Jenis Teks Bahasa Inggris

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Descriptive text
Descriptive merupakan teks dalam bahasa inggris yang digunakan untuk menggambarkan seseorang,
benda, keadaan secara detail sehingga seolah-olah nyata bagi pembaca.

Tujuannya : memberikan sebuah gambaran detail mengenai seseorang, benda, atau keadaan sehingga
seolah-olah nyata bagi para pembaca
Struktur teks:
Identification = pengambaran umum obyek yang akan dideskripsikan
Description = penggambaran secara detail mengenai obyek yang akan dideskripsikan

Contoh teks :


I love gardening. I have a small garden in my

backyard. In the garden, there are some flowers.

There are daffodils, Cambodian flowers, orchids, red

roses and white lilies. My oldest daughter, Annisa, is
crazy about red roses. She always helps me watering
the flowers in the afternoon. I love all the flowers in my
(diambil dari UN bahasa inggris SMA 2012)

2. Narrative text
Narrative text merupakan sebuah teks yang berisi cerita dan kisah suatu kejadian yang
mengikuti alur waktu penulis. Tenses yang digunakan adalah past tense.

Tujuan : untuk menghibur pembaca dengan berbagai kejadian seolah-olah dialami oleh

Struktur teks:
Orientation = pengenalan cerita yang terdapat pengenalan tokoh dan latar belakang lainnya
Complication = berisi kisah yang terjadi pada cerita. Biasanya juga ditandai dengan
munculnya sebuah konflik cerita
Resolution = bagian akhir pada cerita yang biasanya ditandai dengan selesainya sebuah
konflik dalam cerita
Coda = kesimpulan yang terdapat dalam cerita

Contoh teks:

There was once a young shepherd boy who tended his sheep at the
foot of a mountain near a dark forest.(orientation)

It was rather lonely for him all day, so he thought up a plan by

which he could get a little company and some excitements. He
rushed down toward the village calling out, “Wolf! Wolf!”.
Afterward the villagers came out to meet him and some of them
stayed with him for a considerable time.(complication)

This pleased the boy so much that a few days afterward he tried the
same trick and the villagers came again to help.(complication)

But shortly after, a wolf actually did come out from the forest and
began to worry the sheep. The boy cried out, “Wolf! Wolf!” so
much louder than before. But this time teh villagers, who had been
fooled twice before, thought the boy was again deceiving them.
Consequently, nobody came to help him.(complication)

So the wolf made a good meal of the boy’s flock and when the boy
complained, the wise man of the village said: “A liar will not be
believed, even when he speaks the thruth.”(resolution)
(diambil dari AESOP’S Fables)

*Note: Coda merupakan kesimpulan dalam cerita narrative,  kadang dalam cerita narrative tidak
terdapat kesimpulan jadi tidak ada coda

3. Report text
Merupakan teks yang berisi informasi apa saja yang terjadi dalam sebuah lingkup.

Tujuan :memberikan gambaran umum tentang kejadian yang baru saja terjadi melalui pengamatan
dan analisis yang sistematis.
Struktur teks:
General classification = gambaran umum mengenai suatu kejadian
Description = deskripsi dari kejadian yang ingin disampaikan

Contoh teks:

A tornado is a powerful, twisting wind storm. It is one of the most

destructive storms on earth. A tornado is also called a waterspout.
(general classification)

A tornado is a long cloud which comes down from the sky. It is

shaped like a funnel and consists of wind which whirls around and
around extremely fast. In fact, the wind can reach a speed of more
than 900 km per hour.(description)

Most tornadoes from a long a front (boundary) between cool, dry

air and warm, humid air. Weather scientists are unable to know
exactly when tornado will occur. Fortunatelly, the tornado is not
usually very big and it does not last long.(description)
(diambil dari: Look ahead SMA 2)

4. Recount text
Teks recount merupakan bentuk teks yang biasanya digunakan untuk menceritakan
kejadian masa lampau. Ciri utama dari teks recount yaitu kalimat yang berbentuk lampau
atau past tense.

