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oe THE UNWASHED MASSES erin | Gnoblar Army Special Rules bes Gnoblars nan away ‘of War regiments must be units of are superstitious creatures, Ore, Goblins, Hobgobling, other zeplng stall stones, coins or __Gnoblars do not cause Panic if they are _Goblas anyother Dogs of War trinkets as good luck charms. By _fleing, f they break fom combat or Greenakns varlant. Dogs of War may folncidence, oF maybe even they are destroyed, even amongst other be included asa Rare Unit chole bizare evolutionary adaptation, a Gnoblas [Proportion of Gnoblar exhib {In addon, Gnoblar armies may freak AC least, some ofthe Bicker ‘nits of Goblins (Common Goblins To represent this athe The constant bickering bullying, biting only) and Goblin WolC Riders chosen Dg ofthe game the Gnoblar and backstabhing inherent in Gnoblar|_fFom Warhammer Armies; Orcs & cre i such that even on the at anytime throughout tie game, batleficlda group of Gnoblas will if Goblins are taken in this mannes, ach reroll the Gaoblar player often grind ta halt Whether tls by they wil charge or shoot a the ne fay rerollany one single DG result at ‘inding crease smaller than them Gnoblar unit that has the Bicker sped that they can hur, geting bogged rule they fal an Animosity teat and down in an argument over atucty boot roll the ‘Ger ‘em resule fr just ily watching the Bight whist, picking their noses, when the heats Sharp Stuff fn the Gnoblas have a tendency 0 do Gnoblatsgeneraly cay around a Sbsoluely nothing ‘number of small sharp projectiles Fang fom inte brdchogs 10 Rolla D6 atthe beginning ofthe twin sharpened horseshoes for throwing 3 foreach unit of Gnoblars that is not in any enemies that get to0 close. Fora ‘combat, fleeing or subject to any Gnoblar, there's nothing quite like the Compulsory movement. I-aunieroll 2 satisfaction of hurling a jagged rock ‘iemay do nothing at ll that tn, Dogs of War na Gnoblar army, the only Dogs of ‘www.games-workshop.co.ukjogrekingdoms 89 THE BAD: & THE UGLY The Gnoblar horde is made up of those creatures who hhaye cluded or rebelled against Ogre society, taking New breeds of gnoblar for the horde. and plundering, looking for shiny things to take and prisoners to torture for their own satisfaction, ‘overwhelming the hardiest of foes by sheer weight of ‘fefuge in the Mountains of Mourn and the Dark Lands. ‘These enormous swarms of Gnoblars go about pillaging _-—_-snumbers alone, Honchos & Head Honchos Gnoblat leaders are informally known as Honchos, or Head Honchos in the case of the largest nosed and most bellicose Honchos stir up trouble and {insurrection within the Ogre Kingdoms and are usually hunted down and killed, tether by their Ogre masters or by Jealous followers who would usurp them, Asa result most Gnoblar leaders are extremely paranoid and cautious. Rhinoxen Rhinoxen are huge, hairy cave-beasts ‘with giant horns, used by Gnoblars to pull cheir trading caravans and chariow, ‘Sometimes an especially pompous or foothardy Head Honcho will keep a Rhinox as his personal pet and do his best to hang onto its back as he guides it into battle, often shortly before being trampled to death by it. Special Rules Cause Fear. Rbinoxen are great ‘morting monstrosities that cause Fear 49s detailed tn the Warbammer rulebook, the biggest and baddest oftheir kind, Manbiters 10 become better than other Gnoblars and this has Imany Manbiters to embark upon wild, irational « ‘cross the continent. Sometimes a large mob of PManbiters wil band together and travel rogether as ‘and sell-swords on short-lived quests to gain Dogs of War. A unit of Manbites may be bred as a Dogs War ult Thick Hide. Rbinaxen bave extremely ‘thick bides that protect them as if ‘wearing armour. Rbinoxen bave an ‘Armour Saving throw of 5+. Bad Tempered. Rbinoxen are il: tempered creatures that are extremely dificult t0 contro, even for willl Gnoblar Honcho. If abere ts an enemy model that ts an ‘lige target fora Head Honcho Fading a Rotnax to charge durin the Declare Charges part ofthe Movement ‘phase, the Head Honcho must immediately pass @ Ld test or declare a charge ~1f there tsa chotceof models to charge, the Gnoblar player may choose freely between them. Such ts the Head Honcho's influence, and such 8 ‘the tightness of the reins around