ETD Newsletter Oct 13

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European Technology Development Ltd

ETD Technology Newsletter Oct 2013

Power Plant Preservation: New Guidelines Issued

Power Plant ETD has recently completed its work on “Preservation Guidelines for CCGT &
Preservation Conventional Power Plant during Short and Long Term Shutdowns”. These
Guidelines have been developed in response to the recent market-driven
increase in the number of CCGTs and Conventional plants being forced to
New Staff operate on demand. The duration of lay-up, climate conditions, whether ‘wet’ or
‘dry’ lay-up is selected, and the notice period for return to service are some of the
factors that influence the choice of lay-up methods and are discussed in detail in
Services in Brief these Guidelines. For the ease of use by plant management and engineers,
straightforward summaries of lay-up techniques, as well as procedural flow charts
are featured in the Guidelines. Fifteen detailed Appendices cover respective
Three New ‘Group procedures for ease of reference.
Projects’ The 69 page Report is now available for
purchase. Information on these and other
Guidelines/ Reports produced by ETD for
power and process industry, along with
Two Speciality
reports contents, can be viewed at:
Areas Highlighted
Third Party
(RLA, P91 Repair,
Plant Cycling) Breakdown of the passive oxide in a high pressure
steam line that stood for six months without
preservation treatment
P91 Users

Customer Feedback
On-site Services
These Guidelines are the product of a multi-client or Group Sponsored Project (GSP).
(Replication, Boat Examples of feedback from those who have purchased the guidelines are shown below:
SFM etc.) “Thank you for the final report which we found very useful. …… we shall utilise and use it
for any further needs” Intergen, UK.
Guidelines/ Reports “The Report increases our confidence level ….. Cost benefit is well balanced ….. We
believe we got adequate value for money.” Portugen, Portugal.
Courses &
Conference “We found the Report to be comprehensive in terms of the subject matter and believe it is
a useful reference for plants... It is a very useful document and a useful reference for the
ETD future... the document is a good cross reference to ensure we have considered all
Membership aspects of the plant in our onsite Preservation Procedure” Gensys Power, Ireland.
European Technology Development Ltd

New Starters at ETD

Due to gaining new business opportunities we have expanded our Technical Team, recruiting
new Project Engineers to help meet demand, and push further company growth.

David Slater – Business Development Manager

David, prior to joining ETD has long term experience with the power
industry working for boiler maker Doosan Power Systems and
Loesche. His experience is within project operations, tendering,
sales and business development.

Alexandra Kay – Alex gained her Master’s degree in Engineering

and Materials at Oxford University. Prior to joining ETD, she worked
as a Materials Engineer for EDF Energy. Alex has experience in on-
site defect / material degradation assessment and the interpretation
of metallographic replicas, generally for high temperature pipework
welds. She also has experience in the assessment of welding
procedures in terms of their suitability for specific applications.

Dr James Pullen – James gained his Doctorate from the

University of Brighton and his Masters degree in Mechanical
Engineering from the University of Sheffield. Prior to joining ETD as
a project engineer, he worked as a gas turbine engineer for E.ON
UK, where he conducted research into operational issues e.g.
combustion instability, fuel quality variation and emissions
legislation, as well as carrying out condition monitoring and asset
management/ efficiency improvement projects for CCGT plant.

Jatinder Sahota – Jatinder graduated from the University of

Cambridge in 2012, with a Master’s degree in Material Sciences
and Metallurgy. Before joining ETD, he worked with schools in East
London, raising students’ aspirations towards Higher Education,
and working in a science museum.