Struktur teks:
Orientation = paragraf pembuka yang berisi pengenalan dan latar belakang kejadian
Events = paragraf yang berisi kejadian/pengalaman yang pernah dialami
Reorientation = berisi kesimpulan dari kejadian yang dialami

Contoh :

My holiday

Last holiday, i went to Bandung with my family. We

spent our holiday there. We went to Bandung by bus.
The bus schedule from Indramayu was at 07.00 am
and arrived in Bandung at 11.30 am.(orientation)

In the first day, we went to Bandung zoo. The ticket

was only Rp 30.000. the animals collection there
were cery complete. In the next day, we went to
geological musem and talked with the guide about
geology. It made us understood about geology. We
saw rocks collection there. After that, i went to
Bandung bus station because we had to go home to

My holiday in Bandung was only two days but it

made me very happy.(reorientation)

5. Procedure text
Merupakan bentuk teks yang menjelaskan langkah-langkah cara membuat sesuatu.
Menggunakan simple present tense. Kata penghubung (conjunction) yang digunakan dalam
langkah-langkahnya yaitu: first, second,......, next, then, finally.

Struktur teks:
Goal/aim = berisi pemaparan tujuan dari proses pembuatan sesuatu
Materials = berisi barang/benda yang digunakan dalam proses pembuatan
Steps = berisi proses dan langkah-langkah pembuatan sesuatu
Contoh :


Ingredients :
 A teaspoonful of coffee
 Three spoonsfuls of sugar        (material)
 Two spoonsfuls of cappucino

Steps :
a.    First, boil some water in the kettle
b.   Then, put a teaspoonful of coffee into a cup     (step)
Put three spoonsfuls of sugar into a cup
d.   Add two spoons of cappucino
e.    Fill the cup with boiling water
f.    Finally, stir it and a cup of cappuccino coffee is ready to drink
6. Review text
Merupakan sebuah teks yang berisi komentar dan evaluasi mengenai suatu barang atau
produk tertentu.

Struktur teks:
Orientation = berisi pengenalan mengenai barang atau produk tersebut
Interpretation = berisi penilaian dari barang atau produk yang dibahas
Evaluation = berisi evaluasi dan komentar penulis terhadap barang atau produk tersebut

Contoh :

Product review

Acer Iconia Tab A100 (Reviewed By Mike Andrew)

While the 10 inch table market is very crowded and highly

competitive right now, when it comes to 7 inch powerful
and reliable slates, there are still some gaps that need to be
filled. The Iconia Tab A100 wants to do that, being a very
interesting, portable, and snappy gadget.(orientation)

When talking about 7 inch tablets, the aspect is very

important. The Tab A100 does not dissapoint from this
point of view, being elegant and classy. The front face is
surrounded by glossy black plastic, while the black of the
tablet is a dark gray plastic with Acer’s logo in the middle.
In terms of portability, the Iconia Tab A100 is also more
than satisfying device, being about the same size and
weight as the HTC Flyer, for example.
The 7 inch touch screen with 1024x600 pixels resolution
offers great image quality, contrast and brightness but does
more of a mediocre job when talking about viewing angles.
Still, the display is overall decent and holds the comparison
with the HTC Flyer or the Samsung Galaxy Tab 7.
(Evaluation 1: design and display) 

The Iconia Tab A100 features the already classic

Nvidia Tegra 2 dual-core processor with 1 GB of
RAM memory and is therefore at least as snappy and
powerful as any other 7 or 10 inch tablet on the
market right now. The cameras are surprisingly
decent, the 2 MP front-facing and the 5 MP rear-
facing devices offering pretty much the best image
quality you might hope to find on a slate. In terms of
software, Acer’s 7 inch tablet is set to be a pioneer,
being the first slate of its category to be powered by
the android Honeycomb OS. Not only that, but it will
run on the latest 3.2 version of the operating system,
which means that you will get loads of apps and
snappy performance.(Evaluation 2: performance

The Iconia Tab A100 is set to feature WiFi and

Bluetooth compatibility, as well as a micro-USB port
and a micro SD slot card. It would have been perfect
if it would have featured HDMI as well, but still it is
pretty decent for a 7 inch tablet.
(Evaluation 3: connectivity and pricing)

As far as pricing is concerned, the Acer Iconia Tab a100,

which has not yet been released on the market, will be
available for 329 dollar (the 8 GB version) or for 349
dollars (the 16 GB version). This is consistently less than
HTC Flyer’s or Blackberry Playbook’s prices, to name two
of the important 7 inch tablets right now.(Interpretation)

Wrap up, while the Iconia Tab A500 is still struggling to

become one of the important names in the tablets’ world,
the from this Android tablet review it looks like a winner
right away. Packing good technical specifications, as well
as a decent display and revolutionary software for a 7 inch
tablet, Acer’s new slate also comes at an affordable price
tag and will probably mesmerize technology fanatic all
around the world.(summary)

7. Spoof text
Merupakan sebuah teks yang berisi kejadian atau pengalaman lucu yang telah dialami

Struktur teks:
Orientation = berisi pengenalan dan pembukaan cerita
 Event = berisi penjabaran dari kisah yang dialami
Twist = berisi akhir dari cerita

We Don’t Subscribe To Any Newspapers

Jack was a university student. He studied history.

