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Level of Awareness and Attitude of Ilonggo Mothers toward the Benefits of Exclusive Breastfeeding

A Research Proposal

In partial fulfillment of the requirements for the course

Nursing Research 1

Submitted by:
Jeanin L. Apura
Danice Anne Araño
Ruhda J. Hinlo
Xena Angelica B. Soltis

Version 1.0

Content Page

I Introduction

Statement of the Problem

Background and Rationale

Aims and Objectives of the Study

Hypothesis Formulation

Research Framework

Definition of Terms

Significance of the Study

Scope and Limitations of the Study

II. Review of Related Literature

Conceptual Literature

Research Literature

Synthesis of the Literature Review

III. Methodology

Rationale of the Study Designs

Study Setting, Population, and Justification of the Sample Size

Criteria of the Study Population

Recruitment Process

Plans for Data Processing and Analysis

Workplan Schedule and Timeline

Ethical / Biosafety Clearance

Budgetary Requirements


I. Introduction
1. Background and Rationale

Breastfeeding is an effective way of reducing child mortality and it is studied as one of the
most difficult hand of health status of a common population. It showed that mothers lack knowledge
and are not aware about the benefits of breastfeeding particularly also in immunization along with
breastfeeding that can reduce the risk of death rate. This study shows. Mothers are lacking awareness
on breastfeeding and early initiation, due to being unsupported and unprepared and giving breastfeed
depends on their mood. Approximately 75% of mothers are accepting of giving breastfeed to their baby
in public places and to improve breastfeeding even in public places the public support breastfeeding
mothers to achieve their feeding goals. (Russell, K., 2015) Some mothers have knowledge in
performing breastfeeding. They are aware how breastfeeding is beneficial to both of them.
Approximately, 78% are shy to feed in public places. Majority are saying that the right posture should
be implemented and it should be supported by public health about room for breastfeeding in public
places. (Sharif, et., al., 2017) Another study was conducted in 2018 shows the maternal attitude and
behavior. (Hamze, et al., 2018)

In 2016-2018 it figured that 823,000 infant deaths and 20,000 maternal deaths if precluded
annually by focusing on breastfeeding early is due to unaccepted pregnancy and early motherhood. As
of this writing, there is evidence that there is a lack of awareness and attitude regarding exclusive
breastfeeding. Maternal attitude, behavior and awareness about breastfeeding are depending on their
point of view, beliefs and intention to continue giving breastfeed to their infants. Hence, there is a need
to conduct a local study for another basis and to improve their awareness and attitude toward Exclusive
Breastfeeding. Study shows that prenatal and antenatal educations of mothers on initiation of
breastfeeding and colostrum along with proper method and techniques of breastfeeding will eliminate
problems and ignorance. Practices of breastfeeding on mother's are properly implemented but only
50% overall infants benefit breastfeed due to lack of awareness and attitude of mothers how it will
affect the life of their children. Working and non-working mothers has no difference on commending
breastfeed to infants. Some mother may early stop commending breastfeed due to certain reason but it
didn't affect performing breastfeeding even just a short period of time. Up until now health care
providers are still implementing and encouraging mothers to perform breastfeeding.

Early breastfeeding practices are advised to achieve nutritional status for the infant, it
proposed the exclusive breastfeeding yet inadequate to support due to behavior and social status can't
aim. The knowledge on breastfeeding given during antenatal period importantly bond with awareness
and practices of mothers. The guidance from family members and insufficient breast milk were the
major reasons for not exclusive breast feeding. Practices about breastfeeding are implemented but few
of infants are given by the breastfeed. As a response, this thesis aims to educate the mothers regarding

the benefits of Exclusive Breastfeeding and the behavior to show when giving breastfeed. Furthermore,
the goal of this study is to determine the level of awareness and attitude of mothers towards
breastfeeding and a good practice in breastfeeding in a way of having an effective and positive impact
to both mother and baby and to measure the level of awareness and attitude of Ilonggo Mothers toward
the benefits of Exclusive Breastfeeding.

2. Statement of the Problem

Generally, to measure the level of awareness of mothers toward Exclusive Breastfeeding and
this study will be able to provide specific knowledge to the mothers about the benefits of exclusive

3. Aims and Objectives of the Study

This study aims to measure the level of awareness of Mothers regarding Exclusive
breastfeeding and this study aims to describe the attitude of Mothers toward Exclusive Breastfeeding
among key populations in Iloilo City specifically in Calumpang Lying In. The result of this research
will help the mother understand the benefits of breastfeeding

4. Hypothesis Formulation

Null Hypothesis (0): The level of understanding has no effect to the awareness and attitude of Ilonggo

Directional Hypothesis (1): The level of understanding has no effect to the awareness and attitude of
Ilonggo Mothers.

Directional Hypothesis (2): The level of understanding can decrease the awareness and attitude of
Ilonggo Mothers.

