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Subject : Bahasa Inggris untuk Kom 2 : Type of test : Open
Program / Concentration : TMD : Semester/Class : V / TMD 5
Day / Date : Tuesday, Jan 19, 2021 : Academic period : 2020/2021
Time : ( 90 minutes) : Lecturer : Yoyok SW

ATTENTION : Name : Ilham Kusumaning Pratama

1.Read all questions carefully.
2.Check your answer before you submit it to test supervisor/observer.
3.You have to hand in the question sheet.
4.You leave the room, meaning you have finished doing the test.
No. Questions Score
1. You have learned and simulated how to prepare and attend a job interview.
a. Explain 10 questions usually appeared in the interview. Give your
responses or answers for the questions.
b. What should you do ‘before’ and ‘at’ the interview?
c. What points should you write down on your application letter?
d. Give your ideas to negotiate salary in attending job interview.

2. Make an example of your application and CV.

Your answer must be written on A4 format, TNR 12, 1.5 space, margin of 4433
(above left right below).

Reference: Prepared by: Validated by:

1. Syllabus Lecturer: Coord of KBK:
Subject : Seminar

Curriculum : 2019

Yoyok Sabar Waluyo, SS, MHum Ayres Pradiptyas, MM

NIP. 19701106 199802 1 001 NIP. 59142016040119870912
Answer Final Semester Test

1. You have learned and simulated how to prepare and attend a job interview.

a. - Please tell me about yourself.

Before that, I want to say thank you for having me today is a pleasure to be
here. My name is Ilham Kusumaning Pratama. I am fresh graduate from
Jakarta State Polythecnic and my major is Multimedia Digital Engineering.
I look forward to build a sucessful career as UI/UX Designer.

- Why you want this job?

I want this job because having looked at the job description and the person
specification, it is a role I believe I can make a quick and positive impact in.
We spend a lot of time at work, so it’s important I choose a job that I know
I will enjoy and one that I can make a positive difference in.

- What are your strengths and weaknesses?

My strengths is I am good communicator and I can build up strong
relationships with my team and clients. I am a happy and positive person
and others have said I am very good to be arround. Finally, another one of
my strengths is the fact I am a fast learner. If you give me a job to do, I will
go away and complete it to a good standard.
My weaknesses is I’m too confident person. I think, it was bad for me and
clients. If my work is not in accordance with the wishes of clients who have
high expectations, clients will be disappointed with me and this company.
The solution for my weaknesses is I will ask the team about opinion before
the work I make is given to the client.
However, I am also someone who is always willing to learn and develop, so
if you identify something that you’re not happy with, tell me and I will
change it.
- Why should we hire you?
I have read the job description in detail and I strongly believe I have the
necessary skills, qualities and attributes to carry out the job to a very high
standartd. If you hire me, I will work hard to fit into the team so I can start
contributing positively in a very quick timescale.

- Why do you want to work for us?

First, because your company history, your standards, and the excellent
products and services you sell give me the confidence I can stay working
here for a long period of time. Second, the reviews left by customers on the
website, tell me you care about your customers and I believe you care about
the working conditions of your employees too. Your company ticks all of
these things I am looking forward to hopefully working here to be a team
that help you achieve your commercial goals.

- What experience do you have relevant to this position?

I have experience of Working Under Pressure and I have experience of
Problem Solving. I am quite a creative person, so if there’s a problem that
needs sorting out, I like to get involved and see if I can help rectify it. That
is important for UI/UX Designer, solve the problem for user.

- How do you handle pressure?

I understand that pressure is all part of everyday working life and I actually
perform really well whilst under pressure. The best way to work under
pressure are prioritize which tasks are the most important, draw up a list of
priority tasks and by what time or date they have to be completed by, work
solidly and put in the extra hours to get the task done.

- What would you do in the first 30 days of starting?

I would concentrate on three thing: First, I would obtain a full brief from
my manager on what you expected from me and the standards I needed to
work to. Secondly, I would get to know my team really well so I could
understand the type of things I could do to start contributing positively to
the company goals quickly. Last, I would look to complete my first
important project or task in the fastest time possible to show you what I am
capable of within the role.

