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A Research Proposal

In partial fulfillment of the requirements for the course

Nursing Research 1

Submitted by:

Balbontin, Abie Jean B.

Golingan , Margarette B.

Nobleza, Jessa A.

Rai, Mariah Khristine A


Version 1.0

Iloilo City


Content Page

I Introduction

Statement of the Problem

Background and Rationale

Aims and Objectives of the Study

Hypothesis Formulation

Research Framework

Definition of Terms

Significance of the Study

Scope and Limitations of the Study

II. Review of Related Literature

Conceptual Literature

Research Literature

Synthesis of the Literature Review

III. Methodology

Rationale of the Study Designs

Study Setting, Population, and Justification of the Sample Size

Criteria of the Study Population

Recruitment Process

Plans for Data Processing and Analysis

Workplan Schedule and Timeline

Ethical / Biosafety Clearance

Budgetary Requirements
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Background and Rationale

Caffeine is a natural stimulant that is most commonly found in tea, coffee, soft drinks,
energy drinks and chocolates. Caffeine helps by stimulating the brain and central nervous
system, helping a person to stay alert and can prevent the onset of tiredness (Warwick, 2020).
Among the college students over 92% of them consume caffeine in any form (Mahoney,
2019). Caffeine consumption may not make students smarter, but it does increase the brain’s
ability to concentrate. It has the ability to keep a person awake longer, allowing them for more
waking hours. Furthermore, it allows them to boost an energy or a feeling of heightened
alertness. One of the factors why college students have become more dependent on consuming
caffeine everyday is that they believed that this can help to enhance their cognitive performance
and it can boost their alertness while studying (Butcher et al., 2019).

A study on underlying reasons of caffeine consumption revealed that about 173 mg of

caffeinated beverages is consumed daily. The reason why most people are so dependent on
coffee is because it gives them energy. This often translates to better performance at school and
work and moderate caffeine intake can even improve mental health sometimes.​ ​Students
devouring caffeine like coffee, tea, delicate drinks and vitality drinks has reasons like a few
student states that caffeine makes them to become alert, progress concentration and upgrade
capacity in examining. A few reasons are getting a charge out of taste, granting them vitality and
easing the stretch and disposition. One of the most sources of caffeine is the coffee which both
male and female students expend more than vitality drinks and liquor drinks (Mahoney et. al.,

Caffeine helps stimulate the brain of individuals, especially in working memory. It can
also expand the memory of a person to become alert. Caffeine can also be taken as a gentle
stimulant demonstrated by its impact on performing within the setting of students who are tired
or exhausted (Patoca et al., 2019). Caffeine consumption has many effects on the cognitive,
physical, emotional and behavioral to the persons who use it as their stimulants especially to
those college students the reason is they feel awake and improve their concentration as well as
increasing their physical energy to finish their work (Van Beek,. et. al 2019).
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Overall, this study aims to know the impact of caffeine consumption on cognitive
performance of BSN students. It will tell us the possible correlation of caffeine consumption and
cognitive performance of the students who are regularly taking it, as it may be a big help or
maybe not to them. Overconsumption of caffeine might cause your heart to beat faster. It may
also lead to sleep deprivation, when they are deprived from sleep, students tend to stay
unfocused over something that may affect their performance at school. There are many factors
that may affect the cognitive performance of the students because of caffeine consumption, and
that will be the focus of the research study.

Statement of the Problem

General Objective

This study aims to determine the impact of caffeine consumption on the cognitive
performance among BSN students enrolled in the alternative learning program.

Specific Objectives

Specifically, this research aims to answer the following questions:

1. What is the level of caffeine consumption of BSN students enrolled in the Alternative
learning program at Iloilo Doctors’ College, ​when taken as a whole group and grouped according
to (a) age, (b) sex, and (c) ​year level?

2. Is there a significant difference in caffeine consumption level among BSN students at

Iloilo Doctors’ College, ​when taken as a whole group and grouped according to (a) age, (b) sex,
and (c) ​year level?

3. Is there a significant relationship between the caffeine consumption and cognitive

performance of BSN students at Iloilo Doctors’ College, ​when taken as a whole group and
grouped according to (a) age, (b) sex, and (c) ​year level?

