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Chapter 1 – The sound of the Shell

Page 7 (Starts from Page 7)
- A guy coming to the island in terrible condition.
- The guy was short and fat.
Page 8
- No grownups.
- Pilot flying a plane couldn’t land on the island.
o They were attacked.
o Plane was on fire.
Page 9
- Fair boy: Ralph.
- Fat boy has asthma (ass-mar).
o Proud that he was the only one in school with it.
- Mysterious place, branches of the floor, collapsed trees, jungle-type feel.
Page 10
- Hot climate, feeling weak (possibly), took of all clothes.
- 12 years old.
Page 11
- Glasses made an indent on his nose.
- Others called fat boy “Piggy” in school.
Page 12
- Nature really helped Ralph, as it made a perfect seat, roof.
- The typhoon or storm that happened before made a beach/pool in the lagoon as it
carried sand.
Page 13
- While Ralph was swimming, Piggy was scared to get into the pool.
- Once he got in he was smiling proudly.
- He can’t swim due to his asthma.
- Ralph’s father is a commander in the Navy.
- Piggy’s father is dead, lived with his aunty.
Page 14
- Everyone died from the atom bomb – the pilot said.
- Realized that they are on a random island.
- Afraid they might be here till they die.
- They need to find someone else.
Page 15
- Trying to look for others.
- Found a ‘conch shell’.
Page 16
- They got the shell and are about to blow into it.
- Piggy’s aunty wouldn’t allow him to blow into it due to his asthma.
- First try, blew into it and made almost no noise.
Page 17
- After a few tries, it made a farting noise, which amused both. Reveals their maturity.
- Blew and made a really loud noise.
- A 6 year old boy came with torn clothes.
Page 18
- Young boy: Johnny.
- 3 more children Johnny’s age came.
- Some kids were in their school uniform.
Page 19
- Two more boys came, in really bad condition, compared them to dogs.
- Names: Sam and Eric (Twins)
- More people came in full black coats, throat to ankles.
Page 20
- Ralph seems like the leader
- Leader of the cloak guys: Tall, thin, bony with red hair.
- Cloak guy called his boys: “Choir”
- Merridew Choir leader.
Page 21
- Piggy was intimidated by the “uniformed superiority”
- Again mentioned that there are no grown-ups.
- Jack Merridew said “Shut Up Fatty”
o Piggy is going to be the one who gets bullied.
Page 22
- Wanting to elect a chief.
- Jack arrogantly said he should be chief.
- Mention physical appearance a lot, Ralph is going to get picked for this reason, and
also because of the conch.
Page 23
- Everyone in the choir voted for Jack.
- Everyone else voted for Ralph.
- Ralph became chief.
- Jack’s in charge of the choir.
- Choir became the hunters.
Page 24
- Want to figure out if it is an island or not.

Chapter 2 – Fire on The Mountain

- They hadn’t seen any sign of life, they are on an uninhabited island.
- They have to hold the conch to speak.
- Piggy was paler than before and he was also breathless.
- 6 year old child with a birthmark said “What are we going to do about the
snake/beastie thing.”
- Ralph said that he was dreaming, he had a nightmare.
- Ralph said that his Dad said that there is a map of all the Islands, and the Queen
would have this Island on that map.
- Ralph said that they should make a fire so that the boats can see them.
- Piggy said that they are like a crowd of kids.
- The twins found the first piece of solid log.
- Jack or Ralph didn’t know how to start the fire.
- Jack said to use his glasses to burn the wood.
- After lighting the fire, Ralph said to get more wood.
- Jack is Ralphs dog when it comes to the rules, and he is patriotic.
- He also said that the choir would be in charge of starting the fires.
- The rest of the island was set on fire.
- This burnt all of their firewood.
- Piggy suggested to make shelter.
- They don’t know where the little ones are.

