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Rodman Philbrick

Wildfire Day One

A. Read the following questions and choose the best answer.

1. Which U.S. state is the setting for this story? ___

A. Michigan B. California C. Maine

2. What caused Sam to go back to the cabin? ___

A. a phone B. a book C. a wallet

3. What made Sam run away from the buses? ___

A. bullies B. fire C. insects

4. Where did Sam lose his phone? ___

A. in a swamp B. in a tree stump C. in an anthill

5. What helped Sam move more quickly? ___

A. a map B. a logging road C. a bicycle

6. Sam’s mother was in what kind of program for 28 days? ___

A. exercise B. dieting C. rehab

B. Read the following questions and answer in a complete sentence.

1. Why was the forest so dry?


2. Why did they evacuate Camp Wabanaski?


3. Why did Sam leave his backpack behind in the woods?


4. Why did Sam’s father go to Afghanistan?

Wildfire Day One

A. Write the words in the blanks.

civilian drought evacuate notify stench

_______________1. a very bad smell

_______________2. a period of time when there is no rain

_______________3. to tell someone some important information

_______________4. a person who is not a member of the military

_______________5. to leave a place when there is danger

B. What happened as Sam escaped from the wildfire? What did Sam do?

C. What happened after Sam reached the lumber camp?


D. Read the sentences and circle true or false.

True False 1. They could smell smoke at Camp Wabanaski.
True False 2. Sam boarded a bus after he went back for his phone.
True False 3. Sam spent some time sitting in a swamp.
True False 4. Sam used his phone to call his mother.
True False 5. Sam had gone fishing and camping with his father.
True False 6. In the woods, mosquitoes can help people find water.
True False 7. Sam drank lots of water from a spring.
True False 8. Sam met two lumberjacks at the lumber camp.
Wildfire Day Two

A. Read the following questions and choose the best answer.

1. What did Sam find in the cabin? ___

A. a motorcycle B. canned food C. a television

2. What had helped Sam’s grandfather survive World War II? ___
A. a compass B. a submarine C. a Jeep

3. Where had Delphy Pappas been staying? ___

A. fitness camp B. rickety motel C. lake resort

4. Which business does Delphy’s family operate? ___

A. bookstore B. car wash C. restaurant

5. What did they use to get the Jeep going again? ___
A. air pumps B. fuel cans C. spark plugs

6. What helped them get news about the fire? ___

A. a radio B. a television C. a newspaper

B. Read the following questions and answer in a complete sentence.

1. Why did Sam’s mother start taknig prescription medication?


2. Why did Sam need to leave the lumber camp quickly?


3. Why did Sam and Delphy want to find a phone?


4. Why did they stop at a cottage instead of continuing to drive?

Wildfire Day Two

A. Write the words in the blanks.

compass concentrate instinct opioids sapling

_______________1. to think carefully about what we are doing

_______________2. a young tree that is just starting to grow

_______________3. a device that helps us find which direction to travel

_______________4. a kind of medicine that is used to relieve pain

_______________5. a natural feeling or sense that animals are born with

B. What happened after Sam found the Jeep? How did he get it started?

C. What did we learn about Delphy Pappas? What did they talk about?

D. At this point, the reader may be wondering about certain things in the
story. Can you write three questions you have about the story?

Question #1:________________________________________________

Question #2:________________________________________________

Question #3:________________________________________________
Wildfire Day Three

A. Read the following questions and choose the best answer.

1. Which sound woke Sam in the morning? ___

A. birds B. engines C. shutters

2. What caused Sam to crash the Jeep? ___

A. a moose B. a hole C. a branch

3. What did Phat Freddy say was the cause of the fire? ___
A. lightning B. a campfire C. arson

4. What did Sam want to make when they were lost? ___
A. a plan B. a tree house C. a smoke signal

5. What did they use to mark the trees along the way? ___
A. old socks B. paint C. a swimsuit

6. What did Sam lie about to Delphy? ___

A. temperature B. bears C. canned food

B. Read the following questions and answer in a complete sentence.

1. Why did they want to get away from the dirt bike riders?

2. Why did Delphy want to make a lever?


3. Why were Sam and Delphy trying to find a clearing in the forest?

4. At night, why had Delphy been waiting in the woods behind her camp?
Wildfire Day Three

A. Write the words in the blanks.

arson canopy dread vicinity witness

_______________1. the top part of a forest that is like a roof

_______________2. to think that something bad will happen

_______________3. a person who watches something happen

_______________4. setting a fire on purpose

_______________5. in a location that is nearby

B. What happened when they saw two people riding dirt bikes?

C. What were some difficulties that Sam and Delphy faced?


D. Read the sentences and circle true or false.

True False 1. In the cottage, a swarm of bees woke up Sam.
True False 2. Two dirt bike riders set a summer house on fire.
True False 3. A dirt bike rider had taken a wire out of the Jeep.
True False 4. Sam drove 100 miles an hour on the logging road.
True False 5. Sam and Delphy witnessed a crime across the lake.
True False 6. The Jeep flipped over on its side.
True False 7. Delphy had an injured ankle.
True False 8. They used the radio to signal to the prop plane pilot.
Wildfire Day Four

