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Swap Mutations

in the Pentagram List Joannes Richter

# Pentagram P Information Definition Language

F P In German dialect some children use a pet-name dad German
VATI for their parents such as VATI (“Father”) dialect


F P Virtual Germanic prototype *VATIR father Germanic

VATIR Prototype

Faðir ↔ *VATIR

F P faðir father Old-Norse


P P Pitar (father) father Sanskrit

Table 1: The PIE-swap construct between the pentagrams FAÐIR o-o PITAR.

In the growing dictionary of the pentagram words we may observe two similar words in which two
or three letters had been swapped. These peculiar constructs already had been found in the names
for the sky-gods DIAUS which may be transformed into DIAUS and TIVAR, respectively VIDAR
(Víðarr - son of Odin).
In this essay three new swap constructs are described:
• for the couple ThEMIS (the 1st consort of Zeus) and METIS (the 2nd consort of Zeus),
• for the links VANIR (House of the Wise) and VIDAR (Víðarr - son of Odin), which also may be
linked to the sky-god (TIVAR),
• for the PIE-swap construct Old-Norse FAÐIR o-o Sankrit PITAR.
These pentagrams may have helped the druids to manage the religious name-givings. The priests did not
need an alphabet to organize the words as each sound may be defined by an object or a name.
The pentagrams
The pentagrams are defined in Sepher Yetzirah as five sources to prduce sounds, which did lead to 5
categories of letters. In this paper the Latin alphabet is defined as linguals: D, Þ L, N, T, palatals:
C, G, I, J, K, Q, X , the gutturals: A, Ε, H, O, Y, labials: B, ϝ - V, M, P, U, W and the dentals: Z, S, R.
Depending on the produced sound some symbols such as the “Y” may be categorized as a labial U
(in “gumnasion”), an guttural E in “gemnasion” or a palatal Y in “gimnasion”. Therefore I decided
to categorize as a central “E” in “gemnasion” between the I and U.
Pentagrams may have been preferred for very important words, which were considered as fundamentals. A
perfect pentagram contains 5 letters, representing all 5 categories. T he name DIAUS PITAR contains 2
perfect pentagrams.
The swap constructs between PIE-sky-gods *TEIWS, DIAUS (PITAR) → *TEIWS
In the PIE-vocabulary the name DIAUS PITAR is defined as the standard sky-god. Inside each
pentagram the letters may be rearranged, which easily allows to construct variants or new words.
We may choose a word such as DIAUS and create a new name such as the Gothic name TEIWS. In
which the letters I and E were swapped.
Another swap for A and V allows us to intriduce a new name TIVAZ, which represents the Proto-
Germanic deity *Tīwaz.
And finally we may swap the T or D and V to generate VIDAR (Víðarr, the son of Odin). In the
following table the arrows indicate how the transformations may have been initiated.
The Gothic name TEIWS is rather young. Therefore I defined arrows from Dyáuṣ Pitṛ ṛ (DIAUS
PITAR) towards *TEIWS and from DIAUS (PITAR) towards *TIVAZ and from here to VIDAR.

# Pentagram P Information Definition Language

T P The name of a Gothic deity named *TEIWS (later *TEIWS Gothic
*TEIWS *Tīus) (later *Tīus)

From DIAUS towards *TEIWS.

D P Dyáuṣ Pitṛṛ , DIAUS (PITAR) Sky-Father Sanskrit

D P Dieu, DIÉU(S) God French
From DIAUS towards *TIVAZ.

T P *Tīwaz, *TIVAZ deity Proto-

*TIVAZ Germanic

From *TIVAZ towards VIDAR.

V P Víðarr - son of Odin, VIDARR Víðarr Old Norse

Table 2 The swap constructs between the pentagrams for the PIE-sky-gods
The Greek swap construct METIS o-o ThEMIS
The words METIS o-o ThEMIS were defined as the first wife of Zeus and the second

Metis is the Greek goddess personifying prudence, first consort of Zeus, from Greek
Mētis (METIS), literally "advice, wisdom, counsel; cunning, skill, craft," from PIE root
*me- (2) "to measure."1

Metis was the first great spouse of Zeus,[3] and also his cousin.[1] Zeus is himself titled
Metieta (Ancient Greek: Μητίετα, lit. 'the wise counsellor'), in the Homeric poems.

To acquire enough wisdom Zeus swallowed his consort Metis. He was too late: Metis had already
conceived a child. In time she began making a helmet and robe for her fetal daughter: Pallas
Athena, who leaped from Zeus's head, fully grown, armed, and armoured.

Themis is the Greek goddess of law and justice, the name means "custom, right,"
literally "that which is laid down or established" (by custom); also "laws, ordinances,"
but closer in sense to Latin IUS (see jurist) than to lex (see legal); related to thema
"proposition; that which is placed" (see theme) 2.

Her symbols are the Scales of Justice, tools used to remain balanced and pragmatic.
Themis means "divine law" rather than human ordinance, literally "that which is put in
place", from the Greek verb títhēmi (τίθημι), meaning "to put." The word Themis was
used by Homer in the 8th century BCE. The only consort for Themis mentioned in the
sources below is Zeus. One of her few children was called Natura, the Greek goddess of
the forest.

# Pentagram P Information Definition Language

M P Metis (personified by Athena, pag. 2-59) Mind, wisdom Greek
MHΤΙΣ P wisdom. She was the consort wife of Zeus.