At the end of the year, his history professor failed him in
his examinations and he was told to leave the university.

The next day, Jack’s father went to see the professor. He

urged the professor to let Jack continue his studies the
following year. “He is a good boy,” said Jack’s father,
“and if you give him a chance this time, I’m sure he will
improve a lot next year”.(Event2)
“No, no! That’s quite impossible,” replied the professor,
“Do you know, last month I asked him when Napoleon
died, and he could no to answer it.”(Event3)
“Please, sir, give him another chance,” said Jack’s father,
“you see, we don’t subscribe to any newspapers in our
house, so none of us even knew that Napoleon was
(diambil dari: Intermediate Reading Comprehension,L.
A. Hill)

8. Announcement text
Merupakan sebuah teks yang berfungsi untuk memberikan informasi akan suatu hal kepada
khalayak ramai/ pengumuman suatau acara atau pemberitahuan pada umum.

Struktur teks:
The tittle = berisi tema atau judul mengenai informasi yang akan diberikan
 Date, time, place = berisi tanggal, waktu dan tempat dilaksanakannya acara atau informasi
mengenai acara tersebut
 Contact person = berisi nomor telepon atau e-mail yang dapat dihubungi



To all student of 13 State School, we would like to inform you that

there will be Art Show in our school. The show will be held:
Date: On Sunday, 21 December 2020
Time: Started at 10 am to 10 pm
Place: Hall of 13 State School
Please, wear your best clothes and spark the art show.
Thank You!

9. Advertisement text
Merupakan sebuah teks yang berfungsi untuk mempromosikan suatu iklan tertentu. Tidak
ada aturan tertentu dalam pembuatan sebuah iklan, namun biasanya iklan yang bagus
memenuhi persyaratan yaitu simple, clear, short, persuasive dan menggunakan slogan yang


Face Facial Lotion Whitening

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Enriched with Aloe Vera Extract, Vitamin A, and E to maintain your skin smooth and soft.
Apply to a cotton pad and gently wipe the face and neck until throughly clean.
Use regularly everyday.
“Do not apply on irritated or burnt skin”
Face Facial Lotion Whitening with Yam Bean Extract helps brighten your skin

10. Anecdote text

Merupakan sebuah teks yang menceritaka hal-hal ganjil yang biasanya trjadi pada masa
lampau.selain itu, anecdote text juga berfugnsi untuk menghibur pembaca melalui ceritanya.
Kalimat dalam teks menggunakan past tense.

Struktur teks:
Abstract = awal cerita terjadinya suatu peristiwa
Orientation = memperkenalkan setting atau latar terjadinya suatu peristiwa
Crisis = berisi keganjalan yang terjadi pada cerita tersebut
Reaction = mulai mengakhiri keganjilan yang terjadi
Coda = berisi kesimpulan atau amanat dalam cerita.


Nicolo paganini was a well-known and gifted nineteenth

century violist. He was also well known as a great
showman with a quick sense of humor.Abstract

His most memorable concert was in Italy with a full

orchestra. He was performing before a packed house
and his technique was incredible, his tone was fantastic,
and his audience dearly loved him.Orientation

Toward the end of his concert, Paganini was astounding

his audience with an unbelievable composition when
suddenly one string on his violin snapped and hung
limply from his instrument. Paganini frowned briefly,
shook his head, and continued to play, improvising
beautifully. Crisis

Then, everyone’s suprise, a second string broke. And,

shortly thereafter, a third. Almost like a slapstick
comedy, Paganini stood there with three strings
dangling from his stradivarius. Reaction

But instead of leaving the stage, Paganini stood his

ground and calmly completed the difficult number on
the one remaining string. Coda

11. Explanation text

Merupakan sebuah teks yang berisi tentang proses-proses yang berhubungan dengan
fenomena-fenomena alam, sosial, ilmu pengetahuan, budaya dan lainnya. Menggunakan
simple present.