the Rhinax's oulnerabes, tbat tbe Gnoblar ‘layer may rol three dice and choose {he lowest to dice forthe test. ‘Head Honchos mounted on Rbinoxen never have to make a Bicker test ~ the Rhino doesn’t talk much, ‘any Dogs of War, Ores & Goblins or Chaos Lucky Gits ‘Those Gaoblars even luckier than other Luck Gnoblars ae) ‘known as Lucky Gis. A prospective Git wll only jin thele ranks after some exceptional feat of fortune; the sole survivor ofan avalanche, or making tt through the ‘act of a great mammoth alive. Lucky Gits garb themselves. in all manner of blue things as they believe it attracts more) ‘good luck, Indeed, many Lucky Gits daub themselves in bright blue waspain, from small tattoos to covering tele entire bodies in woad Special Rules Lucky. Lucky Gits may re-oll any dice roll they desire. ‘Note thatthe Second result always stands and you may. ‘not reroll a failed revoll. In addition, Lucky Gls bave Resistance (2) and a 6+ Ward Save. ery Luck Pi oe anger Popul: Grob. the bat charge When: some ( joustin ‘ot sul of wart each of using € slay (or Blooc High uf of Mou They lo hele we Inues of have al peshape exceptic Gnoblas fortiyin any casi In Gnot Gnoblar teaching technigh aresult to great Gnoblar ritual in blood at Gnoblar rely ely an be tele ‘sthe bis Pigback Riders Gnblars take part in many obscure and dangerous sport; among the most Popular ofthese i ig ousting’. THO Gnoblars st across fom cach other on the backs of pgs with large spears and Charge at each eter in af aim 0 ‘invent their opponent ‘When a Gnoblar horde goes to war, some Gnoblars wil atempt to play "pig jousting’ with the enemy. Real pigs wil ‘not suffice in the intense circumstances of warfare so instead Gnoblars ride atop each other in 2 ‘piggy-back’ manner using their same ‘pigjousting’ tactics 10 slay (or at least irritate) the enemy. Blood-Guoblars High up in the peaks of the Mountains (of Mourn dwell the Blood-Gnoblars, ‘They look like ordinary Gnoblars except thels warty hides range from different Inues of browns to dark reds. They also nave a heightened sense of hearing, ppethaps due to the high altitude oftheir ‘mountain top lars, making them ‘exceptional Trappers. Many Blood- ‘Gnoblars spend all of their ime forifying thet lairs and setting traps for ary curous interiopers. ‘in Gnoblar society it isthe Blood- ‘Gnoblars who were Bist responsible for ‘teaching other Gnoblars the best ‘techniques of tapping and scouting. As ‘a cesult many Gnoblar Trappers wil go to great lengths to look like a Blood Gaoblas, achieved through a blood. situa in which a captive is drained of blood and once exsanguinated, the Gaoblars douse themselves in it. Special Rules Piggy-Back. Pighack Riders are two Gnoblars mounted on a single 20mm base, but with a single profile for both. Each Pigback Rider base counts as a single man-sized creature with a Unit ‘Strength of 2. Pighack Riders get @ +1 “Armour Save bonus inthe same way as ‘cavalry models do, and they may use ‘their spears inthe same manner as both cavalry and infantry. This means they get +1 Strength bonus from thetr spears when they charge, ‘and fgbt in two ranks when charged or tn subsequent rounds of close combat. Special Rules Cunning Traps. Although no one could accurately describe a Gnoblar as tnteligent, Blood-Gnoblars are possessed ofa certain cunning when t comes to burting things. “Any unt of five or more Blood: Gnoblars that spends tts entire Movement phase within an otherwise unoccupled plece of difficult terrain, ‘and does not shoot or fight that turn, ‘may ‘trap’ that plece of terrain. All Blood Gnoblars in the unit must be inside the borders of the plece of terrain for this to occur. For the rest of the game, any models otber than the Blood:-Gnoblars who for any reason {find themselves moving into that ‘terrain feature each take a Strength 3 bit asthe pits, mantraps, finger snares ‘and deadfalle prepared by the Blood Gnoblars take thetr toll. | sonlighc and bright light in general “only emerging from their swampy ‘www.games-workshop.co.uNogrekingdoms 91 “TRINKETS & TREASURES Unique Gnoblar magic items scavenged {rom the battlefield and discovered in the wilderness PF Relow is a list of magic items that may only be used by Gnoblar characters from this army list. Note that the rules ‘Governing magic items