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Assignment: 01
Name & Surname: GIYANE MATOASE
Student No: 67709982
Cell No: 0650922021

Question 1.
i. Research embellish and elevates your knowledge by constantly keeping you up to
date with new information by providing you with the necessary skills to apply the
relevant law in given scenarios, following the correct or suitable method of referring
to the law and Criminal Justice.
ii. Research oblige in the discovery of answers to questions through the application of
scientific process intensifying your knowledge and skills enabling you to become
familiar with particular facts and phenomena’s. (The Law)
iii. Research enables to empower you with the knowledge and research skills to conduct
legal research on various sources of Law and Criminal Justice to infuse your findings
with principles of transformative constitutionalism and Social Justice.
iv. Research abet in finding out the truth that has not yet been discovered and making it
available to the general public.
v. Beneficially research will enable you to diagnose the fact or phenomena and the
frequency with which they are likely to occur in the future and able to test the
accuracy of the likelihood using variables. (Hypothesis testing)
vi. Research intensifies your knowledge of the topic of your legal research.
vii. The more you read, the more you learn and the more familiar you will become with
writing and interpretation skills that will assist in the proper understanding of the
subject and laws.
viii. Research introduces you to publishing and enables you to work collaboratively with

Question 2.
i. Authoritative sources of law- Legislation
[Sources that contain the legal rules and principles applicable to research topics ]
ii. Persuasive sources of law- Foreign Law
[Sources not considered as authoritative but have influential value in circumstances where
there are no authoritative sources]

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