Hypothesis of the Study

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In view of the preceding problems​, ​the hypotheses have been developed as followed:

1. There is no significant difference in caffeine consumption level among BSN students

at Iloilo Doctors’ College, ​when taken as a whole group and grouped according to (a) age, (b)
sex, and (c) ​year level.

2. There is no significant relationship between the caffeine consumption and cognitive

performance of BSN students at Iloilo Doctors’ College, ​when taken as a whole group and
grouped according to (a) age, (b) sex, and (c) ​year level

Theoretical and Conceptual Framework

According to a theory Caffeine and Activation Theory: Effects on Health and Behavior by
(Smith et. al, 2008), it was stated that it provides researchers and clinicians with the most
comprehensive and balanced review of the scientific literature on the effects of caffeine found
anywhere. It devotes unprecedented coverage to the impact of caffeine on cardiovascular
functioning and pathology, details the pharmacological properties and neurophysiological effects
of the drug, and thoroughly reviews literature concerned with the role of this powerful stimulant
in mood, task performance, and psychopathology. Rounding out the coverage is thorough review
of emerging research on the possible benefits of caffeine and catechins in green and black teas.

In addition, this research study will also be anchored on the Health Belief Model. The
Health Belief Model is a theoretical model that can be used to guide health promotion and
disease prevention programs. It is used to explain and predict individual changes in health
behaviors. It is one of the most widely used models for understanding health behaviors. The key
element of Health Belief Model (HBM) is to focus on individual beliefs about condition, which
predict individual health-related behaviors. The model defines the key factors that influence
health behaviors as an individual's perceived threat to sickness or disease (perceived
susceptibility), belief of consequence (perceived severity), potential positive benefits of action
(perceived benefits), perceived barriers to action, exposure to factors that prompt action (cues to
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action), and confidence in ability to succeed (self-efficacy).( Janz and Becker, 1984; Harrison et
al., 1992; Abraham and Sheeran, 2015).

Figure 1. Schematic Diagram presents the relationship of independent variables to the impact of
caffeine consumption on the cognitive performance.

Given the Figure above shows the conceptual framework of the relationship between the
variables and the objectives of the research study. In the illustration above, it represents that
there are three independent variables: a) age, b) sex, and c) year level that influence the impact of
caffeine consumption on the cognitive performance among BSN students enrolled in the
alternative learning program.

Definition of Terms

Age ​– is conceptually and operationally defined as the length of an existence extending

from the beginning to any given time (Merriam-Webster, 2020).

Behavior​ – the way in which someone conducts oneself or behaves (Merriam-Webster

Dictionaries, 2020).

In this paper, behavior refers to the way a college student acts under the influence of
caffeinated beverages.
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Caffeine intake​ – is defined as the consumption of caffeine through tea, coffee, soft
drinks (particularly energy drink) and chocolate (University of Michigan Health Service, 2017).

In this paper, it is referred to the caffeine consumption of BSN college students who are
the respondents of the study to make them feel awake, increase their physical energy, improve
their concentration and mood, and alleviate their stress.

Caffeine beverage –​ is defined as the drinks that contain caffeine, a stimulant that is legal
and popular in most countries (Oxford Dictionaries, 2017).

In this research paper, it is referred to the drink that contains caffeine like coffee, tea,
energy drinks and soft drinks where the college students frequently consumed.

Caffeine​ – is defined as the drug found in coffee and tea that stimulates the central
nervous system and makes a person feel more active (Oxford Dictionaries, 2017).

The term caffeine in this research study is referred to the coffee, tea or soft drinks that the
college student might ingest.

Cognitive performance​ – is defined as the mental process which involves knowing,

learning, and understanding things (Collins Dictionary, 2020).

Cognitive performance in this research study was termed as the ability of an individual to
perform a task using the brain, body and behavioral measures in relation to the impact using
caffeinated drinks. It will also serve as one of the variables of this research study and its level
will be determined based on the gathered data.

College students​ – students enrolled in college or university (Vocabulary. com., 2020).

College students in this research paper refer to the BSN students enrolled in the
alternative learning program that will be the respondents of the study.

Health​ – is defined as the overall condition of someone’s body or mind (Merriam-

Webster Dictionaries, 1828).
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In this research paper, it is defined as a person's mental and physical condition in relation
to the effect of caffeine in their body.

