Comprehension and Defiance of Vendors in Waste Management

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Comprehension and Defiance of Vendors

in the Waste Management

Program of the City

In Partial Fulfilment of the Requirement in

Research in Daily Life 2: Quantitative Research

Presented to the faculty of

Cavite National High School

Senior High


Camille C. Barcena

February 2018


The research paper entitled COMPREHENSION AND DEFIANCE OF


prepared and submitted by CAMILLE C. BARCENA, is a partial fulfillment of the

requirements for the subject in Research in Daily Life 2: Quantitative Research is

hereby presented and accepted.


Research Adviser


Member of the Panelist Member of the Panelist


Research Teacher

Accepted and approved in completion of the requirements in Research in

Daily Life 2: Quantitative Research


Assistant Principal for Academics

Date: ________________


I would like to extend my deepest gratitude to all the people who

supported me all the in making this research project possible:

First to my research adviser, Mrs. Leslie Rebaño, thank you for helping

and giving me a suggestion to my research paper.

Second to my English teacher, Ms. Katherine Taboso, thank you for

correcting my grammar.

Third to our reseach teacher, Mrs. Paula Jan Martinez, thank you for

helping me in my research paper especially to my statistics and also for

understanding and extending every deadline of defense.

Fourth to my friends, Arvie Odion, Anne Genesis Reyes and Jamaica

Morales, thank you for helping me in making my research paper and guiding and

giving me some suggestion especially to my statistics.

Fifth to my parents, Merlinda Barcena and Benidicto Barcena, and to Bryle

Maligalig, thank you for always cheering me up whenever I am going to defend

my paper and also when i feel down because I conceivably that I can’t done this


Lastly, sixth, to God, thank you for giving me knowledge especially when

I’m starting to block because of to many to think of. Thank you also for guiding

me and help me whenever I’m sick and suffering to headache because of too

much vigil and soaked in front of laptop.

Camille C. Barcena


I would like to dedicate this research for my parents: Merlinda C. Barcena and

Benidicto R. Barcena for supporting me in doing this and cheering me up in my

ups and down. I am not here because of them, even sometimes I didn’t follow

them, they never stop to moralize me.

I love both of you even I can’t and didn’t say it in front of the both of you. I want to

make you feel it by my actions. I want the both of you know not just by words but

also by actions that I love you nanay and tatay.

I would like to dedicate this also to all people that support me and help me to

make it done. Ma’am Paula Jan Martinez, Ma’am Leslie Rebaño, to my friends:

Ate Arvie, Ann, Romel, Jamaica, Geille, Frances, Darlin and lastly to the person

that always there and help me when I am stressed to this research and to my

other research: Bryle. Thank you to the all of you.



The primary focused of the study was to determine the level of

comprehension and defiance of vendors in waste management in Cavite City.

The subjects of the study were the vendors in market. A structured question was

used to gather important data and information.

To obtain desired information given to the study, the researcher used

sources by reference materials and original written works. The sources of

information were taken from internet, books, thesis and other reading materials.

Questionnaire was used in the survey; then, it was pre tested to gather

necessary information. Next, it was given to the vendors of the market. From all

the data gathered and from the instrument that was used, the researcher was

summarizing the results.

Based on the gathered data there is a strong relationship between level of

correlation and level of defiance. The relationship of level of correlation to itself is

a perfect uphill linear relationship and in relationship of level of comprehension

and level of defiance shows a very strong uphil linear relationship. In relationship

of level of defiance and level of comprehension shows a strong uphill relationship

and in relationship of level of defiance to itself is a perfect uphill linear




TITLE PAGE …………………………………………………………………… i

APPROVAL SHEET …………………………………………………………. ii

ACKNOWLEDGEMENT ………………………………………………………. iii

DEDICATION...…………………………………………………………………. v

ABSTRACT ………………………………………………………………… vi

TABLE OF CONTENTS ………………………………………………………. vii

LIST OF TABLES …………………………………...…………………………. viii

LIST OF FIGURES ……………………………………………….…………….

