- wearing masks in public will impose a lockdown in con- theSouth24Parganaslist,which medical treatment. are in the situation we were in in data from state bulletins by The
of Chief Minister Sarbananda ment offices and private estab- will apply. tainment zones across the state she examined duringa televised Blamingthespikeincaseson May and early June, and the fur- Indian Express shows that cases
SonowalonWednesdaysaiddis- lishments will remain shut. Kumar said the decision was for seven days beginning 5 pm meeting with officials and doc- those entering Madhya Pradesh therdecreasewesawinlateJune anddeathsaregraduallybecom-
ciplinary action has been initi- People will be allowed to buy takeninviewof aspike in Covid- on Thursday to check the surge tors from government hospitals. from other states, Health and was not sustained or improved ing less concentrated in the top
ated, and all those involved groceries,dairyitems,vegetables 19 cases and the failure of peo- in Covid-19 cases, Chief Minister “Youcan’tlockdownawholedis- Home Minister Narottam upon.” 10 districts. While 46 per cent
would be transferred soon. and other essential items be- ple to wear masks and maintain Mamata Banerjee said at the trict... You have included entire Mishrasaidthelockdownwillbe Delhi has shown significant caseswere in the top 10 a month
Guwahati, which is under a tween 6 am and 10 am and 4 pm social distancing. state secretariat here on civicwards...Reviewit,”shesaid. imposed on Sundays and every strides,fromanRnumberof 1.25 ago, it is 41 per cent now.
strict lockdown for over a week to 7 pm. Commercial vehicles Wednesday. Thelistof containmentzones person entering the state will between June 13-16 to a curve Similarly, 59 per cent of all
now, reported 588 coronavirus willnotbeallowed,butthoseas- ‘33,793 more booths’ “This lockdown in contain- in North 24 Parganas, Howrah now be checked at the borders. that is now around 1. For a few deaths were in the top 10 dis-
cases on Tuesday and is emerg- sociated with essential services Bihar Deputy CM Sushil ment zones in West Bengal will and Kolkata has been finalised Chouhan asked the Chief days starting June 21, Delhi had tricts, and it is 54 per cent now.
ing as a hotspot in Assam. such as healthcare and the me- KumarModisaidonWednesday continue for seven days from 5 and posted on the government’s SecretaryandtheDGPtoworkout an R slightly above one. Sinha A total of 448 districts have
SonowalonWednesdaysaidthat dia, will be allowed to use that the Election Commission of pmonThursday.Willreviewthe website. The proposed lists of 20 amechanismonrestrictingmove- called the curve “sub-exponen- seenatleastoneCovid-19death,
duetothestrictimplementation their vehicles. India had assured that 33,793 situation after seven days and other districts were sent by the mentinborderdistrictsandissue tial”, meaning not growing ex- up from 391 two weeks ago.
of lockdown,therateof positivity BhagalpurDistrictMagistrate additional polling booths would thendecidethenextcourseofac- respectiveDistrictMagistratesto a public advisory. While reiterat- ponentially for some time now. Newnameshaveenteredthe
amongthetestedcaseshascome Pranav Kumar Wednesday an- be set up to maintain physical tiononlockdown,”Banerjeesaid. Home Secretary Alapan ing the compulsory use of masks Haryanaisalsoshowingsim- top 10 districts with the most
down from 36 per cent to 16 per nounced that the district would distancingduringthe state polls. The Chief Minister urged Bandyopadhyay by Wednesday in public, Chouhan said that ac- ilar signs. The only other time a cases: Gurgaon and Indore have
centinthecity.Asof Wednesday, be under lockdown from 6 am “Rules of voting and holding ral- people to maintain distance and evening. The final list will be an- tion will be taken against the heavy-caseload state showed been replaced by Bengaluru and
362Assampolicepersonnelhave on July 9 to 6 am on July 16. lies would be changed and digi- wear face masks, and ordered nounced by 5 pm on Thursday, shopping malls and offices that such positive trends was in April Palghar. However, the list of top
tested positive for the virus, of Kumartoldreportersthattheur- tal campaigns would be cost- the administration to be strict after a review by Chief Secretary arenotkeepingsanitisersandnot to mid-May when Tamil Nadu 10districtswiththemostdeaths
whom 109 have recovered. ban areas would be completely friendly,” he told the media. with those violating the norms. Rajiva Sinha. enforcing distancing norms. flattenedthecurvesubstantially. has been consistent over time.


KCR govt frowns as Governor
Coastal village emerges Kerala hotspot questions state’s Covid response
joining areas tested positive for secretaryandpresidentofitsTamil
VISHNUVARMA the infection. After a high-level SREENIVASJANYALA Nadu unit has also contributed to
KOCHI,JULY8 meeting chaired by Chief HYDERABAD,JULY8 the uneasy relationship between
Minister Pinarayi Vijayan, it was the government and the Raj
ACOASTALvillageontheoutskirts decided to strengthen restric- AMIDAspikeinCovid-19casesin Bhavan,thesourcessaid.
of Kerala’s capital tions that are already in place as Telangana,GovernorDrTamilisai OnJune10,sheissuedastate-
Thiruvananthapuram has part of the triple lockdown in Soundararajan’s move to directly mentthatshewasunhappywith
emergedasaCovid-19hotspotaf- Thiruvananthapuram. Entry reachouttopeopleandherstate- thestategovernment’shandling
ter over 100 people in the area and exit to the area will be al- ments that she is not happy with of the Covid-19 crisis. She ex-
testedpositiveforthevirusinthe lowed only for those with essen- the state’s response has not gone Dr Tamilisai Soundararajan pressed concerns over low test-
last one week. tial duties. down well with the K ing and ticked off the govern-
Poonthura,afishingvillage12 A statement from the Health ChandrashekarRaogovernment, ment for not responding to her
km from Thiruvananthapuram, Minister’s office said testing will according to sources. of negligence, overcharging, and requests for data.
has been described by govern- be intensified in clusters report- Lastweek,afterallegationsof non-availability of beds started On June 16, as Covid cases
mentofficialsasanareawitness- ing higher incidence of cases so patients being overcharged or pouring in. The Governor sought startedspikinginHyderabad,the
ing “super spread” of the coron- that asymptomatic persons and turnedawayby privatehospitals detailslikethepatient’snameand Governorheldavideodiscussion
avirus infection. thosewithmildsymptomscanbe started coming in, thenearesthospitalandaskedher with a group of prominent citi-
The origin of the infection is identified faster. Soundararajan, a gynaecologist officetofollowuponthecasesin- zens, including a former health
suspected to be a wholesale fish Fishing activities have been herself, called Chief Secretary steadofdirectingthemtogovern- secretary,aformerDGP,members
vendoratthelocalKumarichanda suspended in Poonthura until SomeshKumarandSpecialChief ment officials concerned. ofIndianMedicalAssociation,re-
market.Dozensofpeople,includ- further notice. Coast Guard, Secretary (Health) Shanti Two hours later, Chief searchersandpeoplewhohadre-
ing autorickshaw drivers, fisher- Coastal Security and Marine Kumari to Raj Bhavan on Secretary Somesh Kumar and covered from Covid-19. “The dis-
menandtheirfamilieshavetested Enforcement wings of the state Monday for a discussion. Special Chief Secretary (Health) cussion was about the Corona
positiveintheareaencompassing policehavebeendeputedtopre- The officials, however, cited Shanti Kumari reached the Raj situation in the state and how it
three wards of the local corpora- vent the movement of fishing prior engagements and skipped Bhavan to discuss the Governor’s was being handled and what
tion. There has always been con- boats between Poonthura and the meeting. Not to be deterred, concerns. steps needed to be taken, and it
stant movement of fish workers the villages on the Tamil Nadu Soundararajanscheduledavideo Also, since Tuesday evening, did not go down well with Chief
between villages like Poonthura border. Special Armed Police conference Tuesday morning several TRS ministers were seen Minister K Chandrashekar Rao
and Kanyakumari on the Tamil commandoshavebeenpostedin withthetopmanagementofsev- responding quickly to messages The CM was also unhappy with
Nadu border. the village to ensure implemen- eralsuper-specialityhospitals,in- andvideospostedbypeopleseek- theGovernor’sstatements,’’anof-
“It can be described as a local tation of the lockdown. cluding a few accused of over- ing admission in government or ficial said.
super-spread,” said minister-in- Special Armed Police commandos in Poonthura, 12 km from Thiruvananthapuram. Express Since a majority of the resi- chargingpatients,andgavethem private hospitals. Followingherstatements,BJP
charge of the district, dentsinPoonthuraandadjoining a piece of her mind, a Raj Bhavan According to sources, the chief JPNaddacriticisedthestate
Kadakampally Surendran, deny- villageshavelivelihoodsstrungto official said. Telangana government has been government.“TheCMandminis-
inganyevidenceof acommunity with congested living arrange- inMumbaicouldspelldisasterfor antigen kits. fishing, the government has de- The Governor also took to wary of Soundararajan question- ters are concerned but as of now
spread yet. ments,alarge-scalespreadof the health officials who have been On Wednesday alone, 55 cidedtoprovide five kg of freera- Twitter and started interacting ing officials on various issues. Her they don’t want to say anything
A densely-populated area virus here on the lines of Dharavi carrying out testing using rapid people from Poonthura and ad- tion to families in the area. withpeople,andsooncomplaints background as the BJP’s national openly,’’ a senior TRS leader said.

‘How could I take backseat due to fear of death... will be history or part of it’ (61), General Physician
WITHSENIORcitizensbeingpar- since March. and higher salary. to-door visits to detect cases of nal transplant patients, at risk. “I husband,aged65.Shecooksinthe stafferstestedpositive.Theindex
ticularly vulnerable to Covid-19, “My age is Atpresent,ofthe300consult- cough,coldandfever.Theaggres- used to go home scared. I would morningandleavesforthehospi- casewasaheartpatientwholater The IMA
13.8 per cent of those aged above againstme.ButI ants,lessthan15to20doctorsare siveeffortshelpedinfasterdetec- batheforanhourafterreturning,” tal. “He manages the house,” she turnedouttobeCovid-19positive. Maharashtra
60 infected by coronavirus have cannot not go,” coming to work regularly. “How tion of Covid-19 cases. he said. said. “As the head of the microbi- Aged 66, with hypertension, a president kept
diedinMumbai,asopposedtothe he said, adding long can we stay away? We have In Dharavi, home to lakhs of ologydepartment,IknewIhadto childhood episode of polio infec- his Pune clinic
averagefatalityrateof5.7percent that this is the to learn to live with the pan- people with low incomes, resi- Dr Sujata Baveja (62), keepworking. Howcould I take a tion and obesity, Pardiwalla de- open even
forallagegroups.Whilemostdoc- time doctors demic.” dents hesitate to interact with Microbiologist backseat due to fear of death? I cided to stay home and consult when several
tors,whoworkasconsultants,are need to step out as it’s their duty. civicofficials.“Buttheyopenupto thought either I will be history or through video calls. general physi-
practising tele medicine from “Just like when a fire starts, a fire- Dr Anil Pachnekar (60), us. They listen to us as we have The head of become a part of history.” “ButIrealisedIcannotconsult cians downed their shutters in
home,some,despitebeingsenior man cannot say I can’t go inside General Physician beentreatingthemalltheseyears. microbiology at throughtelemedicineforever.My March and April. He has diag-
citizens, are walking into hospi- becauseit’stoohot,it’ssimilarfor IrealisedIhavetodomybitinsav- Sionhospitaldid Dr Behram S Pardiwalla family was not very happy when nosed 50 Covid-19 patients in
tals and clinics every day to treat us. This is the fire we need to Anil inglives.So,Iletmyjuniordoctors not take a single (66), Consultant I decided to go back to hospital.” threemonths.Hisonlysafetygear
patients. douse.” Pachnekar has handlemyclinicandhavestarted day off from Physician He treats Covid-19 patients — an N-95 mask.
The Indian Express spoke to a Whenthepandemicbegan,51 beenworkingin goingdoortodoortolookforsus- March until too, but indirectly. Junior doctors Heworksforeighthoursaday.
few of them. staffers in Bhatia hospital got in- Dharavi for 35 pected cases along with BMC June. From han- Behram S report the patient’s condition to Oncehereacheshome,heimme-
fected. The fear of infection led to years. Along workers,” Pachnekar said. dlinglaboratorytestingtocoordi- Pardiwalla him and he directs the line of diately takes a bath. “Social dis-
Dr R B Dastur (67), multipleresignations,withnurses with BMC, he The 60-year-old would do a nating the fever clinic, training worked until treatment. “This pandemic will tancing is not possible at home.”
Medical Director of and ward boys refusing to join hasbeeninstru- door-to-doorsurveyfrom9amtill staffonantigentesttoconducting Wockhardthos- change how we see patients. The “Doctors are willing to pay for
Bhatia hospital work. The staffers in the canteen mental in containing Covid-19 in 3 pm, visiting over 300 houses sero-surveillanceandmakingpol- pital was forced personaltouchislost.Ican’ttouch PPE. But the government needs to
also quit. Dastur had to go to hos- five hotspots of the vast slum. He daily.Hehasdiabetesbut“itisun- icy decisions, she has supported to shut down apatient’sarmtocomfortthem.” ensurethatgeneralphysicianslike
R B Dastur has been going to pital to negotiate with nurses, had mobilised 50 private doctors der control”. He had to ensure he BMC’s efforts. fully in the first megetaccesstoit.Ifwegetinfected,
Bhatia hospital every single day promisingthemaccommodation inAprilandstartedmakingdoor- doesnotputhischildren,bothre- The62-year-oldliveswithher weekofAprilafter82doctorsand Dr Avinash Bhondwe thegovernmentistobeblamed.”

New Delhi


J&K IPS officer

suspended for
Called Jaishankar several times, China Gangster Act
invoked against

action incredibly aggressive: Pompeo

Lucknow CAA
violence accused
‘gross misconduct’ Pompeo on Wednesday said, revisionist effort the Chinese
SHUBHAJIT ROY “I put this in the context of Communist Party is engaged in,
ARUN SHARMA NEW DELHI, JULY 8 (CommunistPartyof China)gen- something that (US) President ATLEAST50peoplefacingpolice
JAMMU, JULY 8 eral secretary Xi Jinping and his (Donald) Trump has taken in- casesfor alleged violence during
THREE DAYS after The Indian behaviourthroughouttheregion credibly seriously.” anti-CAA protests in Lucknow in
SENIOR IPS officer Basant Rath Expressreportedthequietphone ---indeedthroughouttheworld. He said that the US had not December, have been booked
was on Wednesday suspended call between US Secretary of I don't think it’s possible to look done that in previous adminis- under the stringent Gangster
withimmediateeffectbythecen- State Michael R Pompeo and at that particular instance of trations. “We responded to this Act. At least 10 of them have
tral government in connection External Affairs minister S Chinese Communist Party ag- in a way that we think is appro- been rearrested.
with“repeatedinstancesofgross Jaishankar, Pompeo on gression in isolation. I think you priate, and we have attempted Nilabja Choudhury, joint
misconduct and misbehaviour”. Wednesday confirmed that he need to put it in the larger con- to communicate to the Chinese commissioner of Lucknow
The action comes a fortnight Basant Rath had spoken with Jaishankar a text...when I was up there once leadership that we are serious Police, said the Gangster Act has
after Rath lodged a complaint “number of times”. He also said before, we talked about the about this.” been invoked against people
with police against Jammu and that the Chinese troops took “in- numberof maritimeandbound- Pompeo’s reference to the who are facing serious charges
Kashmir DGP Dilbagh Singh cit- was posted as IGP Home Guards credibly aggressive action” and Pompeosaid Indiahas ‘donetheirbesttorespond’toChina. File aries disputes with the Chinese Chinese territorial claims on in connection with the anti-CAA
ing “apprehensions about my inJammuandKashmir,Rathhad thattheIndianshave“donetheir Communist Party is engaged… Bhutanese territory comes days violence. “We have instructed
life, liberty and bald head”. onJune25lodgedawrittencom- best” to respond to that. “I think it's unequaled any after it emerged that Beijing had police stations to invoke the Act
An order issued by the plaintatGandhiNagarpolicesta- Referring to China’s new ter- “I have spoken with Foreign tween the two sides was at its placeelseintheworld;therearen't claimed the Sakteng wildlife against people who indulged in
Ministryof Home Affairs said,“A tion requesting the SHO to “take ritorial claims with Bhutan, Minister Jaishankar a number of peak. There have been at least many neighbours that can satis- sanctuary in eastern Bhutan as arson and vandalism,” he said.
disciplinary proceeding against noteof my apprehensionsabout Pompeo said that Beijing has a times about this. The Chinese three occasions since March factorilysaythattheyknowwhere its own territory. Bhutan has re- TheGangsterActhasbeenin-
Shri Basant Rath (IPS: RR: 2000, my life, liberty and bald head”. “pattern of instigating territorial took incredibly aggressive ac- when Pompeo and Jaishankar theirsovereigntyendsandthatthe jected the claims, and plans to voked in cases lodged at
JK) is contemplated in connec- The “reason”, Rath had written, disputes”. tion; the Indians have done their have interacted over phone, but ChineseCommunistPartywillre- respond to it when the next bor- Thakurganj, Kaiserbagh and
tion with repeated instances of was “certain activities of Sh. “The world shouldn't allow best to respond to that.” this call in late-June was the first spectthatsovereignty.” der talks take place with China. Hasanganjpolicestations.TheAct
gross misconduct and misbe- Dilbagh Singh, IPS, 1987 batch, this bullying to take place, nor The Indian Express had re- after the clashes in Galwan, “That’scertainlytruenowfor There has been considerable was invoked at different times
haviour, which have been currently DGP, UT of J and K”. He should it be permitted to con- ported on July 5 that Pompeo which killed 20 Indian soldiers. thepeopleof Bhutan,aswell,”he disquiet in Delhi over Beijing’s over the last three weeks.
brought to the notice of the hadmarkedacopyof thewritten tinue,” Pompeo told reporters in had called Jaishankar after the It was kept under wraps for said. recent claims on Bhutanese ter- AtThakurganj,atleast25peo-
Government. During the period complaint to the DGP. Washington DC. June 15 clash between Chinese "strategic reasons", since Indian Pompeo said, “This is what ritory, which has never been ple have been booked under the
of suspension, Rath’s headquar- Stating that he was doing this Askedaboutthesituationbe- and Indian troops in Ladakh's and Chinese sideswere engaged the world must come together brought up in the previous 24 Act, said officials, with 15 each at
ter shall be Jammu and he will “as a private citizen” and in his tween India and China, he said, GalwanValley,whentensionbe- in talks between June 22 and 24. to respond to --- this increasing rounds of boundary talks. Kaiserbagh and Hasanganj.
not leave it without obtaining “personal capacity”, not as a civil
permission of Director General servantorpoliceman,Rathwrote,
of Jammu and Kashmir Police.” “I am not asking you to lodge an CAA PROTESTS IN LUCKNOW

Cart puller held,

Itaddedthatduringtheperiod FIRagainstthepersonmentioned.
of suspension, Rath shall be paid I am just asking you to make this
the subsistence allowances and letter a part of the daily diary in
dearnessallowanceasadmissible your police station. Today. Now.”

cops press ahead

under Rule 4 of the All India He added, “In case some-
Services (Discipline and Appeal) thing bad happens to me, you
Rules, 1969, on production of a should know whose number
certificate that he is not engaged you should dial…”

with recovery
in any other employment, busi- Promoted as IGP in 2018,
ness, profession or vocation. Rath became popular among
Rathcouldnotbereachedfor people for his effective regula-
comment as he did not respond tion of traffic. However, his stint

of damages
to repeated phone calls. asIGP-Trafficwasshort-lived.He
A2000-batchIPSofficerwho wasthenmadeIGHomeGuards.

Policemen accused in ASAD REHMAN

Vadodara ‘custodial PRESSINGaheadwithrecoveryof

death’ case absconding

damages related to the anti-CAA
and NRC protests of December
2019, the Lucknow police last
gested that Nisar was picked up week arrested a man who pulls a
EXPRESS NEWS SERVICE at 11.30 am and was allowed to cart for a living for failure to pay
VADODARA, AHMEDABAD, leave the police station at 5.25 up.Thecityadministration’splans

TWO DAYS after six Vadodara

pm after “making a note in the
police station diary”.
The Gujarat government
WALK IN THE PARK, 3 MONTHS ON toauctiontwoshopsinHasanganj
area on July 16 as part of the
process has hit a hurdle though,
policemenwerebookedoverthe soughtaweek'stimeonMonday People in a Srinagar garden on Wednesday, a day after the Jammu and Kashmir administration ordered the reopening of all with one of the properties to be
alleged custodial death of a 65- on the ground that ACP E- gardens and parks as part of a gradual unlocking process in the Union Territory. Shuaib Masoodi auctioned not owned by the per-
year-old migrant worker from Division SG Patil “is diligently son served the recovery notice.
Telangana the investigating offi- and strenuously making an at- On July 2, the administration
cers claimed the accused have tempt to reach to the truth”. The ASI HERITAGE SITES Repatriated sealed one more property — a

Week after govt announcement,

gone into hiding. court directed that the report on welding workshop in Khurram
“Immediately after the FIR the missing complaint be sub- 4,000 Indians Nagar owned by Mohammad NY Fashion Bazaar in
waslodged,allof themwentinto mitted on or before July 10. Nafees,accusedofvandalismand Hasanganj area of Lucknow
hiding. We have formed several The Vadodara police, which stuck overseas arson in Hazratganj area on is among two shops up for
teams that are also actively raid-
look for the accused, claimed it
many monuments remain shut since May: Navy December 19 last year. The date
for its auction has not been an-
nounced yet.
auction. Express

switched off as well. We will ar- three accused LRD jawans — Taj Mahal, sources told The that it could lead to violation of Tehsildar (Sadar) Shambhu the money transferred, the shop
rest them soon,” said Deepak Yogendra Jilansinh, Rajiv DIVYA A Indian Express that the monu- social distancing norms. EXPRESS NEWS SERVICE Sharan,who is overseeingthere- wastobereopened.AsIwasgoing
Meghani,DeputyCommissioner Savjibhai and Hitesh NEW DELHI, JULY 8 mentisunlikelytoreopenbefore Union Culture Minister NEW DELHI, JULY 8 covery process in Lucknow, said tothehouse,Iwasarrested.Ikept
of Police, Zone 1. Shambubhai—weresuspended. the end of July. Prahlad Patel, while announcing MohammadKaleem(38)wasar- telling police I was there only to
Babu Sheikh Nisar from Accused police inspector DB A WEEK after the government ASI officials in Maharashtra the reopening of monuments COVERING A distance of 23,000 rested on Friday as he had failed pick up the keys. I did not know
Telangana’s Kamareddy district Gohil was transferred to announced the reopening of all said that all the monuments in lastweek,hadassuredthatitwill km over 55 days, the Navy has to pay the damages. “We will be that rioting had happened in the
was picked up by police on Ahmedabad a week before the centrally protected monuments the state will continue to remain be done “in compliance of the repatriated nearly 4,000 Indian arresting others too, but they are area that day.”
December 10 over a theft. He FIR was lodged and sub-inspec- andsitesfromJuly6, someof the closed till the end of the month, state and district administra- citizensstuckoverseasduetothe absconding. Kaleem will be re- Dharamveer said he was
was allegedly tortured at torDMRabariwastransferredto country’s most popular heritage or till further orders. Officials tion”. Around one-third of the Covid-19 pandemic from three leased after 14 days and we will servedthenoticeregardingprop-
Fatehgunj police station and has Ahmedabad city two months spots, including the Taj Mahal in from the ASI’s Mumbai, toprevenuegeneratingandpop- different countries as part of its see what assets he has and will erty attachment while in jail. “I
gone missing since. ago.LRDjawanPankajMavjibhai Agra, continue to remain shut Aurangabad and Nagpur circles ular monuments are located in Operation Samudra Setu. auction them.” was told by my lawyer that noth-
Reports placed on record of was transferred to Amreli two due to the coronavirus pan- — which handle monuments the five states that are worst af- The operation, which Kaleem is among 13 people ing would happen.” He also
theGujaratHighCourthavesug- months ago. demic. such as the Ajanta and Ellora fected by the pandemic — brought back 3,992 Indians, be- ordered to pay Rs 21.76 lakh in all claimed to have CCTV footage
The Archaeological Survey of Caves, Raigad Fort and the Maharashtra, Tamil Nadu, Delhi, gan on May 5 and included four asdamagesintheHasanganjarea. showinghewasatanotheroutlet
India (ASI)onMondayreopened Elephanta Caves — confirmed Gujarat, and Uttar Pradesh. vessels — INS Jalashwa, INS Kaleem’swifeNargissaysshe of NY Fashion Bazaar from 10 am
Thoothukudi custodial more than 2,000 heritage sites,
but the Taj Mahal and other
Even in the case of monu-
Airavat, INS Shardul and INS
Magar — concluded on July 1,
can’t understand why he was ar-
to 3.30 pm that day.
Siddiqui, who lives in Khadra

deaths: CBI takes over probe monuments in Agra remained

out of bounds. In a signed order,
Meanwhile, the Charminar
and the Golconda Fort, two of
handful of people visited them.
According to officials, only 60
when the last ship brought back
686 Indians from Bandar Abbas
of six live in a hut near Bithauli
in Hasanganj, said, “I don’t know
who Dharamveer is. I had given
Agra District Magistrate Prabhu Hyderabad’smost famousmon- people bought tickets to visit the in Iran to Tuticorin, Tamil Nadu. Chauraha in Lucknow. “Since the the shop to a person from Delhi."
New Delhi: The CBI has taken ready been arrested by the state NSinghdeclaredallmonuments uments,wereopenedforvisitors Qutub Minar on Tuesday, while The most number of people lockdown there has been no He said he had no links with
over investigations into the police, they said. in the city, including the Taj by the Archaeological Survey of Jodhpur’s Chittorgarh Fort and were repatriated from Male, work,” she says. NY Fashion Bazaar any more. “I
killing of a father-son duo after "CBI has registered two cases Mahal, Agra Fort, Akbar’s Tomb India (ASI) on Monday morning, Kumbhalgarh Fort recorded a Maldives — 2386. The Navy also The two shops up for auction give my shop to several people,
allegedtorturebypoliceperson- on the allegations of custodial and Itmad-ud-Daula Tomb, as onlytobeshutlaterinthedayaf- footfall of a mere 150 each. brought back 920 Indians from onJuly16areabiggarmentstore, that does not make me liable for
nel at Sathankulam Police deathof twotradersinKovilpatti “bufferzones”after55newcases ter the Telangana government Bhopal’sGwaliorFort,BellaryFort Bandar Abbas, and another 686 NY Fashion Bazaar, and a junk what the tenant does.”
Stationin TamilNadu'sTuticorin district on the request of Tamil were reported in the city over a opposed their reopening. in Hampi and the Mattancherry IndiansfromColombo,SriLanka. shop. While Dharamveer Singh The other property to be auc-
district, officials said on Nadu government and further period of four days. Any access An ASI official from the Palace Museum in Thrissur also A statement released by the had been served recovery notice tioned is Mahenoor Choudhary’s
Wednesday. notification from government of totheheritagesitescouldleadto Hyderabad Circle said that a few registered few visitors. Navy on Wednesday said regarding NY Fashion Bazaar, on junk shop in Khadra area.
The CBI has dispatched a India," CBI Spokesperson R K further spread of the infection, people had booked their tickets Officials, however, admitted Operation Samudra Setu was Tuesday,MunawwarAliSiddiqui Choudhary said the order was a
special team to conduct the Gaur said. the order stated. online and were allowed in but that the low footfall was ex- taken up “in these trying times approached Tehsildar Sharan bigblowforpeoplelikehimstrug-
probe in which several Tamil The team will be seeking the Although neither the district the sale of tickets had to be pected and they are anticipating and difficult conditions” to with papers for the property. glingtomakeendsmeetsincethe
NaduPolicepersonnelareunder custody of the arrested accused, administration nor the ASI put stopped after the local adminis- things to get better in the “evacuateourdistressedcitizens SharantoldTheIndianExpress, lockdown.
the scanner and some have al- the sources said. PTI any date on the reopening of the trationexpressedapprehensions months to come. from overseas”. “I told him he should be present Denying anything to do with
when the auction happens. the December 19 protests,
Whatever is inside the shop will Choudhary said, “I was merely