Sex ​– is conceptually and operationally defined as the biological differences between

males and females (Medical News Today, 2018).

Significance of the Study

This study will benefit the following:

The BSN students​ – who are currently enrolled in the about the impact of caffeine
consumption on their cognitive performance. They are the target population of interest in this
study considering that caffeine consumption patterns may be related with changes in their living
environment in a college setting . College students increase caffeine consumption when
experiencing lack of sleep while some students believe that caffeine consumption enhances their
cognitive performance. The finding of this research will also serve as a reference guide for the
students in controlling their caffeine intake daily.

Parents ​– the study may provide new information about the effects of too much caffeine
intake not only to their children but also for themselves. This will also give them an
understanding about the possible outcome of caffeine intake.

Caffeine consumers ​– the study may provide them a better understanding with regards to
the health benefits and possible liability of caffeine once it is ingested. With this information ,
the society will now have an overview of the possible relationship of caffeine to the cognitive
performance of students nowadays and for future generations.

The nurse educator/ Staffs​ – the study may be provided with information regarding the
effects of caffeine consumption on the cognitive performance of their students. This study will
contribute to the knowledge of nurse educators and staff to provide proper precautionary
measures that will enable the BSN students not to take caffeine but instead to do other stuff to
help students gain good performance at school.
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Future Researcher​ – the results of this study may also help the future researchers as it
will serve as their basis for future references related to caffeine consumption on BSN student's
cognitive performance enrolled in Alternative learning programs. This study will benefit the
future researchers that will conduct or examine further information about the topic.

Scope and Limitations of the Study

The limitations of the research study includes eliance on self-reported data and the
accuracy of the self-reported data collected.

This study aims to identify the relationship between caffeine consumption and cognitive
performance among BSN students enrolled in the Alternative Learning program of the
Philippine. In order to get the data needed in determining how often the caffeine consumption
and cognitive performance of an individual BSN students, the researchers will use an online
survey questionnaire. An online survey questionnaire was made to get the demographic profile of
the BSN students. Moreover, it also focuses on prior things that relate the cognitive performance
and caffeine consumption among nursing students . The scope of this research study is limited to
Iloilo Doctors College of nursing during the school year 2020-2021. The respondents of the
study involve 1st year to 4th year BSN students. This study will not also involve students from
different college departments.

This research study is primarily focused on examining caffeine as it affects cognitive

performance through a descriptive , quantitative approach in gathering between the variables
under investigations.
Iloilo City


Review of Related Literature

Conceptual Literature

International Literature

Caffeine is a Central Nervous System stimulant, causing increased alertness. It is the

world's most widely consumed psychoactive drug. Caffeine is a drug that is naturally produced
in the leaves and seeds of many plants. It is commonly found in tea, coffee and cacao plants. It
also gives most people a temporary energy boost and elevates mood. In its natural form, caffeine
tastes very bitter. But most caffeinated drinks have gone through enough processing to
camouflage the bitter taste (Petre, 2020). Caffeine is classified as a stimulant. It increases activity
in the central nervous system. Caffeine can increase energy levels and alertness, but side effects
can include irritability, jitters, anxiety, rapid heart rate, and insomnia (Hartney, 2020. p. 2​).
When caffeine reaches your brain, the most noticeable effect is alertness. You’ll feel more awake
and less tired, so it’s a common ingredient in medications to treat or manage drowsiness,
headaches, and migraines (Pietrangelo, 2018).

In addition, caffeine has many positive actions on the brain. It can increase alertness and
well-being, help concentration, improve mood and limit depression. Caffeine may disturb sleep,
but only in sensitive individuals. It may raise anxiety in a small subset of particularly sensitive
people (Fuller, 2016). Caffeine significantly increased blood pressure, and produced feelings of
arousal, positive mood, and high. Caffeine increased the number of hits and decreased reaction
times in a vigilance task, but impaired performance on a memory task (Childs, E. et al,2016).

According to Cale (2015), a professional writer since 2000, ―Caffeine ingested in

moderation can help improve memory, concentration and cognitive performance, and all of these
can definitely help students be more successful in school. Coffee also helps to combat the fatigue
that sometimes accompanies early-morning classes; it also produces a sense of alertness that may
help students pay attention and retain more during class and study periods. The key word is
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―moderation.‖ Too much caffeine causes unpleasant side effects that interfere with
concentration, including muscle tremors, anxiety and jittery feelings.