Struktur teks:
General statement = penjelasan umum tentang fenomena yang akan dibahas, bisa berupa
pengenalan fenomena tersebut atau penjelasannya
A sequenced of explanation = penjelasan proses mengapa fenomena tersebut bisa terjadi/
tercipta. Dan bisa terdiri dari satu paragraf.
Closing = sebenarnya closing itu tidak tercantum dalam struktur teks explanation tetapi
kebanyakan orang beranggapan bahwa paragraf terakhir dari sebuah explanation text
adalah closing.



Do you know what helps your body get oxygen from

the air? Right. It’s the respiratory system. Can you
tell me the most important organs in the respiratory
system? Yes, your nose, mouth, trachea, lungs, and
diaphragm.General statement

The respiratory system, in anatomy and physiology

are organs that deliver oxygen to the circulatory
system for transport to all the body cells. The
respiratory and circulatory systems work together to
deliver oxygen to cells and remove carbon dioxide in
two-phase process called respiration. A sequenced
of explanation 1

 The first phase of respiration begins with breathing

in or inhalation. This inhalation brings air from
outside the body into the lungs. Oxygen in the air
moves from the lungs through blood vessels to the
heart, which pumps the oxygen-rich blood to all
parts of the body. Oxygen then moves from the
blood-stream into cells, which completes the first
phase of respiration. In the cells, oxygen is used in a
separate energy-producing process called cellular
respiration, which produces carbon dioxide as a
byproduct. A sequenced of explanation 2

The second phase of respiration begins with the

movement of carbon dioxide from the cells to the
bloodstream. The bloodstream carries carbon dioxide
to the heart, which pumps the carbon dioxide-laden
blood to the lungs. A sequenced of explanation 3

In the lungs, breathing out or exhalation removes

carbon dioxide from the body, thus completing the
respiration cycle. Do you understand so far? (the bell
rings) well, sorry. I guess time is up for today. So,
see you tomorrow. Bye. Closing
12. Discussion text
Merupakan sebuah teks yang menyajikan sebuah isu atau informasi dengan memaparkan
beberapa pendapat para pakar yang dibidangnya dan biasanya pendapat yang dipaparkan
tersebut bertentangan (pro dan kontra). Menggunakan simple present.

Struktur teks:
 Issue = pemaparan tentang isu yang akan dibahas atau didiskusikan dalam tulisan tersebut
Argument for ‘agains’ point = pandangan terhadap isu yang sedaang dibahas atau
didiskusikan dengan mengambil pendapat para ahli atau juga tanpa menyebutkan siapa
yang berpendapat
Elaboration = penulis harus memberikan elaborasi tentang beberapa pendapat yang telah
Conclusion = kesimpulan

Contoh teks:

Is X-Ray Examination Necessary?

Student, can you show me your hands? Right! And can

you show me your head? Excellent! But, can you show
me your stomach? Hmm.... can you show me your
lungs? No? Why? Yeah, you’re right. Because they are
inside our body. So what do you think, how can we see
the internal parts of our body? Yes. We use an X-Ray.
So, what is an X-Ray? Does anybody know? No?
Well, an X-Ray isa spectrum of light. It is radiated
through our body. It is used for detecting our
internalbody organs. Am I making myself clear? Well,
let me continue. Where can you find an X-Ray? Yes,
that’s right. It is in hospital. And do you know who
invented X-Ray? Does anybody knows? No? Oh come
on...nobody remembers the name? Well, the X-Ray
was invented by a German scientist, William Conrad
Rontgen. Where was I? Oh O.K. hm... when do people
use an X-Ray? Correct. When they are ill. I mean
when there is something wrong in their internal parts
of their body. Can you give any examples of illnesses?
When people have these diseases they need an X-Ray
to check. Yes, cancer.... kidney trouble...heart
trouble....tumors, etc. Students, do you know that there
are many conflicting opinions about the use of an X-
Ray in a hospital? Issue

Well, look at the chart! 60% of people agree that an X-

Ray examination in beneficial. Argument for
‘against’ point

They say that doctors should use an X-Ray in

examining a severe illness. If doctors don’t use an X-
Ray, they could miss some important information
which is very useful in making a diagnosis on a
patient’s disease. And this will sometimes cause a
doctor to be inaccurate in prescribing medicine to cure
an illness. Elaboration

