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Fatigue crack growth ⋅ rubber blend ⋅

tearing energy
Durability Prediction of NR/BR and
The present work aims to characterize NR/SBR Blend Tread Compounds
fatigue crack growth (FCG) behaviour
for comparative durability prediction of using Tear Fatigue Analyser
NR/BR- and NR/SBR- blend based com-
pounds. The influence of strain, tempe-
rature, r-ratio and waveform was stu-
died to simulate realistic service life Tyre in a vehicle is a critical safety compo- mixed in the first stage of 4 minute dura-
condition by using a Tear and Fatigue nent as it has to withstand against all tion. The rotor speed was set at 60 rota-
Analyser (TFA). Both of these blends kind of road hazards during service. Tyres tions per minute (rpm) and temperature
show higher FCG rate at higher tempe- are very much susceptible to get dama- was at 140°C. The re-milling of the first
rature, but the effect is comparatively ged from sharp objects which may lead stage mixed compound was done at 30
higher in the NR/SBR compound. The to catastrophic failure. Hence durability rpm for 3 minutes time at 120°C. In the
influence of r-ratio towards FCG rate assessment should be given proper im- final stage, curatives were added and
was found to be very less in NR/BR portance. The fracture mechanical ap- mixed at 30 rpm for 3 min at 100°C. A
blend, whereas NR/SBR-blend shows proach which deals with propagation of Moving Die Rheometer (Dynesco USA
considerable decrease in FCG rate at po- pre-existing cracks is used extensively to MDR 2000E) was used for measuring
sitive initial tension (r-ratio). The higher assess durability of elastomeric products. rheometric properties of these com-
FCG rate was observed in pulse mode Over the years researchers [1-3] have pounds at 141°C for 1 hr. and 0.50 arcs
compared to sine mode in both the studied fatigue crack growth characteris- with 100 CPM frequency. The optimal
blends. tics of rubbers in great detail. It is also cure time (tc90) for NR/BR and NR/SBR
evident from literature [4] that the Fa- blends were 25.03 min and 29.03 min
tigue Crack Growth (FCG) characteristics respectively. FCG test specimens were
of rubber blends are much complex com- prepared at 141°C for two times of tc90
Vorhersage der Haltbarkeit von pared to single component based mate- value in a compression mould and pres-
rials. It is worth mentioning here that sure maintained at 14.7 MPa.
with increasing demand of performance FCG properties of these compounds
auf Basis von NR/BR- und NR/ requirement, usage of blend in tyre tread were measured using a Tear and Fatigue
SBR-Blends durch Einsatz des is almost inevitable. The blend of Natural Analyser (TFA, Coesfeld, Germany) and
„Tear Fatigue Analyser“ Rubber (NR) either with Polybutadiene the detailed description of this equip-
Rubber (BR) or Styrene Butadiene Rubber ment can be found in Eisele et al [8]. The
Rissausbreitungsgeschwindigkeit ⋅ Elas-
(SBR) is widely used in tread compound. standard geometry of pure shear speci-
tomer ⋅ Reißenergie
Although previous researchers [5,6] have men (length to width ratio of 1:8) having
reported studies on various blend sys- dimension, length L0 =15 mm, width Q =
Die Arbeit beschäftigt sich mit der Cha-
tems but systematic investigation consi- 120 mm and thickness B =1.5 mm was
rakterisierung des Ermüdungsrisswider-
dering realistic service condition is very used. The initial cut of 21 mm was provi-
standes von NR/BR- und NR/SBR-Elas-
limited. In a previous research work [7], ded on both sides of the pure shear test
tomeren. Der Einfluss von Dehnungs-
the authors highlighted the influence of specimen in accordance to Stocek et al
amplitude, Temperatur, Vorspannung
blend composition, curing system and [9]. In this work, two double sided not-
und Belastungsfunktion wurden unter-
service conditions on FCG characteristics ched and one un-notched samples were
sucht um die reale Lebensdauer mittels
over a wide range of tearing energy. The analysed simultaneously. The crack
„Tear and Fatigue Analyzer (TFA)“ zu si-
objective of the present work is to obtain growth rate (da/dn) was measured from
mulieren. Die beiden Elastomersysteme
relative FCG ranking of 60-40 NR/BR and the notched samples whereas tearing
weisen eine steigende Rissausbrei-
NR/SBR blend based tyre tread com- energy, T was calculated from the un-
tungsgeschwindigkeit bei der Belas-
pounds for durability assessment. FCG notched sample according to Rivlin et al
tung in Gegenwart höherer Temperatur
measurements are carried out under va-
auf. Dieser Effekt ist deutlicher bei dem
riable temperature, r-ratio and wave-
NR/SBR-Material. Es wurde ein margi-
form. The relative crack growth rate at
naler Einfluss der Vorspannung auf den
equal tearing energy level is presented as Prasenjit Ghosh, Rabindra
Risswiderstand festgestellt. Bei pulsför-
a measure of durability for the com- Mukhopadhyay, Kankroli,
miger Beanspruchung ergibt sich eine
pounds under study. Rajasthan, India
höhere Rissausbreitungsgeschwindig-
Radek Stoček, Zlín, Czech Republic
keit im Vergleich zur sinusförmigen Be-
Materials and experimental details
The compositions of 60-40 NR/BR and Corresponding author:
NR/SBR blends are provided in Table 1. A Prasenjit Ghosh, Hari Shankar
laboratory Banbury mixture (Make: Ste- Singhania Elastomer and Tyre
wart Boling, UK) of 1.5 liter capacity was Research Institute,
used for preparing these blends. The mi- Kankroli, Rajasthan, 313342, India
Figures and Tables:
By a kind approval of the authors. xing was done in three stages. Rubbers Tel.: +91 2952 232019
and all chemicals except curatives were E-Mail: KGK · 06 2016 53