LIST OF APPENDICES ………………………………………………………. xi

Chapter I: The Problem and Its Background …………………………… 1

Introduction ……………………………………………………………… 1

Statement of the Problem ……………………………………………... 2

Hypothesis …………………………………………………………….. 3

Scope and Limitations …………………………………………………. 3

Significance of the Study ……………………………………………… 4


Chapter II: Review of Related Literature and Studies ………………….. 6

Related Literature ………………………………………………………. 6

Recycling ………………………………………………………….. 6

Hazardous Waste Management ………………………………... 6

Solid Waste Management ……………………………………….. 7

3R’s (Reduce Reuse Recycle) ………………………………….. 9

DISPOSAL ………………………………………………………... 10

Related Studies ………………………………………………………… 11

Assessing Public Attitudes and Behaviour to Household

Waste Management in Cameroon to Drive Strategy

Development: A Q Methodological Approach ……………….. 11

Residents’ Perception & Attitude on Solid Waste Disposal

and its Health Impacts in Cape Coast Metropolis …………... 12

Synthesis of the Study …………………………………………………. 12

Conceptual Framework ………………………………………………... 14

Definition of Terms ……………………………………………………... 15

Chapter III: Methodology ……………………………………………………. 17


Research Design ……………………………………………………….. 17

Research Instrument …………………………………………………... 18

Sampling and Locale …………………………………………………... 19

Data Gathering Procedure …………………………………………….. 19

Statistical Treatment …………………………………………………… 20

Chapter IV: Presentation, Analysis and Interpretation of Data ………. 24

Chapter V: Summary, Conclusion and Recommendation …………… 29

Summary ………………………………………………………………... 29

Conclusion ………………………………………………………………. 30

Recommendation ………………………………………………………. 30

References ……………………………………………………………………... 33

Appendices …………………………………………………………………….. 36

BIOGRAPHICAL DATA ………………………………………………………. 47

Curriculum Vitae ……………………………………………………………… 48




1 Level of Comprehension of Vendors ………………………… 26

2 Level of Defiance of Vendors …………………………………. 27

3 Relationship Between the Level of Comprehension and

Defiance of Vendors ……………………………………………. 28



Figure Page


1 Conceptual Framework of Waste Management …………… 14

2 Age of Respondent Vendors ………………………………… 24

3 Sex of the Respondent Vendors ………………………………. 25

4 Kinds of Respondent Vendors …………………………………. 25




1 Request Letter to Conduct Study …………………….……… 36

2 Sample Survey Questionnaire ………………………………. 38

3 Level of Comprehension of Vendors using Weighted

Mean……………………………………………………………. 42

4 Level of Defiance of Vendors using Weighted Mean ……… 45


Chapter 1

The Problem and its Background


Solid waste management is one of the processes to prevent solid wastes

and offers specific solutions for recycling items that don’t belong to trash. It is

defined to be discipline and control the disposal of solid waste materials in a way

of being helpful in every people and in the environment.

Solid waste disposal and Management are both rural and urban problem.

In this problem, each person was contributed. A law was emitted “Republic Act

9003 or the Ecological Solid Waste Management Act of 2000 a Landmark

Environmental Legislation in the Philippines” to adopt a systematic,

comprehensive and ecological waste management program to ensure the

protection of public health and the environment. (LawPhil, 2001)

Waste was categorized by materials. It can be plastic, glass, metal or

organic waste. It may also be a hazardous like flammable, toxic and non-toxic

material. Waste can be solving by disposing each product and substances in a

safe procedure. Everyone needs it to maintain the cleanliness of the environment.

Everyday there is a place that have interspersed or even they clean, there

have an excess clutter and even the smell in surroundings is affected. There are

also some trashcans that didn’t organize the garbage and also some of the

people used to throw all their garbage in one trash can. In this problem, the

researchers come up on idea of analyzing the waste management of one place.

The researchers decided that this study was carried out in a market of Cavite


The researchers come up on an idea of conducting a survey about the

satisfaction of each people in waste management. The study includes the way of

collecting of the garbage and the getting the reason why some people didn’t

follow waste management program.

Statement of the Problem

This study primarily aims to determine the level of comprehension of

people about waste management.

It will specifically try to answer the following questions:

1. What is the demographic profile of the respondents?

1.1 Profile of respondents

 Age

 Sex

2. What is the level of comprehension of people about waste

management in terms of proper garbage disposal?


3. What is the level of defiance of the program of waste management


4. Is there a relationship between the level of comprehension of people

about waste management and the level of defiance of the program of

waste management program?


There is no relationship between the level of comprehension of people

and the level of defiance of program of waste management program.

Scope and Limitations

This research tackles about determining the reason why some people

didn’t follow the waste management program. Other place near the market like

outside of the market is beyond of the scope of this study. The target

respondents will be the vendors. The respondents should have participate and

answer the survey questionnaire properly and honestly. This study will be

conducted in Cavite National High School-Senior High School Department from

June-October 2017.

Significance of the Study

Every day, there is a person that didn’t follow the proper waste disposal

even they have an idea about waste management program. The main purpose of

this study is to know the reason behind of why they didn’t organize their trash.

In this study it is expected to benefit the following:

Vendors. The section inside of the market where they sell their products

especially the meat and fish section will be always clean and each stall have their

own 3 organize trashcans which is biodegradable, non-biodegradable and


Buyer. The hallways where they walk are clean. They don’t have to worry

about the mud on the hallway and in the smell of the surroundings.

Environment. Every recycling each material can contribute to

environment. It can reduce our pollution in air and water and save our energy.

Government. The government will be fully aware to the standard of the

public places just like the public market of the Cavite City.

Community.The health of those people that live and their houses are

near the market are surely safe.


Future Researchers. In the future, this study will give them a better

understanding about the comprehension and defiance of vendors in waste

management program.