A. Read the following questions and choose the best answer.

1. What made their faces puffy during the night? ___

A. pine needles B. cool weather C. bug bites

2. What was falling to the ground? ___

A. ash B. snowflakes C. feathers

3. What did they use to make a lever to push the Jeep over? ___
A. a lamppost B. a branch C. a tent pole

4. What was setting Sam’s hair on fire? ___

A. sparks B. gasoline C. a mirror

5. What did Sam see when he climbed a tree? ___

A. a highway B. firefighters C. buildings

6. Where did Sam and Delphy sleep at night? ___

A. a fort B. a deer stand C. in the Jeep

B. Read the following questions and answer in a complete sentence.

1. After sleeping in the woods, why was it lucky that they went south?

2. Why did Sam decide to climb high up a tree?


3. Why did Sam decide to stop driving in the evening?


4. Why did Sam pull the metal ladder up off the ground?
Wildfire Day Four

A. Write the words in the blanks.

camouflage famished lichen periscope relieved

_______________1. very hungry

_______________2. feeling better after feeling scared or nervous

_______________3. using colors or patterns to blend in and hide

_______________4. a crusty plant that grows on rocks and trees

_______________5. a device used to see the surface from a submarine

B. How did they get the Jeep going again after it flipped over?

C. Do you think that Delphy and Sam make a good team?


D. Put the events in the proper order by writing 1 – 7 in the blanks.

___ Sam climbed up a tall tree.

___ Sam and Delphy headed to the right when they found the road.
___ Delphy poured water on Sam’s head to put out a fire.
___ They found the Jeep leaning against a tree.
___ Sam and Delphy climbed a ladder to a platform.
___ Sam and Delphy walked south after they woke up.
___ They tipped the Jeep over onto four wheels.
Wildfire Day Five

