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Culture is that invisible bond, which ties the people of a community together.

It refers to the pattern of

human activity. The art, literature, language and religion of a community represent the community’s
culture. Culture manifests itself through the lifestyle of the individuals of a community. The moral values of
the people of a community also represent their culture. The importance of culture lies in its close
association with the living of the people. The different cultures of the world have brought in diversity in the
ways of life of the people inhabiting different parts of the world. You might want to know about the
characteristics of culture.

Culture is related to the development of one’s attitude. One’s culture plays an important role in shaping
the principles of the individual’s life. The cultural values of an individual have a deep impact on his/her
attitude towards life. According to the behaviorist definition of culture, it is the ultimate system of social
control where people monitor their own standards and behavior. A community’s culture lays the
foundation of the living of its people. The cultural values serve as the founding principles of one’s life.
They shape an individual’s thinking and influence his/her mindset.

Why is culture important? It is definitely because it gives an individual a unique identity. The culture of a
community gives its people a character of their own. Culture shapes the personality of a community. The
language that a community speaks, the art forms it hosts, its staple food, its customs, traditions and
festivities comprise the community’s culture. The importance of culture cannot be stressed enough as it is
an integral part of living. For those of you interested in exploring the different cultures of the world, here is
your guide to world culture and heritage.

 Our culture is an essential part of our human identity and expression. This hits right to the
heart of our humanity; the basic need to belong!
 individuality, uniqueness, something to set you apart, makes you interesting. i mean think
about how boring people will be if culture didnt exist...

Culture is important because it is what makes a society unique. For example, this could include a certain
religion or type of clothing. Each of these things are unique to a culture
Culture is important because it is what ties a community together. It also lays the foundation for moral


Culture can be defined as the amalgamation of various constituents of human existence. Culture
has a broad definition, including the mannerisms that people exhibit (behavior patterns), their
religious or spiritual beliefs and the principles that define their actions. Culture isn’t a single
entity but applies to various forms of human expression, including arts, traditions and rituals that
have been prevalent for some time. Understanding the culture of a community or a region
essentially means, being able to understand the mindsets of different people and the reasons that
govern their actions.

Understanding Importance of Culture — often quoted as ethnic backgrounds or traditions of a

community, culture helps in rendering a sense of individualism to people. Even within a nation, a
community can struggle to define itself or establish a unique presence. In such cases, the
presence of cultural values often presented in the form of customary mannerisms or time-
honored practices helps a community to carve a niche for itself.

Why is culture important from a unifying perspective?

In contemporary times, when nuclear families are becoming the norm and regional migrations
are common, the presence of cultural values help to unite people separated by distances or
difference in mindsets. People belonging to a community enriched with cultural aspects such as
celebration of common festivals share a common bond that helps to unite them in an unspoken
but effective manner. Following a community’s traditions means that the community members
share various aspects like cooking recipes, sense of dressing and the manner of communicating
which help in creating a sense of commonness and hence, unity.

People who migrate away from their homeland are able to sustain a sense of being connected
with their family and their community if they continue to practice the traditions which have
seeped into their lives as cultural values. Culture is often defined as an invisible, social-control
mechanism wherein people start interpreting the cultural values that have passed on to them as
the benchmarks for how they should function. In this manner, healthy cultural values often act as
social-regulatory tools, helping to shape a better, more organized and united community.

Why is culture important from a global perspective?

An often underestimated contribution of culture lies in its ability to create a regional and socialist
harmony. This is because the fast-paced, contemporary world wherein people from different
corners of the globe are increasingly intermingling with each other. Every individual brings forth
the customs and cultural aspects of a certain region. When people begin to understand different
cultural aspects, they develop some degree of understanding of faraway nations and
communities, helping them become better informed, more tolerant and smarter world citizens.

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