Chapter 2

Review of Related Literature and Studies

This section discusses the different literature and studies that have a

significant relation to this research project which is “Comprehension and

Defiance of Vendors in Waste Management Program of the City”

Related Literature


In many developing countries and countries with economies in transition

there are two types of recycling sectors, a formal sector and informal sector.

Formal recycling sector, using efficient technologies and state-of-the-art recycling

facilities are rare. As a result, recyclable materials are managed through various

informal sectors with low-end management alternatives such as manual

separation of recyclable components, burning of some components in open pits

to recover precious metals, and dumping of residues into surface water bodies.

This informal sector of the economy employs thousands of poor people who are

not aware of the hazard of exposure or hazards that exist in some recyclable

materials (Basel Convention Report Paper, 2009).

Hazardous Waste Management

Much of the concern of many countries regarding their waste management

circulates around the disposal of hazardous wastes. Due to their toxicity and

large threat to human and environment health, this type of waste requires more

stringent and sophisticated methods of disposal. Basically, the United Stateside

federal regulations classifying their waste into two types: hazardous and solid. In

1976, congress adopted the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act, the

primary national law for addressing production waste (waste generated in the

course of ongoing activity or business).In such act, the term solid does not

necessarily refer to a wastes physical property and thus the waste can also be a

liquid or a contained gas (National Society of Professional Engineers, USA,

2009). The RCRA provides a stringent classification of hazardous wastes and the

necessary treatment that such wastes should undergo. Under the law, a

µcomprehensive national ³cradle-to-grave´ program for regulating the generation,

transportation, treatment, storage and disposal of hazardous wastes is

established. Such program includes a system for tracking the wastes point

sources and point of disposal, and a permitting system to control the operation of

treatment, storage and disposal facilities (US Environmental Protection Agency)

Solid Waste Management

In developing countries, it is common for municipalities to spend 20-50

percent of their available recurrent budget on solid waste management. Yet, it is

also common that 30-60 percent of all the urban solid waste in developing

countries is uncollected and less than 50 percent of the population is served. In

some cases, as much as 80 percent of the collection and transport equipment is


out of service, in need of repair or maintenance. In most developing countries,

open dumping with open burning is the norm (The World Bank, 2009).

In technical note, the term ‘solid waste’ is used to include all non-liquid

wastes generated by human activity and a range of solid waste material resulting

from the disaster, such as general domestic garbage such as food waste, ash

and packaging materials; human faeces disposed of in garbage; emergency

waste such as plastic water bottles and packaging from other emergency

supplies; rubble resulting from the disaster; mud and slurry deposited by the

natural disaster; and fallen trees and rocks obstructing transport and

communications. Other specialist wastes, such as medical waste from hospitals

and toxic waste from industry, will also need to be dealt with urgently, but they

are not covered by this technical note (World Health Organization, 2011).

The Municipal Council enacted an ordinance establishing solid waste

management also known as “Perkash Fashura Ordinance Na Isadanga.” The

ordinance prohibits dumping of garbage anywhere other than those recognized

and established garbage facilities; dumping of unclean and unsegregated waste

at the redemption center/facility; discharging of human feces along the creeks

and rivers; throwing of wastes in creeks, rivers, public places such as roads,

sidewalks and establishments; and burning of garbage particularly non-

biodegradable wastes. It also requires residents to practice segregation of

wastes at source. Reusable solid wastes such as bottles, plastics, cellophane


and papers shall be brought to the barangay material recovery facility duly

segregated or directly to the agent-buyers. Non-recyclable materials and special

solid wastes will be brought to the material recovery facility, while hazardous

wastes or chemicals will be disposed in coordination with concerned government

agencies according to prescribed methods. The local government is responsible

for collecting reusable, recyclable and non-biodegradable waste materials from

the material recovery facilities; and transporting them to the recycling centers and

or to the municipal material recovery facility. Collection of segregated solid

wastes is scheduled per barangay (Saley, 2012).

3R’s (Reduce Reuse Recycle)

The Environmental Protection Agency has determined a three tiered

approach for managing solid waste. Each of these should be practiced to reduce

the amount material headed for final disposal. They are in order of importance:

REDUCE, the best way to manage solid waste.Don't create waste in the first

place! Buy only what you need. Use all that you buy. Avoid heavily packaged

products. Avoid disposable items like paper plates and plastic silverware. Buy the

largest size package for those items that you use are often. REUSE, the better

way to manage solid waste. Reuse items use them over and over until they are

completely worn out. RECYCLE, the good way to manage solid waste.Recycle

means taking something old and making it into something new. In Seminole

County, all residents who live in a single family home can recycle right in front of

their house. Those residents who live in apartments or condominiums can drop

off their recyclables at several different locations. Old newspapers, #1 and #2

plastic bottles, green, clear and brown glass bottles and jars, aluminum and steel

cans can all be recycled at the curb. Simply rinse out containers and remove lids.