A. Read the following questions and choose the best answer.

1. What threatened Sam and Delphy at the deer stand? ___

A. hailstones B. lightning C. a wolf

2. What did Delphy use to get rid of the bear? ___

A. a horn B. pepper C. a rock

3. Which useful item did they find at the survival camp? ___
A. new tires B. satellite phone C. gasoline

4. What scares Delphy the most? ___

A. failing tests B. crossing bridges C. growing taller

5. What scares Sam the most? ___

A. a lightning storm B. an overdose C. a shark attack

6. What did Sam describe as his friend? ___

A. the Jeep B. the moon C. the logging road

B. Read the following questions and answer in a complete sentence.

1. Why did they leave the Jeep behind and start walking?

2. Why was nobody at the camp when Sam and Delphy arrived?

3. Why did Sam and Delphy need an inclined plane?


4. Why was the radio DJ in danger?

Wildfire Day Five

A. Write the words in the blanks.

eternity horizon portage predator refuge

_______________1. a place that is safe from danger

_______________2. carrying a canoe when it is too dangerous to paddle

_______________3. an animal that hunts other animals for food

_______________4. the line between the sky and the ground

_______________5. time continues on forever and ever

B. What happened when they went to the survival camp?


C. What were some problems they had? How did they solve these problems?

D. Choose the correct noun to complete each sentence.

banner bear fist tree water

1. A ______________________ groans and splinters and falls.

2. Delphy shakes her ______________________ at the sky and screams.

3. The __________________ bolts out of the back seat and scampers off.

4. The cool clean ______________________ is like heaven.

5. A big ______________________ was strung on the porch roof.

Wildfire Day Six

A. Read the following questions and choose the best answer.

1. What were the dirt bikers doing at the survival camp? ___
A. planting seeds B. burning buildings C. painting walls

2. What did Sam put in the Jeep before it started? ___

A. distributor wire B. steering wheel C. spark plugs

3. What did the dirt bikers use to get up over the ledge? ___
A. stairs B. ropes C. planks

4. What gave them hope after they came to the end of the road? ___
A. a rainbow B. a radio antenna C. a helicopter

5. What did Captain Brown give to Sam as a gift? ___

A. the Jeep B. a war medal C. a photograph

6. Why were Charles and James Binney arrested? ___

A. shoplifting B. kidnapping C. arson

B. Read the following questions and answer in a complete sentence.

1. Why did Sam and Delphy escape quickly from the survival camp?

2. How did Delphy get the dirt bikers to stop chasing them?

3. Why was it dangerous to drive the Jeep to the radio tower?


4. How did Sam, Delphy, and Freddy survive? Where did they end up?
Wildfire Day Six

A. Write the words in the blanks.

deviate fury Norse obvious vigorously

_______________1. a feeling of deep anger

_______________2. easy to see, easy to understand

_______________3. to go off in the wrong direction

_______________4. related to people of northern Europe many years ago

_______________5. doing something with a lot of effort and energy

B. What happeend when the dirt bikers were at the survival camp?

C. What happened after Sam and Delphy met Phat Freddy?


D. Read the sentences and circle true or false.

True False 1. The dirt bikers wanted people from away to stay away.
True False 2. Sam tried to make friends with the dirt bikers.
True False 3. Delphy tried to help the bikers after they crashed.
True False 4. Sam followed a paved road to the radio tower.
True False 5. Phat Freddy had a white beard, a ponytail, and a potbelly.
True False 6. Sam drove very slowly after leaving the radio tower.
True False 7. Sam drove off a dock and landed in a lake.
True False 8. Sam’s mother completed rehab and returned home.
Wildfire Story Review

A. Put the events in the proper order by writing 1 – 7 in the blanks.

___ Sam and Delphy saw the dirt bikers across the lake.
___ Sam and Delphy stayed overnight at a survival camp.
___ Sam escaped from the fire at Camp Wabanaski.
___ Sam met Delphy and she climbed in the Jeep.
___ Sam drove the Jeep into a lake.
___ Sam found a Jeep at a lumber camp.
___ Delphy knocked the dirt bikers off their dirt bikes.

B. Matching: Match the characters with the correct information.

Characters Information
___1. Sam Castine A. gave Sam the Jeep
___2. Delphy Pappas B. was killed in Afghanistan
___3. Sam’s father C. caused Sam to crash into a tree
___4. Sam’s mother D. had moved to the USA from Greece
___5. a moose E. worked as a DJ for WRPZ 98.6 FM
___6. a bear F. caused the dirt bikers to crash
___7. Delphy’s grandfather G. was addicted to pain medication
___8. a camp counselor H. escaped when Delphy honked the horn
___9. Captain Brown I. picked up Delphy in a Jeep
___10. Phat Freddy J. told the students to evacuate on a bus

C. Use the words in the box to fill in the blanks.

bus food Jeep lumber phone road smoke woods

Sam could smell _______________________ at the camp. He was

supposed to evacuate on a _______________________. Sam went back
to find his _______________________. Sam had to run through the
_______________________ to avoid the fire. He found a logging
_______________________ that led him to a ______________________
camp. Sam found some canned _____________________ and a flashlight.
He started a _______________________ and drove down the road.
Wildfire Language Skills

A. Similes: We can use similes to compare two objects in an interesting

way. We usually use the words like or as when we make a simile.

Choose the proper word to complete each simile from the story.

balloon belly cry door slammed

1. The screendoor ____________________ like a gunshot behind me.

2. It feels like an oven ____________________ has opened over my head.

3. I want to ____________________ like a baby.

4. Part of me is floating along, like a ____________________ on a string.

5. I drink until my ____________________ is full, tight as a drum.

B. Can you make your own similes on the lines below?

1. simile:____________________________________________________

2. simile:____________________________________________________

C. Read the sentences and identify the underlined word in each sentence.

Fill in the blanks with: noun verb adjective adverb preposition

_________________1. We wake up to the smell of smoke.

_________________2. I’m desperately trying to find enough air.
_________________3. It no longer hurts to breathe.
_________________4. My mouth feels like dry, gritty dirt.
_________________5. The logging road was cut through the forest.
_________________6. The fire will sweep over these hilltops.
_________________7. The Jeep bumps over the rough meadow.
_________________8. You sent me two angels in a Jeep.
_________________9. Delphy nods vigorously but doesn’t say a word.
_________________10. I don’t remember that part.
Wildfire Similes & Personification

A. Similes: We can use similes to compare two objects in an interesting

way. We usually use the words like or as when we make a simile.

Choose the proper word to complete each simile from the story.

birches blanket branch bucking bulldog

1. Flames are pouring from ____________________ to branch like a

gleaming waterfall of fire.

2. Darkness falls like a hot steamy ____________________

3. The Jeep is as stocky as a ____________________

4. The vehicle is ____________________ like a horse.

5. The ____________________ are going up like skinny white candles.

B. Personification is a literary device where animals or non-living objects

are given human-like qualities or characteristics.

Choose the proper word to complete each example of personification.

choking decided forest grabs waiting

1. The sap-drenched undergrowth ____________________ my feet.

2. Maybe the fire just ____________________ to go somewhere else.

3. Fear is ____________________ my throat.

4. Fire is eating the ____________________

5. There’s the Jeep, ____________________ patiently.

C. Can you make your own examples on the lines below?

1. simile:____________________________________________________

2. personification:_____________________________________________
Wildfire Similes & Metaphors

A. Similes: We can use similes to compare two objects in an interesting

way. We usually use the words like or as when we make a simile.

