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(University of the City of Manila)


ITM 1204 Micro Perspective of Tourism and Hospitality

Written Assessment

NAME: (Surname, First Name, Middle Name) DATE:

Pilapil, Carl Anthony P. May 3, 2021


WRITTEN QUESTIONS: Answer and submit all the following questions. Please write your answer
inside the box only.

MODULE 2: The Sociology of Tourism

1. Discuss the social nature of travel.

- The social nature of man causes travel which are social animals, human beings where in a
tour group feel relaxed and comfortable. Travel usually accepted way of spending one’s
vacation. Example in a group tour, they find that their journeys are more pleasant and free
from fear or anxiety. Man find their selves in a vacation when they can get away from
problems this is one of the reason people usually want to have a vacation. Vacations work to
relieve depression by separating individuals from behaviors and situations that they equate
with stress and anxiety.

2. Explain the social effects of tourism.

- The social effects of tourism causes intercultural contact as a result of tourism . Social effects
of tourism are the ways in which tourism is contributing to changes in value systems,
individual behaviour, family relationships, collective life styles, moral conduct, creative
expressions and community organization. There are many social benefits of tourism,
demonstrating positive social impacts. These include preserving the local culture and
heritage, strengthening communities, provision of social services, commercialisation of
culture and art, revitalisation of customs and art forms and the preservation of heritage and
also where many people can get jobs.

3. Enumerate the socioeconomic variables. Explain how each variable affects travel.
- The socioeconomic variables are age, income and social status, education, and life stages of
the family. The socioeconomic impact assessment weighs the socioeconomic cost against the

socio economic benefits.
 First is age, it has several different pattern when it comes to travel based. Sometimes younger
people choose more physically engaging outdoor activities than older people. The elderly
enjoy more passive modes of leisure such as visiting friends and family, swimming,
sightseeing, and golfing. Older tourists prefer ship travel, travel more in the spring than
younger tourists, and spend less than middle-aged tourists but more than younger tourists.
 The second is income and social status which is based in a great influence on travel of a social
status of person. Depending on a person he/she rich or lower has income type which can
based if person can afford anything and stay longer and spend more per day.
 Third is education that provides entrepreneurs with cognitive skills to better evaluate and
entrepreneurial opportunities and also increases the level of self-confidence.
 The last is the life stages of the family, having family can also affects a person to travel but
also can benefits you to travel. Because of having family your time and money that you have
for travel will go for your family. But as we process life it is easy because you have now
someone with, so usually you have more discretionary income and more financially capable
to travel.

4. Describe the new travel patterns.

 First is the travel clubs, one of the example of these is the club Mediterranee. A club
member can take advantage of travel opportunities and holiday spot amenities at a
much lower cost than a nonmember under this community travel package. The club's
accommodations vary from deluxe to very basic.
 Second is Airline Group and Arrangements is an aircraft business agreement in which two or
more carriers plan to collaborate on a significant basis. That can provide marketing branding
to help travelers make based on inter inter-airline codeshare connections.
 Third is Special Interest Tours there are tours that are organized by people that are involved
in a specific sport, such as bird watching, festivals, fishing, hunting, scuba diving,
photography, flower arranging, golf, hiking, mountain climbing, and so on. Also it is becoming
increasingly common at the present.
5. Name the preferences of the international tourist. Explain each and give examples.
- The preferences of the international tourist are divided into four categories namely;
Relaxation Versus Activity, Familiarity Versus Novelty, Dependence Versus Autonomy, Order
Versus Disorder.
 First is Relaxation Versus Activity this is made up of the activities or destinations they want to
visit, the order in which they visit them, and the reasons they make these choices. People
before are greatly hardworking and has long work week than before that they demanded
holidays that offered relaxation and rest. And now, the workweek has been shortened and
the annual holiday leave has been lengthened. Also in present it became more tiresome so
many find relaxation through the year and which many activities also has greatly increase.
 Second is Familiarity Versus Novelty many first-time tourist to a foreign country choose
familiarity over novelty. Tourist immediately find something that will remind them of home
and as he/she like the place where they feel at home the tourist will go back to same place
whatever he/she wants. Many cultures and new environment that tourist will want go to as
they fell they want new experience to explore At the moment, there is a growing positive
attitude about novelty and for improvement that the quality of being new, original, or
unusual that move away from traditional resorts to new tourist destinations.