Ronald Madzikanda – is currently completing his Masters degree

in Materials for Energy Systems at Cranfield University, prior to this
he gained his Bachelor’s degree in Materials Science at Swansea
University. Before joining ETD, he worked for the British Board of
Agrément as a Project Manager assessing, validating and
certifying products used in the construction industry. He has also
worked for Airbus as a contractor, supporting materials and
processes functions for the production of aircraft.
European Technology Development Ltd

Summary of ETD’s Consulting Services for Power & Process Plant

Backed up by state-of-the-art Tools & Methodologies developed in collaboration with international industry

Plant Integrity/ Life Assessment/ Extension

On-Site Replication/ Hardness/ UT/ Metallography
Fitness-for-Service (FFS)
Piping Stress Analysis (Caesar II)
Finite Element Analysis
Materials Advice & Support with Data/ Standards/ Procedures
(Low Alloy Steels, P23, P24, 9-12Cr Martensitic Steels, Stainless and Super
Stainless Steels, NI-based Alloys)
Welding Advice & Support with Data/ Standards/ Procedures
Weld & Weld Repair Guidance & Assessment
Root Cause Failure Analysis
Creep/ Fatigue/ Corrosion Analysis
Crack Assessment (both low and high temperature)
Design Review & Improvement especially for Cyclic Capability of Plants incl.
Expert Witness
Support With Plant Outage Activities
Risk Based Management/ Inspection/ Maintenance
Benchmarking (both technical and financial)
Guidance on Component Repair/Replacement
Specialists support with P91, P92 & other Steels & Alloys
Boiler tube failure management
Flow Assisted Corrosion, Water Chemistry + much more.
European Technology Development Ltd 4

New Group Sponsored / Multi-Client Projects AVAILABLE TO JOIN

ETD has recently launched three new multi-client or Group Sponsored Projects (GSPs) shown
below. GSPs are the most popular and economical projects for industry involvement - each
project sponsor only pays a fraction of the total project cost but benefits from the full results. And
yet the responsibility for the deliverables lies with one organisation (ETD). The sponsors are
usually plant owners/ operators, manufacturers or service providers. The projects can be joined
at any stage of their execution although those who join early have more opportunities for making
sure that the project deliverables are more relevant to their needs.

1. Development of P91-P92 Inspection and Life Assessment Tools &

ETD is starting this new Group Sponsored Project on the further development and validation of
newer and more innovative inspection techniques for martensitic steels P91 and P92 and
interpreting these results/ data for integrity and life assessment. This is the Phase 2 of an earlier
GSP where Phase 1 involved selecting most promising NDE techniques which will now be
validated. Development and validation of new inspection techniques is needed since early stage
creep damage in these steels develops at a nano/ micro creep cavitation level and until about 70
to 80% of life is too small to be detected by traditional NDE techniques.
This two-year project, starting soon, will involve testing of P91 (and some P92) welded pipes –
performing inspection and monitoring of pipes using novel NDE techniques. Some of the work
will be carried out in collaboration with German industry and research organisations.

2. Integrity/ Life Assessment of ‘Abnormal’ P91 In-Service Material

For the reliable and safe performance of P91 steel it is critical that both the base and weld
metals have been heat treated according to the international standards. However, many of the
utilities and power and process plants are finding P91 components in their plants which have
issues such as low, or very high hardness, or not fully martensitic microstructure etc. –
indicating that the base and/ or weld metals have possibly either been under or over-tempered.
Some of these components have failed prematurely. The question facing plant operators is how
long are such components safe to operate? ETD, together with industrial sponsors from Europe
and Japan, have set out to determine the variation of creep strength of such steel, and the
effects of these issues on the remaining life of components.

3. Preparation of CCGT Commissioning Guidelines – just started

At the request of power plant manufacturers, owners and operators, ETD has just started work
on preparing detailed and comprehensive Guidelines for the Commissioning of CCGT plants.
There is a plan to work in the near future on a similar project covering ‘conventional power

If you are interested in joining any of these projects, we would be happy to send you further
relevant details of proposals and costs of participation. E-mail:
European Technology Development Ltd

Two Areas of ETD’s speciality Highlighted

Fitness-for-service (FFS) – component assessment

API 579 is one of the most widely used industry standard FFS procedures (published in 2000).
Damaged or defective components can be certified ‘fit-for-service’ for an intended service
period, from a detailed engineering analysis. FFS study informs the decision makers whether to
run, repair or replace – rationalizing repair expenditure. API 579 is applicable to power, refinery,
process and petrochemical plant components, for assessment of, for example: residual life and
required inspection interval. A wide range of defect/damage types are covered (cracks, thinned
sections, corrosion, surface distortions, weld flaws, dents, creep or fire damage), applicable to a
range of components: pressure vessels, pipes, heat exchangers, tanks, boilers, rotating
equipment etc. FFS assessment is thus a tool that can avoid unnecessary expenditure from
premature replacement or repair, which further enhances understanding of plant safety. ETD is
one of few companies which specialize in FFS assessment incorporating probabilistic life
assessment of components.