Choose the proper word to complete each simile from the story.

dead lightning moved slow wounded

1. The first screech sounds like a ____________________ bird.

2. The Jeep slows to a stop, ____________________ as a doornail.

3. On a highway, that would be ____________________ as a snail.

4. Back at the pond, the fire ____________________ like a sprinter.

5. Mighty bolts of ____________________ crack open the early morning

sky, thumping the earth like hammer blows.

B. We can use metaphors to compare two objects in an interesting way.

We do not use the words like or as when we make a metaphor.

Choose the proper word to complete each metaphor from the story.

around curtain fire flip stomach

1. Flames set up a wall of ____________________ between me and the


2. Iron bands are tightening ____________________ my lungs.

3. Before the ____________________ of smoke came down, the camp

was inside the fire.

4. The clock in my ____________________ is letting me know I’m

hungry and thirsty.

5. I ____________________ a coin in my head and turn left.

C. Can you make your own examples on the lines below?

1. simile:____________________________________________________

2. metaphor:________________________________________________
Wildfire Story Reflection

Read the following questions and answer in a complete sentence.

1. Would you recommend this book to a friend? Why or why not?


2. What is something we learned about the wildfire?


3. What is something surprising that happened in this story?


4. What was one problem and how did the characters solve this problem?

5. How would you describe Sam Castine? What kind of character is he?

6. Do you think Sam and Delphy are a good team? Why or why not?

7. What is something you thought about as you read the story?


8. What was your favorite scene in this story?

Wildfire Theme

The theme of a story is a message that the author wishes to convey

to the reader. We can think of the theme as the main idea of the
story and the theme may be expressed directly or indirectly.

Theme: Resilience
Let’s think about the theme with the following questions.
1. How do you think the death of Sam’s father affected Sam?

2. Why did Sam’s mother need to spend 28 days in rehab?


3. Why was it hard for Delphy to move quickly on foot?


4. How did Sam show strength in this story?


5. How did Delphy show strength in this story?


6. Can you think of one more example of resilience in this story?


7. What do you think the author is saying about resilience?

Wildfire Theme

The theme of a story is a message that the author wishes to convey

to the reader. We can think of the theme as the main idea of the
story and the theme may be expressed directly or indirectly.

Theme: Family and Friends

Let’s think about the theme with the following questions.
1. How did memories of his father help Sam?

2. Why was it helpful for Sam to think of his mother during his journey?

3. “He’s a little dude, my grandfather, shorter and smaller than me, but
he can shift a two-thousand-pound stone easy peasy.”
How did memories of her grandfather help Delphy?

4. What is one way that Delphy helped Sam?


5. What is one way that Sam helped Delphy?


6. Do you think it would have been better for Sam to travel alone?

7. What do you think the author is saying about family and friends?
Wildfire Motif

A motif is an idea, a pattern, or a concept that is repeated

throughout a story. The author can use a motif to express
different aspects of a story, such as a feeling or a theme.

Motif: The Journey

Let’s consider this motif with the following questions.
1. Why wasn’t Sam able to evacuate from Camp Wabanaski on a bus?

2. Why was it helpful for Sam to find the lumber camp?


3. Why did Sam and Delphy need persistence during the journey?

4. What is something dangerous that happened during the journey?


5. What was something humorous that happened during the journey?


6. How did Sam and Delphy become closer during the journey?

7. Can you think of one more important event during ther journey?
Wildfire Motif

A motif is an idea, a pattern, or a concept that is repeated

throughout a story. The author can use a motif to express
different aspects of a story, such as a feeling or a theme.

Motif: Problems and Solutions

Can you write the solution for each of the following problems?
1. Problem: Sam was moving away from the fire too slowly on foot.

2. Problem: At the lumber camp, Sam felt very hungry.


3. Problem: The Jeep had tipped over on its side.


4. Problem: There was a bear in the back seat of the Jeep.


5. Problem: The Jeep ran out of gasoline.


6. Problem: Two dirt bikers were chasing the Jeep.


7. Can you think of one more problem and solution in this story?
Wildfire Symbols

Symbols are objects in a story which are used to represent

ideas. Symbols can be used by the author to help convey
the theme or the underlying meaning to the readers.

Let’s consider the symbols in this story with the following questions.
1a. Why was it helpful for Sam and Delphy to use a lever?

1b. What do you think the lever symbolizes?


2a. What did the bear do when Delphy pressed on the Jeep’s horn?

2b. What do you think Delphy’s action symbolizes?


3a. “Today a rosebush she thought was dead started to bloom.”

Why do you think Sam’s mother puts a lot of effort into her garden?

3b. What do you think the rosebush symbolizes?


4. Can you identify any other symbols in the story?

Wildfire Quotations

Can you discuss the following quotations from the story?

1. “Your dad is gone, and we’ll miss him every day, but that doesn’t mean
we give up. No way, not ever. Not as long as we have each other.”