 Third is Dependence Versus Autonomy here tourist often choose where they can get cheaper
they picked package tours where everything is already there before. But now other people
seek to travel with their own and not part of a group that they would like to feel independent
and complete control of what they do or what they want to do.
 Lastly the Order Versus Disorder tourist often cause of social and economic changes in
modern society which the past and now are very different, in the past tourist are very
conformity and well-ordered they more behave, tidy and usually use proper dressed. Now,
tourist are not very concerned about what to wear and how to behave properly. The modern
traveler now exhibits traits such as informality of conduct, a greater respect for the
differences of others, and independence from institutionalized regulations.

6. Describe the four types of tourist roles.

- The four types of tourist roles are the organized mass tourist, the individual mass tourist,
the explorer and the drifter is based on the degree of institutionalization of the tourist.
 The Organized Mass Tourist this is the least adventurous kind of tourist. When he/she
purchases a package tour in which the itinerary of his journey is pre-planned and stops are
well-prepared and guided. Who also likes a comfortable world over a different one.
 The Individual Mass Tourist this is similar to the organizes mass tourist but it has a certain
degree of control over his time and itinerary and is not bound to a group. The major
arrangements of this tour are still made through a travel agency. Like the coordinated mass
traveler, travels throughout his own country and rarely ventures outside of it. Familiarity
remains dominant, but to a lesser extent than the organized mass traveler. Specific mass
tourists have a stronger desire for novelty.
 The explorer this is a type of tourist where novelty dominates he/she leave in his/her country
and looks for comfortable accommodations and reliable means of transportation and tries to
associate with the people he visits and to speak their language. The explorer does not
completely adopt the lifestyle but he/she still remains of the basic practices and comforts of
his native way of life.
 The Drifter this type of tourist go further away from the “environmental bubble” and from
their day to day life in their home countries. They keep away from any kind of connection
with the tourism establishments. They are happy to live with locals and try to live the way the
locals live and speak their language.

7. Differentiate institutionalized tourist roles with non-institutionalized tourist roles.

- The institutionalized tourist roles consist of first two types of tourist role, the organized
mass tourist and the individual mass tourist this are dealt within a routine way by the tourist
establishment, such as travel agencies and hotel chains which cater to the tourist trade. The
other one is the non-institutionalized tourist roles this consist of two last types of
tourist roles, the explorer and the drifter they are both loosely attached to
the tourist establishment expose to host community.

8. Explain the meaning of social tourism. Give examples.

- Social tourism is a form of tourism that takes visitors to local communities with the

intention of not just enjoying the experience but also contributing to the communities
they visit. Break, a UK charity that offers fast vacations and holidays to families with
children with learning disabilities, is an example of this form of social tourism.

MODULE 3: Tourism and Culture

1. Describe the effects of culture on travel.

- The effect of culture on travel is very important and has a big significant to tourism
because cultural tourism is one of the largest and fastest-growing global in tourism markets.
Culture is defined as a set of beliefs, values, attitudes, habits and form of behavior that are
shared by a society and are transmitted from generation to generation. It is necessary to
understand a country's culture in order to understand how its people will act. Culture pattern
are also changed by internal and external forces between different countries. Even with other
environment can change your previous attitudes and behavior in a single understanding with
other cultures in country. Example is visiting for foreign country may result in change in
attitude toward people of the country that can affects like products, competition, being
famous that has a country. We have many things to understand starting from culture of
others, because other people do criticize and even judge immediately a person and the
country because of what they see or hear. So we should really care about this to resolve any
conflicts so that there no problem. Actually can readily be seen that in order to understand a
traveler, it is necessary to understand why visitors act the way they do and be in a better
position to anticipate and satisfy their needs and wants.