ETD’s Risk Based Maintenance & Inspection (RBMI) – ‘Riskfit’

ETD’s procedure known as ‘Riskfit’ has been specifically developed by ETD for application to
steam & power generating plants. It is based on worldwide best practice and comes under
the banner of Risk Based Management. It is a methodology for the identification and
management of risk related to plant maintenance – used to assess plant systems for improved
safety, and maintenance optimization. Assessment detail increases with each subsequent
level, first examining: Management Programs & their implementation, followed by detailed
evaluation of the condition of specific components. High risk score outputs identify plant areas
in need of attention. Factors affecting failure probability are assessed e.g. existing concerns,
history, procedures, and available resources, as well as operating details/history etc. Relative
costs and the value of specific maintenance tasks are evaluated and ranked.
RBMI thus informs Operation

Management decisions
Civil Structures
Civil Structures 90
on resource
Auxiliary Performance
Auxiliary 70 Performance
commitments and 60

maintenance Electrical
Electrical 40

prioritization. 20
Turbine & Generator
Turbine & Generator 0 Training

Risk score outputs,

represented here in a Boiler-Pressure Parts
Boiler, Pressurized Parts Maintenance Basis
Maintenance Basis

spider chart, indicate

Boiler-General Work Process
areas of greater risk Boiler, General Work Process

(higher scores) Proactive Maintenance

Proactive Maintenance Water Chemistry
Water Chemistry
Predictive Maintenance
Predictive Maintenance

For further information please contact: Eng. Ms Feroza Akther

European Technology Development Ltd

Third Party - PROJECT NEWS

1. Power Plant Cyclic Operation / Two-shifting
ETD experts help to reduce the associated damage & costs

Market-driven changes in the electricity industry worldwide, due to increased competition, increased
renewable energy contribution, and the need for costs reduction, have lead to power plants (both
Conventional and Combined Cycle) increasingly being subjected to cyclic operation (load following,
two-shifting, or providing reserve capacity). Plant ‘cycling’ should improve economic performance of
the generating business.

However, cyclic operation causes additional plant

damage, and subsequent problems – requiring
enhanced inspection, monitoring, staff training,
repair/maintenance, and therefore additional costs.
Reliability can suffer in cases where older, less
efficient plants (originally designed for base load
operation) are changed over to cyclic operation.

Increasing contribution from renewable energy

sources (hydro, wind, solar) means that even new
Conventional and Combined Cycle power plants
may need to operate in cyclic mode. Utility owners
and operators need to understand the implications of
cyclic operation, which include technical issues and
added costs associated with increased outage rates,
reduced availability and reliability etc.

Five Projects Completed - related to power plant cycling & cost analysis
1) Guidelines for cyclic operation of conventional power plant, titled “Damage to power plant
due to two-shifting / cyclic operation & guideline for best practice”.
2) Guidelines for Combined Cycle plant, “Damage to CCGTs due to Cyclic Operation -
Operational, Technical & Cost Issues”.

Guidelines explain how damage due to cycling can be reduced by modifying plant design,
improved inspections, staff training, and start-up procedures etc. For further details and report
contents, see

3, 4, 5) ETD has completed three separate projects for Irish, U.S. (through EPRI) and Canadian
utilities – performing top down statistical analysis of the effects of increased number of starts on
plant maintenance costs. Through this work, ETD has developed trends for predicting year on
year increases in expenditure, as the generating plant ages.