Tent City at Statue of Unity site is open — as a wedding venue be auctioned, while the shop
won’t be. He said the shop is
empty. If there is nothing in the
passing by when I saw a crowd
pening. Police took a photograph
of Unity Tent City 1, located on about Rs 12,000 each per night until the lockdown in March, shop, we will see what has to be of me at that time. I am not seen
ADITI RAJA Dyke 4 of the Narmada Dam at the regular price (before the three weddings were held, in- done next.” indulging in any kind of
VADODARA, JULY 8 about 4 km from the 182-metre lockdown)," says Verma. cluding that of the daughter of Dharamveer,28,whoworked violence.”
statueofSardarVallabhbhaiPatel. Tent City 1 is being devel- Principal Secretary (Health) Dr as an assistant manager at NY Choudharywasarrestedfrom
A PANDAL, a complimentary “The picturesque location oped, operated and managed by Jayanti Ravi. Fashion Bazaar, was arrested on hishomeinKhadraonDecember
banquet hall, e-invites, henna and open-to-sky setting with Lallooji and Sons, an Before the lockdown, the December 19, and booked for ri- 24. Facing the same charges as
artists, music, all-day meals, in- Statue of Unity and Narmada Ahmedabad-based event man- complex drew an average of otingandattempttomurderapart Dharamveer, he too spent a
cluding starters and mocktails - Dam in the backdrop makes for agement company, on a Public 15,000visitorsonweekdaysand from under the Prevention of month in custody before bail.
- and of course, hand sanitisers, a perfect destination wedding,” PrivatePartnership(PPP)model. 22,000 over weekends. Damage to Public Property Act. With earnings of average Rs
social distancing and seating says Chetan Verma, Manager- Officials say that ever since it Says Nilesh Dubey, Kevadia Releasedonbailafteramonthand 500adayearlier,Choudharysaid
only for 50. Operations, Statue of Unity Tent openedonOctober27lastyear,it Deputy Collector and Chief backhomeinMoradabaddistrict, he somehow kept his family of
Bookings are open for cus- City 1, which has 60 tents and hasmainlyhostedofficialevents, Administratorof Statueof Unity: hesaidhewasworkingattheout- five,includingthreechildrenaged
tomised wedding packages in two “Presidential Cottages”. starting with the World Bank "Promoting the location for des- let on a monthly salary of Rs between9and15,afloat.Headds
the Statue of Unity complex, "Wehavedrawnuppackages Conference, which saw the par- tinationweddingsisagoodidea, 22,000. that he had failed to reply to the
with the Gujarat government for 50 persons as per the state ticipation of World Bank CEO andwill be goodfor theStatueof “On December 19, I was sent recovery notice earlier as he was
planning to open up tourist des- government's Covid guidelines. David Malpass, Prime Minister Unity in the long run. We don't to Siddiqui’s house to collect the in jail. “Now, the administration
tinations after the three-month The cost per package is about Rs Packages drawn up for 50 people as per Covid guidelines. Narendra Modi and Gujarat have word yet on when tourist keys to the store. Siddiqui had has sealed my store... It was
Covid lockdown. 2.5 lakh, which is extremely af- The cost per package is Rs 2.5 lakh. File Chief Minister Vijay Rupani. spots can open, but we are pre- locked the shop as NY Fashion owned by my father, and my two
The wedding venue is Statue fordable as our cottages cost Over the next five months, pared. The Tent City is open.” Bazaarhadnotpaidrent,butwith brothers also have a share in it.”

New Delhi
Centre has taken serious note of gold Goa ex-minister dies, daughter
performs last rites in PPE kit

smuggling case, says Union minister

Parrikar’s cabinet. He also served as pres-
SMITA NAIR ident of the Goa wing of BJP.
PANAJI, JULY 8 Yuti, who works as a software engi-
neer, said that on July 6 evening, she saw a
“COVIDIShere…butthisisthelastchance call from the hospital on her mother’s
we get to show that we care as a family. phone. “It was the one,” she said.

THIRUVANANTHAPURAM, involving all relevant
Central Agencies. The Customs
Dept approached @MEAIndia to
Smugglers use relaxed checks Take it,” said Yuti Amonkar a day after she
After her father tested positive, Yuti
was shifted to a quarantine centre as she
and some others tested positive too. “He
JULY 8 seek permission to gather more
information from Consular offi- amid Covid, get in gold through to Covid-19 on Monday. He was 68.
“Ihavebeenreadingof peoplenoteven
used to talk to us on phone and ask if we

expats in spl flights: Customs

A DAY after senior IAS officer M cials”.Thematter,hestated,is“un- getting to do this… there are cases where stopped after he was put on a ventilator.
Sivasankar was removed as prin- der MEA consideration”. many refusedoutof fear of infection,” Yuti Soon after the phone call on July 6, the
cipal secretary to the Kerala CM With the Opposition trying to (28) said. family had to decide who would light the
overhisallegedlinkswithSwapna projecttheemergingpoliticalsce- worth several crores in that manner.” Photographs of Yuti lighting the pyre pyre. “My sister asked me if I wanted to do
Suresh, a key figure in the foiled nariointheLDFgovernment'slast SHAJUPHILIP Taking advantage of the situation, at Amona in Bicholim taluka struck a it.IfeltIhadtodoit,formyheart,formyfa-
attempt to smuggle in 30 kg gold Vijayan sought a coordinated year — a throwback to the solar THIRUVANANTHAPURAM,JULY8 smugglers have managed to recruit peo- chord, as visuals in the local press showed ther,” Yuti said, explaining that it is not
fromtheUAEthroughdiplomatic probe by central agencies scamofthepreviousUDFgovern- ple who are in distress, he said. herperformingtheritesinawhitePPEand common in their families for a girl child to
channels, the Opposition on ment in which a woman named EXPLOITINGTHECovid-19situationandin- A DRI official said they had input that with an earthen pot on her shoulder. conduct last rites. In the morning, a team
Wednesday doubled down in its SarithaSNairwasthekeyfigure— abilityof Customsofficialsatairportstodo nearly90passengersinasinglechartered Amonkar, who was ill for a few years, fromESIHospital,Goa’sCovidhospital,ar-
attack on CM Pinarayi Vijayan. andcoordinatedinvestigationinto Muraleedharansaidthereisnoth- thoroughcheckof passengers,goldsmug- flight have landed in Kozhikode with testedpositiveforCovid-19onJune22and rived with the PPE as they brought the
While Union MoS and senior the incident by all central agen- ingwrongincomparingthetwo. glers have turned special chartered flights smuggled gold. Stating that large quanti- succumbed to the infection on July 6. body in an ambulance to Amona village.
BJP leader from Kerala, M cies”. He wrote, “The scope of the Muraleedharantoldthemedia bringing back expats from West Asia to tiesofgoldhavebeensmuggledinthrough He entered the Assembly from Pale in Yuti performed the rituals in the PPE
Muraleedharan, stated that the probe should cover all aspects Swapna has influence in the gov- Keralaintoalucrativechannel,accordingto charteredflights,theDRIofficialsaid,“The 1999, and held the portfolio of Health, set as Chief Minister Pramod Sawant,
Centrehas“takenaseriousnoteof fromthesourcetotheendof util- ernment to even bypass the chief sources in the Customs department and carriers individually do not bring more Social Welfare and Labour and Emp- AyushMinisterShripadNaik,officialsfrom
the scam and initiated steps to isation. Every link of this crime secretary. “The Chief Minister Directorateof RevenueIntelligence(DRI). than 1 kg gold. But when a chunk of pas- loymentintheFranciscoSardinhacabinet. Sakhali Panchayat and Municipal Council
identify the culprits”, Leader of shouldbeunravelledsothatsuch should be ready to probe into the While Sunday's seizure of 30 kg gold sengersinaflightworkascarriers,theyto- He continued as minister in Manohar and locals looked on.
Opposition Ramesh Chennithala incidents do not occur.” corruptionracketrelatedtohisof- from a diplomatic cargo at getherbringinseveralkilogramsof gold.”
of the Congress demanded In a series of tweets late on fice.Shehasgotlinkswithhigher- Thiruvananthapuramairporthitnational A source said: “Gold in small quanti-
Vijayan'sresignation.“TheCMOis Wednesday night, upsintheparty.Theprincipalsec- headlines, Customs Commissioner ties would be inserted in private parts of
involvedinthesmugglingscandal. Muraleedharan wrote the Union retaryisonlyatool,”hesaid. (Kochi) Sumit Kumar said they have so passengers. Such concealment go unde-
Removaloftheprincipalsecretary government will "ensure that all On Monday, Vijayan had said far seized two dozen cases from char- tected even in regular frisking (at nor-
wouldnotbeenoughtoexonerate those associated with this crime Swapna was only a contract em- tered flights returning with expats from mal times). In most smuggling cases de-
theCM,”Chennithalasaid. willbebroughttobook.@vijayan- ployee under Kerala Information Gulf countries in which 20 kg gold have tected in chartered flights, passengers
Both parties announced con- pinarayi [Vijayan's Twitter han- Technology Infrastructure been detected from four airports in the were found to have concealed gold in
stituency-level agitations de- dle]istryingtowashoffhishands Limited,undertheITDepartment, state handling evacuation flights. their undergarments.”
manding Vijayan's resignation from the case by linking it to the a portfolio he handles. However, Kumar pointed out that gold smug- Forathoroughcheckingatthetimeof
over the issue. In an editorial in UAE Consulate in Kerala. He is onWednesdaytheOppositionre- glersoperatingintheseWestAsiancoun- Covid-19, passengers have to be taken to
party mouthpiece 'Janayugam', conveniently ignoring the fact leased documents purportedly tries are using passengers in evacuation hospitals maintaining health protocols,
CPI(M)'sLDFallyCPIsaidthesitu- thatthecarrierwasanemployee showing Swapna had been a key flightsascarriers.“Acharteredflightwould a source said. “For that, we require the
ation should have been avoided. ofaDptheadedby@CMOKerala.” member of the organising team requireonlyRs13lakhtoRs14lakh(tofly Health Department's assistance and in-
Hours after Muraleedharan MaintainingthatSwapna"en- of 'Space Conclave 2020', held by toKerala).Asmugglingsyndicatecaneas- frastructure. At present, it is not possible
said that the CM cannot escape joyed enormous influence and theITDepartmentinJanuary.She ily pay that much and make a section of to make thousands of passengers un-
from blame in the case, Vijayan clout, which was clearly beyond hadsentinvitationstodignitaries passengers carriers of gold by paying for dergo such an examination every day.
wrotetoPrimeMinisterNarendra herprofileinGovt",hewrotethat onbehalfofthestategovernment theirticket,or(givingthem)anamountas We are also facing a shortage of man-
Modi demanding “an effective “GoI will ensure a foolproof fortheevent,theOppositionsaid. commission. The gangs can send gold power,” the source said.

Govt silent CBSE syllabus cuts

about US
trigger row, board
threat: Cong clarifies changes
EXPRESS NEWS SERVICE for this year only
NEW DELHI, JULY 8 sity, secularism & the like are
EXPRESS NEWS SERVICE more dispensable concepts for
A DAY after the US Immigration NEW DELHI, JULY 8 tomorrow’s citizens?”
and Customs Enforcement said West Bengal Chief Minister
international students whose A DAY after the CBSE decided to Mamata Banerjee tweeted,
classes are moving completely rationalise its curriculum for “Shocked to know that the
online will be deportedfrom the Classes IX to XII for the current Central government has
country, the Congress accused academic year, the opposition dropped topics like Citizenship,
the Centre of not paying heed to parties on Wednesday criticised Federalism, Secularism and
the threat thousands of Indian theboardfor thechoiceof topics Partition in the name of reduc-
students now face.
India and Indians have been
it decided to drop. However, the
dropped have been covered in
ingCBSEcourseduring Covid-19
The CBSE responded to the
cision and the Indian govern- previous classes, and will apply criticism by saying it was done Healthcare workers decontaminate themselves before removing their
ment seems clueless, the party for this academic year only. to "reduce exam stress of stu- protective suits after a checkup in Navi Mumbai Wednesday. Amit Chakravarty
said on Wednesday. Among the topics dropped dents due to the prevailing
“Has the government used for Class X students in social sci- health emergency”.

Final-year exams: UGC to ask all

any diplomatic, economic, edu- ence were “Democracy and According to a senior CBSE
cational or any power to imme- Diversity”,“Gender,Religionand official, the rationalised syllabus
diately get this reversed apart Caste”, “Popular Struggles and announcedTuesdaywasonlyfor
from 'jumle baazi'. This is on the
face of it a perverse decision. We
Movements” and “Challenges to
Democracy”. For senior second-
examination purposes.
states to adopt revised guidelines
don’t need to speak on it from a ary students, “Citizenship”, these topics. Schools were ments that had earlier cancelled exams
positionofweakness.Indianeeds “Nationalism”,“Secularism”,and clearly told on Tuesday that EXPRESS NEWS SERVICE to reconsider their decision.
to shout loud and clear and we “Federalism”havebeendropped teachers would have to explain NEW DELHI, JULY 8 Maharashtra, Punjab, Haryana,
need to force the US to roll back in Political Science and these topics to the students,” the Rajasthan, Odisha and Madhya Pradesh
sucharidiculous,midstreamde- “Understanding Partition” has official said. THE UNIVERSITY Grants Commission had scrapped examinations in view of
cisionbutthegovernmentseems been dropped in History. The senior CBSE official told (UGC) will ask all states to adopt the re- the Covid-19 outbreak. Of these, only
clueless..wehaveheardofthisfor Thesechoiceshavebeencrit- The Indian Express most of the visedguidelinesonthefinal-yearexams, Maharashtra has expressed unwilling-
the last two-three days but we icised by opposition leaders. topics quoted by politicians on even if they had announced cancellation ness to conduct exams after the Union
have heard nothing from the Congress leader Abhishek Wednesday have already been earlier, a senior officer of the higher ed- government said it was compulsory.
Government,” Congress Singhvi said he was planning to covered in lower grades. ucation regulator said on Wednesday. "We have learned that some state
spokesperson Abhishek Manu approachtheSupremeCourtinhis “Secularism, for instance, is in TheUGCthisweekannouncedcompul- governments have announced that ex-
Singhvisaid.Singhvialsosaidthe personal capacity as a lawyer to the Class 8 textbook,” the offi- soryexamsforfinal-yearstudentsbasedon aminations will not be held. If we (UGC)
US is canceling H-1B “left, right challenge the CBSE decision. He cial said. therecommendations of aninternalcom- have issued guidelines, then all states
and centre”, which will affect a said, “What message are you try- By Wednesday evening, the mittee. Following this, the Maharashtra and all universities will have to adopt it.
large number of Indians. ingtosend?Areyoutellingthestu- board had issued a statement in Higher and Technical Education Minister The states which have made announce-
The US, he said, issues around dents that all these topics do not response to the criticism, stating wrote to Union HRD Minister Ramesh ments, we will ask them to reconsider
85,000 H-1B visas every year and matterandtheyhavenovalue?” that the 30 per cent reduction in Pokhriyal,statingthatinhisopiniontheJuly it," Jain said to Rajya Sabha TV.
Indiatakes70%ofallH-1Bvisasis- His party colleague Shashi syllabus is a “one-time measure 6 guidelines are not mandatory but "mere On Wednesday, the HRD Ministry is-
sued annually. The move, Singhvi Tharoor tweeted, “...One has to only” to “reduce the exam stress advisoryliketheearlierguidelines". sued SOPs to conduct final-year exams,
said,willhitnearly85,000workers doubt the motives of those who of students due to the prevailing However, UGC Secretary Rajneesh whichincludewearingmasksandgloves
who were issued H-1B visas this selected the topics to drop. Have health emergency situation and Jain told Rajya Sabha TV on Wednesday anddisinfectionof testcentre'sfloorsand
yearoutof 2,25,000applicants. they decided democracy, diver- prevent learning gaps.” that the regulator will ask state govern- walls, doors, gates.

Kerala govt enables access to

online classes for 2.42 lakh students
RITIKA CHOPRA A total of 20,000 students spend one-and-a-half
NEW DELHI, JULY 8 television sets have hours and senior students about
two hours. The lessons are also
KERALA HAS taken a significant been provided to date available on Youtube so that stu-
step towards bridgingthe digital dentswhomissedoutcanwatch
divide in education by ensuring them later. "After the online les-
that 2.42 lakh students marked by the government and its de- sons are over, our teachers then
out by the government for lack- partments. The remaining were reach out to students to take
ing access to online classes now either donated by civil society their questions and clear their
havethemeans,thestate'sSarva organisations, private individu- doubts," Kuttikrishnan said.
Shiksha Abhiyan project direc- als and politicians or purchased For students in tribal and
tor Dr A P Kuttikrishnan told The from money raised by them. shadowareas,Kuttikrishnansaid,
Indian Express. “A majority of the television teachershavebeentaskedtoreach
Since May 15, the state gov- sets were purchased using the outtothematleastonceaweekso
ernment has rallied support money donated by teachers or- thattheycanwatchtheclasseson
from politicians and civil society ganisations, CSR initiatives of in- the teacher's device and make up
to provide television sets to an- dustries and private individuals. forlostinstructionaltime.
ganwadis, libraries, schools and About Rs 1.3 crore was collected The COVID-induced class-
studycentreswhereleft-outstu- like this,” Kuttikrishnan said. room shutdown since March 19
dents can watch their lessons, Thestatewasamongthefirst has forced almost all states to
aired on the state educational in the country to launch online move their classes online. With
channel, together. In other classes for the 45 lakh students the reopening of educational in-
words, access was ensured by enrolledinClasses10to12across stitutions uncertain, the Union
providing devices at common all government schools. The government is now making an
areas where a group of students classes are being telecast since effort to assess how many stu-
can study together. June 1 on the educational chan- dents do not have access to
A total of 20,000 television nel IT@School Victers channel. computers or computer-like de-
sets have been provided to date. While students in primary vices and the Internet to attend
Of these,about2,000weregiven classes watch online lessons for online classes.

New Delhi

FROM PAGE ONE Advocate held with suspended J&K cop

LG Polymers indicted by probe was allotted 2 medical seats in Pak: NIA
Director of Operations P P C inanyof therescueorevacuation Polymersdidnotprovideanydoc-
Mohan Rao claimed that he had activities; rather, passed the en- umentation showing standard
reached the factory at 3:55 am; tire responsibility to the district practices for storage of Styrene at Irfan Mir planned to sell seats to highest bidder, was looking for suitable candidates: chargesheet
General Manager (Production) G administrationandthelocalcom- LG’s facilities outside India. This
Raju claimed he arrived at 4:40 munity.LGPolymersfailedtoalert raises the concern that less strin- alias Naveed Babu. leges is a major racket that feeds the NIA has said, "This shows a that he allegedly recommended
am; Safety Head claimed he residents in the neighbourhoods gentstandardsmayhavebeenap- DEEPTIMAN TIWARY “During searches at Mir's anti-India forces in the Valley. triangularnexuswhereintheter- a student for admission in 's
reached the spot first at 3:23 am, by activating the siren, although pliedtotheIndianfacility,leading NEW DELHI, JULY 8 houseinKashmirwefounddoc- “Many of those allotted these rorists, the Hurriyat and the Standard Medical College be-
whileGM(Maintenance)claimed the siren was in a working condi- eventually to the disaster, the re- uments that show he had been seats sell them for Rs 15-20 lakh. Pakistani establishment are the cause her "family remained
that he arrived at 3:56 am. tion and had multiple activation port said. AN ACCUSED in former Jammu allotted two seats by the This money is used to fuel anti- three verticals and they are os- committed to the freedom
However, the committee said points, including near the factory OnWednesday,the12execu- and Kashmir Police Dy SP Pakistani establishment to rec- India activities in the Valley," an tensibly patronising Kashmiri strugglethroughthickandthin".
thatitverifiedwithpoliceandper- gate. This was a fatal lapse,’’ said tivesofLGPolymers,whowerear- DavinderSinghcasehadbeenal- ommend Kashmiri students for NIA officer said. studentstoprepareageneration Accordingtothechargesheet
sonnelofvariousreliefandrescue the committee. rested July 7 were produced be- lotted two seats of medical col- medical colleges in Pakistan,” a The issue raised its head re- of doctors and technocrats in on Devender Singh, Irfan Mir
agencies and checked CCTV The probe committee red- fore a magistrate who remanded legesinPakistan,theNIAhassaid seniorNIAofficersaid,givingde- cently in the resignation of Syed Kashmir who will have leanings met the HuM leadership in
footagetofindthatnoneofthetop flaggedthe“inadequatequalifica- them to 15 days in judicial cus- in its chargesheet in the case. tailsof thechargesheet.“He(Mir) Ali Shah Geelani from the All- towards Pakistan." Pakistan and also met “Umar
LG officials arrived before 5 am. tions”of somestaff whowereas- tody. They include: Managing IrfanShafiMir,anadvocateby hadrecentlybeengiventhispriv- PartyHurriyatConference.Asre- The chargesheet has alleged Cheema, Ahshan Chaudhary,
“…This needs further investiga- signed the maintenance of the Director and CEO Sunkey Jeong; profession. is alleged to be asso- ilege by Pakistan. He was plan- ported by The Indian Express, in that most students recom- Sohail Abbas and others of ISI of
tion,’’ the report said. Styrene tanks and the refrigera- Technical Director D S Kim; ciated with Hizb-ul Mujahideen ning to sell these seats to the his resignation letter Geelani ac- mended by Hurriyat leaders Pakistan”. The NIA has stated
Thereportalsonotesthatfac- tion process. AdditionalDirector(operations)P (HuM)andhadbeenarrested by highest bidder and was looking cusedHurriyatrepresentativesof were either children of former that he was tasked to identify
tory data from April 25 and April “(Graduates) of ITI and PCMohanRao;in-charge,Styrene J&K Police on January 11 while forsuitablecandidatesbeforehe corruption and cosying up to militants or active militants, or and activate the new hawala
28 indicated a spike in polymer Diplomasweredesignatedasen- monitoring. K Srinivas Kiran travelling in Singh's car along was arrested.” powerstructuresacrossthebor- wereknowntoHurriyatleaders. channels for transfer of money
content in Styrene. On May 7, the gineers and given high posts. The Kumar; and production team withHuMShopianDistrictcom- The NIA filed a chargesheet der. Sources said Geelani's refer- Manyof theseapplicationswere for sustaining terrorist activities
same process led to the leak. Technical Committee reported leader Raju Satyanarayana. mander Syed Mushtaq Naveed, againstsuspendedSinghandfive ence was to the controversysur- allegedly recommended by in Kashmir.
Similar spikes, the probe said, that even some Intermediate- AnLGPolymersspokesperson alias Naveed Babu. others in a Jammu court on July rounding medical seats in Geelanihimself,thechargesheet The chargesheet stated,
werenoticedasearlyasApril4but pass staff were designated as wasunavailableforcommentbut The accused, Irfan Shafi Mir, 6. It claimed that he was “being Pakistan. has said. Further, it stated, mili- “Investigation also revealed that
these were “totally ignored.” ‘SeniorEngineer.’Theresponsibil- on May 12, in its first communi- isanadvocateandisallegedtobe groomedbyPakistaniofficialsfor The NIA has maintained that tants who had fled to Pakistan certain officials of Pakistan High
The report said that LG ity for the absence of competent cation after the leak, it had said associated with Hizb-ul obtainingsensitiveinformation” the system of recommending would pursue their case with he Commission in New Delhi were
Polymers had no effective onsite and qualified employees lies that it apologised to the affected Mujahideen(HuM).Hehadbeen and had helped HuM terrorists students through Hurriyat lead- establishment there. inconstanttouchwithIrfanShafi
emergency plan or a strategy to squarelywith the management,’’ families,itwouldco-operatewith arrestedbyJ&KPoliceonJanuary obtain weapons from across the ersinPakistancollegeshasaided The agency seized docu- Mir, who was provided with
tackle a Styrene vapour release. the report said. the probe and bear medical ex- 11 while travelling in suspended border. that country's efforts to desta- ments from houses of various funds to organise seminars in
“LGPolymersdidnottakepart Despite multiple requests, LG penses of those affected. deputy SP Singh's car along with The NIA has claimed that al- bilise India. Hurriyat leaders. A document J&K to mobilise the masses
HuM's Shopian district 'com- lotment of medical and engi- In its chargesheet against seized from Hurriyat leader against the Government of
Board marks criterion may be dropped mander' Syed Mushtaq Naveed, neering seats in Pakistani col- Hurriyatleadersarrestedin2018, NayeemKhan'sresidenceshows India.”