- What motivates you to join this company?

I want to do a great job for my company, continually improving within my
role and also feeling that I am continually contributing and adding value to
the company I am working for. Other than that, I want to learn and get a
new experience in here.

- How much do you expect from this company?

As fresh graduate, this is a very difficult question for me to answer, Sir. I’ll
let you decide because I’m convinced that you have a fixed standard salary
especially for a new employee like me. In this case, I depend on your fixed
standard salary for new employees.

b. Before:
- Do my research.
- Prepare questions beforehand.
- Know how to answer the questions.
- Know my strengths.
- Have a story from each place I have already worked at that exemplifies on
of my strengths.
- Make a few copies of my resume.
- Get a good night’s sleep the night before.
- Get there a few minutes early.

- Answer the questions that was asked.
- Say “Yes,” not “Yeah”.
- Take a second before answering a question.
- Let my achievements speak for you.
- Ask questions, it can make you interest with the company.
- Keep eye contact.
- Be the best of myself.

c. – Hedaer
Header should start with my name and include my email, phone number and
address on separate lines. Some people include links to their portfolio or
social media if that information is relevant to the position.

- Employer Contact Information

We can also include the employer's contact information. This is most
appropriate to include on a formal, hard copy cover letter submitted through
snail mail or by hand. If we are sending a job application by email, it is not
as necessary to include this contact information.

- Salutation
Do research to avoid having to use the generic "To Whom It May Concern"
or "Dear Sir or Madam," which can make things look like you didn't make
an effort to learn more about the job or the employer.

- Body
The body of application letter lets the employer know what position we are
applying for, why the employer should select you for an interview, and how
you will follow up.
First paragraph is why you are writing. Second paragraph is what you have
to offer the employer. Third paragraph is your knowledge of the company.
Last paragraph is closing.
- Closing and Signature
Finish the letter with a formal closing like "Sincerely" or "Yours truly.".
After that give the signature.

d. First, talk about our value. Bringing up any and all evidence that proves why
you’re worth to get that salary. You can share your power, competence, and
skill to the recruiter. It can determine the recruiter how much worth the
salary we get.
Second, do market research. You can share to the recruiter how much the
salary that who have similar job titles and level of experiences as you do.
Other than that, you can rely on job vacancy website to find out a range.
Third, give a recruiter a number, not a range. Often, job seekers make a
biggest mistake because they give a range. The recruiter can give you lower
than what you really wanted. Other than that, when you give a range, it
makes you look a bit wishy washy too. You can give an ideal number from
your research and your value.
Fourth, be humble and polite, yet confident. For negotiation about salary is
simple, just tell your value and worth to the recruiter. It is not about being
aggressive or greedy.

2. Make an example of your application and CV.

Application Letter

Jakarta, December 1, 2020

Ernanda Putra
Makna Creative
20 Bangka Street
South Jakarta 12720
Dear Mr. Nanda,
I am writing this letter to express my interest in the Content Creator opening as
advertised on Social Media (@ernandaputra). I believe my skills and creativity will
help me excel as a family at Makna Creative. I think I am the right person for this
opening. Here is my brief biography:
Name: Ilham Kusumaning Pratama
Date of Birth: Jakarta, May 10, 2000
Gender: Male
Education: BASc, Digital Multimedia Engineering
Address: Bungur 8 Street, East Jakarta, 13830
Phone Number: 082122289888
As a 3rd-year Digital Multimedia Engineering Student from the State Polytechnic
of Jakarta, I will gain more experience and lessons in your company. I have
remarkable command over skills such as graphic design, content writer,
programmer, and along with this I can manage time excellently.
For your consideration, I have also attached multiples such as:

• Curiculum Vitae
• Copy of Transcript
• Lates 4x6 Photograph
• ID Government Copy
• Portfolio
Thank you for kind attention. I am looking forward to your reply.


Ilham Kusumaning Pratama


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