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Summative Assessment: Project

3 2 1 0
Student discussed Student discussed Student discussed Student briefly Student did not
the early life of 3+ meaningful 2 points of early covered 1 point of discuss the early
their subject. points of early life. early life. life of their
life. subject.
Students Student discussed Student discussed Student briefly Student did not
discussed the 3+ meaningful 2 points of mid- covered 1 point of discuss the mid-
mid-life of their points of mid-life. life. mid-life. life of their
subject. subject.
Student discussed Student discussed Student discussed Student briefly Student did not
the late life of 3+ meaningful 3+ points of late covered 1 point of discuss the late
their subject. points of late life. life. late life. life of their
Student discussed Student gave Student discussed Student briefly Student did not
how subject multiple reasons key points of discussed 1-2 discuss how
relates to voting and explanations relation to voting points on how subject relates to
of subjects but did not subject related to voting.
relation to voting. elaborate. voting
Student discussed Student gave Student gave one Student gave one Student did not
how voting may multiple valid valid reason and reason but did not discuss how
be different reasons and explanation of explain. voting may be
without this explanations of their reason. different without
person in history. reasons. this person in
Student discussed Student gave 1+ Student gave one Student gave one Student did not
why they chose to reasons and reason and reason why they discuss why they
research this explanations why explanation of chose this person. chose to research
specific person. they chose this reason why they this person.
person. chose this person.
Creativity and Students Students Students Students
Innovation: presentation had presentation presentation presentation did
multiple forms of showed creativity, showed intent of not have
creativity but was not creativity. creativity.
Organization Students Students Students Students
presentation was presentation has presentation presentation
well organized organization, but showed intent of lacked
and easy to follow difficult to follow organization. organization.
at some points

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