Case Scenario For ADHD

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Republic of the Philippines


Tamag, Vigan City
2700 Ilocos Sur

College of Nursing
Website: Mail:

CP# 09177148749, 09175785986


Case Scenario

The parents of a 7-year-old boy took to a family practitioner because they have become
increasingly concerned about his behavior not only in school but also at home. In the first grade, he has
been bored, disruptive, fighting with classmates and rude to his teacher. At home, he cannot sit still and
meals have been very unpleasant. The lad himself wonders why he is there. The parents have 2 older
daughter who say their brother is a “pain” and spoiled. There were no pregnancy or birth problems and
the child is on no medications. He has had al his scheduled shots.

The doctor decides more information is required before any treatment is indicated. She wants
careful observations of the child both at home and in school. She wishes to talk with his teacher and
suggests psychological testing. She also wants some time to see the patient alone. Careful investigation
and thorough observations must be done before any intervention. Both the physician and the parents
are concerned about overuse of medications and the value for behavioral interventions.


1. What type of ADHD does the 7 years-old boy manifests?

 The type of ADHD does the 7 years old boy is HYPERACTIVE/IMPULSIVE. This type of ADHD
shows that a person is having problem in sitting in meal time and school time, talk all the time,
interrupt people, disruptive, and having a constant movement.
2. What are some of the causes of ADHD?
 The exact causes of the ADHD are not clear, but there are factors that is involved in the
development of ADHD may include;
o Genetics: Relatives such as parents or siblings with ADHD
o Maternal drug use, alcohol and smoking during pregnancy
o Exposure to environmental toxin such as lead.
o Premature birth
o Brain changes: Areas of the brain that control attention are less active in children with
3. Can the mere appearance of symptoms enough to make a diagnosis of ADHD?
 NO. For diagnosing ADHD, there is no exact medical or other tests to determine if a child has
ADHD. Health care professional will need to involved in this study, they use tools, checklists
of symptoms (at least 5-6 symptoms), some guidelines of questions to answer about past and
present problems or exams to rule out other causes.
Republic of the Philippines


Tamag, Vigan City
2700 Ilocos Sur

College of Nursing
Website: Mail:

CP# 09177148749, 09175785986

4. Treatment of ADHD consists of a multimodal approach. Cite examples.

 There are several of approaches to treat ADHD, but research suggests that for many
cases of ADHD in children the best way to manage symptoms is a multimodal
approach such as;
o THERAPY: It focuses in changing behavior.
 Special education helps a child learn at school, having structure and a
routine can help children with a ADHD.
 Social skills training can teach behaviors, such as taking turns and
 Psychotherapy can help someone with ADHD learn better ways to
handle their emotions and frustration and could help improve their
 Educating parents about the disorder and its management is another
important part of ADHD treatment.
 Keep a clear schedule and routines
 Focus on your child when you are talking to them
 Be an example of calm, focused behavior
 Be consistent with discipline
 Reward good behavior
 Boost your child’s self-esteem
o LIFESTLYE CHANGES: Help children with ADHD manage symptoms.
 Limit time spent on electronic devices
 Get plenty of sleep
 Get some exercise everyday
 Simplify their room to lessen distractions like toys and improve
 Eat healthy diet with lots of fruits, veggies, whole grains and whole

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