2. Explain how cultural patterns are changed by internal and external forces.
- In internal forces cultural pattern are change, people are more willing to try new things. Since
these innovators are well educated, have higher incomes, and are more achievement-
oriented than others, they appear to be thought leaders and are in high demand for
marketing professionals. The other one is the external forces it can change culture patterns
by globalization, workforce diversity, technological change, and managing ethical behavior.
For example a trip to a foreign country can cause a shift in one's attitude toward the citizens
of that country. Travel can also increase the selling of goods in the destination.

3. Discuss the importance of cultural tourism.

- Cultural tourism is important for a variety of purposes. It is the most important reason
is the social influence it has. Cultural tourism can help to strengthen cultures, improve
cross-cultural understanding, and conserve an area's history and community. Cultural
tourism includes all forms of travel in which people learn about one another's
cultures. As a result, tourism is a significant tool for fostering cultural ties and foreign
cooperation. Cultural tourism is one of the world's biggest and fastest-growing
tourism industries. Culture and innovative sectors are constantly being used to
market destinations to boost their productivity and attractiveness.

4. Enumerate the cultural factors with tourist appeal. Explain how each factor

contributes to cultural tourism.
- There are cultural elements of tourism that are really appealing to visitors. Art, music
and dance, handicraft, industry and business, agriculture, education, literature and
language, science, government, religion, food and drink, and history are examples of
Art refers to performing arts and fine arts are examples of the arts. The former
encompasses live theatre, music, and dance, while the latter encompasses drawing,
sculpture, visual arts, and architecture. The Pangkat Kawayan (bamboo orchestra) and
the rondalla collective are two examples of performing arts. Fine arts include the
sculptures of Amorsolo and Francisco, as well as Michelangelo's sculptural works.
Music and dance, we all know music is major source were many people find
enjoyment and satisfaction. Resort hotels in Philippines, Hawaii, spain, the united
states and a Balkan states are example where can give and hear the finest local music
in many places for tourists. In dancing it is very cultural for many countries to have a
unique performance why they known for tourist attraction. Dancing can be native or
ethnic forms. Also almost countries have native dancing or ethnic dancing. All in all
ethnic music and dances are an important aspect of the culture and can be used to
entertain visitors. Resort hotels are the safest places to find such entertainment. Local
performances, nightclubs, and outreach activities provide additional opportunities.
Handicraft is one factors to appeal the tourist before they can go back or even they
staying for them to have memories of such things they can remember about the
places and cultures they have in a place they go. Gifts and souvenirs is one way to
satisfy tourist you can find them in a specific shops where handicrafts are actually being
made by the craftsman.
Industry and business it refers where most visitors, particularly foreign visitors, are interested
in the country's industry, trade, manufactured goods, and economic condition. This is great
for developing interest in the culture of a country as well as to provide potential market for
the product of the country. Example of this is Mall of Asia because we have many to offer in
times of culture we have that it will give more to tourist because of well-known of this.
Business or industry groups also organize tours to get acquainted with other countries
customers and processors in order to generate more demand in their goods and boost sales
in a variety of business areas. This way it can help a country to develop their own industry so
that many tourist will have an interest and to become more familiar with the markets in order
to develop a tourist interest of the countries products and also to increase the sales.
Agriculture can be one of factors for tourist because it may be interesting for them to like the
country more. Foods like dairy undertakings, fresh fruits and vegetables, crops, and poultry
and livestock are types of farming which are important elements of culture. And also for local
agricultural is fresh fruits, vegetables, and products from nearby farms which are enjoyed by
travelers. It is very important that agriculture became very important for a country because it
has many benefits example is the jobs opportunities and for services like for tourist and also
transaction with other countries.
Education is we all know are very important and one of the factor for tourist to visit a country
Many campuses of the colleges and universities of a country are particularly appealing to
tourist because of the structure and beautiful landscapes they have. Example of this is the
famous universities such as Oxford or Cambridge in England, Harvard in the US, and the
University of Sto. Tomas in the Philippines that are really attract many tourist. Also it gives