If you are cycling your plant or intend to start soon and would like to understand the cost
implications, as well as methods for reducing damage & costs, then please write to:
Sean Hampson
European Technology Development Ltd

Third Party - PROJECT NEWS (Continued)

2. Remaining Life Assessment

Work on 12 boilers in the Middle East nears completion

ETD has been performing Remaining Life Assessment (RLA) of main steam pipeline
systems, that are part of a large desalination plant in the Middle East, consisting of multiple
steam and power generating units. This large project covering 12 units has been underway
since 2012. The RLA study performed for each unit utilised the latest “Caesar II” pipeline
stress analysis modelling software to determine operating stresses, and ‘Probabilistic
Remaining Creep Life’ estimates, based on support hanger condition (from hot and cold
walk-down). Non-destructive inspection of components was completed, involving
Replication studies of welded joint microstructures, and Ultrasonic Thickness
measurements for critical components. Advice on weld repairs were provided by ETD in
numerous cases, where cracks were discovered by inspection. Decisions were required on
the repair method, within the outage period of sometimes only a few days. Crack
assessments in such cases were made using ETD’s Crack Assessment Procedure, and
proprietary unique crack assessment software known as ‘Crackfit’, which enables rapid
assessment of crack criticality.

ETD has also provided training to local plant engineers, assisting their understanding of the
complex component integrity issues, and life assessment of components.

Appreciating this long term support the client wrote: “We wish to express our sincere
appreciation of European Technology Development.... We look forward to having
another opportunity of working with ETD.”

Caesar II Models (i) and (ii) of pipeline systems

– enabling analysis of pipeline operating

(i) Common Header pipeline

For further information on RLA work, please

contact Engr. Ms Feroza Akther
(ii) Turbine-Bypass pipeline
European Technology Development Ltd

Third Party - PROJECT NEWS (Continued)

3. Assessment and advice on: Repair of P91 Components

ETD has been working with a leading power generator in South East Asia, conducting
condition assessment and repair of welded joints in P91 steel steam pipeline
components. This cooperation has utilised ETD’s Scanning Force Microscope (SFM),
which has been used to highly successfully detect and evaluate micro-structural creep
cavitation. Advanced inspection technologies such as SFM, are proving to be very
effective for detailed examination of high-alloy, high-strength steels, that are otherwise
difficult to examine using conventional, lower resolution inspection methods. ETD are
continuing to develop further innovative technologies for inspection of P91 and P92 high
alloy martensitic steels. Please contact us for further information.

P91 User Group – ETD’s expert knowledge and support service

What are the issues?
P91 steel does not appear to show creep voids (due to the nano size of cavitation
damage) when inspected with the traditional NDE techniques until very late in life. Thus
new inspection techniques, quality assurance procedures and life assessment
methodologies etc. are needed. In-service cracking and failure of P91 components can
often be traced back to tempering time & temperature or post-weld heat treatment issues.

Why is a ‘P91 Users Group’ necessary?

One way of successfully managing the performance and life of P/T91 components is to
implement appropriate monitoring and inspection techniques, as well as draw upon the
continued learning and experience of existing producers, fabricators and users of the
material – encompassing plant operators, and the research community.

What are the objectives of the ‘International P91 User's Group’?

The idea was first formulated in 2005, from a meeting of P91 experts, plant manufacturers
and operators. The aim of the group is to discuss the concerns of P/T91 steel producers,
power plant/HRSG manufacturers, plant owners/operators, and also petrochemical
industry users of P/T91 (where this steel is now better known). The P91 User’s Group
(P91UG) is thus a program supporting industry, that collects, critically analyses, and
disseminates the latest data, information and industry experience with P91 steel, with
input from Users around the world. Information is passed on to members through a series
of regular reports that provide state-of-the-art knowledge and procedures on P91 usage,
welding, fabrication, quality checks, inspection, life assessment, repair and codes
For more information and to join the P91 Users Group, please contact:
Dr David Robertson
European Technology Development Ltd

Replication, Portable Hardness Testing, Boroscopy and more

ETD’s on-site services continue to go from strength to strength in 2013, the team can still be found roving across Europe, the
Middle East and Asia performing non-destructive inspection on various plant components, including replication on a wide
array of materials from the traditional carbon steels to the more modern martensitics such as P91- so grab them early to
make sure you are covered during your next outage.