Chapter 3 – Huts on the Beach

- Jack once again hunted unsuccessfully, it looks like this is messing with his brain.
- They made two shelters
- Ralph and Simon are the only ones working on the shelters.
- Ralph said that they want meat.
- Jack was the only hunter that continued, the rest went to go swimming.
- That type of awkward situation between them, Ralph wants meat, he doesn’t have
any to give.
- They start talking about the kids and some others reacting to the snake.
- Jack admits that when he goes hunting, he feels something is ‘hunting’ him.
- Ralph said that the smoke can be seen from miles.
- Jack starts to talk about the pigs again, and ralph says that don’t you want to be
- Deep into the jungle, Simon had his own secret place where he can chill and do

Chapter 4 – Painted Faces and Long Hair

- There were mirages
- The littluns ate fruits all day.
o This gave them stomachaches and diarrhea
- They were also scared in the dark.
- They cried much less for their mothers.
- They built and decorated castles.
- Henry, who is the biggest of them, is a distant relative of the birthmark kid.
- Roger and Maurice came, and Roger kicked the castles down.
- Percival started to cry because he got sand in his eye.
- Maurice felt bad about that.
- Henry was fascinated by the transparencies
- Roger was hiding behind a palm tree.
- Roger threw a stone at Henry and missed on purpose.
- Jack brought clay to use as a disguise, because the pigs see him.
- The mask made him a new person.
- Piggy was the only person who’s hair did not grow.
- Piggy suggested making a clock, Ralph sarcastically replied.
- The boys found smoke which came from a boat.
- They looked back at the fire, and it was producing almost no smoke.
- They missed the ship.
- Jack and the twins killed a pig.
- Ralph said that he let fire go out, but Jack boasts about killing the pig.
- Piggy critiqued him and got punched in the stomach.
- This broke one lens of his glasses.
- Everyone laugh so did Ralph, but he said that it was a dirty trick.
- Ralph stood on the old ashes, and they had to put a fire in another place.
- Piggy asked why he isn’t getting any and Jack said that he didn’t hunt.
- Simon gave piggy some meat.
- They then talk about how they killed it.
- Ralph said that he is calling an assembly.

Chapter 5 – Beast from Water

- Ralph needed to think about what he was going to say.
- Ralph was extremely over thinking.
- The boys were waiting for the assembly.
- Ralph was really unsure of everything.
- Ralph said that the need an assembly.
- The water in the coconut shells is going away.
o In the morning they only had two full shells.
- People were doing their business everywhere, especially the littluns after they eat
the fruit.
- Ralph is really upset about the fire.
- New rule: only having fires on top of the mountain
- Ralph said that the people are scared now.
- Jack deeply insulted the littluns.
- Ralph said that the only animal here are pigs.
- Piggy said that they shouldn’t be scared of anything as he went to the forest himself.
- A confident littlun named Phil came out to talk about the beast.
o He said that he had a dream, that he was fighting with them outside the
shelter, and he woke up outside the shelter, without the beast.
- The kids were saying that they saw something moving.
- Ralph said that was anyone moving, Simon stood up saying he was going to his
secret place (no one knows about it).
- A boy was infront to talk
o When Piggy asked for his name, he gave him his name, Percival, house
address, but he couldn’t remember his telephone’s number.
- The kids began to cry.
- The kid said that the beast comes out of the sea.
- Maurice said that his dad said they are some squids in the sea, then the kids started
debating if it could come out of the water.
- Simon said that maybe there is a beast.
- Someone said that the beast is a ghost.
- Mentioned savages once more.
- Jack insults Ralph’s role, saying who are you, etc.
- Jack and some others went away, and Piggy said to blow the conch to make them
come back.
- Ralph said that if he blows the conch and they don’t come back then they would be
like animals, never rescued.
- Ralph said “I GIVE UP”
- Ralph is contemplating about not being the chief anymore, but piggy and simon
convince him to stay.