However, not all patiens agree with the use of an X-

Ray examination. Look at the chart again. 40% of
patiens disagree with the use of an X-Ray examination.
Do you know why? Guess what? Argument for
‘against’ point

They think that using an X-Ray will cost them a lot of

money. I’m not surprised. That’s really true. Another
reason is the radiation of an X-Ray has some risks to
body tissues. Elaboration

Well, as a result of this controversy, many people use

traditional health cure to avoid the high cost of hospital
care. However, hospitals still insist on having X-Ray
examinations on patients to get an accurate diagnosis
although the cost is very high.Conclusion

13. News item

Merupakan teks yang menyajikan sebuah berita baru dengan tujuan memberikan informasi paling 
update yang terjadi.
Struktur teks:
Main event = berisi berita utama mengenai suatu hal yang terjadi
Background = berisi darimana peristiwa itu terjadi
Source = sumber darimana berita tersebut berasal


Earthquake Aftershock Hits Nepal And India, Magnitude 6.7

A strong earthquake aftershock struck India and Nepal on Sunday, shaking

building in New delhi and triggering an avalanche in the Himalayas.
The united state geological surbey said the tremor was 6.7 magnitude, less
than the 7.9 quake that struck the region on Saturday killing at least 1,900
“Another one, we have an aftershock right now,” Indian mountaineer Arjun
Vajpai told reuters by telephone from base camp on Mount Makalu, 20 km
(12 miles) from Everest.
Screams and the sound of an avalanche could be heard over the phone line
Vajpai was speaking on. At Everest base camp, Romanian climber Alex
Gavan tweeted that
the aftershock had set off three avalanches.

Main event = Earthquake Aftershock Hits Nepal And India

Background = Nepal and India
Source = Indian mountaineer Arjun Vajpai

14. Hortatory exposition

Merupakan teks yang menjelaskan sebuah teori/ masalah secara komprehensif dengan
tujuan mendorong orang lain melakukan/ tidak melakukan sesuatu.

Struktur teks:
Thesis/ general statement = berisi pernyataan pembuka mengenai topik pembahasan
Arguments = berisi berbagai pembahasan lanjutan dari thesis secara detail. Arguments
boleh pendapat pribadi penulis dan juga bisa berisi pendapat para pakar.
Recommendation = berisi saran penulis tentang topik pembahasan


Should Ads Be Banned From TV Programs?

I am writing to complain about ads on TV. There are

so many ads, especially during my favorite programs. I
think they should be stopped for a number of
reasons. Thesis

First, ads are a nuisance. They go on for a long time

and there are so many. Sometimes there seems to be
more ads than programs. Arguments

Second, ads are a bad influence on people. They try to

encourage people to buy unhealthy food like beers,
soft drinks, candies, and chips. In other words, they
make people want things they do not really need and
cannot afford. Arguments

Finally, ads play role in what program people watch.

That is because there are lots ads in popular programs
that a lot of people watch. Some programs which are
not so popular get stopped because they do not attract
enough ads, even though those programs may be
someone’s favorite.

For those reasons, I think TV station should stop

showing ads. They interrupt programs. They are bad
influence on people and they sometimes put a stop to
people’s favorite shows. I am sick of ads and now I
mostly watch movie in cinema. Recommendation

(Taken from: steps to write)

15. Analytical exposition

Teks ini hampir sama dengan teks hortatory exposition, hanya saja teks anamytical
exposition memiliki satu struktur yang berbeda.

Struktur teks:
Thesis/ general statement = berisi pernyataan pembuka mengenai topik pembahasan
Arguments = berisi berbagai pembahasan lanjutan dari thesis secara detail. Arguments
boleh pendapat pribadi penulis dan juga bisa berisi pendapat para pakar.
Reiteration = mengulangi pernyataan dari kalimat sebelumnya untuk lebih mempertegaskan
lagi sebuah topik

Contoh :

Being Fat Matters

Do you know if you are too fat, you may have
serious problems with your health? A group of
doctors wrote a report about some of the effect of too
much fat. Thesis

One important effect is on the heart. If you are fat,

your heart has to work harder.this may lead to a heart
attack, or it may lead to other heart
problem. Arguments

In addition, extra fat can also change the amount of

sugar in your blood. This can cause serious disease
such as diabetes. Arguments

Furthermore high blood pressure is another possible

result of being fat. Arguments

More studies are needed about all these problems.

But one thing is clear, extra fat may make your life
shorter. Reiteration

(Adapted from: Let’s write english)

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