ETD is fully equipped with borescope, hardness tester, UT, Electrical Discharge Sampling Equipment (EDSE), Portable
Scanning Force Microscopy (SFM) and replication equipment which means that most of your on-site inspection and life
assessment/ extension requirements can be taken care of by one single entity consisting of highly skilled metallurgists,
mechanical engineers and fracture mechanics experts.
ETD is not associated to any manufacturer or plant owner so can provide truly independent advice .

For on-site services please contact:

Dr David Robertson
European Technology Development Ltd

ON-SITE SERVICES (continued)

Developments in Portable Scanning Force Microscopy (SFM)
An innovative tool that can be deployed by ETD for in-situ examination of components, in order to
assess material condition, component integrity, and remaining life. The SFM is controlled from a
laptop to rapidly obtain structural images at nano- and micro-level, revealing damage from: creep
cavitation, fatigue, corrosion etc., at incredibly high magnification and resolution. The device has
its own sophisticated software, that can be setup to analyse captured images, and provide life
assessment. This portable tool is even more powerful than a Scanning Electron Microscope
(SEM) and is intended to remove the need for replication. Both pressure vessels and turbine rotors
have been studied by ETD in a number of European and Asian plants. Materials studied have
included 9Cr martensitic steels (such as P91 - where early stage nano-level cavitation cannot be
resolved using traditional replication methods), as well as low alloy pressure vessel steels and
1CrMoV rotor steels.

SFM images before

(top) and after SFM use on a
etching - Graphs vertical pipe
show cavity depth &
surface irregularities
along the line scan.

The two images on

right hand side show
SFM mounted on a
turbine rotor and on
a vertical pipe SFM use on a
section. turbine rotor

SFM is available to purchase from ETD, along with full accompanying software and training. ETD
also performs SFM analysis of components on a consultancy basis, as a service to industry
worldwide. The small size and portability of SFM, means it can be transported and used anywhere
in the world, by one of our expert engineers.
For enquiries related to SFM, please contact: David Slater:


ETD also provides consultancy in areas, not only related to plant integrity, remaining life
assessment, asset management, inspection etc., but also during design & fabrication
stage of plant construction. Examples include: consultancy services to boiler and turbine
parts manufacturers; Procuring materials (including new alloys like P911, P92, Ni-based
etc.), Procuring fabricated components; Procuring/ developing design software (both
mechanical and thermal) and training in its use etc. etc.
European Technology Development Ltd

ON-SITE SERVICES - continued

EDSE: Innovation for Asset Management
Reliable assessment of component integrity and remaining life, typically involves testing and or
metallurgical examination of in-service material – requiring in-situ machining of samples from thick
section components, where the procedure must also not incur life-limiting damage to components.

EDSE (Electrical Discharge Sampling Equipment) is a specialist tool used for cutting ‘wedge’ or
‘boat’ shaped samples from thick section components. EDSE performs this task accurately and reliably,
using spark erosion cutting technology. Standard samples cut are: 20 x 25mm (1 to 5mm thick), though
larger specimens are possible. The corners of the cutting electrode are rounded (preventing stress
raisers), thus repair is often not needed, on the cavity left behind.

Mechanical test Samples can be machined

Boat sample
specimens into small tensile test
specimens, or punch-
EDSE specimens – to determine
actual properties e.g.
hardness, creep, fatigue,
toughness or corrosion
Cutting electrode resistance.

Metallurgical condition of new or in-service material can be assessed (revealing microstructure,

decarburisation, graphitisation etc).

EDSE has particular application to ageing plant components, for assessment of material that has
been in-service for long periods, conveniently enabling determination of actual material properties in
aged condition. EDSE thus facilitates reliable integrity and life assessment, and fitness-for-service
study of critical components. It is far better to base such analyses on actual material data (rather
than on published data for new material), since more reliable life and integrity prediction is achieved.
EDSE was developed with input from ETD, and is manufactured under patent in Japan. ETD
markets the EDSE cutting tool worldwide, providing support as well as the required spares &

State-of-the-art ‘boat’
sampling technique,
allowing in-service
material specimens to
be cut – Mechanical,
Metallographic, and
Chemical tests can be
Two samples cut out from
performed for accurate
a T-piece weld using EDSE
life determination

Continued on the next page.