Comedian Jagdeep dies at

The Boards subsequently an- "There was a consensus that the implementedonceithastheJoint
nounced alternative evaluation IITs,instead,shouldinsistonrank AdmissionBoard's(JAB)approval. HARYANA’S 75% QUOTA FOR LOCALS
methods for the remaining ex- holderstohavepassedtheirBoard JABhasdirectorsofallIITsandrep-
ams. For instance, CBSE's special exams this year," said a JIC mem- resentatives of the HRD Ministry
Despite AG backing, Law
81, Soorma Bhopali lives on
markingschemeinvolvesaward- ber who did not wish to be iden- as its members. A meeting of JAB
performing subjects to the
scrapped examination.
tified. "This would be a one-time
exception," the member said.
has not been called yet.
Apart from the Class 12 crite-
Secy told state move may
The disruption of Class 12 ex-
aminations was discussed at a
feasibility of conducting JEE
(Advanced) for international stu- thing the audience wanted not withstand scrutiny
meeting of the Joint erage year. "There are very few dents at Dhaka, Dubai, SHUBHRA GUPTA them to do. Jagdeep too fell into
ImplementationCommittee(JIC) rank holders who are denied ad- Kathmandu and Singapore. The NEW DELHI, JULY 8 that trap of repeating himself, per cent jobs in companies, soci-
earlierthismonth.TheJICismade mission every year for either not IITsareapprehensiveofarranging often using the same grins and SUKHBIR SIWACH eties,trusts,partnershipfirmssit-
up of JEE chairpersons of all IITs. scoringaminimumof75percent the exam at foreign locations as IT’S WELL known that Jagdeep, grimaces, but he could always CHANDIGARH, JULY 8 uated in Haryana with salary
During the meeting, the JEE marksormeetingthetop20per- different Covid-related restric- born Syed Ishtiaq Ahmed Jafri, be relied upon to make us laugh. structure of up to Rs 50,000 per
chairpersons proposed that the centile cut-off. So, doing away tionsareinplaceindifferentcoun- joined the Hindi film industry Some of his early roles are TWO DAYS after the Haryana month are proposed to be re-
Class 12 criterion should be (withthiscriterion)foroneadmis- tries. JEE (Advanced) will be held as a child artiste, and that his memorable. Bimal Roy’s ‘Do Cabinetclearedaproposaltodraft served for residents of Haryana
waivedfor2020giventhatdiffer- sioncycleisn'tgoingtomakeabig on September 27. This is the sec- comic timing made him popu- Bigha Zameen’ and Guru Dutt’s anordinanceforreserving75per maynotwithstandthescrutinyof
entBoardshaverespondeddiffer- difference," the member said. ond time the examination has lar as a comedian through most ‘Aar Paar’, as well as ‘Hum cent private sector jobs for state law being violative of Article 14,
ently to the Covid outbreak. The JIC proposal will only be been rescheduled due to Covid. of his adult career. But not Panchi Ek Daal Ke’ showcased residents,ithasemergedthatthe 19(1)(g)and21ofConstitutionof
enough notice was paid to the his talent: he was a natural, and state’s Law Secretary had in- India.” She added, “It would be
Covid spike lifts oxygen support demand fact that he moved well and had
a good singing voice. His brief
he had the ability to be droll,
and both those gifts came in
formed the state government in
advance that the proposal “may
necessary to obtain the instruc-
tion of the President of India for
to spike as state governments ders. “So far, less than three per manufactures nearly 10,000 alu- stint as a leading man didn’t use handy in his long career. He notwithstand”legalscrutiny.The thepromulgationoftheproposed
braceforasurgeincases.Consider cent of active cases need oxygen minium cylinders per month, these skills: those films, espe- played a young, dapper Dilip opinionwasconveyedtothestate ordinance in view of proposed
this: support. But we want to be pre- with half of the stock usually cially AVM’s ‘Bhabhi’, were found out: his paan-stained Kumar in ‘Shikwa’, an unre- government by the Legal Clause 23 of the draft ordinance
■ Nearly 5 lakh medical oxy- pared,”saysAKSriwastava,Nodal markedforexport.“Butnow,allof heavy with emotion. And so he teeth, that Bhopali lilt, and com- leased 1954 film; he was Remembrancer-cum-Law whichgivesoverridingeffectover
gencylindersarecurrentlyinuse. Covid Officer in the state that has itisgoingtothedomesticmarket,” tipped over into comedy, and fort in a role meant strictly for equally comfortable in Ramsay Secretary despite the state’s other laws”.
■Dailyrequirementisaround recorded nearly 30,000 cases so he says. there he stayed, cementing his laughs made his Soorma unfor- Brother’s horror fests. One of his AdvocateGeneral(AG)BaldevRaj However, the state’s BJP-JJP
1,300tonnes,upfrom900tonnes far. Anand Sharma, Head of Sales place as one of Bollywood’s top gettable. last significant roles was play- Mahajan backing the proposal. government moved ahead with
in December. Then, there's the Railways, and Marketing in Faridabad- comic artistes. Too many of the nearly 400 ing Salman Khan’s father in However, the Law Department, theproposalasthestateAdvocate
■InMayalone,asCovidcases which has converted over 5,231 basedLuxfereUttamIndia,which Jagdeep died in Mumbai on roles that Jagdeep did over six Rajkumar Santoshi’s 1994 which is headed by the Law General(AG)BaldevRajMahajan
surged, the Centre bought 1.03 coaches into isolation centres. manufactures7,000cylindersper Wednesday. He was 81. decades were interchangeable. ‘Andaz Apna Apna’, he was Secretary,latersuggestedthatthe gave his consent to the proposal.
lakh cylinders. “Each coach has 16 beds and two month, says, “We are witnessing Thinking of Jagdeep, the first Broad, loud strokes for the looking distinctly older but the state can “proceed as per AG’s A senior government official
Mohapatra says the govern- cylinders. The number of cylin- nearly30percenthikeindemand thing that comes to mind is comic folk meant that their familiar verve was very much opinion”. saidf the state’s Law Department
menthasalsoallowedtheconver- ders can be enhanced if the need for cylinders of 1-50 litre capac- Soorma Bhopali, the 1975 tracks were filled with gags, there. The Law Secretary is the top- too later suggested that the gov-
sion of nearly 5 lakh industrial arises,"saysDJNarain,spokesper- ity.” ‘Sholay’ character that became pratfalls, and banana-peel hu- Jagdeep’s most famous mostlegalofficerofthestategov- ernment “may proceed in the
oxygencylindersformedicaluse. son. Such is demand that many so popular that it nearly mour: that was pretty much the avatar led him to produce a film ernment,andnormally,asessions matteraspertheadvicetendered
While cylinders need refills, “Earlier,anestimated250-300 dealers of concentrators, most of eclipsed everything else he did. way of the comedy from the of the same name, but ‘Soorma judge-level judicial officer is ap- by the…AG Haryana”.
concentrators tap oxygen from concentrators were sold every which are imported mostly from Flashback to that scene in 1950s to 1980s. A series of tal- Bhopali’, the 1988 film, found pointedtotheassignment.TheAG The AG said, “The proposed
the atmosphere. And among the month, and certain models were China, say they are out of stock. which the heroes, Jai and Veeru, ented comics, including Johnny no takers. The character lives on isaCabinet-rankholdinggovern- measure would not be inconsis-
states lining up for both is Delhi, available for around Rs 25,000- Says Naveen Singh, MD, Nareena come upon Soorma Bhopali Walker, Mukri, Paintal, in our memories. “Par hamaara ment functionary. tent with the provisions of the
with over a lakh cases. “We have 30,000.Now,about40,000pieces LifeSciences, Greater Noida: “We telling a bunch of spellbound Mehmood, Rajendra Nath and naam Soorma Bhopali aise hi In her opinion to the govern- Constitution of India including
ordered 11,000 cylinders and of these models are being sold soldnearly2,500concentratorsin listeners about how he beat the Keshto Mukherjee, were type- nahin hai,” says Jagdeep, in that ment,theLawSecretarysaid:“The those relating to fundamental
4,580 concentrators, and more every month with rates up to Rs June, of which 1,700 were sup- two with a stick, and how he is cast and had to do that one scene. Sahi farmaaya, janaab. proposed ordinance whereby 75 rights.”
than50percentof themhavear- 75,000.Therentalratesofconcen- plied to the Delhi government.”
rived,”saysSanjayGoel,MD,Delhi trators have also gone up from NikhilJainofDelhi-basedYnb
Tourism & Transportation
Development Corporation, and
about Rs 4,500 per month to Rs
6,000,” say industry sources. The
plied concentrators to a number
SC extends protection to TV anchor from
in-charge of Covid procurement.
“Oxygen requirement for in-
sources, however, warn that
“while there are strict rules for
of residential societies in the
National Capital Region (NCR).
coercive action in defamation cases
doorpatientshasincreasednearly manufacturing, pricing and stor- “We bought three cylinders for ings in the case by serving copies of the
five-fold from normal days,” says age of cylinders, the market for our residents because we feel PRESS TRUST OF INDIA petition to those who had filed com-
SNVasna,whoisinchargeofpro- concentrators is largely uncon- they may be required in coming NEW DELHI, JULY 8 plaints against the journalist in various
curement at LNJP Hospital. “We trolledandunregulated”.OnJune days,” says Dr Rajiv Singh, presi- states. Senior advocate Sidhharth Luthra
have 2,000 beds and only 20 per 29, the National Pharmaceutical dent of Eldeco Society in UP's THE SUPREME Court on Wednesday ex- and lawyer Mrinal Bharti appeared for
centofthemneedoxygenonnor- PricingAuthority(NPPA)directed Ghaziabad. tended protection to TV news anchor Devganinthehearingconductedthrough
maldays.Butnow,wehavelinked all manufacturers and importers Butofficialsandexpertsstrike Amish Devgan against any coercive ac- video link by the court, which extended
all beds with oxygen supply,” he of oxygen concentrators to sub- a note of caution. “Oxygen must tion in cases lodged over his alleged thereliefgrantedonJune26toDevgantill
says. mit the MRP being charged. be used under medical supervi- defamatory remark against Sufi saint further orders.
UP is not far behind, with the Majorcylindermanufacturers sion. This rush must be discour- Khwaja Moinuddin Chisti during a show Five FIRs have been lodged against
state procuring 6,000 new cylin- arealsoridingasurgeindemand. aged,” says DPIIT's Mohapatra. telecast on June 15. Devgan in Rajasthan, Maharashtra and
ders from the Centre and asking VijayKrishnadasParekh,Director, (TOMORROW:ONTESTING A bench comprising Justices A M Telangana for using a allegedly deroga-
for 10,000 more -- separately, it Al-CanExports,whichisbasedin KITS,IT'SDOMESTICVS Khanwilkar and Sanjiv Khanna asked tory term for the Sufi saint on his chan-
haspurchasednearly2,000cylin- MumbaiandGujarat,sayshisfirm INTERNATIONAL) Devgan'scounsel to complete the plead- nel on June 15.

Mocked by BJP, scheme to buy

cow dung earns Baghel RSS praise
GARGI VERMA The state’s Godhan to look for cow dung. “This
RAIPUR, JULY 8 Nyay Yojana is to be government believes in ini-
tiating schemes. There was
AT A time when the BJP in launched on July 21 only a declaration and no
Chhattisgarhismockingthe framework,” former Chief
Congress-ledgovernment’s Minister Raman Singh said.
scheme to purchase cow mands,includingsettingup “The letter was not given
dung, the RSS has come out a special market for crops from the RSS. The RSS has a
in praise of Chief Minister grown with the help of lot of wings, and if some in-
Bhupesh Baghel for the biofertilisers. dividuals want to express
scheme. Chief Minister Baghel RSS leaders, however, theirsupport,itshouldn'tbe
Godhan Nyay Yojana, said he is not surprised claimedthatthisshouldnot taken as RSS’s support.”
under which the state gov- by the RSS response. File be seen as a letter from RSS. Rathi, however, said, “It
ernment will purchase cow “It will be wrong to claim isuptoBJPleaderstodecide
dung at the rate of Rs 1.50 thattheletterwasfromRSS. if theywanttogoagainstthe
per kg, is to be launched on accepted parts of our de- It is a wing of RSS that par- programme, but our group
July 21. mands, we wanted to show ticipated in this. includes farmers, cattle
On Tuesday, a group of gratitude and offer some Programmes to strengthen caretakers and saints who
RSS supporters met the suggestions,” Rathi said. ruraleconomywerealways allhavetheirowncattle.We
Chief Minister and handed “Wehaddemandedthatthe apartof ourideology,”state appreciate this scheme as it
himan“appreciationletter”. cow dung be purchased at RSS leader Prabhat Mishra is the first step towards
SubodhRathi,anRSSmem- the rate of Rs 5 per kg. We said. making the rural economy
ber and prant pramukh (re- also want the government The Opposition BJP has dependentoncattlestrong.”
gional head) of Gau-Gram tobuycowurineasitcanbe mocked the state govern- Chief Minister Baghel
Swawalamban Abhiyan, used to make bio-pesti- mentoverthescheme,with said he is not surprised by
said,“InNovember2019,we cide.,” he added former panchayat minister the RSS move. “They are
hadstartedastatewidepro- The letter, signed by the AjayChandrakarcallingthe feeling left behind politi-
gramme, urging district au- Sangh’s regional convener government cow-dung de- cally. Since this scheme is
thoritiestostartpurchasing Bisraram Yadav, identifies pendent. getting appreciation from
cow dung and cow urine to Baghelas“ourpopularchief BJP leaders have also every section of the society,
help people in villages and minister” and thanks him taken a dig, stating that in- they want to show they are
those who look after cows. for fulfilling one of their de- stead of helping educated the champions of the
Since the government has mands. It lists other de- youth get employment, the cause,” he said.

New Delhi

If there are questions of current or contemporary relevance that you would like
explained, please write to

‘China is trying to show I am the superpower…

India has shown we will not take it lying down’
GAUTAM BAMBAWALE is a former Indian Ambassador to China. In an E-Xplained event before a nationwide audience on Zoom,
he interpreted China’s intentions in the build-up on the Line of Actual Control, and the implications of the stand-off
Today, China's GDP is roughly 4.5 times that of
India. And of course China itself has changed...
In the 80s, they used to abide by what was
Deng Xiaoping's famous dictum that China must
four decades and it has grown very fast in these
four decades, at roughly a GDP growth rate of 10
per cent every year. Now, the current leadership
On what is different about the Galwan clash underPresidentXiJinping—andmoreimportant
and the build-up thanhispositionasPresidentishispositionasthe
The Indian and Chinese civilisations are both generalsecretaryoftheCommunistPartyofChina
ancientcivilisationsbutIndia'scivilisationcanbe —theybelievetheirtimehascome,andthatthey
summarised in what we call Vasudaiva kutum- havetoshowhowpowerfultheyare.Andtheyare
bakum, which means the world is one family. On doingthisallovertheworld.Theyaredoingthisin
the other hand, the Chinese way of thinking can the South China Sea by taking over and building
be summarised in the word China. In Chinese, Gautam Bambawale in conversation with new islands, which they then immediately start
China is referred to as Chung Wo, which means Shubhajit Roy (above) of The Indian Express to militarise. They are doing it in Hong Kong with
middlekingdomormiddlecountry,andtheirap- thenewsecuritylaw,whichmeansbasicallythat
proachisthattheyarethecentreoftheworldand the ‘one country, two systems’ formula under
at the centre, everyone is peripheral… they only AUDIENCE QUESTIONS means they must go back to the situation as it
which China took back sovereignty over Hong
Kong is dead in the water. They are threatening
worry about themselves. So you must start with Taiwan.Theyhaveatrade,technologyandawider
this premise where there are two different peo- If US, Europe and ASEAN countries can On whether the incident in Ladakh is On why China is not declaring its casualties sort of battle with the US. And they are also heat-
ples with two different approaches. club together against China linked to Belt Road Initiative They have traditionally never declared their ing up the India-China border.
Inthepastthereusedtobestraypatrols,which For the last 2-2.5 years they (US) has No, I don't think it is directly linked with casualtiesimmediatelyafteraclashorevenawar.
sometimesusedtocomefacetoface,butthenum- been in this trade and technology war with it. Any number of suggestions are being of- They take a few years. I think this is part of their On how diplomatic negotiations take place
beroftroopswasverysmall,itcouldbe40,itcould China. I think increasingly, European coun- fered as to why this is happening, I think the system;theyarenotanopen,transparentsystem.. in a situation like this
be50…itcouldbe100,150,butitwasonlyinthe tries are also seeing that China is a spoiler answeris…theyaretryingtoactuallycontrol Asyouknow,oursortofestimateofthecasualties It varies from situation to situation. Let me
hundreds.Thistimearound,awholebuild-uphas in, for example, the theft of intellectual prop- ground up till what is their idea of the LAC, sufferedbythePLAishigherthanwhatourcasu- take2013inDepsang.Troopsonthegroundtold
taken place in eastern Ladakh. The Chinese mili- erty and so on. So I think economically there and strategically they are sending India and altiesare.Idon’thaveaprecisefigure,wewillnever us they had their discussions about what's hap-
taryhasplannedforthis.Therefore,asthegovern- will be some kind of battle between these therestof theworlda message,thatlook,we knowaprecisefigure…Wehavecometothatcon- pening and I picked up the phone and spoke to
mentsays,thewholebuild-upispremeditated.In countries… are the big boys here… clusion on the basis of what we have heard from my counterpart in Beijing, but we also used the
eastern Ladakh, not right at the border [but] a lit- people who have been on the ground… Our offices...In2013ourAmbassadortoChinawasof
tle bit in depth, there are several divisions of the Ministerof StatewhowasaformerChief of Army course Dr S Jaishankar, who’s today the External
Chinese Army which are prepared, at least 3-4 or and prepared, it is not an accidental face-off be- the line and present us with a fait accompli. Staffhasputthefigureat43.Idon'tknowifitis43, Affairs Minister, so he used to convey our mes-
maybe 5 divisions of the Chinese PLA. Now this tween smaller groups of troops who may be pa- On the strategic side, he knows very clearly 23, or 63, but I am told by all accounts that the sages to the Foreign Ministry of China. There
can't happen overnight. They were planning in trolling that same area. So you have to ask your- that maintaining peace on the India-China bor- Indian Army gave an excellent account of itself. were several rounds of such messaging from
earlyApriltodosomekindofmilitaryexercisesin self the question, why is he doing it? What is his der is a prerequisite for the relationship to move You can expect many casualties on the PLA side. bothsides,sayingclearlywhatwas,whatshould
this area, and they quickly diverted the forces to messagetous?AndIthinkthattherearetworea- ahead. So if he undermines peace on the border, Wecanquibbleaboutthenumbers;whatismore bedoneetc.andtheneventuallyweinsistedthat
the eastern part of Ladakh. India has also done a sons. One is a tactical reason, one is a strategic he says I do not want to have the current kind of important is that for the first time the PLA has our bottom line is that there will be no such visit
correspondingmilitarybuildupandtherefore,the reason. The tactical reason is very simple, he is relationship I have with India. So he is trying to taken battlefield casualties in over four decades, by our Prime Minister unless this thing is re-
largenumberswhichareinvolvedthistimeshow trying to move his ground positions, where his browbeat us, trying to bully us, trying to show I andIthinkthatisabigmessagethatIndianArmy solvedcompletely.Wewon’tevenstartplanning
that what is happening in eastern Ladakh in the troops actually are right up to the point, which am the superpower in Asia and you just have to has sent, on the ground, to the Chinese PLA. for the visit until the Depsang incident has been
summer of 2020 is quite different from what has he considers to be his LAC. Now, remember that take that lying down. Indiahas shown, tactically resolved; that's how it actually worked out.
happened in the past... there is no agreed boundary between India and on the ground, that we will not take this lying On the transition from Deng Xiaoping's
China; also we have great differences of opin- down. In Galwan we have blocked him at the China to Xi Jinping's China TRANSCRIBED BY MEHR GILL
On the seriousness of the situation ion…Now,whatheisdoingis,hewantstodefine LAC and our bottom line for the negotiations is Thebiggestchangehasbeentheeconomicsof (Edited excerpts)
When the PLA comes after having planned this line unilaterally, bring his troops right up to the Chinese must restore status quo, which the country. If you go back to the late 1980s, in VIDEO:


United Kingdom
What do these markers on LAC signify?
Are all the PPs numbered? potentialortacticalimportancefortheArmy. government accepted the concept in 1993,
SUSHANT SINGH No. Some of the PPs are prominent and which is also marked on the maps with the
NEW DELHI, JULY 8 identifiable geographical features, such as a If the PPs are not manned, how is the Armyintheborderareas.Butthefrequencyof
pass, or a nala junction where no numerals claim actually asserted? patrollingtoPPsisnotspecifiedbytheCSG–it
THE STANDOFFS between Indian and are given.Only those PPs, where there are no TheclaimisassertedbytheArmyorjoint is finalised by the Army Headquarters in New
268,008 Chinese troops in Ladakh on the Line of prominent features, are numbered as in the Army-ITBPpatrolsastheyshowmorevisible Delhi, based on the recommendations made
Mexico Actual Control (LAC), where initial steps to- case of PP14 in Galwan Valley. presenceintheseareas.Thisisdonebyphys- by the Army and ITBP.
309,278 wards disengagement have taken place, are ically visiting PPs with a higher frequency, as
Peru around a number of patrolling points or PPs Are all on the PPs bang on the LAC? thedeploymenthasmovedclosertotheLAC What is this frequency?
1,668,589 742,417 in Galwan, Hot Springs and Gogra areas. Mostly,yes.ExceptfortheDepsangplains and due to improved infrastructure. As the Thefrequencyof reachingvariousPPsare
252,513 India innorthernLadakh,wherePP10,PP11,PP11A, ChinesemaynotseewhentheIndianpatrols given in the annual patrolling programme.
301,019 Spain What exactly are PPs? PP12 and PP13 – from Raki Nala to Jivan Nala visitthesePPs,theywillleavecomecigarette Based on the terrain, the ground situation
Chile PPs are patrolling points identified and –donotfallontheLAC.Theseareshortof the packetsorfoodtinswithIndianmarkingsbe- and the location of the LAC, the duration for
TOTAL CONFIRMED: 11,892,382 DEATH COUNT: 545,485 markedontheLAC,whicharepatrolledwith
astipulatedfrequencyby thesecurityforces.
LAC, on the Indian side. hind. That lets the Chinese know that Indian
visitingeachPPis specified–itcanvaryfrom
once a month to twice a year.
Source: Johns Hopkins University, updated at 11 pm on July 8 . JHU’s India tally and Health They serve as a guide to the location of the Are these PPs not manned? that India was in control of these areas.
Ministry’s tally (below) may not match as these are accounted at different times. LACforthesoldiers,actingasindicatorsof the The PPs are not posts and thus not Which PPs are currently under dispute?
extentof ‘actualcontrol’exercisedontheter- manned. Unlike on the Line of Control (LoC) Who has given these PPs? PPs 10 to 13 in Depsang sector, PP14 in
ritory by India. with Pakistan, the border with China is not ThesePPshavebeenidentifiedbythehigh- Galwan, PP15 in Hot Spring, and PP17 and
INDIA COUNT: 7,42,417 (20,642 DEATHS) ByregularlypatrollinguptothesePPs,the physically held by the Army all along. They powered China Study Group, starting from PP17A in Gogra are currently being disputed
Indian side is able to establish and assert its arejustphysicalmarkersontheground,cho- 1975 when patrolling limits for Indian forces bybothsides,wherethestandoffshavetaken
AndamanandNicobarIslands 147
ArunachalPradesh 276
physical claim about the LAC. sen for their location and have no defensive werespecified.ItisbasedontheLAC,afterthe place in the past nine weeks.