2. “Once you realize you’re lost, you have to stop and make a plan.”

3. “I can’t explain it, but I’m a thousand percent sure we’re going to be okay.”
She snorts. “Based on what?”
“Based on the fact we’re not going to give up.”

4. “Maybe she has the right idea – be happy when you get the chance,
and never mind what may be coming around the next bend in the trail.”

5. “Maybe you think it’s brave, what we did. But courage had nothing to
do with it. We were terrified and we kept going because we had no choice.”

6. Can you find one more quotation and discuss it on the lines below?
Wildfire Indirect Characterization

Characterization is the way the author develops a character in the

story. Direct characterization is when the author states what the
character is like. Indirect characterization is when the author
gives clues about a character through their actions, speech, etc…

Let’s explore the indirect characterization of Sam Castine in the story.

1a. What are some examples of Sam’s actions?

1b. What do we learn about Sam through his actions?


2a. How did Sam interact with other characters?


2b. What do Sam’s interactions tell us about him?


3a. What are some examples of Sam’s conflicts in the story?


3b. What do we learn about Sam through his conflicts?


4a. What are some things that Sam says in the story?

4b. What do we learn about Sam through his speech (words)?

Wildfire Indirect Characterization

Characterization is the way the author develops a character in the

story. Direct characterization is when the author states what the
character is like. Indirect characterization is when the author gives
clues about a character through their actions, speech, etc…

Let’s explore the author’s use of indirect characterization in the story.

Character: Delphy Pappas
How would you describe Delphy Pappas? What kind of character is she?

Which information in the story helps us understand Delphy Pappas?


Character: Phat Freddy

How would you describe Phat Freddy? What kind of character is he?

Which information in the story helps us understand Phat Freddy?


Character: the dirt bikers

How would you describe the dirt bikers? What kind of characters are they?

Which information in the story helps us understand the dirt bikers?

Wildfire Connections

When we read a story, it can be helpful to think about

connections to our own lives, connections to other
stories, and connections to the world.

Text-to-Self Connections:
1a. Does this story remind you of anything in your own life?
1b. Do the characters in the story remind you of anyone in your own life?

Text-to-Text Connections:
2a. How is this story similar to other stories you have read?
2b. How is this story different from other stories you have read?

Text-to-World Connections:
3a. How is this story similar to things that happen in the real world?
3b. How is this story different from things that happen in the real world?
Wildfire The Story

In the story Wildfire, Sam and Delphy experienced many

interesting things. Write some information about each of
the following things in the story.

The Story Information

Camp Wabanaski

logging road


deer stand


survival camp

radio tower


Wildfire Cause and Effect

Cause and Effect: The effect is what happened, and the cause is the
reason that it happened.

To find an effect, ask “What happened?”

To find a cause, ask “Why did it happen?”

Cause Effect

They decided to evacuate Camp


Sam decided to go back to the cabin

to get his phone.

A summer house across the lake

started to burn.

Sam’s mother needed help with her

neck pain after an accident.

Delphy could not move very quickly

on foot.

Sam and Delphy tried to find a

clearing to signal a plane.

They were able to listen to the radio

without using any batteries.

Delphy hit one of the dirt bikers with

a stick.

Phat Freddy was able to escape

from the wildfire.
Wildfire Compare & Contrast

A. What are three similarities shared by Jeeps and dirt bikes?

Jeeps and Dirt Bikes

B. What are three differences between Jeeps and dirt bikes?

Jeeps Dirt Bikes

Wildfire Point of View

A. Stories are usually written in first person or third person point of view.

First person point or view means that the main character is telling the
story from inside the story. Third person point of view means that the
author or narrator is telling the story from the outside looking in.

Which point of view is used in Wildfire?

A. first person B. third person

B. Now you have the chance to describe some of the events in the story
from different points of view. Choose a character in the story and describe
what happened using this character’s point of view.

Character Description of Events

I was napping comfortably in the back seat of a vehicle.

Suddenly I was aware of two humans approaching. I
a bear wasn’t sure if I should attack or run away into the woods.
When I heard a loud sound, I scampered away fearfully.
Wildfire Writing a Letter

We read many interesting things about Sam Castine’s life.

Let’s write a letter to Sam. What would you like to say to
Sam? Which questions would you like to ask him?


Dear ___________________________,

















Wildfire W Questions
Think about a scene in the story and answer the following questions.
Be sure to include as many details as possible.

What happened?


Why did it happen?


Who was there?


When did it happen?


Where did it happen?

Wildfire Illustrations

Let’s draw four scenes from the story.

On the lines, write a sentence about each picture.

_______________________ ________________________
_______________________ ________________________

_______________________ ________________________
_______________________ ________________________
Wildfire Characters

Let’s draw four characters from the story.

On the lines, write a sentence about each character.