Chapter 6 – Beast from Air

- There was a bright moon, but also other lights in the sky.
- There was a battle in the air.
- There was a dead man coming from the parachute.
- Two boys were doing stuff with wood.
o They were the twins (Sam and Eric) and they were on fire duty
- They realize that the fire is almost out.
- Both Sam and Eric saw something terrifying.
- They saw the dead body, and the think that it’s the beast.
- Ralph called a quick assembly.
- They said that the beast was
o Furry
o There was something moving behind his head
o The beast moved
o It had
 Eyes
 Teeth
 Claws
o Slinking behind the trees
- Jack used this as an opportunity to look brave, and test Ralph’s leadership.
- All of the boys are going to hunt the beast, and Piggy is going to stay with the
- Jack said that they don’t need the conch anymore.
- Ralph wants to light up the fire.
- Jack has never been to the tail-end of the island.
- Simon could not fathom what the beast was like.
- Simon bashed into a tree.
o He hit his forehead and it started to bleed.
- Ralph said that he would go, because he is the Chief
- Ralph is trying to find a way to go there.
- Jack said that their current place would be a good place for a fort.
- They are just trying to find the beast.
- The people said that they should make a fort here, but Ralph does not agree.

Chapter 7 – Shadows and Tall Trees

- Ralph realized that it was hot.
- Thought of washing his shirt.
- He wants scissors to cut his hair.
- He wants to take a proper bath.
- He wanted a toothbrush too.
- The hunters were eating fruits.
- They were all in really bad condition, looks-wise.
- Ralph realized that these were the normal conditions now.
- Ralph was staring into the ocean and contemplating many things.
- He is also losing hope of getting rescued.
- He realized that he had “a rock painfully gripped in both hands, found his body
arched, the muscles of his neck stiff, his mouth strained open”
- Ralph joked, asking Simon if he had a ship in his pocket.
- Simon said “I think that you would get back alright”
o In this quote, he indirectly said that not everyone is going to get back.
- Roger found fresh pig poop.
- Ralph is thinking about his cottage, and his family, and also the books in his house.
- Ralph threw the wooden stick to the boar, it hit it, and after some time it fell out.
- Ralph is proud that he hit the pig.
- After this, he thought that hunting was good.
- Jack showed that the boar hit his forearm with his tusks.
- Simon said that Jack needs to suck his wound, he did.
- They were showing how they hit the boar, Robert was the ‘boar’ and he screamed
after some time, he screamed in real pain.
- Ralph said that unfortunately he enjoyed that game.
- Jack said that they should use a littlun as a pig, everyone laughed.
- They said that they should go back to piggy before it gets dark.
- Now it’s a battle between Jack and Ralph.
- They began to climb the mountain.
- While climbing, Robert cut his knee.
- Ralph said that someone has to tell Piggy that the are gonna come back after dark.
- Simon said that he would go to Piggy all alone through the whole forest.
- Jack said that he doesn’t mind going, even in the dark.
- Ralph said “Why do you hate me” to Jack and this made it awkward.
- Jack said that he’s going to go and find the beast. All of the others stayed.
- Jack came back running, terrified, saying he saw something up there.
- The thing made a ‘plop’ noise and the it bulged.
- The thing was the guy who parachuted.
- The wind made his head move.
- They ran away and forgot the three sticks there.