Assam 12522
Bihar 12570

A crop of new apps: why users should be wary

Chandigarh 494
21,404 1,02,831 Delhi Chhattisgarh 3415
Rajasthan DadraandNagarHaveli 405
29,968 UP Goa
HimachalPradesh 1083
JammuandKashmir 8931
Jharkhand 2996
23,837 Kerala 5894
37,550 West Bengal Ladakh 1041 Whataretheproblemswiththeseapps? Usuallyanewapplikethistakesmonths
MadhyaPradesh 15627
27,612 Manipur 1430 AASHISH ARYAN One of the major problems, cyber-se- to get a decent number of users. However,
Telangana Meghalaya 80 NEW DELHI, JULY 8 curity experts said, is the lack of data pri- inthepresentwaveevensuchappsareget-
2,17,121 Mizoram 197
vacy norms and guidelines in these apps. ting tens of thousands of downloads. Even
Maharashtra Nagaland 625
21,197 Odisha 10097 INSTAGRAM ON Wednesday launched its “The nationality of an app isn’t enough for some of the older apps, the sudden in-
Andhra Pradesh Puducherry 930 shortvideofeaturecalledReelsinIndia.Butit to guarantee its safety. One source of vul- creaseintheiruserbasewithcreatevulner-
Punjab 6749
1,18,594 26,815 Sikkim 125 isnottheonlyapptryingtoslipintothespace nerabilityof courseistheapponthephone, abilities because of a lack of data handling
Tamil Nadu Karnataka Tripura 1704 vacatedbyTikTok.Infact,lessthanafortnight Roposo, similar to TikTok, has grown but also where is it centrally stored, and capacityorsafetymeasures,theexpertssaid.
Uttarakhand 3230
after the Ministry of Electronics and in recent times. Mitron, once how it is kept also matters. The location of
UnionHealthMinistryupdateasof 11pm,July8.Somestatesmayhave InformationTechnology(MeiTY)banned59 removed by Google Play, is now back. the data by itself does nothing,” Raman Do such apps bode well for the Indian
reportedhighernumbers.Onlystates/UTswithatleastonecaselistedabove. Chineseapps,GooglePlayStoreandApple’s Chima, Asia-Pacific policy director at app ecosystem?
App Store are teeming with alternatives to AccessNow, explained. Despitethesurge,experts don’tsee this
these platforms and software applications. ready competing with the Chinese offer- With the newer apps from the smaller as a long-term phenomenon, or any of
Not all of them are new. For instance, ings. Others,however, are like ‘fly-by-night developers,there is no clarity on what per- these apps developing into world class
DAILY NEW CASES UNTIL JULY 7 Roposo, which has an offering similar to
TikTok, have been around for a few years.
operators’, which have downloaded entire
app codes from online market places such
missions are sought on the device. For ex-
ample, most of the alternatives launched
products. “They (users) will quickly move
on to easily available alternatives. In the
However, this app from the InMobi Group as Codecanyon and are trying to take ad- over the past 10 days seek permissions to short term, some knockoffs might appear
has seen an exponential increase in user vantage of the anti-China sentiment, cy- view contacts and gallery. but in the longer run, it is a chance for the
baserecentlyandnowclaimsover100mil- ber-security experts warned. APune-basedcyber-securityresearcher ecosystemtomatureandtaketheplaceleft
20,000 lion users. A lot of the new entrants have “These apps can be bought from online warned that with little knowledge about vacant,” technology research firm
Daily Increase

nowhere near these numbers, nor are they marketplaces for as little as Rs 3,000. These who owns these platforms and whether Counterpoint said in a note.
able to offer the privacy features of the es- scriptsareeasytobuy,andeventheownerof the app’s code also scans and stores private Other experts, however, highlighted
tablished apps, making them prone to theappsdoesnotknowhowtheappworks. data of a user, no one is likely to be held ac- that India cannot benefit from creating a
hackingorstealing of critical user informa- Now,if10peoplebuythesamescript,allthe countable in case of a breach. “For well es- walledgardeninwhichonlydomesticapps
tion, experts said. apps will have the same flaw,” independent tablished apps, their reputation is at stake are allowed. “There are many other apps
security researcher Indrajeet Bhuyan said. and therefore will seek only enough data which are international and perhaps for a
0 What are these new apps? This is exactly what happened with to run the programme. These new apps, good reason. That is always going to be the











According to experts, there are two TikTokcloneMitron,whichaPakistanicod- which have rushed to take benefit of the case. The system will mature only when
kinds of apps that have rushed to fill the ing company claimed was brought from it vacuum, have nothing to lose. Even if the youhave domesticappswhichare globally
vacuumcreatedbyChineseapps.Thereare for just $34. The app is back now after appisreadingandstoringyourprivatechat, or even regionally competitive. A lot of
established apps which have been around GooglePlaystoreremoveditforawhilebe- thereisnowaytoknowbecausenohasany Indianappsarenotaggressivelymarketed,”
Have a question on the COVID-19 outbreak and what you should/should not do? for a very long period of time and were al- cause of privacy policy violations. idea of what their codes contain,” he said. Chima said.
Write to

New Delhi


THE EDITORIAL PAGE Remember, remember always, that all of us, and you
and I especially, are descended from immigrants
and revolutionists. — FRANKLIN D ROOSEVELT

Digitising the state

A three-phase government project uses COVID
policy window for a much needed reform

BLUNT CUT Manish Sabharwal and D B Phatak

CBSE decision to reduce syllabi shows misunderstanding of IN A 2015 VISIT to Silicon Valley — the first by funds drawn on contingent bills), and mis- project/activity costing, performance com-
anIndianPrimeMinistertotheUSWestCoast classification (grants in aid as capital expen- parisons across departments and agencies,
students’ stress, gives short shrift to ways of learning

since the semiconductor revolution in the diture and bookings under suspense heads). andbenchmarking.Thethirdelementoftech-
1970s—PMModisuggestedthat“digitalplat- Butdataunderliesalltransactional,account- nology architecture must ensure that all IT
HE COVID-19 PANDEMIC has eaten into the academic year of schools, cre- formswereadvancingcitizenempowerment ing,andpaymentinformationandanational governmentsystemsshouldconformtoapre-
ating pedagogical challenges for teachers and learning problems for stu- anddemocracythatoncedrewtheirstrength framework and dictionary to consistently scribed open architecture framework (for in-
dents.Thisemergencydemandscreativesolutionsfromthecountry’sedu- from constitutions”. COVID demonstrated and accurately capture, record, report, pub- stance,IndEA)whileensuringrobustsecurity
cation policymakers. Instead, the country’s premier examination body, the how one element of Digital India — Aadhaar lish and analysedatabothverticallyand hor- and maintaining privacy.
Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE), has used the blunt and me- enabled Direct Benefit Transfer — facilitated izontallyacrossgovernmentis nowpossible. Acitizen-centricviewof asinglesourceof
quick and targeted action. But COVID also DATA has many other upsides; recognising truth encompassing every rupee of public
chanical measure of reducing syllabi “by up to 30 per cent” to “reduce the course load for
demonstrated how large parts of the Indian off-budget transactions (the last Union moneywouldmakethe299remarkablepeo-
students of Class 9 to 12”. This means that students will graduate to the senior-secondary state continue to resist, underinvest in, and budget took steps towards this fiscal trans- ple who wrote India’s Constitution proud of
levelwithoutlearningaboutthehumaneyeandthemagneticeffectsof electriccurrentsor delay digitisation. We make the case that the parency and consolidation), business conti- this 21st-century citizen empowerment in-
engagingwithsocialscienceconceptssuchas“democracyanddiversity”,“gender,religion, three-phase transition to mandatory digital nuity (electronic records cannot be lost or novation. Recurring operations will require a
caste” and “popular struggles and movements”. Excised from the syllabi of classes 11 and payments, accounting, and transactions for misplaced like files or paper records), and an DataGovernanceAuthorityandtheproposed
12arechaptersoncitizenship,nationalism,secularismandthePartitionof thecountry.The government proposed by the CAG incontrovertible audit trail. Most impor- three-year timeline is doable; one year for
(Comptroller and Auditor General) under a tantly, it will enable Parliament and legisla- standard-setting by the data governance au-
new project and law called DATA (Digital tures to draw “assurance” that each rupee thority, two years to ministries/departments
sacrificed at the altar of “curriculum rationalisation”. The CBSE and the Union Ministry of AccountabilityandTransparencyAct)usesthe due to the government has been collected, of the Government of India and states, and
HumanResourceDevelopmentreasonthatthecutswill“easetheburdenonstudents”.But COVIDpolicywindowforanempowering,el- A challenge for DATA is that and each rupee has been spent for the pur- three years to all other recipients of govern-
their reasoning actually reflects an old failing of education policy-making in India — there egant, and overdue reform with delightful government pose it was allocated. ment money such as local and autonomous
hasbeenscarcelyanyattemptamongstpolicymakerstounderstandwhatactuallystresses consequences. ‘computerisation’ has often ThestartpointforDATAismandatoryand bodies. A big gift to this project could be a 12-
the child. The “course load” has become an easy scapegoat for student anxiety. TheUnionbudgetgrewfromRs197crore commondatastandardsforallentitiesreceiv- month mandatory deadline for all govern-
in 1947 to Rs 30 lakh crore last year and total mechanised manual ing government funds in all forms of funding ment payments to go digital; bad behaviour
Teachers have been given the vague instruction that the dropped topics are to be “ex-
governmentexpendituremaybehigherthan processes rather than ‘re- and the endpoint is a single searchable web- currently costs the RBI Rs 4,000 crore in bank
plained to students to the extent required to connect different topics.” They have also Rs 70 lakh crore. But the form and manner of engineered processes’. This site to ascertain total government funding by agency commissions because many parts of
been told that these topics “would not be a part of either internal assessment or the board keepingaccountshavemoreorlessremained elementandentity.Butcoveringthedistance the government do not use the RBI’s free e-
examination”. Such trivialisation of knowledge is symptomatic of an outlook that regards
has created siloed IT
unchanged since Independence; manual betweentheseneedsthreeelements:100per kuber system.
textbooks as assemblages of facts, which have to be memorised and regurgitated in ex- transactionsandmanualpaymentsoftenlead systems with disparate centend-to-endelectronicdatacapture,data A wonderful new book Midnight’s
aminations — the curriculum only serves the utilitarian function of enabling students to to manually entered data at different stages databases that lack modern governance for standards across all govern- Machines: A Political History of Technology in
pass examinations. This thinking has fostered an ecosystem in which coaching “insti- in different databases on different systems. data sharing protocols for ment entities, and technology architecture. India by Arun Mohan Sukumar chronicles a
This makes data unreliable, violates the prin- The first is clear; all receipts and expenditure lesser-known political project that began on
tutes” mushroom and there is brisk business in guidebooks and compendia of questions
cipleof “singlesourceof truth”andsabotages
organic linking like APIs transactionsincludingdemands,assessment, August151947;theIndianstate’sundertaking
of past examinations and “model answers”. There is now a growing body of scholarly transparency and good governance. DATA (Application Programming and invoices should be received, processed, toinfluencehowcitizensthoughtabouttech-
work which shows how the emphasis on “model answers” stands in the way of students recognisesthatdigitallyempoweredcitizens Interfaces) and breed valid and paid electronically. The second is com- nology and its place in society. He suggests
approachingexamination questionsin a creative way. These faultlinesinthe system were requiredigitalpublicutilitiesthatnotonlypro- concerns of fiscal data being plex; data standards are rules for describing that Madan Mohan Malaviya’s 1916 dissent
also exposed by the Vyapam scam in Madhya Pradesh, more than a decade ago. videe-servicesbutmakeallgovernmentrev- and recording data elements with precise note as a member of the Indian Industrial
enue and expenditure data electronic, ma-
incomparable (as basic as meaningsandsemanticsthatenableintegra- Commission seeded the Indian state’s inter-
chine-readable, granular, comprehensive, salary expenditure across tion,sharing,andinteroperability.Prescribing est in technology and drew a blueprint for
cause of stress for students. They have shown how pedagogicalsystems are disconnected
purpose linked, non-repudiable, reliable, ac- states), obscure (large data elements for all transactions will ensure India’smodernisation.India’scurrentgapbe-
from a child’s lived reality and underlined how the examination-centred education sys- cessible and searchable. standardisation, clarify ambiguity, minimise tweenthedigitisationoftheprivatesectorand
temrobsherof thejoysof acquiringknowledge.Thechurncreatedbythepandemicshould
expenditures booked under
A challenge for DATA is that government redundantdata,andcreateprotocolsforinte- governmentoftenreflectsthe1972Dandekar
haveledto—itcanstillspark—conversationsonevolvingteachingmethodsthatencour- “computerisation” has often mechanised omnibus head called other), grationacrossdifferentdatabasesacrossenti- Committee recommendation that no entity
age students to apply facts to real world problems and motivate them to seek knowledge. manual processes rather than “re-engi- non-traceable (actual ties receiving government funds, collecting installacomputerwithoutfirst“justifying”its
Instead, the CBSE has chosen to knock down some of the building blocks of knowledge. neered processes”. This has created siloed IT expenditure against revenues on behalf of the government, and usetoemployeesandtheirtradeunions.This
systems with disparate databases that lack temporary advances drawn those discharging core functions on behalf of means our rights as consumers are higher
modern data sharing protocols for organic the government. thanourrightsascitizens.But100yearsafter
or funds drawn on


linking like APIs (Application Programming The proposed government-wide data Pandit Malaviya’s forceful note, the digitisa-
Interfaces) and breed valid concerns of fiscal contingent bills), and standards coupled with real-time data cap- tion of the Indian state proposed by the gov-
data being incomparable (as basic as salary misclassification (grants in turedend-to-endwillenabletheuseofcogni- ernmentandCAGimaginesagiantleapinem-
expenditureacrossstates),obscure(largeex- tive intelligence tools like analytics, artificial powering our citizens.
aid as capital expenditure
Trump tries to turn health crisis into poll opportunity, using penditures booked under omnibus head intelligence, machine learning, which in turn
called other), non-traceable (actual expen- and bookings under will support the establishment of budget Sabharwal and Phatak are with TeamLease
schools, colleges as pawns. A welcome push back has begun suspense heads).

diture againsttemporary advances drawn or baselines, detecting anomalies, data-driven Services and IIT Bombay respectively
EADS OF GOVERNMENT will be judged by posterity on the intelligence
by his record so far, US President Donald Trump will be remembered


ter as he seeks a second term. Both these factors were on show on
ucational institutions fully, with serious implications for foreign students, American busi-
nesses and families. American schools and colleges are rightly considering the reopening
processwithextremecaution,andlikeinothercountries,asignificantpartof academiclife Archaic perceptions — not criteria of excellence — determine ratings of colleges
almost entirely of downplaying the pandemic, which is taking a mounting toll in the US.
On Tuesday, in a meeting in the White House, Trump resolved to take a can opener to
Chandrachur Singh
the country’s schools. He would even pressure governors to reopen them, he indicated
THEONSETOFafreshacademicsessioncoin- rankings.Whilesuchconfusionaccruesonac- ing any policy parameter that would encour-
darkly. Trump has charged that schools are being kept closed for political reasons, to pre- cides with the release of institutional rank- countof divergentweightageaccordedtopa- ageordiscouragestudents’recruitmentsfrom
vent the US from returning to normal life. On the same day, the US Immigration and ings. Meant primarily to guide and assist rameters, all the rankings end up assigning variedbackgrounds.Intermsof resourceuse,
Customs Enforcement (ICE) bureau published a draconian notification alarming the mil- prospectivestudentsinchoosingfromamong the top positions to a few select institutions. mostoftheresourcesarerigidlyfixedandeven
lion-oddforeignstudentsintheUS,whichincludeabout2lakhIndiansand4lakhChinese. the best institutions and the courses offered According to the declared methodology the slightest deviations attract penal action.
They must leave the country or face deportation proceedings if their institutions have by them, the ranking system comes off as an (2019) in the college category, the NIRF allo- The appointments and promotions of faculty
innovativeattemptatquantifyingexcellence. cates40percentweightagetoteaching-learn- membersarecontrolledbytheirrespectiveaf-
moved instruction completely online. They must attend some physical classes, perhaps
With30,000institutionsofdifferenttypes ing outcomes, which is derived from a math- filiating universities, and entirely independ-
by moving to a campus which offers them, or leave before they are thrown out. and standards, the Indian Higher Education ematical calculation of student strength, ent of any merit-based distributive mecha-
Indian students may have become collateral damage in an attack on two targets — System(IHES)istheworld’sthird-largestsys- students-teacher ratio, permanent/tempo- nism.Thepointisthattheexistingregulatory
theirChinesepeers,whoformthelargestcohortof foreignstudents,andcampuseswhich tem. The need to map institutional uneven- raryappointments,numberofPhDholdersin mechanismsoftheIHESdonotallowanyflex-
depend on the fees they pay, but refuse to physically reopen. But the White House should ness and the inherent qualitative disparities faculty positions as well as financial resource ibilitytodevelopinnovativepedagogyorout-
remember that the pre-eminence of US technology and business owes to the creativity in standards make rankings significant. This utilisation.Itaccords10pointstooutreachand reachanddiversityformulaeontheirown.All
explains the importance of the MHRD-led diversityquotients,another15and25percent they need to do is to stick to the government-
and industry of immigrants. The loss of Indian human capital would be felt across the
National Institutional Ranking Framework to research output and graduation outcomes set policy directions and feel lucky if it rains.
board, from education, medicine and IT to hospitality. In his enthusiasm to pander to (NIRF). The other system of ranking that has respectively, and 10 points to perceptions Itisnotsurprising,therefore,tofindalmost
xenophobes, Trump should not forget that the US success story was written by immi- got traction is the India Today rankings. It is not surprising, amongst employers and academic peers. the same set of colleges topping the charts.
grants. With Harvard and MIT filing a lawsuit against the Department of Homeland However,whenreadinconjunctionwitheach therefore, to find almost the However, I would argue that despite be- Theydowellbecausetheyhaveafeedercadre
Security and ICE agency in a district court in Boston, challenging the ill-judged order on other, they produce conflating results. same set of colleges topping ing based on a strong methodological plat- of the best. The application of a ranking
international students — Harvard President Larry Bacow called it cruel and reckless — a For example, the NIRF for 2020-21 in the form, the NIRF rankings fail in accomplishing methodology designed for an open and dy-
colleges'categorydeclaresMirandaHouseas the charts. They do well themandateofsegregatingthechafffromthe namic system when applied to a closed one
heartening push back has begun.
the best college, assigning Lady Shri Ram because they have a feeder wheat. This is because the so-called top col- only ends up conflating and confounding re-
College and Hindu College second and third cadre of the best. The leges top the charts largely on account of ar- alities.Itisnottosaythattheso-calledtopcol-

positions respectively, while the India Today application of a ranking chaicperceptions,triggeringthebestintakes, leges in India do not have the drive or the ca-
rankingsdeclareHinduCollegeasthebestcol- which makes them score high on academic pabilitiestoexcelindependently.Butforareal
lege for arts and science and the second-best methodology designed for an parameters. The student strength or the fac- assessment,theywouldneedtobefreedfrom
college for commerce following Shri Ram open and dynamic system ulty-studentsratioisnotsomethingthesecol- inherentstructuralrigiditiesandbebroughtat
Cricket returns to the field, with new rules, the College of Commerce. It is interesting to note when applied to a closed and legescandomuchabout.Beinggovernment- par with each other.
that Miranda House does not have a com- funded,theyareboundtoadmitallthosewho
same lifting of spirits rigid one only ends up

mercedepartment anddespitebeingranked make it past their declared cut-off marks. The writer teaches Political Science at Hindu
behindHinduCollegeasperIndiaTodayrank- conflating and confounding The same is true of the diversity quotient. College, University of Delhi. Views
OR SOME WEEKS now, shortly before they headed out of hotel rooms to ings,itgetsthecovetedtoppositionintheNIRF realities. None of these colleges has any say in design- expressed are personal
train in the sun, cricketers from England and West Indies have been taking
theirtemperature. It hadto beless than 37.5Fahrenheit, or else. A walk down
the corridor, and then only four of them in the lift at the same time, all four


standing on the footprints etched on the elevator floor. Elbows to call the lift,
elbowstopressthelobbybuttonandsanitisingof handsastheysteppedouttotheground
for training. More rules awaited them there: No high-fives, no saliva on the ball, no close-
proximity banter, no hanging around together in the evenings. OPPOSITION WALK OUT a flash point after the young Congress (I) ference when another such issue was raised
Before they reached Southampton, the quiet town where the Titanic once set off for ALMOST THE ENTIRE Opposition today membersstartedshoutingattheOpposition. in the house five days ago.
thatill-fatedtripandwherenowthecricketworldhopestostayafloat,theplayersdidtheir walked out of the Lok Sabha amidst an un-
ownthingtokeepthefitnessandmotivationup.AndwhenEngland’spacerChrisWoakes usual display of tempers and heated ex- ATROCITY IN MP RELATIONS WITH ASEAN
changes with the treasury benches and even AGITATED OPPOSITION MEMBERS today The Indian government has sought to assure
says matter-of-factly, “this is my day job, this is what I want to do,” in a promotional video
thespeakerafter40minutesof adetermined rapped the Madhya Pradesh government the members of the ASEAN that its relations
from the England cricket board on the eve of Test match, it seems he, and other players, but unsuccessful attempt to get an adjourn- over a gruesome incident of an alleged case with its members will not be adversely af-
are saying they have had enough. It’s time to play. ment motion admitted on “alarming of rape in Morena. The government admit- fected by its decision to recognise the pro-
West Indies have had more challenges to face as they moved into a bio-secure bub- growth” of incidents of atrocities against ted the beating and torture but disclaimed Vietnamese Heng Samren regime in
ble in England. As the game day approached, other issues had to be grappled with — like womenandpeopleof marginalisedcommu- rape.MadhyaPradeshchief ministersaidthe Kampuchea.ThisassurancewasgivenbyEric
the Black Lives Matters flag they unfurled from the team balcony on a cloudy day. nities. Only eight opposition members, be- governmentacceptedthe“gravity”of thesit- Gonsalves, Secretary in the Ministry of
Somewhere, down below, Michael Holding gave a stirring speech about systemic racism longing to the DMK, the Muslim League and uation and proper action would be taken ac- External Affairs, yesterday to the ambassa-
the National Conference remained in the cording to the judicial process. A significant dorsof ASEANcountries.Themembercoun-
on live television. And what the audiences, and fans? Even more than the players, it was
house. The storm sparked off following aspect of this heated debate was that none tries of the group, who still recognise the
the fans who were vocal about the need for the return of sport. Simple, everyday things heated exchanges between the Speaker and of the 11 women members participated in it. Khmer Rouge government, have been criti-
that they had taken for granted have assumed an extraordinary air now. JyotirmoyBasuandChandrashekharreached The women members had also shown indif- cal of India’s decision.

