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Madison Vandiver

Ms. Watts

4th Reading Litature Application




I. Overseas Travel

1. Was a safe ship

1. Faster boat

A. Luxury Ship

1. Built to attract high paying first class passengers

2. Built with great luxury materials ( ornate marble)

I. Building The Titanic

1. Outstanding skills

2. Outstanding designs

B. Materiel

1. Keel plates were used and first out up

3. Build for luxury and safety

B. The Workforce

1. The shipyard in Northern Ireland

4. Took 2 years to build

II. Fast and “ Unsinkable”

A. Mighty Engines

1. Driven by 2 massive engines

5. Had the largest engines build at the time

C. Giant Boilers

1. Had 29 boilers containing 159 furnaces

6. The furnaces consumed 660 tons of coal a day

IV. RMS Titanic

A. Big Ship

1. The Hull was sleek and sheer

2. Two masts relics were used as flag poles

3. The super structure was dominated by four hug smokestacks

V. Fine Fixtures

A. Proud To Supply

1. was prestigious to have the best

2. Only load with certain goods

B. Painting and Decorating

1. Everything was very detailed

2. Expert did first class rooms and cabins

VI. Captain and Crew

A. The Power House

1. Deep in the bowels of the ship

2. Hot, Dirty, and noisy

B. The Officers

1. Captain worn navel medals

2. How their uniform was would tell you there rank

VII. Predicting the Tragedy

A. Collision Vision

1. Some had a dream before about the tragedy maybe occurring

2. Where very alert those who thought

B. People

1. Many crew member were recruited

2. 22 recruits failed to board the ship

VIII. Maiden Voyage

A. All Aboard

1. Moring of departure crowds gathered

2. Cries of good luck were sounded as the Titanic took off

B. Sea Trail

1. Short series

2. Engines were tested during trials

IX. First Class Travel

A. Luggage Labels

1. Each was labeled so it could be delivered to room

2. That all had a lot of luggage so sorting was important

B. Dinner and Dance

1. Dinner was the highlight of the day

2. They wore their fanciest clothes from other countries

X. Atlantic Crossing

A. Titanic Illuminations

1. The night of the tragedy the titanic was glowing.

2. Lights burned everywhere on the ship that night

B. Bruce Ismay

1. Ship owner

2. The one who told Captain Smith to keep going through the ice


3. Had Captain Smith accelerate through ice field

Madison Vandiver


4th Reading Literacy Application



I woke up one morning remembering what it was like back when the Titanic

was under construction. My father was one of the owners. Back in the 1900’s, the

Titanic was being built. It was built as a safe ship and built to be unsinkable so we

were told. It was also built to be a faster boat to reduce the time of overseas travel.

The Titanic was built as a luxury ship. It was supposed to attract high paying first

class passengers. The materials used were great luxury materials such as ornate

marble. The Titanic was build with outstanding skills and designs from what my

father told me. I sat there and watched them build this remarkable ship for two

years in The Shipyard of Northern Ireland. As I remember boarding the ship as a

first class passenger, they took my luggage and labeled it as they did every other

first class passenger. That way it could be delivered to our rooms. The highlight of

my and other first class passenger days was dinner and dance. That’s when we wore

our fanciest clothes from other countries. As I walked around the ship, I saw that

the ship was driven by two massive engines and they were the largest built at the

time; it also had 29 boilers containing 159 furnaces and the furnaces consumed 660

tons of coal a day. As I stood on the bow of the ship, I saw that two relics were used

as flag poles to hold the flags on the ship. Then I looked up in the air and saw that

the ship had four huge smokestacks. That night as I sat in my room, I saw what the

lovely fine fixture the Titanic had. Everything in my room was very detailed and

was done by experts. The next day as I walked around the ship, I passed by the

captain who wore navel medals. Every crew member uniforms could tell you their

rank. As I kept walking, I passed by some men who worked in the power house that

was deep in the bowels of the ship. They looked exhausted down there in the power

house; it was hot dirty and noisy. That night at dinner, I was talking to a friend of

mine and he said before boarding he had a dream about a tragedy occurring. Now I

have heard a lot of stories of people predicting the tragedy of my father’s ship. I

remember crowds of people gathered as we took off and cries of good luck as we set

off on our maiden voyage and our only voyage. I remember as I was having dinner

the night of the tragedy, the ship was glowing and as our food came, Bruce Ismay

was called to the wheel house. Bruce is the one who told Captain Smith to accelerate

through the ice fields instead of slowing down or stopping. Everywhere on the ship

that night, lights burned. As the look outs spotted the ice berg ahead, I was enjoying

my nice evening meal. Then all of a sudden, I heard the bell and everyone was

screaming. As my father and a couple others toured the ship to look for anything

wrong with the ship, they saw a huge gap in the side of the ship. Then they predicted

they only had two hours before the ship sank. The captain ordered everyone to the

life boats. But there wasn’t enough for everyone because they wanted more deck

space. As they started lowering the life boats, no one realized that they could be

filled to capacity also first class passengers wouldn’t sit with other class passengers

because they felt they were above them. So more people could have been saved then

the number that was. As I boarded my life boat and was lowered to the sea,

everyone was scared and screaming and some were jumping off the ship. Officers

had guns and a couple people got shot. Once all the lifeboats were gone everyone got

even more scarred and as the ship snapped in half people fell and slide of the ship

from when it went straight in the air. Then more people where jumping. Then once

the ship disappeared from sight people were in the freezing water screaming for

their life. After an hour we started going around looking for surviors. Then around

later that morning, the Carpathia reached where we were and as we all looked

around we saw a dozen icebergs. We all boarded the Carpatheia as it took us to



First reference. The text begins at the left margin of the paper. Lines are double-spaced.

When the entry is longer than one line, the second line is automatically indented.

Additional references.


1 The outline
 The introduction states the main topic or idea of the outline, and the
conclusion summarizes it.

 Each sub-topic describes the main idea for a paragraph.

 Supporting information and details for a sub-topic are listed under the
sub-topic, with each piece of information listed separately.

 When supporting information is listed under a sub-topic, there are at

least two pieces of information listed. If there is only one piece of
information to support a sub-topic, the information is included in the

2 The paper
 The paper follows the organization of the outline.

 Each paragraph in the paper matches a sub-topic in the outline, and

presents the information and details listed under the sub-topic.

 Each paragraph includes a topic sentence that summarizes the main

idea of the paragraph.

 Every sentence begins with a capital letter.

 Every sentence ends with a period, question mark, or exclamation


 All words are spelled correctly.

 There are no missing words.

3 Works cited
 Every source has a specific reference in the paper. Include only the
sources that are mentioned in the paper.

 Each entry follows the correct format for the type of reference.

 Entries are listed in alphabetical order, according to the author’s last


Tips for Writing Your Report

1 Create a schedule
 Identify the tasks you need to do.

 Arrange the tasks in the order you’ll need to do them.

 Estimate how long each task will take. Be sure to allow enough time
for editing and making changes.

 Identify the date the report is due, and then set a schedule showing
what work you’ll need to do each day in order to have your report
ready on time.

4 Add interest
 Use graphs and charts to illustrate an idea.

 Add a picture, photo, or drawing.

 Include a map.

 Find a quotation and use it to make your point.

5 Make every word count

 Choose words your reader will understand. Remember that you want
to communicate your ideas to the person reading your paper.

 Avoid clichés.

 Use a thesaurus to replace overused words and find new ways to

express your ideas.


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