That's it; it's very simple and very worthwhile. Not only does it keep items out of

the landfill, recycling conserves natural resources (Seminole County Government,


Australia may be a large country, but we live in a throw-away society that is

rapidly filling it with our waste. Our insatiable desire to constantly upgrade

disposable technology and consume over-packaged products has continued

unabated for decades. At the same time however, there has been a trend away

from both burning waste in incinerators and burying it in landfills. Waste

management policies now seek to minimize waste disposal by reducing its

generation and by reusing and recycling. This book reveals the extent of our

growing waste problem and examines the waste and recycling practices of

households, and includes many tips on how to reduce, reuse and recycle. Topics

include green waste, plastics, glass, paper, metal and electronic waste (Healey,



There are many stringent regulations governing the treatment and

disposal of waste in the UK, both onshore and offshore, and in most other

countries as well. Facilities involved in waste transfer and treatment require


licenses, and all personnel who work at such facilities require the proper kind of

training that goes with the handling of waste that can often be dangerous if not

handled properly. Waste management facilities also need to be able to respond

quickly to emergency situations. By their very nature there is rarely any warning

that an emergency is about to occur. For that reason emergency response teams

need to be on standby every hour of every day, and every day of every year.

Waste management disposal and treatment can originate from both domestic

and industrial sources (Rose, 2009).

Related Studies

Assessing Public Attitudes and Behaviour to Household Waste

Management in Cameroon to Drive Strategy Development: A Q

Methodological Approach

Household waste is an environmental and public health problem,

especially for the large cities in Sub-Saharan African countries. While the

improper management of household waste in Cameroon is linked to the

systematic failure of policy makers and municipal authorities to identify the most

sustainable ways of dealing with it in such a manner that is in line is with their

social-economic aspirations, the impact of public attitudes and behavior has been

neglected. It is in this context that this paper uses Q-methodology, a powerful

methodology for identifying the different trends in behaviour in the management

of household waste in Douala, Cameroon (Mbeng, L. O.,Probert, J., Phillips, P. S.

and Fairweather, R.,2009).


Residents’ Perception & Attitude on Solid Waste Disposal and its Health

Impacts in Cape Coast Metropolis

Despite of the high risks associated with indiscriminate disposal of solid

waste, some residents in the Cape Coast Metropolis continue to bury burn and

dump refuse anywhere in their homes and surroundings without considering the

health effects of their action. This study seeks to explore the residents’

perception, attitude and disposal practices of solid waste disposal and its health

impacts in the Cape Coast Metropolis. The data for the study was obtained from

284 respondents. To generate the sample of the study, the procedure that used

is Multistage sampling. The main instrument to gather the data was questionnaire.

The result of the study revealed that most of the respondents disposed of their

solid waste in nearby skips while quite a number of respondents disposing their

solid waste on the street. Among the solid waste disposal practices, recycling

was the preferred disposal method. It was also revealed that respondents have

the perception that improper handling of solid wastes gives rise to diseases such

as malaria, cholera, typhoid, diarrhea and other respiratory tract diseases. (Boadi,


Synthesis of the Studies

A study conducted byMbeng, L. O.,Probert, J., Phillips, P. S. and

Fairweather, R.,(2009) with the title of “Assessing Public Attitudes and Behaviour

to Household Waste Management in Cameroon to Drive Strategy Development:

A Q Methodological Approach “focused to the impact of public attitude and


different trends in behaviour in the management of household waste in Douala.

Same as the study that conducted by Mbeng, Probert, Phillips and Fairweather,

this aims to determine the level of comprehension of vendors and the refusal of

some person to obey waste management program.

In this research study compared to the study of Mbeng, Probert, Phillips

and Fairweather are some differences in terms of the respondents and its

objective because in the research study of Mbeng, Probert and Fairweather only

determines the most sustainable ways of dealing with it in such a manner that is

in line is with their socio-economic aspirations, while the main objective of this

study are to determine the level of understanding and the level of their defiance.

In Doula, Caneroon where Mbeng, Probert and Fairweather conducted the

research study and collect data and information by conducting a survey

questionnaire with 30 participants that are selected, and for this study 50 vendors

in market of Cavite City will be the participants in this study.


Conceptual Framework

Figure 1: Input, Process and Output of Waste Management

In the figure one: Input, Process and Output of Waste Management shows

the specific problem of waste management that will investigate. The researcher

will find the demographic profile of the respondents, level of comprehension of

people about waste management in terms of proper disposal and level of

defiance of the waste management program by conducting a survey about waste


management program and get the relationship between the level of

comprehension of people about waste management and the level of defiance of

waste management program.

Definition of Terms

For better understanding of the study, the researcher gave several terms

that were defined conceptually and operationally as used in the study.


An understanding and perception of each people on the process of waste

management program.


Reason of if they know the program of waste management and why they

didn’t participate on it.