New Delhi


“The French president’s time in office has been beset by crises. As a deep
post-coronavirus recession looms, the biggest one is yet to come”

Who is caring for children? Quid without

Pandemic has been devastating for adolescents. Identifying their areas of stress, detachment
and confusion must be integral part of teaching-learning in time of crisis
a quo
India’s trade agreement with China was
one-sided to begin with
China, a continuing trend this trade agree-
ment contributed to. However, China’s ex-
ports would be broad-based and have
manufacturing items.
So far, I have stuck to broad heads and
these are heads as mentioned in the trade
Ameeta Mulla agreement.Thoseweren’tdayswhentrade
Wattal negotiators followed harmonised customs
nomenclatures with digits pinning down
Bibek Debroy items. Such physical descriptions sufficed.
“MARCH 20, 2020, has been a turning point Let’s look at sub-heads, under those broad
in my life. All that I valued, the human touch, heads.
tangible connections, programmes, engage- BILATERAL AGREEMENTS are an outcome Under paper and stationery, we find
ments, get-togethers, festivals and assem- of negotiations.Togetsomethingyouwant, newsprint, mechanical pulp-free printing
blies seem to have lost all meaning. In fact, I you yield on others. There is quid pro quo paper, packing paper, stencil paper, blot-
think I have grown up very fast as compared and reciprocity. Thanks to the General ting paper, fountain pens, pencils, ink,
to any other generation of my age. Today, Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT), printing ink, and numbering machines. At
more than ever, I feel triggered, flooded and since 1948, reciprocity has been built into that time,India hada strong domestic base
overwhelmed by this situation. The ques- the World Trade Organisation (WTO). inproducingallthese.Indeed,whenArticle
tion that wells up in my mind is what hap- Gainsandlossesneedn’talwaysbedefined XVIII of GATT was amended in 1954 to in-
pened to yesterday? What will happen to- in narrow economic terms — the quid and troduce Article XVIIIB, justifying quantita-
day? How will I step into tomorrow? My the quo can be strategic. However, a quid tive restrictions (QRs) on imports on the
dreams have been replaced by stress, anxi- without the quo doesn’t sound rational. balance of payments grounds, one of the
ety and uncertainty.” Outside the then socialist bloc, India was eight items India imposed QRs on was
This cry of help came from an adolescent the first country to establish diplomatic re- fountain pens. China’s fountain pen man-
in school, who was unable to cope. The coro- lations with the People’s Republic of China ufacturing base in Shanghai, other than
navirus apocalypse has been devastating for (PRC). This happened on January 1, 1950. Hero, is of later vintage. The Shanghai Hero
adults, but adolescents have been impacted Pakistanfollowedafewdayslater.Indiafol- Pen Company traced its antecedents back
by it in a much greater manner. lowed through, in October 1954, with a to 1931. That is when the Wolff Pen
Between the ages of 13 to 17, teens and trade agreement with PRC, apparently Manufacturing Company was founded, re-
tweens have increased developmental mo- based on “equality and mutual benefit”. At named Shanghai Hero Pen Company later.
tivation that makes it hard to isolate them. least, that’s what the preamble to the Companies like Jinhao didn’t exist then.
The hormonal changes during puberty com- agreementsaid.Thistradeagreementover- Given India’s fountain pen and ink base, it
bined with adolescent dynamics make them rodemanyhistoricalrightsIndiapossessed was a bit strange that in 1954, it was pre-
highly attuned to social status and peer (trade missions/trading posts) in Tibet. decided that China would have a compar-
groups. They were signed away. Therefore, for the ative advantage in exportingfountainpens
Caught in a vacuum, at a time when they C R Sasikumar benefit to be mutual and not unilateral, and ink and India would not. To reiterate,
were ready to launch themselves, many India must have gained something. This we clamped down on imports of fountain
teens are wading through complicated emo- in processing a range of very intense emo- not the best approach: Parents must show wasanarrowtradeagreement.Unlikecon- pens from the rest of the world, allowed
tions. They have had to adjust to online tions from fear and anger to sadness and compassion and validate their concerns be- temporary times, there was no talk of them specifically for China and didn’t wish
learning, isolated from their friends, and grief, the result can lead to a chronic anxiety cause they will not get the moments they cross-border labour or capital movements. to export our own to China. If Hero pens
eliminate meaningful events from their cal- disorder. are missing back. The citation ceremonies, The gains could have been trade, or non- became ubiquitous in later decades, that
endars. They mourn the loss of school Different teens are having different re- farewells, annual days, school carnivals, all trade. wasn’t only due to smuggling through
groups, sports and informal get-togethers. actions. For introverted adolescents, the cur- of these make up the sights, sounds, feel- In any such trade agreement, while ne- Nepal. Thosewere legitimate imports. This
The ritual of going to class and hanging out rent situation is giving them a sense of calm ings and fragrances of the growing-up gotiating, negotiators try to identify prod- is only an example to illustrate the broader
with people who they have grown up with, or relief. The extroverts, whose energy is years. It is their participation and reaction to ucts where their country has a compara- point about a biased trade agreement.
even if they have not been close friends, recharged by communication, are devas- these that will make them the adults of tive advantage, though comparative Trade is not based on narrow notions of
seems over. tated by the quarantine. tomorrow. advantage is necessarily dynamic and comparative advantage. A country can si-
Till now, the majority of children were in It is very important to be on the lookout Schools and the homes have changed changes over time. I try to get market ac- multaneously export and import the same
a vacation mode, but the reality of not going for warning signs of depression, which range roles. The online teaching model has to be cess for items where my country is com- item. However, if an item figures in one
back to school has suddenly dawned upon from emotional changes, feelings of despair embedded with an emotional compass petitive and try to bargain and prevent country’s list and not on the other’s, that
them because the pandemic shows no signs and emptiness, mental changes, difficulty in more than anything else as mental health market access for items where my country suggestsanoddkindof preference.Inmar-
of abatement. Levels of frustration, nervous- focusing and thinking, physical changes in- issues have already pinnacled and the isrelatively uncompetitive.Thisistheprin- ket access schedules, items specifically
ness and disconnection have become much cluding eating habits, weight and sleeping domino effect is going to be felt across time. ciple behind trade negotiations. As broad mentionedareimportant.What’sdumped
greater. A nostalgia of events pre-March has patterns. It is imperative that we take very Social-emotional learning will help children heads,Chinawasallowedtoexport—cere- into a “miscellaneous” basket is relatively
become intense. seriously, actions of self-harm or even words to cope and prevent arousal symptoms and als,machinery,minerals,silkandsilkpiece- insignificant. If you scrutinise the sched-
A lot of adolescents hope to get back so that may lead to it. In the immediate now, and strong negative emotions. Capsules of med- goods, animal products, paper and sta- ules, you will find non-manufacturing
they can have a little time to officially close Disorders have emerged affecting mood forever, we must stop itation, yoga, motivational conversations tionery, chemicals, oils, and miscellaneous items in China’s miscellaneous list, but
the book on their lives in school. Due to this swings, behaviour and sleeping patterns due worrying about the learning will help to deconstruct the conflict that chil- items. India was allowed to export — many manufactured items in India’s mis-
pandemic, children are afraid of venturing to the excessive use of technology. This 24- dren are facing. Identifying their areas of grams, rice, pulses, kyanite, unmanufac- cellaneous list (light engineering, plastic
gaps, but think about how
outside their homes. Suddenly, their hour rhythm has now become the new stress, detachment and confusion should tured tobacco, raw materials and unman- manufactures, cement, agricultural imple-
safety and security has been threatened norm, and has broken up the space between our children will cope with become an integral part of the teaching- ufacturedores,woodandtimber,hidesand ments, paper). By any yardstick, the 1954
and challenged from multiple angles. waking and sleep. anxiety, uncertainty and learning experience. skins, chemicals, vehicles, and miscella- agreement was one-sided. Today, any ne-
The more common stressors that teens Parents are trying to balance their own change. Can our children In the immediate now, and forever, we neous items. At that time, both countries gotiator who agreed to this would be
are facing are loved ones becoming ill, work and the remote-learning schedules of must stop worrying about the learning gaps, were planning to industrialise, China with hauled over coal. Nor, since GATT was al-
non-stop pandemic news, family their children, trying to find ways to help
breathe, meditate, relax, but think about how our children will cope a first five-year plan in 1953, India with a ready been established in 1948, could one
economics with their parents losing them cope. Parents have to acknowledge the experience tenderness, trust, with anxiety, uncertainty and change. Can first five-year plan in 1951. That being the claim that India lacked in relative negoti-
jobs, loss of traditional milestones in anxieties of their children and have an open and do they know if they our children breathe, meditate, relax, expe- case, you would expect industrialisation ating capacity.
their school activities that are significant and honest discussion about the struggles have a self to find? If what is rience tenderness, trust, and do they know aspirations, and moving away from agri- I mentioned the quid pro quo gains of
rites of passage, fear of catching a flight, vis- they are facing, but with a level of reassur- if they have a self to find? If what is being culture, to be reflected in items either side trade or non-trade. Obviously, there were
iting a grocery store or even going to a den- ance.
being taught in school and at taught in school and at home is not con- was trying to push. If you look at those notradegains.Onegaveawayandreceived
tist. All these have impacted their mental Adolescents watch adults for psycholog- home is not connected with nected with the child’s happiness, survival broad heads, this is not the impression you littleinreturn.Non-tradegainsarealsodu-
health. ical cues. If parents are calm, the children, the child’s happiness, and sanity, then, who is caring for our get. For example,India would export wood bious. “Equality and mutual benefit” was
Adolescence is a state of major transi- in turn, will be more confident of their well- survival and sanity, then, children? and timber, but China would export paper picked up from the trade agreement and
tion. It’s when they start finding their iden- being. What may seem trivial to an adult and stationery. China would export ma- incorporated into Panchsheel later in the
tity, their sense of self from their peer group. may be very important to a teen or a tween. who is caring for our The writer is principal, Springdales School, chinery, but India would export raw mate- same year.
If at this crucial period, they are caught up Dismissing or minimising their feelings is children? Pusa Road, New Delhi rialsandunmanufacturedores.Thatis,bar-
ring chemicals and vehicles, India would The writer is chairman, Economic Advisory
remain a primary produce exporter to Council to the PM. Views are personal

Liberty and responsibility LETTER TO THE EDITOR

SC rulings on internet restrictions in J&K uphold balanced constitutionalism MODEL STATE
Aishwarya Bhati THIS REFERS TO the editorial, ’Crisis of
thefuture’(IE,July8).TheMidDayMeal ONLINE
scheme has been in the news for all the
THE JANUARY 10 judgment of the Supreme hostilityattheLoCandtheurgencyandreck- The situation of Kashmir is dynamic. The thority. The Court necessarily alluded to the wrong reasons — from corruption to ONLY IN THE EXPRESS
CourtoninternetrestrictionsinKashmirwas lessness of terrorist activities in the Valley government has to be the front-line enforcer fact that restrictions cannot be imposed for non-nutritional meals being provided.
criticised as one “ignoring rights and reme- exposes the scheme of using even the pan- of the law laid down by the SC. The Court the entire union territory through omnibus Keralahasindeedbeenatorchbearernot ● BARKING UP THE
dies”. The May 11 judgment on the same is- demic to wreak havoc. recognises that the imposition of restriction orders — they need to be tailored district- only in providing cooked meals even WRONG TREE:
suewasdescribedasan“abdicationof duty”. Any analysis of merits and demerits of should be on a proportionate basis. In the wise. The findings ought to be based on ver- duringthepandemicbutinhandlingthe RICHARD KAMEI
The former judgment, in Anuradha Bhasin vs the SC orders should start from this back- past month, more than 10 terrorism inci- ifiable data. Further, the government should COVID crisis. It was only after the NHRC
Union of India, laid down guidelines to test ground information, as a “strict” analysis of dents have been reported, with more than consider bringing a narrowly tailored legis- and Patna High Court orders that the ● MARKETDOMINANCE
thevalidityof internetsuspensionordersand the law, without facts, is a purely academic 15 soldiers/civilians killed. Due to the con- lation to curtail fake news, not only for Bihargovernmentsprangintoaction.All THROUGHACQUISITIONS:
their periodic review. The May 11 judgment, exercise. An important facet of modern tinuous onslaught of terrorism, internet re- Jammu and Kashmir but also for the rest of other states need to learn from Kerala.
in Foundation for Media Professionals vs UT of terrorism is the use of the internet. strictions may have to be used often for the India.Thesafeguardsandcaveatsensurethat Bal Govind, Noida
Jammu & Kashmir, ordered the constitution Cyberterrorismisacontemporaryphenom- protection of human lives. thefunctionof theSupremeCourtasanapex
of a special committee to review the orders
enon, wherein terrorists use the internet
to influence, communicate and fund
The constitution of the special commit-
tee by the Court is in furtherance of “bal-
interpreter of lawremains intact, while leav-
ing the calibration to the executive based on
safeguards laid down by the Court in its violenceonarealtimebasis.Thereisnogain- anced constitutionalism”. The Constitution the ground situation. THIS REFERS TO the article, 'Line of ac-
January 10 judgment. In a recent webinar saying that Kashmir is also prey to such provides for rights under Part III to be en- The supposed clarion-call of some tual decontrol'(IE, July 8). The govern- dents by holding Class 9 to 12 exams in
hosted by CAN foundation Harish Salve cau- technology. forced by all the organs of the government. learned academicians and members of legal ment’s measures to discourage the im- 2020-21 on the basis 70 per cent of the
tioned: “Everybody who has a point of view On August 5, 2019, internet services for Accordingly,theCourtcannotbeunderstood fraternity of “abdication of duty by the port of Chinese goods may end up syllabus? Won’t these students with a
today thinks the Supreme Court is a national the entire union territory of Jammu and to be the sole protector of rights — the exec- Supreme Court” seems to have completely hurting India's economic interest in the 30percentgapintheirknowledgestare
dartboard, on which everybody who has a Kashmirwassuspended.Acasewasfiledbe- utive and legislature have an equal responsi- missed the hard facts in the Valley. long run. India does not have the ability blanklywhentheygotohigherclasses?
point of view, has the right to throw a dart. fore the Supreme Court seeking to quash the bility. It will be apposite to quote a few to produce cheap, quality products. The Varin Dhir, Ahmedabad
This must stop.” internet restrictions imposed under the The framework the Supreme Court has prophetic lines of one of the greatest legal technological gap in manufacturing vis
The case is about internet availability in
Kashmir, which has a vexed background and
Temporary Suspension of Telecom Services
(Public Emergency or Public Safety) Rules,
created by its two judgments rightly applies
this principle. First, the SC created standards
nal vigilance is the price of liberty. But it is
a vis China is vast. This will make prod-
ucts costlier, and the people will suffer.
a complex geo-political history. It has been 2017. Strangely, the eminent counsel, argu- for the executive to apply, including reading true, in even a deeper sense, that eternal re- Gracy Singh, Delhi THISREFERSTOthearticle,'Socialinjus-
onthereceivingendof wellorchestratedand ing the case for the petitioner, conceded that in the proportionality requirement. Through sponsibility is also part of the price of liberty. tice’(IE,July8)Thecaste-basedreserva-
incessant proxy war waged by an unstable
neighbour. The repeal of Article 370, re-or-
he did not want to challenge the constitu-
tionalityof theRules,ratherhewasonlycon-
its recent May order, the Court has created
an important forum to review the orders
Excessive authority, without liberty, is intol-
LEARNING VS EXAMS tion in legislatures, education, and pub-
lic employment is unique to India. The
ganisation of the erstwhile state of Jammu cerned with their application. Accordingly, passed under the Rules. Now, the onus is on ity and without responsibility, soon become THIS REFERS TO the report, 'CBSE to re- founding fathers of our republic origi-
and Kashmir and the prospect of a brighter theCourt,beingcognisantof thefactthatthe the government to show how it complies. equally intolerable…. Liberty has a hypno- duceburden,crunchsyllabusforClass9 nallyextendedreservationtolegislatures
future for Kashmir, Jammu and Ladakh, pro- Rules do not completely secure the rights of The first step for the government is to tising sound; while, unfortunately, respon- to 12’, (IE, July 8). Since COVID-19 is un- onlyandthattoofor10years.Theyleftit
pelled our neighbour into a desperate mode. citizens, read into the Rules certain valuable gatherinputsfromindividualdistrictsacross sibility has no sex appeal.” likely to end soon, what is more impor- tofuturegenerationstomakeanassess-
The COVID-19 crisis has only added to the safeguards such as periodic review. The J&K J&K to assess whether the internet is being tant — survival or saving the academic ment of this policy periodically.
complexity of the situation on the ground. government implemented the SC order misused to circulate fake news. Once such The writer is a senior advocate practising in year? Why jeopardise the future of stu- Sudip Kumar Dey, Kolkata
The recent turn of events bear a testimony by easing internet restrictions in a graded intelligence is gathered, the materials are re- the Supreme Court and former secretary,
to this trend. The excessive firepower and manner. quiredtobeplacedbefore theconcernedau- Supreme Court Bar Association

New Delhi

Superintending Engineer
Bulandshahr Circle, P.W.D, Bulandshahr
No. 5183/96M(III)/E-TENDER/BSR CIRCLE/2020 Dated. 27/6/2020
E-Procurement Inviting Short Term Tender Notice
On behalf of Governor of Uttar Pradesh, S.E. Bulandshahar Circle, U.P.P.W.D., Bulandshahr invites following
percentage rate bid online through http:// from the eligible and approved Contractors
registered with UP PWD, from dt. 13.07.2020 to 18.07.2020 upto 12.00 PM. The technical bids will be opened
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as specified, the bids will be opened online on the next working day respectively, at the same time and validity
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CX.´fi. ´ff½fSX MÑXf³Àfd¸fVf³f IYfSX´fûSmXVf³f d»f. BÊX-d³fd½fQf W` :- IiY¸f Àfa. 1 d³fd½fQf Àfa£¹ff E½fa IYf¹fÊ IYf 1
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2 Renewal of Khurja Shikarpur 86.00 6.30 3 Month Tender Cost- Rs. A,B
d³f¸³f I f¹fûË WZ °fb ¸fûWS ¶faQ BÊ -d³fd½fQfEa BÊ -´fûMÊ »f C´fIZ ³ýi WdÀ°f³ff´fbS ´fS Ãf¸f°ff½fÈdð WZ °fb 01 ³f¦f 40 road (ODR) in Km. 2300.000 + G.S.T. Rs.
( ´fS Qû ·ff¦fûÔ ¸fZÔ E¸f.½fe.E. ´fdS½f°fÊI À±ffd´f°f I S³fZ ÀfZ Àfa¶fad²f°f I f¹fÊÜ 1(700),2,3,4,5,6,7,8 & 9 with 414.0 = 2714.00
Af¸fadÂf°f I e ªff°fe W` Ü ·ff¦f-1 ¸fZÔ BÊ -d³fd½fQfAûa IZ
´fi´fÂf d³f²ffÊdS°f Vfb»I AfS.Me.ªfe.EÀf./ E³f.BÊ.ER .Me.
²fSXûWXSX SXfdVf 22000.00 d³fd½fQf ´fi´fÂf IYf ¸fc»¹f
1770.00 ªfe.EÀf.Me. ÀfdW°f, BÊX-´fûMÊX»f ´fSX d³fd½fQf 1.
P.C. For Year 2020-21