1 ferent test conditions and provided in

Table 3. In the subsequent sections, dou-
Loading amplitude A

ble logarithmic plot of tearing energy vs

Sine crack growth is presented to show the
influence of various parameters on FCG
behaviours of these blends.
100 ms Time t
1000 ms
Influence of temperature on FCG of NR/
BR and NR/SBR blends
The effect of temperature on FCG charac-
Pulse teristics of NR/BR and NR/SBR blends is
shown in Figure 2. It has been observed
that FCG rate at 70°C is significantly high-
20 ms Time t
1000 ms er compared to 30°C at all tearing energy
levels for both the blends. The increased
crack growth rate at higher temperature
Fig. 1: Schematics of sine and pulse loading.
is associated with the viscoelastic energy
dissipation process at the crack tip as exp-
1 Composition of NR/BR and NR/SBR blends lained by Persson et al [10]. At higher
Ingredients NR/BR NR/SBR temperature of 70°C, polymer molecules
Natural Rubber (phr) 60 60 can move easily because of lowering of
Polybutadiene Rubber (phr) 40 - intermolecular chain friction compared to
Styrene Butadiene Rubber (phr) - 40 room temperature. This leads to decrease
Carbon blacka (phr) 50 50 in viscous dissipation at elevated tempe-
rature as shown by Ghosh et al [11].
Zinc oxide (phr) 2.50 2.50
Hence more elastic energy will be
Stearic acid (phr) 2.50 2.50
available at the crack tip for propagating
Antioxidantb (phr) 2.25 2.25
the crack and thereby decrease in frac-
Sulfur (phr) 1.5 1.8
ture resistance. It has also been observed
Acceleratorc (phr) 0.80 1.0
Carbon Black type was N339. b N-(1,3-dimethylbutyl), N‘-phenyl-p-phenylenediamine (6 PPD).
that the influence of temperature is mo-
N-Oxydiethylene, 2-benzothiazole sulfenamide. phr – parts per hundred rubber re pronounced in NR/SBR blend. This
may be attributed to the presence of SBR
2 Test condition details for fatigue crack growth measurements as reported by Lake et al [12], where it
Test condition Strain (%) Temperature (°C) r-ratio Waveform also shown very high crack growth rate
Temperature effect 13-25 30 & 70 0 Sine at higher temperature.
r-ratio effect 13-25 30 0 & 0.14 Sine
Influence of r-ratio on FCG of NR/BR
Waveform effect 13-25 30 0 Sine & Pulse
and NR/SBR blends
The influence of r-ratio on FCG characte-
3 FCG parameters of NR/BR and NR/SBR blends
ristics is provided in Figure 3 for NR/BR
FCG Test condition NR/BR NR/SBR
and NR/SBR blends. The significant incre-
b m b m ase in FCG resistance at 0.14 r-ratio is
30°C 3.14 3.70E-07 7.44 1.54E-06 observed in comparison with 0 r-ratio for
70°C 4.33 1.33E-05 2.09 7.25E-05 NR/SBR blend. However in NR/BR blend,
0.14 R-ratio 2.67 2.06E-07 3.49 1.82E-07 FCG resistance is also shown increasing
Pulse Waveform 2.04 1.79E-05 2.89 1.04E-04 trend at higher r-ratio but the extent is
comparatively much less.
[1]. The test condition details are sum- cycles. Then tearing energy, T was obtai- The increase of FCG resistance at hig-
marized in Table 2. The schematics of si- ned using the following equation, her r-ratio is associated with the strain
ne and pulse loadings applied are shown induced crystallization phenomena [13].
in Figure 1. For all sine modes tests, 10 Hz 𝑇𝑇 = 𝑤𝑤 𝐿𝐿0 (1) The formation of crystalline zone in front
frequency was used. For the pulse loa- of the crack tip leads to deviation of the
ding, the pulse duration and the dwell where w is the stored strain energy den- crack path from orthogonal direction of
time was calculated for a tyre of 1.076 m sity and L0 is the length of the not strai- main strain. It is also well known that NR
outer diameter running at 60 kmph ned sample. The variation of crack due to its molecular architecture, it crys-
speed. The pulse duration and dwell time growth rate with tearing energy can be talizes on stretching. At positive r-ratio
was 20 ms and 180 ms respectively. mathematically represented as there will always be some residual strain
which prevents crystallized zone from
Results and discussion = 𝑏𝑏𝑇𝑇 𝑚𝑚 (2) melting. Whereas at 0 r-ratio, these crys-
The crack growth rate (da/dn) was calcu- 𝑑𝑑𝑑𝑑 tallites will disappear during every un-
lated from the measured crack length where b and m are material constants. loading cycle as the samples will be to-
over a considerable number of fatigue These parameters are calculated for dif- tally in strain free condition.