T P ThEMIS – After METIS the 2nd consort of Themis (justice) Greek

þEMIS P Zeus

Table 3 The swap construct between METIS (Mind, wisdom) o-o ThEMIS Themis (justice)

1 Metis
2 Themis
Themistocles name of great Athenian political leader, from Greek Themistokles,
literally "famed in law and right," from ThEMIS "custom, law, right" (see ThEMIS) +
-kles "fame," a common ending in Greek proper names, related to kleos "rumor, report,
news; good report, fame, glory," from PIE *klew-yo-, suffixed form of root *kleu- "to
The Germanic swap construct VANIR o-o VIDAR
The introduction of the names VANIR and VIDAR had been triggered by the following quotation
from Chapter X of Hamlet's Mill - The Twilight of the Gods3. This citation combines both
pentagrams in one episode, which seems to describe a catastrophal abolisition at the endphase of the
elder gods. The new god is the most powerful son (VIDAR) of Odin, who is determined to take
revenge for Odin's death. In contrast to Odin's badly deteriorated name (probably from another
pentagram such as WODIS?) the name VIDAR is still a perfect pentagram.
The pentagram WODIS correlates with the sky-god DIAUS and DIS, which is found in Julius
Caesar's Commentarii de Bello Gallico4. Chapter 17 and 18 focuses on the divinities the Gauls
believed in and Dis, the god which they claim they were descended from.
All the Gauls assert that they are descended from the god Dis, and say that this tradition
has been handed down by the Druids. (Latin) 5

Even if that generation of gods has perished, the younger ones remain: Balder and
Hoder, also the two sons of Thor, and VIDAR the son of Odin. The House of the Wise
VANIR is not affected as a whole, even if Freyr fell in battle. As the VANIR belong to a
past age, this crisis apparently does not concern them. There is in fact a certain
perversely nightmarish or neurotic unreality about the tragedy as a whole. The Wolf's
fetters were made of nothing but he was able to snap them only when the time came,
when Odin and the Sun had to be devoured. The next instant, young VIDAR kills the
monster simply by thrusting his shoe down his throat (he has one shoe only, just like
Jason). It is guilt and the ensuing chaos, more than actual forces, which dragged down
the Establishment once the appointed time came, as decreed by fate and sounded on the

# Pentagram P Information Definition Language

P Vanir- House of the Wise (group of gods Vanir English
associated with health, fertility, wisdom, and the
V VANIR ability to see the future. )

V P Víðarr - son of Odin Víðarr Old Norse

Table 4: The swap construct between the Germanic pentagrams VANIR o-o VIDAR

3 Hamlet's Mill - An Essay Investigating the Origins of Human Knowledge and Its Transmission Through Myth by
Giorgio de Santillana and Hertha von Dechend
4 Julius Caesar's Commentaries on the Gallic War
5 Source: Commentaries on the Gallic War by Julius Caesar Book 6, chapter 8 Translation based on W. A. McDevitte
and W. S. Bohn (1869)
The PIE-swap construct FAÐIR o-o PITAR
In Old-Norse and Sankrit the words for father swap thier vowels A and I. Therefore
we may note the PIE-swap construct Old-Norse FAÐIR o-o Sankrit PITAR.
In German dialects some children use classic petnames for their parents VATI (“Father”) and
MUTTI (for “Mother”), in which the vowels A respectively I of VATI conserve the original correct
spelling for the pentagram *VATIR and the old Norse FAÐIR.
Also note that „Mutti“ can be used when you mean the Federal Chancellor of Germany „Angela
Merkel“. The letter “u” however does not match the pentagram's rules and should be.
Most of the words Vati and Mutti are found in the northern6 (and eastern?) regions of German

# Pentagram P Information Definition Language

F P In German dialect some children use a pet-name dad German
VATI for their parents such as VATI (“Father”) dialect


F P Virtual German prototype *VATIR father Prototype

VATIR German

Faðir ↔ *VATIR

F P faðir father Old-Norse


P P Pitar (father) father Sanskrit

Table 5: The PIE-swap construct between the pentagrams FAÐIR o-o PITAR.
Also the (seldom) pet-names for grandfather („OPI“) and grandmother „OMI“ do contain some of
their original vowels “I”, which is illustrated in a blog and by a map:
Here is an example of how many names there are for „Großvater“ and „Großmutter“.

As you can see „Opi“ and „Omi“ are very rarely used. The same applies to „Vati“ and
„Mutti“ (See Ngramm).

The most common names for „Vater“ and „Mutter“ are just „Papa“ and „Mama“. But
it’s just a matter of taste and every family handles it differently7.
6 Mama, Mutti und Frau Mutter | Wissen - Frankfurter Rundschau
7 How are "Vati" and "Mutti" used? - German Language Stack Exchange
12 Aug 2017 ... Yes, „Vati“ and „Mutti“ are two of many different pet names for „Vater“ and „Mutter“.
The extension “-I” also may be interpreted as a diminutive, which should be understood as “little
grandfather” for “OPI” instead of the standard “grandfather” (“OPA”).
The following map describes the statistics for the German pet-names for “grandfather” :

Fig. 1 German Pet-names for “Grandfather”