_______________________ ________________________
_______________________ ________________________

_______________________ ________________________
_______________________ ________________________
Wildfire Character Analysis

Fill in the four boxes to describe Sam Castine.

Let’s think about Sam’s experiences throughout the story.

Identity Personality
Who is Sam Castine? What kind of character is Sam?

Actions Speech
What does Sam do? What does Sam say?
Wildfire Character Analysis

Fill in the four boxes to describe Delphy Pappas.

Let’s think about Delphy’s experiences throughout the story.

Identity Personality
Who is Delphy Pappas? What kind of character is Delphy?

Actions Speech
What does Delphy do? What does Delphy say?
Wildfire Comic Strip

Draw four scenes from the story and add the dialogue for the characters.
Wildfire Story Map

Who wrote this story?

Characters Setting (Time and Place)

What happened at the beginning of the story?

What happened in the middle of the story?

What happened at the end of the story?

What was one main How did the characters

problem in this story? solve this problem?
Wildfire Story Elements

Complete this chart after reading the story Wildfire.

Setting (Time and Place)



Main Characters:_____________________________________________

Minor Characters:_____________________________________________


Rising Action:________________________________________________


Falling Action:________________________________________________

Wildfire Book Design

Now you have the chance to design a new front cover and back cover for
the book Wildfire.

Remember that the front cover usually includes a picture, the title, and
the author’s name. The back cover usually includes a summary or short
description about the book. Look at some other books for examples.

The book is open and the front cover is over here.

The back cover is down here.

Wildfire In The News
Choose two events from the story. Draw a picture to illustrate each event
and write a newspaper article for each event.
Be sure to include important details in your articles. Also, add a headline
for each article and a caption under each picture.









_____________________________ ____________________________

_____________________________ ____________________________









_____________________________ ____________________________

_____________________________ ____________________________
Wildfire Critical Thinking

When we express an opinion or construct an argument, we should

be able to justify our ideas. For each question below, state your
opinion and find information in the story to support your opinion.

1. Do you think Delphy showed courage in this story?

My Opinion:

Reason 1

Reason 2

Reason 3

2. Do you think that Sam made good decisions in this story?

My Opinion:

Reason 1

Reason 2

Reason 3
Wildfire Making Inferences

We can use information that we already know and information

in the story to make an inference. We can make an inference
to read between the lines, that is, to understand the situation
in the story even when the author does not tell us directly.

+ =

1. What inference can we make with the following information?

* The fire was getting closer and closer to Sam and Delphy.
* It was hard to breathe when there was a lot of smoke.
* Sam and Delphy were thrown out of the Jeep when they crashed.



2. What inference can we make with the following information?

* The dirt bikers set fire to a summer home.

* The dirt bikers caused damage at the survival camp.
* The dirt bikers chased the Jeep along the logging road.



3. What inference can we make with the following information?

* Sam and Delphy shared food and water during their journey.
* Sam and Delphy flipped the Jeep back on its wheels.
* Sam and Delphy kept each other’s spirits up.


Wildfire Summaries

In the story, there were several dramatic events which occurred.

Write a summary for each of the following events. Remember
that a summary should include all of the main details.

1. Sam found a lumber camp as he was trying to escape from the fire.

2. Sam and Delphy found a survival camp.


3. Sam and Delphy went to a radio tower.

Wildfire Transformation

In many stories, there is a transformation, or change, which

takes place from the start of the story to the end. Can you
identify a transformation which took place in this story?

What was the situation at the beginning of the story?

Why did the situation change? What did the characters do?

What was the situation at the end of the story?

Wildfire Interviews
Imagine you could interview some of the characters from Wildfire. Which
questions would you like to ask? How do you think the characters would
answer your questions?

A. Questions: What are three questions you would like to ask Sam?


Answers: How do you think Sam would answer your questions?


B. Questions: What are three questions you would ask Delphy?


Answers: How do you think Delphy would answer your questions?


C. Questions: What are three questions for Sam’s mother?


Answers: How would Sam’s mother answer your questions?

Wildfire Crossword Puzzle

Across Down
4. Sam was a camper at which camp? 1. What did they use to make a lever?
6. What did Sam and Delphy climb up 2. Who hit a dirt biker with a stick?
to the deer stand? 3. What did Delphy use to scare a bear
8. Which crime did the dirt bikers away?
commit? 5. Which animal was in the back seat?
11. Delphy's grandfather was from 7. Which ancient people used inclined
which country? planes to build pyramids?
12. What did Charles and James ride? 8. Sam's father was killed in which
13. What is Delphy's last name? country?
15. Sam drove off a dock and landed 9. Which U.S. state is the setting of this
in a ________. story?
16. What did Sam lose in a swamp? 10. Which vehicle did Sam drive?
17. Which animal caused the Jeep to 14. Who took a distributor wire out of
crash? the Jeep?
18. What is Sam's last name?
19. What did they use to listen to Phat
Wildfire Word Search
















Word Bank


Wildfire Story Test

Read the following questions and choose the best answer.