Caffeine has on cognitive and physical function, since most real-world activities require complex
decision making, motor processing and movement. Caffeine exerts its effects by blocking
adenosine receptors. CaffeineCaffeine consumption gives alertness, vigilance, attention, reaction
time and attention improve, but less consistent effects are observed on memory and higher-order
executive function, such as judgment and decision making (McLellan T. et al,2016).

Coffee is one of the sources of caffeine in the US population. Students have consumed
more caffeine than individuals who aged 19-30 years old. Caffeine intake in male consumer’s
ranges to (120 mg/day) while in female consumers (111 mg/day). Both male and female students
consumed 53 vs. 30 mg/day of caffeine in the energy drinks, accordingly, and about 28%
consumed energy drinks with alcohol on at least one occasion. Students provided some specific
reasons for the use of caffeine indulging to feel them awake, which results to (79%); enjoying
the taste (68%); the social aspects of consumption the social aspects of consumption (39%);
improving concentration (31%); increases physical energy (27%); improving the mood (18%);
and alleviating stress (9%) (Mahoney et. al., 2018).

In western population, the study focuses on caffeine intake among university students in
Bahrain. The main source of caffeine intake is coffee to be followed by black tea and energy
drinks. 98% of students consume any type of caffeinated drinks. Male students consume more
caffeinated drinks than female students. In the study, Overall, 400 mg of coffee, tea and energy
drinks consumed by the participants in a day. The predominance of consuming any type of
caffeine among college students in different university in Bahrain is high (Jahrami et al., 2020).

According to the study of de Paula & Farah (2019) in ​Caffeine Consumption through
Coffee: Content in the Beverage, Metabolism, Health Benefits and Risk, ​one of the most known
benefits of caffeine consumption are improvement of mood and physical performance and
stimulating the brain. Also it can reduce the risk of the disease like Alzheimer’s disease. Caffeine
can make the t dopaminergic receptors and release neurotransmitters which improve
self-confidence, enhance alertness, mental focus and learning memory. In the same study,
Iloilo City

caffeinated drinks can have a negative effect on the students who are extremely consuming
caffeine. It can produce insomnia especially for those who are loving to drink caffeine,
nervousness and anxiety.

Local Literature

The Article V of the Philippine Commission on Higher Education memorandum order

(CMO) No. 15 series of 2017 entitled "Policies, Standards and Guidelines for the Bachelor of
Science in Nursing Program" , including the competency standards that should be integrated in
the BSN curriculum. The curriculum to be implemented should be aligned with the school vision
,mission and goals. The commission provides curriculum components following the General
Education courses (36 units),major courses (17 units) and lastly the Professional courses
composed of (125 units). In the teaching- learning process of BS nursing it is composed of the
Related Learning Experiences (RLE) composed of Clinicals and skills laboratories.The BS
nursing curriculum are therefore expected to achieve the specific level of knowledge, skills and
values , to the degree of independence. In the course of nursing education and training ,nursing
students are frequently exposed to various stressors which may directly or indirectly hamper
their learning and performance. Furthermore, programs which are important in preparing
students to develop into a professional nurse role by its nature have made the program even more
challenging and stressful than other programs.

According to Yoro, (2018), college students reported to have experienced high level
of stress during their academic year. Nursing students in both classroom and clinical settings
experience a high level of stress. In the context of Philippine society, tertiary education often
requires students to study for an extended hours, most especially during the periods of an
increased workload prior to the activities and examinations. Medical students like nurses, who
have to master a very large capacity of academic work in a restricted amount of time, are no
exemption for this. They are more prone to the consumption of caffeine because they are posed
for high stress and heavy study hours. The most common reason and coping strategies behind the
caffeine intake of the student nurse was to manage their academic stress and to keep them more
alert to study for an exam.
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The researchers focused on the possible correlation of caffeine intake and academic
performance of the students who are regularly taking it, as it may be a big help or maybe not to
them. Over consuming caffeine might lead to sleep deprivation, when they are deprived from
sleep, students tend to stay unfocused over something that may affect their academic
performance inside or outside the classroom. There are many factors that may affect the
academic performance of the students because of caffeine intake, and that will be the focus of the
study. Other researches focused on the beliefs and perspectives of the students in drinking
beverages with caffeine, but never really defined the possible correlation of it to the academic
performance of the students. It was already given the effects of caffeine in the human body and
mentality, and this study is a good opportunity to clear and state the correlation of the said
variables. Caffeine quickly reaches the brain because of its ability to pass through the
blood-brain barrier, but it is equally distributed through the body‘s total water and stays in
similar concentration throughout the body (Maisto, Galizio, & Connors, 2011).

