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Feedback & Grading Criteria

Fail Pass Merit Distinction

Planning and Ineffective 4.1 Demonstrate 4.1 Demonstrate 4.1 Demonstrate

Production planning and little the ability to plan, the ability to plan, the ability to plan,
or no evaluation organise and organise and organise and
 Pre-production against aims. produce a creative produce a creative produce a creative
booklet Task or tasks are media production media production media production
 Actors incomplete. project within an project within an project within an
confirmation agreed time frame agreed time frame agreed time frame
 Location to a satisfactory to a high standard to a very high
confirmation standard standard.

Feedback Date: 7th May 21

This week I started editing my film and applying some final VFX to some clips, I also started to shot
the final sequence involving the Gorilla on my moon set.

Due to a bank holiday on Monday I started my editing on the Tuesday. My aim was just to get all
the footage batch processed I had around 6,000 pictures that needed to be processed so I
expected it would take some time, it took 30 - 45 minutes to get all the footage reprocessed
which turned them into 1080 x 1920 and lowered the quality by about half. My concern was that
if they were not made smaller and more manageable for the computer it would crash and become
laggy making it hard to edit. Once into Premiere Pro I laid down a rough audio track and started
matching each bit of footage to the correct audio clip to get this done took me the rest of Tuesday
and start of Thursday. Once roughly aligned on the timeline I could go back and clean up the
footage and audio by replacing clips and by slowing and speeding up the footage. I used pixel
mapping in after effects to slow down clips this technique inspired by my research into Shaun the
sheep allows the footage to look less clunky when slowed down. I also found out that I can work
on the same piece of footage in after effects and premiere pro at the same time so after I’ve
finished editing, I will add motion blur to the whole project allowing the film to feel a lot more
fluid. On Friday I had asked a friend of mine to render some of my VFX clips as his computer, it
wasn’t until we he got home and tried to render them that we realised that I hadn’t given him all
the files and the backgrounds of the moon were missing. I will have to decide whether to retry on
his computer or just do it on the school ones overnight. I had tried to make the audio sound more
realistic to the real audio of the Apollo missions my inspiration was listening to real recordings
from my Research and listening to the audio of ‘First Man’, I did this by clipping the high and low
ends of the audio and then adding a flattering effect over the audio. This did a good job at
replicating the mic sounds although it can sound a bit high pitched at times. The music I chose was

At night I would film the scenes with the monkey, for my first film I had planned on using the
source 4 to create a shadow of the monkey onto the moon set however as I was setting it up the
bulb blew again, this meant I had to use the Fresnel instead which casted a softer shadow onto
the set, this was very unfortunate as it didn’t look as good but my tight schedule didn’t leave open
enough time to get a replacement bulb. I filmed on a mixture of the main set and inside, where
possible I tried to work inside as it was a nicer working environment as I wasn’t trying to animate
in the cold outside. Besides the lighting issue filming was pretty uneventful and hasn’t caused me
and issues.

This week was very constructive I managed to get a lot of editing completed in a relatively short
period of time, this is encouraging for next week where I will be editing for the rest of the week
and the more time, I had to get feedback and completely changed the better.
Feedback & Grading Criteria

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