The Bid Security and Tender Document Fee must be deposite through Internet Banking.
IbYMZXVf³f ³fûdMXÀf
2. All registered contractors have to upload Turnover certified by C.A. of last 5 Year and details of maximum
E½fa d³f²ffÊdS°f ²fSûWS SfdVf AfS.Me.ªfe.EÀf./E³f.BÊ . A´f»fûOX IYSX³fZ IYe Ad³°f¸f d°fd±f E½fa Àf¸f¹f cost work satisfactorily completed in last 5 Years on chanakya software before Submission of tender. WdS¹ff¯ff Sfª¹f ´fdS½fW³f I` ±f»f ¸fZÔ 1/2/5/10/25 dI »fû¦fif¸f IZ Ad¦³fVf¸f³f ¹f³ÂfûÔ
ER .Me./¶f`ÔI ¦ffS³Me (A»f¦f-A»f¦f) IZ ¸ff²¹f¸f ÀfZ 23.07.2020 Àff¹fa 05 ¶fªfZ °fI , BÊX-´fûMÊX»f ´fSX Details of e-tender uploaded on https.// shall also be uploaded on Uppwd Chanakya I û dO´fû ¸fZÔ ·fS½ff¹ff ªff³ff W` B¨Lb I ´ffMeÊ dQ³ffaI 29.07.2020 °fI Ib MZ Vf³f
A²feÃf¯f Ad·f¹fa°ff, d½fôb°f ´ffSm ¿f¯f ¸f¯O»f, ¸fZS N IZ d³fd½fQf IYf ´fi±f¸f ·ff¦f £fû»f³fZ IYe d°fd±f E½fa 3.
software, before last date & time of submission of bid.
Terms & Conditions related to bids are available on https.// Àfe»f¶f³Q d»fR fRZ ¸fZÔ ¸fWf ´fi¶fa²fI WdS¹ff¯ff Sfª¹f ´fdS½fW³f, I` ±f»f IZ ³ff¸f SdªfÀMOÊ
´fÃf ¸fZÔ State Bank of India, Cantt Àf¸f¹f 24.07.2020 ´fif°f: 12 ¶fªfZ °fI , BÊX-´fûMÊX»f ´fSX Sd/-
Branch, Meerut Account No. d³fd½fQf IYf dõX°fe¹f ·ff¦f £fû»f³fZ IYe d°fd±f E½fa Sd/- OfI õfSf dSdR λf¦f Ib MZ Vf³f d»fJI S ·fZªf ÀfI °fZ W`Ô Ü d³f²ffÊdS°f d°fd±f IZ ¶ffQ
(Surendra Kumar)
(Ajay Shankar Singh)
QdÃf¯ffa¨f»f d½fôb°f d½f°fSX¯f d³f¦f¸f d»f.,
11047201099, IFSC Code Àf¸f¹f °fQ³fbÀffS ½fZ¶fÀffBM ´fS Àfcd¨f°f I e ªff¹fZ¦feÜ IiY¸f UPID NO. 153082 Date: 01.07.2020 Executive Engineer
Superintending Engineer,
Bulandshahr Circle, P.W.D.
I f¹ffÊ»f¹f ¸fZÔ ´fif´°f Ib MZ Vf³f ´fS d½f¨ffS ³fWeÔ dI ¹ff ªffE¦ffÜ d½fÀ°fÈ°f ªff³fI fSe I f¹ffÊ»f¹f A»´fIYf»fe³f d³fd½fQf Af¸faÂf¯f Àfc¨f³ff (BÊ-
SBIN0000680 ¸fZÔ ªf¸ff I Sf¹fe ªff¹fZÔ¦feÜ ¶f`ÔI ªf¸ff Àfa. 2 d³fd½fQf Àfa£¹ff E½fa IYf¹fÊ IYf d½f½fSX¯f MXe- Bulandshahr
ÀfZ ´fif´°f I e ªff ÀfI °fe W` Ü d³fd½fQf) A²fûWÀ°ffÃfSI °ffÊ õfSf Qû ·ff¦fûÔ ¸fZÔ
I e Àffùf ¹f±ff ¹fûª¹f ¹fc.Me.AfS. Àfa£¹ff, ´fZ-B³f dÀ»f´f 58/20-21 (A»´fIYfd»fIY):- d½fôb°f ´ffSm ¿f¯f WÀ°ff./- ¸fWXf ´fi¶fa²fIY, ´fid°fd¿N°f E½fa ¹fû¦¹f I f¹fÊQf¹fe ÀfaÀ±ffAûÔ ÀfZ d³f¸³f
¸fc»f I e ´fid°f d³fd½fQf IZ ´fi±f¸f ·ff¦f IZ Àff±f Àfa»f¦³f £f¯O-dõ°fe¹f ¸fZS N IZ A³°f¦fÊ°f 220 IZ .½fe. C´fIZ ³ýi WX d SX ¹ ff¯ff SX f ª¹f ´fdSX½fWX³f, I`Y±f»fÜ I f¹fÊ WZ °fb d³fd½fQf Vfb»I /²fSûWS ²f³fSfdVf dQ³ffaI
dI ¹fZ ªff¹fZÜ BÊ-d³fd½fQf IZ ´fi±f¸f ·ff¦f (¹fc.Me.AfS. ¨fS»ff ´fS 100 E¸f.½fe.E. ´fdS½f°fÊI WZ °fb NIFPES 81664/HRY 25.07.2020 °fI Afg³f»ffBʳf ´fûMÊ »f ´fS ´fif´°f I e
System À±ffd´f°f I S³fZ ÀfZ Àfa¶fad²f°f I f¹fÊÜ ²fSXûWXSX ªff¹fZ¦fe E½fa BÊ-d³fd½fQf dQ³ffaI 27.07.2020 I û
Àfa£¹ff, ´fZ-B³f dÀ»f´f ´fid°f, d³fd½fQf ´fi´fÂf, ´f`³f I fOÊ ,
B³I ¸f M` ¢Àf dSM³fÊ, ªfe.EÀf.Me. ´fi´fÂf I e À½f¹fa ´fi¸ffd¯f°f SXfdVf 20000.00 d³fd½fQf ´fi´fÂf IYf ¸fc»¹f 1770.00 ´fdV¨f¸ffa¨f»f d½fôb°f d½f°fSX¯f d³f¦f¸f d»f. A´fSfÁ³f 1:00 ¶fªfZ °fI BÊ-MZ ³OS ´fûMÊ »f ´fS ´fif´°f
I S ´fi±f¸f ·ff¦f A´fSfÁ³f 4.00 ¶fªfZ ÀfZ Jû»ff
Lf¹ff´fid°f E½fa °fI ³feI e A³fb·f½f AfdQ) BÊ -´fûMÊ »f ´fS
ÀI` ³O ´fid°f¹ffg (PDF format) °f±ff BÊ -d³fd½fQf IZ
ªfe.EÀf.Me. ÀfdW°f, BÊX-´fûMÊX»f ´fSX d³fd½fQf A´f»fûOX
IYSX³fZ IYe Ad³°f¸f d°fd±f E½fa Àf¸f¹f 23.07.2020
d½fôb°f d½f°fSX¯f J¯OX-dõX°fe¹f, ¶ff¦f´f°f ªff¹fZ¦ffÜ (1) d³f.d½f.Àfa. 22/2020-21:-
Ad²fVffÀfe Ad·f¹f³°ff d½fôb°f ªff³f´fQ J¯O (d½f),
dõ°fe¹f ·ff¦f (´fifBªfd¶fO) ¸fZÔ QSm a E½fa ½ffd¯fª¹fI d³f¹f¸f Àff¹fa 05 ¶fªfZ °fI , BÊX-´fûMÊX»f ´fSX d³fd½fQf IYf ´fi±f¸f BÊX-d³fd½fQf d°fd±f d½fÀ°ffSX Àfc¨f³ff A»fe¦fPÞ IZ ´fi¹fû¦ff±fÊ EI AQÐQ Oeªf»f ¨ffd»f°f
½f Vf°fZÊ BÊ -´fûMÊ »f (www.etender. ·ff¦f £fû»f³fZ IYe d°fd±f E½fa Àf¸f¹f 24.07.2020 BÀf I f¹ffÊ»f¹f õfSf Af¸fadÂf°f I e ¦f¹fe BÊ -d³fd½fQf Àfa£¹ff 05, 06/2020-21 dªfÀfI e ½ffW³f (ªfe´f) ¸f¹f ¨ff»fI IZ ¶ffÁ¹f EªfZ³Àfe IZ
´fSX d³f¸³fd»fd£f°f °ffd»fI f IZ A³fbÀffS A´f»fûO I e ´fif°f: 12 ¶fªfZ °fI , BÊX-´fûMÊX»f ´fSX d³fd½fQf IYf dõX°fe¹f £fb»f³fZ I e dQ³ffaI 07.07.2020 ±fe, A¶f A´fdSWf¹fÊ I fS¯fûÔ ÀfZ dS-MZ ¯OS I S dQ³ffaI ¸ff²¹f¸f ÀfZ dI Sf¹fZ ´fS SJ³fZ I f I f¹fÊÜ (2)
·ff¦f £fû»f³fZ IYe d°fd±f E½fa Àf¸f¹f °fQ³fbÀffS 15.07.2020 °fI I e ªff°fe W` Ü A³¹f d³f¹f¸f ½f Vf°fZÊ d³fd½fQf ´fi´fÂf IZ Àff±f Àfa»f¦³f W` Ü d³f.d½f.Àfa. 23/2020-21:- 33/11 IZ .½fe.
ªff¹fZ¦feÜ d³fd½fQf Vfb»I , ²fSûWS SfdVf E½fa A³¹f C´fIZ ³ýi, ¸fD Sf³fe´fbS ªf³f´fQ ÓffaÀfe ´fS I ³MÑ û»f ø ¸f
½¹f½fÀffd¹fI ´fi´fÂf WfOÊ I fg´fe ¸fZÔ A±f½ff ½¹fd¢°f¦f°f ½fZ¶fÀffBM ´fS Àfcd¨f°f I e ªff¹fZ¦feÜ IiY¸f Àfa. 3 d³fd½fQf IÈ ´f¹ff d½fÀ°fÈ°f Àfc¨f³ff Website: ´fS QZ£fe ªff ÀfI °fe ·f½f³f I f ø R MÑ eM¸fZ³M I f I f¹fÊ E½fa ªfe¯fûÊð fS ÀfZ
Àfa½ffWI IZ ¸ff²¹f¸f ÀfZ BÀf I f¹ffÊ»f¹f ¸fZÔ ´fif´°f ³fWeÔ Àfa£¹ff E½fa IYf¹fÊ IYf d½f½fSX¯f MXe- 59/20-21:- W`aÜ d½fôb°f W` »´f »ffBÊ ³f 1800-180-3002 (¸fZS N), 1800-180-8752 (»f£f³fD ) Àf¸¶fd³²f°f ªff³f´fQe¹f I f¹fÊÜ (3) d³f.d½f.Àfa.
dI ¹fZ ªff¹fZÔ¦fZÜ BÊ -d³fd½fQf ·ff¦f dõ°fe¹f (´fifBªfd¶fO) d½fôb°f ´ffSm ¿f¯f £f¯O ¶fOÞ ü°f IZ A³°f¦fÊ°f 220/132 SfáÑ e¹f dW°f ¸fZÔ d¶fªf»fe ¶f¨ff¹fZÜ 24/2020-21:- d½fôb°f ªff³f´fQ ¸f¯O»f
£fb»f³fZ I e d°fd±f WZ °fb °fQû³fbÀffS ½fZ¶fÀffBM ´fS Àfcd¨f°f I e IZ .½fe. C´fIZ ³ýi ¶fOÞü°f ´fS À±ffd´f°f d½fd·f³³f ¸fZI WXÀ°ff./- (d½f°fS¯f), Af¦fSf IZ I f¹ffÊ»f¹f WZ °fb ¶ffÁ¹f EªfZ³Àfe
ªffE¦feÜ BÊ -d³fd½fQf I f ´fi±f¸f ·ff¦f, °ffd»fI f ¸fZÔ AadI °f AfBÀfû»fZM S IZ A³fbS Ãf¯ff±fÊ d½fd·f³³f ´fiI fS IZ Àff¸f¦fie Ad²fVffÀfe Ad·f¹f³°ff IZ ¸ff²¹f¸f ÀfZ d½f·ff¦fe¹f I ¸´¹fcM S ´fS OfMf E³MÑ e/´fÂf
dQ³ffaI E½fa Àf¸f¹f A³fbÀffS Àff½fʪfd³fI ø ´f ÀfZ £fû»ff I e Af´fcd°fÊÜ ²fSXûWXSX SXfdVf 2000.00 d³fd½fQf ´fi´fÂf IYf »fZJ³f AfdQ I f¹fûË WZ °fb EI ³f¦f I ¸´¹fcM S Afg´fSm M S
´fÂffaIY:- 928/d½f.d½f.£f.-dõX ¶ff/d½fÄff´f³f dQ³ffaIY: 08.07.2020 SJ³fZ I f I f¹fÊÜ (4) d³f.d½f.Àfa. 25/2020-21:-
ªff¹fZ¦ffÜ BÊ -d³fd½fQf £fb»f³fZ I e d°fd±f ´fS A½fI fVf Wû³fZ ¸fc»¹f 590.00 ªfe.EÀf.Me. ÀfdW°f, BÊX-´fûMÊX»f ´fSX
220 IZ .½fe. C´fIZ ³ýi, dÀfI ³QSf Af¦fSf IZ ´fdSÀfS
I e dÀ±fd°f ¸fZÔ BÊ -d³fd½fQf A¦f»fZ I f¹fÊ dQ½fÀf ´fS d³fd½fQf A´f»fûOX IYSX³fZ IYe Ad³°f¸f d°fd±f E½fa ¸fZÔ d½fôb°f Ad²fI fSe I fg»fû³fe dÀ±f°f MÑ fgdªfM WfgÀM»f
d³f²ffÊdS°f Àf¸f¹f °fI À½feI fS I e ªffE¦fe E½fa d³f²ffÊdS°f Àf¸f¹f 10.08.2020 Àff¹fa 05 ¶fªfZ °fI , BÊX-´fûMÊX»f ´fSX I e d½fVfZ¿f ¸fS¸¸f°f ÀfZ Àf¸¶fd³²f°f ªff³f´fQe¹f I f¹fÊÜ
Àf¸f¹f ´fS £fû»fe ªffE¦feÜ BÊ -d³fd½fQfAûÔ I û d¶f³ff I fZBÊ d³fd½fQf IYf ´fi±f¸f ·ff¦f £fû»f³fZ IYe d°fd±f E½fa (5) d³f.d½f.Àfa. 26/2020-21:- d½fôb°f ªff³f´fQ
I fS¯f ¶f°ffE BÊ -d³fd½fQf/ BÊ -d³fd½fQfAûÔ I û AÀ½feI fS/ Àf¸f¹f 11.08.2020 ´fif°f: 12 ¶fªfZ °fI , BÊX-´fûMÊX»f ´fSX J¯O (d½f°fS¯f) E½fa d½fôb°f ªff³f´fQ C´fJ¯O
d½f·ffdªf°f I S³fZ I f Ad²fI fS A²fûWÀ°ffÃfSI °ffÊ IZ d³fd½fQf IYf dõX°fe¹f ·ff¦f £fû»f³fZ IYe d°fd±f E½fa (d½f°fS¯f) »ff»f dO¦¦fe A»fe¦fP IZ I f¹ffÊ»f¹fûÔ WZ °fb
´ffÀf ÀfbS dÃf°f SWZ¦ffÜ ²fSûWS/ BÊ -d³fd½fQf SfdVf SdW°f ½f Àf¸f¹f °fQ³fbÀffS ½fZ¶fÀffBM ´fS Àfcd¨f°f I e ªff¹fZ¦feÜ EI -EI ³f¦f ¶ffÁ¹f EªfZ³Àfe IZ ¸ff²¹f¸f ÀfZ d½f·ff¦fe¹f
A²feÃf¯f Ad·f¹fa°ff, d½fôb°f ´ffSmX¿f¯f ¸f¯OX»f, 130- I ¸´¹fcM S ´fS OfMf E³MÑ e/´fÂf »fZJ³f AfdQ I f¹fûË WZ °fb
ÀfVf°fÊ BÊ -d³fd½fQfEa À½feI fS ³fWeÔ I e ªffEa¦feÜ IÈ ´f¹ff I ¸´¹fcM S Afg´fSm M S SJ³fZ I f I f¹fÊÜ (IÈ ´f¹ff d½fÀ°fÈ°f
d½fÀ°fÈ°f ªff³fI fSe, OfC³f »fûO, A³¹f ÀfaVfû²f³fûÔ E½fa BÊ - OXe, kk´ffSmX¿f¯f ·f½f³fll, d½f¢MXûdSX¹ff ´ffIÊY, ¸fZSXNXÜ ªff³fI fSe, IZ d»f¹fZ E½fa
d³fd½fQf ´fiÀ°fb°f I S³fZ IZ dQ³ffaI °fI d½fÀ°ffS AfdQ IZ kkSXfáÑXdWX°f ¸fZÔ DYªffÊ ¶f¨ffEall ´fÂffaIY No 1913 ´fS QZJZÔÜ W` »´f
Àfa¶fa²f ¸fZÔ IÈ ´f¹ff ´fS d½f.´ff.¸fa./ ETC/ ¸fZSXNX X/MT/Tender »ffBʳf - 1800-180-3023 WXÀ°ff./- A²feÃf¯f
»ffg¦f Af³f I SmÔ Ü d³fd½fQfAûÔ I f d½f½fS¯f d³f¸³f ´fiI fS dQ³ffaIY/Date 08/07/2020 Ad·f¹f³°ff d½fôb°f ªf³f´fQ ¸f¯OX»f (d½f°fSX¯f)
64-J¸¶ff, dÀfIY³QSXf, Af¦fSXf-7 ´fÂffaI :
925/d½f.ªff.¸f.(d½f.)/Af./Me-2 dQ³ffaI




New Delhi



studentswithonlineclassestoleave and to fight—and we will.”
Trump threatens
KARISHMA MEHROTRA The MIT President said in a
NEW DELHI, JULY 8 letter: “Our international stu-
dents now have many questions
to cut federal aid School students in Hong Kong were a big part of the mass
K P Sharma Oli A DAY after US immigration au-
thorities announced that inter-
– about their visas, their health,
their families and their ability to
if schools don’t protests that shook the city in the past year. Reuters

nationalstudentscouldnotbein continueworkingtowardanMIT reopen in fall

the country if their Fall classes
Massachusetts Institute of
degree. Unspoken, but unmis-
takable, is one more question:
Am I welcome? At MIT, the an- COLLIN BINKLEY
HK bans protest
Technology (MIT) and the
Harvard University sued the US’
Immigration and Customs
swer, unequivocally, is yes.”
Others are also planning legal
action, including the

song, other political
expression at schools
Kathmandu: A crucial Enforcement (ICE) and the There were around 2 lakh Indian students in the US in 2019 MassachusettsAttorneyGeneral. Wednesday threatened to with-
meeting of the ruling Department of Homeland The universities’ lawsuit said hold federal funding if schools
NepalCommunistPartyto Security to block the directive. the directive’s “effect — and per- don’t reopen in the fall, and he
decide the political future “Defendants have put both as unlawful. MIThadannouncedthatitwould haps even the goal — is to create lashed out at federal health offi-
of beleaguered Prime
Minister K P Sharma Oli
schools to an impossible choice: The ICE directive had have online instruction for those asmuchchaosforuniversitiesand cials over school reopening New national security office opened
lose numerous students who shocked international students away from campus and a hybrid international students as possi- guidelines that he says are im-
was once again deferred bring immense benefits to the in India, who scrambled to un- model for those on campus. ble.”Studentsreturninghomejust practical and expensive.
on Wednesday till Friday AGENCIES
school or take steps to retain
those students through in-per-
derstand if they met the man-
date of having some in-person
A letter from the Harvard
president stated: “The order
weeks from the start of the se-
mester was “impossible, imprac-
Taking to Twitter to voice his
frustration, Trump argued that HONG KONG, JULY 8
China, US impose
top leaders to reach a
power-sharing deal amid
son classes, even when those coursework to stay in the US. came down without notice — its ticable, prohibitively expensive, countries including Germany, visa restrictions
steps contradict each school’s The directive applies to the F- cruelty surpassed only by its and/or dangerous,” it said. Denmark and Norway have re- HONG KONG’S education secre-
theheightenedintra-party judgment about how best to 1 non-immigrant visas for aca- recklessness... This comes at a There were around two lakh opened schools “with no prob- tary on Wednesday banned stu- on each other
rift and his anti-India re- protect the health of the stu- demic work and M-1 non-immi- time when the United States has Indian students in the US in lems.” He also repeated his dents from singing the protest
marks.Astheleadersneed dents, faculty, staff, and the en- grant visas for vocational beensettingdailyrecordsforthe 2019, surpassed only by China, claim that Democrats want to anthem “Glory to Hong Kong,” Beijing: China said on
more time for negotia- tire university community,” the coursework and requires school number of new infections... For according to a report by the US- keep schools closed for political posting slogans with political Wednesday it will impose
tions, the 45-member complaint stated. officialstoissuenewvisaformsby many of our international stu- based Institute of International reasons. messages or forming human visarestrictionsonUScitizens
Standing Committee The case filed in a US District August4andoperationalplansas dents, studying in the United Education. International stu- “The Dems think it would be chains, saying “the schools are whohaveengagedinwhatit
meeting scheduled for Court in Boston, Massachusetts, soon as July 15. States andstudyingatHarvardis dents, often not on financial bad for them politically if US obliged to stop” such activities. called egregious behaviour
Wednesday has been claimed that the ICE directive Before the directive, Harvard the fulfillment of a lifelong loans,contributearound$45bil- schools open before the Thestatementbythesecretary, over Tibet, in an apparent re-
postponedtoFridaymorn- was “arbitrary and capricious” had already announced it was dream. These students are our lion, it said, citing the US NovemberElection,”Trumpsaid, Kevin Yeung, ratcheted up the taliation against US restric-
ing, said Surya Thapa, the with“virtuallynoreasoneddeci- housingnomorethan40percent students, and they enrich the Department of Commerce. “but is important for the children pressure on the pro-democracy tions on some Chinese offi-
PM’s press adviser. With sion making” and asked the of undergraduates and that all learning environment for all... FULLREPORTON & families. May cut off funding if movement as Hong Kong resi- cials.Chineseforeignministry
this,themeetinghasbeen court to hold the agency’s action classeswouldgoonlineintheFall. We owe it to them to stand up not open!” AP dentsstruggletodeterminewhat spokesman Zhao Lijian said
put off for the fourth con- is acceptable behaviour under a Beijing would allow no for-
secutive time.

US notifies UN of withdrawal from WHO

strict new national security law eign interference in Tibetan
US top court lets that China imposed on the semi- affairs. US Secretary of State
autonomousterritorylastweek. MikePompeo,citingwhathe

employers deny Students, including middle called human rights abuses
schoolers, have been a driving by the Chinese government
Courtrejects KATIE ROGERS & birth control force in Hong Kong’s protest in Tibetan areas, had said on
APOORVA MANDAVILLI movement. Beijing’s imposition TuesdaytheUSwouldrestrict
petitionsagainst WASHINGTON, JULY 8 coverage on of the national security law last visas for some Chinese offi-
buildingtemple THE TRUMP administration has religious grounds Wednesday — and the subse-
quent arrests of teenagers at
cials because Beijing ob-
inIslamabad formally notified the United Election result protests — has led some families USdiplomats,journalistsand
Islamabad: A Pakistani Nations that the United States
will withdraw from the World
may upend move ADAM LIPTAK
to express concerns that their
children could be in jeopardy for
tourists. REUTERS
court has dismissed three
identicalpetitionschalleng- Health Organisation, a move WASHINGTON, JULY 8 singing pro-democracy songs or
ing the construction of the that would cut off one of the A 1948 Congressional reso- even for expressing such senti- Kong Special Administrative
first Hindu temple in the largest sources of funding from lution mandates that the US THE SUPREME Court on ments in their homes. Region was inaugurated
country's capital. The the premier global health or- can only withdraw from the Wednesday upheld a Trump ad- Meanwhile, China on Wednesday, establishing for the
Islamabad High Court de- ganization in the middle of a WHO after giving it a one- ministration regulation that lets Wednesday opened its first office first time the presence of China’s
livered the judgement late pandemic. year notice and paying any employers with religious or in Hong Kong to implement the security establishment in the for-
onTuesday,makingitclear “The United States’ notice of Experts acknowledged that the WHO had made some outstanding fees. However, moral objections limit women’s controversialnationalsecuritylaw. mer British colony since its han-
thattherewasnobaronthe withdrawal, effective July 6, missteps during the pandemic but said it had largely done with a presidential election access to birth control coverage The office for Safeguarding dover in 1997. The office places
Institute of Hindu 2021, has been submitted to the well given the constraints under which it operates. Reuters coming up in the US this under the Affordable Care Act. National Security of the Central mainlandagentsintheheartofthe
Panchayat,whichwasallot- UN secretary-general, who is November, the question of As a consequence of the rul- People’sGovernmentintheHong territoryforthefirsttime.
ted the land for the con- the depository for the WHO,” a whether the US remains in ing, about 70,000 to 126,000
senior administration official ago, as the death toll from the withdrawfromtheorganisation. the WHO or not will be set- women could lose contracep-

Some of Facebook’s
struction of the temple, to
builditusingitsownfunds. said Tuesday. coronavirus in the United States There is little evidence to tled by whoever wins the tive coverage from their em-
The court had on Monday The departure would take mounted and Trump sought to support Trump’s belief that the race to the White House. Joe ployers, according to govern-
effect sometime next year, blame the Chinese government Chinese misinformed the or- Biden, Trump’s Democratic ment estimates.

decisions setbacks
the matter. The petitioners should the United States meet for not doing enough to stop the ganisation. rival, has already said that The vote was seven to two,
had asked the court to an- established conditions of giv- spreadof thedisease.Trumphas Experts acknowledged that he would reverse the move withJusticesRuthBaderGinsburg
nul the construction of the ing a one-year notice and ful- accused Beijing of hiding the the WHO had made some mis- if he became president. But and Sonia Sotomayor dissenting.
was no provision for the
same in the master plan of
filling its current financial obli-
gations, Stéphane Dujarric, a
spokesman for the secretary-
true scope of infections from the
WHO, targeting the agency in
the process.
steps during the pandemic but
said it had largely done well
given the constraints under
if Trump wins and takes the
US out of the WHO, it could
call into question the finan-
Contraception coverage has
emerged as a key battleground
in the culture wars, one in which
for civil rights: audit
the national capital. general, António Guterres, said “The world is now suffering which it operates. The agency is cial future of the organisa- successive administrations have
on Tuesday. as a result of the malfeasance of coordinating clinical trials of tion which counts on switched sides.
CHINA The notification completes a the Chinese government,” treatments, as well as efforts to Washington as its largest IntheObamayears,thecourt MIKE ISAAC
threat that President Donald Trump said in May when he first manufacture and equitably dis- contributor. heardtwocasesonwhetherreli- SAN FRANCISCO, JULY 8
Landslidein Trump began making months said the United States would tribute the vaccine. NYT giousgroupscouldrefusetocom-
Hubeiburiesnine ply with regulations requiring
Beijing: A landslide buried
in China’s Hubei province,
Trump shaped by ‘sociopath’ father: niece’s book casepresentedtheoppositeques-
tion: Can the Trump administra-
tion allow all sorts of employers
form and has made some deci-
sions that were “significant set-
backs for civil rights,” according
the People’s Daily newspa-
Book says US President had paid someone to take his college entrance exam withreligiousormoralobjections
tocontraceptiontooptoutof the
company’spoliciesandpractices. Mark Zuckerberg has
theheaviestrainindecades a transactional narcissist and Fred Trump Sr. wanted his coverage requirement? In a 100-page prepublication defended Facebook as a
brought floods that have MAGGIE HABERMAN accidental commander in chief. eldest son, Fred Jr. — Mary’s fa- In March 2010, President report, which was obtained by champion of free speech.
killed more than 100 peo- & ALAN FEUER But Mary Trump, a clinical psy- ther—tobea“killer,”ahighform Barack Obama signed the The New York Times, the social
ple.Thelandslideoccurred JULY 8 chologist, offers a particularly of praise that the President him- Affordable Care Act, which in- network was repeatedly faulted
inHuangmeiCountyinthe dark picture of Donald Trump’s self has often used to describe cludes a section that requires for not having the infrastructure years of engagement where they
early hours and efforts US PRESIDENT Donald Trump’s father and her grandfather, Fred people he respects. coverage of preventive health for handling civil rights and for imploredthecompanytodomore
werebeingmadetorescue niece describes him in a much- Trump Sr. Too Much and Never Enough services and screenings for prioritisingfreeexpressiononits toadvanceequalityandfightdis-
thepeople,thenewspaper awaited tell-all book as a child in “From the beginning, Fred’s was scheduled for release next women. The next year, the platformovernondiscrimination. crimination,whilealsosafeguard-
said. From June 1 to July 7, an adult’s body, someone psy- self-interest skewed his priori- Tuesday. Obama administration required In some decisions, Facebook did ingfreeexpression,”wrotetheau-
accumulatedrainfallinthe chologicallybrutalisedanddam- Donald Trump was ties,” Mary Trump writes. “His Among the new disclosures employers and insurers to pro- notseekcivilrightsexpertise,the ditors, Laura W Murphy and
regions of Hubei, Anhui, aged by his “sociopath” father psychologically brutalised careofhischildren,suchasitwas, in the book is Mary Trump’s videwomenwithcoverage atno auditors said, potentially setting MeganCacace,whoarecivilrights
Zhejiang and Chongqing and who developed defences of by his father, the book says reflectedhisownneeds,nottheirs. claim that Donald Trump paid cost for all methods of contra- a “terrible” precedent that could experts and lawyers. They said
has reached the highest anger and distrust to mask his Love meant nothing to him, and someone to take his college en- ception approved by US author- affecttheNovembergeneralelec- they had “vigorously advocated
levels for this time of year own chronic insecurities. hecouldnotempathisewiththeir trance examination. ities. Houses of worship, includ- tion and other speech issues. for more and would have liked to
since 1961. Too Much and Never Enough: by Mary L Trump, presents a plight,oneofthedefiningcharac- The White House said the ing churches, temples and “Many in the civil rights com- seethecompanygofurthertoad-
How My Family Created the portrait of the President famil- teristics of a sociopath; he ex- book was in Mary Trump’s“own mosques, were exemptfrom the munity have become disheart- dresscivilrightsconcernsinahost
World’s Most Dangerous Man, iar to readers of other books as pected obedience, that was all.” financial self-interest”. NYT requirement. NYT ened, frustrated and angry after of areas.” NYT


Prominent artists, writers warn of an ‘intolerant climate’, stirring debate

nentartistsandintellectuals,itbe- whichcannotexistwithouteach TERwhenIwasasked9daysago,” Williams said there wasn’t vative Francis Fukuyama. There
JENNIFER SCHUESSLER gan with an acknowledgment of other,” it continues. “As writers Richard Kim, enterprise director one particular incident that pro- arealsosomeleadingBlackintel-
& ELIZABETH A HARRIS “powerful protests for racial and we need a culture that leaves us of HuffPost, said on Twitter, “be- voked the letter. But he did cite lectuals, including historian Nell
JULY 8 social justice” before pivoting to a room for experimentation, risk cause I could see in 90 seconds several recent ones, including Irvin Painter, poets Reginald
warningagainstan“intolerantcli- taking, and even mistakes.” thatitwasfatuous,self-important theresignationof morethanhalf DwayneBettsandGregoryPardlo,
THE KILLING of George Floyd has mate”engulfingtheculture. The letter, which was pub- drivel that would only troll the the board of the National Book and linguist John McWhorter.
brought an intense moment of “The free exchange of infor- lished by Harper’s Magazine, will people it allegedly was trying to Critics Circle over its statement Pardlo said he was surprised
racial reckoning in the United mation and ideas, the lifeblood also appear in several leading in- reach — and I said as much.” supporting Black Lives Matter, a bysomeoftheblowbacktothelet-
States. As protests spread across of a liberal society, is daily be- ternationalpublications,surfaces Thedebateoverdiversity,free similar blowup at the Poetry ter“fromtheleft”.“Itseemssome
the country, they have been ac- coming more constricted,” the a debate that has been going on expression and the limits of ac- Foundation, and the case of of the conversation has turned to
companiedbyopenletterscalling letter declared, citing “an intol- privatelyinnewsrooms,universi- J K Rowling and Salman Rushdie were among the signatories ceptable opinion is a long-burn- David Shor, a data analyst at a whothesignatoriesaremorethan
for — and promising — change at erance of opposing views, a ties and publishing houses that ingone.Buttheletter,whichwas consulting firm who was fired thecontentof theletter,”hesaid.
white-dominated institutions vogue for public shaming and have been navigating demands spearheaded by writer Thomas afterhetweetedaboutacademic Therewasparticularlystrong
across the arts and academia. ostracism and the tendency to for diversity and inclusion, while tion was swift, with some heap- along with journalists and aca- Chatterton Williams, began tak- researchlinkinglootingandvan- blowback over the inclusion of
ButTuesday,adifferenttypeof dissolvecomplexpolicyissuesin alsoaskingwhichdemands—and ing ridicule on the letter’s signa- demics — for thin-skinnedness, ing shape about a month ago, as dalism by protesters to Richard J.K. Rowling, who has come un-
letter appeared online. Titled “A a blinding moral certainty.” the social media dynamics that tories — who include cultural lu- privilegeand,asonepersonputit, part of a long-running conversa- Nixon’s 1968 electoral victory. der fierce criticism over a series
Letter on Justice and Open “We refuse any false choice propel them — go too far. minaries like Margaret Atwood, J fear of loss of “relevance.” tion about these issues with a Signatories include leftist of comments widely seen as
Debate,”andsignedby153promi- between justice and freedom, Andonsocialmedia,thereac- K Rowling and Salman Rushdie, “Okay, I did not sign THE LET- small group of writers. Noam Chomsky and neoconser- anti-transgender. NYT

New Delhi

Urgent Requirement: CWSN
Teacher, Salary: As per rules
1. The APTRANSCO (Transmission Corporation of Andhra Pradesh
Limited) invites bids on e-procurement platform for supply of
following Power Transformers for providing 9 Hrs. Agl. Power supply
13.02.1994 TO 07.07.2020