1. What prevented Sam from boarding a bus to evacuate? ___

A. a heavy bag B. a metal fence C. a wall of fire

2. What did Sam find at the lumber camp? ___

A. a Jeep B. a bicycle C. a wagon

3. Which useful item did Sam find at the lumber camp? ___
A. a television B. canned food C. chocolate

4. What helped Sam travel quickly away from the fire? ___
A. North Star B. logging road C. satellite phone

5. What caused the Jeep to crash and tip over on its side? ___
A. a moose B. a storm C. a boulder

6. What did Sam and Delphy use to tip the Jeep back onto its wheels? ___
A. an inclined plane B. a pulley C. a lever

7. Where did Sam’s mother need to spend 28 days? ___

A. prison B. rehab C. fitness camp

8. Where did Sam and Delphy meet Phat Freddy? ___

A. a grocery store B. a campground C. a radio tower

9. What did Delphy use to get rid of the bear in the back seat? ___
A. a horn B. a fuel can C. a sharp stick

10. What had caused the wildfire to start? ___

A. power lines B. arson C. lightning
Wildfire Story Test

Read the following questions and answer in a complete sentence.

1. Why was Camp Wabanaski evacuated?


2. Why was it hard for Delphy to move quickly when she walked?

3. Why did Sam and Delphy want to avoid the two dirt bikers?

4. How did a prop plane cause Sam and Delphy to get lost in the woods?

5. Why didn’t Sam’s father come home from Afghanistan?


6. Why did Sam and Delphy escape quickly from the survival camp?

7. How did Delphy get the dirt bikers to stop chasing the Jeep?

8. Why did Sam take out the distributor wire after he parked the Jeep?
Wildfire Vocabulary

A. Write the words in the blanks.

arson canopy deviate drought evacuate

famished instinct obvious opioids refuge

_______________1. to go off in the wrong direction

_______________2. a period of time when there is no rain

_______________3. a place that is safe from danger

_______________4. the top part of a forest that is like a roof

_______________5. easy to see, easy to understand

_______________6. setting a fire on purpose

_______________7. a kind of medicine that is used to relieve pain

_______________8. a natural feeling or sense that animals are born with

_______________9. to leave a place when there is danger

_______________10. very hungry

B. Choose the proper word to complete each sentence.

camouflage predator stench vicinity witness

1. The ______________________ told the police what happened during

the bank robbery.

2. Green feathers help to ______________________ the bird in the tree.

3. The ______________________ in the refrigerator was caused by some

rotten fruit.

4. A shark is a fierce ______________________ that can capture prey

with its sharp teeth.

5. There is a volcano in the ______________________ of our town.

Wildfire Writing Assignment

Write a paragraph to answer each of the following questions.

1. Can you explain how Sam and Delphy survived? Which problems did
they have during the journey? How did they solve these problems?

2. How would you describe Sam and Delphy? What kind of characters are
they? How are they similar to each other? How are they different?

3. How did thoughts and memories of his parents help Sam during his journey?
Rodman Philbrick
Wildfire Day One

Multiple Choice
1. C 2. A 3. B 4. A 5. B 6. C

Comprehension Questions
1. It had not rained for a long time.
2. The wildfire was getting closer to Camp Wabanaski.
3. The backpack was heavy and bulky, so it was hard for Sam to move
through the woods while carrying the backpack.
4. Sam’s father was earning money for the family by working as a truck
dirver in Afghanistan.

1. stench 2. drought 3. notify 4. civilian 5. evacuate

1. True 2. False 3. True 4. False
5. True 6. True 7. True 8. False

Wildfire Day Two

Multiple Choice
1. B 2. C 3. A 4. C 5. B 6. A

Comprehension Questions
1. Sam’s mother needed pain medication after her neck was injured in an
2. The fire was getting closer.
3. They wanted to call their families to let them know they were okay.
4. Sam did not want to continue driving in the dark.

1. concentrate 2. sapling 3. compass 4. opioids 5. instinct
Wildfire Day Three

Multiple Choice
1. B 2. A 3. C 4. A 5. C 6. B

Comprehension Questions
1. It seems that the dirt bike riders are the ones who started the wildfire.
2. They could use a lever to tip the Jeep back onto its wheels.
3. They wanted to signal to the prop plane pilot.
4. Delphy had planned to meet with a boy from Sam’s camp.

1. canopy 2. dread 3. witness 4. arson 5. vicinity

1. False 2. True 3. False 4. False
5. True 6. True 7. True 8. False

Wildfire Day Four

Multiple Choice
1. C 2. A 3. B 4. A 5. C 6. B

Comprehension Questions
1. They found the logging road when they went south.
2. Sam wanted to get a good look at what was around them.
3. Sam thought it was too dangerous to drive in the dark.
4. Sam was worried that a bear could climb up the ladder.