Chapter 8 – Gift for the Darkness

- Ralph told Piggy that they saw the beast, but Piggy doesn’t believe them.
- Ralph said that the beast had teeth and big black eyes.
- He said that they can’t have a signal fire as the beast rests there.
- Ralph said that the hunters were “boys armed with sticks.”
- Piggy said that was rude.
- Jack blew into the conch.
- Jack said that Ralph was like Piggy.
- Jack made a vote for Ralph to not be chief.
- He got so embarrassed that he started crying.
- He said “I’m not going to play with you anymore”
- He’s making his own group.
- Simon said that they should climb the mountain again
- They all had a motivational time, and Piggy said that they can make the fire where
they want.
- Everyone was happy with the fire.
- Piggy started the fire with his own glasses.
- Ralph said that they need a small fire, and Piggy replied saying that they can
experiment with the leaves, etc.
- Maurice, Bill, and Roger went with Jack.
- Ralph said that they would be happier now as they were always making trouble.
- Piggy said that they should have a feast.
- They began to feast on the fruit.
- They think that Simon went to go and climb the mountain.
- Simon went into his secret place.
- Simon could see Jack and his boys.
- Jack said that he is going to be chief.
- They are going to kill a pig and give a feast.
- There was a mother pig feeding her piglets.
- They chased the pig until it gave out.
- When they jumped on her, it squealed really loud.
- They laughed over his bloody hands.
- Robert said that he made the spear go “right up her ass!”
- He was extremely excited about this.
- They recreated this and laughed.
- Jack gutted the pig.
- They needed a fire for the feast, so they decided to raid them.
- Jack made the head of the pig hang on a stick, which was planted in the ground.
- “The head is for the beast, it’s a gift”
- Simon was still in his place, and even if he shut his eyes the pig’s head would still be
- He was talking aloud with the pig.
- The flies were everywhere on Simon.
- Lord of the flies: The pig’s head.
- Ralph said that he’s scared, because no one understands the fire.
- Piggy said that they have to go on, because that’s what adults would do.
- Jack’s group rushed Ralph’s group, this scared the littluns.
- They came and picked up sticks with fire.
- Jack invited them to join his tribe.
o They killed a pig and they are going to have a feast.
- Piggy said that he thought he was going to have asthama.
- Ralph couldn’t complete his sentences, Piggy had to do it for him.
- All of them wanted meat.
- The Lord of the Flies said that he is a “silly boy”
- His tongue was swollen.
- He said that everyone thought Simon is batty.
- The LotF said that he is part of them.
- Simon’s body was arched and stiff.
- Simon felt as if he was inside the mouth of the LotF, after that he fainted.
Chapter 9 – A View to a Death
- The clouds were building up.
- Simon woke up after fainting.
- He walked like an old man as he continued walking up the mountain.
- Simon saw the dead parachutist.
- He looked down and the fire was out, not making any smoke.
- He wanted to tell the others, and as he walked down, his legs wouldn’t support him.
- Piggy got mad that Ralph threw water on him, he has to clean his glasses.
- The rest of the people went to Jack’s party.
- Piggy said that they should go to the meeting.
- They were eating and drinking from coconut shells.
- The boys in the party saw them and they became quiet.
- Jack told his boys to give them two some meat.
- Jack was sitting on a log, which was like a throne.
- He ordered everyone to sit, all did except those two.
- He asked “Who’s going to join my tribe”
- He has beef with Ralph.
- Piggy said that they should leave to avoid trouble, but Ralph didn’t.
- Because of the rain, Jack said that they should do their dance.
- Ralph and Piggy also joined.
- As the noise of the storm increased, their voices also increased.
- Something was crawling out of the forest, Simon was talking about something on the
- The beast was on its knees in the center (Simon).
- They were all beating him up, with teeth and claws.
- Simon’s blood was staining the ground.
- The parachutist was coming to them. Flying, they all ran.
- And it went into the sea.
- Simon was sitting, pale on the beast, he was still staining the sand with his blood.
- There were things on his body, that made it glow.
- It went into Simon’s hair.