Effects of caffeine intake on cognitive performance has its positive effect and it allows the
students to pay attention to lectures, to study and to do homeworks.However, effects of caffeine
can cause lack of sleep due to jitteriness and anxiety, which can break their concentration.
College students may also increase caffeine consumption as it is readily available on their
campus. (Derupe,E.M., et al., 2020).

Synthesis of Literature Review

Caffeine is a Central Nervous System stimulant. The advantages of caffeine consumption

among the students are alertness, and improvement in mental health performance, improved
sense of well-being, mood: happiness, energy and sociability. It also helps in performing a
variety of cognitive tasks, such as recognizing visual patterns more quickly. In performance
caffeine intake allows students to stay alert and awake for a longer duration. However, excessive
amounts of caffeine consumption can be more harmful than helpful to young students. Because
of its stimulant, it can increase heart rate and blood pressure which impacts someone's overall
health. The effect may become pronounced, leading to anxiety and nervousness.In fact,
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caffeine-induced anxiety disorder is one of four caffeine-related syndromes listed in the

Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM), which is published by the
American Psychiatric Association. Insomnia,Caffeine can help you stay awake during the day,
but it may negatively impact your sleep.

The effects of caffeine can be either harmful or helpful to the performance of students. Caffeine
is the common energy drink of students, especially college and university students. Caffeine
consumption improves the central nervous system stimulation. It can help the students to be
active, improve reactions and alertness that help the students to finish a task and helps in
studying. It can improve the mood and cognitive performance, but extreme caffeine consumption
has a risk to the health and performance of students. There is limited evidence in the perception
between caffeine consumption and cognitive performance among students. Although there's a
positive effect of caffeine consumption on cognitive performance, the study needs to search more
about the negative result of extreme intake of caffeine of students to their health because
nowadays , coffee and energy drinks are the one that students need.
Iloilo City



Rationale of the Study Designs

In this study, the researcher used descriptive-cross sectional survey design that provides
data for describing the status of phenomena or relationships among phenomena at a fixed point
in time .The participants in a cross-sectional research study are recruited based on the inclusion
and exclusion criteria set for the study (Splendor & Chickens,2020). Quantitative Research is
used to quantify the problem by way of generating numerical data or data that can be
transformed into usable statistics. It is used to quantify attitudes, behaviors, and other defined
variables – and generalize results from a larger sample population. Quantitative Research uses
measurable data to formulate facts and uncover patterns in research. Quantitative data collection
methods are much more structured than Qualitative data collection methods. Quantitative data
collection methods include various forms of surveys – online surveys, paper surveys, mobile
surveys and kiosk surveys, face-to-face interviews, telephone interviews, longitudinal studies,
website interceptors, online polls, and systematic observations (DeFranzo,2010).

In this research study, we are going to use descriptive- correlational research design, in
which it is used to describe population with respect to important variables. This is to examine the
relationship and effect of each variable. It indicates the information gathered for the purpose of
description and interpretation. In fact, it is very common to use this design in order to determine
the relationship between the independent variables and the dependent variable. This does not
amount to direct evidence of causality due to the outcomes are based on the significant and
proper information which includes proper analyses, interpretation, comparison and relationship
(Salaria, 2012).

In using the descriptive survey in our study the potential biases that may occur to the
respondents while they are answering the survey are the non-response bias, sampling bias, social
desirability bias, recall bias, and common method bias. This bias can be potentially avoided if the
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independent and dependent variables are measured at different point of time. (Lindell and
Whitney’s, 2001).