Source: (from the University of Liege and Salzburg) “Atlas zur deutschen Alltagssprache"
In the growing dictionary of the pentagram words we may observe two similar words in which two
or three letters had been swapped. These peculiar constructs already had been found in the names
for the sky-gods DIAUS which may be transformed into DIAUS and TIVAR, respectively VIDAR
(Víðarr - son of Odin).
In this essay three new swap constructs are described:
• for the couple ThEMIS (the 1st consort of Zeus) and METIS (the 2nd consort of Zeus),
• for the links VANIR (House of the Wise) and VIDAR (Víðarr - son of Odin), which also may be
linked to the sky-god (TIVAR),
• for the PIE-swap construct Old-Norse FAÐIR o-o Sankrit PITAR.
These pentagrams may have helped the druids to manage the religious name-givings. The priests did not
need an alphabet to organize the words as each sound may be defined by an object or a name.
The pentagrams ...................................................................................................................................2
The swap constructs between PIE-sky-gods *TEIWS, DIAUS (PITAR) → *TEIWS..................3
The Greek swap construct METIS o-o ThEMIS ............................................................................4
The Germanic swap construct VANIR o-o VIDAR ........................................................................6
The PIE-swap construct FAÐIR o-o PITAR ...................................................................................7
Appendix 1 - The (incomplete) overview of perfect pentagrams..................................................11
Appendix 3 – Notes of J. Richter in and Scribd.....................................................18
January – December 2021.........................................................................................................18
January – December 2020.........................................................................................................18
January – December 2019.........................................................................................................20
January – December 2018.........................................................................................................21
January – December 2017.........................................................................................................23
December 2011 ........................................................................................................................23

Appendix 1 - The (incomplete) overview of perfect pentagrams

The following dictionary documents a number (~164) of perfect pentagrams in various languages.
Only a subset of these words have been composed as pentagrams. Other words unintentionally may
have turned into pentagrams.
Most of the following Latin pentagrams (AGNUS, ANGUS, BISON, CĀNUS, DECUS, FĒLIS,
GENUS , LACUS, LAPIS, LEVIS, TIMOR, , ) had been found in the wiktionary-database, which
may be filtered for 5-letter words: Find a word > Latin word games.
# Pentagram P Information Definition Language
J (D)JOUR - Jour day French
W (W)ILUŠA - Wiluša (Ἴλιον, ĪĪlion ) Troy, ĪĪlion Hittitisch
K *KHLAIBU - loaf (n.), the Germanic origin is uncertain bread Germanic
H ZHLEIFR Hleifr Old-Norse
H HLAIFS Hlaifs Gothic
L *LIB(A)RŌ P Lever (Germanic: *LIB(A)RŌ-) liver English
M *MELKS P Melk(en) milk Dutch
M MÉLŽTI – (Litouws MÉLŽTI; Sloveens MLÉSTI < Lithuanian
M MLÉSTI - *MELZTI; alle ‘melken’.) Slovene
T *TEIWS P The name of a Gothic deity named *TEIWS *TEIWS (later Gothic
(later *Tīus) *Tīus)
A AGNUS P agnus, Agnus Dei - (Noun) A lamb, especially Lamb Latin
one used as a sacrifice.
A AMRIT P Nectar, s. AMṚTAṂ in Amrit – Yogawiki nectar Sanskrit
A AMRIT P Amrit - a Phoenician port located near present- Amrit Punic (?)
day Tartus in Syria.
A ANGUS P Angus Anglicized form of Scottish Gaelic Angus Scottish
Aonghas, perhaps literally "one choice". In Irish
myth, Aonghus was the god of love and youth.
A APRIL P fourth month, AUERIL, from Latin (mensis) april (month), English
AVRIL P Aprilis 2nd Month Old French
A ARJUN(A) P Kern: Arjun Arjuna Sanskrit
A ARMIN P The etymology of the Latin name Arminius is Armin Dutch
A ARMINIUS - unknown Latin
B BATIR P Batir beat Spanish
B BÂTIR P bastir "build, construct, sew up, baste, make to build French
B BASIN P baste (v.2) - Water vessel (of unknown origin) basin English
B BEIT P Beit covenant Hebrew
B BESIN P king Bisinus ( BESIN in Frankish) Thuringian king Dutch
P PISΕN P PISΕN in Lombard Basina v. Frankisch
B BASIN(A) P Basina, the queen of Thuringia (5th century). Thuringia Lombard
B BAZIN P woman in charge woman in charge Thuringian
B BINZA P binza Pellicle Spanish
# Pentagram P Information Definition Language
B BISEL P bisel bezel Spanish
B BISON P from Latin bison "wild ox," bison Latin
B BÔZINE - Dialect: bôzine ‘landlady’. (bazin) landlady French
B BRAIN P Brain, brein, hersenen; of uncertain origin, evt. Brain Dutch
B BREIN P van fr. PIE root *mregh-m(n)o- "skull, brain" English
B BREChT P Schitterend (Brecht) splendid Dutch
P PRAChT P Brecht (voornaam) bright Germanic
B BRIGHT - bright (schitterend) English
B BRENG P To bring To bring Dutch
B BRIAN P Brian. Etymology: Uncertain; possibly Brian Irish
borrowed from Proto-Brythonic *brɨɣėnt (“high,
B BRIDE P Bride – Oudfries BREID; Dutch BRUID bride Dutch
B BREID P English
B BRUID - Old-Frisian
C CĀNUS cānus (canus): grey, old, aged, venerable gray-haired Latin
C CHURL P Churl (ceorl or CHURL), lowest rank of Churl (freeman) English
C CHURN P Churn (karn , karnen (boter uit melk karn, karnen English
C CROWN P "crown" – from Latin corona crown English
D DECUS P deeds of honor, Grace, splendor, beauty. Honor, decus Latin
distinction, glory. Pride, dignity.
D DIAUS P Dyáuṣ Pitṛṛ Sky-Father Sanskrit
D DIÉU(S) P Dieu God French
D DIVES P dives rich, wealthy Latin
E ELPIS P Elpis hope Greek
E ERIDU P Eridu is the first city in the world by the ancient Eridu ?
E ERMÏN P Tacitus's Germania (AD 98): (Irminones) (H)ERMÏN – Latin
(ARMIN) Herman
F FAÐIR P faðir Father Old-Norse
F FASTI P Fasti - Allowed days Fasti Latin
F FĒLIS P Fēlis – katachtigen – Kat, fret ("Felis" ) cat Latin
F FELIZ P feliz (happy) feliz Spanish
F FESTI P Festī, Festî - ‘strength, power, document’ (veste) fort Ohd.
F FIDES P Fides, (confidence, trust)8 Fides Dutch
S ΣΦΊΔΗ P σφίδη (sphídē). σφίδη (sphídē). Latin
F BIDDEN - Old English: BIDDAN "to ask, beg, pray” to ask, beg, pray Old Greek