opportunities for students from other countries around the world to travel and also motivate
them to study hard.
Literature and Language is one of the important factors for tourist to have travel motivation.
Tourist seeks good literature and language of the country especially a famous structural
buildings like libraries were books, magazines, newspapers, booklets, pamphlets, and other
printed literary works are significant expressions of the culture of a country. Other people are
also seeking good reading lounges and comfortable, attractive surroundings where visitors
can enjoy reading about the history, culture, arts, and folkways of their host country. This is
great opportunity for tourist to patronize more the literature and language of the country and
help stand up for tourist to understand and to have interest of another country not just them.
Also this will help student and also who travel to a particular country to learn the language or
become more acquainted with its colloquial use.

MODULE 4: Transportation Sector

1. Describe the evolution of transportation and travel.

2. Discuss the historical development of the air transport system.

3. Explain the reasons why people select one transportation mode over another.

4. Discuss the history of train travel.

5. Describe the advantages and disadvantages of train travel.

6. Explain the history of ship travel.

7. Clarify the principal effects of cruising.

8. Discuss the history of car travel.

9. Explain how the car rental industry developed.

10. Describe the advantages of bus travel.

11. Discuss the history of air travel.

12. Enumerate the eight freedoms of the air. Explain each.

13. Explain the meaning of airline deregulation.

MODULE 5: Accommodations

1. Describe the different types of accommodations.

2. Discuss the classification of hotels.

3. Explain the meaning and advantages of time-sharing.

4. Clarify how the lodging industry is organized.

5. Explain the meaning and benefits of franchising.

6. Describe the management methods of hotels.

7. Differentiate chain operations from referral groups.

8. Give the meaning of EP, AP, MAP, and BP.

9. Explain how hotel profitability is determined.

10. Analyze the meaning and importance of breakeven point.

11. Describe how accommodation establishments do their promotion.

12. Explain why airlines companies link with hotels.

MODULE 6: Food and Beverages Sector

1. Discuss the history of the food and beverage industry.

2. Describe the different types of restaurants.

3. Explain the advantages of franchising in the restaurant industry.

4. How is restaurant profitability determined?

5. Clarify the importance of a restaurant's food cost percentage.

6. Explain the meaning and importance of gross profit.

7. What is breakeven point? How is it determined?

8. Describe the role of the menu in a restaurant's success.

9. Explain how meals are prepared in a flight kitchen.

10. Discuss the functions of airplane galleys.

11. Cite the story behind the establishment of the first airline flight kitchen.

12. Analyze the present trends in flight kitchens.

13. Explain how restaurants are promoted.

14. Differentiate airline catering different from restaurant catering.

MODULE 7: Recreation and Leisure

1. Differentiate recreation from leisure.

2. Explain the varied views of recreation and leisure.

3. Discuss the motivations for recreational participation.

4. Describe the factors which promote the growth of recreation.

5. Explain the major types of organized recreation.

6. Why are sports and tourism considered as major recreation service components?

7. Describe theme parks, water parks, fun centers, and sports tourism.

8. Why is there a need for professional leadership in the recreation field?

9. What are the challenges facing the recreation and leisure service field in the 21st
century? Discuss them.

MODULE 8: Tourist Attractions and Theme Parks

1. Define attractions.

2. Why are tourist attractions important in the tourism industry?

3. Differentiate theme parks from amusement parks.

4. Explain the evolution of tourist attractions.

5. Clarify tourist attractions.

6. Discuss the main issues in the management of tourist attractions.

7. Explain the future of tourist attractions.

8. Clarify the role of technology in tourist attractions.

9. Describe the International Association of Amusement Parks and Attractions.


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