Chapter 10 – The shell and the Glasses

- Ralph was limping, he was hurt, with cuts and scabs.
- Samneric & littluns = only people left in their group.
- They are still really sensitive about the Simon situation.
- It seems that Ralph lost hope, he keeps on sarcastically laughing with whatever Piggy
- Piggy keeps on saying that it was an accident, whereas Ralph is not letting it go.
- They were all saying that they were in the outside, but they knew they weren’t.
- The whole lot are saying that they left early, but everyone knows that it isn’t true.
- Jack is going to beat Wilfred, but they don’t know why.
o He was tied up waiting, for hours.
- Most of the tribe was behind the cave
- Jack is still obsessed with getting meat, he is going to go hunt while th rest are going
to improve the cave.
- Jack is making some stay so that the others don’t sneak into their area.
- He said that they will try to sneak in because “They’ll try to spoil things we do.”
- Jack said they should leave the mountain alone, and give the head again if they go
- They think that the beast disguised themselves.
- Once they have the meat, they are going to have a feast.
- They are going to take the fire from the other group.
- Roger, Maurice, and Jack are going to hunt while the others sleep.
- Maurice is scared that if they encounter the beast it is only going to be them three.
- Ralph couldn’t light up the wood because it was ramp, they tried three other times.
- One reason why Ralph likes the fire, is because it brings the boys comfort at night.
- Piggy said, “If only we could make a plane/boat” and then Ralph replied that they
would be taken prisoner by the reds (communists).
- Eric said that it would be better to be captured by the Reds than by Jack.
- Ralph Samneric go to get more wood, Piggy doesn’t go because he has asthma.
- One reason why Ralph likes the fire, is because it brings the boys comfort at night.
- All of the boys are too tired to light up the fire, so they prepare the wood for
- Eric says that the fire isn’t important, this offends Ralph.
- They are trying to go to sleep in their beds of leaves.
- Ralph starts to think about going home. He thinks of a civilized place. .
- They have to tell the twins to stop wrestling each other.
- Piggy mentions how they must be rescued soon, otherwise they would go crazy.
- They hear noises of people whispering “piggy, piggy”
- Ralph tells Piggy to be silent, but he has an asthma attack.
- The boys, not including piggy, start to wrestle people who they don’t see, and after
they pull Piggy out of the broken shelter.
- Ralph tells the littluns to stop crying, and they were just wrestling people from Jack’s
- Both Ralph and Eric are hurt from the fight.
- Piggy thought that Jack came for the conch.
- Jack, Roger, and Maurice run down the beach. And they have Piggy’s glasses.

Chapter 11 – Castle Rock

- Ralph tries to make the fire, but he doesn’t have Piggy’s glasses.
- Piggy can barely see.
- Ralph is mad at Jack because now they can’t make fire.
- Piggy is mad at Jack because now he can’t see.
- Piggy told Ralph to blow the conch to call a meeting, but nobody from Jack’s tribe
- Ralph gives Piggy the conch, and asks what is he supposed to do.
- Ralph doesn’t comprehend the boys.
o He can’t understand why it’s so hard to keep the fire going.
o He doesn’t know why Jack didn’t ask for the fire, he would’ve given it.
- Ralph says that they should clean up and go talk to Jack.
- Sam suggests taking spears.
- Piggy says that he can’t handle the spear. The laughter reminds him of Simon’s
murder and the kid with the birthmark.
- Ralph says that if Piggy goes, he’s ought to get hurt.
- Piggy says that Jack can’t do anymore, he has what they don’t (conch).
- Piggy says what he is ‘going’ to say to Jack. This makes him cry, and a single tear drop
on the conch made it look like a star.
- Ralph says that they will go to Jack and ask for his glasses.
- Sam says that they should be careful, otherwise Jack would kill them all.
- The twins say that the should paint their faces and look like Jack’s tribe so that they
are accepted by them.
- Ralph says that they should go looking really clean, so they can show them how
civilized they are.
- Ralph says the boys need the smoke. However, he is really confused.
- Piggy completes his sentence, saying why they need the smoke, but he simply gets
offended. He knew why they needed the smoke.
- The twins see Ralph as a normal stressed boy, no longer a leader.
- Piggy follows the boys by looking at their spears.
- The group sees Castle Rock and they are afraid to get closer.
- Sam says that he sees smoke, but Ralph knows that it is not a signal fire, and they
made it with Piggy’s stolen glasses.
- Ralph walks with Piggy and the twins behind them
- Roger, at the boulder, asks who it is, but Ralph says that he knows who it is.
- Ralph blows the conch to have an assembly, many boys come.
- Ralph wants to talk to Jack about the fire and glasses, but Robert says that he is
- Jack comes back from hunting, and left a headless pig in the bushes.
- He asks Ralph what he wants.
- Piggy is terrified.
- Jack tells him to go to his end of the island.
- Ralph says that he stole the glasses instead of asking for the fire.
- This makes Jack mad, and Piggy calls him a thief several times.
- They begin to have a fight, and he tells them that a cooking fire won’t help with
getting rescued.
- Jack tells his boys to tie up Sam and Eric.
- Jack knew that Ralph would fight for the twins, and he says that Jack is a “beast …
swine …. Thief” They fight some more
- Piggy holds up the conch and demands for the other boys to listen.
- Piggy says that they are acting like kids.
- He says:
o “is it better to be a pack of painted Indians, or sensible like Ralph”
o “is it better to have rules, or to kill”
o “ is it better to have law and rescue, or hunting and breaking things up”
- Ralph sees a boy throwing rocks, Roger.
- Everyone gets ready to fight with their spears
- Roger makes the boulder move, Ralph escaped it, but it hit Piggy and broke the
- Piggy falls to his death.
- Everyone is quite, but Jack says that he will do the same to Ralph.
- Jack throws his spear at Ralph
- This tears his skin, and the other boys throw but miss. He is under cover, which hides
- Jack’s group return to castle rock. Jack is mad because roger was supposed to stay
on watch.
- Jack asks the twins why they didn’t join him.
- Jack pokes Sam with his spear.
- Roger says that he could do a better job hurting them.