8 Numa is said to have built a temple to Fides publica; Source: fides in William Smith, editor (1848) A
Dictionary of Greek Biography and Mythology
# Pentagram P Information Definition Language
F FIETS P Origin uncertain. Maybe from “vietse” bicycle Dutch
‘running’; etymology from fiets (rijwiel)
ΦΦ FILOS P Filos, bijvoorbeeld in Filosoof love Greek
L LIEF(S) P Dutch
LIeBES - German
F FINAR P finar to die Spanish
F FRANC P Frank vrij Dutch
G GAUTR P Runen-Sprachschatz (Runen woordenboek, wise man Icelandic
G GENUS P genus (GENUS, “kind, sort, ancestry, birth”) Family, pedigree Latin
I IANUS P Janus -god van het begin, einde, poorten, Janus Latin
J JANUS P dualiteit, tijd, en doorgangen. [1]
I IOU-piter – Jupiter (D)IOU(S) JOU-piter Latin
I ISLAM P Islam – "submission [to God]" Islam English
I ISTÆV P Tacitus's Germania (AD 98) – Istvaeones ISTÆV – Latin
J JANUS P Janus Janus (godheid) French
J JUDAS P Judas Judas Dutch
J JULES P Jules Jules (naam) French
J JURAT P Jurat in Guernsey en Jersey Jury (rechtbank) French
J JURON P juron curse French
J JUSTE P Just "just, righteous; sincere" just French
JUSTO P Spanish
J JUTES P Jutes People of Jutland English
K KAUTR P Related to (runes) “Kuþlant” (Gotland) and wise runic
“Guth” (God)
K KOTUS P Kotys (war, slaughter) war, slaughter Greek
K KRAUT P Kraut / cruyt – Gothic *krûþ (genitive *krûdis), herbs Dutch
K KRUID – neuter, might be taken for krû-da German
C CRUYT - Indo-European references are unsecure.
L LACUS P the l-rune (OE lagu, ON lǫgr/laugr (i, k, l, m ) water in some Latin
LAGUZ Laguz form Old-Norse
L LAPIS P Stone - May be connected with Ancient Greek lapis Latin
λέπας (lépas, “bare rock, crag”), from Proto-
Indo-European *lep- (“to peel”)
L LEVIS P Levis, light (not heavy), quick, swift . Fickle , Levis (light) Latin
dispensable , trivial, trifling , easy (e.g. food)
L LEWIS P Lewis (Louis, Clovis) Lewis English
L LIBAR P libar suck Spanish
L LIBER P Liber - free, independent, unrestricted, free Latin
# Pentagram P Information Definition Language
L LIURE P unchecked (→ freeman) Old
L LIBRO P Old Occitan: liure ; Provencal libro Occitan
L LIVRE P Portuguese: livre Provencal
L LIBRE P French: libre Portuguese
L LIBRA P libra Pond Spanish
P Libra Libra (astrology)
L LIBRA P Libra scales Latin
L LIBRE P libre (adj.) free Spanish
L LIEF(S) P Lief – crefte lieuis ‘de krachten van het lieve’ Love Dutch
[10e eeuw; W.Ps.]
L LIMES P Limes (border) border Latin
L LII MOS Limos starvation Greek
L LIVER P liver liver English
L LIVES P lives lives English
L LIVRE P livre book French
L LOCUS P Location – Latin locus is ontstaan uit Vroeglatijn Location Latin
stlocus ‘id.’, verdere herkomst onzeker;
misschien verwant met → stal. (loco-.)
L LOUIS P Clovis (Chlodovechus) (Ch)LOUIS Clovis French
L LOUIS P Louis (Chlodowig) - LOUIS Louis French
L LUGAR P lugar {m} location Spanish
L LUIER P luier (kinderdoek) diaper Dutch
M MANUS - Manus - (मनस):—[from man] m. man or Manu man, mankind Sanskrit
(the father of men)
M MEDIR P medir (algo) {verb} measure Spanish
M MELIS P Melis (honeybee, → [Telling the bees]) Melis (name) Dutch
M MENSCh P man (person) Man (person) Dutch
M MERIT P Merit (Christianity), Merit (Buddhism), Merit English
MARIT P Variants: Maret (Estonia)/Marit (Swedish). (Name)
M METIS P Metis (personified by Athena, pag. 2-59) Mind, wisdom Greek
(ΜΗΗΤΙΣ) P wisdom. She was the first wife of Zeus.
M MIDAS P Midas (/ˈmaɪdəs/; Greek: Μίδας) is the name of Midas Greek
one of at least three members of the royal house
of Phrygia.
M MILES P Latin mīles (“soldaat”) ; Myles (given name) mīles (“soldaat”) Latin
M MINOR P minor (“less, smaller, inferior”) minor Latin
M MINOS P Royal Name Minos Linear A
M MITRA P Mitra (Godheid in de Rigveda) Mitra (god) Sanskrit
M MÓÐIR P Móðir - mother mother Icelandic
M MΑRKT P markt (from Mercatus?) (market) market Dutch
# Pentagram P Information Definition Language
N NĪRAṂ P Nīraṃ water Sanskrit
P PANIS P Pānis (bread, loaf ) bread, loaf Latin
P PATRIE - vaderland Fatherland French
P PEDIR P pedir algo {verb} request Spanish
P PIeTER P Pieter (symbolic “PITER” or “PITAR”, because Pieter Dutch
the E indicates a long I vowel)
P PILAR P Pilar (Catalan, Norwegian Bokmål, Nynorsk) pillar Catalaans
P PILAR P short for "Maria del Pilar" and a popular Pilar (name) Spanish
Spanish given name
P PITAR P Pitar (father) Father Sanskrit
P PITER P Initial Name Sankt-Piter-Boerch (Санкт-Питер- Saint-Piter- Russian