Researchers discovered that using the descriptive cross-sectional design is suited into the
research study. After all, the researchers are not looking for the cause and effect, instead the
researchers are simply looking at the relationship between two variables which is the caffeine
consumption and Cognitive Performance of BSN students.

Study Setting

This study was conducted in Iloilo Doctors’ College of Nursing located at West Avenue,
Timawa, Molo Iloilo City, Philippines. We intended to gather the data via Social Media for
online surveys. It was the most accessible location for researchers considering the limitations
and complications brought by the pandemic. Based on the experience of these people, there is a
high possibility of obtaining all the relevant information for the study.


Students of Nursing are dependent on energy drinks and coffee to keep them awake in
making massive requirements or to review for an upcoming exam. They consumed a caffeine
everyday to boost their energy and stay alert on duty or at school. They are the interest of these
studies because of their experience and high possibility of obtaining all the relevant information
for the study. The targeted population was the individual groups consisting of both male and
female students of IDC. These individual groups are the undergraduates who are currently
studying at Iloilo Doctors’ College. The respondents of this research study will be full-time
undergraduates who had consumed caffeine.

Sample Size

Slovins formula is used to calculate an appropriate sample size from a population.

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n= Sample size

N= Total population

e= possible sampling error ranging to 1%-10% (med=0.05)


N= 974 (Total Bsn students of Iloilo Doctors College) 95% of confidence interval

e= 0.05 (margin of error)

Formula: x= 1 + Ne 2

1 + (974) (0.05)

The BSN students of IDC has a total population of 974, with 95% of confidence interval and 5%
margin of sampling error.(1+Ne2) (1+974 (0.0025) we add and multiply and


In this study, a sample size of 284 respondents was selected to complete the research
survey.The elements of the research study would include the gender, age, year level of the
respondents. The respondents of the research study are students who are currently enrolled at
Iloilo Doctors College of nursing in order to get the result more accurate and reliable. Besides
that, the fewer sample size of 284 can lower down the cost and can reduce time consuming in
gathering data collection.

Sampling Technique

Convenience sampling or Availability sampling was used in the selection of the

prospects. It is precisely used, uncomplicated and economical. This method is useful because it is
relatively easy to get a sample and it is less expensive compared to other methods and the
participants are readily available for conducting the study (Berk and Freedman, 2003).
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Criteria of the Study Population

Inclusion Criteria

The qualifications for selecting the participants in this study are the following:

● BSN students enrolled in Iloilo Doctors College

● BSN students from 1st year, 2nd Year, 3rd year and 4th year that are selected to be our
respondents in our study
● At least 18 years old

Exclusion Criteria

This study will not involve any respondents with the following characteristics:

● Students who never consume caffeinated drinks.

● Exclusion of Minors.

Recruitment Process

Step 1: Sending a letter of intent to the Dean of College of Nursing requesting permission
in order to conduct the study

Step 2: Using a social media platforms as a form of advertisement to invite the respondents
of the research study.

Step 3: Sending an online survey link to the respondent's through their respective email

Step 4: Participants will received a consent form and information document with the

Step 5: Save and store the data

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The first step of this study is to send a letter of intent to the Dean of College of Nursing
requesting for permission in order to conduct the study. Second, using a social media platforms
as a form of advertisement to invite the respondents of the research study. Third, sending the
online survey link to the respondents through their respective email accounts. Fourth step
participants will received a consent form and information document with the questionnaires and
the. Last step is to save and store the data securely and safely by the member of the group who is
assigned to it.

Plans for Data Processing and Analysis

Principal investigator: the person who is entirely responsible for data safekeeping and
storage. She is also responsible for overseeing, managing, and supervising the data-gathering
process. The PI shall also inform the POES/study sites for his intentions of QA summary
reporting, data dissemination, and/or publications. As the PI, he should guarantee that the
following data are stored accordingly:

Online Survey Data: All data gathered from online survey will be stored in a
password-protected cloud server and password-protected internal storage system and only the
principal investigator shall have access to the overall data.

Co-Principal Investigator (Co-PI): the person who is in constant coordination with the PI
in terms of ensuring that the standards of research data management are ensured. He is also
responsible for providing feedback to the PI for any incidents deviating from the standard.