Chapter 12 – Cry of the Hunters

- Ralph is badly injured, and he is lying inside bushes and trees.
- His skin on his ribs is torn, and he wants to wash it but it is too risky.
- Ralph realizes how savage Bill looks.
- He sees smoke, and realizes that they are eating. This means that he can go to the
fruit trees and get something to eat.
- Two littluns see him getting fruit and they run away with fear.
- He is shocked that Jack still wants to kill him, after the death of the two others.
- Ralph realizes that if he wants to talk to Jack in the daylight, he has to go now.
- Ralph passes by the LOTF, and it gives Ralph the sensation that the skull knows
- Ralph punches the LOTF into two pieces. He takes the stick, which had two sharp
- He goes back to his shelter in the bushes, where he is going to sleep.
- He realizes that he is an outcast, the rest of the boys are way more savage then him,
and he hears their chant.
- He notices that the twins are on guard duty. He goes and talk to them, but he can’t
let anyone see him.
- They tell Ralph to go away, but he doesn’t. They say that they are following what
Jack said because roger hurts them.
- Ralph can’t comprehend the reason why Jack hates him.
- They tell him that Jack and Roger are going to hunt them during the next day.
- Ralph asks them to come with him but they don’t.
- The hear someone coming so they tell him to go away.
- Sam gives Ralph some meat.
- Sam said that Roger sharpened both ends of the stick.
- As Ralph tries to go to sleep, he can hear the pain of the boys.
- He hears the boys beginning their hunt, he sits in the middle of a flat spot created by
the boulder.
- Ralph hear them go farther away.
- He also hears Jack interrogating the twins, asking them if they are standing in front
of the area which he said he would be. They scream in pain and say yes.
- Jack tells the boys to heave and everything shakes.
- The large rock hit the thicket, but not him. He sees cracks in the walls, and sees a
spear pointing through it.
- He hits the person holding the spear and hears that person cry in pain.
- Ralph hears them discussing the plan but can’t hear the plan.
- He hears laughter then smells smoke and hears fire.
- Ralph crawls out of the smokey thicket.
- He stabs a savage who was coughing because of the smoke and runs into the forest.
- Ralph thinks of what he can do, and what they will do in response.
- Ralph hides under bushes and vines. This covers him from the top, but not the
- He hears the fruit trees burn.
- Ralph sees the legs someone approaching and gets ready with his spear.
- That person is staring into his eyes. This scares him and he runs for his life.
- Ralph goes to the part of the beach where there are shelters.
- A naval officer comes, he says that he saw the fire.
- He jokes saying have you been in a war, and did anyone die, he realizes that Ralph
was not joking.
- The officer asks who is the boss, Ralph replies.
- He says that a group of British boys should’ve been able to put on a better show than
- Ralph says that it was like Coral Island in the beginning.

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