Waste Management Program

A kind of program of the law “RA 9003” which helps to reduce waste in all


Solid Waste

The garbage that can see anywhere. It can be plastics, paper, cans,

bottles, cups, etc.


Proper Waste Disposal

The true way of disposing every waste.


The types of waste or garbage that didn’t rooting.


The types of waste or garbage that rooting


The types of waste or garbage that can use and convert into reusable


Chapter 3


Solid waste is one problem in environment especially in Market. The

purpose of this study is to examine the comprehension and defiance of vendors

in the waste management. Specifically the study was designed to answer

relationship between the level of comprehension of people about waste

management and the level of defiance of the program of waste management

program. This chapter is divided into several section addressing the research

design, research instrumentation, sampling and local, data gathering procedure

and statistical treatment of data.

Research Design

The study made use of the descriptive-survey method of research. In

descriptive, researchers choose the assessment and evaluation because this

design attempts to determine the effectiveness and efficiency of the waste

management policy. The main source of data was a research made

questionnaire which was validated by the experts in the field of education. The

researcher asked permission from the research adviser of CNHS-SHS. The

questionnaire starts with the profile of the vendors, followed by questions asking

about the understanding of vendors and order to know if they follow.


The data gathered was examined using the quantitative method. This

aims to view and infer information numerically and statistically. The researcher

aims to use this methods in providing information and seeking relationship

among variables.

Research Instrumentation

The researchers will built its own survey questionnaire in order to find the

possible answers in the comprehension and the reason behind of defiance (why

people didn’t segregate their garbage) of each vendor in waste management

program of the city.

The questionnaire is the questions that can answer why some people

didn’t segregate their garbage. It can also try to answer the level of

comprehension of each vendor about waste management program. The

researcher will provide 70 survey questionnaires that are composed of 13 items

for each instrument. The instrument will be divided into 3 sections. Those

sections are profile information, level of comprehension and level of defiance.

After making the questionnaire, the researcher will show it to research

adviser to check and ask some questions, suggestions and opinions regarding to

the research topic.


Sampling and Locale

The main selected target population for this research study is the vendors

from different sections of the market of Cavite City and the sample selected was

seventy (70) vendors.

The sample of the population of this study is the selected vendors inside

of the market with the range of ten (10) vegetable vendors, ten (10) fruit vendors,

five (5) plant vendors, five (5) shell vendors, ten (10) fish vendors, ten

(10)chicken vendors, ten(10) pork vendors and ten (10) clothes vendors that

gave a total of seventy (70) respondent vendor.

Data Gathering Procedure

The researcher will made a request letter and give it personally to each

vendors inside of the market of Cavite City for the approval to let to conduct a

survey while they are doing their job. The seventy (70) selected vendors of the

market of Cavite City will answer the survey questionnaire properly.

The researcher will ask some question that did not include to the survey

and after that the researcher will give personally each copy of the survey

questionnaire to the selected 70 vendors. After giving the questionnaire to the

vendor, the researcher will explain the procedure of how to answer the survey

questionnaire. The researchers also say when will come back to take back the

survey questionnaire.

After almost a week, the researcher will come back and gather the almost

half of the survey questionnaire from the selected vendors.

Statistical Treatment of Data

This study used both descriptive and inferential statistic in determining and

quantifying the data. The following descriptive statistical tool was utilized in the

analysis of the data gathered:

Percentage Distribution. This statistical treatment tool shall be used in

describing the demographic profile. This will be used in identifying the ratio

between male and female in sex, the count of every age and the total count of

every type of vendors.


%= (100)


% = percentage

F = frequently

N = number of respondent

Weighted Mean.This statistical treatment used for the level of

comprehension of people about waste management in terms of proper garbage

disposal. It also used to the level of defiance of program of waste management

program. This used to determine the average response of all the sample in terms

of their level of comprehension and defiance who took the survey.


x1 + x2 + x3 + x4
WM =


WM = Weighted Mean

X = Rating of operation

N = Total number of Respondents

The following are the verbal interpretation of weighted mean in level

of comprehension

Rating Scale Verbal Interpretation

6 Strongly Agree

5 Agree

4 Partly Agree

3 Partly Disagree

2 Disagree

1 Strongly Disagree

The following are the verbal interpretation of weighted mean in level

of defiance

Rating Scale Verbal Interpretation

5 Everyday

4 Seldom

3 Sometimes

2 Rarely

1 Never

Pearson R Correlation. The inferential statistical tool will be used in

verifying if there is a significant relationship between level of comprehension and

level of defiance.

N xy−( x)( y)
[ x2 −( x)2 ][N y2 −( y)2]


N = number of pairs of scores

∑xy = sum of the products of paired scores

∑x = sum of x scores

∑y = sum of y scores

∑x2 = sum of squared x scores

∑y2 = sum of squared y scores


The data obtained from the survey will be organized using Microsoft Excel

2016 and SPSS version 23 program.