Бурхъ) for Saint Petersburg (from Geschiedenis) Borough
P POLISh P from Latin polire "to polish, make smooth; To polish (E) English
P POLIRE - decorate, embellish;" , ontwikkeld uit Latin polieren (D) Latin
P POLIS P polīre ‘gladmaken’, van onbekende herkomst. polijsten (NL) French
P POLIS P ancient Greek city-state, 1894, from Greek polis, polis Greek
P PTOLIS - ptolis "citadel, fort, city, .." from PIE *tpolh-
"citadel; .. high ground; hilltop"
P POTIS P Potis - (able, capable, possible) Potis Latin
P PRAChT P Pracht (splendor) splendor Dutch
P PRANG P Prang (nose clip) nose clip Dutch
P PRONG P Prong ([Fish-]fork) (Fish-)fork English
P PYOTR P Pjotr (name) Peter Russian
P PĒNIS P Penis ; Old Low German root: *PISA penis Latin
Q QUERN P quern (n.) quern English
Q QUR'AN P Quran – het heilige Boek van de Islam Quran Arabic
R RIJPΕN P Rijpen (met onzekere etymologie) ripen Dutch
R RIPΕN P ripen English
R REIFΕN - reifen German
R RIVΕT P Rivet Rivet English
R RUÏNΕ P maybe from Latin verb ruere ruin Dutch
R RUINA P (plural: RUINÆ) Latin
S SABIN P Sabijn [member of an Italian tribe] {1625} Sabine Etruscan
S SABIJN P etymology: ‘kin’ sabijn
S SIBYL P sibyls are female prophets in Ancient Greece. sibyl English
S SILVA P Silva (wood, forest ) Silva Latin
S SIMLA P Simla (Stad in India) Simla (stad) Indian (?)
S SIMON P simon simon Dutch
H (HI)SPANIA - Spain Spain Spanish
S SPAIN P English
S SPANIA - Phoenician
# Pentagram P Information Definition Language
S SPILE P Spile wooden fork Lettish
S SPINE P spine (thorn, backbone, needle) Thorn, back English
S SPĪNA P spīna (thorn, backbone, needle) Needle Latin
S SPINÁ P spiná (спинаṛ, back) backbone Russian
S ΣΠΊΛΟΣ - σπίλος (spílos) (rock, reef, cliff) cliff Greek
E ESPIÑA - espiña spine Galician
S SPELD - speld, diminutive form of SPINE needle Dutch
S SPINA P Spina - Etruscan city at the mouth of the Po- Spina (city) Etruscan
S SUTHI P Graf tomb Etruscan
T TAMIS P tamis sifter French
T TAPIR P Tapir Tapir English
T TAPIS P Tapis, rug French
T TAPIS P Byzantijns-Greek byz-Greek
T TÁPĒS - Tápēs, Greek Greek
T TERUG P terug (backwords) backwards Dutch
134. nd
T ThEMIS P ThEMIS – After METIS the 2 wife of Zeus Themis (justice) Greek
T THIUS P Thius (Late Latin) uncle Thius Latin
From Ancient Greek θεῖος (theîos).
T THUIS P thuis (at home) thuis (“at home”) Dutch
T TIBER P Tiber (name) Tiber as a river Latin
T TIEUS P TIEUS (Tieu) plural of - A surname, borrowed Tieu(s) Vietnamees
from Vietnamese Tiêu, from Chinese 蕭.
T TIMOR P timor (Latin) awe, reverence. fear, dread. timor Latin
T TIVAR P Plural for the deity týr gods Old-Norse
T TIVAS P *Tīwaz deity Proto-
T TIWAS P Tiwaz Sun (as a deity) Luwian
T TIWAZ P Rune (ᛏ) for the deity Týr Týr rune
T TJEUS P nickname to define the JEU-sayers Val Medel Surselvisch
T TRIBΕ P Tribe (stam) Tribe English
T TUROG P Locale pagan deity in Sussex Turog (god) Celtic (?)
U ÛÐIRA P uier (melkklier) udder Germanic
U UNIRΕ P ūnīre (to join, to unite, to put together), ūnīre Latin
U URINA P from Latin urina "urine," from PIE *ur- (source Urine Dutch
U URINΕ P also of Greek ouron "urine"), variant of root sperm (source: Latin
*we-r- "water, liquid, milk, sperm" urine) English
U UUATIRO – water (in watrischafo [709; ONW]) water (vloeistof) Dutch
W WATRIS – Old-Irish uisce ‘water’ (zie ook → whisky); Dutch
U UISCE - Old-Irish
# Pentagram P Information Definition Language
V VAÐIR P vaðir (from váð; piece of cloth; garment) Clothes (plural) Old-Norse
V VANIR P Vanir- House of the Wise (group of gods Vanir English
associated with health, fertility, wisdom, and
the ability to see the future. )
V VENUS P Godess for love, beauty, desire, sex, fertility, Venus Latin
prosperity and victory
V VIDAR P Víðarr - son of Odin Víðarr Old Norse
V VIRAL P Viral viral English
V VLIES P vlies (vel, membraan) membrane Dutch
V VRAChT P Vracht (freight) freight Dutch
V VRIJEN P (1): “het VRIJEN”: vrijen (verkering hebben; 1: To court Dutch
minnekozen; (1240). Originally: “to love” 2: The free people
(from: vriend in Etymologiebank). (“the FRANKs”)
(2): “de VRIJEN”: the “free people”
W WETEN - “To have seen” - to wit (v.), weten To know Dutch
W WISSEN - weten (German) German
W WHIRL P whirl to go round, spin English
W WIJZEN P wijzen (aanduiden) wijzen Dutch
W WIZARD - Wizard – (originally): "to know the future." (?) philosopher English
W WRANG P Wrang (sourish) sourish Dutch
W WRONG P wrong wrong English