as described in the Warhammer rulebook apply to the magic items listed here. * Honcho Helm (Talisman) 45 pts Gnoblar leaders tke to near large elms and bat _ Symbotsing tbr satus and auaborty, tat are often covered Uh spies, horns and token for good luck ‘The bearer gains a Ward Save of 4+. Funny Trinket (Enchanted Item) 30 pts TBe Fen Trinket ts small cofn or dic, often wtb tbe fate © of Gnoblar Jester ecbed on both sides‘Any Gnoblar tn possesion ofthe trinket seems tobe amongst te luckiest of bis ind 9 bearer of the trinket may re-oll any falled Armour and fard Saves. Note, that the second result always stands and you ‘may not re-oll a failed reroll Rhinox Hor (Enchanted Item) 30 pts When a Rhinos is sain tn battle, tts borns are sawn off from us dead carcass, bollowed out and kept as souvenirs “The horn may be sounded once per battle atthe beginning of any Gnoblar turn, Until the beginning of the Gnoblar player's ‘next turn all Greenskins (Gnoblars, Goblins, Orcs, ete) on the battlefield gain +2 Leadership (up to a maximum of 10). One tuse only Red Stone (Talisman) 30 pts Zed Siones ar extrmely rare rocks that canbe found tn and along the Mountains of Mourn and Gnoblar Country. Gccasionallya Gnoblar wil be really lucky and not only find red some, but aso manage to bang onto tt tous Beng mugged and hlled. “The bearer gains a 5+ Ward Save and a Magic Resistance (1). Grubbi's Dice Bag (Talisman) 25 pis [i sad that Grubb Gon ten games of crooldice ina rw ting these dice and many Gnoblars clam be would ave twon severed more ibe wes torn part by a mob of Jealous ning of olayer's ‘on the 9). One 30 pr ‘inohd ‘when the bearer of the dice bag suffers a wound, roll a D6. (On the result ofa 2-6 the wound is ignored, as are all subsequent wounds that turn. On the result of a 1 the bearer is slain outright regardless ofthe number of wounds inflicted. (One use only ‘Ogre Tooth (Enchanted Item) 20 prs CGrbblars te to collect stuff and finding a totb or Fingernail ofan Ogre on the ground is indeed a sign of good Tuck Tris sad tat a Gnoblar that swallows an Ogre Toot tebote will ga the courage of bis Ogre masters [At the start of any oftheir turns, a Character bearing the Ogre tooth may choose to swallow the tooth. Rolla D6, on the result ofa 1 the Gnoblar chokes and dies. On the result of a 2+, the character and any unit with a model within 6° becomes Immune to Psychology until the beginning of the ‘next Gnoblar turn. One use only. The Purple Rock (Talisman) 40 pts The Purp Rock ica small shard of Amethyst sipped from the cache of dead wieard “The item may be used once in each enemy Magic phase. When the enemy cast a successful spell, instead of attempting to dispel it the Gnoblar player may activate the Purple Rock. Roll ‘26, on the result of 2 4+ the spel is dispelled and fais to ‘work, On the result ofa 1.3 the spell works as normal and the bearer ofthe Purple Rock suffers a $3 hit. Note that the Purple Rock does not work against a spell cst with Ieesistble Force, Gaoblar Thiefstone (Talisman) 15 pts Thiefstones attract magical power, and a quick pass of @ thiefstone over corpee will quichy etch any tom of any importance firmly to the stone. Gnoblars love playing with such devices, though if an Ogre spots a Gnoblar with one, the Gnoblar gets squdsbed and the Ogre takes the thtfstone for bimself Due to the magical flux generated by his item, the wearer and the unit he is with benefits from Magic Resistance (1). A. character may take more than one Thiefstone (up t0 a ‘maximum of three) at 15 points per stone, each additional ‘Thiefstone adds +1 to his Magic Resistance. Unlike other ‘magic items, multiple characters in the Gnoblar army may take 4 Thiefstone (and multiples of them), Ogre-Head Standard (Magic Standard) 20 pts Toe most rebellions and vicious of Gnoblar will gang up On ‘a fone Ogre in groups of fifty or more sl bi throat tet rude, makesbit weapons and display bis bead a a tropby of leton. ‘When the bearer of the Ogre-Head Standard joins a unit of| Gnoblars (of any type), it no longer has 10 rol to see iit Bickers each turn, However, any unit of Oges fighting against the bearer or the unit he is with will suffer from batred as described in the Warhammer rulebook, j Sp ee THE GNOBLAR ARMY LIST The definitive list for making a Gnoblar army. Grol The following to0pe count as Lord, Heroes, Core, Special or Rare units in the nob Gooblar amy ist Gro Unit Tonle: GnoblarHead Honcho Special alt: GnobarSreplaunches, vor [eee Goble romeo Yhete Pack hacky Gis | 1) Core Units: Goble Fighter, Blood.Gncblars Optic } lingers, Manbiters, Rare Units: Slavegiant, Boplars, Dogs a , Piglec toe, Gnoblar of wat (Oni Gress as { cee Dog of Waray be A q eo ede mere see Special Ru } Seeecrn nn for deals). mm spec y mer LORDS AND HEROES => Large Gaoblar Heid Honcho Points/model: 45 | Mwsnss TW Ald Pee 3 4 33 37 a Rhinox. Pens) 5 3. .ass3. 