Chapter 4

Presentation, Analysis and Interpretation of Data

This chapter includes the analysis and interpretation of the data gathered out

of the instrument employed and is presented according to the objectives needed

to be carried out. It includes graphical and tabular presentation of data analyzed

using different statistical tools. Furthermore, the appropriate interpretations are

also included.

Result and Discussion

1. Profile of the Respondents

Figure 2: Age of Respondent Vendors

In the figure two, presents the age distribution of the respondents of the

study. Age is a factor that oftentimes influences the respondents in a certain

issue. There are 14 (20%) are 46-50 years old. This is followed by 13 (19%) 41-

45 years old. Next is 12 (17%) 51 years old and above. Next to the last is 11

(16%) 36-40 years old and lastly, 10 (14%) 31-35 years old and below 30 years


Figure 3: Sex of the Respondent Vendors

The figure three shows the sex distribution of the respondent vendors.

There are 40 (57%) female and 30 (43%) male.

Figure 4: Kinds of Respondent Vendors

Type of vendor is a factor that oftentimes influences the respondents in a

certain issue. The table above presents the rage distribution of vendor of the

respondents of the study.

The figure four shows the range of distribution of vendors. There are 10

(15%) cloth vendor and fish vendor. This followed by 10 (14%) vegetable vendor,

pork vendor, fruit vendor, chicken vendor. Lastly is 5 (7%) plant/flower vendor

and shell vendor.

2. The level of comprehension of people about waste management in

terms of proper garbage disposal

Table 1: Level of Comprehension of Vendors

Statement Mean Interpretation

1. The waste management program is very useful to

5.47 Agree
decrease the waste.

2. I know what is the waste management program. 4.99 Agree

3. Waste management program is important in

4.67 Agree
everyday life.

4. I know what will do to those recycled materials. 4.84 Agree

5. I ecycled those materials that can be used like

3.91 Partly Agree
bottles, paper, can, etc.

6. I know that waste management is a kind of law. 4.2 Partly Agree

7. The waste management is important to do in all

5.04 Agree

8. Biodegradable is need to separate in non-

4.89 Agree

9. It’s ok not to not separate biodegradable to non-

biodegradable, the important is the garbage throw 2.6
in the right trash can.

TOTAL 4.51 Agree

In the table one above which is level of comprehension of vendors shows

that, in overall statement, number one which the statement is “The waste

management program is very useful to decrease the waste” is the highest

average and that average is 5.47 (14%) and the interpretation is Agree. The

lowest in all statement is number nine which the statement is “It’s ok to not

separate the biodegradable to non-biodegradable, the important is the garbage

throw in the trash can” which the average is 2.6 (6%) and the interpretation is

Partly Disagree.

3. Level of defiance of the program of waste management program

Table 2: Level of Defiance of Vendors

Statement Mean Interpretation

1. I participate to the waste management 2.71


2. Whenever I see garbage in the street, I get it 3.23

and throw it to the trash can.

3. I separate biodegradable and non- 3.30


4. I didn’t separate biodegradable and non- 2.66


Total 2.98 Sometimes


In the table two which is level of defiance of vendors above shows that, in

overall statement, number three which the statement is “I separate biodegradable

and non-biodegradable” is the highest average and that average are 3.30 (28%)

and the interpretation is sometimes. The lowest in all statement is number four

which the statement is “I didn’t separate biodegradable and non-biodegradable”

which the average is 2.66 (22%) and the interpretation is sometimes.

4. Relationship between the level of comprehension of people about waste

management and the level of defiance of the program of waste

management program

Table 3: Identifying if there is a relationship between level of comprehension and

level of defiance of vendors

Level of Level of Defiance


Level of
1 0.999142

Level of Defiance 0.999142 1

In the table three, it shows the linear relationship between level of

comprehension and level of defiance. In the first row of first column of

relationship of level of comprehension and to it self shows a correlation nearly +1,

in second row of first column of relationship of level of comprehension and level

of defiance shows a correlation of +0.999142, in first row of second column of

relationship of level of defiance and level of comprehension shows a correlation


of +0.999142 and in the second row of second column of relationship of level of

defiance to it self shows a correlation of +1.

In comparing the results of the correlation of relationship of level of

comprehension to it self and relationship of level of comprehension and level of

defiance, in relationship of level of correlation to it self is nearly a perfect uphill

(positive) (straight line) linear relationship and in relationship of level of

comprehension and level of defiance shows a very strong uphill (positive) linear

pattern (relationship) (but not as strong as relationship of level of comprehension

to its self). In relationship of level of defiance and level of comprehension shows

a strong uphill relationship and in relationship of level of defiance to it self is a

perfect uphill linear relationship.


Chapter 5

Summary, Conclusion and Recommendation

This chapter presents the summary of the findings, conclusion drawn from the

findings and corresponding recommendations based on the data analyzed in the

previous chapter.