Dictionary with a number of (~164) perfect pentagrams9

9 Source: Over de indrukwekkendheid en harmonie van de woordenschat (24.4.2021)

Appendix 3 – Notes of J. Richter in and Scribd
The publications (~220 titles) are sorted according to their storage date 10. This storage is my own
record of documentations.

January – December 2021

• Crossover Swap Mutations in the Pentagram List
• The Role of the Pentagrams in the Globe's Architecture
• The Pentagrams in the Kernel of the PIE-Dictionary
• Gebeitelde woorden (Over de indrukwekkendheid en harmonie van de woordenschat)
• The Reconstruction of a PIE-Language's Core
• Een reconstructie van de Dutche woordenschat
• The Secrets of the 2-Dimensional Alphabets
• A Self-Repair System for Languages (9.4.2021)
• Het MINOS Project
• An Etymology for the Pentagrams
• The Purpose of Chilperic's Additional Letters (30.3.2021)
• De etymologie van de woorden “Bazin” en „Baas“
• Het alfabetische pentagram (Het verhaal van de taal)
• A Theory of Hierarchical Alphabets
• The Role of the Pentagrams for the Merovingian Kingdom
• De rol van de bijen (of cicaden) uit het koningsgraf van Childerik I
• A New Chapter to the Philosophy of Language
• Overview of the Alphabetic Arrays (14.2.2021)
• Bericht over de analyse van een reeks alfabetten
• The Arrays (and the Presumed Theonym TIEU) of the Ogham Signary (11.02.2021)
• How to Read the Theonym „TIWÆS“ in the Runic „Futhark"-Signary... (30.01.2021)
• The Pentagrams in the Name-giving of the Runes
• De etymologie van de namen Diaus, Dieus en Djous
• The Etymology of the Words Diaus, Dieus and Djous ... (Scribd)
• The Evidence of Perfect Pentagrams in Greek, Roman...
• The Evidence of Perfect and Imperfect Pentagrams
• De woordenlijsten der perfecte en imperfecte pentagrammen

January – December 2020

• Verbale echo's in de Europese talen – Over de naamgeving van de Frankenkoningen (Dutch)
• Patterns of the European Languages
• Another View on the Design of the Frankish Language
• The Generation of Perfect Pentagrams (Like LIBER, FRANK and DYAUS)
• The Naming Convention for Kings in Francia
• Over de naamgeving voor de goden en vorsten van het Frankenrijk
• Hoe de adelgeslachten met de namen Franken, Willem en Lodewijk de onsterfelijkheid
konden pachten
• The Nomenclature of the Sky-Gods - How the Royals achieved Immortality - (Scribd)
• Standardizing the Signaries - The Encryption and Decryption of alphabets (Scribd)