Co-Authors / Co-Investigators (Co-I): the subset of researchers who are responsible for
providing insights in terms of research data management and writing of the final manuscript of
the research. They will have no access to raw data gathered.

Research Coordinators/Assistants: Ensures that all pertinent data necessary for analysis
and interpretation are gathered and will be responsible for uploading the recorded responses to
the database. After the data-gathering, the coordinators/assistants will transcribe the recorded
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interviews, upload into the server, and will permanently delete any copies of the data gathered
after storage to the database.

Data Application and Storage

Following the 3x2x2 rule of data storage, the PI will store the research data gathered in
three (3) different unencrypted files in two (2) different formats stored in two (2) different
password-protected locations. This is ensured by the following procedures:

• Demographic profiles shall exclude personally identifying information of study

participants (i.e. name, address, distinguishing physical appearance).

• Quantitative data will be gathered using a secured online survey form and uploaded in a

password-protected database system.

• Qualitative data will be gathered using a semi-structured interview and open-ended


• Qualitative data gathered from FGD will be recorded using an electronic device,
transcribed into MSword format, and will be uploaded in the database within one week
from the date of data​ g​athering.

Data control

The survey questionnaires will be evaluated before implementation. The survey that we
are going to use is open-ended questions to minimize the biases. The questionnaires will be
construed to English and will be translated into Filipino. The translation will be ensured that the
questions are understood by the particulars.

The responses from the participants will be written words and it will be translated to the
English language to ensure the reliability in the translated data response.
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Study Analyses Considerations

Rationale for Statistical Design:

Before the actual gathering of data, the researchers will select a total of 300 respondents
to determine if they are qualified for the criteria of the study population that was given and
identified by the researchers. A likert scale will also be used to describe the understanding of
how the participants will agree or disagree about the impact of caffeine in the alternative learning
of BSN Students.

Rationale for Analysis of Quantitative Data:

Before the researchers start their survey, there is an agreement that they will use
structured, open-ended questionnaires in collecting their data. In consensus among researchers, it
must be at least compared to two or three qualified translators before the final survey questions
are used in gathering the data.

Data Analysis:

Quantitative data will be collected from the participants by this study as part of the
methodology. Cross-sectional survey results will be analyzed through a descriptive approach.


The initial outcome of this research study is the results in the assessment among BSN
Students enrolled in the Alternative Learning Program..
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Workplan Schedule & Timelines

The whole research study is expected to be completed in the period of seven (7) months.

Activities 2021

Ja Fe Mar Ap Ma Ju Jul
n b r y n

Acceptance of Research

Development of Research

Questionnaire Development
and Sampling

Scheduling of Data Gathering

Data Collection

Data Entry and Analysis

Thesis Compilation

Thesis Presentation

Ethical / Biosafety Clearance

Informed Consent
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Before data gathering, each participant must sign the individual consent form or participants
must inform as a matter ethics. The participants have a right to refuse or must voluntarily
participate in the research. The informed consent must clearly explain the objectives and the title
of the research.

Risk and Benefits to Participants

In data gathering, the researcher ensures that tools that are used did not harm the
participant’s dignity. Also the researcher ensures that the content of the research has a benefit to
the participants that can apply to their life.


The information provided by the participants to this research must be strictly confidential
even if there is no legal protection. It is the obligation of each member to maintain
confidentiality. The researcher can make a request to the participant to sign the pledge of
confidentiality as part of the consent.

Raising Concerns

Any participants who have a concern about the research that they are participating must
communicate to the member of research or ethics.

Safety of the Participants

As we are in the pandemic, the researcher must gather the data through online for the
safety of the participants. The researcher must know how to use the application so that it can
easily gather data.

Researcher’s Record

The hard copy of the documents must be safekeeping by the data manager and all
members must have a copy in case of emergency. Soft copy of all documents, data gathering
tools and records must upload in a secured storage system or in a flash drive.

Estimated Budgetary Requirements

Iloilo City

Line Items Monthly Cost

Personnel PHP 600.00

·​ Researcher Adviser

Material and supplies ( bond paper, Envelop, folder,

PHP 500.00

PHP 500.00

Travel PHP 200.00

PHP 2,300.00

Iloilo City

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Research Team, Roles, and Responsibilities:

Appendix: Curriculum Vitae of Research Team and Adviser


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