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Divina G. Paragas Dean.

Ellen Gabriel

BSN – III Instructor

 Comprehensive Geriatric Assessment
- As people get older, their functional ability deteriorate, that’s why they need more
health services. From that video that I’ve watched, it shows the different
comprehensive assessment done to the older patient’s. Which is the
comprehensive geriatric assessment is multidisciplinary diagnostic process that
identifies medical, psychosocial, and functional capabilities of an older adult in
order to develop a coordinated plan to maximize overall health with aging. As
well as, on that video it shows the assessment in rehabilitation and their ability to
live independently. The assessment focuses broadly factors in functional ability,
and once the assessment done the patient’s treatment need can be define, care and
rehabilitation plan can be made. It include on the video the health care workers
such as physicians, nurses, physical therapists and so on are the one’s who will
assess and train the older patients. And lastly, after training the older patients,
they can be able to assess their physical activity of comprehensive geriatric
assessment in their own organization.

 Complete Physical Assessment

- The video is all about complete physical assessment in which it is a detailed
examination that typically includes a thorough health history and comprehensive
head-to-toe physical exam. It can be through subjective data by interviewing and
asking questions regarding medical and lifestyle history, and also objective data
by observations and measurement. Assessment of skin, hair, nails, head, eyes and
vision, ears and hearing, nose and sinus, neck, chest, heart, abdomen, and the
extremities are included in complete physical assessment. It also show on the
video the four components of physical assessment, the inspection, palpation,
percussion, and auscultation. In conclusion, the complete physical assessment
purpose is to determine the general status of patient’s health. It gives a chance the
nurse to talk to them about any ongoing pain or symptoms that they’re
experiencing or any other health concerns that they might have.

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