10, respectively

• Another View on the Sefer Yetzirah (Scribd)
• Alphabets With Integrated Dictionaries (Scribd)
◦ The Quantization of the Ugaritic Alphabet (Scribd)
◦ De architectuur van het Oegaritische alfabet (Scribd)
◦ A Periodic Table for Ugaritic Signaries as a Root for the Sky-god Dyaus and the
Personal Pronouns for the 1st Person Singular and Dual Form
◦ Periodic Tables for the Gaelic (Irish and Scottish) alphabets (Scribd)
• Did the Word „Deus“ Exist in the Archaic Alphabets (Scribd)
◦ Periodic Tables for the Euboean and Etruscan Alphabets (Scribd)
◦ A Periodic Table for the Greek Alphabet
◦ Periodic Tables for the Upper and Lower Sorbian Alphabets
◦ Overview of the Periodic Tables of the Sami Languages
◦ Eight Periodic Tables for the Sámi Languages
• Het hart van de Dutche taal
◦ Periodic Tables for the Sami Alphabets
◦ A Periodic Table for the Dutch Language
◦ Periodic Tables for the Dalecarlian Runes and the Elfdalian Alphabet (Scribd)
• The Hierarchical Structure of the Hebrew Alphabet (Scribd)
• De hiërarchische structuur van het Hebreeuwse alfabet (Scribd)
◦ A Periodic Table for the Phoenician and Hebrew Alpabet (Scribd)
◦ A Periodic Table for the Icelandic Alphabet (Scribd)
◦ A Periodic Table for the Coptic Alphabet (Scribd)
◦ A Periodic Table for the Cyrillic Alphabet (Scribd)
• The Impact of Ternary Coding Systems (Scribd)
• A Pedigree for Alphabets (Scribd)
• The Composition of the European Alphabets (Scribd)
• The Letter Repositioning in the Greek and Latin Alphabets
• Unstably Classified Letters in Alphabets (Scribd)
• Notes on the Common Architecture of Alphabetical Structures (
◦ A Periodic Table for PIE-Alphabets
◦ A Periodic Classification for the Gothic Alphabet (obsolete, Scribd)
◦ A Periodic Classification for the Futhark-Alphabets (obsolete, Scribd)
◦ A Periodic Classification for the Latin Alphabet (obsolete, Scribd)
• The Model of a Language as a Communication Link (Scribd)
• The Roots of the Indo-European Alphabets (12.5.2020)
• Samenvatting van "The Alphabet as an Elementary Document"
• The Alphabet as an Elementary Document
• The Origin of the Name Dyaus
• De oorsprong van de naam Diaus
• The History of Designing an Alphabet (Scribd)
• Een architectuur voor de PIE-talen (Scribd)
• An Architecture for the PIE-Languages
• A Suggested Restoration of the 'Futhark'-Sequence (Scribd)
• The Composition of the Sky- God's Name in PIE-Languages
• The Ternary Codes in Language and Creation (Scribd)
• The Role of Saussure's Letter "E"
• The Optimal Number of Vowels in Languages (Scribd)
• A Ternary Encoding to Optimize Communications and Cooperation
• A Golden Box to Control the Lightnings
• The Ancient Lightning Rods around the Mediterranean Sea
• Die ältesten Blitz(ab)leiter am Mittelmeer (Scribd)
• Pyramids in the Role as Power Plants
• Piramides als energiecentrales (Scribd)
• The Role of the Pyramids in Melting Glass and Meta... (Scribd)
• The Egyptian Drilling Technology (Scribd)
• The Architecture of the Younger Futhark Alphabet

January – December 2019

• The Sources for the IΩ- Pronouns
• Notes to Herodotus' Histories of IΩ, Europa and Medea
• The Role of Irrigation and Drainage in a Successful Civilisation
• De rol van de irrigatie en drainage in een succesv... (Scribd)
• Notes to Frazer's "Pausanias's Description of Greece"
• The Initials of European Philosophy
• Atlantis vormde 3400 jaar geleden een Helleens Delta-project
• The War against Atlantis
• The "Ego"-Root inside the Name "Thebes"
• The Role of the AEtts in the Futharc Alpabet
• The Reconstruction of a European Philosophy
• Traces of an old religion (The Root "Wit" in Wittekind)
• Woden (Wuþ) as the Designer and Author of the Futhark Alphabet
• Is the Core "Wut" in "Wutach" symbolizing "Wutan" ("Woden")
• The Bipolar Core of Germanic Languages
• Simon Stevin's Redefinition of Scientific Arts
• Simon Stevin's definitie van wetenschappelijk onderz
• De etymologie van de woorden met Wit-, Wita en Witan-kernen
• The "Vit"-Roots in the Anglo-Saxon Pedigree
• The Traces of "Wit" in Saxony
• King Chilperic I's letters (ΔΘZΨ) may be found at the beginning ("Futha") of the runic
alphabet and at the end (WIJZAE) of the Danish alphabet
• Aan het slot (WIJZAE) van het Deense alfabet en aan het begin ("Futha") van het
runenalfabet bevinden zich de letters (ΔΘZΨ) van koning Chilperic I
• The Role of the Ligature AE in the European Creation Legend
• A Concept for a Runic Dictionary
• Concentrating the Runes in the Runic Alphabets
• Traces of Vit, Rod and Chrodo
• De sleutelwoorden van het Futhark alfabet
• The Keywords of the Futhark Alphabet
• Het runenboek met het unieke woord Tiw
• A short Essay about the Evolution of European Personal Pronouns
• The Evolution of the European Personal Pronouns
• De miraculeuze transformatie van de Europese samenleving
• The Miraculous Transformation of European Civilization
• The Duality in Greek and Germanic Philosophy
• Bericht van de altaarschellist over de Lof der Zotheid
• De bronnen van Brabant (de Helleputten aan de Brabantse breuklijnen)
• De fundamenten van de samenleving
• De rol van de waterbronnen bij de kerstening van Nederland
• De etymologie van "wijst" en "wijstgrond"
• The Antipodes Mith and With
• The Role of the Dual Form in the Evolution of European Languages
• De rol van de dualis in de ontwikkeling der Europese talen
• The Search for Traces of a Dual Form in Quebec French
• Synthese van de Germanistische & Griekse mythologie en etymologie
• De restanten van de dualis in het Dutch, English en German
• Notes to the Corner Wedge in the Ugaritic Alphabet
• The Origin of the long IJ-symbol in the Dutch alphabet
• Over de oorsprong van de „lange IJ“ in het Dutche alfabet
• The Backbones of the Alphabets
• The Alphabet and and the Symbolic Structure of Europe
• The Unseen Words in the Runic Alphabet
• De ongelezen woorden in het runenalfabet
• The Role of the Vowels in Personal Pronouns of the 1st Person Singular
• Over de volgorde van de klinkers in woorden en in godennamen
• The Creation Legends of Hesiod and Ovid
• De taal van Adam en Eva (published: ca. 2.2.2019)