54 KGK · 06 2016


2 3




Fig. 2: FCG plots of NR/BR and NR/SBR blends at 30 and 70°C. Fig. 3: FCG plots of NR/BR and NR/SBR blends at 0 and 0.14 r-ratios.

Influence of waveforms on FCG of NR/BR sent work, crack growth rates are calcu- References
and NR/SBR blends lated at equal tearing energy level of 1.5 [1] R. S. Rivlin and A. G.Thomas, J. Polym. Sci. 10
Figure 4 depicts the effect of waveform N/mm for these blends and shown in (1953) 291.
on FCG characteristics. It can be observed Figure 5. It can be seen that in all the [2] G. J. Lake and P. B. Lindley Rubb. Chem.
that FCG rate is significantly higher in cases NR/BR blend scores much better Technol. 39 (1966) 348.
pulse mode compared to sine waveform with respect to durability compared to [3] A. N. Gent AN, P. B. Lindley, A. G. Thomas,
in both the blends. The previous resear- NR/SBR blend. Rubb. Chem. Technol. 38 (1965) 292.
chers [14, 15] also made similar observa- [4] N. Qazvini, N. Mohammadi, A. Jalali, A. Va-
tions for some of the rubbers. However, Conclusion rasteh, Rubb. Chem. Technol. 75 (2002) 77.
the assigned causes as reported for The influence of temperature, r-ratio [5] G. R. Hamed, H. J. Kim, A. N. Gent, Rubb.
showing such behaviour are not very and waveforms on FCG characteristics Chem. Technol. 69 (1996) 807.
conclusive. The difference in test condi- of NR/BR and NR/SBR blend based [6] M. P. Lee Rubb. Chem. Technol. 66 (1993) 304.
tions (strain rate, relaxation time etc.) tread compounds is discussed in detail. [7] P . Ghosh, R. Stocek, M. Gehde, R. Mukhopad-
between sine and pulse mode may be The significant influence of these para- hyay, R. Krishnakumar, Int. J. Frac. 188, (2014) 9.
taken into consideration to explain this meters on FCG characteristics was ob- [8] U. Eisele, S. A. Kelbch, H. W. Engels, KGK 45
behaviour. It is very obvious that in pulse served in both the blends. However, the (1992) 1064.
mode, the loading is very fast as the du- degree of influence is found to be diffe- [9] R. Stoček , G. Heinrich, M. Gehde, A. Rau-
ration is only of 20 milliseconds compa- rent in these two blends. Overall NR/BR schenbach , J. Plast. Technol. 1 (2012) 2.
red to sine mode which spans 100 mil- blend achieved superior crack growth [10] B  . N. J. Persson, O. Albohr, G. Heinrich, H. Ue-
liseconds. This implies five times higher resistance and hence better durability ba, J. Phys.: Condens. Matter 17 R1071 (2005).
strain rate in pulse mode than sine which in all respect compared to NR/SBR [11] P. Ghosh, A. Saha, P. C. Bohara, R.
could lead to instantaneous increase of blend. Mukhopadhyay, ECCMR V (2007)
crack tip temperature and in turn higher [12] G. J. Lake and P. B. Lindley , Rubb. Chem.
crack growth rate. Acknowledgement Technol. 38 (1965) 301.
From the results discussed so far, it This work was supported by the Ministry [13] N. Saintier,G. Cailletaud, R. Piques, Mat. Sci.
has been observed that FCG rates are of Education, Youth and Sports of the Eng. A, 528 (2011) 1078.
higher in NR/SBR blend compared to Czech Republic – Program NPU I (LO1504). [14] R. J. Harbour, A. Fatemi, W. V. Mars , Rubb.
NR/BR blend. This is in conformity with The authors thank the Managing Com- Chem. Technol. 80 (2007) 838.
the earlier findings made by Bhowmick mittee of Hari Shankar Singhania Elasto- [15] G  . Andreini, P. Straffi, S. Cotugno, G. Gallone, G.
et al [16] where NR/SBR blend showed mer & Tyre Research Institute (HASETRI) Polacco, Rubb. Chem. Technol. 83 (2010) 391.
much inferior crack growth resistance for permission to publish this research [16] A. K. Bhowmick and S. K. De, Rubb. Chem.
compared to NR/BR blend. For the pre- work. Technol. 53 (1980) 960.

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Fig. 4: FCG plots of NR/BR and NR/SBR blends at sine and pulse mode. Fig. 5: Crack growth rate at 1.5 N/mm tearing energy. KGK · 06 2016 55

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