European Technology Development Ltd

EDSE (continued from the last page)

o Portable – EDSE can be transported to work
o Non-destructive – sampling can be accomplished
without life-limiting damage to components
o Direct sampling for multiple applications – test
in-service material from the area of interest
o Preserves sample condition – spark erosion cutting
prevents thermal or machining damage
o Safe for use on site – conforms with CE safety
standards e.g. pure water carries debris away from the
cutting process, which minimises fire hazard.
o Expanded capability – new range of cutting electrodes and magnetic mounting system
design has enabled varying sample sizes of: 90x20mm (6 to 10mm thickness); 100x20mm (10 to
15mm thickness); and 40x 60mm (6 to 20mm thickness).

ETD successfully applied this expanded capability in the UK, to cut samples of damaged material
from a steam turbine rotor (in which cracks were found). ETD performed in-situ cutting of samples
from the rotor, working in confined areas between the rotor disks. Samples were analysed to
establish the root cause of material damage – worthwhile since the utility and OEM expected
similar cracking to be found in other rotors. Afterwards, the rotor was machined down in diameter
(removing sample cavities) and was re-instated into service.

Feedback from the UK client:

“Very pleased with the results as we have been able to provide substantially more information on
the crack mechanism than we would have been able to do with surface metallography... we would
certainly use the technique again.”

EDSE can be used to cut samples from a range

of industrial components and structures, such
as: rolling mill rollers, boiler headers, gas
turbine rotors, internal/external pipe welds, or
inner/outer tank surfaces, off -shore oil and gas

ETD can perform EDSE sampling work on a

consultancy basis, or the EDSE is available to
purchase outright from ETD as a complete
system, along with complete training provision
and support. Please do not hesitate to contact
us for a full proposal.
For enquiries related to EDSE, please contact: David Slater:
European Technology Development Ltd

Available Guidelines and Reports from Group Sponsored Projects

Survey of on-line monitoring techniques and recommendations for best practice

ETD Report No: 1076-gsp-55

Survey of advanced inspection techniques and recommendations for best practice

ETD Report No: 1077-gsp-72

Guidelines for inspection, monitoring, repair and maintenance of HRSGs

- Based on review of worldwide plant and research experience
ETD Report No: 1044-gsp-44

Review of the use of new high strength steels in conventional and HRSG boilers R&D and Plant experience
ETD Report No. 1045-gsp-40

Damage to power plant due to two-shifting / cyclic operation & guideline for best practice
ETD Report No: 1096-gsp-81

Damage to CCGTs due to Cyclic Operation- Operational, Technical & Cost Issues
ETD Report No: 1097-gsp-111

Review of materials, data, plant experience & new developments for design and lifing of high temperature plant,
including the datasheets
-provided as 4 separate sub-projects/ Reports, all of which are complete and available for purchase:
1. Low alloy ferritic ETD Report No: 1089-gsp-74
2. Martensitic – ETD Report No: 1089-gsp-113
3. Stainless steels ETD Report No: 1089-gsp-75
4. Ni-based alloys ETD Report No: 1089-gsp-91

‘e-Lifing’ – A Compendium of Lifing Procedures for Steam Power Plants

ETD Report – No: 1100-gsp-77

Boiler / HRSG Creep Life Assessment Procedures

ETD Project No. 1139-gsp-proj10

Guidelines for High-Temperature Weld Repairs – Review of Worldwide Plant and R&D Experience
ETD Project No.1063-gsp-proj10

Boiler Tube Failure Prevention & Management

ETD Project No.1230-gsp-proj12

The P92 Review

ETD Project No.1201-gsp-proj11

Preservation Guidelines for CCGT & Conventional Power Plant during Short and Long Term Shutdowns
ETD Project No.1274-gsp-proj13

For purchase or use of any of the above please contact: David Slater dslater@etd-consulting
European Technology Development Ltd

ETD’s Forthcoming Training Courses and Conferences-

Now also offering courses by Video- Conferencing
In addition to the ‘open-to-all’ training courses and conferences that ETD regularly organises, it
also provides tailor-made ‘training-on-demand’ or ‘On-Site’ courses’ for industry engineers
worldwide. In the past such training courses have included topics such as: Plant life
assessment (boiler, turbine, process plant), Boiler design, P91, P92, P23, P24, Weld repair,
Assessment of components containing defects/ cracks, Plant operation and maintenance, Asset
management, Weld repairs, HRSGs , CCGTs etc.