January – December 2018

• King Chilperic's 4 Letters and the Alphabet's Adaptation
• De 4 letters van koning Chilperic I en de aanpassing van het Frankenalfabet
• The Symbolism of Hair Braids and Bonnets in Magical Powers
• The Antipodes in PIE-Languages
• In het Dutch, German en English is de dualis nog lang niet uitgestorven
• In English, Dutch and German the dual form is still alive
• The Descendants of the Dual Form " Wit "
• A Structured Etymology for Germanic, Slavic and Romance Languages
• The “Rod”-Core in Slavic Etymology (published: ca. 27.11.2018)
• Encoding and decoding the runic alphabet
• Über die Evolution der Sprachen
• Over het ontwerpen van talen
• The Art of Designing Languages
• Notes to the usage of the Spanish words Nos and Vos, Nosotros and Vosotros
• Notes to the Dual Form and the Nous-Concept in the Inari Sami language
• Over het filosofische Nous-concept
• Notes to the Philosophical Nous-Concept
• The Common Root for European Religions (published: ca. 27.10.2018)
• A Scenario for the Medieval Christianization of a Pagan Culture
• Een scenario voor de middeleeuwse kerstening van een heidens volk
• The Role of the Slavic gods Rod and Vid in the Futhorc-alphabet
• The Unification of Medieval Europe
• The Divergence of Germanic Religions
• De correlatie tussen de dualis, Vut, Svantevit en de Sint-Vituskerken
• The Correlation between Dual Forms, Vut, Svantevit and the Saint Vitus Churches
• Die Rekonstruktion der Lage des Drususkanals (published: ca. 27.9.2018)
• Die Entzifferung der Symbolik einer Runenreihe
• Deciphering the Symbolism in Runic Alphabets
• The Sky-God, Adam and the Personal Pronouns
• Notities rond het boek Tiw (Published ca. 6.2.2018)
• Notes to the book TIW
• Von den Völkern, die nach dem Futhark benannt worden sind
• Designing an Alphabet for the Runes
• Die Wörter innerhalb der „Futhark“-Reihe
• The hidden Symbolism of European Alphabets
• Etymology, Religions and Myths
• The Symbolism of the Yampoos and Wampoos in Poe's “Narrative of Arthur Gordon Pym
from Nantucket”
• Notizen zu " Über den Dualis " und " Gesammelte sprachwissenschaftliche Schriften "
• Ϝut - Het Dutche sleutelwoord
• Concepts for the Dual Forms
• The etymology of the Greek dual form νώ (νῶϊ)
• Proceedings in the Ego-pronouns' Etymology
• Notities bij „De godsdiensten der volken“
• The Role of *Teiwaz and *Dyeus in Filosofy
• A Linguistic Control of Egotism
• The Design of the Futhark Alphabet
• An Architecture for the Runic Alphabets
• The Celtic Hair Bonnets (Published Jun 24, 2018)
• Die keltische Haarhauben
• De sculpturen van de Walterich-kapel te Murrhardt
• The rediscovery of a lost symbolism
• Het herontdekken van een vergeten symbolisme
• De god met de twee gezichten
• The 3-faced sculpture at Michael's Church in Forchtenberg
• Over de woorden en namen, die eeuwenlang bewaard gebleven zijn
• De zeven Planeten in zeven Brabantse plaatsnamen
• Analysis of the Futhorc-Header
• The Gods in the Days of the Week and inside the Futhor-alphabet
• Een reconstructie van de Dutche scheppingslegende
• The Symbolism in Roman Numerals
• The Keywords in the Alphabets Notes to the Futharc's Symbolism
• The Mechanisms for Depositing Loess in the Netherlands
• Over het ontstaan van de Halserug, de Heelwegen en Heilwegen in de windschaduw van de
• Investigations of the Rue d'Enfer-Markers in France
• Die Entwicklung des französischen Hellwegs ( " Rue d'Enfer "
• De oorsprong van de Heelwegen op de Halserug, bij Dinxperlo en Beltrum
• The Reconstruction of the Gothic Alphabet's Design
• Von der Entstehungsphase eines Hellwegs in Dinxperlo-Bocholt
• Over de etymologie van de Hel-namen (Heelweg, Hellweg, Helle..) in Nederland
• Recapitulatie van de projecten Ego-Pronomina, Futhark en Hellweg
• Over het ontstaan en de ondergang van het Futhark-alfabet
• Die Etymologie der Wörter Hellweg, Heelweg, Rue d'Enfer, Rue de l'Enfer und Santerre
• The Etymology of the Words Hellweg, Rue d'Enfer and Santerre
• The Decoding of the Kylver Stone' Runes
• The Digamma-Joker of the Futhark
• The Kernel of the Futhorc Languages
• De kern van de Futhark-talen
• Der Kern der Futhark-Sprachen
• De symboolkern IE van het Dutch
• Notes to Guy Deutscher's "Through the Language Glass"
• Another Sight on the Unfolding of Language (Published 1 maart, 2018)

January – December 2017

• Notes to the Finnish linguistic symbolism of the sky-god's name and the days of the week
• A modified Swadesh List (Published 12 / 17 / 2017)
• A Paradise Made of Words
• The Sky-God Names and the Correlating Personal Pronouns
• The Nuclear Pillars of Symbolism (Published 10 / 28 / 2017)
• The Role of the Dual Form in Symbolism and Linguistics (Oct 17, 2017)
• The Correlation between the Central European Loess Belt, the Hellweg-Markers and the
Main Isoglosses
• The Central Symbolic Core of Provencal Language (Oct 7, 2017)

December 2011
• The Hermetic Codex II - Bipolar Monotheism (Scribd)

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