With heavy heart, we regret to inform thelossof our

Rajindra Public School, Main in day time and augmentation works:-
PERSONAL 50Feet Road, Nihal Vihar,
brave soldier whilein the line of duty. A sincere,
SI. Specification Name of the equipment Quantity in Tender loyal & dedicated soldier, his demise is a great loss
Nangloi, Delhi-110041 No. No. Nos. availability
I, RAM BABU VERMA S/O- I HASEEBA W/O MOHAMMAD to the battalion. We pray to ‘MaaDurga’ to rest
8505838662, Date
his soul in peace & to grant strength to bereaved
J.J.COLONY MADANPUR NIZAMUDDIN WEST NEW 1 PMM 21-e- 160MVA, 220/132/11kV Auto 10 Nos. 09.07.2020 family members to bear the irreparable loss.
om 0040541426-7 08/2020 Transformers
110076, HAVE changed my MY NAME TO HASEEBA BEGUM. 2 PMM 23-e- Lot-I: 80MVA, 132/33kV Lot-I: 11 Nos,.
11/2020 Power Transformers Lot-II: 21 Nos. DIPENDRA SECOND NINE GORKHAS
name to RAM BABU 0040541380-1 LOST & FOUND Lot-II: 50MVA, 132/33kV Lot-III: 13 Nos SEN THAKURI
0040541424-9 Power Transformers
I Ashish Kumar S/o Sh.Panna Lal I, Mrs Parveen Walia D/O Late Lot-III: 50MVA, 220/33kV ON THE 21st ANNIVERSARY OF THE VICTORY IN BATALIK,
I,JC-510484FSUB(HONYL R/o B-441, First Floor, Sector-19, D.D Grover have Lost my Power Transformers
LT)PARBODH SINGH,R/O-OF Noida, Distt. Gautam Budh original-Flat Documents. Cash WE PAY HOMAGE TO THE MARTYRS OF THE FIRST
VILL-JAGATPUR,PO- Nagar, U.P. have changed my Receipt,Possession Letter, 2. The interested bidders are be required to enroll themselves on the BATTALION, THE BIHAR REGIMENT AND REDEDICATE
JAKHOLARI,TEH - name to Ashish Kumar Singh Allotment Letter, Possession
‘e-procurement market place at OURSELVES TO THE SERVICE OF THE NATION.
PATHANKOT,DIST - for all purposes. Slip, Conveyance Deed,Sale
3. Complete set of bidding documents are available at
PATHANKOT(P)HEREBY 0040541391-1 deed for property
DECLARED,THAT-THE Flat.No.53,Shubham
I Nitya Prakash Gupta s/o Phone/Fax No. 0866-2429230 Extn.: 2014, 2034, 2031
Bhagwan das Gupta R/o D- Sd/-
DAUGHTER IS,MANISHA DEVI Flats, Dwarka,Delhi-78.
62/2, East chander Nagar Delhi-
Chief Engineer/Transmission, Vidyuth Soudha, Vijayawada, AP.
AND,NOT MANISHA 0040541424-10 R.O. No.: 165PP/CL/ADVT/1/1/2020-21
DEBY.THEREFORE,THE 51 changed my name to Nitya
Prakash. 0040541424-4 I, Madhubala W/o Bhoopal
Singh Tomar R/o Citadel-302, l8 8RLY(14)
FUTURE. 0040541426-12 Eldeco Green Meadows, Maj M Hav Rattan Nk Ganesh
Sector-Pi, Greater Noida. U.P., Sarvanan, Kumar Singh, Prasad Yadav,
I, Vijay Kumar son of Shri Tirath have lost my Original Registry Vrc SM VrC
Das Gudwani Resident of Paper of-B-151, Kalindi Kunj
House No. 2304, 2nd Floor, Awasiya Yojna, Khurja, U.P.
Hudson Line, Kingsway Camp
GTB Nagar, Delhi-110009 have 0040541441-1
changed my name from Vijay
Kumar to Vijay Kumar Gudwani PUBLIC NOTICE
for all intents & Purposes. FLAT NO. C-3/58-B, KESHAV
PURAM, DELHI-110035,
Inform that Vijay Kumar & Vijay Public at large is hereby informed
Kumar Gudwani both are one & I, SOMA W/o Late that my client Smt. BIMLA DEVI
same Person Name. Sh. Shiv Dayal R/o
W/o Late Sh. Kewal Krishan
Sharma R/o C-3/58-B, KESHAV L/Nk Bidya Sep Pramod Sep S S P
0040541420-1 S-221/47, Vishnu PURAM, DELHI-110035 is the Nand Singh, Kumar, Gupta,
Garden, Gali No.2, absolute owner of above stated
I, Sweety Walia,W/o-Sonu Pal property and the said property is SM SM SM
New Delhi-110018, proposed to be Equitable/
Singh Ahluwalia,R/O-H.No-3A,
inform that SOMA, Registered Mortgage with ICICI
Ayodhya Enclave,Sector-
13,Rohini,Delhi-110085,declare It is hereby notified that except the
SUMAN is the same
that actual name of mine above mentioned bank, any person
person i.e. myself or entity, firm/ company, Bank,
mentioned in Aadhar Card
and pertains to me. financial institution having claim any
Sweety Walia,W/O-Shri.Sonu
Pal Singh. 0040541426-13
PUBLIC NOTICE charge, interest or lien or claim on
the basis of documents/ court
Public at large is informed that judgment or otherwise and/ or
I, Simon Daniel s/o Harrison my client Sh. Aarhan Gupta S/o objection to thereof, he/she/they
Sh. Naresh Gupta, aged about may lodge/ notify the same to the
Daniel R/o-T-89, Khajan-Basti undersigned with documentary Sep Hardeo Sep N S K
21 years, presently residing at
Nangal Sabji Mandi, Nangal proof/ court judgment withn 7 days Prasad, SM Kavaji, SM
4/84, 2nd Floor, Punjabi Bagh,
Raya,Delhi-110046,have New Delhi, has lost Regd.
from the day of publication, failing
which the Relinquishment Deed/ Will
changed my name to Siman Special Power of Attorney executed in favour of Smt. BIMLA AND
Daniel. 0040541424-8 Registration No. 1234, Addl Book DEVI shall be deemed to be clear
and marketable without any defect,
Hav Birsa Oraon,SM, Sep Garasiya B B M Bhai, Sep Arbind Kumar
No. IV, Volume No. 2, Pages-
I, Rajvinder Kaur W/o Jarnail 6377-6383, Dated 29/02/2012 encumbrance, flaw and impediment Pandey
Singh R/o-staff qtrs C-3, Mata executed at Sub Registrar and my client(s) is/ are free to create
Equitable/ Registered Mortgage by
Sundari gurudwara, Minto- Kolkata, W.B by Sh. Suresh deposit of Chain of available title Your gallantry and supreme sacrifice were recognised
Raod,New Delhi-110002, Kumar Jain S/o Sh. Madan Lal documents with any person/ firms, through awards of Battle Honour “BATALIK” and Theatre
changed my name to Jain in favor of Sh. Jayant Kumar company, financial Institution/ Bank.
Jain S/o Sh. Madan Lal Jain for
Honour “KARGIL”. Your gallantry will always serve as an
Rajwinder Kaur. 0040541424-1 Sd/- SUNIL GUPTA,
the sale of properties bearing ADVOCATE inspiration for us. We, the fraternity of the Veer Bihari’s,
I, Pravinkumar Sankalchand Nos. Unit Nos. 4/101, Ist Floor, Chamber No. 311-312, Civil Wing, salute you and your brave families.
4/102, Ist Floor, Unit No. 4/201, Tis Hazari Courts, Delhi-110054
Patel S/O, Sankalchand R/o 413 Mobile- 8860313311,
2nd Floor and 4/201, 2nd Floor, The Bihar Regiment Association
Chhello Vas Nr Shakmarket Àff½fʪfd³fIY Àfc¨f³ff Sector P-II, Plot No. 4 & 7, all
Email :
Nava Vadaj Gam New Vadaj ¸fZSm ¸fb½fd¢I »f ßfe¸f°fe I` »ffVf QZ½fe ´f°³fe ßfe situated at Facility Centre
Ahmedabad have changed my ´fiZ¸f¨f³Q ¦fü°f¸f ´f°ff-417, ´fdV¨f¸ff¶ffQ Scheme, Maya Puri, New Delhi
name to Pravinbhai ªfZE³f¹fc, ½fÀf³°f Ib ³ªf ³fBÊ dQ»»fe ³fZ A´f³fZ ´fbÂf to Sh. Naresh Gupta S/o Sh.
SfIZ Vf ½f CÀfI e ´f°³fe I ed°fÊ IZ Qb½¹fʽfWfS
Sankalchand Patel for all Ratan Lal Gupta R/o A-318,
²f¸fdI ¹fûÔ IZ I fS¯f C³fÀfZ ½f C³fIZ ´fbÂf
purposes. 0040541365-2 Meera Bagh, Paschim Vihar,
I fd°fÊI ½f A´f³fe ´fbÂfe ³f¸fe°ff ½f Qe´ff I û
New Delhi-110027.
A´f³fe Àf¸fÀ°f ¨f»f A¨f»f Àfa´fdØf ÀfZ ¶fZQJ»f
I, Narinder Pal Kaur D/o Jarnail It is notified that whosoever will
I SIZ C³fÀfZ A´f³fZ Àf·fe ´ffdS½ffdSI Àfa¶fa²f
Singh R/o-staff qtrs C-3,Mata d½f¨LZ Q I S d»fE W`Ô Ü ·fd½f¿¹f ¸fZÔ C³fIZ dI Àfe find these documents may
Sundari Gurdwara Minto-Raod, ·fe IÈ °¹f IZ d»fE ¸fZSm ¸fb½fd¢I »f ½f ´fdS½ffSªf³f kindly return to the undersigned.
New Delhi-110002,changed my CØfSQf¹fe ³fWeÔ WûÔ¦fZÜ It is further notified that
WXÀ°ff./- whosoever will misuse the
name to Narinderpal Kaur. documents of my client, will be
Aªfe°f IbY¸ffSX dÀfaWX
0040541424-2 EOX½fûIZYMX charged with the criminal
B³f.³fa.- OXe/3040/2009 offence as per law.
I, Kanav Budhiraja s/o Jagddish Sd/-
Kumar r/o 14/65, Punjabi Bagh Mr. P.K. VERMA (ADVOCATE)
West, New Delhi-110026 have Reg. No. D/502/82
changed my name to KANV “Our Clients Sh. Rajesh Sharma S/o Lt. TIS HAZARI COURTS, DELHI
BUDHIRAJA permanently. Sh. K.L Sharma and Smt. Asha Sharma
W/o Sh. Rajesh Sharma both R/o H. No.
0040541418-1 WZ-57, UFF, Lal Dora, Nawada, Delhi-
110059, have severed all their
I, KHUSHBOO, W/O RAHUL relationships from his son Sh. Gaurav
Sharma S/o Sh. Rajesh Sharma and his
GUPTA, R/o-A-2/1103, SHIPRA wife Smt. Jyoti Sharma R/o H. No. WZ-
SUN-TOWER, SHIPRA SUN-CITY, 57, UFF, Lal Dora, Nawada, Delhi-
110059 and have disowned and
INDIRAPURAM, GHAZIABAD, debarred them from all his movable and
U.P-201014,changed my name immovable properties and our client
to KHUSHBOO SRIVASTAVA. would not be responsible for the acts,
deeds and things done by them.
0040541426-4 Sd/-
Office at: B-5/196, Sector-7, Rohini,
I, Jeevan Das S/o Lakhu Ram Delhi-85
Arenja R/o F-79 Prashant Vihar
Delhi-110085, changed my
name to Jeevan Dass Arenja PUBLIC NOTICE
permanently. 0040541426-1 SH. SHANKER LAL VERMA R/O 74,
I, Gitika Bhandari D/o-Subhash DELHI-110034 SEVERE ALL
Flat.No.304, Valley-View-Estate SHAINA VERMA FROM ENTIRE
Gwal Pahari Gurgaon changed MOVABLE/ IMMOVABLE
my name to Gitika Sharma. THEIR HOSTILE BEHAVIOUR. MY
I, Dina Nath S/o Late Sh.Atma Sd/- NIPUN GARG
Ram R/o-E-2/84/1, Shastri- ADVOCATE
Nagar, Delhi-110052, That Dina CH.NO. 925, 9th FLOOR, LAWYERS
Nath,Deena Nath & Dena Nath COURTS COMPLEX, DELHI
Arora, All names one and Same
Person deponent’s. Known
Dina Nath in future PUBLIC NOTICE
0040541417-1 SH SANT SINGH R/O A-9, POCKET-00,
chander Nagar Delhi-51 WIFE SMT. KUSUM AND THEIR
changed my name to Shailly. CHILDREN NAMELY AKSHAT & DAKSH

CLIENT WAS, ARE AND WILL NOT BE (A J&K Government Undertaking)
Telefax-0194-2493604, 9419269220,
PARK,DELHI-110033.CHANGED DELHI- 110085 Tender Id : 2020_JKML_99481_1 Tender reference no : BO/PGP/PM/2020
MY NAME TO CHANCHAL E-tenders are invited in two cover system from reputed, technically and financially sound
KUMAR. 0040541426-2 authorized sales centers/dearlerships for Supply of Chain mounted Excavator for its Gypsum
I, Baljit Singh S/o Jarnail Singh It is hereby informed that my clients Kishore
Kumar Dua and Dalip Kumar Dua both S/o
Mines situated at Assar Doda Jammu & Kashmir having the specifications as contained in the
R/o-Staff qtrs C-3, Mata Kundan Lal Dua both R/o UP-43, Pitam Pura,
Delhi-34, are the owner of Property Bering No.
Annexure II of tender document.
Sundari Gurudwara Minto- BE-266, 60 Sq.Mtrs., Khasra No. 1907, Hari
Nagar, Delhi-110064, after the death of our
The tender document is available on website Interested bidders may
Road new Delhi-110002, father he had kept the document of the said
property somewhere which are not traceable
view or download the e-Bid document, and submit their e-Bid online up to date as per the details
changed my name to Baljeet with their best efforts and due to this they
have lost/misplaced Original Property
mentioned in the table below.
Singh. 0040541424-3 Documents, but the Xerox copy of documents
Description EMD in Cost of Tender Last date of
are in the custody of my clients. my clients has

I, Amarjit Kushwaha S/o

lodged FIR/NCR/LR vide No. 386464/2020,
Dated:- 01.07.2020, with the Police station Rupees Document submission
Sikandar Kushwaha R/o
Crime Branch, Delhi. If anybody found said
documents, please inform them at the above In Rs. of E-bid
address or Contact them on Mobile No.
Flat.No.8D, Block-B5, 9818389983, 9210416917.
Supply of Chain mounted Excavator for its Gypsum 1,00,000 5,000 15/07/2020
Dhawalgiri Apartment, Sector- If any other claimant has any right in the
aforesaid property, he/she should file an FIR & Mines situated at Ramban Jammu & Kashmir.
34, Noida, DISTT-G.B.Nagar, give intimation to my client within 30 days from
the date of issue of this notice.
U.P., have changed my name to SURENDER KUMAR (ADVT.)
The interested parties shall have to provide/furnish information with regard to their technical
ENRL. NO- D/152/88
Amarjeet Kushwaha. and financial background which should conform with the prescribed parameters/ criteria and
0040541441-2 other terms & Conditions as contained in the tender document.
PUBLIC NOTICE DIPK-NB-1260 Sd/- Managing Director
I imran khan S/o-sadakat My, client Smt. Manmeet Kaur W/O Late
Hussain Add-73 block-9 S. Harmohinder Singh Madan R/O
A-143, Gujraawala Town, Part-1, New
dakshinpuri extn Delhi-110009, has severed all her
dr.Ambedkar-Nagar new delhi- relationship from her Son Manik Singh
Madan and his wife Gurpreet Kaur D/O
110062. changed my name to Pritpal Singh Vohra and their legal heirs.
She has disowned and debarred them
imran. 0040541424-7 from all her money(s), assets, accounts,
policies, entitlements, movable and
I YOUSUF S/O MOHD BASHEER immovable properties etc, whether
R/O 1148 MAIN BAZAR MATIA present or in future. My client would not
be responsible for losses, acts, deeds
MAHAL JAMA MASJID DELHI and things done by them.
NEW DELHI-110017
I Preeti Datta alias Priti Datta
D/O G.S. Datta R/O
H.No.96,Mohyal Colony, Sector- PUBLIC NOTICE
40, Gurgaon,have changed my My client Sh. Madan Lal Arora
name to Priti Datta. Son of Sh. J. R. Lal Residents of
36, F/F, Guru Angad Nagar,
0040541424-6 Extn., Delhi -110092, disown/
debard his son Sh. Kapil Arora
I MANJU TOMAR M/o-SANCHIT and his family i.e. (i) Smt. Neetu
TOMAR R/o-749/12 GALI Arora, Wife., (ii) Nitika
NO.1,RAMYAN BHAWAN, Arora...Daughter (iii) Ishaan
Arora..Son, from their all
SHAHDARA, DELHI- movable and immovable
110032,HAVE CHANGED MY properties/Assets and he shall
MINOR SON NAME JEETU TO not responsible for any matter
SANCHIT TOMAR,FOR regarding them and he has not
ALL,PURPOSES. any type of relation with them.,
0040541426-3 S.R-II,B Campus,Janakpuri, New Delhi-58

New Delhi



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Note: Gold, silver rates at spot market in Delhi; gold per 10g, silver per 1 kg; Brent crude as of 2330 IST

SENSEX: 36,329.01 ▼ 345.51 NIFTY: 10,705.75 ▼ 93.90 NIKKEI: 22,438.65 ▼ 176.04 HANG SENG: 26,129.18 ▲ 153.52 FTSE: 6,178.29 ▼ 11.61 DAX: 12,551.47 ▼ 65.33
International market data till 1900 IST

Govttoannounceschemetoboostoutputof41bulkdrugs plan of 3 PSU insurers,
okays `12,450 cr infusion

startingmaterials—chemicalsyn- “This scheme will help pro- totakeayeartosetupthecapabil-
PRABHARAGHAVAN thesis-based and fermentation- mote self-reliance in active phar- itiesforchemicalsynthesis-based
NEWDELHI,JULY8 based.Around41suchbulkdrugs maceutical ingredients and key bulk drugs in India and two years

have been approved under this startingmaterials.Thisisveryim- for fermentation-based bulk ENSECONOMICBUREAU Integration
THE GOVERNMENT is set to an- scheme,includingpenicillin-G,vi- portant from the perspective of drugs.Approvalunderthescheme NEWDELHI,JULY8
nounce the contours of a scheme taminB1,prednisolone,diclofenac AtmanirbharBharat,MakeinIndia will begrantedbyanempowered challenge
toboosttheproductionof41bulk sodium,valsartanandrifampicin. and strengthening the supply committeecomprisingsecretaries TO IMPROVE financial and sol- ●
drugs — ranging from antibiotics Theschemeoffersa“positive”de- chain,” said the official. Several of DoP, Department of Chemicals vency position of state-owned THETHREEinsurershave
toingredientsforlifesavingTBand velopment at a time when firmshaveexpressed“huge”inter- and Petrochemicals, DPIIT, generalinsurancecompanies,the differenttechnologyand
heartdrugslikepenicillin-G,vita- pharmacompanieshavebeenfac- estinparticipating,theyadded. Ministry of Commerce and Union Cabinet Wednesday ap- ITplatforms,andplatform
min B1, prednisolone and di- ing difficulties with sourcing af- The upper limit of the annual Industry,MinistryofEnvironment provedfundinfusionof Rs12,450 migrationandintegration
clofenac sodium. The scheme, fordable bulk drugs from China, incentives in this scheme will be andMinistryofHealthandFamily crore in Oriental Insurance wouldhavebeenanim-
comingatatimewhenIndia’sde- according to another senior gov- capped,however,andwillvaryde- Welfare.FollowingtheCabinetan- Company Limited, National mediatechallenge.
pendence on China for crucial TestingforCOVID-19inNewDelhi,Wednesday.Theschemeto ernmentofficial. pending on the bulk drug. These nouncement,DoPhadconstituted Insurance Company Limited and
medicine ingredients has come boostoutputof 41bulkdrugsincludeantibiotics,ingredients China currently accounts for incentiveswillbegiventothefirst a technical committee under the United India Insurance Company
under the scanner, is being fi- forlifesavingTB,andheartdrugslikepenicillin-G,vitaminB1, nearly 70 per cent of India’s bulk 136 firms that receive approval chairmanship of Central Drugs Limited. The government has a three-month extension to the
nalised this week, The Indian prednisoloneanddiclofenacsodium. TashiTobgyal drug imports, but the cost of sev- andinvestaminimumamountset Standard Control Organisation given up plans of merging the ongoing EPF (employees’ provi-
Expresshaslearnt. eral of these crucial ingredients in the guidelines, ranging from Joint Drugs Controller, Dr Eswara three companies that was earlier dent fund) contribution support
A technical committee set up havebeenontheriselately. Rs 20 crore to Rs 400 crore, to set Reddy, to work out the details of announced in the Union Budget. for companies having up to 100
to outline the details of the upcapacitytochurnoutthesekey stance,thegovernmentwillpaya “There are attractive incen- up the manufacturing capacities thePLIscheme. ThisfundingsupportcomprisesRs workers and 90 per cent of them
Rs6,940-croreProduction-Linked ingredients, a senior government firmthathassetupcapabilitiesto tives.Theplanistoannounceitas forthesebulkdrugs. Whileworkhadbeeninitiated 2,500 crore equity that was in- earning up to Rs 15,000 per
Incentive (PLI) scheme, first an- officialdirectlyawareofthedevel- make fermentation-based ingre- soon as possible, and work is go- “Older companies with avail- in the last four years to reduce fusedin2019-20,anotherRs3,475 month.FinanceMinisterNirmala
nounced by the Union Cabinet in opment told The Indian Express. dient penicillin-G around 20 per ing on this week to finalise the able land that can be used for this India’s dependence on China for crorewillbereleasedimmediately, Sitharaman had in May an-
March,islearnttohavesubmitted Under this scheme, the govern- cent of their total annual sales of scheme,” the first official said, purpose will also be eligible for pharmaceutical ingredients, in- while the balance Rs 6475 crore nouncedtheextensionoftheben-
itsfinaldrafttotheDepartmentof ment will pay drugmakers 10-20 thisproductasanincentive. adding it would then have to go theseincentives,buttheywillhave dustry executives earlier told The willbeinfusedlater. efit under the Pradhan Mantri
Pharmaceuticals last week. The per cent of their annual turnover The PLI scheme is expected to throughprocessesof legalvetting toputintheminimuminvestment IndianExpressthatnotmuchhead- “Further,theprocessofmerger GaribKalyanYojanatillAugust.
department is currently working for making and selling these bulk “encourage”domesticproduction and approvals from the Minister tocreatethefacilities,”saidoneof wayhadbeenmade. has been ceased so far in view of Under the PMGKY package,
tobringtheguidelinesout“assoon drugs as an incentive, depending of two categories of active phar- ofChemicalsandFertilizersbefore theofficialscitedabove. Full report on the current scenario and instead, the government will make pay-
as possible”, so that firms can set on the category of input. For in- maceutical ingredients and key itisfinallyannounced. Onceannounced,itisexpected the focus shall be on their prof- ment of 12 per cent of employer
itable growth,” the government and 12 per cent employee contri-
saidinastatement.Toenablefund bution into the EPF accounts for

June equity MF inflows fall 95% Project Gryphon: Twitter working infusion in these companies, the
government has also enhanced
the eligible companies for the
wage months of June, July and

on cash flow woes, profit booking on potential subscription platform

theirauthorisedsharecapital.The August.Thebenefitwasprovided
capital infusion will enable the earlierforsalarymonthsofMarch,
three general insurers to improve AprilandMay.
lead the Payment and their financial and solvency posi- “TheUnionCabinetchairedby
Rs 13,520 crore in June. PRANAVMUKUL Following the news, Subscriptionclientwork,someone tion,absorbchangesandenhance thePrimeMinisterNarendraModi
Twitter’s shares jumped whovaluescollaborationasmuch thecapacitytoraiseresourcesand todayhasgivenitsapprovalforex-
MUMBAI, JULY 8 DEBTMFSCHEMES debtMFschemesalsodeclinedto
Rs 2,861 crore in June from Rs MICROBLOGGING PLATFORM 9.7% on account of
the engineering team. It’s a great
The boards of the three insur-
tending the contribution both 12
per cent employees’ share and 12
INFLOWS INTO equity schemes 63,665.54 crore in May. In the Twitter,inajob-listingpostedon experts pegging a opportunity for all teams in- ancecompanieshadinJanuaryap- per cent employers’ share under
■ The total new
of mutual funds (MFs) plum- debt segment, there was an out- its website Wednesday, said it volved!”thejobpostingnoted. provedthemergerprocess,setting Employees Provident Fund, to-
meted 95 per cent in June as in-
inflows into debt MF
flow of Rs 44,226 crore in June. was building a subscription plat- subscription platform Twitter has been working on thestagefortheformationofabig talling 24 per cent for another
schemes also declined to diversify the firm’s
vestors held back investment ArunKumar,headofresearch, form under the codename asubscriptionserviceforitsbusi- insurance entity. Though former threemonthsfromJunetoAugust,
to Rs 2,861 crore in
plans and booked profits amid,said,“Equityin- “Gryphon”. While the company revenue stream ness customers with additional Finance Minister Arun Jaitley had 2020, as part of the package an-
June from Rs 63,665.54
cashflowconcernsinthewakeof flowshavesloweddownasmany did not disclose any further de- features since 2017. announcedtheirmergerinBudget nounced by the government un-
crore in May.
the continuing lockdown in the investorsarewaitingforclarityon tails of the said platform, it said Followingthenews,Twitter’s 2018-19,therewashardlyanymo- derPMGKY/AatmanirbharBharat
country. Mutual funds saw a net their own future cash flows be- that the Gryphon team was can be reused by other teams in sharesjumpedbyalmost9.7per mentum in its implementation. in the light of COVID-19, a pan-
inflow of only Rs 240.5 crore in fore investing further.” closely collaborating with the thefuture.ThisisafirstforTwitter! cent, mainly on account of ex- The three companies have differ- demic,”anofficialstatementsaid.
June,asagainstRs5,256.52crore Figures released by the Another analyst said it is pos- payments team and the Gryphon is a team of web engi- pertspeggingasubscriptionplat- ent technology and IT platforms, The total expenditure under
in May even as the benchmark Association of Mutual Funds of sible that some investors might team. neers who are closely collaborat- form to diversify the social me- and platform migration and inte- the scheme is estimated to be Rs
Sensex gained 2,491 points dur- India (Amfi) show that MFs re- havesoldtheirMFequityportfo- “We are a new team, code- ing with the Payments team and dia company’s revenue stream, gration would have been an im- 4,860 crore covering over 72 lakh
ing themonthon theback of for- ported equity mobilisation of Rs lio when the Sensex bounced namedGryphon.Wearebuilding the team. We are which is currently almost en- mediatechallenge. employees in 3.67 lakh establish-
eign portfolio inflows. 13,760 crore and redemptions of back in June. a subscription platform, one that lookingforafull-stackengineerto tirely dependent on advertising. The Cabinet also gave nod for ments.