5. Research Framework

Theoretical Framework

Social Psychological Theory by Kurt Lewin

6. Definition of Terms
The following terms are defined conceptually and operationally for the purpose of clarification:

Awareness- The state or ability to perceive, to feel, or to be conscious of events, objects, or sensory

It is the determining variable used in the study.

Attitude- is a positive, negative, or mixed evaluation of an object expressed at some level of intensity.

It is the determining variable used in the study.

Breastfeeding- is when you feed your baby breast milk, usually directly from your breast. It’s also
called nursing

It is the factor where the respondents will be subjected to.

Exclusive- limited to a particular person, thing, or group and not shared with others

Mother- someone who nurtures. Yes, carrying a child in your womb for months and then giving birth
creates a lifelong bond.

7. Significance of the Study
In finding out the benefit of Ilonggo mothers towards exclusive breastfeeding, it will measure
the level of awareness and attitude of mothers towards exclusive breastfeeding and will help them to
become more aware when it comes to breastfeeding especially in early motherhood. In addition, this
study will also determine mothers are acceptable on giving breastfeed in public places, and they should
be aware that breastfeeding is a great way to provide good nutrients to their infants, to have a good
performance and knowledge on right posture on giving breastfeed. In order to perform public
breastfeed there should be a support from public health to implement and construct a room for
breastfeeding area, to have privacy for both mother and infant.

8. Scope and Limitations of the Study

This research will be utilizing a Non-experimental study and Quantitative Approach that
randomly selects participating mothers and will collect and gather data via online survey. Through this,
we can provide confidentiality and anonymity to the participants.

This study focuses on measuring the level of awareness of mothers to the benefits of exclusive
breastfeeding. This involves a survey to the Ilonggo Mothers. The selection of respondents are limited
to Mothers in Calumpang. This research is designed to have a knowledge about problems of Mothers
on how aware they are of the benefits of exclusive breastfeeding through a survey. Also, this study
aims to give ideas to the mothers of the benefits of exclusive breastfeeding.

II. Review of Related Literature

1. Conceptual Literature
a. International Literature
Maternal attitude, behavior and awareness about breastfeeding are depending on their point of
view, beliefs and intention to continue giving breastfeed to their infants. Practices of
breastfeeding on mother's are properly implemented and approximately 50% of overall infants
benefit breastfeed due to lack of awareness and attitude of mothers how it will affect the life of
their children. Up until now health care providers are still implementing and encouraging mothers
to perform breastfeeding.

b. Local Literature

Mother’s acceptable when giving breastfeed in public places and aware that breastfeed is a big
help to have good nutrients to their infants, has a good performance and knowledge on right posture on
giving breastfeed. In order to perform public, breastfeed there should be support from public health to
implement and construct a room for breastfeeding area, to have privacy for both mother and infant.
(Russell, K., 2015) Some mothers have knowledge in performing breastfeeding. They are aware how

breastfeeding is beneficial to both of them. Approximately, 78% are shy to feed in public places.
Majority are saying that the right posture should be implemented and it should be supported by public
health about room for breastfeeding in public places. (Sharif, et., al., 2017)

Mothers shows lack of knowledge, good attitude and awareness about the benefits of exclusive
breastfeeding. The level of consistency of breastmilk. It also showed that mothers don't know how to
perform proper practice of breastfeeding. Practices of breastfeeding on mother's are properly
implemented but only 50% overall infant benefit breastfeed due to lack of awareness and attitude of
mothers how it will affect the life of their children. Up until now health care providers are still
implementing and encouraging mothers to perform breastfeeding.

2. Research Literature
a. International Literature
Barriers in the workplace especially the working mothers and family support may influence
the decision of exclusive breastfeeding practices on the side of a mother. In that, the educational
attainment of the mothers may also influence their employment status affecting their decision to
breastfeed or not. To find a good relation among employment status, educational attainment, and
civil status of lactating mothers with their practice to conduct exclusive breastfeeding. Mothers in
the Philippines identifying their employment status, educational attainment, and if they practiced
exclusive breastfeeding or not. In that case employment status, educational attainment and civil
status has a big impact on those mothers who practice exclusive breastfeeding.

b. Local Literature

The Philippines is urging Mothers to breastfeed infants exclusively during the first six months
of life to protect them from diseases such as Pneumonia and Diarrhea. The world's leading causes of
child death. The concern raised on the steady decline of exclusive breastfeeding in the Philippines with
approximately less than 70 percent of mothers exclusively breastfeeding for the first 2 months of life
but declining less than 30 percent as babies turn 5 months. Despite adequate knowledge of mothers
about the benefits of breastmilk, approximately 60 percent of the world's total infants in the Philippines
are not getting the recommended six months of exclusive breastfeeding.