Summary of Findings

This study was conducted to determine the level of comprehension and

defiance of the vendors in waste management in Cavite City. The result of the

study showed that:

The profile of the vendors was also a vital part of this study as stated in

research statement. In a survey, it revealed that the group of vendors in which

10 out of 70 were below 30 years old, 10 is in the age bracket of 31 - 35 years

old and 11 in the age of 36 – 40 years old. 19 is in the age bracket of 41 – 45

years old and 14 in the age of 46 – 50 years old and lastly is 12 in 51 years old

and above. In terms of gender, most of the vendors were female.

In terms of level of comprehension of vendors, the study shows that more

of vendors are agree in “The waste management program is very useful to

decrease the waste” that average is 5.47 (14%) and some are partly agree in “It’s

ok to not separate the biodegradable to non-biodegradable, the important is the


garbage throw in the trash can” that the average is 2.6 (6%) with the all over total

is 4.51 that agree.

In terms of level of defiance of vendors, the study shows that some of the

vendors are sometimes “I separate biodegradable and non-biodegradable” that

the average is 3.30 and some are sometimes “I didn’t separate biodegradable

and non-biodegradable” that the average is 2.66 (22%) with the all over 2.98 that


In terms of relationship between level of comprehension and level of defiance,

there is a strong relationship between the two. The relationship of level of

correlation to it self is a perfect uphill linear relationship and in relationship of

level of comprehension and level of defiance shows a very strong uphill linear

relationship. In relationship of level of defiance and level of comprehension

shows a strong uphill relationship and in relationship of level of defiance to it self

is a perfect uphill linear relationship.


As the conclusion to this research, the researcher realized while

accomplishing the survey and asking some questions about the study that there

are some vendors that didn’t know what it is when I said it is about segregating

waste. They just know that it is about throwing all garbage that they have in any

trash canned in short combining all the garbage in one trash can, but the

researcher observed that even they just know that throwing garbage to any trash

can in a kind of waste management; some vendors intend to throw their garbage

in different trash can and separate it.


For the market office where they are the one holding the market, I want to

recommend the following:

 Put a trash cans in each corner of sections every inside of the market

 Make it 3 each section, stalls, etc. just to be the waste will be separate.

 Put a name in each trashcan that identify that it is “biodegradable”

“non-biodegradable or “recycled”

 Make the trashcan organized

For the municipal office of Cavite City that holding the task in garbage, I

want to recommend the following:

 Separate each waste that they take like in one dump track, its only for

biodegradable waste and next is the other one is for non-

biodegradable waste.

 The garbage that they gathered should not be preserve in one place.

 The materials that can be useful should be separate to the other


 Make recycled materials new and useful

For the government of Cavite City, I want to recommend the following:


 Give a command to all Captain of Cavite City to execute a meeting in

their barangay and make an activity where the main topic is about

waste management and especially the importance of it even in once a


 Say to each barangay captain to make an activity contest about waste

management like who can give a 1 kilo of bottle or paper will receive a

raffle ticket and that raffle ticket will be raffle every week.

For the future researcher, I want to recommend the following:

 They can use different type of respondents

 Make the respondents more than 80 to make the study more reliable

 They can conduct in other place

 Give some possible factors that can people be defiance



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Appendix A

Request Letter to Conduct Study


Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Cavite National High School
Senior High School

Dear Ma’am and Sir:

Good Morning/Afternoon, I am Camille C. Barcena, Grade 12 – STEM

(Science Technology Engineering and Mathematics). Student from Cavite
National High School (CNHS), I was conducting a research study about the level
of comprehension and defiance of vendors in terms of waste management, and it
is entitled “Comprehension and Defiance of Vendors in the Waste Management
Program of the City” as a part of the requirements for Research 2: Quantitative
Research for Daily Life.

In this regard, the undersigned requests is for your approval of gathering

data in you while you are doing your job.

Respectfully yours,


Recommending Approval,


Research Adviser


Research Teacher


Approval by the Respondents

Appendix B

Sample Survey Questionnaire


Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Cavite National High School
Senior High School

Survey Questionnaire about

Comprehension and Defiance of Vendors in the Waste Management
Program of the City

Name (Optional):_____________________________

Good Morning/Afternoon Ma’am/Sir,

I am Camille C. Barcena, Grade 12-STEM from Cavite National High
School. I am currently conducting a research about comprehension and defiance
of vendors in terms of waste management program in Research in Daily Life 2:
Quantitative Research.
The purpose of this survey is to know how many people understand the
waste management program but didn’t apply it and those people who apply it. It
will also use to count the level of understanding of each people. Your
participation will help us further our understanding of the subject matter.
Carefully read the instructions and answer the questions as honestly and
completely as possible. Be sure not to omit any items. Please remember there
are NO right or wrong answers.

