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Skills, knowledge, values and attitudes that

learners can obtain from people who help us

Community at large help the youth in upholding norms and values of society, like
uphold our culture by putting emphasis on issues such as greeting one another and
the sense of ubuntu. Skills are acquired individually and voluntarily. There are three
types of skills, that is, Classical conditioning where in each and every learner first
behavioral motivation to be discovered, Operant conditioning where the learner
should know only one theory so that he or she can achieve that specific outcome
and the last one is called Vicarious learning where the learner is expected to as
he or she was taught.

For an example, learners to suggest ways of finding answers to given questions,

process or classify simple information, reviewing and reporting on the task given by
the teacher or by conducting interviews with different people that assist us in our
daily lives doctors, teachers, policemen nurses, etc by asking them questions like
qualifications they obtain to be professionals.

At the end o f each topic learners need to be tested to check their understanding.
Learners need to summarize, dramatize, and demonstrate different activities as
a level of understanding in that particular lesson. It is where they can express their
feelings, for an example learners together with the educator to write out school
rules, interview different adults in the school and discuss their role, write simple
sentences about how their family care for them or to draw pictures of people who
help them in school and to count different adults who help, and make a graph to
show how many female teachers, male teachers, clerks, etc.

A person needs to have a positive attitude in what he or she is doing. There are
three types of attitude that one can express, first one is called Pride where one is
expressing self dignity by giving his or her signature in every document that he is
working with, secondly, Passion where a person shows interest and enthusiasm in
everything that he or she is doing and also direction is always there and many goals
are achieved in that way , and the last one is called Belief which is the engine of
everything, if you do not believe in what you are doing, you will not see where you
are going. Belief and action equals to Dreams Come True.

There’s a saying that says: “ Do unto others what you would want them to do unto
you”, for instance if you are an adult , it is your responsibility to instill values to the
young people like when you meet someone you need to greet that person
irrespective of age, colour, gender, religion, disability and so on. When some is a
professional whether a doctor, teacher, police or domestic worker must lead by
example or simply practice what you preach.
In an gospel truth all people are important in any work that he or she is doing,
irrespective of you are a doctor, builder, nurse, soldier, domestic worker or whether
you work on Pikitup or whatever, each profession compliments each other and
everyone must respect his or her job by not coming late unnecessarily and staying
away from work for minor or silly instances like hanging out with friends for partying
during working hours.

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