3. Synthesis of Literature Review

Mothers show lack of knowledge, good attitude and awareness about the benefits of exclusive
breastfeeding, the level of consistency of breast milk. It also showed that mothers don't know how to
perform proper breastfeeding practice. Indeed, it shows that the most important aspect to this, is that
the action of a mother on how they handle or practice towards the benefits of being aware also having a
knowledge and attitude in breastfeeding.

III. Methodology
1. Rationale of the Study Designs

This study will use a descriptive approach in collecting and analyzing data among Ilonggo
Mothers in Iloilo City specifically in Calumpang. It is the most widely-used research design. Its
common means of obtaining information include the use of questionnaires, personal interviews with
the aid of study guide or interview scheduled and observation either participatory or not.

This study will be implemented through prospective cohort study to gather the latest data and

Independent Variables Dependent Variables

Benefits of exclusive Level of awareness and

breastfeeding attitude

2. Study Setting, Population, and Justification of the Sample Size

Study setting: Breastfeeding mothers in Calumpang Molo

Survey questionnaire with the target of 398 participants will be disseminated in Iloilo City
particularly in Calumpang Molo.

A simple random sampling (SRS) is the best strategy to be done. In this sampling method,
each member of the target population has an equal chance of being selected.

Duration of Data Gathering

Respondents that fit the inclusion criteria will be given a questionnaire to be answered with a
time duration 10 minutes and a maximum of 15 minutes.

Summary of Required Sample Size per Key Population Members

Key (N) (n) Minimum target of Confidence Interval (CI)
Populations survey respondents and Margin of Error (%)
Estimated Sample
Population Size
Size required

Ilonggo 100, 000 398 100 95%CI @ p=0.05 level of

Mothers significance

Average Sample Size 398 n=95 per key population


3. Criteria of the Study Population

Criteria of Study Population

· The qualifications for selecting the participants in this study is are the following:

a. Mothers of legal age

b. Exclusive breastfeeding mothers

· This study will not involve any respondents with the following characteristics:

a. Mothers less than 18 years of age

b. Mothers with mental health disorder

Exclusion of Minors:
Respondents should be at legal age. Minors are still under their parents authority and it is in accordance
with the law Republic Act of 6809 mandated for the majority commences at the age of 18 years.

4. Recruitment Process

We will send a letter of request in conducting the study. The actual study shall only commence after
getting the clearance of the head of Calumpang Lying in.

Informed Consent: We will send a consent via messenger or email as long as it is convenient to the

Explaining and informing the respondent of the aims and purpose of the study and that they will be
given a questionnaire to be answered in not more than 15 minutes.

5. Plans for Data Processing and Analysis

The person who is entirely responsible for data safekeeping and storage are the
Research Investigator and Data Management Officer and the following data are stored
securely and it means that data gathered from online surveys will be stored in a password-
protected cloud server and only the Research investigator and Data Management Officer can
have the access.

Primary outcome of this study is to measure the level of awareness of mothers toward
exclusive breastfeeding
Secondary outcome of this study is to understand the attitude of mothers in coping with

Statistical technique:

Descriptive and inferential statistics

6. Work Plan Schedule & Timelines

Work plan schedule and Timeline

Activities Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar

1. Development for the

aims and purpose of the study

2. Creating temporary

3. Planning how to collect


4. Sending letter of request

for study sites

5. Scheduling of data-
gathering (onsite/online)

6. Online survey for


7. Submission of final

8. Final Defense

7. Ethical / Biosafety Clearance

Human Subject Considerations:

Confidentiality and Anonymity

This research will strictly follow all the relevant provisions of the Data Privacy Act of 2012 and all the
necessary guidelines that will ensure confidentiality of respondents’ information. The convention of
confidentiality is upheld as a means of protecting the privacy of all persons and to build trust and
rapport with study participants and to maintain ethical standards and the integrity of the research
process and this means that no-personally identifying information can be collected in an anonymous

Informed Consent

Each study participant must sign the individual consent form (ICF) before data-gathering. The ICF
must clearly state the title and explain the nature and objectives. It is imperative that the ICF is
translated into native languages.

Data Sharing Agreements

Data gathered will be stored securely. Information will remain confidential and only Research
Investigator and Data Management Officer can have the access. All of these are done for research
purpose only

8. Budgetary Requirements

This is the estimated budget for the entire duration of Conducting a Research Study for 6 months

Line items QTY Per Piece Monthly Cost Total Cost for

entire Project


Ream Bond
2 160 320 1, 920

Ink 2 280 560 3, 360

Fare 8 20 160 960

1 3, 000

Grand Total 9, 240


• doi: 10.7860/JCDR/2015/11892.5616
• DOI: 10.18203/2320-1770.ijrcog20175255
• doi: 10.4103/jfmpc.jfmpc_549_19

Research Team, Roles, and Responsibilities:

Appendix: Curriculum Vitae of Research Team and Adviser


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