1. famished 2. relieved 3. camouflage 4. lichen 5. periscope

_6_ Sam climbed up a tall tree.
_2_ Sam and Delphy headed to the right when they found the road.
_5_ Delphy poured water on Sam’s head to put out a fire.
_3_ They found the Jeep leaning against a tree.
_7_ Sam and Delphy climbed a ladder to a platform.
_1_ Sam and Delphy walked south after they woke up.
_4_ They tipped the Jeep over onto four wheels.
Wildfire Day Five

Multiple Choice
1. B 2. A 3. C 4. C 5. B 6. A

Comprehension Questions
1. The Jeep ran out of gas.
2. It seems that the camp was evacuated due to the wildfire.
3. They needed to move the Jeep down from a ridge.
4. The wildfire was closing in and he didn’t have a way to escape.

1. refuge 2. portage 3. predator 4. horizon 5. eternity

1. tree 2. fist 3. bear 4. water 5. banner

Wildfire Day Six

Multiple Choice
1. B 2. A 3. C 4. B 5. A 6. C

Comprehension Questions
1. They wanted to get away from the two dirt bikers.
2. Delphy hit the first biker with a stick, and the second biker with a jug of
3. There was no road to the radio tower so they had to drive the Jeep over
the rough ground.
4. Sam drove quickly along a road, drove off a dock, and landed in a
shallow lake where they had enough air to breathe.

1. fury 2. obvious 3. deviate 4. Norse 5. vigorously

1. True 2. False 3. False 4. False
5. True 6. False 7. True 8. True
Wildfire Story Review

_4_ Sam and Delphy saw the dirt bikers across the lake.
_5_ Sam and Delphy stayed overnight at a survival camp.
_1_ Sam escaped from the fire at Camp Wabanaski.
_3_ Sam met Delphy and she climbed in the Jeep.
_7_ Sam drove the Jeep into a lake.
_2_ Sam found a Jeep at a lumber camp.
_6_ Delphy knocked the dirt bikers off their dirt bikes.

1. I 2. F 3. B 4. G 5. C 6. H 7. D 8. J 9. A 10. E

Fill in the Blanks

smoke, bus, phone, woods, road, lumber, food, Jeep

Wildfire Language Skills

1. slammed 2. door 3. cry 4. balloon 5. belly

Parts of Speech
1. noun 2. adverb 3. verb 4. adjective 5. preposition
6. preposition 7. adjective 8. noun 9. adverb 10. verb

1. branch 2. blanket 3. bulldog 4. bucking 5. birches

1. grabs 2. decided 3. choking 4. forest 5. waiting

1. wounded 2. dead 3. slow 4. moved 5. lightning

1. fire 2. around 3. curtain 4. stomach 5. flip
Wildfire Review Activities

Cause and Effect

1. Cause: A wildfire was getting closer to Camp Wabanaski.
2. Effect: Sam was not able to escape from the camp on a bus.
3. Cause: Two dirt bikers set fire to a summer house.
4. Effect: Sam’s mother became addicted to opioids.
5. Cause: Delphy had an injured ankle.
6. Effect: Sam and Delphy got lost in the woods.
7. Cause: The radio had a device they could wind to make the radio work.
8. Effect: The dirt biker crashed.
9. Cause: Sam and Delphy picked up Phat Freddy at the radio tower.

1. Sam and Delphy were in a lot of danger in this story.
2. The dirt bikers did not behave very well.
3. Sam and Delphy helped each other during the journey.

Wildfire Crossword Puzzle

Across Down
4. Camp Wabanaski 1. branch
6. ladder 2. Delphy
8. arson 3. horn
11. Greece 5. bear
12. dirt bikes 7. Egyptians
13. Pappas 8. Afghanistan
15. lake 9. Maine
16. phone 10. Jeep
17. moose 14. Sam
18. Castine
19. radio
Wildfire Story Test

Multiple Choice
1. C 2. A 3. B 4. B 5. A
6. C 7. B 8. C 9. A 10. B

Comprehension Questions
1. A wildfire was getting closer to the camp.
2. Delphy had an injured ankle.
3. The two dirt bikers were setting fires, so they seemed like dangerous
4. Sam and Delphy got lost when they looked for a clearing to signal the
5. Sam’s father was killed in an accident in Afghanistan.
6. Sam and Delphy wanted to get away from the dirt bikers.
7. Delphy hit one dirt biker with a stick, and she hit the other dirt biker
with a jug of water.
8. Sam didn’t want anyone to steal the Jeep.


Part A
1. deviate 2. drought 3. refuge 4. canopy 5. obvious
6. arson 7. opioids 8. instinct 9. evacuate 10. famished

Part B
1. witness 2. camouflage 3. stench 4. predator 5. vicinity

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