5. ang Cast eee c Options Skul Pin coos etc an addon hand weapon (4 pu), fall (+4 po) or 8 ial pes act (o) ay ayer ing 8 po, May seat gt Sour (22 pt) andor cary shld +2 pa, pute UME ses Rios (755 po oer ME Choc mage item fom the Common andlor Goobla mg Hem Nhs aim trl alc of 100 po | | | 0-2 Gooblar Honcho" Points/model: 20 | sanb Mwsns $7 1 Aid Opt Gocburtionstio 1 3 4-332 4.3: 6 ast (Cha GnoblarHomcbos coum as only Her choke von iecapees waar aa eon eam ae on Options mu ny choote ce an alonal hind weapon (4 po) or al (+4 pt) tu aoa aiaeg (tn) to ty + May wear light armour (+2 pts) andior carry a shield (+2 pes). + May choose magic items from the Common and/or Gnoblar magic item lists, ‘with a maximum total value of 50 pts for +25 pts. “The Battle Standard Bearer may not be the army's General even if he hias the highest Leadership value In the army. ‘The Battle Standard Bearer may not choose any non-magical equipment ‘except for light armour. * The Battle Standard Bearer may have any magic banner (n0 points imnit), but if he carries a maglc banner he may not carry any other ak: 45 lek 20, — COR Gnoblar Fighters Points/model: 2 MwsBs ss TWHIAW Gnoblar 4220 a 23 Taser aes, Groinbiter Che ter east) Unit size: 20+ ‘Weapons & Armour: Hand weapon and sharp stuff Options * Any unit may either have shields at +1 pt per model or have additional hand weapons at +1 pt per model + Any unit may be equipped with ight armour for +1 pumodel. + Upgrade one Gnoblar Fighter to a Musician for +4 pes, * Upgrade one Gnoblar Fighter wo a Standard Bearer for +8 pts. + Promote one Gnoblar Fighter to a Groinbiter for +4 pts. Special Rules ‘Largely Insignificant; Bicker; Greenskins Flingers Points/model: 3 Musess TW Awd Flinger AE ERS RBS” Vi SeaLels Skallinger Ae 2g GO EE3. 9d) UES Unit size: 10+ ‘Weapons & Armour: Hand weapon and sling Options ‘Upgrade one Flinger into a Skullfinger for +3 pts. 0-2 Manbiters Points/model: 5 Mwsess TWA Manbiter 42333131 6 ‘Ogrebiter 2255515 26 Unit size: 20+ ‘Weapons & Armour: Hand weapon, fal and light armour. Options ™ Upgrade one Manbiter to a Musician for +5 pis. * Upgrade one Manbiter to an Ogrebiter a +5 pts. “+ Upgrade one Manbiter to a Standard Bearer for +10 pts. + May carry shields at +1 pt per model ‘+ May carry a magic banner worth up t0 50 ps. Special Rules Dogs of War Pigback Riders: Points/model: 4 Mwsns s TW Aww Pigback Rider = 4 2-3-2 3 1:3 2 5 Pig Knight 4235231335 ‘Unit size: 10+ ‘Weapons & Armour: Hand weapon and spear. ‘Options ‘Upgrade one Pighack Rider toa Pig Knight for +4 pts ‘Upgrade one Pigback Rider to a Standard Bearer for +8 pts. + Upgrade one Pigback Rider to a Musiclan for +4 pis. Special Rules Plegy-back me SPECIAL Lucky Gits Points/model: 5 MWsBS Ss T WIA Lucky Git E223 sah VeyludyGt «$2 3 2 3 1:3 2 5 Unit size: 20+ ‘Weapons & Armour: Hand weapon, ight armour and sharp scuff Options * Upgrade one Lucky Git to a Musician for +4 pts. + Upgrade one Lucky Git to a Standard Bearer for +8 pts. + Promote one Lucky Git to a Very Lucky Git for +8 ps. ‘+ May carry shields at +1 pt per model. Special Rules Liky ees RARE Boglars Points/model: 3 MusBsSs TWA ‘Boglar Agel2e3y27-3RNe See 1S Siudgenucher 4 «23-23-1323 Unit size: 10+ ‘Weapons & Armour: Hand weapon and sharp stuff ‘Options * May upgrade all Boglar to Toad.Gnoblars at +2 pts per model + Promote one Boglar to 2 Sludgesucker for +5 pis. Special Rules Skionishers jodel: 6 a 5 5 Blood-Gnoblars Blood-Gnoblar Gorespitie Unit stze: 10+ ‘Weapons & Armour: Hand weapon and sharp stuf Options * Promote one Blood.Gnoblar to a Gorespittle for +6 pts. Special Rules Skirmishers, Cunning Traps s/t oak Bee i wun 2 Hees ws Bi 24 25

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