Amazon India’s unit gets $308 mn SBI cuts MCLR BMS announces 7-day stir against ‘Consultations ongoing to bring Indians with
in fresh funds from parent firm by up to 10 bps job loss, privatisation of PSUs valid residency, work permit back to UAE’
The company, which com- opened the airports to allow visi- dency and work permit, ICA ap-
REUTERS petes with Walmart Inc’s ENSECONOMICBUREAU ENS ECONOMIC BUREAU The RSS-affiliated trade ENSECONOMICBUREAU tors and residents back into UAE proval and COVID-19 PCR test to
BENGALURU, JULY 8 Flipkart in India, has also been MUMBAI,JULY8 NEW DELHI, JULY 8 NEWDELHI,JULY8 on two conditions. One is that beabletotravelfromIndiaintothe
expanding its seller network in
union plans to hold they have to have an ICA (Federal UAE,”hesaid,atawebinarorgan-
AMAZON.COM INC has invested the country. STATEBANKofIndia(SBI)Wedn- BHARATIYA MAZDOOR Sangh demonstrations across RESPONDING TO queries about Authority for Identity and Citiz- ised by PHD Chamber of Comm-
Rs 2,310 crore ($308.02 million) Indian laws allow foreign e- esday cut its marginal cost of (BMS) will observe ‘Sarkar Jagao the country Indian citizens with valid resi- enship) approval ... and two, they erce and Industry Wednesday.
in Amazon Seller Services, an commerce companies to oper- funds based lending rate (MCLR) Saptah’ (Wake Up Government) dency visas or work permits need to have COVID-19 PCR test Lastmonth,theDubaiadmin-
Indian unit, strengthening the ate as “market places,” connect- by 5-10 basis points for tenors up from July 24-30 to raise workers’ wanting to travel to the United donenomorethan96hoursfrom istrationhadannouncedopening
business at a time when more ing buyers with sellers online. tothreemonths.Itwillcomeinto issues at state and national level working hours in many states ArabEmirates(UAE),thecountry’s the date of arrival into UAE,” up its airports for residency visa
people shop online in a bid to As India went into a nation- effect on July 10. With this, SBI’s across sectors and industries. and privatisation of public sec- ambassador to India Ahmed Albanna said, adding that the holders and tourists, upon which
avoid crowded public places. wide lockdown, Amazon en- MCLR up to 3 months tenor is at The Rashtriya Swayamsevak tor undertakings (PSUs), it said Albanna said that consultations problem was that India had not low-cost airline Air India Express
Amazon Singapore made a couraged small shops to join as 6.65 per cent, on par with its ex- Sangh (RSS)-affiliated trade in a statement on Wednesday. are ongoing with the Ministry of opened up its airports for foreign approached authorities to seek
significant portion of financing, sellers on its platform in a bid to ternal benchmark lending rate. union plans to hold protests and The decision was taken at a External Affairs and Ministry of carriers to fly Indian citizens out. permissiontoflypassengersfrom
data from business intelligence boost local businesses and ex- Meanwhile, SBI’s executive demonstrationsacrossthecoun- virtualmeetingof nationaloffice CivilAviationtoputinplaceanop- “We have been talking and India to the UAE on the repatria-
firm Tofler showed. pand its reach. committee also approved an in- try against “five burning issues”: bearers of BMS on Tuesday, erationdedicatedtoflysuchpeo- consulting with the Ministry of tion flights but to no avail. Earlier,
The company’s Indian arm in Jeff Bezos-led vestment of up to Rs 1,760 crore Problems of unorganised sector whichwaspresidedoverbyBMS ple to the West Asian nation. External Affairs and Ministry of UAE had reprimanded Air India
May said it would hire 50,000 in January announced a $1 bil- in the public offering of Yes Bank. workers particularly migrant National President C K Saji “There are questions about Civil Aviation and hopefully very Express for ferrying passengers
temporary workers to meet a lion investment to bring more On Tuesday, Yes Bank had ap- workers,non-paymentof wages, Narayanan and convened by IndiannationalsinIndiawithvalid soon ... there will be some opera- from India to the UAE on repatri-
surge in online shopping in the than 10 million small businesses provedraisingfunds viaa further huge job losses, suspension of General Secretary Virjesh residency and work permit for tion dedicated to those Indians ation flights meant to bring back
country. online in India by 2025. public offering. labour laws and increase in Upadhyay. UAE...AsImentioned,theUAEhas who are in India with valid resi- stranded Indian citizens.

BRIEFLY ‘Sections of households see Nirav Modi assets TAMIL NADU TrANsMIssIoN CorPorATIoN LTD.
PMatIndia rise in savings after lockdown’ worth `329.6 cr NoTICE INVITING TENDErs (e-TeNDerINg ProCeSS)

confiscated: ED
sl. No Tender Inviting Authority Specification No. Total

During lockdown, when in-
1 SE/Transmission-II T-2151, T-2152, T-2153,
T-2154, T-2155
For details of works/Procurement/Due date of submission/opening

New Delhi: Prime Minister MUMBAI,JULY8 impacted,thebalanceintheirJan- EXPRESSNEWSSERVICE Corrigendum, Due date extension, viewing and downloading of e-tenders,
Narendra Modi will Thurs- Dhan deposit accounts rose by MUMBAI,JULY8 please visit websites:,,
daydelivertheinauguralad- OVERTHElastthreemonthssince aroundRs400peraccountcumu-,
dress at the India Global India announced a lockdown on lativelyintheJunequarter.“Apart THE ENFORCEMENT Directorate
Week 2020. March24,sectionsofhouseholds of the increase is also on account (ED) Wednesday confiscated
witnessed a rise in savings — in- of the central government trans- properties worth Rs 329.66 crore
Goldup`723 cluding those working in the for-
mal sector and some parts of the
der the Fugitive Economic
onglobalcues informal segment — as reflected
in a modest pick-up in Jan Dhan
UBS said in a report.
Offenders Act, 2018 (FEOA).
New Delhi: Gold prices in account deposits, bank deposits In India, households contrib- fiscated properties include four
Delhi rose Rs 723 to Rs and small saving schemes. utenearly53percenttobankde- flatsattheSamudraMahalbuild-
49,898 per 10 gram. According to Swiss banking posit outstanding. Deposits with inginWorli;aseasidefarmhouse
group UBS, while forced savings banks have picked up to 11 per and land in Alibaug; a wind mill
Instagram’s could be going up in the formal
sector on income continuity, a
cent on year-on-year base as of
ReelsinIndia large chunk of labour employed
average registered in FY20). This
is despite the nominal interest
and bank deposits. The agency
said a special court in Mumbai
New Delhi: Instagram on increased precautionary savings rates on term deposit by banks had on June 8 directed the ED to
Wednesday said it will start despitestagnant/reducedincome fallingfurtherby100bpsoverlast confiscate assets worth Rs 1,396
testing a new format Reels’ by lowering consumption. three-months(fromMarch2020). crore belonging to Modi.
in India that will allow
users to create and share
short videos.
COVID impact: Voice calls are now
RossariBiotech 20-70% longer, shows Ericsson study
IPOonJul13 communication. And voice calls behaviour traffic patterns, in the
New Delhi: Rossari Biotech NANDAGOPALRAJAN arenowtypically20to70percent last few months they have got an
willcomeoutwithitsinitial NEWDELHI,JULY8 longerthantheyaretraditionally,” “extraenergyto drive this kind of
share-saleonJuly13,which he said in a video interaction, analysis with the COVID situa-
will end four months of lull AMONG THE many behavioural adding how this figure has been tion”. “So, while we have fresher
in the IPO market. PTI changes the coronavirus lock- quitestableformanyyears.“What numbers and articulated conclu-
down has induced is the trend has been going up is how often sionsinsomeareas,theyareany-
NodtoEros, thatpeoplearenowmakingvoice
calls that last longer than usual.
the intensity is there but the du-
way pointing in a direction that
we have seen for some years,” he
STXmerger Ericsson’s APAC CTO Magnus
nificant change from earlier.”
said, citing the example of when
3G was launched and how they
New Delhi: The CCI Wedn- that they have been seeing how Ewerbring said that while for noticed networks were busier in
esday approved merger of the duration of sessions are in- Ericsson it has always been very the evening when people were
Eros International Plc with creasing. “One very clear piece of importanttofollowthecommer- streaming content at home.
STX Filmworks. ENS statistic that we monitor is talk- cial implementation of the net- Full report on
time—howlongisatypicalvoice works and thereby look at traffic

New Delhi

The Sports Ministry has asked Hockey India President Mushtaque Ahmad to step
down, declaring that his 2018 election was violative of the national sports code's tenure
guidelines. In a July 6 letter addressed to HI Secretary General Rajinder Singh, the
Ministry asked the federation "to conduct fresh election for the post of president" by
September 30 for the remaining term, that is, "upto 30.09.2022...". PTI

Cricket returns with a message CAG wants its

‘You don’t get over things like that BCCI nominee
Players take a knee before play on Day One; only 17.4 overs possible due to bad weather and society has not got over that’ recused
REUTERS/AP West Indies legend Michael Holding and Ebony Rainford-Brent, the first black fe- SHAMIKCHAKRABARTY
SOUTHAMPTON, JULY 8 male cricketer to play for England, lashed out against institutionalised racism KOLKATA,JULY8
and how society needs to be educated for this malaise to be eradicated, on Sky
AFTER A 117-day absence, international Sports. The delayed start to the first England vs West Indies Test gave Holding, THE COMPTROLLER and Auditor General of
cricket returned in familiar fashion on Rainford-Brent and former England captain Nasser Hussain a chance to reflect on India(CAG)hasfiledanapplicationbeforethe
Wednesday as rain and bad light restricted this issue and reassert why the BLM movement matters. The issue has returned to SupremeCourtseekingrecusalofitsnominee
the first test between England and West the spotlight after the death of George Floyd, a black man, at the hands of a white from the management position in the BCCI’s
Indiesto17.4oversandthehostsclosedafrus- Apex Council and the IPL Governing Council.
policeman in the United States. It sparked worldwide protests and before the
trating day on 35-1. The CAG nominee has been made part of the
After all the anticipation, day one of the
start of play, the players from England and West Indies as well as match officials BCCI'sapexbodyfollowingthe2016Supreme
first of three tests turned out to be a damp took a knee for 30 seconds to show their solidarity on the matter. Court order based on the Justice RM Lodha
squib. If any fans had been allowed in they Committeerecommendations.Theapexcourt
would have been jeering and complaining as hadmadetheCAGrepresentativeapartofthe
theplayersremainedinthepavilionformore ‘Dehumanisation of the blacks’ ‘We need honest conversations’ all-powerfulcommitteetobring“financialand
than90minutesbecauseof badlight,despite audit experience” and “independent voices”
Southampton’sAgeasBowlhavingfloodlights. Holding said people of all races need to Rainford-Brent stressed on the need to have to the BCCI.
If thatfrustration,anissueadministrators study what happened in the past to get the people of colour in positions where they In its plea filed on July 4, the CAG has said
appear powerless or unwilling to address, right perspective on racism. could make a difference. that it’s a ‘Supreme Audit Institution of the
was all-too familiar, much else about the oc- “What I mean by education is people “It can’t be a ‘black person’s problem’, Country’andthe“auditoroflastresort”which
casion felt very different. going back in history. What people need it has got to be everyone’s problem. We iscalledto“undertakeaspecialaudit”ifthere’s
Thematchisbeingplayedina“bio-secure West Indies captain Jason Holder, second left, and teammates take a knee in to understand is that this stems from a have got to want a society that is repre- a dispute. It further adds that it’s nominee “is
environment” with daily health checks for support of the Black Lives Matter movement on the first day of the Test match long time ago. The dehumanisation of sentative and supports people from dif- notservingtheobjectivesof theJusticeLodha
everyoneintheground.Therearehomeum- against England, in Southampton on Wednesday. AP the black race is where it started and peo- ferent backgrounds...That’s what it is for CommitteeaswellasthisHon’bleCourtbybe-
pires - the first time in England since 2002 - ple will tell you ‘get over it’. No, you don’t me. We need honest conversations, op- ing part of the management decisions”.
andbecause of thateachteamhavethreere- get over things like that and society has portunities and people in positions of heCAGsaysinnowaytheyarerequesting
ferrals instead of the usual two per innings.
'Jeruselum on PA but far from normal' not got over that.”
Holding argued that the black race had
power. And then we can change the land-
scape,” she said.
for a recall or review of the principal judge-
ment and only praying for a "limited relief".
ishtheballandumpireswillnottakejumpers been dehumanised and their accomplish- TheformerEnglandcricketer,whoisnow On the day the CAG filed the application,
and caps from bowlers. SAME SPOT, DIFFERENT RESULT logistical issues, maybe the match could ments wiped off from history. The 66-year- the head of women’s cricket at Surrey, be- its nominee in the BCCI, Alka Rehani
After a rain-delayed start, players from In the second over, Shannon Gabriel cas- be stretched into a sixth day to get the old reckoned that racism within society lieved that apart from education, a shift in Bharadwaj,hadraisedaredflagoverthepres-
both teams “took a knee” having observed a tled Dom Sibley to what the old-fash- required overs in, and maybe a result. will not be eradicated until people from all the collective attitude in society can propel a enceofBCCIsecretaryJayShahatameetingof
minute’s silence to mark the victims of the ioned Englishmen would call a bail-trim- sections of society are educated to include positive change. the Apex Council scheduled for July 17. Shah
novel coronavirus and former West Indies mer, a viciously deviating back-of-length WINSTON'S DAY OUT both black and white historical perspec- ‘Youhavebeenlookingawayfortoolong’ hascompletedhistermassecretary,butaBCCI
batsmanEvertonWeekes,whodiedlastweek. ball clipping the bails en route, as the With no people in the stands, the 20- tives. The Jamaican cited events from his- Hussain said people need to confront petition seeking extension of the terms of of-
A Black Lives Matter logo also was on the batsman let it go on the bounce. It was month old cocker spaniel Winston could tory that were recorded from the white their biases and prejudices, and not just look fice-bearers is pending before the Supreme
collar of the test shirts worn by players from the exact replica of a delivery Rory Burns happily roam around with his master, perspective. the other way. Court. Pointing to the clause regarding a cool-
both teams for the match played in a strict was given not out on umpire’s call in the the groundsman Simon Lee. In the past “We have been brainwashed and not “I sat there six weeks ago and watched ing-off period in the BCCI constitution, she
isolatedenvironmentandfollowingrepeated first over as he offered no stroke and the Lee had described Winston thus: "He’s just black people, white people have been a black man being killed in front of my asked for the reconstitution of the apex body.
testing of players and staff members. ball brushed the pad. Former fast bowler come to work with me every day since I brainwashed in many ways... think about eyes. My natural reaction is to look away ... Bharadwaj had said that the joint secretary
TheWestIndiessquadhassaidthemove- Derek Pringle was not amused. “Sibley got him. He’s a bit of a lunatic but he religion… I am not really a very holy per- the next time it came on, because of the “wouldbepresumablyofficiatingassecretary
ment, which has grown since the killing of out, Burns not out - crazy world of DRS breaks up the silence a little bit.” son, not a very religious person, but that protest, I forced myself to watch, because afterthevacationofsecretaryBCCIpost”.Atext
GeorgeFloydintheUnitedStatesinMay,has protocols,” he fumed on his Twitter han- is what we were taught. Look at Jesus I felt something inside me tell that ‘Nasser, message to Bharadwaj inquiring if she was
been a source of motivation on this tour. dle. Pads to the rescue, Burns would say. BARMY ARMY'S VOICE HEARD Christ and the image of Jesus Christ - pale you have been looking away for too long’.” aware about the CAG application in the
The kneeling gesture has been made be- Barmy Army, the official 12th man of skin, blonde hair, blue eyes. Where Jesus The former England captain argued that Supreme Court went unanswered.
fore Premier League matches since the re- A SIXTH-DAY THOUGHT the England team, was not present at the came from, who in that part of the world people have been looking away from this is- TheCAGapplicationhaspointedoutthatits
sumption of soccer in England last month. Just a handful of overs were possible Ageas Bowl on Wednesday when inter- looks that way?” Holding explained. sue for far too long. nomineeisjustamemberintheApexCouncil,
on the day competitive cricket returned. national cricket resumed after a pan- Citing an incident in New York where a When asked if he had ever faced racism whiletheelectedoffice-bearers(five)formthe
With more rain and smouldering black demic-induced hiatus. But they surely white woman had called the police on a in his life, Hussain said: “Of course, I have majority. “ItisrelevanttosubmitthattheCAG’s
The match is being played in a clouds forecast for the next couple of made their presence felt after black bird-watcher, Holding said her actions (faced racism), with my surname grow- nomineeintheApexCouncilisjustoneof the
“bio-secure environment” with days, the match could well end up 'Jerusalem', their signature title song were based on established prejudices. “... ing up ... with an Indian dad and an ninemembers,andoneofthesevenmembers
grossly truncated (cheerio, fragile bat- popular among all English cricket fans bythetimehe(theblackman)provesheis English mom, probably getting a bit from in the IPL Governing Council, and is therefore
daily health checks for
ting lineups do spark hopes of a result). was blared through the stadium's not guilty, he might be dead. She had that both sides... while fielding on the bound- party to decisions, whether or not she/he is in
everyone in the ground. But with no ticketing hassles or crowd or PA system. ENS thinginhermindfromdayone.That’swhy ary in various parts of the world and peo- agreementwiththosedecisions.”theapplica-
she said and did what she did,” he added. ple say ‘hey Saddam’,” he added. ENS tion stated.

OVER THE HEDGE by Michael Fry & T Lewis

ARIES (Mar 21 - Apr 20) LIBRA (Sept 24 - Oct 23)
The main pre- You often feel
occupation over the undervalued and
current time is taken for granted,
personal creativity. sometimes with
You need to express your good reason. Yet, now could be
deeply unique talents, and your the perfect time to turn the
main strategy should probably tables on partners and make
now be to go back and look at them see that you are to be
the way things were done in the taken seriously, and that your
past. You’ll uncover clues as to feelings are worth every
what you should do in bit as much as theirs.
the present.
SCORPIO (Oct 24 - Nov 22)
TAURUS (Apr 21 - May 21) You're still in the
It may be irritating driving seat, so you
to be tied to what should gain
friends have in personally from
CALVIN & HOBBES by Bill Watterson mind, but unless much of what is going on.
you want to be a hermit you However, when life is moving
will have to accept that your way you should make a
others's feelings must come determined effort to look after
first. In love, you should other people's interests as well
abandon unrealistic as your own. They'll return the
expectations of what romance favour when the position
Across Down should or shouldn't be about. is reversed.
1. Be careful, the timekeeper’s 1 Put in the paper (4) GEMINI (May 22 - June 21) SAGITTARIUS (Nov 23 - Dec 22)
incorrect (5,3) 2 Novel role, but giving difficulty Domestic A mystery of sorts
5 Not considered a (7) relationships should should soon be
disfigurement (4) 3 What post-graduates work for, be worked at. There's cleared up, but
9 A wish to be in company to a greater extent? no point in blaming the answer may lie
(5) (6,6) other people because such- within rather than without. In
10 A palindrome immortalised 4 Modernise a quiet duet, and-such a thing may have other words, because of
(7) perhaps (6) gone wrong, or because you your own preconceptions,
11 Exemplary piece of instruction 6 Another name for a criminal may not have got your way. you have misinterpreted
(6,6) (5) The past is the past, and the someone else's intentions.
13 Form stayed disorganised 7 The trouble about a Spaniard is future must be tackled with Your vivid imagination may
(6) he puts pleasure before work hope and courage. be to blame, rather than
14 No way to go through a (8)
congested area 8 Where to obtain horses for a MARVIN by Tom Armstrong CANCER (June 22 - July 23)
awkward circumstances.
(6) charge (6,6) You will be unwilling CAPRICORN (Dec 23 - Jan 20)
17 An overdrawn account 12 Star strikes a new pose to perform any task A great deal depends
(12) (8) which doesn’t suit on how you get on
20 Titanic destroyer (7) 15 A room redesigned by us is your personal with other people,
21 It may be used to lift an romantic wishes and interests. You may even at work.
obstruction (5) (7) therefore be a reluctant Emotional undercurrents and
22 Old acquaintance 16 It’s clear there’s a note to employee unless those in beliefs count for very much
(4) correct authority entrust you with more than the facts. Even in
23 Emphasised courses need to (6) taxing and interesting business, partners seem to be
be reversed 18 A factor in show responsibilities. It's partly influenced by the way things
(8) business (4) up to you, but also up to them. once were, rather than the way
they are now.
SolutionsCrossword4164:Across:1Fancy-free,8Repel,9Regular,10Scarce,11 LEO (July 24 - Aug 23)
Easter,12Armsrace,15Reporter,18Reaper,20Wealth,21Bathing,22Rider,23 Home and family AQUARIUS (Jan 21 - Feb 19)
Eccentric.Down:2Arena,3Counts,4Flagrant,5Erects,6Spartan,7Bluepeter,11 affairs really must It's no use imagining
Extrawork,13Marriage,14Upwards,16Retire,17Sachet,19Ennui. take first place in that you're not
your list of ambitious. If you do
emotional priorities. Take give way to false
some time out to try and humility then you'll doubtless
understand what has been miss out on a major
JUMBLED WORDS DifficultyLevel2s
troubling relations, and opportunity. Push yourself

offer them whatever moral forward and you may open the
Instructions support is required. You might way to emotional fulfilment,
Givenbelowarefourjumbledwords.Solvethejumblestomakeproperwordsandmovethemto TosolveaSudokupuzzle, do best to keep your doubts together with applause and
therespectivesquaresbelow.Selectthelettersintheshadedsquaresandjumblethemtoget everydigitfrom1to9 to yourself. acclaim from your peers.

theanswerforthegivenquip. mustappearineachofthe
ThewayIseeit,ifyouwantthe____,you’vegottoputupwiththe__.-DollyParton(7,..,4) VIRGO (Aug 24 - Sept 23) PISCES (Feb. 20 - Mar 20)
nineverticalcolumns,in If you're wondering Sometimes it's an
eachoftheninehorizontal where all the good advantage being a
LVAAR NUDNIK rowsandineachofthe luck has gone, hold dreamer, but not
nineboxes. on for just a little always. Your
while longer. It might be that heart's desire lies a long way off
partners are due to have - or does it? One thing you have
ORPRI BLOYBW DifficultyLevel
first bite of the cherry. And to sort out is your continual
while you're making plans tendency to imagine
1s=Veryeasy;2s=Easy; for the future, understand that that the grass is always greener
3s=Medium;4s=Hard; the best to come out of the somewhere else. Try to
- Dolly Parton 5s=VeryHard;6s= present time will be enhanced live in the here and now
Answer: The way I see it, if you want the rainbow, you’ve got to put up with the rain. Genius self-knowledge. for once.

Vol LXXXVIII No. 207 Regd.No. DL-21046/03-05

R.N.I. No.506/57. Printed and Published by R.C. Malhotra on behalf of The Indian Express (P) Limited and Printed at The Indian Express (P) Limited Press, A-8, Sector-7, Noida - 201301 and Published at The Indian Express (P) Limited, Mezzanine Floor, Express Building, 9 & 10, Bahadur Shah Zafar Marg, New Delhi-110002. Editorial office:
The Indian Express (P) Limited, Mezzanine Floor, Express Building, 9 & 10, Bahadur Shah Zafar Marg, New Delhi-110002. Phone: 0120-6651500. Advertising office: The Indian Express (P) Limited, B1/B, Sector - 10, Noida - 201301. Phone: 0120-6651291. Chairman of the Board: Viveck Goenka, Chief Editor: Raj Kamal Jha, Editor: Unni
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