Part I. Profile of the respondents

INSTRUCTIONS: Please check the box that corresponds as asked in the
Age: Sex:
Below 30 years old Female
31-35 years old Male
36-40 years old
41-45 years old
46 years old and above

Kind of Vendor:
Cloth Vendor Fish Vendor Vegetable Vendor Shell Vendor
Pork Vendor Fruit Vendor Chicken Vendor Flower/Plant vendor

Part 2: Determining the Level of Comprehension of the Respondents

INSTRUCTIUONS: Below is the list of statements. Read each phrase and decide
if it is “Strongly Agree” or “Agree” or “Partly Agree” or “Partly Disagree” or
“Disagree” or “Strongly Disagree” for you. Then, for each sentence, check the
space that corresponds to the response.

S.A (6) = Strongly Agree

A (5) = Agree
P.A (4) = Partly Agree
P.D (3) = Partly Disagree
D (2) = Disagree
S.D (1) = Strongly Agree
Statement 6 5 4 3 2 1
1. The waste management program
is very useful to decrease the
2. I know what is the waste
management program.
3. Waste management program is
important in everyday life.
4. I know what will do to those
recycled materials.
5. I recycled those materials that
can be used like bottles, paper,
can, etc.
6. I know that waste management is
a kind of law.
7. The waste management is
important to do in all places.
8. Biodegradable is need to
separate in non-biodegradable.

9. It’s ok not to not separate

biodegradable to non-
biodegradable, the important is
the garbage throw in the right
trash can.

Part 2: Determining the Level of Defiance of the Respondents

INSTRUCTIUONS: For each of the following statements, check along the
number of the 5-point scale from 1(=Never) to 5(=Everyday) the best describes
how that statements applies to you.

5 = Everyday
4 = Seldom
3 = Sometimes
2 = Rarely
1 = Never
Statement 5 4 3 2 1
1. I participate to the waste
management program
2. Whenever I see garbage in the
street, I get it and throw it to the
trash can.
3. I separate biodegradable and
4. I didn’t separate biodegradable
and non-biodegradable.


Appendix C

Level of Comprehension of Vendors using Weighted Mean



Statement Total Mean %
6 5 4 3 2 1

1. The waste


program is very 36 31 3 0 0 0 70 5.47 14%

useful to decrease

the waste.

2. I know what is the

waste management 24 28 11 7 0 0 70 4.99 12%


3. Waste management

program is important 26 25 5 4 4 6 70 4.67 12%

in everyday life.

4. I know what will do to

those recycled 15 34 16 5 0 0 70 4.84 12%


5. I recycled those

materials that can be

6 24 16 10 10 4 70 3.91 10%
used like bottles,

paper, can, etc.

6. I know that waste

management is a 14 22 14 8 8 4 70 4.2 10%

kind of law.

7. The waste

management is
41 16 0 7 0 6 70 5.04 12%
important to do in all


8. Biodegradable is

need to separate in 34 24 0 0 6 6 70 4.89 12%


9. It’s ok not to not


biodegradable to

non-biodegradable, 4 6 9 14 13 24 70 2.6 6%

the important is the

garbage throw in the

right trash can.


Appendix D

Level of Defiance of Vendors using Weighted Mean


Statement Total Mean %
5 4 3 2 1

1. I participate to the

waste management 5 14 16 26 9 70 2.71 23%


2. Whenever I see garbage

in the street, I get it and 8 21 25 11 5 70 3.23 27%

throw it to the trash can.

3. I separate biodegradable
13 18 21 13 5 70 3.30 28%
and non-biodegradable.

4. I didn’t separate

biodegradable and non- 6 10 23 16 15 70 2.66 22%



Camille C. Barcena was born on June 04, 2000.

She is the daughter of Mr. Benidicto R. Barcena and

Mrs. Merlinda C. Barcena. She lives in 303 T. Gomez

Street Barangay 22 – M Leo, Caridad, Cavite City.

She completed her primary school at Ladislao Diwa Elementary School in

2012 and hasve been a third honorable student in her grade 5. She finished her

Junior High at Cavite National High School in 2016. She got second honorable

student in her first year in high school and first honorable student in second year

of high school student. She studied a summer school in DATACOM Institute of

Computer Technology in Rosario, Cavite ang get the certificate of compilation in

May 2016.

In young age of 14, she got her first 100% scholarship for College in San

Sebastian College Recoletos de Cavite because of her high grades in her junior

high. In her 15 years of age, she got her second scholarship for college that is

50% scholar in any DATACOM Institute of Computer Technology because of her

good performance in doing the activities and giving a interest in her job. In the

age of 17, she got her third scholarship in FEU Institute of Technology that is

25% scholar.

To have more higher learning, she enrolled her Senior High at Cavite

National High School and recently took Academic STEM (Science Technology

Engineering Mathematics).

She became involve in a lot of activities, experiments and studies which

enhanced her knowledge and skills in choosing perfect course in college.




 STEM student of Cavite National High School

 303 T. Gomez Street Caridad, Cavite City

 Contact number: +63926240475

 Email:

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