HIDA-6: 3-Days Int. CONFERENCE – Crack Assessment & Failures in

High Temp. Plant 2 to 4 December 2013, Nagasaki, Japan
This is 6th in the series of HIDA Conferences which are unique in that they provide a special
platform for industry engineers and researchers from around the world, to come together and
discuss issues such as high temp. plant component cracking, crack assessment, failure and
integrity/ life assessment/ extension, component repair etc. Previous HIDA Conferences were
held in the UK, France, Germany and Portugal. The Programme and Registration Form for
HIDA-6 can be seen at the ETD website.

Plant Integrity/ Life assessment (2-days) and P91 (1-day) Course

15-17 January 2014, Manila, Philippines
This 3-days course is being organised by experts from the UK and is open to all. For details
please visit the ETD website.

Power Plant ‘Life Management Foundation’ (LMF) Courses

Also to be broadcast live via video-conferencing
18-25 February, repeated 17-24 June 2014, Leatherhead, Surrey (south of London)
A series of three stand alone yet inter-linked 2-day courses (LMF1 - Power Plant Operation
and Maintenance; LMF2 - Materials and Welding; LMF3 - Crack and Life Assessment) are
being held back-to-back in Leatherhead, Surrey (just south of London). These include
‘Worked examples and Workshops. Please see details at the ETD website.

Two on-site courses held this year

Two ‘made-to-measure’ courses have been
organised so far this year - one for Saline Water
Conversion Company (SWCC) in Saudi Arabia
and the 2nd for Eskom in South Africa.
For up-to-date information
Please visit our website (new events may be
added from time to time), or write to:
European Technology Development Ltd

ETD Membership – Guaranteed and Dedicated Service

In response to a continuous flow of informal requests from our industrial clients worldwide (in
specific from power and process plants) for technical advice and assistance, ETD provides an
International Membership Scheme to support its clients.

A request for technical advice and assistance, for example, could be on matters related to plant
operation, maintenance, inspection, monitoring, materials (the traditional materials and the new
higher strength martensitic steels, super stainless steels and Ni-based alloys), welding, weld
repairs, crack assessment, component integrity and life extension, reliable data sources,
sensitivity analysis, probabilistic assessment etc.

Requests for advice and assistance are in addition to the formal projects that ETD regularly
undertakes for its individual clients or groups of clients. The requests for technical
advice/assistance can require ETD effort ranging from a few hours to a day or more at a time.

Whenever you have a technical problem and need reliable expert advice, then who better to
contact than a member of staff at ETD?

We have a network of experts from plant operation, maintenance and inspection through to
materials, welding, component integrity assessment and life extension, to probabilistic
assessment, risk based management, and so on. With access to experts from Europe, USA, Japan
and elsewhere, that ETD have regularly depended on for many years, we can provide you with
the best and most reliable advice to solve your everyday plant problems and thus increase your
plant reliability and profitability. And this is not all! Depending on the level of membership, in
addition to the technical support and assistance, we can offer:

•Reduced subscription to one of our new, existing or completed Group Sponsored Projects (GSPs)
•Staff training packages
•Independent review of technical reports e.g. written internally by your company, or by outside
•Bespoke consultancy services tailored to your requirements.

The three levels of membership available are:

Foundation Intermediate Advanced

For details please contact Membership Secretary:

Eng. Ms Feroza Akther

For further information on ETD activities, products and consulting services please contact:
ETD, Fountain House, Cleeve Road, Leatherhead, Surrey, KT22 7LX, UK
Tel: + 44 1372 363 111 or, Tel: + 44 1372 363 112 Fax: + 44 1372 363 222

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